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ĐỀ 40

Part 1:
86. People believe that the island was found more than 200 years ago.
 The island is believed to have been found more than 200 years ago.
87. He writes so carefully that he never makes a mistake.
 He’s such a careful writer that he never makes a mistake.
88. The colonel and the doctor did not get on well.
 The colonel was not on good terms with the doctor.
89. They had such a fierce dog that nobody would visit them.
 So fierce was the dog they had that nobody would visit them.
90. The teacher made her students work hard for the exam.
 The students were made to work for the exam by the teacher.
91. He never has any successful results even though he tries hard.
 However hard he tries, he never has any successful results.
92. May I borrow your car tonight, Dad?
 Would you mind lending me your car tonight, Dad?
93. He was unable to paint the gate of his house because of the heavy rain.
 The heavy rain made it impossible for them to paint the gate of his house.
94. “I’m sorry I gave you the wrong number”, said Paul to Susan.
 Paul apologized to Susan for having given her the wrong number.
95. You remember to post the letter, didn’t you?
 You didn’t forget to post the letter, did you
Part 2:
96. Ian was ill yesterday, so he didn’t go to school. (weather)
 Ian was under the weather yesterday, so he didn’t go to school.
97. Speeding in the city is against the law. (forbidden)
 Speeding in the city is forbidden. /  Speeding is forbidden in the city.
98. Marry didn’t feel like going to the party. (mood)
 Marry wasn’t in the mood/ was in no mood to go / for going to the party.
99. He speaks German extremely well. (command)
 He has a very good command of German. / His command of German is very good.
100. He failed to deliver the parcel on time. (succeed)
 He didn’t succeed in delivering the parcel on time.
101. As far as I know he is still working in Ho Chi Minh city. (knowledge)
 To (the best of) my knowledge, he is still working in Ho Chi Minh city.
102. I don’t know how you can stand getting up so early to go to the pool. (put)
 I don’t know how you can put up with getting up so early to go to the pool.
103. These two makes of computer are practically the same. (hardly)
 There is / are hardly any difference(s) between these two makes of computer.
104. Do you think climate affects people’s personalities? (influence)
 Do you think climate has/can have an/some influence on people’s personalities?
105. He doesn’t find it difficult to earn money. (trouble)
 He never has/doesn’t have trouble

ĐỀ 41
Part 1:
86. It is known that colourful T-shirts were popular during the 1960s.
 Colourful T-shirts are known to have been popular during the 1960s.
87. It was wrong of you to be rude to Judy last night.
 I’d rather you hadn’t been rude to Judy last night.
88. Someone has suggested the resignation of the minister.
 It has been suggested that the minister should resign.
 It has been someone that suggested the resignation of the minister.
89. She never seems to succeed, even though she works hard.
 However hard she works, she never seems to succeed.
90. I never thought that I would win a prize
 It had never crossed my mind that I’d win a prize.
91. You should make an effort to get out and about more.
 It's high time you got out and about more.
 It's high time for you to get out and about more.
92. A new flu vaccine has been on trial since the beginning of the year.
 They have been trying out a new flu vaccine since the beginning of the year.
 They have been testing a new flu vaccine since the beginning of the year.
 They have tested a new flu vaccine since the beginning of the year.
93. The only thing that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect.
 But for his command of the local dialect, we could have been put into prison / jail.
 But for his command of the local dialect, we would have been in prison.
94. She never seems to succeed even though she works hard
 Hard as/ though she works, she never seems to succeed.
95. When she got to the party, everyone was dancing and singing.
 On her arrival at the party, everyone was dancing and singing.
 On her arriving at the party, everyone was dancing and singing.
 On her getting at the party, everyone was dancing and singing.
Part 2:
96. My father is not feeling well these days. (weather)
 My father is feeling (a bit) under the weather these days.
 My father is under the weather these days.
97. Don’t run away with the idea that this job is easy. (conclusion)
 Don’t come / jump to/draw a conclusion that this job is easy.
