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Science Technology and Society  Melted mixture of lead, tin, and

antimony at low temp and carved lower

and upper case letters and punctuation
Introduction marks
 the transfer of ink from movable type to
 How many handwritten books could an
paper was automatic
author produce in a year?
 characters were rearrange and reused
 Where will these "few" books go now?
during printing
 Who can read them?
 Overall the printing accommodated 42
 How many people can have access to lines per page.
the information written in those books?
 What if the contents of a book are so The Information Age

important that without the knowledge it

 An individual has the urge to understand
brings, life could be awful?
his commonalities with any other people

The Gutenberg Revolution and the society where he belong

 This is a basic need to maintain sanity
 Johannes Gutenberg – February 3, and self-worth
1468 (Mainz Germany)
 Communication - "commun" (common)
 Democratizing Information through his "ication" (understanding) - is a common
printing press understanding of something
 The Gutenberg Principle - refers to the  The information age Also called
establishment of mass communication Computer Age, Cyber Age or Digital
Gutenberg’s Way of Printing
 Information can be effortlessly be
 use of wooden block to press ink into obtained or accessed through to
the paper massive publications.
 All written materials were produced by  Has greatly influenced the life of a
hand. person and the life of a society.
 expensive  Info easily and quickly shared computer
 painstaking task became so powerful
 produced a very minimal number of  escalated the way of communication,
pages a day transportation, entertainment, culture
 Gutenberg's Bible 0.6 % 49 copies - $35  Amplified economy of a society,
million industries, and environment.
 Utilized movable text that could produce  People are now burdened with
thousands of pages per day. complicated experiences and
Ten Truth of the Information Age 2. Life dissatisfaction, Negative psychological
effects including envy, materialism, and theft-
1. Media space must eat
2. Information must compete
3. The early word gets the perm 3. Lead to personal isolation and severe
4. The frame makes the painting depression
5. selection of viewpoint
4. UK study 62% feelings of inadequacy, 60%
6. newer is equated with ruler
felt jealous.
7. The media cells what the cultures buy
8. You are what you eat and so is your
9. All ideas are seen as controversial
10. anything in great demand will be

1. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

2. Unrealistic Expectations
3. Unhealthy sleep patterns
The Era of Social Media 4. Cyber bullying

 SOCIAL - refers to the interactions OTHER NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF SOCIAL

among people with different levels of MEDIA
1. Efficient channel of communication
 MEDIA - instrument that aid
2. Promotion of collaboration via reviews
communication, such as TV, internet,
and opinions
radio, newspaper etc.
3. Business promotion via reviews and
 Study shows that people check out their
phone about 80 times a day. That is at
4. convenient shopping and selling
least every 12 mins.
5. entertainment
 NoMoPhobia - No Mobile Phone
6. media sharing and expression of talents
and passion
 "Facebook Addiction Disorder" - neglect
7. Political activity and news reporting
personal life, social obligations,
8. Streaming of free tutorial for personal
academic duties.
and skill enhancement
RESEARCH FINDINGS ON FACEBOOK USE: 9. artificial intelligence and machine
learning and
1. Researcher from University of Missouri
10. Personal life-story keeping and

Facebook - Symptoms of Depression platforms for blogging.

CHAPTER 2: BIODIVERSITY health problems. These local upheavals
can be causally linked to the changes in
the global ecosystem, and the

 The human population has doubled to increasing rate of loss of biodiversity is

7.4 billion since 1960. The population another result.

explosion has a great impact on nature  People are experiencing these changes

because of increasing demands for raw over the span of just one lifetime;

materials. Raw materials are used for significant changes and loss of
the production of science and biodiversity are in some places
technological inventions. Also, they are observed and experienced not in terms

used for human consumption to live. of millenniums or centuries but rather

Since the last century, in just a few over decades or years.

