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Grade 7 • Unit 9: Waves and Optics

Wave Characteristics
Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Learning Competency 2

Learning Objective 2

Warm-Up 2

Learn about It 3
Wave Characteristics 4
Amplitude 4
Wavelength 4
Frequency 4
Period 5
Wave Speed 6

Worked Examples 7

Key Points 15

Check Your Understanding 16

Photo Credit 18

Bibliography 18

Grade 7 • Unit 9: Waves and Optics

Lesson 9.1
Wave Characteristics

Hearing echo in a canyon cave

In the previous lesson, we understood that waves carry energy. Every day, we encounter
waves. Just like other moving objects, waves also travel. When you throw a pebble in a lake,
it creates a vibration that turns into a wave. If you go to a canyon and shout, sound energy
will travel and transfer energy from your location to another, and therefore covers a specific
distance before it bounces back in an echo. It also takes time for it to transfer this energy.


Grade 7 • Unit 9: Waves and Optics

Seeing beautiful sceneries, ocean waves, the appearance of rainbows, lightning and
thunder, and sharing of files through bluetooth are some of the evidence that waves travel.

Nonetheless, waves move at different speeds just like when an earthquake occurs, different
seismic waves are generated. Whereas, P-waves travel faster than S-waves. In this lesson,
we will understand that waves have different characteristics and you will know how to
determine its speed and other properties.

Learning Competency
At the end of this lesson, the given enabling or enrichment competency should
be met by the students.
● Relate the characteristics of a wave.

Learning Objective
In this lesson, you should be able to describe the characteristics of a wave.


Rise Surprise

● glass bowl
● plastic wrap
● rice grains
● metal pan and spoon


Grade 7 • Unit 9: Waves and Optics

1. Cover the glass bowl with plastic wrap.
2. Put rice grains on the plastic wrap.
3. Hold the metal pan in the air and position it next to the bowl.
4. Hit the metal spoon on the metal pan like a drum from slowest to fastest.
5. Watch what happens to the rice grains.

Guide Questions
1. What happens to the rice grains when you strike the metal pan with the metal spoon
slowly? faster?



2. How does the speed of hitting the metal spoon on the metal pan affect the rice
grains in the plastic wrap?



Learn about It

Essential Question
What are the different properties of waves?

A wave is produced when vibration occurs. It is also categorized into different types. Some
of it travels through a vacuum, while others require a medium to propagate. Moreover, it
has several characteristics that can be used to describe and quantify it.


Grade 7 • Unit 9: Waves and Optics

Wave Characteristics
The amplitude (A) refers to the distance between the equilibrium position and the crest or
trough of a wave and can be measured in meters (m). The larger the amplitude, the higher
the energy the wave is carrying.

Fig. 1. The higher the maximum displacement of the wave from the equilibrium position to
its crest or trough, the higher its amplitude. Wave A has a larger amplitude than Wave B.

Wavelength is the distance between any successive identical parts of a wave. It is written in
the Greek symbol lambda (λ) and has a unit of meters (m) since it measures length as well.
Remember that the distance between successive crests or successive troughs represents
one wavelength.

The frequency (f) quantifies the number of vibrations (up and down or back and forth
motion) it creates at a given time. For example, a complete up and down motion is
considered as one vibration. If one complete up and down motion occurs in one second,
then the frequency of the wave is one vibration per second. Frequency has a unit of hertz
(Hz) which is equivalent to 1/s.


Grade 7 • Unit 9: Waves and Optics

Wavelength is inversely proportional to frequency.

Fig. 2. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency. The longer the wavelength, the
lower the frequency.

Did You Know?

The unit of frequency is named after the German physicist
Heinrich Rudolf Hertz who demonstrated the propagation of
electrical oscillations in space experimentally.

Essential Question
How do the characteristics of waves relate to each other?

The period (T) refers to the time it takes for the particle to have one complete vibration. It
can be measured through seconds (s). Frequency and period are related to each other, but
they also have distinct characteristics. Frequency describes how often something occurs,


Grade 7 • Unit 9: Waves and Optics

while period tells how much time it takes for it to occur. Frequency is the reciprocal of
period and vice versa. Once one quantity is given, the other value can be easily calculated.

