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Q1: For if the minimum value of is then a value

of p is …………. .
(A) 3


(C) 4


Q1: For if the minimum value of is then a value

of p is …………. .
(A) 3


(C) 4



It is sum distance of for and

For minimising, should lie on and
Q2: The number of real values such that the system of linear equations

has no solution, is :-
(A) 0

(B) 1

(C) 2

(D) 4

Q2: The number of real values such that the system of linear equations

has no solution, is :-
(A) 0

(B) 1

(C) 2

(D) 4


for 2 value of out of which one is and other is +ve

So, 2 values of satisfy the system of equations to obtain no solution
Q3: The number of bijective function
 such that is ……….. .



Q3: The number of bijective function
 such that is ……….. .





As function is one-one and onto, out of 50 elements of domain set 17 elements are following restriction

So number of ways
Q4: The remainder when is divided by 9 is
(A) 1

(B) 4

(C) 6

(D) 8




Q4: The remainder when is divided by 9 is

(A) 1

(B) 4

(C) 6

(D) 8



So, remainder is 8
So, remainder is 8
Q5: The sum is equal to




Q5: The sum is equal to





Q6: is equal to

(A) 14

(B) 7


Q6: is equal to

(A) 14

(B) 7




using L-H Rule

using L-H Rule

Q7: is equal to


(B) 1

(C) 2


Q7: is equal to


(B) 1

(C) 2



Let and if then

Q8: If A and B are two events such that and
then is equal to



Q8: If A and B are two events such that and
then is equal to





Q9: Let denote the greatest integer less than or equal to . Then the value of the integral
is equal to



Q9: Let denote the greatest integer less than or equal to . Then the value of the integral
is equal to





is periodic with period 2 and is periodic with period 1.


Q10: Let the point be at a unit distance from each of the two lines
and If P lies below and above
then is equal to

(B) 42


(D) 14
Q10: Let the point be at a unit distance from each of the two lines
and If P lies below and above
then is equal to

(B) 42


(D) 14

Equation of angle bisector of and of angle containing origin

Solution of and
Gives the required point
Q11: Let a smooth curve be such that the slope of the tangent at any point
on it is directly proportional to If the curve passes through the point (1, 2) and (8, 1),

then is equal to

(B) 4

(C) 1


Q11: Let a smooth curve be such that the slope of the tangent at any point
on it is directly proportional to If the curve passes through the point (1, 2) and (8, 1),

then is equal to

(B) 4

(C) 1



If the above equation satisfy (1, 2) and (8, 1)

So, at
Q12: If the ellipse meets the line on the x-axis and the line
on the y-axis, then the eccentricity of the ellipse is




Q12: If the ellipse meets the line on the x-axis and the line
on the y-axis, then the eccentricity of the ellipse is






meets the line on the x-axis

and meets the line on the y-axis

Q13: The tangents at the point A (1, 3) and B (1, –1) on the parabola
meet at the point P. Then the area (in ) of the triangle PAB is :-
(A) 4

(B) 6

(C) 7

(D) 8
Q13: The tangents at the point A (1, 3) and B (1, –1) on the parabola
meet at the point P. Then the area (in ) of the triangle PAB is :-
(A) 4

(B) 6

(C) 7

(D) 8

Given curve :
Can be written as

And, the given information

Can be plotted as shown in figure
Tangent at {using T = 0}

Intersection with is

Hence, point P is (–3, 1)

Taking advantage of symmetry

Area of

= 8 sq. units
Q14: Let the foci of the ellipse and the hyperbola coincide.
Then the length of the latus rectum of the hyperbola is :-



Q14: Let the foci of the ellipse and the hyperbola coincide.
Then the length of the latus rectum of the hyperbola is :-




Ellipse :

Hyperbola :

Eccentricity =

If foci coincide then

Hence, hyperbola is

Length of latus rectum

Q15: A plane E is perpendicular to the two planes and
and passes through the point If the distance of the plane
E from the point Q (a, a, 2) is then is equal to
(A) 9

(B) 12

(C) 21

(D) 33
Q15: A plane E is perpendicular to the two planes and
and passes through the point If the distance of the plane
E from the point Q (a, a, 2) is then is equal to
(A) 9

(B) 12

(C) 21

(D) 33

First plane, normal vector

Second plane, normal vector
Plane perpendicular to and will have normal vector
Equation of plane E through P (1, –1, 1) and as normal vector