98. His choice always followed what his wife decided. (step)
 His choice was always in step with what his wife decided.
be in step with - having ideas or actions that are like those of other people
99. I was made responsible for foreign sales. (charge)
 They put me in charge of foreign sales.
100. I know I can convince Dave that I'm right about this matter. (bring)
 I know I can bring Dave round to my way of thinking on this matter.
bring s.o round to – talk s.o into doing sth – convince – persuade
101. You must never mention this to him. (no)
 Under no circumstances must you mention this to him.
102. I've forgotten that commentator's name but he's very well-known. (whose)
 That commentator, whose name I’ve forgot/ forgotten, is very well – known.
103. Martin cannot go any higher in his career. (pinnacle)
 Martin has reached the pinnacle of his career.
104. If I was left alone, I would finish the job quickly. (interrupting)
 If you hadn’t kept interrupting/ stopped interrupting me, I would finish the job quickly.
105. George has been unemployed for two years now. (out)
 George has been out of work for two years now.

ĐỀ 42
Part 1:
86. Their teacher is making them study hard.
 They are being made to study hard by their teacher.
87. He forgot about the dictionary until he got home.
 Not until he got home did he remember about the dictionary.
88. Her ability to run a company really impresses me.
 What I am really impressed by is her ability to run a company.
 What impresses me is her ability to run a company.
 What makes impression on me is her ability to run a company.
89. This is the best essay I have ever written.
 Never before have I written such a good essay.
90. That car's so expensive, I don’t think I can buy it.
 It's such an expensive car that (I don’t think) I can buy it.
91. “If I were you, I would try my best to learn English well”. John said to Jane.
 John advised Jane to try her best to learn English well.
92. He said to me, “Did you send her my book yesterday?”
 He asked me if/whether I had sent her his book the day before/ the previous day.
93. Be sure to say goodbye to your grandparents before you leave.
 Be sure not to leave without saying goodbye to your grandparents.
94. I tried as hard as I could, but I just couldn’t get the money.
 No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get the money.
95. Even though his legs were broken, he managed to get out of the burn.
 In spite of his broken leg, he managed to get out of the burn.
 In spite of having broken legs, he managed to get out of the burn.
 In spite of the fact that his legs were broken, he managed to get out of
the burn. Part 2:
96. Paul wasn't able to leave the house all day because of the terrible weather. (impossible)
 The terrible weather made it impossible for Paul to leave the house all day.
S can’t / couldn’t / be not able to do sth because of
sth sth make it impossible for s.o to do sth
97. I managed to finish the preparations in time. (succeeded)
 I succeeded in finishing the preparations in time
manage to do sth – succeed in doing sth
98. Javier and I are completely different. (common)
 I have nothing in common with Javier.
be completely different – have / share nothing in common
99. Anne told me that she doesn't intend to stop working. (intention)
 Anne told me that she had no intention of giving up her job
not intend to do sth – have no intention of doing sth
100. The school's management are investigating allegations of teacher brutality. (into)
 Allegations of teacher brutality are being looked into by the school's management.
investigate – look into
101. I couldn’t think of a way of solving the problem. (how)
 I couldn’t workout how to solve the problem.
- think of – work out
- how to do sth – a way of doing sth
102. The authorities have improved the public transport system recently. (improvements)
 The authorities have made (some) improvements in the public transport system
recently. improve sth – make (some) improvements in sth
103. We need to decide how we’re going to go to the theatre. (decision)
 We need to make a decision about how to get to the
theatre. decide sth- make a decision about sth
104. People think that bilingual children were disadvantaged in the past. (thought)
 Bilingual children are thought to have been disadvantaged in the past.
105. I thought you wanted me to invite him. (impression)
 I was under the impression you wanted me to invite him
think – be under the impression

ĐỀ 43
Part 1:
86. That restaurant is so dirty that no one wants to eat there.
 So dirty is that restaurant that on one wants to eat there.
87. I am sure he didn’t know that his mother was seriously ill.
 He couldn’t possibly have known that his mother was seriously ill.
