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Accelerating Systems with

Programmable Logic Components

Lecture 04 Verilog II

2022 VT1-VT2

Yuan Yao,

2022-09-17 Courtesy to Philipp Rümmer 1

• Review module-based modelling in Verilog
• Combinational vs. sequential logic
• Blocking vs. nonblocking assignment
• Writing testbench using Verilog

2022-09-17 2
Module-based modelling in Verilog
module my_module(A, B, C, O);
A And
input A, B, C;
output O; Or1 O
C 2
wire w_not, w_and1, w_and2;

not Not1(.out(w_not), .in1(C));

and And1(.out(w_and1), .in1(A), .in2(w_not));


assign O = (A & ~C) | (B & C);

2022-09-17 3
Module-based modelling in Verilog
module my_module(A, B, C, O);
A And
input A, B, C;
output O; Or1 O
C 2
wire w_not, w_and1, w_and2;

not Not1(.out(w_not), .in1(C));

and And1(.out(w_and1), .in1(A), .in2(w_not));


assign O = (A & ~C) | (B & C);

2022-09-17 4
Module-based modelling in Verilog
module my_module(A, B, C, O);
A And
input A, B, C;
output O; Or1 O
C 2

wire w_not, w_and1, w_and2;

not Not1(.out(w_not), .in1(C));

and And1(.out(w_and1), .in1(A), .in2(w_not));


assign O = (A & ~C) | (B & C);

2022-09-17 5
Module-based modelling in Verilog
module my_module(A, B, C, O);
A And
input A, B, C;
output O; Or1 O
C 2

wire w_not, w_and1, w_and2;

not Not1(.out(w_not), .in1(C));

and And1(.out(w_and1), .in1(A), .in2(w_not));


assign O = (A & ~C) | (B & C);

2022-09-17 6
Module-based modelling in Verilog
module my_module(A, B, C, O);
A And
input A, B, C;
output O;
input/output port definition B
Or1 O
C 2

wire w_not, w_and1, w_and2;

not Not1(.out(w_not), .in1(C));

and And1(.out(w_and1), .in1(A), .in2(w_not));


assign O = (A & ~C) | (B & C);

2022-09-17 7
Module-based modelling in Verilog
module my_module(A, B, C, O);
A And
input A, B, C;
output O;
input/output port definition B
Or1 O
C 2

wire w_not, w_and1, w_and2;

not Not1(.out(w_not), .in1(C));

and And1(.out(w_and1), .in1(A), .in2(w_not));


assign O = (A & ~C) | (B & C);

2022-09-17 8
Module-based modelling in Verilog
module my_module(A, B, C, O);
A And
input A, B, C;
output O;
input/output port definition B
Or1 O
C 2

wire w_not, w_and1, w_and2; connecting wire

not Not1(.out(w_not), .in1(C));

and And1(.out(w_and1), .in1(A), .in2(w_not));


assign O = (A & ~C) | (B & C);

2022-09-17 9
Module-based modelling in Verilog
module my_module(A, B, C, O);
A And
input A, B, C;
output O;
input/output port definition B
Or1 O
C 2

wire w_not, w_and1, w_and2; connecting wire

not Not1(.out(w_not), .in1(C));

and And1(.out(w_and1), .in1(A), .in2(w_not));


assign O = (A & ~C) | (B & C);

2022-09-17 10
Module-based modelling in Verilog
module my_module(A, B, C, O);
A And
input A, B, C;
output O;
input/output port definition B
Or1 O
C 2

wire w_not, w_and1, w_and2; connecting wire

not Not1(.out(w_not), .in1(C));

gate-level modeling
and And1(.out(w_and1), .in1(A), .in2(w_not));


assign O = (A & ~C) | (B & C);

2022-09-17 11
Module-based modelling in Verilog
module my_module(A, B, C, O);
A And
input A, B, C;
output O;
input/output port definition B
Or1 O
C 2

wire w_not, w_and1, w_and2; connecting wire

not Not1(.out(w_not), .in1(C));

gate-level modeling
and And1(.out(w_and1), .in1(A), .in2(w_not));


assign O = (A & ~C) | (B & C);

2022-09-17 12
Module-based modelling in Verilog
module my_module(A, B, C, O);
A And
input A, B, C;
output O;
input/output port definition B
Or1 O
C 2

wire w_not, w_and1, w_and2; connecting wire

not Not1(.out(w_not), .in1(C));

gate-level modeling
and And1(.out(w_and1), .in1(A), .in2(w_not));


assign O = (A & ~C) | (B & C); data-flow level modeling

2022-09-17 13
Module-based modelling in Verilog
module my_module(A, B, C, O);
A And
input A, B, C;
output O;
input/output port definition B
Or1 O

This is for combinational logic.


wire w_not, w_and1, w_and2; connecting wire

not Not1(.out(w_not), .in1(C));

gate-level modeling
and And1(.out(w_and1), .in1(A), .in2(w_not));


assign O = (A & ~C) | (B & C); data-flow level modeling

2022-09-17 14
Combinational vs Sequential logic
• Combinational logic is defined as the time independent
logic which do not depends upon previous inputs to
generate any output.
• Examples – Encoder, Decoder, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer
• Sequential logic is a type of logic circuit whose output
depends not only on the present value of its input signals
but on the sequence of past inputs, the input history as well.
• Examples – Flip-flops, counters, memory

2022-09-17 15
Sequential logic example: counter

2022-09-17 16
Sequential logic example: counter

2022-09-17 17
Sequential logic example: counter

2022-09-17 18
Sequential logic example: counter


2022-09-17 19
Sequential logic example: counter

Input Output = Input + 1

2022-09-17 20
Sequential logic example: counter

Input Output = Input + 1

(combinational logic)

2022-09-17 21
Sequential logic example: counter

Input Output = Input + 1

(combinational logic)

2022-09-17 22
Sequential logic example: counter

Input Output = Input + 1

(combinational logic)

Mem component
such as Flip-Flop
(sequential logic)

2022-09-17 23
Sequential logic example: counter

Input Output = Input + 1

(combinational logic)

Mem component
such as Flip-Flop
(sequential logic)

2022-09-17 24
Sequential logic example: counter

Input Output = Cur

Input+ +1 1
(combinational logic)

Mem component
such as Flip-Flop
(sequential logic)

2022-09-17 25
Sequential logic example: counter

Input Output = Cur

Input+ +1 1
(combinational logic)

Mem component
such as Flip-Flop
(sequential logic)

2022-09-17 clk 26
Sequential logic example: counter

Input Output = Cur

Input+ +1 1
(combinational logic)

Mem component
such as Flip-Flop
(sequential logic)

2022-09-17 clk 27
Sequential logic example: counter

Input Output = Cur

Input+ +1 1
(combinational logic)

Mem component
such as Flip-Flop
(sequential logic)

2022-09-17 clk 28
Sequential logic example: counter

Input Output = Cur

Input+ +1 1
(combinational logic)

Mem component
such as Flip-Flop
(sequential logic)

2022-09-17 clk 29
Sequential logic example: counter

Input Output = Cur

Input+ +1 1
(combinational logic)

Mem component
such as Flip-Flop
(sequential logic)

2022-09-17 clk 30
Sequential logic example: critical path break

input output
Combinational logic

Delay=X > threshold

2022-09-17 31
Sequential logic example: critical path break

input output
Combinational logic

Delay=X > threshold


2022-09-17 32
Sequential logic example: critical path break

input output
Combinational logic

Delay=X > threshold


2022-09-17 33
Sequential logic example: critical path break

input output
Combinational logic

Delay=X > threshold


2022-09-17 34
Sequential logic example: critical path break

input output
Combinational logic

Delay=X > threshold


2022-09-17 35
Sequential logic example: critical path break

input output
Combinational logic

Delay=X > threshold


2022-09-17 36
Sequential logic example: critical path break

input output
Combinational logic

Delay=X > threshold

input output

2022-09-17 37
Sequential logic example: critical path break

input output
Combinational logic

Delay=X > threshold

input output

2022-09-17 38
Sequential logic example: critical path break

input output
Combinational logic

Delay=X > threshold

input output

2022-09-17 39
Sequential logic example: critical path break

input output
Combinational logic

Delay=X > threshold

input output

2022-09-17 40
Sequential logic example: critical path break

input output
Combinational logic

Delay=X > threshold

input output

Delay=X/2 < threshold

2022-09-17 41
Sequential logic example: critical path break

input output
Combinational logic

Delay=X > threshold

input output

Delay=X/2 < threshold

2022-09-17 42
Sequential logic example: critical path break

input output
Combinational logic

Delay=X > threshold

input output

Delay=X/2 < threshold

2022-09-17 43
Sequential logic example: critical path break

input output
Combinational logic

Delay=X > threshold

input output

Delay=X/2 < threshold

2022-09-17 44
Sequential logic example: critical path break

input output
Combinational logic

Delay=X > threshold

input output

Delay=X/2 < threshold Delay=X/2 < threshold

2022-09-17 45
Sequential logic example: critical path break

input output
Combinational logic

Delay=X > threshold

input output

Delay=X/2 < threshold Delay=X/2 < threshold

2022-09-17 46
Sequential logic example: critical path break

input output
Combinational logic

Delay=X > threshold

input output
Combi Combi
logic logic

Delay=X/2 < threshold Delay=X/2 < threshold

2022-09-17 47
Sequential logic example: critical path break

input output
Combinational logic

Delay=X > threshold

input output
Combi Combi
logic logic

Delay=X/2 < threshold Delay=X/2 < threshold

2022-09-17 48
Sequential logic example: critical path break

input output
Combinational logic

Speed/area tread off.Delay=X > threshold

input output
Combi Combi
logic logic

Delay=X/2 < threshold Delay=X/2 < threshold

2022-09-17 49
Model flip-flop (FF) using Verilog
• Step 1: Find the schema of an FF
• Step 2: Use gate-level or data-flow level modeling for FF



2022-09-17 50
Model flip-flop (FF) using Verilog
• Step 1: Find the schema of an FF
• Step 2: Use gate-level or data-flow level modeling for FF




2022-09-17 51
Model flip-flop (FF) using Verilog
• Step 1: Find the schema of an FF
• Step 2: Use gate-level or data-flow level modeling for FF




2022-09-17 52
Model flip-flop (FF) using Verilog
• Step 1: Find the schema of an FF
• Step 2: Use gate-level or data-flow level modeling for FF

Do we have other options?




2022-09-17 53
Model flip-flop (FF) using Verilog
• We can use RTL-level modeling in Verilog to model FF
• The recommended way to model combinational logic in Verilog
module d_ff(clk, D, Q);
input clk, D;
output Q;

reg Q;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
Q <= D;

endmodule 54
The always block
An always block is one of the procedural blocks in Verilog.
• Statements inside an always block are executed sequentially.
• But they may take effect simultaneously
a=1; a=1;
b=2; b=2;
always @ (a, b) begin always @ (a, b) begin
a <= b; a = b;
b <= a; b = a;
end // a=2, b=1; end // a=2, b=2;
2022-09-17 55
The sensitivity list
• A sensitivity list is the expression that defines when the always
block should be executed and is specified after the @ operator
within parentheses ( ).
• Sensitivity list is the key to differentiate combinational logic and
sequential logic.
Execute always block whenever value of Execute always block only on the rising
“a” or “b” change – combinational logic edge of signal clk – sequential lock

always @ (a, b) always @ (posedge clk)

begin begin
c = a | b; c <= a | b;
end 56
The sensitivity list
• A sensitivity list is the expression that defines when the always
block should be executed and is specified after the @ operator
within parentheses ( ).
• Sensitivity list is the key to differentiate combinational logic and
sequential logic.
Execute always block whenever value of Execute always block only on the rising
“a” or “b” change – combinational logic edge of signal clk – sequential lock

always @ (a, b) always @ (posedge clk)

begin begin
c = a | b; c <= a | b; Can also use
end for falling edge
The sensitivity list
• A sensitivity list is the expression that defines when the always
block should be executed and is specified after the @ operator
within parentheses Rules
( ). of thumb No.1:
1. Put all input
• Sensitivity list issignals
the key tointo the sensitivity
differentiate list and
combinational logic for
sequential logic.
combinational logic
Execute always block whenever value of Execute always block only on the rising
2. Put only the clock (and reset
“a” or “b” change – combinational logic
if needed) signal
edge of signal clk – sequential lock

into the
always sensitivity
@ (a, b) list for always
sequential @ (posedge logic clk)
begin begin
c = a | b; c <= a | b; Can also use
end for falling edge
The reg data type (vs wire)
• Verilog data types are divided into two main groups: nets (wire) and
variables (reg). The distinction comes from how they are intended to
represent different hardware structures.
• A net (wire) data type represents a physical connection between
structural entities. (Recall the my_module example)
• A variable (reg) data type represents a piece of storage.

wire c; reg c; reg c;

always @ (a, b) always @ (posedge clk)
assign c = a | b;
begin begin
c = a | b; c <= a | b;
2022-09-17 end end 59
The reg data type (vs wire)
• Verilog data types are divided into two main groups: nets (wire) and
variables (reg). The distinction comes from how they are intended to
represent differentRules ofstructures.
hardware thumb No.2:
• A net (wire) data type represents a physical connection between
1. Drive a Verilog
structural wirethewith
entities. (Recall assign
my_module statement or port
• A variable (reg) data type represents a piece of storage.
2. Drive a Verilog reg from an always block.
wire c; reg c; reg c;
always @ (a, b) always @ (posedge clk)
assign c = a | b;
begin begin
c = a | b; c <= a | b;
2022-09-17 end end 60
Demo 1
• my_module from Verilog I
using always block
module demo_1(A,B,C,O);
input A, B, C;
output O;

assign O = reg_o;
reg reg_o;

always @ (A, B, C) begin

reg_o = A & ~B | B & C;

