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Definition 1.1 Antiderivative

A function F is an antiderivative of f on an interval I if F’(x) = f(x) for all x in I.

Illustration 1.1
     Suppose F(x) = 5x3 + x2 - 7 and f(x) = 15x2 + 2x. We find that F'(x) = 15x2 + 2x = f(x)  and hence F(x)  is an
antiderivative of f(x).
       It is easy to verify that G(x) = 5x3 + x2 and H(x) = 5x3 + x2 + 18  are both antiderivatives of f(x) as well.

Every antiderivative of a function may be expressed in the following form: F(x) + C
where C is a constant.

So for f(x) = 15x2 + 2x, its antiderivative F(x) = 5x3 + x2 + C.

The form F(X) + C is often referred to as the GENERAL ANTIDERIVATIVE of f.

Example: Give the general antiderivative.

f(x) F(x) + C
1. 4x – 6x + 10x - 3
3 2

2. 2cos 2x – sin 3x
−4 x 2
3. e − +sinh 3 x

Definition 1.2 Antidifferentiation

        The process of finding an antiderivative of f(x) is called antidifferentiation. This process is denoted by the
operator   (elongated S )referred to as the integral sign. The expression f(x) to be anti-differentiated is called
the integrand and the differential  dx indicates the variable of integration (which in this case is x). We now denote
the antidifferentiation process as follows:

The notation is read as the antiderivative of f with respect to x is equal to F(x) + C where C is called the constant of
The expression ∫f(x)dx is read as the
Notation for Antiderivatives: antiderivative of f with respect to x. So,
The general solution is denoted by the differential dx serves to identify x as
the variable of integration. The term
indefinite integral is a synonym for

Illustration 1.3

Given:  We say that 4x is the integrand, the variable of integration is x (indicated by dx) and the
general antiderivative of 4x is 2x2 + C.
We can imagine that the general antiderivative represents a FAMILY OF SOLUTIONS where each member is
determined by assigning a certain value to the constant of integration, C. 

Indefinite Integrals and Simple Power Formula

The notation is typically used to denote an antiderivative of f. We also refer to this as an

We can also call antidifferentiation, indefinite integration (or simply integration). We have:
means that        .

For instance:
       because        .
That is, we say that an indefinite integral of 10x4 + 9x2 is 2x5 + 3x3 + C because the derivative of 2x5 + 3x3 + C is
10x4 + 9x2.

1. dx = x + C
2. kdx = kx + C Constant Rule
3. kf(x)dx = kf(x)dx Constant Multiple Rule
4. (f(x)  g(x)) dx = f(x)dx   g(x)dx Sum and Difference Rule

Simple Power Formula

x n+1
5. ∫ x n dx= n+1
+ C   where  n is any rational number not equal to  - 1 .


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