Paris Brown - NativeAmericanResearchProject-1

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1. Select from the following tribes or famous
Native Americans:

Inuit, Kwakiutl, Nez Perce, Hopi,

Pawnee, and the Seminole.
Pocahontas, Sequoyah, Squanto,
Sitting Bull, and Sacajawea
2. Use provided websites and books to
research your tribe or famous Native
American while filling out a graphic organizer.
To organize your research.

3. Make an informational poster using

nonfiction text features to teach about your
tribe or famous Native American. Use the
rubric to help.

4. Self-Assess your work with the rubric.

Famous Native American  
Research Category Your Notes
Years Alive, birth place,  
and region  
Early Life  
Clothing & Shelter  
Contributions to  
Tribe _______________________  
Research Category Your Notes
Region and Climate  




Contributions to  

Rubric- Tribes
1.  A heading mentioning the main idea of your poster-
the name of the tribe 5 points _______

2.  5 subheadings naming the key details you researched:

region and climate, shelter, clothing, food,
contributions to society 5 points _______

3.  At least one informational paragraph under each

subheading using the information you learned during
your research 50 points ________

4.  At least three photographs or illustrations

15 points ____________

5.  Captions under each photograph or illustration

15 points ____________

6. One more nonfiction text feature of your choice

(timeline, side bar, mini glossary in a text box)
10 points ____________

Rubric- Famous Native

1.  A heading mentioning the main idea of your poster-
the name of your famous Native American
5 points _______

2.  5 subheadings naming the key details you researched:,

birth/region/climate, clothing/shelter, early years,
important accomplishments, contribution to societry
5 points _______

3.  At least one informational paragraph under each

subheading using the information you learned during
your research 50 points ________

4.  At least three photographs or illustrations

15 points ____________

5.  Captions under each photograph or illustration

15 points ____________

6. One more nonfiction text feature of your choice

(timeline, side bar, mini glossary in a text box)
10 points ____________

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