2022-09-17 61
Demo 1 A And

B Not
• my_module from Verilog I 1
Or1 O

using always block C 2

module demo_1(A,B,C,O);
input A, B, C;
output O;

assign O = reg_o;
reg reg_o;

always @ (A, B, C) begin

reg_o = A & ~B | B & C;

2022-09-17 62
Demo 1 A And

B Not
• my_module from Verilog I 1
Or1 O

using always block C 2

module demo_1(A,B,C,O);
input A, B, C; 𝑂 =𝐴∙𝐶+𝐵∙𝐶
output O;

assign O = reg_o;
reg reg_o;

always @ (A, B, C) begin

reg_o = A & ~B | B & C;

2022-09-17 63
Demo 1 A And

B Not
• my_module from Verilog I 1
Or1 O

using always block C 2

module demo_1(A,B,C,O);
input A, B, C; 𝑂 =𝐴∙𝐶+𝐵∙𝐶
output O;

assign O = reg_o;
reg reg_o;

always @ (A, B, C) begin

reg_o = A & ~B | B & C;

2022-09-17 64
Putting them all together
• Q only reflects the value of D on a rising edge
• Rising edge means 0 in the past of input and 1 in the current

module d_ff(clk, D, Q);

input clk, D;
output Q; D Q

reg Q; D_FF
always @ (posedge clk) begin
Q <= D; clk

endmodule 65
Putting them all together
• Q only reflects the value of D on a rising edge
• Rising edge means 0 in the past of input and 1 in the current

module d_ff(clk, D, Q);

input clk, D; Can also use non-
clock signals as
output Q; trigger D Q

reg Q; D_FF
always @ (posedge clk) begin
Q <= D; clk

endmodule 66
D_FF with synchronous reset
• Add a reset to the D_FF
• Synchronous reset means that the D_FF can only be reset on clock
edge (in our case, a rising edge)
module d_ff(clk, D, Q);
input clk, D;
output Q; Q
reg Q;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
Q <= 1’b0;
Q <= D;
2022-09-17 67
D_FF with synchronous reset
• Add a reset to the D_FF
• Synchronous reset means that the D_FF can only be reset on clock
edge (in our case, a rising edge)
module d_ff(clk, D, Q);
input clk, D;
output Q; Q
reg Q;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
Q <= 1’b0;
Q <= D;
end Added gates!
2022-09-17 68
D_FF with synchronous reset
• Add a reset to the D_FF
• Synchronous reset means that the D_FF can only be reset on clock
edge (in our case, a rising edge)
module d_ff(clk, D, Q);
How to add asynchronous reset?
input clk, D;
output Q; Q
reg Q;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
Q <= 1’b0;
Q <= D;
end Added gates!
2022-09-17 69
D_FF with asynchronous reset
• Add a reset to the D_FF
• Asynchronous reset means that the D_FF can be reset on reset
edge (in our case, a falling edge)
module d_ff(clk, D, Q);
input clk, D;
output Q;
reg Q; D Q
always @ (posedge clk,
negedge reset) begin
Q <= 1’b0;
else clk
Q <= D;
2022-09-17 endmodule 70
D_FF with asynchronous reset
• Add a reset to the D_FF
• Asynchronous reset means that the D_FF can be reset on reset
edge (in our case, a falling edge)
module d_ff(clk, D, Q);
input clk, D;
output Q;
reg Q; D Q
always @ (posedge clk,
negedge reset) begin
Q <= 1’b0;
else clk
Q <= D;
2022-09-17 endmodule 71
D_FF with asynchronous reset
• Add a reset to the D_FF
• Asynchronous reset means that the D_FF can be reset on reset
edge (in our case, a falling edge)
module d_ff(clk, D, Q);
input clk, D;
output Q;
reg Q; D Q
always @ (posedge clk,
negedge reset) begin
Q <= 1’b0;
else clk
Q <= D; No added gates
end needed!
2022-09-17 endmodule 72
D_FF with asynchronous reset
• Add a reset to the D_FF
• Asynchronous reset means that the D_FF can be reset on reset
edge (in our case, a falling edge)
Always use asynchronous D_FF.
module d_ff(clk, D, Q);

It keeps your datapath shorter/faster.

input clk, D;
output Q;

reg Q;
always @ (posedge clk,
negedge reset) begin
Q <= 1’b0;
else clk
Q <= D; No added gates
end needed!
2022-09-17 endmodule 73
Blocking vs. non-blocking assignment
• Different ways to drive wire and reg.
• = is called blocking assignment.
• Blocking assignment executes “in series” because a blocking
assignment blocks execution of the next statement until it completes.
• <= is called non-blocking assignment.
• Non-blocking assignment executes “in parallel” because it describes
assignments that all occur at the same time.
Blocking assignment Non-blocking assignment
wire c; reg c; reg c;
assign c = a | b; always @ (a, b) always @ (posedge clk)
begin begin
c = a | b; c <= a | b;
2022-09-17 end end 74
Blocking vs. non-blocking assignment
Rules of thumb No.3:
• Different ways to drive wire and reg.
1. Use blocking assignment to model combinational
• = is called blocking assignment.
• Blocking assignment executes “in series” because a blocking
2. Use non-blocking assignment
assignment blocks execution to model
of the next statement sequential
until it completes.

• <= is called non-blocking assignment.
• Non-blocking assignment executes “in parallel” because it describes
assignments that all occur at the same time.
Blocking assignment Non-blocking assignment
wire c; reg c; reg c;
assign c = a | b; always @ (a, b) always @ (posedge clk)
begin begin
c = a | b; c <= a | b;
2022-09-17 end end 75
Blocking vs. non-blocking assignment
Rules of thumb No.3:
• Different ways to drive wire and reg.
1. Use blocking assignment to model combinational
• = is called blocking assignment.
• Blocking assignment executes “in series” because a blocking
2. Use non-blocking assignment
assignment blocks execution to model
of the next statement sequential
until it completes.

• <= is called non-blocking assignment.
• Non-blocking assignment executes “in parallel” because it describes
Bad styles can lead to both buggy and
assignments that all occur at the same time.
Blocking assignment Non-blocking assignment

assign c = a | b; incorrect circuit.

wire c; reg c; reg c;
always @ (a, b) always @ (posedge clk)
begin begin
c = a | b; c <= a | b;
2022-09-17 end end 76
Blocking assignment – Good and bad styles


Good style Bad style

reg r_and, r_or; reg r_and, r_or;
assign O = r_or; assign O = r_or;

always @ (A, B, C) begin always @ (A, B, C) begin

r_and = A & B; r_and <= A & B;
r_or = r_and | C; r_or <= r_and | C;
end //demo_2 end //demo_2
2022-09-17 77
Blocking assignment – Good and bad styles


Good style Bad style

reg r_and, r_or; reg r_and, r_or;
assign O = r_or; assign O = r_or;

always @ (A, B, C) begin always @ (A, B, C) begin

r_and = A & B; r_and <= A & B;
r_or = r_and | C; r_or <= r_and | C;
end //demo_2 end //demo_2
2022-09-17 78
Blocking assignment – Good and bad styles


Good style Bad style
reg r_and, r_or; reg r_and, r_or;
assign O = r_or; assign O = r_or;

always @ (A, B, C) begin always @ (A, B, C) begin

r_and = A & B; r_and <= A & B;
r_or = r_and | C; r_or <= r_and | C;
end //demo_2 end //demo_2
2022-09-17 79
Blocking assignment – Good and bad styles


Good style Bad style
reg r_and, r_or; reg r_and, r_or;
assign O = r_or; assign O = r_or;

always @ (A, B, C) begin always @ (A, B, C) begin

r_and = A & B; r_and <= A & B;
r_or = r_and | C; r_or <= r_and | C;
end //demo_2 end //demo_2
2022-09-17 80
Blocking assignment – Good and bad styles


Behavioral Behavioral
Good style Bad style
reg r_and, r_or; reg r_and, r_or;
assign O = r_or; assign O = r_or;

always @ (A, B, C) begin always @ (A, B, C) begin

r_and = A & B; r_and <= A & B;
r_or = r_and | C; r_or <= r_and | C;
end //demo_2 end //demo_2
2022-09-17 81
Blocking assignment – Good and bad styles


Behavioral Behavioral
Good style Bad style
reg r_and, r_or; reg r_and, r_or;
assign O = r_or; assign O = r_or;

always @ (A, B, C) begin always @ (A, B, C) begin

r_and = A & B; r_and <= A & B;
r_or = r_and | C; r_or <= r_and | C;
end //demo_2 end //demo_2
2022-09-17 82
Blocking assignment – Good and bad styles


Behavioral Behavioral
Good style Bad style
reg r_and, r_or; reg r_and, r_or;
assign O = r_or; assign O = r_or;

always @ (A, B, C) begin always @ (A, B, C) begin

r_and = A & B; r_and <= A & B;
r_or = r_and | C; r_or <= r_and | C;
end //demo_2 end //demo_2
2022-09-17 83
Blocking assignment – Good and bad styles


Behavioral Behavioral
Good style Bad style
reg r_and, r_or; reg r_and, r_or;
assign O = r_or; assign O = r_or;

always @ (A, B, C) begin always @ (A, B, C) begin

r_and = A & B; r_and <= A & B;
r_or = r_and | C; r_or <= r_and | C;
end //demo_2 end //demo_2
2022-09-17 84
Blocking assignment – Good and bad styles


Behavioral Behavioral
Good style Bad style
reg r_and, r_or; reg r_and, r_or;
assign O = r_or; assign O = r_or;

always @ (A, B, C) begin always @ (A, B, C) begin

r_and = A & B; r_and <= A & B;
r_or = r_and | C; r_or <= r_and | C;
end //demo_2 end //demo_2
2022-09-17 85
Post-synth Post-synth
Blocking assignment – Good and bad styles


Behavioral Behavioral
Good style Bad style
reg r_and, r_or; reg r_and, r_or;
assign O = r_or; assign O = r_or;

always @ (A, B, C) begin always @ (A, B, C) begin

r_and = A & B; r_and <= A & B;
r_or = r_and | C; r_or <= r_and | C;
end //demo_2 end //demo_2
2022-09-17 86
Post-synth Post-synth
Blocking assignment – Good and bad styles


Behavioral Behavioral
Good style Bad style
reg r_and, r_or; reg r_and, r_or;
assign O = r_or; assign O = r_or;
always @ (A, B, C) begin Match!
always @ (A, B, C) begin
r_and = A & B; (no bug) r_and <= A & B;
r_or = r_and | C; r_or <= r_and | C;
end //demo_2 end //demo_2
2022-09-17 87
Post-synth Post-synth
Blocking assignment – Good and bad styles


Behavioral Behavioral
Good style Bad style
reg r_and, r_or; reg r_and, r_or;
assign O = r_or; assign O = r_or;
Results Mismatch!
always @ (A, B, C) begin Match!
always @ (A, B, C) begin
r_and = A & B; r_and <= A & B; (bug in
(no bug) front-end)
r_or = r_and | C; r_or <= r_and | C;
end //demo_2 end //demo_2
2022-09-17 88
Post-synth Post-synth
Non-blocking assignment – Good and bad styles
D_1 D_2 Q



Good style Bad style

reg D_2, _Q; reg D_2, _Q;
assign Q = _Q; assign Q = _Q;
always @ (posedge clk) always @ (posedge clk)
begin begin
D_2 <= D_1; D_2 = D_1;
_Q <= D_2; _Q = D_2;
end //demo_3 end //demo_3
2022-09-17 89
Non-blocking assignment – Good and bad styles
D_1 D_2 Q



Good style Bad style

reg D_2, _Q; reg D_2, _Q;
assign Q = _Q; assign Q = _Q;
always @ (posedge clk) always @ (posedge clk)
begin begin
D_2 <= D_1; D_2 = D_1;
_Q <= D_2; _Q = D_2;
end //demo_3 end //demo_3
2022-09-17 90
Non-blocking assignment – Good and bad styles
D_1 D_2 Q



Good style Bad style

reg D_2, _Q; reg D_2, _Q;
assign Q = _Q; assign Q = _Q;
always @ (posedge clk) always @ (posedge clk)
begin begin
D_2 <= D_1; D_2 = D_1;
_Q <= D_2; _Q = D_2;
end //demo_3 end //demo_3
2022-09-17 91
Non-blocking assignment – Good and bad styles
D_1 D_2 Q



Good style Bad style

reg D_2, _Q; reg D_2, _Q;
assign Q = _Q; assign Q = _Q;
always @ (posedge clk) always @ (posedge clk)
begin begin
D_2 <= D_1; D_2 = D_1;
_Q <= D_2; _Q = D_2;
end //demo_3 end //demo_3
2022-09-17 92
Design pitfalls
• Multi drive always module
• Combinational loop

2022-09-17 93
Multi-drive always blocks
• Statements within always are
always @ (a, b) begin evaluated sequentially from
… the first to the last.
x = a | b;
… • However, different always
end blocks are executed
always @ (c, d) begin • The execution order of the
green and blue always are

totally random run-to-run.
x = c & d;

2022-09-17 94
Multi-drive always blocks
• Statements within always are
always @ (a, b) begin evaluated sequentially from
… the first to the last.
x = a | b;
… • However, different always
end blocks are executed
always @ (c, d) begin • The execution order of the
green and blue always are

totally random run-to-run.
x = c & d;

2022-09-17 95
Multi-drive always blocks
• Statements within always are
always @ (a, b) begin evaluated sequentially from
… the first to the last.
x = a | b;
… • However, different always
end blocks are executed
always @ (c, d) begin • The execution order of the
green and blue always are

totally random run-to-run.
x = c & d; Critical warning
… generated during
end synthesis.
2022-09-17 96
Multi-drive always blocks
• Statements within always are
always @ (a, b) begin evaluated sequentially from
… the first to the last.
x = a | b;
• However, different always
… Rules of thumbblocksNo.4:
are executed
Each reg should only be driven by one always block.
always @ (c, d) begin • The execution order of the
green and blue always are

totally random run-to-run.
x = c & d; Critical warning
… generated during
end synthesis.
2022-09-17 97
Bit-vector is the only data type in Verilog
• A bit can take on one of four values