88. I’m having a lot of trouble now because I lost my passport last week.
 If I hadn’t lost my passport last week, I wouldn’t be having a lot of trouble now.
89. The last time I visited Maryam was in 2012.
 I haven’t visited Maryam since 2012.
90. Lodon is such a crowded city that we cannot go about quickly and easily.
 The city of London is so crowded that we cannot go about quickly and easily.
91. Paul looks very happy. His father has given him a present.
 Paul, whose father has given him a present, looks very happy.
92. We have arranged to start the project next weekend.
 We are starting the project next weekend.
 We are going to start the project next weekend.
 We are about to start the project next weekend.
 We are making arrangement to start the project next weekend.
93. This is the best laptop I have ever used.
 I have never used such a good laptop before.
 I have never used a better laptop than this.
94. He failed the test because of the difficult questions.
 Had the questions not been difficult, he would not have failed the test.
 Had the questions been easy, he would have passed the test.
 Had it not been for the difficult questions, he would not have failed the test.
95. Since we had nothing else to do, we decided to go for a walk.
 Having nothing else to do, we decided to go for a walk.
Part 2:
96. She has taken it upon herself to take care of her mother. (commited)
 She has commited herself to taking care of her mother.
97. Were Ann not so beautiful a girl, John wouldn't be marrying her. (beauty)
 But for Ann's beauty John wouldn't be marrying her.
98. I was surprised to find out that Martin hadn't married Jane. (surprise)
 It came as a surprise to me that Martin hadn't married Jane.
99. "I wish I'd had the chance to visit Dublin", Peter said. (not)
 Peter regretted not having had the chance to visit Dublin.
100. She would rather watch TV than read books. (to)
 She prefers watching TV to reading books.
101. 'What do you think of the new health centre?' (asked)
 She asked me what I thought of the new health centre.
102. Fiona doesn't like bananas. She doesn't like grapes either. (nor)
 Fiona likes neither bananas nor grapes.
103. It's believed that he was the most handsome boy in our school. (been)
 He is believed to have been the most handsome boy in our school.
104. Have you decided whether to go to New York or not? (made)
 Have you made up your mind whether to go to New York or not?
105. Susan couldn't get to the date because of the heavy rain. (prevented)
 The heavy rain prevented Susan from getting to the date.
S can’t / couldn’t do sth because of sth
Sth prevent / deter / stop s.o from doing sth

ĐỀ 44
Part 1:
86. I only realised that I had forgotten to close the door when she told me.
 Only when she told me did I realise that I had forgotten to close the door.
87. Despite Jack’s strange clothes, everybody ignored him.
 Nobody took notice of Jack despite his strange clothes.
88. We will not delay our voyage whether there is a rain or not.
 Regardless of the rain, we will not delay our voyage.
89. That’s the strangest film I’ve ever seen.
 I have never seen such a strange film before.
90. Mai said “It is raining heavily outside.”
 Mai said that it was raining heavily outside.
91. Have you ever played a computer game before?
 Is this the first time you have played a computer game?
92. The water was so cold that the children couldn’t swim in it.
 The water wasn’t warm enough for the children to swim in.
93. Because of the traffic jam, Andrew couldn't get to the interview on time.
 The traffic jam prevented Andrew from getting to the interview on time.
94. If you changed your mind, you would be welcome to join us.
 Were you to change your mind, you would be welcome to join us.
95. We regret to inform you that your application for a job has not been successful.
 Much to our regret we have to inform you that your application has not been successful.
Part 2:
96. Tim looks nothing like his father at all. (take)
 Tim doesn’t take after his father at all.
97. I regret not studying hard at school. (only)
 If only I had studied hard at school.
98. The warmth of her welcome surprised me. (aback)
 I was taken aback by her warm welcome.
99. The motor in this machine needs cleaning once a week. (has)
 The motor in this machine has to be cleaned once a week.
100. The staff in that office all have great respect for their boss. (look)
 The staff in that office all look up to their boss.
101. It is not likely that the effects of global warming can be reversed. (likelihood)
 There is little/ not much likelihood of reversing the effects of global warming.
