Essay (QualityOfTravelling)

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Travelling worldwide is becoming less enjoyable in comparison to the previous years.

Especially, when the world is in the middle of the pandemic with numerous restrictions imposed

by governments, the scarcity of international transportations caused by the lockdowns of

countries and the rising costs of hospitality and consumer goods. As travelling is an important

aspect of many people’s lives, whether it is for business or relaxation purposes, the deterioration

of the quality of international travels significantly reduces the satisfaction of the travelers.

Governments, around the world, have restricted the entry as well as human interactions in

their countries in hopes of stopping the prevalence of the virus. Although the social distancing is

imposed with good intentions, it makes the travelers inconvenient and travelling dull as the

travelers can no longer walk around the areas that attract the tourists the most, communicate with

the locals and experience cultural differences. Some people may decide not to travel at all

because of the lengthy durations of quarantine that is required to prove that they are not infected

by the virus and enable them entry into the nation they are visiting.

Moreover, some countries are forced to go into a complete lockdown because of the

uncontrollable spread of the virus to stop endangering the lives of their citizens, therefore, the

countries that one can travel to as well as the modes of transportation become less available.

According to BBC News, “over 100 countries went into full or partial lockdown during the

pandemic”, which resulted in fewer countries that one can enter. The lockdown also drastically

affected the transportation services as the services are given a choice to either reduce the number

of operations or go bankrupt due to the lack of demand. Thus, the travelers are left with no

choice but to accept the available transportation services that fail to meet the quality of the

transportation services when the services were fully functional.

According to the data collected by the World Economic Forum, Travel and Tourism

sector, which contributed approximately 10% of the global gross domestic product, suffered

losses of over $4.5 trillion and 62 million jobs. In order to keep the businesses up and running in

a declining sector, the price of hospitality have to be raised to adjust with the lack of demand.

The disruption in the supplies due to the transportation issues has also led to the rise in consumer

goods. As a result, the quality of international travels is immensely reduced as the travelers are

forced to pay greater prices for the hospitality services and consumer goods that are not worth

the price.

Traveling, being a key component of the lives of many people, whether for personal or

professional reasons, the decline in the quality of traveling abroad greatly lessens the

contentment of the travelers. The need for an increase in the quality of international travels is

absolutely critical as tourism makes up a huge part in the world’s economy as well as the mental

state of the people. Fortunately, as the world recovers from the pandemic, people will travel

more. As a result, the transportation and hospitality businesses can, once again, be fully

functional and increase the quality of the services they offer.

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