Vdd Vdd Vdd

2022-09-17 Vss Vss Vss98

Bit-vector is the only data type in Verilog
• A bit can take on one of four values
Value Meaning
0 Logic zero

Vdd Vdd Vdd

2022-09-17 Vss Vss Vss99

Bit-vector is the only data type in Verilog
• A bit can take on one of four values
Value Meaning
0 Logic zero

Vdd Vdd Vdd

2022-09-17 Vss Vss Vss

Bit-vector is the only data type in Verilog
• A bit can take on one of four values
Value Meaning
0 Logic zero
1 Logic one Vdd Vdd Vdd

2022-09-17 Vss Vss Vss

Bit-vector is the only data type in Verilog
• A bit can take on one of four values
Value Meaning
0 Logic zero
1 Logic one Vdd Vdd Vdd

2022-09-17 Vss Vss Vss

Bit-vector is the only data type in Verilog
• A bit can take on one of four values
Value Meaning
0 Logic zero
1 Logic one Vdd Vdd Vdd

Z High impedance, floating

2022-09-17 Vss Vss Vss

Bit-vector is the only data type in Verilog
• A bit can take on one of four values
Value Meaning
0 Logic zero
1 Logic one Vdd Vdd Vdd

Z High impedance, floating

2022-09-17 Vss Vss Vss

Bit-vector is the only data type in Verilog
• A bit can take on one of four values
Value Meaning
0 Logic zero
1 Logic one Vdd Vdd Vdd

Z High impedance, floating

X Unknown logic value

2022-09-17 Vss Vss Vss

Bit-vector is the only data type in Verilog
• A bit can take on one of four values
Value Meaning
0 Logic zero
1 Logic one Vdd Vdd Vdd

Z High impedance, floating

X Unknown logic value

2022-09-17 Vss Vss Vss

Bit-vector is the only data type in Verilog
• A bit can take on one of four values
Value Meaning
0 Logic zero
1 Logic one Vdd Vdd Vdd

Z High impedance, floating

X Unknown logic value

An X bit might be a 0, 1, Z, or in transition. We can set bits

to be X in situations where we don’t care what the value
is. This can help catch bugs and improve synthesis quality
(Lecture 5 – Verilog III).
2022-09-17 Vss Vss Vss
Bit-vector is the only data type in Verilog
• A bit can take on one of four values
Value Meaning
0 Logic zero
1 Logic one Vdd Vdd Vdd

Z High impedance, floating

X Unknown logic value

An X bit might be a 0, 1, Z, or in transition. We can set bits

to be X in situations where we don’t care what the value
is. This can help catch bugs and improve synthesis quality
(Lecture 5 – Verilog III).
2022-09-17 Vss Vss Vss
Bit literals

2022-09-17 109
Bit literals


2022-09-17 110
Bit literals


2022-09-17 111
Bit literals


Decimal number
Representing size in bits

2022-09-17 112
Bit literals


Decimal number
Representing size in bits

2022-09-17 113
Bit literals


Base format
(B, O, H, D)
Decimal number
Representing size in bits

2022-09-17 114
Bit literals


Base format
(B, O, H, D)
Decimal number
Representing size in bits

2022-09-17 115
Bit literals

are ignored
Base format
(B, O, H, D)
Decimal number
Representing size in bits

2022-09-17 116
Bit literals • Binary literals

are ignored
Base format
(B, O, H, D)
Decimal number
Representing size in bits

2022-09-17 117
Bit literals • Binary literals
• 2’b01 (01)

are ignored
Base format
(B, O, H, D)
Decimal number
Representing size in bits

2022-09-17 118
Bit literals • Binary literals
• 2’b01 (01)
• 8’b0001_1111 (00011111)

are ignored
Base format
(B, O, H, D)
Decimal number
Representing size in bits

2022-09-17 119
Bit literals • Binary literals
• 2’b01 (01)
• 8’b0001_1111 (00011111)
• -3’b1 (111)

are ignored
Base format
(B, O, H, D)
Decimal number
Representing size in bits

2022-09-17 120
Bit literals • Binary literals
• 2’b01 (01)
• 8’b0001_1111 (00011111)
• -3’b1 (111)

4’b10_11 • Octal literals

are ignored
Base format
(B, O, H, D)
Decimal number
Representing size in bits

2022-09-17 121
Bit literals • Binary literals
• 2’b01 (01)
• 8’b0001_1111 (00011111)
• -3’b1 (111)

4’b10_11 • Octal literals

• 6’o12 (001_010)

are ignored
Base format
(B, O, H, D)
Decimal number
Representing size in bits

2022-09-17 122
Bit literals • Binary literals
• 2’b01 (01)
• 8’b0001_1111 (00011111)
• -3’b1 (111)

4’b10_11 • Octal literals

• 6’o12 (001_010)
• Hexadecimal literals
are ignored
Base format
(B, O, H, D)
Decimal number
Representing size in bits

2022-09-17 123
Bit literals • Binary literals
• 2’b01 (01)
• 8’b0001_1111 (00011111)
• -3’b1 (111)

4’b10_11 • Octal literals

• 6’o12 (001_010)
• Hexadecimal literals
Underscores • 6’h1f (01_1111)
are ignored
Base format
(B, O, H, D)
Decimal number
Representing size in bits

2022-09-17 124
Bit literals • Binary literals
• 2’b01 (01)
• 8’b0001_1111 (00011111)
• -3’b1 (111)

4’b10_11 • Octal literals

• 6’o12 (001_010)
• Hexadecimal literals
Underscores • 6’h1f (01_1111)
are ignored • 16’haxxz (1010_xxxx_xxxx_zzzz)
Base format
(B, O, H, D)
Decimal number
Representing size in bits

2022-09-17 125
Bit literals • Binary literals
• 2’b01 (01)
• 8’b0001_1111 (00011111)
• -3’b1 (111)

4’b10_11 • Octal literals

• 6’o12 (001_010)
• Hexadecimal literals
Underscores • 6’h1f (01_1111)
are ignored • 16’haxxz (1010_xxxx_xxxx_zzzz)
Base format • Decimal literals
(B, O, H, D)
Decimal number
Representing size in bits

2022-09-17 126
Bit literals • Binary literals
• 2’b01 (01)
• 8’b0001_1111 (00011111)
• -3’b1 (111)

4’b10_11 • Octal literals

• 6’o12 (001_010)
• Hexadecimal literals
Underscores • 6’h1f (01_1111)
are ignored • 16’haxxz (1010_xxxx_xxxx_zzzz)
Base format • Decimal literals
(B, O, H, D) • 4’d1 (0001)
Decimal number
Representing size in bits

2022-09-17 127
Bit literals • Binary literals
• 2’b01 (01)
• 8’b0001_1111 (00011111)
• -3’b1 (111)

4’b10_11 • Octal literals

• 6’o12 (001_010)
• Hexadecimal literals
Underscores • 6’h1f (01_1111)
are ignored • 16’haxxz (1010_xxxx_xxxx_zzzz)
Base format • Decimal literals
(B, O, H, D) • 4’d1 (0001)
Decimal number • -4’d1 (1111)
Representing size in bits

2022-09-17 128
Bit literals • Binary literals
• 2’b01 (01)
• 8’b0001_1111 (00011111)
• -3’b1 (111)

4’b10_11 • Octal literals

• 6’o12 (001_010)
• Hexadecimal literals
Underscores • 6’h1f (01_1111)
are ignored • 16’haxxz (1010_xxxx_xxxx_zzzz)
Base format • Decimal literals
(B, O, H, D) • 4’d1 (0001)
Decimal number • -4’d1 (1111)
Representing size in bits • reg[3:0] a = 1; (0001)

2022-09-17 129
Bit literals • Binary literals
• 2’b01 (01)
• 8’b0001_1111 (00011111)
• -3’b1 (111)

4’b10_11 • Octal literals

• 6’o12 (001_010)
• Hexadecimal literals
Underscores • 6’h1f (01_1111)
are ignored • 16’haxxz (1010_xxxx_xxxx_zzzz)
Base format • Decimal literals
(B, O, H, D) • 4’d1 (0001)
Decimal number • -4’d1 (1111)
Representing size in bits • reg[3:0] a = 1; (0001)
• reg[3:0] a = -1; (1111)

2022-09-17 130
Bit literals • Binary literals
• 2’b01 (01)
• 8’b0001_1111 (00011111)
• -3’b1 (111)

4’b10_11 • Octal literals

• 6’o12 (001_010)
• Hexadecimal literals
Underscores • 6’h1f (01_1111)
are ignored • 16’haxxz (1010_xxxx_xxxx_zzzz)
Base format • Decimal literals
(B, O, H, D) • 4’d1 (0001)
Decimal number • -4’d1 (1111)
Representing size in bits • reg[3:0] a = 1; (0001)
• reg[3:0] a = -1; (1111)
• integer a = 1; (0000_0000_..._0001, 32-bit)
2022-09-17 131
Bit literals • Binary literals
• 2’b01 (01)
• 8’b0001_1111 (00011111)
• -3’b1 (111)

4’b10_11 • Octal literals

• 6’o12 (001_010)
• Hexadecimal literals
Underscores • 6’h1f (01_1111)
are ignored • 16’haxxz (1010_xxxx_xxxx_zzzz)
Base format • Decimal literals
(B, O, H, D) • 4’d1 (0001)
Decimal number • -4’d1 (1111)
Representing size in bits • reg[3:0] a = 1; (0001)
• reg[3:0] a = -1; (1111)
• integer a = 1; (0000_0000_..._0001, 32-bit)
2022-09-17 • Integer a = -1; (1111_1111_..._1111, 32-bit)
Combinational loop – the obvious case

always @ (a, b)
c = a | b;

always @ (a, b)
c = a | b | c;
end //demo_4
2022-09-17 133
Combinational loop – the obvious case

always @ (a, b)
c = a | b;

always @ (a, b)
c = a | b | c;
end //demo_4
2022-09-17 134
Combinational loop – the obvious case

always @ (a, b)
c = a | b;

always @ (a, b)
c = a | b | c;
end //demo_4
2022-09-17 135
Combinational loop – the obvious case

always @ (a, b)
c = a | b;

always @ (a, b)
c = a | b | c;
end //demo_4
2022-09-17 136
Combinational loop – the obvious case

always @ (a, b)
c = a | b;

always @ (a, b)
c = a | b | c;
end //demo_4
2022-09-17 137
Combinational loop – the obvious case

always @ (a, b)
c = a | b;

always @ (a, b)
c = a | b | c;
end //demo_4
2022-09-17 138
Combinational loop – the obvious case

always @Hard
(a, b)
to use simulation
begin results to detect combi-
c = a | b; loop.

always @ (a, b)
c = a | b | c;
end //demo_4
2022-09-17 139
Combinational loop – the obvious case

always @Hard
(a, b)
to use simulation
begin results to detect combi-
c = a | b; loop.

always @ (a, b)
c = a | b | c;
end //demo_4
2022-09-17 140
Combinational loop – the obvious case

always @Hard
(a, b)
to use simulation
begin results to detect combi-
c = a | b; loop.
end No error generated at both pre
and post synthesis simulation.
But a non-critical warning is
@ (a, b)during synthesis.
c = a | b | c;
end //demo_4
2022-09-17 141
Combinational loop – the obvious case

always @Hard
(a, b)
to use simulation
begin results to detect combi-
c = a | b; loop.
end No error generated at both pre
and post synthesis simulation.
But a non-critical warning is
@ (a, b)during synthesis.
c = a | b | c;
end //demo_4
2022-09-17 142
Combinational loop – the obvious case

always @Hard
(a, b)
to use simulation
begin results to detect combi-
c = a | b; loop.
end No error generated at both pre
and post synthesis simulation.
But a non-critical warning is
@ (a, b)during synthesis.
c message
Or an error = a | b is| c;
generated during later
bit //demo_4
stream generation.
2022-09-17 143
Combinational loop – the obvious case

always @Hard
(a, b)
to use simulation
begin results to detect combi-
c = a | b; loop. Rules of thumb No.5:
Remember to check
end No error generated at both pre
the Vivado methodology report
at each step.
and post synthesis simulation.
But a non-critical warning is
@ (a, b)during synthesis.
c message
Or an error = a | b is| c;
generated during later
bit //demo_4
stream generation.
2022-09-17 144
Combinational loop – the covert case
always @ (a, x) begin

y = a| x;


always @ (y, b) begin

… x
x = y | b;

2022-09-17 145
Combinational loop – the covert case
always @ (a, x) begin

y = a| x;

A combi-loop may hide within the

ocean of
always @ (y, b) begin
gates in a large design.
… x
x = y | b;

2022-09-17 146
Writing testbench using Verilog
• Testbenches are used to test/debug Verilog design with
synthetic inputs and collect the outputs.
• Testbenches are usually top modules in a Verilog project.
• The design-under-test is a sub-modules in a testbench module
• Testbenches are not supposed to be synthesizable.

2022-09-17 147
Writing testbench using Verilog
• Testbenches are used to test/debug Verilog design with
synthetic inputs and collect the outputs.
• Testbenches are usually top modules in a Verilog project.
• The design-under-test is a sub-modules in a testbench module
• Testbenches are not supposed to be synthesizable.


2022-09-17 148
Writing testbench using Verilog
• Testbenches are used to test/debug Verilog design with
synthetic inputs and collect the outputs.
• Testbenches are usually top modules in a Verilog project.
• The design-under-test is a sub-modules in a testbench module
• Testbenches are not supposed to be synthesizable.