102. I saw Jude Law for a brief second in the street. (glimpse)
 I caught a glimpse of Jude Law in the street.
see s.o for a brief second – catch a glimpse of s.o thoáng thấy ai
103. We feel uncomfortable in this weather. (fish)
 => We feel like fish out of water in the house.
be / feel uncomfortable - feel like fish out of water
like a fish out of water - như cá trên cạn; lạc lõng bỡ ngỡ trong một môi trường mới lạ
104. Alison bought a house because she wanted to open a hotel (view)
 Alison bought a house with a view to opening a hotel.
want to do sth – with a view to doing sth với ý định làm gì
105. He determined to become a doctor (heart)
 He set his heart on becoming a doctor.
determine to do sth – set one’s heart on doing sth

ĐỀ 45
Part 1:
86. “If I were you, I wouldn’t accept his marriage proposal”, said Nam to Lan.
 Nam advised Lan not to accept his marriage proposal.
87. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.
 The man is believed to have escaped/ escape in a stolen car.
88. Don’t run away with the idea that this work is easy.
 Don’t draw the conclusion that this work is easy.
89. They do not clean the windows so the room looks rather dark.
 Were the windows to be cleaned, the room wouldn’t look rather dark.
90. I would prefer you to wear something more formal to work.
 I’d rather you wore something more formal to wear.
91. Lan did not reach home until midnight.
 It was not until midnight that Lan reached home.
92. We were very much surprised to learn that Brian had become a monk.
 Much to our surprise Brian had become a monk.
93. I’m sure you were proud of your son’s success.
 You must have been proud of your son’s success.
 You must have taken pride in your son’s success.
94. You must concentrate on your work more.
 You must apply yourself to your work more
apply oneself to a task: chuyên tâm vào nhiệm vụ; hết lòng hết sức làm nhiệm vụ
95. The trip was so amazing that we will never forget.
 It's too amazing a trip for us to forget it.
Part 2:
96. I can’t often afford to spend my holiday abroad. (seldom)
 I’m seldom able to afford to spend my holiday abroad.
97. The two young men introduced a virus into the computer system. (alleged)
 The two young men are alleged to have introduced a virus into the computer system.
98. As a boy, he was a regular churchgoer. (used)
 As a boy, he used to go to church regularly
99. People claim that she is the best tennis player of our times. (said)
 He is said to be the best tennis player of our times.
100. What really depresses me is this continual wet weather. (gets)
 What really gets me down is this continual wet weather
101. They continued to suggest that I was lying. (persisted)
 They persisted in suggesting that I was lying.
102. Nobody could possibly believe the story he told us. (beyond)
 The story he told us is/ was beyond belief.
103. He didn’t explain for what he was doing that evening. (gave)
 He gave no explanation for what he was doing that evening.
 He didn’t give any explanations for what he was doing that evening.
104. The teacher explained the rules clearly to the children. (gave)
 The teacher gave a clear explanation of the rules to the children.
105. She is determined to get this piece of work finished today. (has)
 She has a great determination to get this piece of work finished today.

ĐỀ 46
Part 1:
86. Richard only took over the family business because his father decided to retire early.
 But for his father’s early retirement, Richard would not have taken over the family business.
87. Melissa’s father was very busy, but he still played with her.
 Busy as/though he was, Melisa’s father still played with her.
88. They cancelled the flight because of the heavy rain.
 So heavily did it rain that they cancelled the flight.
89. He isn’t present at the meeting, and I’m not either.
 Neither he nor I am present at the meeting.
90. He hasn’t come back to his home village for over 20 years now.
 It’s over twenty years since he last came back to his home village.
91. Ann said to me “Will you do English test tomorrow?”
 Ann asked me if I would do English test the next day/ the following day.
92. France presented the Statue of Liberty to the United States in 1876.
 The Statue of Liberty was presented to the United State by the France in 1876.
93. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.
 The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car.
94. A small church lies at the foot of the hill.
 At the foot of the hill lies a small church.
