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form conclusions on the values of Rizal’s work

Jose Rizal has been famous for his written works including his two remarkable
novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. Both gave rise to different ideas and
values which are still being taught and learned in the present time. As this paper
focuses on El Filibustersimo, the novel exhibits some values regarding intellect,
revolution, failure and liberty. Intelligence, courage, acceptance and freedom are some
values that can be grasped from the novel. Throughout the paper, it can be realized that
this work of Rizal leads to an inference. During his time, people needed to use their
knowledge to carry out plans which could possibly lead to their freedom, despite the risk
and fear of failure.
One of the evident values manifested in Fili is that intellect holds power and gives
you advantage. Simoun, Crisostomo Ibarra of Noli in disguise, is characterized as a
knowledgeable man with an air of superiority. “Scientific superiority” and “technological
superiority” are how Miguel Paolo P. Reyes described it. In Reyes’ paper, ‘El
Filibusterismo and Jose Rizal as “Science Fictionist”,’ it is explained that science is
present in the novel. This is for the reason that Simoun used uncommon objects such
as ‘specter summoner’ and ‘time bomb.’ The first one is an apparatus to summon a
spirit which deceives other people that it genuinely calls for the dead. On the other
hand, the time bomb is the thing he used for his revenge. Aside from aforementioned
advantages intelligence had brought to Simoun, he was also able to delude people like
Padre Florentino whom he used for his wealth so that he could begin his revenge.
Since Simoun is known for his mastery of science, he used his knowledge to plan
out revolution. He recognized how his revenge would happen and that was through the
use of advanced weaponry. To do this, he made use of a time bomb. Simoun put a time
bomb in a lamp he gifted and brought to a wedding celebration to execute his plan and
kill all the guests. These include governor general, friars and other government officials.
This occurrence shows Simoun’s courage to avenge those who have wronged him.
Another value of the novel shows his determination and his eye towards his goal.
However, it did not turn out successful. Some might say that revolution was seen as the
only way to be free from these oppressors but it was not also a full guarantee for
freedom. This follows the next value, acceptance.
Acceptance of failure is another thing to keep in mind after the incidents in the
novel. Simoun’s plan failed after Isagani, a lover of the bride, learned about the lamp
with a time bomb. Afraid that his beloved one would be hurt, he immediately threw it out
in the river and the bomb exploded. A thing that can be realized from this is that a
carefully and wisely made plan may still fail and intelligence may still not lead you to
your goal. In the end, Simoun died as he confessed his betrayal to Padre Florentino.
Despite the unfortunate death of Simoun, it is evident that he fought for freedom
during his existence. What he did shows how someone can do anything for liberty to
free people from oppression. The way Simoun planned out for revolutionary, it means
that they were abused and maltreated. Some were afraid to take a move while others,
like Simoun are brave enough to take action.
These values cannot be learned without the events that lead the characters into
that situation. Simoun holding power through his intellect shows how people in his time
can be intimidated by other people’s greater knowledge. This is also observable
nowadays although people today usually recognize different intelligences more.
Moreover, his use of specter summoner speaks something about people’s beliefs in
Rizal’s time. They were being misled about summoning spirits when in fact; they were
being tricked by the use of a mirror. Today, not as many humans as before would be
fooled. Lastly, Simoun’s revolution and his fight for freedom are proof of the struggles
and oppression Filipino people had to face before.
The mentioned values that Rizal’s El Filibusterismo unveils, although the novel
was written a long time ago, are still prevalent and can be applied in today’s
circumstances. Intelligence, courage, acceptance and freedom are some morals to
keep in mind. With the use of intellect and a hold of courage, freedom can always be
dreamed of and hopefully attained, but acceptance is also associated with it for the
possibility of failure.
Summary: El Filibusterismo. (2016, March 08). Retrieved from on May 24, 2021
Reyes, M. (2013). El Filibusterismo and Jose Rizal as “Science Fictionist.” Humanities
Diliman. 10:2,29-55

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