decades, concerns about the increasing
rate of loss of biodiversity have become
widespread among the public. They  The term biodiversity is made up of two
have ceased to be the exclusive roots: Biology, which means "life" in
concern of well-informed person’s Greek and diversity or “variations”.
ecology or biology scientists and  Number of species of animals, plants,
experts. and microorganisms, like bacteria and
 Indeed, these losses have been other Protista in the ecosystem.
examined in the media, and it is  Visible part of biodiversity – There are
becoming common knowledge that the about 1.7 million species that have been
loss of biodiversity is intimately linked to counted by taxonomists.
ecosystem changes, some of which are  Not very accessible for study -
already visible and tangible. Microorganisms, like bacteria, are hard
 In many places, ordinary people are to identify in their natural habitat
already directly or indirectly coping and  A large part of inaccessible marine
adapting to the global atmosphere's biodiversity remains unknown - 95 % of
warming, which is a major change in the oceans are still unexplored.
global ecosystem. In some places,  Recent studies estimate the total
people are facing historically number of species between three and
unpredictable flooding of formerly ten million.
inhabited lands or islands; in several  Living beings adapt to different
other places, people are facing severe environments everywhere: on land
droughts, the spreading of deserts and deserts, rainforests, or underground
the consequent famine, shortage of galleries; in water, oceans, lakes,
clean drinking water, or unexpected ponds, or some other watercourses.
 It is in these environments, also called - Each ecosystem consists of various
ecosystems that living populations types of organisms. They are living
interact with one another and all that are together in a region connected by the
around. So, ecosystems draw on flow of energy and nutrients. The
biological diversity. ultimate source of energy for all types of
ecosystems is the sun.
The energy from the sun is converted into a
chemical energy by plants through the process
- Genetic diversity pertains to the
of photosynthesis; this energy is used not only
variation of organisms based on their
by plants but by all organisms within the
genetic makeup. The genetic
ecosystem. Plants are eaten by the animals,
constitution of plants is different from the
which are also eaten by some other animals.
genetic designs of animals, protests,
Fungi and bacteria, on the other hand, obtain
bacteria, and fungi. Within each
their energy requirements from the decomposing
kingdom, genetic make-up is also
dead organisms. In turn, they release nutrients
different from one species to another.
back into the soil, which is another requirement
The genetic makeup or codes of
of the plant to live and to continuously
organisms give them specific
manufacture food through photosynthesis. The
characters. The genetic variability is
richness of the ecosystem defines the richness
formed because of the infinite number of
of the organisms living in it. The nonliving
possible combinations of genes within
components of an ecosystem, like temperature,
the DNA.
soil, water system, etc., determine what types of
organisms can survive and thrive. Thus, there
- Species is the basic unit of organisms.
are more organisms in a rainforest where there
Species diversity refers to biodiversity at
are abundant food sources than in Tundra which
the most basic level. It implies variety
is largely composed of ice sheets.
and richness of different types of
organisms at the species level in a given STATUS OF PHILIPPINE BIODIVERSITY
area. It includes all the species on earth
 The Philippines is considered a mega
ranging from cyanobacteria, fungi,
diverse country because of its very rich
gymnosperms, angiosperms, different
variety of ecosystems, species, and
type of algae, bryophytes, to simple and
genetic makeup within species.
complex animals and all the accessible
 It is driven by being an archipelago,
species including all prokaryotes and
which produces assortments of
resources for the organisms.
 Many of the islands in the Philippines
are believed to have a great number of
endemic organisms both on land and in ranges, support gene-level and species-
water. level diversity.
 In fact, 50% of the 52,177 species found 4. Elevation has an influence on
in the Philippines cannot be found in any biodiversity. Productivity stressors, such
other parts of the world (Philippine as heat and atmospheric pressure,
Biodiversity) Conservation Priorities: A decrease while the other more life-
second iteration of the National supporting factors, such as humidity and
Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, rainfall increase as elevation increases.
2002). Therefore, in the Philippines' rugged
 This makes the Philippines one of the topography, one may find a generous
richest countries in terms of biodiversity offering of biological diversity, especially
compared to any other country on the in the highlands.
planet.  Despite being known for rich biodiversity,
 There are several geographic and the Philippines is also considered a
ecological characteristics that enable biodiversity hotspot. Being a biodiversity
the Philippines to be rich in biodiversity, hotspot implies the occurrence of threats
supporting 70-80% of the species on the or an alarming rate of destruction of
entire planet. Here are some of the these important resources. Based on the
reasons for a well-distributed diversity of report of the Foundation for the Philippine
species of wild fauna and flora in the Environment, a number of species from
country: different groups are being threatened
through the years.
1. The Philippines is found in the tropics.  Some of the causes of this malady
Where the climate supports a high level include, but are not limited to, the
of organic productivity to provide the following:
resources needed by interdependent 1. Urbanization and industrialization. As a
organisms to survive. country that is undergoing modernization,
2. The Philippines has a highly forests and some other wild ecosystems
heterogeneous and complex are being converted into industrialized
topography. Philippine ecological spots.
locations vary from mountain ranges to 2. Overexploitation. The wild animals are in
coral reefs - and everything in between, demand to foreign consumers. This
providing multitudes of plant and animal motivates some people in the country to
species more than adequate space to catch these animals up to the point of
occupy. exploiting them.
3. The isolation created by separate 3. Deforestation. As part of the
islands, as well as peaks of mountain industrialization and urbanization in the
country, a need to cut down trees natural habitats is called Beetle Com. Will
becomes a necessity. It also includes land Burrard-Lucas, a conservation
degradation photographer, has produced a high-tech
4. Climate change and Pollution. See solution in capturing images.
separate lesson for climate change and 3. REMOTE MEASUREMENT TOOLS.- A
pollution in this chapter. stereo-camera system was developed to
get up close, observe, and take precise
measurements among some species such
as sharks and crocodiles, for conservation

