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An Assessment of Aquifer Storage Recovery

Using Ground Water Flow Models

by Christopher S. Lowry1 and Mary P. Anderson2

Owing to increased demands on ground water accompanied by increased drawdowns, technologies that use
recharge options, such as aquifer storage recovery (ASR), are being used to optimize available water resources
and reduce adverse effects of pumping. In this paper, three representative ground water flow models were created
to assess the impact of hydrogeologic and operational parameters/factors on recovery efficiency of ASR systems.
Flow/particle tracking and solute transport models were used to track the movement of water during injection,
storage, and recovery. Results from particle tracking models consistently produced higher recovery efficiency than
the solute transport models for the parameters/properties examined because the particle tracking models neglected
mixing of the injected and ambient water. Mixing between injected and ambient water affected recovery effi-
ciency. Results from this study demonstrate the interactions between hydrogeologic and operational parameters
on predictions of recovery efficiency. These interactions are best simulated using coupled numerical ground water
flow and transport models that include the effects of mixing of injected water and ambient ground water.

Background reclaimed water, or even water from another aquifer.

Aquifer storage recovery (ASR) systems have been In most sites in the United States, water used in ASR
in operation since the late 1960s in the United States systems is treated before injection inasmuch as injection
(Pyne 1994), mostly in coastal areas (e.g., Florida and of untreated water may pose a risk of contamination.
California). In ASR, water is stored in an aquifer much The term recovery efficiency describes the percent-
like water is stored in a surface reservoir or tank for later age of water that can be recovered after injection. In this
use. Water is diverted from a source when demand is low research, hydrogeological controls on recovery efficiency
and injected into an aquifer. Injected water then displaces were evaluated using particle tracking models and solute
ambient ground water and creates what conceptually is transport models, which include effects of both advection
termed a ‘‘bubble’’ (Figure 1) or more recently a ‘‘bottle and dispersion. When simulating purely advective trans-
brush’’ owing to aquifer heterogeneity (Vacher et al. port with a particle tracking code, recovery efficiency is
2006). The injected water is stored in the aquifer until defined as the percentage of injected water that can be
demand increases when water is recovered. A successful recovered. When simulating advective and dispersive
ASR system requires a suitable aquifer in which to store transport with a solute transport model, recovery effi-
the water and a source of water such as a river, lake, ciency is defined as the percentage of potable water
recovered based on the volume of injected water. Potable
1Corresponding author: Department of Geology and Geo- water is defined based on the concentration of total dis-
physics, University of Wisconsin—Madison, 1215 West Dayton solved solids (TDS) resulting from the amount of mixing
Street, Madison, WI 53706; between the injected and ambient water. The ASR well is
2Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of
pumped until the specified level of TDS is reached (usu-
Wisconsin—Madison, 1215 West Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706 ally 500 mg/L, the secondary drinking water standard).
Received October 2005; accepted April 2006.
Copyright ª 2006 The Author(s) Few studies on the hydraulic effects of ASR systems
Journal compilation ª 2006 National Ground Water Association. are available in the open literature (Wanless 2004).
doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2006.00237.x Modeling studies relate primarily to the injection of fresh
Vol. 44, No. 5—GROUND WATER—September–October 2006 (pages 661–667) 661
reported the effects of injection of storm water into
a brackish carbonate aquifer.
The objective of the current research was to investi-
gate the hydraulic controlling factors on ASR as they
relate to recovery efficiency in fresh water aquifers.
Hydraulic factors were classified into physical and opera-
tional factors. Physical factors are a function of the
ground water flow system and cannot be changed by the
operator. These factors include regional hydraulic gradi-
ent, effective porosity, dispersivity, and the presence of
preferential flow zones in the aquifer. Operational param-
eters investigated include storage period, volume of in-
jected water, and injection/recovery rates, which can be