2022-09-17 149
Writing testbench using Verilog
• Testbenches are used to test/debug Verilog design with
synthetic inputs and collect the outputs.
• Testbenches are usually top modules in a Verilog project.
• The design-under-test is a sub-modules in a testbench module
• Testbenches are not supposed to be synthesizable.



2022-09-17 150
Writing testbench using Verilog
• Testbenches are used to test/debug Verilog design with
synthetic inputs and collect the outputs.
• Testbenches are usually top modules in a Verilog project.
• The design-under-test is a sub-modules in a testbench module
• Testbenches are not supposed to be synthesizable.



2022-09-17 151
Writing testbench using Verilog
• Testbenches are used to test/debug Verilog design with
synthetic inputs and collect the outputs.
• Testbenches are usually top modules in a Verilog project.
• The design-under-test is a sub-modules in a testbench module
• Testbenches are not supposed to be synthesizable.



2022-09-17 152
Writing testbench using Verilog
• Testbenches are used to test/debug Verilog design with
synthetic inputs and collect the outputs.
• Testbenches are usually top modules in a Verilog project.
• The design-under-test is a sub-modules in a testbench module
• Testbenches are not supposed to be synthesizable.



2022-09-17 153
Writing testbench using Verilog
• Testbenches are used to test/debug Verilog design with
synthetic inputs and collect the outputs.
• Testbenches are usually top modules in a Verilog project.
• The design-under-test is a sub-modules in a testbench module
• Testbenches are not supposed to be synthesizable.


2022-09-17 154
Writing testbench using Verilog
• Testbenches are used to test/debug Verilog design with
synthetic inputs and collect the outputs.
• Testbenches are usually top modules in a Verilog project.
• The design-under-test is a sub-modules in a testbench module
• Testbenches are not supposed to be synthesizable.

inputs outputs

2022-09-17 155
Writing testbench using Verilog
• Testbenches are used to test/debug Verilog design with
synthetic inputs and collect the outputs.
• Testbenches are usually top modules in a Verilog project.
• The design-under-test is a sub-modules in a testbench module
• Testbenches are not supposed to be synthesizable.

inputs outputs

2022-09-17 156
Writing testbench using Verilog
• Testbenches are used to test/debug Verilog design with
synthetic inputs and collect the outputs.
• Testbenches are usually top modules in a Verilog project.
• The design-under-test is a sub-modules in a testbench module
• Testbenches are not supposed to be synthesizable.

inputs outputs

2022-09-17 157
Writing testbench using Verilog
• Testbenches are used to test/debug Verilog design with
synthetic inputs and collect the outputs.
• Testbenches are usually top modules in a Verilog project.
• The design-under-test is a sub-modules in a testbench module
• Testbenches are not supposed to be synthesizable.

inputs outputs

2022-09-17 158
Writing testbench using Verilog
• Testbenches are used to test/debug Verilog design with
synthetic inputs and collect the outputs.
• Testbenches are usually top modules in a Verilog project.
• The design-under-test is a sub-modules in a testbench module
• Testbenches are not supposed to be synthesizable.

inputs outputs

2022-09-17 159
A testbench example
DUT.v tb.v
module demo_2(A, B, C, O); `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb;
input A, B, C; reg a, b, c;
output O; wire o;

reg r_and, r_or; demo_2 UUT(a, b, c, o);

assign O = r_or; localparam period = 1;

always @ (A, B, C) begin initial begin

r_and = A & B; a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;
r_or = r_and | C; #period;
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0;
end #period;
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
Endmodule ...
2022-09-17 endmodule 160
A testbench example
DUT.v tb.v
module demo_2(A, B, C, O); `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; Top module, no
input A, B, C; reg a, b, c; input nor
output O; wire o; outpus
reg r_and, r_or; demo_2 UUT(a, b, c, o);
assign O = r_or; localparam period = 1;

always @ (A, B, C) begin initial begin

r_and = A & B; a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;
r_or = r_and | C; #period;
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0;
end #period;
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
Endmodule ...
2022-09-17 endmodule 161
A testbench example
DUT.v tb.v
module demo_2(A, B, C, O); `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; Top module, no
input A, B, C; reg a, b, c; input nor
output O; wire o; outpus
reg r_and, r_or; demo_2 UUT(a, b, c, o);
assign O = r_or; localparam period = 1;

always @ (A, B, C) begin initial begin

r_and = A & B; a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;
r_or = r_and | C; #period;
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0;
end #period;
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
Endmodule ...
2022-09-17 endmodule 162
A testbench example
DUT.v tb.v
module demo_2(A, B, C, O); `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; Top module, no
input A, B, C; reg a, b, c; input nor
output O; wire o; outpus
reg r_and, r_or; demo_2 UUT(a, b, c, o);
assign O = r_or; localparam period = 1;

always @ (A, B, C) begin initial begin

r_and = A & B; a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;
r_or = r_and | C; #period;
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0;
end #period;
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
Endmodule ...
2022-09-17 endmodule 163
A testbench example
DUT.v tb.v What we get from DUT.v
module demo_2(A, B, C, O); `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; Top module, no
input A, B, C; reg a, b, c; input nor
output O; wire o; outpus
reg r_and, r_or; demo_2 UUT(a, b, c, o);
assign O = r_or; localparam period = 1;

always @ (A, B, C) begin initial begin

r_and = A & B; a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;
r_or = r_and | C; #period;
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0;
end #period;
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
Endmodule ...
2022-09-17 endmodule 164
A testbench example
DUT.v tb.v What we get from DUT.v
module demo_2(A, B, C, O); `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; Top module, no A
input A, B, C; reg a, b, c; input nor B
output O; wire o; outpus
reg r_and, r_or; demo_2 UUT(a, b, c, o); C
assign O = r_or; localparam period = 1;

always @ (A, B, C) begin initial begin

r_and = A & B; a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;
r_or = r_and | C; #period;
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0;
end #period;
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
Endmodule ...
2022-09-17 endmodule 165
A testbench example
DUT.v tb.v What we get from DUT.v
module demo_2(A, B, C, O); `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; Top module, no A
input A, B, C; reg a, b, c; input nor B
output O; wire o; outpus
reg r_and, r_or; demo_2 UUT(a, b, c, o); C
assign O = r_or; localparam period = 1;

always @ (A, B, C) begin initial begin

What we get from tb.v
r_and = A & B; a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;
r_or = r_and | C; #period;
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0;
end #period;
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
Endmodule ...
2022-09-17 endmodule 166
A testbench example
DUT.v tb.v What we get from DUT.v
module demo_2(A, B, C, O); `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; Top module, no A
input A, B, C; reg a, b, c; input nor B
output O; wire o; outpus
reg r_and, r_or; demo_2 UUT(a, b, c, o); C
assign O = r_or; localparam period = 1;

always @ (A, B, C) begin initial begin

What we get from tb.v
r_and = A & B; a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;
r_or = r_and | C; #period;
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0;
end #period;
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
Endmodule ...
2022-09-17 endmodule 167
A testbench example
DUT.v tb.v What we get from DUT.v
module demo_2(A, B, C, O); `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; Top module, no A
input A, B, C; reg a, b, c; input nor B
output O; wire o; outpus
reg r_and, r_or; demo_2 UUT(a, b, c, o); C
assign O = r_or; localparam period = 1;

always @ (A, B, C) begin initial begin

What we get from tb.v
r_and = A & B; a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;
r_or = r_and | C; #period;
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0;
end #period;
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
Endmodule ...
2022-09-17 endmodule 168
A testbench example
DUT.v tb.v What we get from DUT.v
module demo_2(A, B, C, O); `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; Top module, no A
input A, B, C; reg a, b, c; input nor B
output O; wire o; outpus
reg r_and, r_or; demo_2 UUT(a, b, c, o); C
assign O = r_or; localparam period = 1;

always @ (A, B, C) begin initial begin

What we get from tb.v
r_and = A & B; a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;
r_or = r_and | C; #period;
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0;
end #period;
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
Endmodule ...
2022-09-17 endmodule 169
A testbench example
DUT.v tb.v What we get from DUT.v
module demo_2(A, B, C, O); `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; Top module, no A
input A, B, C; reg a, b, c; input nor B
output O; wire o; outpus
reg r_and, r_or; demo_2 UUT(a, b, c, o); C
assign O = r_or; localparam period = 1;

always @ (A, B, C) begin initial begin

What we get from tb.v
r_and = A & B; a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;
r_or = r_and | C; #period;
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0;
end #period;
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
Endmodule ...
2022-09-17 endmodule 170
A testbench example
DUT.v tb.v What we get from DUT.v
module demo_2(A, B, C, O); `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; Top module, no A
input A, B, C; reg a, b, c; input nor B
output O; wire o; outpus
reg r_and, r_or; demo_2 UUT(a, b, c, o); C
assign O = r_or; localparam period = 1;

always @ (A, B, C) begin initial begin

What we get from tb.v
r_and = A & B; a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;
r_or = r_and | C; #period;
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0;
end #period;
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
Endmodule ...
2022-09-17 endmodule 171
A testbench example
DUT.v tb.v What we get from DUT.v
module demo_2(A, B, C, O); `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; Top module, no A
input A, B, C; reg a, b, c; input nor B
output O; wire o; outpus
reg r_and, r_or; demo_2 UUT(a, b, c, o); C
assign O = r_or; localparam period = 1;

always @ (A, B, C) begin initial begin

What we get from tb.v
r_and = A & B; a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;
r_or = r_and | C; #period;
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0;
end #period;
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
Endmodule ...
2022-09-17 endmodule 172
What defines a good testbench and how
to achieve them
• Input coverage
• As much different input patterns as possible
• Loop statement
• Reliability
• Mimic the electronic properties of real-word signals
• Timing control
• Delay control
• Edge sensitive event control
• Level sensitive event control
• Named event (Lecture 9 – Verification)
• Reusability/readability
• Functionalities encapsulation
• Function and task
2022-09-17 173
Loop statement
• Verilog provides four ways to do loop
• for
• while
• repeat
• forever
• Loop statements are synthesizable for iterations with finite
values known at elaboration (compile) time
• Loop statements are synthesized with hardware replication
• Although possible but is it a bad practice
• Loop statements are better match for test bench and verification
2022-09-17 174
For loop statement
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb;
reg a, b, c;
wire o;

demo_5 UUT(a, b, c, o);

localparam period = 1;

initial begin

a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0;
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
2022-09-17 175
For loop statement
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb;
reg a, b, c;
wire o;

demo_5 UUT(a, b, c, o);

localparam period = 1;

initial begin

a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0;
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
2022-09-17 176
For loop statement
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb;
reg a, b, c;
wire o;

demo_5 UUT(a, b, c, o);

localparam period = 1;

initial begin

a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;
#period; Need 8 lines to
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0; exhaust all
#period; input patterns.
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
2022-09-17 177
For loop statement
`timescale 1ns/1ps What if the input
module tb; contains 16 signals?
reg a, b, c; 216 lines!
wire o;

demo_5 UUT(a, b, c, o);

localparam period = 1;

initial begin

a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;
#period; Need 8 lines to
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0; exhaust all
#period; input patterns.
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
2022-09-17 178
For loop statement
tb.v tb.v
`timescale 1ns/1ps What if the input `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; contains 16 signals? module tb;
reg a, b, c; 216 lines! reg [2:0] a;
wire o; wire o;

demo_5 UUT(a, b, c, o); demo_5 UUT(a[2], a[1], a[0], o);

localparam period = 1; localparam period = 1;
integer i;
initial begin initial begin

a = 0; b = 0; c = 0; for (i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin

#period; Need 8 lines to a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]};
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0; exhaust all #period;
#period; input patterns. end
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
... end
end endmodule
2022-09-17 179
3-bit reg “a”, with
For loop statement MSB at the most left.

tb.v tb.v
`timescale 1ns/1ps What if the input `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; contains 16 signals? module tb;
reg a, b, c; 216 lines! reg [2:0] a;
wire o; wire o;

demo_5 UUT(a, b, c, o); demo_5 UUT(a[2], a[1], a[0], o);

localparam period = 1; localparam period = 1;
integer i;
initial begin initial begin

a = 0; b = 0; c = 0; for (i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin

#period; Need 8 lines to a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]};
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0; exhaust all #period;
#period; input patterns. end
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
... end
end endmodule
2022-09-17 180
3-bit reg “a”, with
For loop statement MSB at the most left.

tb.v tb.v
`timescale 1ns/1ps What if the input `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; contains 16 signals? module tb; assign bit a[2] to the first port of
reg a, b, c; 216 lines! reg [2:0] a; UUT, and so on. That is:
wire o; wire o; a[2] to a, A[1] to b, A[0] to c.

demo_5 UUT(a, b, c, o); demo_5 UUT(a[2], a[1], a[0], o);

localparam period = 1; localparam period = 1;
integer i;
initial begin initial begin

a = 0; b = 0; c = 0; for (i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin

#period; Need 8 lines to a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]};
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0; exhaust all #period;
#period; input patterns. end
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
... end
end endmodule
2022-09-17 181
3-bit reg “a”, with
For loop statement MSB at the most left.

tb.v tb.v
`timescale 1ns/1ps What if the input `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; contains 16 signals? module tb; assign bit a[2] to the first port of
reg a, b, c; 216 lines! reg [2:0] a; UUT, and so on. That is:
wire o; wire o; a[2] to a, A[1] to b, A[0] to c.

demo_5 UUT(a, b, c, o); demo_5 UUT(a[2], a[1], a[0], o);

localparam period = 1; localparam period = 1;
Interger data type
integer i;
(32-bit) i for loop
initial begin initial begin
a = 0; b = 0; c = 0; for (i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin
#period; Need 8 lines to a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]};
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0; exhaust all #period;
#period; input patterns. end
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
... end
end endmodule
2022-09-17 182
3-bit reg “a”, with
For loop statement MSB at the most left.

