IELTS Xuan Phi - Giai de Speaking 17.12.2022

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Written by: Xuân Phi, 19/12/2022

Supported by: Ex-BC Examiner, 20/12/2022
Question: In many countries people increasingly talk about money (how much they earn or
how much they pay for things in their daily conversations). Why? Is this a positive or negative
(IELTS Academic – 17/12/2022)

ANSWER (8.0+):
People in different parts of the world are more open to talk about their income figures and
expenses with others. This is attributed to the desire to learn about reasonable spending and
seek better job opportunities. I believe that this propensity is detrimental to both businesses and

There are two driving factors behind the tendency of sharing their salary and spending among
individuals. The first one is that they want to receive advice in terms of expenditure. This is
because they can compare spending allocations for different aspects of their lives with others
and learn from each other how to budget more wisely. Another justification is that they are
inclined to acquire more information about competitive salaries, identifying better chances in
the job market. When conversing with friends and colleagues about income, employees can be
informed about better paying jobs and more desirable workplaces. As a result, they would likely
alter between occupations and workplaces to earn more money.

However, I consider that this tendency has adverse impacts on both employers and employees.
In terms of the former, it poses a threat to personnel management and retention. For instance,
it is challenging for the human resources department in each company to offer a suitable salary
to each employee when personnel openly share about their income in the workplace, failing to
attract and retain talents who deserve higher income. Furthermore, people’s mentality can be
adversely influenced. More specifically, they are likely to be stressed and depressed when finding
out that others are able to spend more or purchase things that they can afford.

In conclusion, the rising trend of conversing about income and spending matters is rooted from
the yearning for useful advice on budgeting and higher paying jobs. Nevertheless, I contend that
it has deleterious influence on both employers’ management and individuals’ mental well-being.

(Word count: 305)



Income figures Con số thu nhập

Reasonable spending Chi tiêu hợp lý

Spending allocations Phân bổ chi tiêu

Budget Chi tiêu, phân bổ chi tiêu

Competitive salaries Mức lương cạnh tranh

Better paying jobs Công việc được trả lương cao hơn

Alter between occupations Đổi việc

Personnel management and retention Quản lý và giữ chân nhân sự

The human resources department Phòng nhân sự

Attract and retain talents Thu hút và giữ chân nhân tài
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band sau khóa học!

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