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Assignment 3

Solid State Physics
Applied Physics Programme
Faculty of Science and Technology
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

Name : _____________________________________________________________
Matric no. : _____________________________________________________________

1. The dispersion curves are a set of curves that represent the propagation of wave
modes that are found in a specific geometry. (10 marks)

(a) There are two branches of dispersion curves. Please differentiate and draw both of
them. (5 marks)

(b) Please briefly describe phonon and draw all their vibration modes (5 marks)
2. Specific heat is the amount of heat that must be added to one unit of mass of the
substance in order to cause an increase of one unit in temperature. (10 marks)

(a) What are the differences between Dulong-Petit and Einstein approach on specific
heat, Cv. (4 marks)
Dulong-Petit model Einstein model

(b) What are the differences between Dulong-Petit and Debye specific heat, Cv.
(4 marks)
Dulong-Petit model Debye

(c) Under what condition Debye temperature can be treated classically and evolves?
(2 marks)

3. Please briefly explain and differentiate lattice specific heat and electronic specific
heat (5 marks)

4. At high temperature, the specific heat in 1D solid is Cv = ½ NkB = ½ R, where R is a
gas constant. In 2D solid, Cv = NkB = R (twice of the value obtained in 1D). In 3D
solid, Cv = ½ nNkB = ½ nR (n = dimensionality of the solid). Considering the number
of modes between frequency ω and ω + dω or g(ω) in Debye theory. Please derive the
specific heat at constant volume (3D lattice). (10 marks)
5. What is the relationship between lattice thermal conductivity and electronic thermal
conductivity. Please define and differentiate them. (5 marks)

Total marks: ___ / 40

Equivalent to: ___ / 4 = ___ % overall

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