tb.v tb.v
`timescale 1ns/1ps What if the input `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; contains 16 signals? module tb; assign bit a[2] to the first port of
reg a, b, c; 216 lines! reg [2:0] a; UUT, and so on. That is:
wire o; wire o; a[2] to a, A[1] to b, A[0] to c.

demo_5 UUT(a, b, c, o); demo_5 UUT(a[2], a[1], a[0], o);

The initial block is
localparam period = 1; localparam period = 1;
like the always block Interger data type
integer i;
except that it is (32-bit) i for loop
initial begin initial begin
executed just once. counter.
a = 0; b = 0; c = 0; for (i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin
#period; Need 8 lines to a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]};
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0; exhaust all #period;
#period; input patterns. end
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
... end
end endmodule
2022-09-17 183
3-bit reg “a”, with
For loop statement MSB at the most left.

tb.v tb.v
`timescale 1ns/1ps What if the input `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; contains 16 signals? module tb; assign bit a[2] to the first port of
reg a, b, c; 216 lines! reg [2:0] a; UUT, and so on. That is:
wire o; wire o; a[2] to a, A[1] to b, A[0] to c.

demo_5 UUT(a, b, c, o); demo_5 UUT(a[2], a[1], a[0], o);

The initial block is
localparam period = 1; localparam period = 1;
like the always block Interger data type
integer i;
except that it is (32-bit) i for loop
initial begin initial begin
executed just once. counter.
a = 0; b = 0; c = 0; for (i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin
#period; Need 8 lines to a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]};
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0; exhaust all #period; The loop body
#period; input patterns. end
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0;
... end
end endmodule
2022-09-17 184
3-bit reg “a”, with
For loop statement MSB at the most left.

tb.v tb.v
`timescale 1ns/1ps What if the input `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; contains 16 signals? module tb; assign bit a[2] to the first port of
reg a, b, c; 216 lines! reg [2:0] a; UUT, and so on. That is:
wire o; wire o; a[2] to a, A[1] to b, A[0] to c.

demo_5 UUT(a, b, c, o); demo_5 UUT(a[2], a[1], a[0], o);

The initial block is
localparam period = 1; localparam period = 1;
like the always block Interger data type
integer i;
except that it is (32-bit) i for loop
initial begin initial begin
executed just once. counter.
a = 0; b = 0; c = 0; for (i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin
#period; Need 8 lines to a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]};
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0; exhaust all #period; The loop body
#period; input patterns. end
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0; Wrap up the last three bits of i
... end using “{}” and assign them all to a.
end endmodule This is equivalent to:
2022-09-17 185
endmodule a[2] = i[2], a[1] = i[1], a[0]=i[0];
3-bit reg “a”, with
For loop statement MSB at the most left.

tb.v tb.v
`timescale 1ns/1ps What if the input `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; contains 16 signals? module tb; assign bit a[2] to the first port of
reg a, b, c; 216 lines! reg [2:0] a; UUT, and so on. That is:
wire o; wire o; a[2] to a, A[1] to b, A[0] to c.

demo_5 UUT(a, b, c, o); demo_5 UUT(a[2], a[1], a[0], o);

The initial block is
localparam period = 1; localparam period = 1;
like the always block Interger data type
integer i;
except that it is (32-bit) i for loop
initial begin initial begin
executed just once. counter.
a = 0; b = 0; c = 0; for (i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin
#period; Need 8 lines to a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]};
a = 1; b = 0; c = 0; exhaust all #period; The loop body
#period; input patterns. end
a = 1; b = 1; c = 0; Wrap up the last three bits of i
... end using “{}” and assign them all to a.
end endmodule This is equivalent to:
2022-09-17 186
endmodule a[2] = i[2], a[1] = i[1], a[0]=i[0];
While and repeat loop statements

2022-09-17 187
While and repeat loop statements
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb;
reg [2:0] a;
wire o;

demo_5 UUT(a[2], a[1], a[0], o);

localparam period = 1;
integer i;
initial begin
while (i < 8) begin
i = i + 1;
a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]};
2022-09-17 188
While and repeat loop statements
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb;
reg [2:0] a;
wire o;

demo_5 UUT(a[2], a[1], a[0], o);

localparam period = 1;
integer i;
initial begin
while (i < 8) begin
i = i + 1;
a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]};
2022-09-17 189
While and repeat loop statements
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb;
reg [2:0] a;
wire o;

demo_5 UUT(a[2], a[1], a[0], o);

localparam period = 1;
integer i;
initial begin
while (i < 8) begin Loop body
i = i + 1; using
a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]}; while
2022-09-17 190
While and repeat loop statements
tb.v tb.v
`timescale 1ns/1ps `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; module tb;
reg [2:0] a; reg [2:0] a;
wire o; wire o;

demo_5 UUT(a[2], a[1], a[0], o); demo_5 UUT(a[2], a[1], a[0], o);
localparam period = 1; localparam period = 1;
integer i; integer i;
initial begin initial begin
i=0; i=0;
while (i < 8) begin Loop body repeat (8) begin
i = i + 1; using i = i + 1;
a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]}; while a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]};
#period; #period;
end end
end end
2022-09-17 endmodule 191
While and repeat loop statements
tb.v tb.v
`timescale 1ns/1ps `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; module tb;
reg [2:0] a; reg [2:0] a;
wire o; wire o;

demo_5 UUT(a[2], a[1], a[0], o); demo_5 UUT(a[2], a[1], a[0], o);
localparam period = 1; localparam period = 1;
integer i; integer i;
initial begin initial begin
i=0; i=0;
while (i < 8) begin Loop body repeat (8) begin
i = i + 1; using i = i + 1;
a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]}; while a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]};
#period; #period;
end end
end end
2022-09-17 endmodule 192
While and repeat loop statements
tb.v tb.v
`timescale 1ns/1ps `timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb; module tb;
reg [2:0] a; reg [2:0] a;
wire o; wire o;

demo_5 UUT(a[2], a[1], a[0], o); demo_5 UUT(a[2], a[1], a[0], o);
localparam period = 1; localparam period = 1;
integer i; integer i;
initial begin initial begin
i=0; i=0;
while (i < 8) begin Loop body repeat (8) begin Loop body
i = i + 1; using i = i + 1; using
a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]}; while a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]}; repeat
#period; #period;
end end
end end
2022-09-17 endmodule 193
Verilog operators

2022-09-17 194
Verilog operators
Operator Name
[] Bit-select
~ Bit-Negation
& Bit-AND
| Bit-OR
~& Bit-NAND
~| Bit NOR
^ Bit XOR
~^ or ~^ Bit XNOR

2022-09-17 195
Verilog operators
Operator Name
[] Bit-select
~ Bit-Negation
& Bit-AND
| Bit-OR
~& Bit-NAND
~| Bit NOR
^ Bit XOR
~^ or ~^ Bit XNOR

wire w_reduce;
assign w_reduce = ~&tmp[3:0]
2022-09-17 196
Verilog operators
Operator Name Operator Name
[] Bit-select ! Logic-Negation
~ Bit-Negation < <= >= > Logic-Comparison
& Bit-AND == != Logic-Comparison
| Bit-OR && Logic-AND
~& Bit-NAND || Logic-OR
~| Bit NOR ?: Logic-Conditional
^ Bit XOR
~^ or ~^ Bit XNOR

wire w_reduce;
assign w_reduce = ~&tmp[3:0]
2022-09-17 197
Verilog operators
Operator Name Operator Name
[] Bit-select ! Logic-Negation
~ Bit-Negation < <= >= > Logic-Comparison
& Bit-AND == != Logic-Comparison
| Bit-OR && Logic-AND
~& Bit-NAND || Logic-OR
~| Bit NOR ?: Logic-Conditional
^ Bit XOR Operator Name
~^ or ~^ Bit XNOR {} concatenate
{{}} replication
wire w_reduce;
assign w_reduce = ~&tmp[3:0] + - * / % Arithmetic
2022-09-17 198
Verilog operators
module replication_operator();
Operator Name Operator Name reg [3:0] r_VAL_1 = 4'b0111;

[] Bit-select ! Logic-Negation parameter c_MULTIPLIER = 4'b0010;

~ Bit-Negation < <= >= > Logic-Comparison begin

// Replication Only
& Bit-AND == != Logic-Comparison $display("Replication of 0x7, 3 times is 0x%h",
{3{r_VAL_1}} );

| Bit-OR && Logic-AND // Replication is possible using a constant (parameter)

// Note that replication multiplier CANNOT be a reg
$display("Replication of 0x7, %1d times is 0x%h",
~& Bit-NAND || Logic-OR c_MULTIPLIER, {c_MULTIPLIER{r_VAL_1}} );

// Replication and Concatenation together

~| Bit NOR ?: Logic-Conditional $display("Concatenate 4 with replication of 0xA twice: 0x%h",
{4'h4,{2{4'hA}}} );
^ Bit XOR Operator Name // Replication and Concatenation 2
$display("Replicate the concatenation of 0xB and 0xC 4 times: 0x%h",
~^ or ~^ Bit XNOR {} concatenate {4{4'hB, 4'hC}} );

{{}} replication $finish;
wire w_reduce; endmodule // replication_operator
assign w_reduce = ~&tmp[3:0] + - * / % Arithmetic
2022-09-17 199
Verilog timing control
• There are four types of timing controls in Verilog
1. Delay control
2. Edge sensitive event control
3. Level sensitive event control
4. Named events

2022-09-17 200
Delay control
• # N: delay of N time units
• Example:
Example 1
always begin
a = 1’b0;
a = 1’b1;

2022-09-17 201
Delay control
• # N: delay of N time units
• Example:
Example 1
always begin
a = 1’b0;
a = 1’b1;

2022-09-17 202
Delay control
• # N: delay of N time units
• Example:
Example 1 Example 2
always begin …
a = 1’b0; localparam period = 1;
a = 1’b1; integer i;
#3; initial begin
a=1’b0; i=0;
end while (i < 8) begin
i = i + 1;
a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]};
2022-09-17 203
Delay control
• # N: delay of N time units
• Example:
Example 1 Example 2
always begin …
a = 1’b0; localparam period = 1;
a = 1’b1; integer i;
#3; initial begin
a=1’b0; i=0;
end while (i < 8) begin
i = i + 1;
a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]}; Delay can be controlled
#period; using local var.
end Delay for 1 unit time at
end the end of each loop
endmodule iteration. 204
Delay control
Example 3
• # N: delay of N time units …
localparam period = 5;
• Example: reg clk;
Example 1 Example 2
always begin … initial begin
a = 1’b0; localparam period = 1; clk=0;
#5; forever begin
a = 1’b1; integer i; #period clk = ~clk;
#3; initial begin end
a=1’b0; i=0; end
end while (i < 8) begin endmodule
i = i + 1;
a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]}; Delay can be controlled
#period; using local var.
end Delay for 1 unit time at
end the end of each loop
endmodule iteration. 205
Delay control
Clock generator Example 3
• # N: delay of N time units …
localparam period = 5;
• Example: reg clk;
Example 1 Example 2
always begin … initial begin
a = 1’b0; localparam period = 1; clk=0;
#5; forever begin
a = 1’b1; integer i; #period clk = ~clk;
#3; initial begin end
a=1’b0; i=0; end
end while (i < 8) begin endmodule
i = i + 1;
a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]}; Delay can be controlled
#period; using local var.
end Delay for 1 unit time at
end the end of each loop
endmodule iteration. 206
Delay control
Clock generator Example 3
• # N: delay of N time units …
localparam period = 5;
• Example: reg clk;
Example 1 Example 2
always begin … initial begin
a = 1’b0; localparam period = 1; clk=0;
#5; forever begin
a = 1’b1; integer i; #period clk = ~clk;
#3; initial begin end
a=1’b0; i=0; end
end while (i < 8) begin endmodule
i = i + 1;
a = {i[2], i[1], i[0]}; Delay can be controlled
#period; using local var.
end Delay for 1 unit time at
end the end of each loop
endmodule iteration. 207
Delay control – Time unit
• `timescale time_unit base / precision base
• The first argument specifies “#1” delay
• The second argument specifies the how delay values are
• Base is in
• s 1s
• ms 1-3s
• us 1-6s
• ns 1-9s
• ps 1-12s
• fs 1-15s
2022-09-17 208
Delay control – Time unit
• `timescale time_unit base / precision base
• The first argument specifies “#1” delay
• The second argument specifies the how delay values are
• Base is in Example

• s 1s
• ms 1-3s
• us 1-6s
• ns 1-9s
• ps 1-12s
• fs 1-15s
2022-09-17 209
Delay control – Time unit
• `timescale time_unit base / precision base
• The first argument specifies “#1” delay
• The second argument specifies the how delay values are
• Base is in Example

• s 1s
• ms 1-3s
• us 1-6s
• ns 1-9s
• ps 1-12s
• fs 1-15s
2022-09-17 210
Delay control – Time unit
• `timescale time_unit base / precision base
• The first argument specifies “#1” delay
• The second argument specifies the how delay values are
• Base is in Example

• s 1s `timescale 1ns/1ns

• ms 1-3s
• us 1-6s
• ns 1-9s
• ps 1-12s
• fs 1-15s
2022-09-17 211
Delay control – Time unit
• `timescale time_unit base / precision base
• The first argument specifies “#1” delay
• The second argument specifies the how delay values are
• Base is in Example

• s 1s `timescale 1ns/1ns

• ms 1-3s Delay Meaning Sim. Time

• us 1-6s
• ns 1-9s
• ps 1-12s
• fs 1-15s
2022-09-17 212
Delay control – Time unit
• `timescale time_unit base / precision base
• The first argument specifies “#1” delay
• The second argument specifies the how delay values are
• Base is in Example

