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What is this Global Issue?

It is electromagnetic pollution, energy that is propagated through free space or a material

medium in the form of electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves (Wi-Fi, cell phones) and
gamma rays. It also refers to the emission and transmission of such radiant energy.

Although this fairly new technology has benefits like accessibility, data storage and
entertainment, there are many unknown dangers too. Early research in the 1950s have
already shown that these frequencies can harm living things in the long-term but were not
commonly known or published. Previously, most radiation were from car phones whose
antennas were located outside the car, not next to one’s body.

Potential harms to humans and nature

This is a global issue because it affects everyone on the planet. Electromagnetic radiation
damages the blood-brain barrier — the protective barrier that keeps bacteria, viruses, and
toxic chemicals out of your brain and keeps the inside of the head at constant pressure,
preventing chances of illness. Researchers irradiated birds at high power in other
experiments, and poor birds collapsed in pain within seconds. Chickens exposed were
reported to have severe tumours, intestine injury, and broken feathers. What was once
taught to be some ‘climate change’ issue becomes crystal clear, these being just a few of
thousand tests carried out.

The selling of radiation-emitting devices for money has been since they are of low power. It
is a complete lie! A cell phone will blast you with more harmful radiation than any cell
tower. It does not necessary mean that less radiation equals to fewer harms. Biologist Allen
Frey, in contract with U.S. Navy, wrote that electromagnetic fields “are not a foreign
substance to nature”. If a radio is interfered with by low EMFs, the music will sound bad.
Similarly, if we impose weak signals on a living being, it can also change normal functioning.

Thus, when young rats were exposed to 2G radiation for only 2 hours, most damages
occurred after a power reduction of ten-thousand-fold. Furthermore, a cell phone held on
hand irradiates your brain at a specific absorption rate of about 1 watt per kilogram. This
level of radiation heats up DNA by 60 degrees Celsius per second, although your overall
body temperature may be constant.

It also drastically affects nature. Birds have started to lose their electromagnetic-based
navigation and communication. Bees pollinating flowers and producing honey are on the
verge of extinction, as they send electromagnetic signals between 180 to 250 Hz. There is a
present and ever-increasing threat to our community.
Who holds the responsibility?

All of us. The telecommunications industry for producing these dangerous things and us for
being ‘blind’ about this issue. The problem is that money makes the world go round.
Massive companies have been coming up with new inventions every year, and people are
just willing to spend a thousand dollars on what looks cool but dangerous on the inside. The
EPA tried to protect Americans by trying to make those companies liable but was quickly
lobbied by the Electromagnetic Energy Association. Scientists were no longer allowed to
testify in court about this issue ever since.

 Possible Solutions

Even though this issue is close to inevitable due to how attached we are to technology, we
can still do our part to prevent large amounts of radiation. For example, when using our
phones to call, we can turn on the ‘speaker function’ or wear wired earphones to reduce
direct exposure to our brains. We can also turn them off when not in use, unless absolutely
needed. At night, we should definitely turn off the Wi-fi router and other devices, as it is the
time when our body fixes and heals. Most importantly, reducing our overall usage of them.

We designed a solution ourselves. We think that using more LAN cables instead of wireless
could lower the amount of radiation coming from the router. Now, there is a link system
where Wi-Fi is transmitted through the house’s electric cables, and can be connected
everywhere, instead of only near the router.

This is the least we can do and are quite simple to follow. Though it may not be convenient
for everyone, your safety is more important than anything else! Thank you.
part-two “The Most Dangerous Technology Ever Invented” Posted on October 29,
2021, by Arthur Firstenberg
è “Should you be worried about EMF exposure?”
Published on July 8, 2021, by Erica Cirino, Karen Lamoreux, and medically reviewed
by Alana Biggers [M.D., MPH]
è “A
comprehensive guide to the messy, frustrating science of cellphones and health”
Published November 2, 2018, by Julia Belluz and Dylan Collins.
dangerous.html “Former Israeli defence officer: 5G radiation is dangerous” Published
on July 25, 2021, by NewsVoice.


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