changed at the wellhead by the operator.
Three representative hydrogeologic settings were in-
Figure 1. Schematic diagram showing injected water in an vestigated (Figure 2), with the primary focus on a confined
ASR well forming a bubble within ambient ground water for sandstone aquifer representative of the hydrogeological
both the injection and recovery cycles. conditions in southeastern Wisconsin, specifically in the
vicinity of Waukesha, Wisconsin (Figure 2). Other hydro-
geological settings included a glacial drift aquifer system
and an unconfined dolomite aquifer, both of which repre-
water into a saline aquifer, for example, in Florida sent typical hydrogeological settings in Wisconsin.
(Merritt 1985, 1986; Quinones-Aponte and Wexler 1995;
Yobbi 1996) or in fresh water aquifers (Streetly 1998).
Other previous research includes simulation using physi- Methodology
cal laboratory models (Kimbler 1970; Kimbler et al. ASR systems at the three representative sites were
1975). Controls on recovery efficiency of fresh water in modeled using the finite-difference code MODFLOW
saline aquifers generally are classified into three catego- (McDonald and Harbaugh 1988) linked to the particle
ries: density-dependent stratification, fresh/saline inter- tracking code MODPATH (Pollock 1994) and solute
face dispersion (mixing), and ambient ground water flow transport code MT3DMS (Zheng and Wang 1999). All
displacement (Merritt 1986; Kimbler 1970; Moulder three codes were run using the graphical user interface
1970). Density-dependent (buoyancy) stratification cau- Groundwater Vistas (Rumbaugh and Rumbaugh 2004).
ses the zone between fresh and saline water to tilt, creat- MODFLOW simulates the flow field in response to
ing a larger interface as a result of density stratification injection and recovery of water. MODPATH tracks the
(Kimbler 1970). The present research does not investigate movement of imaginary particles by advection at the
density-dependent stratification because both the injected average linear velocity calculated from heads generated
water and the simulated ground water are fresh water. by MODFLOW. Particles were added as water was
Previous studies reported in the literature show that dis- injected into the aquifer; each particle represents a given
persion (mixing) between injected water and ambient volume of injected water. The particles were tracked
ground water decreases recovery efficiency. A few through the duration of the storage and recovery cycles in
researchers have investigated ways to limit the loss in
recovery efficiency by artificially controlling head
gradients (Molz and Bell 1977; Whitehead et al. 1978) or
optimizing injection/recovery schedules in multiwell
systems (Merritt 1986).
Although not addressed in this paper, geochemical
processes are important factors in the success of an ASR
system. Geochemical studies of ASR systems include
investigations of disinfection by-products produced by
reactions between the injected chlorinated water and
naturally occurring organic compounds (e.g., Thomas
et al. 2000; Fram et al. 2003). Of primary interest are the
mechanism and time period at which these disinfection
by-products degrade in the aquifer. These studies suggest
that the degradation of disinfection by-products is due to
dilution of the injected water or some combination of
dilution and biotransformation processes. Other studies
have modeled changes in fluoride concentrations dur-
ing injection (Gaus et al. 2002). Most of these studies
Figure 2. Locations of representative hydrogeologic settings
have investigated short-term chemical effects, with the in Wisconsin.
exception of Herczeg et al. (2004), whose 5-year study
662 C.S. Lowry, M.P. Anderson GROUND WATER 44, no. 5: 661–667
order to quantify the volume of injected water recovered a thickness of 558 m (Figure 4). The discretization
from the aquifer. around the ASR well was 3 by 3 m. Cell widths
The transport code MT3DMS calculates concentra- increased, using an expansion factor of 1.5, from 3 m
tions of water in the aquifer considering both advection around the well to 123 m at the model boundary. Lateral
and dispersion. Inclusion of dispersion to allow for mixing boundary conditions in layers 6 to 13 were set as
of injected water with ambient ground water is a better rep- constant-head boundaries on the eastern and western sides
resentation of the field system. MT3DMS assumes that the of the model based on the potentiometric surface map of
aquifer is an equivalent porous medium with connected the deep bedrock aquifer (Southeastern Wisconsin
pore space or a well-connected network of fractures. The Regional Planning Commission and Wisconsin Geo-
