Homemade Pet Food Cookbook 1

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As an integrative veterinarian, my goal is to through this book, I was impressed with

combine the best of both worlds to provide how much information is packed into these
the best care for a patient: conventional pages. If you have some knowledge of
Western medicine and complementary, holistic nutrition for pets, this book will help
or alternative, medicine. I believe that this strengthen that knowledge and give you
combination is what constitutes a truly the tools to take it to the next level. If this is
holistic approach. Regardless of the type your first foray into this wonderful world, then
of health care a pet receives, the foun- I encourage you to “sit back, relax, and
dation for good health begins with good enjoy the ride.” If this is all new to you, the
nutrition. A fundamental component of challenge is to not become overwhelmed.
my initial visit with a client is an in-depth Barbara Taylor-Laino has provided a smor-
discussion of proper nutrition. I say proper gasbord of information (pardon the pun),
nutrition because all too often, this topic is from which you can pick and choose. You
either ignored completely, or, dare I say it, may need some time to digest (again,
approached incorrectly by conventional pardon the pun) the information presented
veterinarians. Most veterinarians do not before making big changes in your pet-
really discuss nutrition with their clients. If feeding routine. Or, you may dive right in
they do, they unfortunately give the topic from the start. I have found that over time,
short shrift and/or simply give out information many pet owners make the transition from
that is incorrect. It is not their fault, however. absentmindedly feeding whatever food
Just as with our colleagues in human med- they happened to pick off the shelf (often
icine, the nutrition education we receive in whatever was on sale) to thoughtfully
school is either severely lacking and/or just providing healthy, balanced meals for their
plain wrong. I find it a sad irony that in the pets. Often, they start off taking baby steps;
technologically advanced age we live in, that’s okay. What is important is being more
for all of the high-powered medicine avail- conscious about what you feed your pet
able to us, we have lost sight of the most and how you do it. By the way, I find that
fundamental way to maintain, and in many when a pet owner becomes more tuned in
cases, restore good health. We have gotten to their pet’s nutritional needs, it is not un-
so far away from nature in how we feed our common for them to become more aware
pets (and ourselves), we have lost our way. of their own, so this really becomes a win-
win proposition.
That all sounds kind of depressing, but here’s
the good news. The book you are about to I think a note about expense is important
read is a road map that will take you back here. Better food will cost more to feed
on the path that nature intended. As I read your pet than a bargain basement brand.

4 The Healthy Homemade Pet Food Cookbook

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As Barbara points out, however, compared If I had written a book about this subject,
with a lot of foods that owners already feed I would have wanted it to be just like this.
their pets, the cost of home-prepared food It wouldn’t have, however, because quite
is not much higher. More important, this way honestly, I would not have been able to
of feeding is the single most important thing do it the justice that Barbara has. Her exper-
you can do to ensure your pet’s health. I tise in the kitchen and knowledge of how
love seeing my patients for well-care exams to put it all together takes the guesswork out
once or twice a year. What I do not enjoy is of the process for you.
seeing them every month for the recurrent
It is my sincere hope that you will incorporate
allergy problems (and other chronic prob-
the information in these pages into your life
lems) that require repeated office visits and
with your pets. You will be better off for it,
medications to control symptoms that would
but most important, your pets will be better
otherwise not be present (or would be much
off for it. For that, I thank Barbara Taylor-Laino
reduced) if they were on healthier diets.
for furthering the cause of holistic pet nutri-
I would rather see you spend your pet’s
tion on behalf of the pets that will benefit
health care dollars on his/her nutrition than
from this knowledge.
on office visits and medications that might
otherwise be avoided or minimized. Kenneth D. Fischer, D.V. M.

There is a quote by Thomas Edison that is

well known in holistic medicine circles: “The
doctor of the future will give no medicine,
but will instruct his patient in the care of the
human frame, in diet, and in the cause and
prevention of disease.” Although Edison said
this about human beings, it applies just as
much to our pets.

I am honored that Barbara asked me to

write the foreword to this book. Barbara
“walks the walk” when it comes to holistic
living. When she talks about the love and
intent that goes into preparing her pets’
meals, she captures a very important es-
sence of what holism is all about.

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On our farm in New York state, we believe in was shinier and more brightly striped. Plus, she
sustainability and natural rearing. Our farm phi- was definitely enjoying the new food, helping
losophy is to create an environment that supports herself to steamed broccoli florets and chicken
itself. Our soil, plants, and animals are all cared hearts and purring while eating them.
for and supported naturally. Our original purpose
Shortly afterward, we took in another dog
for farming was to provide ourselves and our
and completely filled the apartment patio with
cats and dogs with great-tasting, fresh, whole,
potted plants. We realized it was time to move
chemical-free food. But it has become so much
to a place with more room. Fifteen years later, we
more—we’re not just using the farm, but becom-
are running a certified organic CSA (Community-
ing a part of the living entity that is the farm.
Supported Agriculture) and herb farm. What had
Before we moved to the farm, my husband and I been a diet and meal plan for our cats and dogs
lived in an apartment with an Alaskan Malamute turned into a way of life for all of us. Now I plan
puppy named Roara who developed many and make the animal food right along with the
health issues. We were feeding her a popular, very people food each day, using whole, seasonal,
expensive puppy kibble, but after many visits to fresh ingredients—organic meats, fats, grains,
veterinarians, she was diagnosed with irritable nuts, vegetables, herbs, and greens. It works
bowel syndrome, allergies, hot spots, and separa- beautifully. It feels right.
tion anxiety. This just wasn’t what a six-month-old
Making your own pet food will involve a bit more
dog’s life was supposed to be like.
time and planning on your part than it takes
I started researching pet food, and at the same to simply buy a bag of commercial pet food.
time, I started my studies, both personally and Instead, you’ll be including your pet’s food needs
professionally, in integrative and holistic health on your own shopping list. In the kitchen, you’ll
and nutrition. I created meal plans for Roara using have to make time to mix up and cook the pet
Juliette de Baïracli Levy, Kymythy Schultze, Wendy food along with the human food. And for the first
Volhard, and Richard Pitcairn as my guides and few weeks, you’ll be experimenting—figuring out
inspiration. Within a week and a half on a home- what your pet likes, what types of meals integrate
made diet, Roara’s irritable bowel syndrome easily into your household routine, and so on. But
calmed down dramatically. Within a month, she the process will soon feel natural and comfort-
had no signs of any digestive disorder, and no able. You’ll find that you can actually save money
more allergies or hot spots. Within three months, by using better-quality ingredients because the
her separation anxiety was also showing dramatic food portions will be smaller. You’ll see your pet
improvement. thriving, interacting with the kitchen activities, and
thoroughly enjoying the variety of meals. Equally
Although our cat, Sham, had not been having
important, most people who start to feed their
health issues, we realized that after we began
pets healthy, homemade food end up making
feeding her a homemade diet, she was behaving
healthier food choices for themselves as well!
more playfully and had more energy, and her fur

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The Pluses to Making

Homemade Pet Food
Diet is the foundation for vibrant health for people and pets.
Along with providing a happy lifestyle with exercise, clean wa-
ter, and love, a diet of fresh, whole foods homemade by you is
the best thing you can do for your pet.

There is currently an epidemic of poor food choices in our

society. We’re over-dependent on quick and easy, processed,
premade foods in our own and our pets’ diets. We’re feeding
our pets commercialized foods with many ingredients (such
as sugars, colors, and salt) that are there solely for marketing
reasons rather than for providing nourishment. We have been
led away from the kitchen, and it is becoming clear that this
way of nourishing our pets and ourselves simply doesn’t work
in the long run.

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