Distance of PQ from

as given,
Q16: The shortest distance between the lines and

(B) 1



Q16: The shortest distance between the lines and


(B) 1




Any point on it and is parallel to

Any point on it,

and is parallel to
Shortest distance between and
Q17: Let and be a vector such that and
Then the projection of on the vector is :-



Q17: Let and be a vector such that and
Then the projection of on the vector is :-




Projection of on
Q18: If the mean deviation about median for the number arranged
in the ascending order, is 6 then the median is
(A) 11.5

(B) 10.5

(C) 12

(D) 11

Q18: If the mean deviation about median for the number arranged
in the ascending order, is 6 then the median is
(A) 11.5

(B) 10.5

(C) 12

(D) 11



Mean deviation

Q19: is equal to



Q19: is equal to




Q20: Consider the following statements :

Ramu is intelligent

Ramu is rich

Ramu is not honest

The negation of the statement “Ramu is intelligent and honest if and only if Ramu is not rich”
can be expressed as :



Q20: Consider the following statements :

Ramu is intelligent

Ramu is rich

Ramu is not honest

The negation of the statement “Ramu is intelligent and honest if and only if Ramu is not rich”
can be expressed as :





Ramu is intelligent
Ramu is rich
Ramu is not honest
Given statement, “Ramu is intelligent and hones and only if Ramu is not rich”

So, negation of the statement is

Q21: Let Define
and the sum of all the elements of T is prime number}. Then the number
of elements in the set is ……………. .

Q21: Let Define

and the sum of all the elements of T is prime number}. Then the number
of elements in the set is ……………. .


is a set containing sub sets of A containing element 1 and not containing 2.

And is a set containing subsets of A whose sum of elements is not prime.
So, we need to calculate number of subsets of {3, 4, 5, 6, 7} whose sum of elements plus 1 is composite.
Number of such 5 elements subset = 1
Number of such 4 elements subset = 3 (except selecting 3 or 7)
Number of such 3 elements subset = 6 (excep selecting {3, 4, 5}, {3, 6, 7}, {4, 5, 7} or {5, 6, 7})
Number of such 2 elements subset = 7 (except selecting {3, 7}, {4, 6}, {5, 7})
Number of such 1 elements subset = 3 (except selecting {4} or {6})
Number of such 0 elements subset = 1
Q22: Let be a quadratic polynomial with leading coefficient 1 such that
and If the equation and have a common
real root, then is equal to ……………. .

Q22: Let be a quadratic polynomial with leading coefficient 1 such that

and If the equation and have a common

real root, then is equal to ……………. .


It is given that
Now, let us assume that is the common root of

So, f (p) is either


Q23: Let If for some

then is equal to …………….. .

Q23: Let If for some

then is equal to …………….. .


On comparing we get and

Q24: The sum of the maximum and minimum values of the function

is the interval where is the greatest integer

is ……………. .

Q24: The sum of the maximum and minimum values of the function

is the interval where is the greatest integer

is ……………. .


Critical points of

Maximum or minimum value of occur at critical points or boundary points

as both and are increasing in nature after

Sum is 4 + 11 = 15
Q25: Let be the solution of the differential equation
. If
for some then is equal to ……………… .

Q25: Let be the solution of the differential equation

. If
for some then is equal to ……………… .



Q26: Let be a twice differentiable function on R. If and

then is

equal to ……….. .
Q26: Let be a twice differentiable function on R. If and

then is

equal to ……….. .


…….. (i)


On differentiating equation (i) w.r.t. we get :

Replace by 0 we get :

Q27: Let for Then the sum

of all the elements of the set is ………… .

Q27: Let for Then the sum

of all the elements of the set is ………… .



The required set is {2, 3}.

Sum of elements = 5.
Q28: If the circles and

touch internally at the point then

is equal to …………… .

Q28: If the circles and

touch internally at the point then

is equal to …………… .


The circle has centre and radius 3 units.

The circle has centre
and radius
These two circles touch internally hence

Here, k = 2 is only possible

Equation of common tangent to two circles is
k = 2 then equation is

are foot of perpendicular from (–3, – 4) To line (i) then

Q29: Let the area enclosed by the x-axis, and the tangent and normal drawn to the curve
at the point be A. Then 8A
is equal to ……………. .
Q29: Let the area enclosed by the x-axis, and the tangent and normal drawn to the curve

at the point be A. Then 8A

is equal to ……………. .


differentiating both sides we get

Q30: Let and If

then is equal to ………………. .

Q30: Let and If

then is equal to ………………. .



……….. (i)



= 130

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