Scholarship Article Reflection

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Are they Ready to Teach with Technology?

Written by: Marshall Hanning

I chose this scholarly reading because as any initial reader, the title intrigued me. I
adapted some self reflection within my time as a teacher and student just by reading the title.
This article covers the importance and research of technology (or lack thereof) based
learning and use in the classroom. The article defined the use of technology in the
classroom and how it contributes to student and teacher learning.
This article really did a good job of breaking down the “why” and how that affects
how we teach and how they are rooted in classroom pedagogy. The idea that pre-service
teachers have experienced technology in some form related to the content that was being
taught and are in hopes that the ideal can be passed amongst their future students.
Throughout this article I learned that use of technology in some learners' eyes are only
subjected to the content they are learning and not based on other uses and forms of
technology. For example, the basic knowledge and tools that were surveyed and mentioned
amongst teachers included skills such as: website building, emailing, powerpoint making.
Aside from Music notation software, recording equipment and other musical
tools-sometimes without the emphasis on both, one will lack in retention.
Reflecting on the idea above, the article mentions it put forth a survey amongst
Senior Undergraduate Music Education students as they have completed the significant part
of the coursework in their studies. The results conclude that 63% of the students were
required to take a technology course as well as 59% of students had technology shared
amongst other units and classes. However, most of the informal feedback was in criticism
that the survey was not catered to future music educators so there were not many creative
outlooks involved.
In conclusion, I really enjoyed digesting the information in this article not only
because it provided a quantity of information but also quality results and changes that can be
made. The reality that is currently existing is that Technology is always evolving, our students
are always evolving, it is our jobs as educators to maintain and foster that ongoing change
and implement it in all forms that see fit for the students growth.

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