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Thesis :

Digital literacy is required in the use of technology. One of the components in the learning
and academic environment is digital literacy. The application of digital literacy can make
people much wiser in using and accessing technology. In the eld of technology,
especially information and communication, digital literacy is related to the ability of its
users. The ability to use technology as wisely as possible to create positive interactions
and communications.

Arguments :

Digital literacy has challenges that must be faced. This challenge can be overcome by
implementing digital literacy in every use of information and communication technology.
Negative content is one of the challenges of the digital literacy era. For example
pornographic content, HOAX, SARA issues and others. Individual ability to access the
internet, especially information and communication technology, must be accompanied by
digital literacy. So that individuals can nd out which content is positive and useful and
which content is negative.

Conclusion/Reiteration :

Everyone can easily provide and obtain information. However, we should not easily
believe anything on social media, especi


Thesis :

Talking about drugs, is always associated with the e ects of addiction that can be
experienced by users. The dangers of drug abuse do not only have an impact on the
physical, but also interfere with the mental or mental condition of the addict.

Arguments :

Basically, psychotropic compounds are usually used by doctors or within the scope of a
hospital to anesthetize patients who are about to undergo surgery. Or it is also commonly
used to treat certain diseases which of course are in accordance with the dosage.
However, some people use this drug out of function and at a dosage that they should. In
fact, if misused, drugs will cause harmful e ects that can a ect the nervous system. As a
result, addiction and dependence appear. Another impact on emotional, mental, and also
spiritual. There are many harmful e ects of drug abuse that will arise. Physical impact, the
body experiences biological adaptation to drug use in the long term, especially types of
drugs that are downers. Body changes can be so great that even cells and organs
become dependent on the drug.

Conclusion/Reiteration :

Based on the arguments that have been presented, we know that there are many bad
e ects of drug abuse. Starting from the physical impact, mental, emotional, to spiritual.
This is very dangerous for us so it needs to be eradicated and prevented.

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