code also assumes miscible flow and no density effects. logical and Natural History Survey 2002). Elsewhere, the
For most simulations, the governing equation was solved boundary conditions were based on results from the
using the total variation diminishing (TVD) explicit finite- regional model. Hydraulic conductivity and effective
difference solution technique (Zheng and Wang 1999) to porosity were taken from the regional model of Feinstein
minimize numerical (artificial) dispersion. For simulations et al. (2003). The base ASR cycle consisted of 39 d of
of the dolomite aquifer, the implicit finite-difference solu- injection at 3.8 million L/d (1 million gal/d) followed by
tion with upstream weighting was used. 90 d of storage and 39 d of recovery at 3.8 million L/d.
The concentration of the injected water was arbitrarily Both particle tracking and solute transport simulations
set to equal 0 units, and the concentration of the ambient were run. The sensitivity of the model to the full range of
ground water was set to 1000 units. The definition of re- physical and operational parameters/factors, namely hy-
covery efficiency (i.e., percentage of potable water re- draulic gradient, effective porosity, dispersion, zones of
covered based on the volume of injected water) for the preferential flow, storage period, volume of injected water,
advection-dispersion model is based on a specified concen- and injection/recovery rates, was tested.
tration of TDS within the well. Concentration limits of The zone of injection for the sandstone model (558 m)
25% and 50% were specified. The 25% concentration limit is thicker than in previously modeled systems for which
indicates that three-quarters of the water within the well the zone of injections ranged from ~50 to 200 m (Merritt
has a concentration of 0 (representing the injected water) 1985; Quinones-Aponte and Wexler 1994; Yobbi 1996;
(Figure 3). The 50% concentration limit is reached when Streetly 1998). The thick injection zone creates a long,
half of the water in the well is the injected water and half is narrow bubble rather than the cylindrical bubble usually
ambient ground water. Recovery ends when the concentra- pictured (e.g., Figure 1). This bubble has a larger surface
tion limit has been reached within the production well. area as compared to a cylindrical bubble with the same
The ASR model of the sandstone aquifer contains 13 volume of water. The relation between aquifer thickness
layers that represent the unconfined system (layers 1 to and recovery efficiency was not evaluated in this study.
3), the regional confining unit (layers 4 and 5), and the The hydrogeologic setting for the glacial drift aquifer
confined sandstone aquifer (layers 6 to 13) (Figure 4). (Figure 2) was based on an aquifer in the Troy Valley of
Layer thickness and variations in elevation of each model Southeastern Wisconsin (Conlon 1991). The model con-
layer were taken from the Southeastern Wisconsin sisted of three horizontal layers, including an upper
regional ground water model (Feinstein et al. 2003). The unconfined sand aquifer, and a clay confining unit under-
ASR well was open to layers 7 to 13, which encompass lain by a sandy confined aquifer. Constant-head values
were set at the boundaries to simulate horizontal flow
under nonpumping/injection conditions. The ASR well
was placed in the center of the model and open to layer 3,
the confined aquifer, which is 18 m thick. The hydraulic
gradient across the system was 0.001 m/m with
a pumping rate of 3.8 million L/d (1 million gal/d) and
a storage period of 90 d. Uniform dispersivities of 3, 0.3,
and 0.03 m in the longitudinal, transverse horizontal, and
transverse vertical directions were assumed, respectively.
The sensitivity of the model to regional hydraulic gradi-
ent and volume of injected water was tested.
The dolomite aquifer is representative of the area
around Sturgeon Bay in Northeastern Wisconsin (Figure 2)
where the Silurian Dolomite is an important aquifer.
Hydrogeological parameters were taken from Rayne et al.
(2001). Following Rayne et al. (2001), the three-layer
model accounts for vertical fractures by enhanced vertical
hydraulic conductivity of the system. At the scale of the
ASR system, it was assumed that the aquifer could be
simulated as an equivalent porous medium representing
a network of connected fractures. Rapid transport of
Figure 3. Illustration of changes in the concentration at the
ASR well during injection, storage, and recovery. injected water through fractures was simulated by using
an effective porosity of 0.001 inasmuch as ground water
C.S. Lowry, M.P. Anderson GROUND WATER 44, no. 5: 661–667 663
Figure 4. Hydrogeological units and model layers for the sandstone aquifer, glacial drift aquifer, and dolomite aquifer models.

