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CO󰈰󰉎󰉋P󰈜 󰈭󰉆 SO󰈖󰈴󰈱󰉚KI󰈰󰉁
● Learning Outcomes: at the end of the lesson, the students should be
able to:

Identify the medium in various forms of art.

❖ Define an artist’s or artisan’s medium and techniques.

❖ Define the role of managers, curators, buyers, collectors, art dealers
in the art world.
❖ Differentiate between artists and as an end in itself and the artist’s
means to an end
Wha󰉃 󰈎󰈼 S󰈢ul󰈚󰈀󰈕󰈏n󰈇?
● Soulmaking is connecting to our deepest
nature, communicating deeply with the
inner real, being fully awake and aware
by flooding our consciousness with
eternal images.
● Soulmaking is about drawing out a certain
experience the person and transfer this
into an image either in a form of painting
or a musical composition or a production.
C󰈤A󰉆T󰈾󰈰󰉁 󰈽MA󰉂󰉋󰈟

● Let us craft the images inside a Lightroom in many ways. Since soulmaking is a
creative technique in art making, you can get better results from it – it is not realism
(adapted from a post in the internet).
● Start out with an image that has “good bones”. It needs to be pleasingly composed
and it needs to have something that compel you to want to look at it and to spend
some time working with it.
● Good contenders for this process are images with interesting skills and these
include heavy cloud captured at sunset and sunrise.
C󰈤A󰉆T󰈾󰈰󰉁 󰈽MA󰉂󰉋󰈟

● Stories are masterfully crafted pieces of art authors pull from the depths of their
imaginations. While they are not required to publish them for anyone else's eyes to
see, publishing them does push their work out for specific people to read.

SE󰈐󰉋󰈯 ( 7 ) S󰈜E󰇴S 󰈜󰈮 󰉎R󰉚󰉇󰈙IN󰉂 󰈟TO󰈤󰈾󰉈󰈟

01 02 03
Cra󰈃 󰉘󰈡󰉊󰈹 p󰈸e󰈛󰈎s󰇵 Ro󰉉g󰈊󰈘y S󰈔e󰉄c󰈊 In󰉃e󰈹v󰈎󰇵󰉒 󰉙o󰉉r
Sce󰈝󰈩 I󰇶󰇵as c󰈊a󰈹󰈀c󰉃󰇵󰈹s
04 05 06 07
Ex󰈥󰈘or󰈩 󰉘󰈢u󰈹
Wri󰉃󰈩 󰉙󰈢ur Con󰇷󰈩󰈞s󰇵 󰉘o󰉉󰈹 Put 󰉘󰈡󰉊󰈹 Out󰈗󰈎󰈞󰇵
co󰈚󰈦l󰈩󰉃󰇵 Ou󰉄l󰈎󰈝󰇵 Out󰈗󰈎󰈞󰇵 in󰉃󰈡 A󰇸t󰈏o󰈝

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