95. He can’t afford to go to America this summer.
 He doesn’t have enough money to go to America this summer.
Part 2:
96. Many people think Steve stole the money. (believed)
 Steve is believed to have stolen the money.
97. I don’t understand one word of this document.(head)
 I can’t make head or tail of this document.
98. Erika didn’t mention her illness at all. (reference)
 Erika made no reference to her illness.
99. Jack really likes football and never misses a match. (crazy)
 Jack is crazy about football and never misses a match.
100. Despite knowing this place very well, I got lost. (though)
 I got lost though I know this place very well.
101. Were Jack not so affluent a man, she would not be dating with him. (but)
 But for Jack’s affluence, she would not be dating with him.
102. I don’t mind whether we go to the seaside or not this year. (difference)
 It doesn’t make any/ much difference to me whether we go to the seaside or not this year.
103. I would prefer you not to phone me at work. (rather)
 I would rather you did not phone me at work.
104. He is determined to campaign for his son’s freedom. (intention)
 He has no intention to stop campaigning for his son’s freedom.
105. The film is similar to Shakespeare’s Hamlet in a number of ways (resemblance)
 The film bears some resemblance to Shakespear's Hamlet.
sth be similar to …. in a number of ways  - bears some some resemblance to

ĐỀ 47
Part 1:
86. After fighting the fire for 12 hours, the firemen succeeded in putting it out.
 The firemen managed to put out the fire after (fighting it for) 12 hours.
 The firemen managed to put the fire out after (fighting it for) 12 hours.
87. The value of sterling has falling considerablely in the past week.
 There has been a considerable fall in the value of sterling in the past week.
88. My brother prefers driving to being driven.
 My brother would rather drive than be driven.
89. I didn't notice that I had the wrong umbrella until I got home.
 Not until I got home did I notice that I had the wrong umbrella.
90. He made a lot of mistakes because he didn't study carefully.
 Had he studied carefully, he wouldn’t have made a lot of mistakes.
 Had he studied carefully, he wouldn’t have made a lot of mistakes.
91. Are you against working on Sunday?
 Do you object to working on Sunday?
92. It's extremely difficult for us to make ends meet these days.
 We find it difficult to make ends meet these days.
93. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t open the door.
 Try as hard as I might I couldn’t open the door
94. You will never meet anyone more generous than Mrs. Jones.
 Mrs. Jones is the most generous person you will/could ever meet/ (be likely) to
95. Everyone started complaining the moment the announcement was made.
 No sooner had the announcement been made than everyone started
Part 2:
96. She was just as good as they had thought. (up)
 She definitely came up to their expectations.
 She definitely lived up to their expectations.
97. Tony didn’t feel like dancing that night. (mood)
 Tony wasn’t in the mood/ was in no mood to dance that night.
98. June and I had a game of tennis. (against)
 I had a game of tennis against June
99. They listened eagerly and attentively to the President’s speech. (ears)
 They were all ears to the President’s speech.
100. Sally gets on well with her father-in-law. (terms)
 Sally is on good terms with her father-in-law
get on well with s.o – be on good terms with s.o
101. I didn't realise what she would suffer in the first place. (did)
 Little did I realise what she would suffer in the first place.
Little + V auxiliary + S + V …
102. The service at the hotel wasn't as good as I expected. (come)
 The service at the hotel didn't come up to my expectations.
sth be not as good as S.o expect – sth V not come up to one’s expectation
103. Somebody is coming to repair the computer the day after tomorrow. (repaired)
 I am having the computer repaired the day after tomorrow.
have sth done by s.o
104. It's not possible that you didn’t meet Tom at the market last night. (can't)
 You can't have met Tom at the market last night.
105. We often visit our teachers on Teachers’ Day. (pay)
 We often pay a visit to our teachers on Teachers’ Day.

ĐỀ 48
Part 1:
86. I was not surprised to hear that Harry had failed his driving test.
 It came as no surprise (to me) that Harry had failed his driving test.
87. The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended.
 Had it not been for the attendance of a famous film star, the party would not have been a success.
