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ik Laplace tfensform — Unidirection i Lin A rule that ain a transfer Line n An elect uses an input vol Mason loop rul ato ofthe Laplace transform of the out Mathematica Descriptions of the behavior o hi A model of a system that i vs behavior ofa system by utilizing actual inp 9. Simul A diagram that consists of nodes connected by several Jirected branche aphical representation An approximate model that results ina linear relationship between the output and the input ofthe device EXERCISES FIGURE E2.3 Spring behavio FIGURE E21 E22 A thermis 136 pter 2M FIGURE E2.5 noninverting amy E26 A nonlinear device is repr ere the opera or E27 A lamps inte 8 coms an tolled fe tage drops, the la Zu sistor conducts more heavi F more rapidly [24), The ca he lamp voltage directly. A b mis show in Figure E27. FIGURE E28 lathematical Models FIGURE E2.7 ack to contr ally th ce on each wheel [15]. A block dia ik smis shown in 1 Fy(s) are the braking f th ear i th FIGURE I eI FIGURE E2.10 Shock absorbs cin Figure E210 i ‘ FIGURE E211. Soxing character : ion : that K, so that the vehicle does not bounce when t . io mple of dk d and the disturbance is imps is shown in Figure E212. Find the approp Arter FIGURE E2.12 Active susponsio tem F213 Jer the feedback inF E214 Find the trans E215 Obtain the sitferential equation E215 in terms of f and nplifi input | F216 The ps nt n Fora 5 mplifier out over " a Shaft p FIGURE 4 Sketch a signal-flow di ss z 2 i em, and i E28 Th FIGURE £2.13 Feedback sy nt noise, Nis), and pant Determ £220. rr an ideal ’ FIGURE £2.14 Multivaria FIGURE E2 139 E wn _ Determin XC) Kol 3 stant i 1, and the FIGURE £2.15 ; BRIT A spr ps a force frepr he rel ¢ s x plac r Q i" the spring when FIGURE E2.21. Precision si The rotational w of the satellite shown in the values of th for stead f an . m mv length A/(s) is sints and compare then Ew + funet * : ye The eam ge i Determi tion Ys) W(s) of th crit F A cl r. Determine the trans + Fy ) 7 FIGURE £2.22 i a vl £223 Determine the closed oop tanser fun FIGURE £2.20 Op-amp oicu 140 1 the transfer funtion X-( FIGURE £2.23. Cont i feecbat Il 1 J Law = hws hy lL ai] F 4. Di i FIGURE E2.26 Two con +O Tt ai £227 Find the transfer f ¥ | im shovsn in Figur FIGURE £2.24 Mutt . _ F225 A\ i region of deadband a — ar region. S 4 determi npr wr hen the operating point i FIGURE E2.27 System with FIGURE £2.25 FIGURE E2 FIGURE E: PROBLE FIGURE E2.28 FIGURE £2.29 PROBLEMS. FIGURE £2.30 142 hapter 2h els f ion, (b) What happens to 1 the ne 2 sion obtat a) ifthe operat 5 : P26 Using the Laplace transformation, obtain the curen F 14) of Problem P21. Assume that all the ital “ p lial voltage across capacitor ¢ = P27_Obiain the transfer functio ferent ireuit shown in Figute P FIGURE P22 Vibration absorber ) t ssp sumed o be equal 1 wit . . FIGURE P27 Actterntatng Wr a fy |} Tf) ea a bridged network soften used in AC conta P22 For FIGURE P2.8. Two-ma ‘ean function ofthe nei i P24 A nonlinear amp Jesribed by the fl ‘ Re Re Bl ( Set the wh k ars lve» The amplifier will be operated over ot 405 FIGURE P2 he operating point for ny. Deseibe . nliticr by a linear app } wie th 15,5 PRIS An i f hen the operat shown i point dhtan a sketch ofthe nbnine 5 id the ch " motor ha ing tough an orifice sented O- KF FIGURE P28 Bridged-T network 2 ter P29 Ds het tion (9) he pane pol ram for lowe damping wh 1 F210 Deter ansfer function ) FIGURE P25. Flow trough an ort morber sy Determi F FIGURE P2.11 P212 For the open-loop control med to Pu A DC elecisie [cao - ssued te — x IK ote