Lesson Plan Mued 371

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Lesson Plan for 9/30- 6th Grade Beginning Woodwind Class.

Attainable Goal for Time Frame:


PLAYING GOAL FOR END OF REHEARSAL “Exploring Mi” in Habits of Musicianship

Materials Needed: Teacher edition Book of “Habits of a Successful Musician” , Teacher write out
mini stalves on board separating concert F G and now A (1, 2, 3) , and a speaker system with
metronome (pull it up on the board)
Overall Objective: Students will exhibit knowledge of proper posture and physical fundamentals of
Flute, Clarinet, and Alto Saxophone. Students will then demonstrate their aural and musical ability to
explore passages of the 1, 2nd, and 3rd scale degree by using lyrical phrasing and confidence in tone and
steady rhythm, Students will explore different tempi to put this in context!
What do students need to know to achieve the performance goal?

NOTES: DO, RE, MI (Concert F, G, and A)

SCALE (KEY/MAJOR?/PENTATONIC?): Concert F Scale ( D for saxes, G for Clarinets, and F For Flutes)
**refer to this as High (in relation to High/Low) Concert F and
Bb. Do not elaborate on transposition.

RHYTHM: Eighth notes , Quarter notes, Quarter rests, Whole rests

EXTRA NOTATIONS: Repeats, Fermatas

What information above is REVIEW and what is NEW KNOWLEDGE?


Unpacking Routine when getting to class Confidence in Tone

How to hold instrument Reading notated passages on paper

How to finger and read Concert F G A Keeping time in context

“Repeat after me” sequencing/Solfage

Brainstorm ideas to teach new knowledge….


1.Concert A Fingering Refer to this as THIRD scale degree/Mi

- Draw out on board what 3/Mi Looks like on
paper in relation to 1 and 2 and isolate section
by section the fingering.
- This will be played in context as the final excerpt
in rehearsal

2. Reading noted passages. Do a repeat after me sequence except you read first
passage “breathing easy”
- Have them tissle and become aware of when they
are resting/when they're playing.

3. Feeling pulse Play a few pop songs that are hip to them and have people
stomp, clap or snap on the beat (what the think is in
temp) Turn volume down and see if they can keep that
tempo without the music. Put this in context with notes.


Unpacking Routine and Visual ● Students unpack on own put instrument 5

Warm-Up together
● when timer goes off Teacher will lead them in
a few stretches to obtain good posture when

Announcements ● Teacher will make important announcements 2

on any upcoming tests, fundraisers, concerts

Review Physical and Musical ● Have students stands to start reviewing 10

Concert F In 4 out 4, teacher starts and
students follow (be sure to count from 4 to 1
at end of bar to signify full phrase)
● Ask and assess students on what was
uncomfortable when standing/what they
noticed about posture
● Do the same exercise but on Concert G AND
A and have them SIT
● Asses what they did better on while sitting,
get their feedback
TEACH: New knowledge TEMPO and NOTATION in context 10
● Play pop song over loud speaker and have
them clap along
● Ask what the difference is to the class, describe
“tempo” and how we feel it as musicians
● Split class in by birthday- have one side sing
hot cross buns repeat after me at bpm 160.
Have the other side then sing Hot cross buns
bpm 90 once that group is done. Teacher will
count off
● Ask them the difference of how it felt.
● Ask students to repeat after me and have
EVERYONE sing in the same tempo

EXERCISE: Utilizes new ● Teacher will clap steady tempo and then 10
knowledge/skill count off for students to SING “Exploring
● Teacher will vary in tempo upon 2 reps and
students will sing again.
● Teacher will then clap and students PLAY
exploring MI.
● Teacher will then ask for 2 more reps at
varying tempi

FINAL PERFORMANCE GOAL ● Have the students get 1 minute to discuss as a 7

(sing/play?) group a number 50-170 then a student rep
will present what the number is
● Teacher will display number (metronome
bpm) on the board.
● Students will get 2 reps to sing and 2 reps to
play “Exploring Mi”to assess their knowledge
on steady tempo in context.

TOTAL MINUTES: ___44______

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