English Las No.2 4th Quarter

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Worksheet No. 1.2, Quarter 4

Learner’s Name : _____________________________________________

Grade Level/Section: _____________________________________________
Date : _____________________________________________

A. Most Essential Learning Competency
 Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning,
and the effectiveness of the presentation
B. Objective
 Identify relevant and irrelevant ideas
 Rewrite paragraph by correcting all the errors


You as a reader or as a listener learned from the ideas of a certain literary
piece that it contains. Thus, you have treated this valuable because it is relevant to
you. Yet, it is our obligation to first judge how solid the ideas and how sound the
judgment of the author is. This module will help you identify the relevant and
irrelevant ideas and determine the errors in the paragraph. Are you ready to learn?
You should be. Have fun!

Relevance of Ideas
A good paragraph must contain sentences that are related to the main topic of
the paragraph. The sentences that are to be included must support the topic
sentence of the paragraph. Hence, the topic sentence sets up the main idea while
the rest of the sentences provide details that support or explain the main idea. If you
see or read a sentence that does not seem to be related to the topic sentence, it is
probably an irrelevant idea.

A. Practice Tasks
Practice Task 1: Relevant and irrelevant ideas.
Directions: Read and analyze the paragraph. Then, copy the sentence that is
irrelevant to the given topic.
1. The longest-lived creature in the insect world is the queen termite (ant). She
has been known to live for over 50 years. During that time, the queen can lay
over 30,000 eggs each day. So, in her 50 years of life, it is possible for her to
give birth to half a billion children. Some termite hills can be over six meters

2. for many years, all books were written by hand. Because it took so long to
write one book, there were only a few of them. Most people could never own a
book. Then sometime between 1450 and 1460, Johannes Gutenberg got the
idea of carving separate letters and moving them to make new words.
Gutenberg died at the age of 68. This was the invention of moveable type.
From then on, the numbers of books printed grew quickly.

3. The solar system is believed to have formed, perhaps 5 billion years ago,
from a spinning cloud of gas called a nebula. As this nebula contracted it
began to spin faster and faster. Probably it spun off rings of planetary matter
as it became more disk-like. These rings later contracted into planets. Earth is
the third planet from the Sun.

4. Some people do not know that the whale is a mammal just like a human.
Humpback whales will sometimes leap clear up out of the water, an act known
as breaching. A humpback whale can weigh thirty tons and measure 15
meters in length. So, it takes an enormous amount of energy for a whale to

5. The largest organ in the human body is the skin. One of the skin's functions is
to help regulate the amount of body heat that flows in and out of the body.
Heavy smoking ages skin very quickly. When it is cold, we cover the skin with
extra layers of clothing to slow down the outward flow of heat. When it is hot,
evaporation of sweat cools us down.

Practice Task 2: Finding errors in paragraph (conventions)

Directions: Read the following composition. Using the general mechanics in
revision and logical arrangement of ideas, underline the words or phrase that makes
the paragraph incorrect, then rewrite the paragraph to make an effective

1. The Daragang Magayon Festival was a month-long annual festival celebrating

Mt. Mayon. It was held in April. in the entire province of Albay with most of
the activities held in Legazpi City. The Fistival features agricultural products
Display and trade fairs, culinary shows, cultural events, street parades,
photo/arts exhibits and sports events.
2. Tumbang Preso or Tumba Lata are an indigenous game. It is usually played
in backyards, parks or in the streets where there is little vehicular traffic. It is a
game wherein one player guards the milk can (the ‘’It”) while the others
stayed behind the toe-line with their pamatos. The Objective of the Game is
for the players to hitted and knocked down the milk can with the pamato, and
for its to be put back inside a small circle a few meters away from the toe line.
When a player Was tagged while recovering their pamato, they become the

Performance Task 3: Sentence Splash
Directions: Arrange the following sentences to form a well-developed
paragraph. Take note of the general mechanics in revision and logical arrangement
of ideas. Rewrite the sentences to form a paragraph.
 Of all the different types, black teas usually contain the most caffeine.
 There are many different varieties of tea.
 So, if you’re drinking tea late at night, you might want to choose the red or
herbal tea instead of black tea if you don’t want to be kept awake by caffeine.
 Teas can be grouped into a few major categories: black, green, white red and
herbal teas.
 On the other hand, red teas and herbal teas can be almost entirely caffeine-

B. Assessment: CORRECT ME!

Directions: Below is a paragraph that is full of errors. There may be spelling,
punctuation, capitalization, or grammar errors. Rewrite the paragraph by correcting
all the errors.
At the start of school Dora was afrid of her new Teacher. Mrs. Davis
seamed nice, but she had so many rules for the class to follow. She scare
someone to pieces. As the school year continued, Dora begun to understan
how the Teacher come up with the rules The rules were their so students
would be respecful of theyselves and each other. By the end of the year,
Dora though Mrs. Davis was the best Teacher she evere had!



MELC 1, Quarter 4

Development Team of the Learning Activity Sheet


Illustrators: JIDY N. ONESA and ALBERT B. BELIR
Layout Artist: ALEXIS I. PIÑGOL

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