velocity is inversely related to effective porosity. Effec- of 0.01 for both TVD and implicit finite-difference sol-
tive porosity was chosen from a range of values (0.0003 utions. Both solutions produced similar concentrations at
to 0.002) given by Rayne et al. (2001). The ASR well was the ASR well (Lowry 2004).
open to all three layers of the unconfined system repre-
senting a total thickness of 137 m. The hydraulic gradient Results and Discussion
across the system was 0.001 m/m. The period of injection Simulations of ASR in all three hydrogeologic set-
was 20 d at a rate of 0.9 million L/d (0.25 million gal/d) tings produced similar results with respect to the relative
for a total volume of 18.9 million L (5 millions gallons), effect of each hydraulic factor on recovery efficiency as
storage period of 90 d, and recovery period based on the summarized subsequently and discussed in detail by
limit of potable water recovered. Injection and recovery Lowry (2004).
rates were limited by potential mounding of water during Mixing is an important factor governing recovery
injection and dewatering during recovery. Dispersivities efficiency. The advection-only models for the sandstone
were 3, 0.3, and 0.03 m in the longitudinal, transverse aquifer gave a 30% higher recovery than the advection-
horizontal, and transverse vertical directions, respectively. dispersion models (Figure 5A). Furthermore, recovery
The sensitivity of the model to regional hydraulic gradi- efficiency decreased as regional hydraulic gradient was
ent and volume of injected water was tested. increased (Figures 5A and 5B); a high regional gradient
The low effective porosity and resulting high ground allows water to flow away from the ASR well. Higher
water velocities in the unconfined dolomite model caused hydraulic conductivity in the glacial drift and dolomite
the TVD solution in MT3DMS to require a transport time models (Figure 5B) caused a significant decrease in re-
step on the order of 1025 d, causing long run times. Hence, covery efficiency as compared to the sandstone advection-
the implicit finite-difference solution with upstream weight- dispersion model (Table 1). Hydraulic gradient becomes
ing was used as it did not require such small time steps. an even more sensitive parameter when smaller volumes
Because the implicit solution can be affected by numerical of water are injected and in combination with high values
dispersion, the results were checked for possible numerical of hydraulic conductivity and low effective porosity
dispersion by running the model with an effective porosity (Lowry 2004).