Ly Le em FIGURE P2:12. Open so aoe thatthe pp FIGURE P2.13 144 FIGURE P2.15 P26 0} Determin Pail A oe hich is pect te FIGURE P2.17 ste Dain o Xy(s)_ and ing h a thods to that using M flow gain PRis A " hown in Figure P2.1 Const raph from th : FIGURE P2.18 t 219 A vol er ampli i Figur 3 ea FIGURE | FIGURE P2.19 A butter ampiti 2.20 The source provid i tal ain. Th a in Figure P2.20(b).1) FE vik fi atc pr mi ink 1 i a hh FIGURE P: FIGURE P2.20 1 FIGURE P2.23. CE ampli FIGURE P2.21 + 146 apter FIGURE P2.24 an FIGURE P2.25 11s. Pa, bot includ ers with heavy load Magnetic evita ery low friction alter oa it 2.27 [25 ita Mathematical nt capacitors. A ech 108 feedforward 1 he effect the potential fo st amphi approximation lization. Black's amplifier is a rent im is shown in Figure P225(0). 1 fer. ution bet put Y(9) an ah input) an bet Pt eae tes ned by ain i , FIGURI 1 ; 4 F + 7 } i} r provi n —| ow 4 i AWWW ‘ " LFW V FIGURE FIGURE P2.35 Mutioop ox m epresented by F (a) Deter FIGURE P2.37 0 for p « FIGURE P2.36 A thn . py mis fi : tal ° PS Aw < ‘t 7 a i ql Figure ¥ ha i i ithout breaking, T eee il ees H 7 toa P20 A a Nm/rad hy FIGURE P2.39 150 Chapter 2 Math Models of i | Inner ma in nis “ as " : FIGURE P2,40 Ss & fa ot peed is V. The Jitu ot the engine ny, FIGUREP242 0 anner a she g Deter ) the ir 4 he fri load is by, and the fr re I ie K i FIGURE P2.41 Rocket with gimbaled engi EIGURE rete: tte " Poa I pplication P2AS To exploit the FIGURE P2.46 152 D P22 r FIGURE P2.47 | ict the th | ) FIGURE P2.50 Thi ‘ FIGURE 2.48 Load-loo fl Past mi igure PD F si bing th FIGUR { AP23 FIGURE P2.49 Un rol system = 3 J) Plot q e af 1 = poles of 7(3). Do the Hes i 3 P2.50 A closed-loop control system is shown in F () De eros of Tl y (©) Use input, R i _ t Ap24 (4) Phot y(0) ani the effect of poles of Ts). Do t lex pol FIGURE P2.51 Two-ma: a the real pole he re on ADVANCED PROBLEMS ara ontroled DC motors diving 0k ad the st if OG eh h FIGURE AP2.2 inter: tro syste AP23 Con \ P2.3. Define the ta a (a) Deter able 1s) h Tepe : APRA Con a 153 FIGURE AP2.3 Feedback tha disturbance a element.T pram il i yb. h th ep \ bach? This is r ponse. (¢) Ds : ol he syst Aras tem illustrated in Fi A quations of motion, The system h jap hr and ree der ordinar ite th 3f motion in mat FIGURE AP2.5 Three-cart system 7 FIGURE near si FIGURE AP2.8 ‘ty pr. FIGURE AP2.9 DESIGN PROBLEMS cpr. Table CDP2.1 Typical Parameters for the Armature-Controlled DC Motor and the Capstan and Slide FIGURE CDP2.1 Tear se, (0) Th pas DP2L A conte ans 156 Chapter 2 FIGURE DP2.1 5 P 4 4 4 FIGURE DP2.2 Television DP2S Consider the ck in Figure DP2S.7 im ° , length J. supports pendulum disk a Wd the pendulum disc has mass m. Desi FIGURE P24. Operational amoerckcu " Nott th a period e001 cd i randtather clocks are about 13 m or tlle — Figure pp25 [ COMPUTER PROBLEMS FIGURE CP2.2 FIGURE CP2.5 FIGURE CP2.4 4 system. Le peak amplitude o sing be represented by t 0° step input. Dis 7 © block diag e CP: SES (lug ft nerally unknown 10SE8 diagram in F ure CP26. Mathemati | Ji | : i FIGURE CP2.6 A mutpeloo feedback cont system block i i a [7 i J=0 1 TERI ‘ 4 macdy ; Where arte si oop tem ol i ‘ os : wae Pl : : * “ “ "ros im the tran ion’ ; eer s0-[e=}+- i f Block 1 FIGURE cP29 ee " { Branch | C210 Consider the lock dlgram n . a * a) Compute the step 2 ck ea) vaalergainO < R= | Chose FIGURE CP2.7. simple pencul a 1 (th “ TERMS AND CONCEPTS Acros: Variable Block diagrams Word Match (in order, top to bot DC motor Differential equation Final. value theorem

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