6B Reading Greek

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ΣΤΡ. ὦ Ἡράκλεις, ... τὰ θηρία; Herakles, what are these beasts?

ΜΑΘ. οὗτος, ... θαυμάζεις; Hey you, why were you amazed? Why did you shout again? Do you
wonder at these students?

ΣΤΡ. ναὶ ... βλέποντες; yes, by Zeus, I am amazed. But what are these, who are looking into the land,

ΜΑΘ. ζητοῦσιν ... γῆς. These are seeking phenomena below the earth.

ΣΤΡ. βολβοὺς ... βλέπει; In that case they are seeking truffles Don’t worry still now about it any more,
beast: for I know where are the great and fine. But who is this here? Why is the rump looking into the

ΜΑΘ. διότι ... πρωκτός. Because the rump is observing the stars.

ΣΤΡ. ἰδού· ... δίδασκέ με. Look! What is this? Teach me!

ΜΑΘ. ἀστρονομία ... αὕτη. This is astronomy.

ΣΤΡΕΨ. τοῦτο .. τί; what is this?

ΜΑΘ. γεωμετρία. Geometry

ΣΤΡΕΨ. καὶ εἰς ... δίδασκε. And what is this useful for? Teach me.

ΜΑΘ. ταύτῃ .. ἀναμετροῦμεν. With it we measure up the land.

αὕτη δ’ ... περίοδος. This is a map of the land.
ὁρᾷς; .. ᾽Αθῆναι. Do you see? This is Athens.

ΣΤΡΕΨ. τί .. δῆμος; What do you mean? I don’t believe, since I don’t see any of the jurors sitting
down. Where are you, my deme?

ΜΑΘ. ἐνταῦθα ... ὁρᾷς; It is in here. Do you see Euboia?

ΣΤΡΕΨ. ὁρῶ. ἀλλ’ .. οὖσα; I see it. But where happens to be Sparta?

ΜΑΘ. ὅπου; αὕτη. Where? here.

ΣΤΡΕΨ. παπαῖ. ... πάνυ; good heavens! Go away, go away! As Sparta is near to us. But why don’t you
lead this very far away from us?

ΜΑΘ. ἀλλ’ ἀδύνατον. But it is impossible.

ΣΤΡΕΨ. νὴ Δία ... ἄρα. By Zeus, in that case you lament yourselves.
ἀλλ᾽ εἰπέ μοι, ... ὤν; But tell me, who is this as he is in the basket?

ΜΑΘ. αὐτός. The Master Himself.

ΣΤΡΕΨ. τίς αὐτός; Who is the Master?
ΜΑΘ. Σωκράτης. Socrates.

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