• s 1s `timescale 1ns/1ns

• ms 1-3s Delay Meaning Sim. Time

• us 1-6s #1 // Delay 1 ns 1
• ns 1-9s
• ps 1-12s
• fs 1-15s
2022-09-17 213
Delay control – Time unit
• `timescale time_unit base / precision base
• The first argument specifies “#1” delay
• The second argument specifies the how delay values are
• Base is in Example

• s 1s `timescale 1ns/1ns

• ms 1-3s Delay Meaning Sim. Time

• us 1-6s #1 // Delay 1 ns 1
• ns 1-9s #0.49 // Delay 0 ns 1
• ps 1-12s
• fs 1-15s
2022-09-17 214
Delay control – Time unit
• `timescale time_unit base / precision base
• The first argument specifies “#1” delay
• The second argument specifies the how delay values are
• Base is in Example

• s 1s `timescale 1ns/1ns

• ms 1-3s Delay Meaning Sim. Time

• us 1-6s #1 // Delay 1 ns 1
• ns 1-9s #0.49 // Delay 0 ns 1
#0.5 // Delay 1 ns 2
• ps 1-12s
• fs 1-15s
2022-09-17 215
Delay control – Time unit
• `timescale time_unit base / precision base
• The first argument specifies “#1” delay
• The second argument specifies the how delay values are
• Base is in Example

• s 1s `timescale 1ns/1ns

• ms 1-3s Delay Meaning Sim. Time

• us 1-6s #1 // Delay 1 ns 1
• ns 1-9s #0.49 // Delay 0 ns 1
#0.5 // Delay 1 ns 2
• ps 1-12s #0.51 // Delay 1 ns 3
• fs 1-15s
2022-09-17 216
Delay control – Time unit
• `timescale time_unit base / precision base
• The first argument specifies “#1” delay
• The second argument specifies the how delay values are
• Base is in Example

• s 1s `timescale 1ns/1ns

• ms 1-3s Delay Meaning Sim. Time

• us 1-6s #1 // Delay 1 ns 1
• ns 1-9s #0.49 // Delay 0 ns 1
#0.5 // Delay 1 ns 2
• ps 1-12s #0.51 // Delay 1 ns 3
• fs 1-15s #5 // Delay 5 ns 8

2022-09-17 217
Delay control – Gate delay
• So far, we have assumed perfect signal response time
• It takes no time for signal to change from 0 to 1
• It takes no time for signal to change from 1 to 0
• This cannot be true in real life where the electronic properties of gates take
• Three kinds of delays

2022-09-17 218
Delay control – Gate delay
• So far, we have assumed perfect signal response time
• It takes no time for signal to change from 0 to 1
• It takes no time for signal to change from 1 to 0
• This cannot be true in real life where the electronic properties of gates take
• Three kinds of delays
• Rise delay
The time taken for the output of a gate to
change from 0,x,z, to 1 is called a rise delay.

2022-09-17 219
Delay control – Gate delay
• So far, we have assumed perfect signal response time
• It takes no time for signal to change from 0 to 1
• It takes no time for signal to change from 1 to 0
• This cannot be true in real life where the electronic properties of gates take
• Three kinds of delays
• Rise delay
The time taken for the output of a gate to
change from 0,x,z, to 1 is called a rise delay.

2022-09-17 220
Delay control – Gate delay
• So far, we have assumed perfect signal response time
• It takes no time for signal to change from 0 to 1
• It takes no time for signal to change from 1 to 0
• This cannot be true in real life where the electronic properties of gates take
• Three kinds of delays
• Rise delay
The time taken for the output of a gate to
change from 0,x,z, to 1 is called a rise delay.
• Fall delay
The time taken for the output of a gate to
change from 1,x,z, to 0 is called a fall delay.

2022-09-17 221
Delay control – Gate delay
• So far, we have assumed perfect signal response time
• It takes no time for signal to change from 0 to 1
• It takes no time for signal to change from 1 to 0
• This cannot be true in real life where the electronic properties of gates take
• Three kinds of delays
• Rise delay
The time taken for the output of a gate to
change from 0,x,z, to 1 is called a rise delay.
• Fall delay
The time taken for the output of a gate to
change from 1,x,z, to 0 is called a fall delay.

2022-09-17 222
Delay control – Gate delay
• So far, we have assumed perfect signal response time
• It takes no time for signal to change from 0 to 1
• It takes no time for signal to change from 1 to 0
• This cannot be true in real life where the electronic properties of gates take
• Three kinds of delays
• Rise delay
The time taken for the output of a gate to
change from 0,x,z, to 1 is called a rise delay.
• Fall delay
The time taken for the output of a gate to
change from 1,x,z, to 0 is called a fall delay.
• Turn-off delay
The time taken for the output of a gate to
change from 0,1,x, to z is called a turn-off delay.
2022-09-17 223
Delay control – Gate delay
• So far, we have assumed perfect signal response time
• It takes no time for signal to change from 0 to 1
• It takes no time for signal to change from 1 to 0
• This cannot be true in real life where the electronic properties of gates take
• Three kinds of delays
• Rise delay
The time taken for the output of a gate to
change from 0,x,z, to 1 is called a rise delay.
• Fall delay
The time taken for the output of a gate to
change from 1,x,z, to 0 is called a fall delay.
• Turn-off delay
The time taken for the output of a gate to
change from 0,1,x, to z is called a turn-off delay.
2022-09-17 224
Delay control – Gate delay
• Verilog uses # to control rise/fall/turn-off delay of signals
• Let’t talk about gate delay of an “and” gate

2022-09-17 225
Delay control – Gate delay
• Verilog uses # to control rise/fall/turn-off delay of signals
• Let’t talk about gate delay of an “and” gate
• and and1(o,a,b) // Ideal “and” gate

2022-09-17 226
Delay control – Gate delay
• Verilog uses # to control rise/fall/turn-off delay of signals
• Let’t talk about gate delay of an “and” gate
• and and1(o,a,b) // Ideal “and” gate
• and #1 and1(o,a,b) // All delays

2022-09-17 227
Delay control – Gate delay
• Verilog uses # to control rise/fall/turn-off delay of signals
• Let’t talk about gate delay of an “and” gate
• and and1(o,a,b) // Ideal “and” gate
• and #1 and1(o,a,b) // All delays
• and #(1,1) and1(o,a,b) // t_rise=1, t_fall=1

2022-09-17 228
Delay control – Gate delay
• Verilog uses # to control rise/fall/turn-off delay of signals
• Let’t talk about gate delay of an “and” gate
• and and1(o,a,b) // Ideal “and” gate
• and #1 and1(o,a,b) // All delays
• and #(1,1) and1(o,a,b) // t_rise=1, t_fall=1
• and #(1,2,3) and1(o,a,b) // t_rise=1, t_fall=2, t_off=3

2022-09-17 229
Delay control – Gate delay
• Verilog uses # to control rise/fall/turn-off delay of signals
• Let’t talk about gate delay of an “and” gate
• and and1(o,a,b) // Ideal “and” gate
• and #1 and1(o,a,b) // All delays
• and #(1,1) and1(o,a,b) // t_rise=1, t_fall=1
• and #(1,2,3) and1(o,a,b) // t_rise=1, t_fall=2, t_off=3
• and #(1:2:3,2:3:4,3:4:5) and1(o,a,b) // min:typ:max

2022-09-17 230
Delay control – Gate delay
• Verilog uses # to control rise/fall/turn-off delay of signals
• Let’t talk about gate delay of an “and” gate
• and and1(o,a,b) // Ideal “and” gate
• and #1 and1(o,a,b) // All delays
• and #(1,1) and1(o,a,b) // t_rise=1, t_fall=1
• and #(1,2,3) and1(o,a,b) // t_rise=1, t_fall=2, t_off=3
• and #(1:2:3,2:3:4,3:4:5) and1(o,a,b) // min:typ:max
Min Typ Max
t_rise t_fall t_max t_rise t_fall t_max t_rise t_fall t_max
1 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 5

2022-09-17 231
Delay control – Gate delay
• Verilog uses # to control rise/fall/turn-off delay of signals
• Let’t talk about gate delay of an “and” gate
• and and1(o,a,b) // Ideal “and” gate
• and #1 and1(o,a,b) // All delays
• and #(1,1) and1(o,a,b) // t_rise=1, t_fall=1
• and #(1,2,3) and1(o,a,b) // t_rise=1, t_fall=2, t_off=3
• and #(1:2:3,2:3:4,3:4:5) and1(o,a,b) // min:typ:max
Min Typ Max
t_rise t_fall t_max t_rise t_fall t_max t_rise t_fall t_max
1 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 5

2022-09-17 232
Delay control – Gate delay
• Verilog uses # to control rise/fall/turn-off delay of signals
• Let’t talk about gate delay of an “and” gate
• and and1(o,a,b) // Ideal “and” gate
• and #1 and1(o,a,b) // All delays
• and #(1,1) and1(o,a,b) // t_rise=1, t_fall=1
• and #(1,2,3) and1(o,a,b) // t_rise=1, t_fall=2, t_off=3
• and #(1:2:3,2:3:4,3:4:5) and1(o,a,b) // min:typ:max
Min Typ Max
t_rise t_fall t_max t_rise t_fall t_max t_rise t_fall t_max
1 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 5

2022-09-17 The default choice 233

Delay control – Gate delay
• Verilog uses # to control rise/fall/turn-off delay of signals
• Let’t talk about gate delay of an “and” gate
Gate•• and
and #1
are used in post-synthesis
and1(o,a,b) // Ideal “and” gate
and1(o,a,b) // All delays
• and where only
#(1,1) the gate
and1(o,a,b) delays
// t_rise=1, t_fall=1 of the
• and
• and
gate library
vendor are used.
and1(o,a,b) // t_rise=1, t_fall=2, t_off=3
#(1:2:3,2:3:4,3:4:5) and1(o,a,b) // min:typ:max
Min Typ Max
t_rise t_fall t_max t_rise t_fall t_max t_rise t_fall t_max
1 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 5

2022-09-17 The default choice 234

Gate delay example
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb;
reg a,b;
wire out1, out2;
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 235
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb;
reg a,b;
wire out1, out2;
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 236
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb;
reg a,b;
wire out1, out2;
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 237
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb;
reg a,b;
wire out1, out2;
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 238
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb;
reg a,b;
wire out1, out2;
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 239
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb;
reg a,b;
wire out1, out2;
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 240
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb;
reg a,b;
wire out1, out2;
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 241
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb;
reg a,b;
wire out1, out2;
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 242
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb;
reg a,b;
wire out1, out2;
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 243
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb; 2ns

reg a,b;
wire out1, out2;
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 244
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb; 2ns 3ns

reg a,b;
wire out1, out2;
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 245
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb; 2ns 0ns 3ns

reg a,b;
wire out1, out2;
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 246
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb; 2ns 0ns 3ns 0ns

reg a,b;
wire out1, out2;
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 247
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb; 2ns 0ns 3ns 0ns

reg a,b;
wire out1, out2; Post-synthesis timing simulation
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 248
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb; 2ns 0ns 3ns 0ns

reg a,b;
wire out1, out2; Post-synthesis timing simulation
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 249
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb; 2ns 0ns 3ns 0ns

reg a,b;
wire out1, out2; Post-synthesis timing simulation
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 250
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb; 2ns 0ns 3ns 0ns

reg a,b;
wire out1, out2; Post-synthesis timing simulation
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 251
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb; 2ns 0ns 3ns 0ns

reg a,b;
wire out1, out2; Post-synthesis timing simulation
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 252
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb; 2ns 0ns 3ns 0ns

reg a,b;
wire out1, out2; Post-synthesis timing simulation
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 253
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb; 2ns 0ns 3ns 0ns

reg a,b;
wire out1, out2; Post-synthesis timing simulation
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 254
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb; 2ns 0ns 3ns 0ns

reg a,b;
wire out1, out2; Post-synthesis timing simulation
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
2022-09-17 255
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb; 2ns 0ns 3ns 0ns

reg a,b;
wire out1, out2; Post-synthesis timing simulation
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
end ~5ns
2022-09-17 256
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb; 2ns 0ns 3ns 0ns

reg a,b;
wire out1, out2; Post-synthesis timing simulation
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
end ~5ns ~5ns
2022-09-17 257
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb; 2ns 0ns 3ns 0ns

reg a,b;
wire out1, out2; Post-synthesis timing simulation
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
end ~5ns ~5ns
2022-09-17 258
Gate delay example Pre-synthesis behavioral simulation
module demo_6( input a, b, output out1, out2);
and #(1:2:3, 2:3:4) and1 (out1, a, b);
and and2 (out2, a, b);

module tb; 2ns 0ns 3ns 0ns

reg a,b;
wire out1, out2; Post-synthesis timing simulation
demo_6 UUT(a, b, out1, out2);
initial begin
{a, b} <= 0;
#10 a <= 1;
#10 b <= 1;
#10 a <= 0;
#10 b <= 0;
end ~5ns ~5ns
2022-09-17 259
Edge sensitive event control

2022-09-17 260
Edge sensitive event control
• A statement happens only when the posedge and/or negedge
event happens

2022-09-17 261
Edge sensitive event control
• A statement happens only when the posedge and/or negedge
event happens
1. Can be attached to sensitivity list of an “always” block
always @ (posedge clk);

2022-09-17 262
Edge sensitive event control
• A statement happens only when the posedge and/or negedge
event happens
1. Can be attached to sensitivity list of an “always” block
always @ (posedge clk);
Execute the always block at each rising edge of signal “clk”

2022-09-17 263
Edge sensitive event control
• A statement happens only when the posedge and/or negedge
event happens
1. Can be attached to sensitivity list of an “always” block
always @ (posedge clk);
Execute the always block at each rising edge of signal “clk”
2. Or to individual assignments
@ (posedge clk) X <= Y;

2022-09-17 264
Edge sensitive event control
• A statement happens only when the posedge and/or negedge
event happens
1. Can be attached to sensitivity list of an “always” block
always @ (posedge clk);
Execute the always block at each rising edge of signal “clk”
2. Or to individual assignments
@ (posedge clk) X <= Y;
Delay assignment X<=Y until the positive edge of “clk”.
X <= @ (posedge clk) Y;

2022-09-17 265
Edge sensitive event control
• A statement happens only when the posedge and/or negedge
event happens
1. Can be attached to sensitivity list of an “always” block
always @ (posedge clk);
Execute the always block at each rising edge of signal “clk”
2. Or to individual assignments
@ (posedge clk) X <= Y;
Delay assignment X<=Y until the positive edge of “clk”.
X <= @ (posedge clk) Y;
Read y immediately but delay the assignment to posedge “clk”.