 Had it not been for the attendance of a famous film star, the party would have been a failure.
88. “Shall I help you do the dishes, Carlo?” said Robert.
 Robert offered to help Carlo (to) do the dishes.
89. "That's a lovely new dress, Jean" said her mother.
 Jean's mother complemented on Jean’s / her a lovely new dress.
 Jean's mother complemented her / Jean on wearing a lovely new dress.
90. You may be disqualified if you don’t obey the regulations.
 Failure to obey the regulations may lead to/result in disqualifications.
91. “Nothing will persuade me to sleep in that haunted house,” she said.
 She flatly refused to sleep in that haunted house.
92. She wore a hearing-aid, even though she could hear the phone ring perfectly well.
 She wasn’t so deaf/hard of hearing that she couldn’t hear the phone.
93. “Why can’t you do your work more carefully?” Helen’s boss said to her.
 Helen’s boss criticized her for not doing her work more carefully.
94. We couldn’t relax until all the guests had gone home.
 Only after / when all the guests had gone home could we relax / were we able to
95. Immediately after his appointment to the post, the new editor fell ill.
 No sooner had he been/was he appointed to the post than the new
editor fell iPart 2:
96. People don’t want to buy cars with large engines any more. (call)
 There is no (longer any) call for cars with large engines.
 There is not much call for cars with large engines.
 There is no / little call for buying cars with large engines.
97. You’d feel better if you had a quiet holiday. (do)
 A quiet holiday would do you good.
98. The shop was closed for a week while they decorated it. (done)
 While it was being done up the shop was closed for a week.
decorate / repair – do up
99. I should have concentrated more during the lesson. (attention)
 I now wishI had paid (more) attention during the lesson.
should have done sth – S + wish + S + had done sth
concentrate (on sth) – pay attention (to sth)
100. Sue got the builders to repair and decorate her house this summer. (up)
 Sue had her house done up by the builders this summer.
get s.o to do sth – had sth done by s.o
101. We've postponed the lunch until next week. (off)
 The lunch has been put off (by us) until next week.
postpone – put off trì hoãn
102. The police think he invented the story. (have)
 He is thought to have made up the
story invent a story – make up the story bịa
103. She is often driven to the supermarket by her neighbour. (lift)
 Her neighbour often gives her a lift to the supermarket.
S.o be driven to somewhere – s.o give s.o a lift to somewhere
104. He is not sure whether to go or not (minds)
 He is in two minds whether to go or not.
be in two minds - do dự, không nhất quyết - be not sure to do sth
105. I'm sure he didn't understand what I was saying to him. (misunderstood)
 He must have misunderstood what I was saying to him.
be sure (that) someone did sth - someone must have done sth
chắc chắn rằng ai đó đã làm gì
be sure (that) someone didn’t do sth - someone can’t have done sth
chắc chắn rằng ai đó đã không làm gì

ĐỀ 49
Part 1: Questions 86 – 95. (1 point- 0.2/ each)
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it.
86. Immediately after his appointment to the post, the new editor fell ill.
 No sooner had he been appointed to the post than the new editor fell ill.
87. You are allowed to play in my garden if you promise not to do anything wrong.
 So long as you promise not to do anything wrong, you are allowed to play in
my garden.
88. The Prime Minister resigned because of his sudden illness.
 The Prime Minister’s resignation resulted from his sudden illness.
 The Prime Minister’s resignation was due to / on account of / because of his
sudden illness.
89. Henry regretted buying the second-hand car.
 Henry wished he hadn’t bought the second-hand computer.
 Henry wished not to have bought the second-hand computer.
90. Even though the old woman’s memory was poor, she told interesting stories to the children.
 Despite the old woman’s poor memory, she told interesting stories to the
 Despite the poor memory of the old woman, she told interesting stories to the
 Despite the fact that the old woman’s memory was poor, she told interesting
stories to the children.
91. People say that no presidents in the United States are as rich as Donald Trump.
 Donald Trump is said to be the richest president in the United States.
 Donald Trump is said to be richer president than (any) others in the United
States. .