Figure 5. Effect of hydraulic gradient on recovery efficiency. (A) the confined sandstone aquifer; (B) advection-dispersion
models of the glacial drift aquifer and the dolomite aquifer.

664 C.S. Lowry, M.P. Anderson GROUND WATER 44, no. 5: 661–667
To simulate the effect of preferential flow, an in-
Table 1 crease in the hydraulic conductivity of layer 10 (Figure 4)
Model Properties in the sandstone aquifer model was assumed. During in-
jection, water moves preferentially from the ASR well
through the layer of high hydraulic conductivity and is
Thickness Conductivity Effective
drawn back rapidly to the ASR well through the same
Model Layer (m) (m/d) Porosity
layer during recovery, causing an increase in recovery
Dolomite 1 46 1.00E100 0.001 efficiency (Figure 9). As hydraulic conductivity of the
aquifer 2 46 1.00E100 0.001 layer is increased, there is a point at which some portion
3 46 1.00E100 0.001 of injected water moves beyond the capture zone of
Glacial 1 24 3.05E100 0.15 the ASR well, causing a decrease in recovery efficiency
drift aquifer 2 18 3.05E203 0.15 (Figure 9). This same effect would occur in aquifers with
3 18 3.05E101 0.30
connected bedding plane fractures.
Sandstone 7 82 1.22E202 0.1
aquifer 8 45 7.32E201 0.25
9 53 3.66E201 0.25 Conclusions
10 61 3.66E201 0.25
Interrelated hydraulic and operational factors that
11 91 3.66E201 0.25
12 91 3.66E201 0.25
control recovery efficiency in ASR systems cause the pre-
13 134 7.32E201 0.25 diction of recovery efficiency to be a complex problem
best solved using coupled numerical ground water flow
and solute transport models that include the effects of
mixing between injected water and ambient ground
water. Particle tracking simulations seriously overpredict
Dispersivity and advective velocity directly affect the recovery rates as compared to solute transport models, by
dispersion or mixing between ambient and injected water. as much as 30% for the system studied. While mixing
Increased mixing causes a decrease in recovery effi- between injected and ambient water is an important pro-
ciency. Recovery efficiency in the sandstone aquifer cess affecting recovery efficiency, dispersivity, which
model was calculated for concentration limits of 50% and describes the mixing process, is one of the hardest param-
25%, while varying longitudinal dispersivity from 1.8 to eters to quantify. The use of particle tracking models to
9.1 m. Values of dispersivity are uncertain in most geo- simulate ASR systems should be limited to sites where
logical settings (Schulze-Makuch 2005). We assumed injected and ambient water are of the same chemistry or
horizontal transverse dispersivity is one-tenth of longi- when mixing is not an issue. (For the ASR simulations
tudinal dispersivity and vertical transverse dispersivity is considered here, the particle tracking and solute transport
one-tenth of horizontal transverse dispersivity. The rate of models required similar amounts of preparation and run-
change in recovery efficiency decreased as dispersivity ning time.) It is also noteworthy that results suggest that
was increased (Figure 6).
As effective porosity is inversely related to ground
water velocity, effective porosity directly affects recovery
efficiency. Combining low values of effective porosity
with a high hydraulic gradient or long storage periods
causes extremely low recovery efficiencies (<40%)
(Lowry 2004). Although effective porosity is a difficult
parameter to quantify, it varies over a much smaller range
than hydraulic gradient or dispersivity.
Recovery efficiency decreased in a nearly linear fash-
ion as storage period was increased (Figure 7). Recovery
efficiency consistently increased in each of the systems as
volume of injected water was increased, except for the
unconfined dolomite aquifer (Figure 8) where recovery
efficiency decreased after an initial increase. Recovery
efficiency approaches a maximum in the two confined
systems (sandstone aquifer and glacial drift aquifer) and
appears to begin to level off to a value dependent on the
combination of parameters specific to each setting. In the
dolomite aquifer, recovery efficiency initially increased Figure 6. Effect of dispersivity on recovery efficiency for the
with volume of injected water and then decreased as the sandstone aquifer model. The 50% limit refers to the point
large volume of injected water created high hydraulic gra- at which recovery has ended, and the concentration in the
dients near the ASR well, causing water to move rapidly well represents 50% injected water and 50% ambient water.
away from the well. The same phenomenon may occur in The 25% limit refers to the point at which recovery has
ended, and the concentration in the well represents 75% in-
the sandstone aquifer and glacial drift aquifer with larger jected water and 25% ambient water.
volumes of injected water.
C.S. Lowry, M.P. Anderson GROUND WATER 44, no. 5: 661–667 665
Figure 7. Effect of storage period on recovery efficiency for Figure 9. Effect of an increase in hydraulic conductivity of
the sandstone aquifer model using an advection-dispersion layer 10 on recovery efficiency for a concentration limit of
model. 50% for the sandstone aquifer model.

pilot tests using small volumes of injected water may be Acknowledgments

misleading. Support for this study was provided by the Wisconsin
This research demonstrates that the effect of key Groundwater Coordinating Council and the Department of
hydraulic factors, both physical and operational, on the Geology and Geophysics at the University of Wiscon-
recovery efficiency of an ASR system can be evaluated sin—Madison. John Jansen provided guidance for the
using ground water models. Through a better understand- sandstone aquifer simulations. Helpful reviews were pro-
ing of the hydraulic factors controlling recovery efficiency vided by two anonymous reviewers as well as Keith Half-
and the interacting effects of ASR operational factors, ord who also acted as editor in chief for the paper.
water utilities can determine if ASR is potentially viable
given the local hydrogeology and water resources needs.

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