2022-09-17 266
Edge sensitive event control
• A statement happens only when the posedge and/or negedge
event happens
1. Can be attached to sensitivity list of an “always” block
always @ (posedge clk);
Execute the always block at each rising edge of signal “clk”
2. Or to individual assignments
@ (posedge clk) X <= Y;
Delay assignment X<=Y until the positive edge of “clk”.
X <= @ (posedge clk) Y;
Read y immediately but delay the assignment to posedge “clk”.
3. At positive and/or negative edges
@(posedge x and negedge y)
@(posedge x or negedge y)
2022-09-17 267
Edge sensitive event control
module tb; //demo_7 module tb; //demo_7

reg clk; reg clk;

reg [2:0] a, b, c, d; reg [3:0] a, b, c, d;
initial begin initial begin
clk = 0; clk = 0;
forever begin forever begin
#5 clk = ~clk; #5 clk = ~clk;
end end
end end

always begin always begin

@(posedge clk) a=3'd1; @(posedge clk) a<=3'd1;
@(posedge clk) b=3'd2; @(posedge clk) b<=3'd2;
@(posedge clk) c=3'd3; @(posedge clk) c<=3'd3;
@(posedge clk) d=3’d4; @(posedge clk) d<=3’d4;
$display("time is %0t",$time); $display("time is %0t",$time);
end end
endmodule endmodule
2022-09-17 268
Edge sensitive event control
module tb; //demo_7 module tb; //demo_7

reg clk; reg clk;

reg [2:0] a, b, c, d; reg [3:0] a, b, c, d;
initial begin initial begin
clk = 0; clk = 0;
forever begin forever begin
#5 clk = ~clk; #5 clk = ~clk;
end end
end end

always begin always begin

@(posedge clk) a=3'd1; @(posedge clk) a<=3'd1;
@(posedge clk) b=3'd2; @(posedge clk) b<=3'd2;
@(posedge clk) c=3'd3; @(posedge clk) c<=3'd3;
@(posedge clk) d=3’d4; @(posedge clk) d<=3’d4;
$display("time is %0t",$time); $display("time is %0t",$time);
end end
endmodule endmodule
2022-09-17 269
Edge sensitive event control
module tb; //demo_7 module tb; //demo_7

reg clk; reg clk;

reg [2:0] a, b, c, d; reg [3:0] a, b, c, d;
initial begin initial begin
clk = 0; clk = 0;
forever begin forever begin
#5 clk = ~clk; #5 clk = ~clk;
end end
end end

always begin always begin

@(posedge clk) a=3'd1; @(posedge clk) a<=3'd1;
@(posedge clk) b=3'd2; @(posedge clk) b<=3'd2;
@(posedge clk) c=3'd3; @(posedge clk) c<=3'd3;
@(posedge clk) d=3’d4; @(posedge clk) d<=3’d4;
$display("time is %0t",$time); $display("time is %0t",$time);
end end
endmodule endmodule
2022-09-17 270
Edge sensitive event control
module tb; //demo_7 module tb; //demo_7

reg clk; reg clk;

reg [2:0] a, b, c, d; reg [3:0] a, b, c, d;
initial begin initial begin
clk = 0; clk = 0;
forever begin forever begin
#5 clk = ~clk; #5 clk = ~clk;
end time is 35 ns end
end time is 75 ns end
time is 115 ns
always begin time is 155 ns always begin
@(posedge clk) a=3'd1; time is 195 ns @(posedge clk) a<=3'd1;
@(posedge clk) b=3'd2; time is 235 ns @(posedge clk) b<=3'd2;
@(posedge clk) c=3'd3; time is 275 ns @(posedge clk) c<=3'd3;
@(posedge clk) d=3’d4; time is 315 ns @(posedge clk) d<=3’d4;
$display("time is %0t",$time); time is 355 ns $display("time is %0t",$time);
end time is 395 ns end
endmodule time is 435 ns endmodule
2022-09-17 271
Edge sensitive event control
module tb; //demo_7 module tb; //demo_7

reg clk; reg clk;

reg [2:0] a, b, c, d; reg [3:0] a, b, c, d;
initial begin initial begin
clk = 0; clk = 0;
forever begin forever begin
#5 clk = ~clk; #5 clk = ~clk;
end time is 35 ns end time is 35 ns
end time is 75 ns end time is 75 ns
time is 115 ns time is 115 ns
always begin time is 155 ns always begin time is 155 ns
@(posedge clk) a=3'd1; time is 195 ns @(posedge clk) a<=3'd1; time is 195 ns
@(posedge clk) b=3'd2; time is 235 ns @(posedge clk) b<=3'd2; time is 235 ns
@(posedge clk) c=3'd3; time is 275 ns @(posedge clk) c<=3'd3; time is 275 ns
@(posedge clk) d=3’d4; time is 315 ns @(posedge clk) d<=3’d4; time is 315 ns
$display("time is %0t",$time); time is 355 ns $display("time is %0t",$time); time is 355 ns
end time is 395 ns end time is 395 ns
endmodule time is 435 ns endmodule time is 435 ns
2022-09-17 272
Level sensitive event control
• @(X, Y)
• A block will be executed each time a variable changes its value
• @* or @(*)
• A block will be executed at change of any variable that is read in its
• Always use blocking assignment “=” inside @*/@(*)
• wait( )
• A block will be executed until a condition becomes true within the wait()

2022-09-17 273
Example of wait()
module tb;
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk;

initial begin
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);

always clk = #10 ~clk;

always @ (posedge clk)

ctr <= ctr + 1;
2022-09-17 274
Example of wait()
module tb;
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk;

initial begin
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);

always clk = #10 ~clk;

always @ (posedge clk)

ctr <= ctr + 1;
2022-09-17 275
Example of wait()
module tb;
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk;

initial begin
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);

always clk = #10 ~clk;

always @ (posedge clk)

ctr <= ctr + 1;
2022-09-17 276
Example of wait()
module tb;
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk;

initial begin
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);

always clk = #10 ~clk;

always @ (posedge clk)

ctr <= ctr + 1;
2022-09-17 277
Example of wait()
module tb;
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0
initial begin
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);

always clk = #10 ~clk;

always @ (posedge clk)

ctr <= ctr + 1;
2022-09-17 278
Example of wait()
module tb;
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0
initial begin
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);

always clk = #10 ~clk;

always @ (posedge clk)

ctr <= ctr + 1;
2022-09-17 279
Example of wait()
module tb;
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0
initial begin
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.

always clk = #10 ~clk;

always @ (posedge clk)

ctr <= ctr + 1;
2022-09-17 280
Example of wait()
module tb;
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0
initial begin
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.

always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.

always @ (posedge clk)

ctr <= ctr + 1;
2022-09-17 281
Example of wait()
module tb;
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0
initial begin
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.

always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.

always @ (posedge clk) Executed at

ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0.

2022-09-17 282
Example of wait()
module tb;
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0
initial begin
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.

always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.

always @ (posedge clk) Executed at

ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0.

Blocked until 283
endmodule posedge clk.
Example of wait()
module tb;
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0
initial begin
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.

always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.

always @ (posedge clk) Executed at

ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0.

Blocked until 284
endmodule posedge clk.
Example of wait()
module tb; Initial block first
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0
initial begin
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.

always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.

always @ (posedge clk) Executed at

ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0.

Blocked until 285
endmodule posedge clk.
Example of wait()
module tb; Initial block first
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0
initial begin
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.
10 UT: clk = 1
always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.
Blocked for 10 UT.
always @ (posedge clk) Executed at
ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0.

Blocked until 286
endmodule posedge clk.
Example of wait()
module tb; Initial block first
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0
initial begin
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.
10 UT: clk = 1
always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.
Blocked for 10 UT.
always @ (posedge clk) Executed at
ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0.

Blocked until 287
endmodule posedge clk.
Example of wait()
module tb; Initial block first
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0
initial begin
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.
10 UT: clk = 1
always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.
Blocked for 10 UT.
always @ (posedge clk) Executed at
ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0.

Blocked until 10 UT: ctr = 1 288
endmodule posedge clk. Wait for posedge.
Example of wait()
module tb; Initial block first
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0
initial begin
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.
10 UT: clk = 1
always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.
Blocked for 10 UT.
always @ (posedge clk) Executed at
ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0.

Blocked until 10 UT: ctr = 1 289
endmodule posedge clk. Wait for posedge.
Example of wait()
module tb; Initial block first
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0 10 UT: execute the
first $display.
initial begin Blocked until crt is 4
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.
10 UT: clk = 1
always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.
Blocked for 10 UT.
always @ (posedge clk) Executed at
ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0.

Blocked until 10 UT: ctr = 1 290
endmodule posedge clk. Wait for posedge.
Example of wait()
module tb; Initial block first
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0 10 UT: execute the
first $display.
initial begin Blocked until crt is 4
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.
10 UT: clk = 1
always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.
Blocked for 10 UT.
always @ (posedge clk) Executed at
ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0.

Blocked until 10 UT: ctr = 1 291
endmodule posedge clk. Wait for posedge.
Example of wait()
module tb; Initial block first Trigger order
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0 10 UT: execute the
first $display.
initial begin Blocked until crt is 4
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.
10 UT: clk = 1
always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.
Blocked for 10 UT.
always @ (posedge clk) Executed at
ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0.

Blocked until 10 UT: ctr = 1 292
endmodule posedge clk. Wait for posedge.
Example of wait()
module tb; Initial block first Trigger order
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0 10 UT: execute the
first $display.
initial begin Blocked until crt is 4
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.
10 UT: clk = 1 20 UT: clk = 0
always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.
Blocked for 10 UT. Blocked for 10 UT.
always @ (posedge clk) Executed at
ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0.

Blocked until 10 UT: ctr = 1 293
endmodule posedge clk. Wait for posedge.
Example of wait()
module tb; Initial block first Trigger order
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0 10 UT: execute the
first $display.
initial begin Blocked until crt is 4
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.
10 UT: clk = 1 20 UT: clk = 0
always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.
Blocked for 10 UT. Blocked for 10 UT.
always @ (posedge clk) Executed at 70 UT: clk = 1
ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0. Blocked for 10 UT.

Blocked until 10 UT: ctr = 1 294
endmodule posedge clk. Wait for posedge.
Example of wait()
module tb; Initial block first Trigger order
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0 10 UT: execute the
first $display.
initial begin Blocked until crt is 4
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.
10 UT: clk = 1 20 UT: clk = 0
always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.
Blocked for 10 UT. Blocked for 10 UT.
always @ (posedge clk) Executed at 70 UT: clk = 1
ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0. Blocked for 10 UT.

Blocked until 10 UT: ctr = 1 295
endmodule posedge clk. Wait for posedge.
Example of wait()
module tb; Initial block first Trigger order
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0 10 UT: execute the
first $display.
initial begin Blocked until crt is 4
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.
10 UT: clk = 1 20 UT: clk = 0
always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.
Blocked for 10 UT. Blocked for 10 UT.
always @ (posedge clk) Executed at 70 UT: clk = 1
ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0. Blocked for 10 UT.

Blocked until 10 UT: ctr = 1 70 UT:296
ctr = 4
endmodule posedge clk. Wait for posedge. Blocked for 10 UT.
Example of wait()
module tb; Initial block first Trigger order
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0 10 UT: execute the
first $display.
initial begin Blocked until crt is 4
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.
10 UT: clk = 1 20 UT: clk = 0
always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.
Blocked for 10 UT. Blocked for 10 UT.
always @ (posedge clk) Executed at 70 UT: clk = 1
ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0. Blocked for 10 UT.

Blocked until 10 UT: ctr = 1 70 UT:297
ctr = 4
endmodule posedge clk. Wait for posedge. Blocked for 10 UT.
Example of wait()
module tb; Initial block first Trigger order
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0 10 UT: execute the 70 UT: execute the
first $display. second $display.
initial begin Blocked until crt is 4 Simulation finishes.
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.
10 UT: clk = 1 20 UT: clk = 0
always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.
Blocked for 10 UT. Blocked for 10 UT.
always @ (posedge clk) Executed at 70 UT: clk = 1
ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0. Blocked for 10 UT.

Blocked until 10 UT: ctr = 1 70 UT:298
ctr = 4
endmodule posedge clk. Wait for posedge. Blocked for 10 UT.
Example of wait()
module tb; Initial block first Trigger order
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0 10 UT: execute the 70 UT: execute the
first $display. second $display.
initial begin Blocked until crt is 4 Simulation finishes.
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.
10 UT: clk = 1 20 UT: clk = 0
always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.
Blocked for 10 UT. Blocked for 10 UT.
always @ (posedge clk) Executed at 70 UT: clk = 1
ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0. Blocked for 10 UT.