92. My English friend finds using chopsticks difficult.
 My English friend isn't used / accustomed to / familiar with using chopsticks.
93. I sure he didn’t know that his brother was seriously ill.
 He couldn’t possibly have known that his brother was seriously ill.
94. I haven’t gone to the cinema for two months.
 The last time I went to the cinema was two months ago.
95. I have seldom heard such a talented singer.
 Seldom have I heard such a talented singer.
Part 2: Questions 96 – 105. (1 point - 0.2/ each)
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
word given. Do not change the word given.
96. You must never let anyone use your Identity Card. (should)
 Under no circumstances should you let anyone else use your identity card.
97. Driving without a seatbelt is illegal in most European countries (against)
 It is against the law to drive without a seatbelt in most European countries
be illegal to so sth – be against the law to do sth
98. Our boss criticizes our work all time (fault)
 Our boss finds fault with our work all time
criticize sth – find fault with sth
99. “I don’t approve of people who tell lies”, said Jack (expressed)
 Jack expressed his disapproval of people who tell lies.
express one’s disapproval of sth – disapprove of sth – not approve of sth
100. The young actress was very nervous before the audition (butterflies)
 The young actress had butterflies in his stomach before the audition.
be very nervous - have butterflies in one’s stomach – lo lắng, bồn chồn
101. I went to the office then remembered it was my day off. (have)
 I needn't have gone to the office as it was my day off.
102. The essay impressed all of the students. (made)
 The essay made an impression on all of the students.
103. I had the opportunity to see the tower. (chance)
 I had the chance to see the tower.
 I had a good chance to see the tower.
104. She is too busy with four kids in the house. (hands)
 She has her hands full with four kids in the house.
105. He did the puzzle in two minutes. (solution)
 He found the solution to the puzzle in two minutes.

ĐỀ 50
Part 1:
86. Please don’t smoke in the kitchen.
 Would you mind not smoking in the kitchen.
87. Everyone was surprised to see him leave the party early.
 To everyone’s surprise, he left the party early.
88. Before the Internet was invented, people couldn’t communicate in distance easily.
 It was not until the Internet was invented that people could communicate in
distance easily.
89. She gave up working as a reporter because of her bad health.
 If her health had been good/better, she wouldn’t have given up working as a
90. Student must read history books to complete this course.
 It is essential that student (should) read history books to complete this course.
91. He told me that it was wrong of me to leave the party so early.
 He criticized me for leaving/having left the party so early.
92. It is believed that his father died in a car accident.
 His father is believed to have died in a car accident.
93. When the Minister was asked about the strike, he declined to comment.
 On being asked about the strike, the Minister declined to comment.
94. As she grows older, she becomes increasingly cheerful.
 The older she grows, the more cheerful she becomes.
95. If you changed your mind, you’d be welcome to join us.
 Were you to change your mind, you’d be welcome to
join us. Part 2:
96. The accident took place just after the workers started their work. (started)
 Hardly had the workers started working when the accident happened.
97. Although he took a taxi, Jack still arrived late for the conference. (spite)
 In spite of his taking a taxi, Jack arrived late for the conference.
98. In the end, I felt I had been right to leave the club. (regrets)
 In the end, I had no regrets about having left the club.
99. It is stupid of you to refuse Richard’s offer of a loan. (idiot)
 You are an idiot to refuse Richard’s offer of a loan.
100. The company didn’t decide to replace this model. (intention)
 The company had no intention of replacing this model.
101. In the next few years, we’ll probably hear a lot more about the environment pollution. (likely)
 In the next few years, we are likely to hear a lot more about the environmental
102. Paula said I had caused the accident. (blamed)
 Paula blamed me for causing/having caused the accident.
103. People claim that he was the best tennis player of his times. (said)
He is said to have been the best tennis player of his times.
104. They left early because they didn’t want to get caught in the traffic. (avoid)
They left early in order to avoid getting/being caught in the traffic.
105. Why didn’t they tell me about these changes earlier? (should)
I should have been told about these changes earlier.

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