 The innovation and creativity of the people and research efforts. This is a high-tech

is used, together with technological tool that gives measurements with great

advances, in coming up with solutions for accuracy without actually being in contact

preserving biodiversity on earth. It helps with an animal at all.

meeting the end-goal of preventing 4. CONSERVATION DRONES.- Drones are

organisms from becoming endangered, or very helpful for the military in warships.

even extinct. They are also currently used for exposing

1. BETTER MAPPING AND VISUALIZATION. the top view of scenic spots for visual

- Google Earth has been very instrumental entertainment. Recently, an ecologist and a

in locating organisms in inaccessible biologist have created a conservation drone

regions of the earth. It has proven that it is complete with cameras, sensors, and GPS

not just a map to get directions but it is also to map deforestation. Moreover, it was

a real tool that helps conserve and used to count orangutans and some other

preserve species and habitats. This endangered species in Northern Sumatra.

software is powerful in mapping and This is now used as a tool in various

visualizing threats to the survival of those environmental researches.

organisms. 5. GENE SEQUENCING. - Understanding the

2. REMOTE CONTROL PHOTOGRAPHY nature of pathogens or cause of diseases

AND VIDEO. - Getting up close and among animals is important for the right

recording the details and behavior of treatment. Gene sequencing is used to

wildlife in their natural habitat are essential identify pathogens. Scientists are now

to learn about the needs and risks of using high-tech gene-sequencing machines

endangered species. This undertaking was to understand the biology of organisms. It is

very hard to achieve with a blurred likewise used to confirm the grouping of

exposure when remote control photography organisms in a species level.

and video was not yet developed. An

example of technology that has made
possible the viewing of wild animals in their
CHAPTER 3: GENETICALLY MODIFIED 2. Herbicidal Resistance
3. Fortification
Interesting GMO’s

1. Glow in the dark cat, mice, dogs, pigs, fish, 4. Growth Increase

2. Super mouse 5. Environmental Resistance
3. Sudden death mosquitoes
4. Featherless chicken 6. Flower Production
5. Web-spinning goats
6. Test tube babies 7. Cosmetic Preservation

Genetically Modified Organisms or widely

Claims of Companies Producing GMO’s
known as GMO – are organisms that have
been altered genetically through genetic
1. There is no known harm in
consuming genetically modified foods
Genetic Engineering - Changes the
organism’s phenotypes by using technique that 2. GM foods are developed source of food
will alter genetic make up

Genetic Recombination - Is the exchange of 3. GMOs are easily marketed because of their
genetic material between different organisms improved qualities
which leads to production of offspring with
combinations of traits that differ from those 4. GMOs usually have a lower price, higher
found in either parent durability, and better nutritional value.

5. GM foods have passed risk assessments

Simple Mating – Animals and plants

Genetic Modification - can be done to a wide 6. GMOs are not likely to present risks
range of organisms from microorganisms like for human health
bacteria, to insects, fish, plants, mammals,
among others. Risk of genetic modifies organisms

GM CROPS – new attribute of food products

1. Possible ecological damage –
Purposes: implication for the flow of life in the
1. Pest Resistance
2. Difficult damage control – difficult and
sometimes even impossible to eliminate
3. Adverse effects on the health of people
– possible creation of a new disease.
4. Unpredictable and unintended effects –
unidentified organisms that may cause
wide diseases burden
5. Ethical concerns – ethical issues
adulteration of the concept of natural

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