Blocked until 10 UT: ctr = 1 70 UT:299
ctr = 4
endmodule posedge clk. Wait for posedge. Blocked for 10 UT.
Example of wait()
module tb; Initial block first Trigger order Trigger order
reg [3:0] ctr;
reg clk; Executed at simulation
time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0 10 UT: execute the 70 UT: execute the
first $display. second $display.
initial begin Blocked until crt is 4 Simulation finishes.
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.
10 UT: clk = 1 20 UT: clk = 0
always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.
Blocked for 10 UT. Blocked for 10 UT.
always @ (posedge clk) Executed at 70 UT: clk = 1
ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0. Blocked for 10 UT.

Blocked until 10 UT: ctr = 1 70 UT:300
ctr = 4
endmodule posedge clk. Wait for posedge. Blocked for 10 UT.
Example of wait()
module tb; Initial block first Trigger order Trigger order
reg [3:0] ctr;
A hideous Executed at simulation
reg clk; 10 UT: execute the 70 UT: execute the
bug here time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0
first $display. second $display.
initial begin Blocked until crt is 4 Simulation finishes.
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.
10 UT: clk = 1 20 UT: clk = 0
always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.
Blocked for 10 UT. Blocked for 10 UT.
always @ (posedge clk) Executed at 70 UT: clk = 1
ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0. Blocked for 10 UT.

Blocked until 10 UT: ctr = 1 70 UT:301
ctr = 4
endmodule posedge clk. Wait for posedge. Blocked for 10 UT.
Example of wait()
module tb; Initial block first Trigger order Trigger order
reg [3:0] ctr;
A hideous Executed at simulation
reg clk; 10 UT: execute the 70 UT: execute the
bug here time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0
first $display. second $display.
initial begin Blocked until crt is 4 Simulation finishes.
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
wait (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.
10 UT: clk = 1 20 UT: clk = 0
always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.
Blocked for 10 UT. Blocked for 10 UT.
always @ (posedge clk) Executed at 70 UT: clk = 1
ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0. Blocked for 10 UT.

Blocked until 10 UT: ctr = 1 70 UT:302
ctr = 4
endmodule posedge clk. Wait for posedge. Blocked for 10 UT.
Example of wait()
module tb; Initial block first Trigger order Trigger order
reg [3:0] ctr;
A hideous Executed at simulation
reg clk; 10 UT: execute the 70 UT: execute the
bug here time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0
first $display. second $display.
initial begin Blocked until crt is 4 Simulation finishes.
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
be ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
=, notwait
<= (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.
10 UT: clk = 1 20 UT: clk = 0
always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.
Blocked for 10 UT. Blocked for 10 UT.
always @ (posedge clk) Executed at 70 UT: clk = 1
ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0. Blocked for 10 UT.

Blocked until 10 UT: ctr = 1 70 UT:303
ctr = 4
endmodule posedge clk. Wait for posedge. Blocked for 10 UT.
Example of wait()
module tb; Initial block first Trigger order Trigger order
reg [3:0] ctr;
A hideous Executed at simulation
reg clk; 10 UT: execute the 70 UT: execute the
bug here time 0. {ctr, clk} <=0
first $display. second $display.
initial begin Blocked until crt is 4 Simulation finishes.
{ctr, clk} <= {4’b0000, 1’b0};
wait (ctr);
be ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
=, notwait
<= (ctr == 4’b0100)
$display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
$finish; Executed at simulation
end time 0.
10 UT: clk = 1 20 UT: clk = 0
always clk = #10 ~clk; Blocked for 10 UT.
Blocked for 10 UT. Blocked for 10 UT.
always @ (posedge clk) Executed at 70 UT: clk = 1
ctr <= ctr + 1; simulation time 0. Blocked for 10 UT.

Blocked until 10 UT: ctr = 1 70 UT:304
ctr = 4
endmodule posedge clk. Wait for posedge. Blocked for 10 UT.
Verilog function vs task
• Verilog provides function and task for code reuse.
• Help to improve reusability readability in large projects.
• They are similar but differ in many aspects.

2022-09-17 305
Verilog function vs task
• Verilog provides Function
function and task for code reuse. Task
1 Do not allow initial or always block.
• Help to improve reusability readability in large projects.
• They are similar but differ in many aspects.

2022-09-17 306
Verilog function vs task
• Verilog provides Function function and task for code reuse. Task
1 Do not allow initial or always block.
• Help
2 A to improve
function reusability
takes 0 simulation readability
time to execute. intakes
A task large projects.
arbitrary simulation time to execute
depending on the timing control statements within.
• They are similar but differ in many aspects.

2022-09-17 307
Verilog function vs task
• Verilog provides Function function and task for code reuse. Task
1 Do not allow initial or always block.
• Help
2 A to improve
function reusability
takes 0 simulation readability
time to execute. intakes
A task large projects.
arbitrary simulation time to execute
depending on the timing control statements within.
• They
are similar but differ in many aspects.
A function cannot contain timing control statements A task can contain timing control statements.
such as: # delay, posedge, negedge, etc.

2022-09-17 308
Verilog function vs task
• Verilog provides Function function and task for code reuse. Task
1 Do not allow initial or always block.
• Help
2 A to improve
function reusability
takes 0 simulation readability
time to execute. intakes
A task large projects.
arbitrary simulation time to execute
depending on the timing control statements within.
• They
are similar but differ in many aspects.
A function cannot contain timing control statements A task can contain timing control statements.
such as: # delay, posedge, negedge, etc.
4 A function can call other functions but can not call A task can call other functions or tasks.
tasks. (Because of rule 2 and 3)
(Because of Rule 2 & 3)

2022-09-17 309
Verilog function vs task
• Verilog provides Function function and task for code reuse. Task
1 Do not allow initial or always block.
• Help
2 A to improve
function reusability
takes 0 simulation readability
time to execute. intakes
A task large projects.
arbitrary simulation time to execute
depending on the timing control statements within.
• They
are similar but differ in many aspects.
A function cannot contain timing control statements A task can contain timing control statements.
such as: # delay, posedge, negedge, etc.
4 A function can call other functions but can not call A task can call other functions or tasks.
tasks. (Because of rule 2 and 3)
(Because of Rule 2 & 3)
5 A function must have at least one input argument A task can have any number (zero or more) of
but cannot have output arguments. input and output ports.

2022-09-17 310
Verilog function vs task
• Verilog provides Function function and task for code reuse. Task
1 Do not allow initial or always block.
• Help
2 A to improve
function reusability
takes 0 simulation readability
time to execute. intakes
A task large projects.
arbitrary simulation time to execute
depending on the timing control statements within.
• They
are similar but differ in many aspects.
A function cannot contain timing control statements A task can contain timing control statements.
such as: # delay, posedge, negedge, etc.
4 A function can call other functions but can not call A task can call other functions or tasks.
tasks. (Because of rule 2 and 3)
(Because of Rule 2 & 3)
5 A function must have at least one input argument A task can have any number (zero or more) of
but cannot have output arguments. input and output ports.

6 A function can return a single value. A task cannot return a value but can achieve the
same effect using output arguments.

2022-09-17 311
Verilog function vs task
• Verilog provides Function function and task for code reuse. Task
1 Do not allow initial or always block.
• Help
2 A to improve
function reusability
takes 0 simulation readability
time to execute. intakes
A task large projects.
arbitrary simulation time to execute
depending on the timing control statements within.
• They
are similar but differ in many aspects.
A function cannot contain timing control statements A task can contain timing control statements.
such as: # delay, posedge, negedge, etc.
4 A function can call other functions but can not call A task can call other functions or tasks.
tasks. (Because of rule 2 and 3)
(Because of Rule 2 & 3)
5 A function must have at least one input argument A task can have any number (zero or more) of
but cannot have output arguments. input and output ports.

6 A function can return a single value. A task cannot return a value but can achieve the
same effect using output arguments.
7 A function can be called in an expression or can be A task must be specifically called with a statement.
called with a statement (disconnected function). (Because of Rule 5 and 6)
2022-09-17 (Because of Rule 5 and 6) 312
Verilog function vs task
• Verilog provides Function function and task for code reuse. Task
1 Do not allow initial or always block.
• Help
2 A to improve
function reusability
takes 0 simulation readability
time to execute. intakes
A task large projects.
arbitrary simulation time to execute
depending on the timing control statements within.
• They
similar but
in many
A function cannot contain timing control statements A task can contain timing control statements.
such as: # delay, posedge, negedge, etc.
4 Usecanfunction
A function to
call other functions but can model
not call A taskcombi-logic.
can call other functions or tasks.

Use task toofmodel either combi- or sequential logic.

tasks. (Because of rule 2 and 3)
(Because Rule 2 & 3)
5 A function must have at least one input argument A task can have any number (zero or more) of
but cannot have output arguments. input and output ports.

6 A function can return a single value. A task cannot return a value but can achieve the
same effect using output arguments.
7 A function can be called in an expression or can be A task must be specifically called with a statement.
called with a statement (disconnected function). (Because of Rule 5 and 6)
2022-09-17 (Because of Rule 5 and 6) 313
module has_function (x_in, rev_x); //demo_9 module has_task (x_in, rev_x); //demo_9
parameter maxbits = 8; parameter maxbits = 8;

input [maxbits - 1 : 0] x_in; input [maxbits - 1 : 0] x_in;

output reg [maxbits - 1 : 0] rev_x; output reg [maxbits - 1 : 0] rev_x;

function [maxbits - 1 : 0] reverse_bits; task reverse_bits;

input [maxbits - 1 : 0] din; input [maxbits - 1 : 0] din;

output [maxbits - 1 : 0] dout;

integer k; integer k;
begin begin
for (k=0; k < maxbits; k = k +1) for (k=0; k < maxbits; k = k +1)
reverse_bits[maxbits-1-k] = din[k]; dout[maxbits-1-k] = din[k];
end end
endfunction endtask

always @ (x_in) always @ (x_in)

rev_x = reverse_bits(x_in); reverse_bits(x_in, rev_x);

endmodule endmodule
2022-09-17 314
module has_function (x_in, rev_x); //demo_9 module has_task (x_in, rev_x); //demo_9
parameter maxbits = 8; parameter maxbits = 8;

input [maxbits - 1 : 0] x_in; input [maxbits - 1 : 0] x_in;

output reg [maxbits - 1 : 0] rev_x; output reg [maxbits - 1 : 0] rev_x;

function [maxbits - 1 : 0] reverse_bits; task reverse_bits;

input [maxbits - 1 : 0] din; input [maxbits - 1 : 0] din;

output [maxbits - 1 : 0] dout;

integer k; integer k;
begin begin
for (k=0; k < maxbits; k = k +1) for (k=0; k < maxbits; k = k +1)
reverse_bits[maxbits-1-k] = din[k]; dout[maxbits-1-k] = din[k];
end end
endfunction endtask

always @ (x_in) always @ (x_in)

rev_x = reverse_bits(x_in); reverse_bits(x_in, rev_x);

endmodule endmodule
2022-09-17 315
module has_function (x_in, rev_x); //demo_9 module has_task (x_in, rev_x); //demo_9
parameter maxbits = 8; parameter maxbits = 8;

input [maxbits - 1 : 0] x_in; input [maxbits - 1 : 0] x_in;

output reg [maxbits - 1 : 0] rev_x; output reg [maxbits - 1 : 0] rev_x;

function [maxbits - 1 : 0] reverse_bits; task reverse_bits;

function name is the
input [maxbits - 1 : 0] din; implicit output reg name. input [maxbits - 1 : 0] din;
output [maxbits - 1 : 0] dout;
Don’t declare your local
integer k; reg with the same name! integer k;
begin begin
for (k=0; k < maxbits; k = k +1) for (k=0; k < maxbits; k = k +1)
reverse_bits[maxbits-1-k] = din[k]; dout[maxbits-1-k] = din[k];
end end
endfunction endtask

always @ (x_in) always @ (x_in)

rev_x = reverse_bits(x_in); reverse_bits(x_in, rev_x);

endmodule endmodule
2022-09-17 316
module has_function (x_in, rev_x); //demo_9 module has_task (x_in, rev_x); //demo_9
parameter maxbits = 8; parameter maxbits = 8;

input [maxbits - 1 : 0] x_in; input [maxbits - 1 : 0] x_in;

output reg [maxbits - 1 : 0] rev_x; output reg [maxbits - 1 : 0] rev_x;

function [maxbits - 1 : 0] reverse_bits; task reverse_bits;

function name is the
input [maxbits - 1 : 0] din; implicit output reg name. input [maxbits - 1 : 0] din;
output [maxbits - 1 : 0] dout;
Don’t declare your local
integer k; reg with the same name! integer k;
begin begin
for (k=0; k < maxbits; k = k +1) for (k=0; k < maxbits; k = k +1)
reverse_bits[maxbits-1-k] = din[k]; dout[maxbits-1-k] = din[k];
end end
endfunction endtask

always @ (x_in) always @ (x_in)

rev_x = reverse_bits(x_in); reverse_bits(x_in, rev_x);

endmodule endmodule
2022-09-17 317
module has_function (x_in, rev_x); //demo_9 module has_task (x_in, rev_x); //demo_9
parameter maxbits = 8; parameter maxbits = 8;

input [maxbits - 1 : 0] x_in; input [maxbits - 1 : 0] x_in;

output reg [maxbits - 1 : 0] rev_x; output reg [maxbits - 1 : 0] rev_x;

function [maxbits - 1 : 0] reverse_bits; task reverse_bits;

function name is the
input [maxbits - 1 : 0] din; implicit output reg name. input [maxbits - 1 : 0] din;
output [maxbits - 1 : 0] dout;
Don’t declare your local
integer k; reg with the same name! integer k;
begin begin
for (k=0; k < maxbits; k = k +1) for (k=0; k < maxbits; k = k +1)
reverse_bits[maxbits-1-k] = din[k]; dout[maxbits-1-k] = din[k];
end end
endfunction endtask

always @ (x_in) always @ (x_in)

rev_x = reverse_bits(x_in); reverse_bits(x_in, rev_x);

endmodule endmodule
2022-09-17 318

2022-09-17 319

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