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ΣΤΡ. Φειδιππίδη, Φειδιππίδιον. Pheidippides, dear little Pheidippides.

ΦΕΙ. τί, ὦ πάτερ; What, father?

ΣΤΡ. εἰπέ μοι, ... φιλεῖς με; Tell me, son, do you love me?

ΦΕΙ. ἔγωγε, ... οὐδέποτε. I [do], and stop myself never I don’t ever stop [loving you].

ΣΤΡ. ἆρ’ αὔριον φιλήσεις με; Will you love me tomorrow?

ΦΕΙ. νὴ τὸν Ποσειδῶ ... παύσομαι οὐδέποτε. By Poseidon this here [god] of the horses, I shall love you
tomorrow, and I will never stop I shan’t stop ever.

ΣΤΡ. μὴ λέγε μηδαμῶς ... καὶ πείθου. Don’t tell at all ever mention ‘this [god] of horses’, child – for
that one has the responsibility for my evils – But hear, and obey me!

ΦΕΙ. ἰδού, ἀκούω, ... τί κελεύεις; Look, I hear, and I obey and shall always obey. You tell me now!
What do you order?

ΣΤΡ. σμικρόν τι κελεύσω, ... ἀλλὰ πείσῃ; I shall order a small thing, child, a very small thing. For I
have a plan, and intend myself something: but will you obey?

ΦΕΙ. πείσομαι, ... πάτερ. I shall obey, by Dyonisos: Don’t worry, father!

ΣΤΡ. ἆρ’ ἤκουες; ... σε καθεύδοντα. Were you hearing? Or weren’t you hearing? Or am I speaking in
vain? I shall stop you sleeping.

ΦΕΙ. ναί. ἤκουον ... μοι ἔλεγες; Yes. I was listening and I hear now and I shall listen. But what were
you telling me?

ΣΤΡ. ἔλεγόν ... ἔχω. I was telling you that I have a plan.

ΦΕΙ. ἀλλὰ τίς ... ἆρ’ ἔλεγες; But what is the plan? What do you have in mind, and what do you intend?
Were you telling?

ΣΤΡ. οὐχί, ... διανοοῦμαι. No, but I will tell you. For perhaps this plan shall stop us somehow out of the
debts. For I am planning a great thing.

ΦΕΙ. εἰπε δή. ... τῶν χρεῶν; Tell now! What is your plan, father? What will you order? How will the
plan save us? How shall we stop ourselves out of the debts?

ΣΤΡ. σὺ δὲ ποιήσεις; Shall you do it?

ΦΕΙ. ποιήσω νὴ τὸν Διόνυσον. I shall do it, by Dionysos.

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