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Kepada th, To, Pimpinan PT. CREC-1 Chairman of PT. CREC-1 Bandung. Perihal : Penawaran Rental Alat Berat. Subject : Heavy Equipment Rental Offer. Dengan hormat, Respectfully, Bersama surat ini kami mengajukan Penawaran Harga Rental Excavator PC-200 / SX-200, adapun Harga Rental yang kami tawarkan adalah Rp. 170.000,- (Seratus tujuh puluh ribu rupiah) per jam. Together with this letter we submit a PC-200 / SX-200 Excavator Rental Price Quote, while the Rental Price we offer is Rp. 170.000,- (One hundred seventy thousand rupiah} per hour. Dengan catatan : With a note: * Harga tersebut diluar Mobilisasi / Demobilisasi; Uang Makan Operator; Bahan Bakar (Solar) The price is beyond Mobilization / Demobllization; Operator's Meal Money; Fuel (Diesel) ‘© Rental minimal 100 jam Minimum rental of 100 hours © Pembayaran dilakukan dimuka (Rental 100 jam pertama + Mobilisasi/demobilisasi) Payment is made upfront (First 100 hours rental + Mobilization/demobilization) ‘+ Perpanjangan dilakukan 25 jam sebelum masa rental habis, Renewal is done 25 hours before the rental period expires. Demikian Surat Penawaran ini, atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya diucapkan terima kasih Thus this Letter of Offer, for your attention and cooperation, thank you. Bandung, 21 Desember 2022 Hormat kami, Sincerely, PT. PARAHYANGAN MULTI KREASI MC HARIS ACHMAD. PT PARAHYANGAN MULTI KREASI HEAVY EQUIPMENT & GENERAL CONTRACTOR SL Bhayangkara,Soreang Kab. Bandung 40911

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