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1. Table 1 shows an experiment performed to study the properties of hydrogen chloride in

different solvents.

a)Suggest the solvent:

Solvent Q : Tetrachloromethane // Propanone
Solvent R : Water

b) Name the particles of hydrogen chloride found in solvents Q and R.

Solvent Q : Molecule
Solvent R : Ion

(c) Explain why hydrogen chloride in solvent R turns the blue litmus paper red.
Hydrogen chloride ionises in water to produce hydrogen ions, H+

(d) Hydrogen chloride in solvent R reacts with calcium carbonate to produce colourless gas.

(i) Write the chemical equation to represent the reaction between hydrogen chloride in solvent R
with calcium carbonate.

2HCl + CaCO3 → CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O

(ii)Draw a labelled diagram showing the apparatus set-up used to test the colourless gas released.

Air kapur

(e) Predict whether the hydrogen chloride in solvent Q can conduct electricity. Explain.
Cannot conduct electricity. There are no free moving ions.

2.A sample of limestone is heated using the apparatus set-up in Diagram 4. Limestone decomposes
to form a white solid residue X and gas Y. Gas Y is bubbled into distilled water to form solution Z.

(a)Identify substances X, Y and Z.

X = Calcium oxide , Y = Carbon dioxide, Z = Calcium hydroxide

(b) Write a balanced chemical equation for the decomposition of limestone.

CaCO3 → CaO + CO2

(c) When solid X is dissolved is water, the resulting solution has a pH value of 10. What conclusion
can be deduced from this observation?
Calcium oxide is a base.
Calcium oxide dissolve in water and ionises to produce hydroxide ion.
Hydroxide ion cause the solution shows alkaline properties.

(d) When gas Y is dissolved in water, the solution formed has a pH of 5. Explain what happens.
Carbon dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid.
Carbonic acid ionises to produce hydrogen ion.
Hydrogen ion causes the solution shows acidic properties.

(e) Describe how can limestone be obtained from solid X, gas Y and distilled water. Write chemical
equation involve in the reaction.
Dissolve solid X in distilled water to form calcium hydroxide solution.
Channel gas Y into calcium hydroxide solution and white precipitate calcium carbonate is formed.

CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2

Ca(OH)2 + CO2 → CaCO3 + H2O

(f) Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide gas released if 0.5 mol limestone reacts with excess
sulphuric acid at room condition. [Molar volume of gas at room condition = 24 dm 3 mol-1 ]

H2SO4 + CaCO3 → CaO + CO2 + H2O

1 mol CaCO3 : 1 mol CO2

0.5 mol CaCO3 : 0.5 mol CO2

Volume of CO2 = 0.5 x 24

= 12 dm3

3.Diagram shows the formation of zink nitrate and the changes to other compounds.

a)(i) Zinc oxide reacts with substance X to form zinc nitrate. State the names of substance X.
Nitric acid

(ii) Write the chemical equation for the reaction

ZnO + 2HNO3 → Zn(NO3)2 + H2O

(b) State the name of the brown gas formed.

Nitrogen dioxide

(c) When potassium carbonate solution is added to zinc nitrate solution, precipitate Z and potassium
nitrate formed

(i) State the type of reaction occurs.

Double decomposition

(ii) Write the ionic equation for the formation of compound Z.

Zn2+ + CO32- → ZnCO3

(iii) State how the precipitate Z can be separated from potassium nitrate.

(d) Excess of zinc nitrate solution is added to 100 cm3 of 1 mol dm-3 potassium carbonate solution.
Calculate the mass of zinc carbonate formed. [Relative atomic mass: Zn = 65, C = 12, O = 16]

Zn(NO3)2 + K2CO3 → ZnCO3 + 2KNO3

Number of moles of K2CO3 = MV/1000

= 1.0 x 100 / 1000
= 0.1 mol

1 mol of K2CO3 : 1 mol of ZnCO3

0.1 mol of K2CO3 : 0.1 mol of ZnCO3

Mass of ZnCO3 = Number of moles x Molar mass

= 0.1 x [ 65 + 12 + 3(16) ]
= 0.1 x 125
= 12.5 g

(e) Describe a chemical test to determine the presence of cation and anion in the zinc nitrate

1. Add excess ammonia solution into 2 cm3 of zinc nitrate solution in a test tube.
2. White precipitate is formed and soluble in excess ammonia solution.

1.Add 2 cm3 of diluted sulphuric acid into 2 cm3 zinc nitrat solution in a test tube.
2. Add 2 cm3 iron(II) sulphate solution into the test tube.
3.. Slowly add a few drops concentrated sulphuric acid into the test tube.
4. Brown ring is formed.

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