The equation for period (T) is

On the other hand, the equation for frequency (f) is

Wave Speed
Wave speed (v) is related to the frequency and wavelength of the waves. It refers to how far
a point in a wave travels at a given time and can be measured in meters per second (m/s).
Note that in the past units, speed is distance divided by time. For waves, distance is
equivalent to wavelength, while time refers to the period. Since the period is the inverse of
frequency, the equation of wave speed can be written as;

or .

This equation shows a general relationship between wave speed, wavelength, and
frequency of waves. It applies to different types of waves, such as sound and
electromagnetic waves.


Grade 7 • Unit 9: Waves and Optics

In solving for unknown quantities, remember to do the following:
● Check for the consistency of units.
● Isolate the unknown quantity on one side of the equation before
substituting the given values.

Worked Examples

Example 1
A transverse wave traveling on a rope has a wavelength of 0.07 m. If the frequency of the
wave is 5 Hz, what is its speed?

Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem.
You are asked to find the wave speed.

Step 2: Identify the given in the problem.

The frequency and the wavelength are given.

Step 3: Write the working equation.

Step 4: Substitute the given values.


Grade 7 • Unit 9: Waves and Optics

Step 5: Find the answer.

Therefore, the wave speed of the transverse wave is 0.35 m/s.

Let’s Practice
Find the wave speed of a longitudinal wave that has a wavelength of 0.06 m and a
frequency of 9 Hz.

Example 2
A transverse wave traveling on a string has a speed of 0.2 m/s. The wavelength of this wave
is 0.05 m. Find the frequency of the wave.

Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem.
You are asked to find the frequency of the wave.

Step 2: Identify the given in the problem.

The wave speed and the wavelength are given.

Step 3: Write the working equation.


Grade 7 • Unit 9: Waves and Optics

Step 4: Substitute the given values.

Step 5: Find the answer.

Therefore, the frequency of the wave is 4 Hz.

Let’s Practice
A transverse wave traveling on a rope has a speed of 0.8 m/s. The wavelength of this wave
is 1 m. Find the frequency of the wave.

Example 3
Find the wavelength of a longitudinal wave traveling with a speed of 0.9 m/s and a frequency
of 4 Hz.

Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem.
You are asked to find the wavelength of the longitudinal wave.

Step 2: Identify the given in the problem.

The wave speed and the frequency are given.


Grade 7 • Unit 9: Waves and Optics

Step 3: Write the working equation.

Step 4: Substitute the given values.

Step 5: Find the answer.

Therefore, the wavelength of the longitudinal wave is 0.225 m.

Let’s Practice
Find the wavelength of a longitudinal wave traveling with a speed of 0.78 m/s and a
frequency of 8 Hz.

Example 4
Find the wavelength of a longitudinal wave that travels a distance of 0.009 kilometers in 15
seconds with a frequency of 3 Hz.

Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem.
You are asked to find the wavelength of the longitudinal wave.

Step 2: Identify the given in the problem.

The distance, the time, and the frequency are given. Note: Make sure to convert
the unit of distance from kilometer to meter.


Grade 7 • Unit 9: Waves and Optics

Step 3: Write the working equation.

Step 4: Substitute the given values.

𝝀 = ( 15
)( 3 𝐻𝑧 )

Step 5: Find the answer.

Therefore, the wavelength of the longitudinal wave is 0.2 m.

Let’s Practice
Find the wavelength in meters of a wave that travels a distance of 0.075 kilometers in 85
seconds with a frequency of 3 Hz.


Grade 7 • Unit 9: Waves and Optics

Example 5
Find the amplitude, wavelength, speed, and period of the wave if it has a frequency of 8.00
Hz. Refer to the illustration given below.

Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem.
You are asked to find the following quantities: amplitude, wavelength, speed and
period. Since there is an illustration provided, both amplitude and wavelength are
already identified. The only quantities left to be calculated are speed and period.

Step 2: Identify the given in the problem.

Based on the problem and the figure, frequency, wavelength, and amplitude are
all given.
(measured from crest to crest)
(maximum distance from the equilibrium position)

Step 3: Write the working equation.

To solve for period, use the equation below.


Grade 7 • Unit 9: Waves and Optics

To solve for the wave speed, use the equation below.

Step 4: Substitute the given values.

For period:

For wave speed:

Step 5: Find the answer.

For period:

For wave speed:

Therefore, the amplitude of the wave is 3 m while its wavelength is 4 m. The wave’s period is
0.125 s and its speed is 32 m/s.

Let’s Practice
Find the amplitude, wavelength, speed, and frequency of the wave if it has a period of 4
seconds. Assume that both x- and y-axes are in meters. Refer to the illustration given on
the next page.


Grade 7 • Unit 9: Waves and Optics

Did You Know?

Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength and highest frequency and
energy in the electromagnetic spectrum. Due to its high energy, it can
easily penetrate anything, even inside our bones. It is very harmful to our
body because it can kill living cells. Even so, it is being used in the medical
field especially in treating cancers.


Grade 7 • Unit 9: Waves and Optics

Key Points

● A wave has several important characteristics such as amplitude, wavelength,

frequency, period, and wave speed which are related to each other.

Wave Symbol Unit Unit Symbol


amplitude A meter m

wavelength lambda (λ) meter m

frequency f hertz Hz

period T second s

wave speed v meters per second m/s

● Wavelength is inversely proportional to frequency. Long waves have short

frequencies while short waves have long frequencies.
● The wave speed can be calculated by multiplying the frequency and wavelength of a


Grade 7 • Unit 9: Waves and Optics

Check Your Understanding

A. Match the characteristics of a wave in Column A with the correct description, unit, or
symbol from Column B.

Column A Column B

______ 1. wave speed A. It refers to the time it takes for a particle

in the wave to complete one vibration.

______ 2. frequency B. λ

______ 3. wavelength C. 1/s

______ 4. amplitude D. It refers to how far a point in a wave

travels at a given time.

______ 5. period E. It is the maximum displacement of a

wave from its rest position to its crest or

F. m/s2

B. Use the image below to answer the following questions.


Grade 7 • Unit 9: Waves and Optics

________________ 1. What is the wavelength of the wave?

________________ 2. What is the amplitude of the wave?

________________ 3. What is the wave speed if the frequency is 9 Hz?

________________ 4. How fast does the wave travel if the frequency doubles?

________________ 5. What is the frequency of the wave if it travels at a speed of 4


C. Read and analyze the following statements. Write true if the statement is correct and
write false if it is incorrect.

________________ 1. As the wavelength of a wave increases, its frequency


________________ 2. As the frequency of a wave increases, the period of the wave


________________ 3. Doubling the frequency of a wave source doubles the speed

of the waves.

________________ 4. The period is the reciprocal of the frequency.

________________ 5. Frequency and period are always equal.


Grade 7 • Unit 9: Waves and Optics

Photo Credit

Fig 1. Figure 36 04 01 by CNX OpenStax is licensed under CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons.


“Categories of Waves.” The Physics Classroom. Accessed May 27, 2017.

Faughn, Jerry S. and Raymond A. Serway. 2006. Serway’s College Physics, 7th Edition.
Singapore: Brooks/Cole.

“Gamma Rays.” cK-12 Foundation Home. Accessed September 16, 2021.

Giancoli, Douglas C. 1985. Physics: principles with applications. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:

Hewitt, Paul G. 2002. Conceptual Physics, 9th Edition. Singapore: Pearson Education.

“What is a Wave?” The Physics Classroom. Accessed May 27, 2017.

Young, Hugh D., 2009. University Physics, 12th Edition. Singapore: Pearson Education.

Zitzewitz, Paul W., 2013. Physics: Principles and Problems. United States:


Grade 7 • Unit 9: Waves and Optics

Answer to Let’s Practice

1. Find the wave speed of a longitudinal wave that has a wavelength of 0.06 m and a
frequency of 9 Hz.
Answer: v = 0.54 m/s
2. A transverse wave traveling on a rope has a speed of 0.8 m/s. The wavelength of this
wave is 1 m. Find the frequency of the wave.
Answer: f = 0.8 Hz
3. Find the wavelength of a longitudinal wave traveling with a speed of 0.78 m/s and a
frequency of 8 Hz.
Answer: 𝜆 = 0.0975 m
4. Find the wavelength in meters of a wave that travels a distance of 0.075 kilometers in
85 seconds with a frequency of 3 Hz.
Answer: 𝜆 = 0.294 m
5. Find the amplitude, wavelength, speed, and frequency of the wave if it has a period
of 4 seconds. Assume that both x- and y-axes are in meters. Refer to the illustration
given below.
Answer: A = 2 m, 𝜆 = 4 m, v = 1.0 m/s, f = 0.25 Hz


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