Bspresentationslies 150627135201 Lva1 App6891

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Direct Hot

Water Supply
In a direct DHW system, there are chances where
precipitation of limestone will occur when heated.
This precipitation will then clog the boiler and the
nearby pipework. Therefore, direct system is only
suitable to be used in areas of “soft” water. This
system could lead to damages or even explosion and
is not suitable for hot water central heating.
Direct Hot
Water Supply
Types of Direct DHW

Various fuels and systems of

design can be used to heat the
water in this system, including the
•  Electric Water Heating
•  Gas Storage Heaters
•  Boiler-Cylinder System
•  Instantaneous System
Indirect Hot Water
Supply system
The indirect dhw system is probably the
most common form of dhw and allows a
boiler to be used for central heating

Water from boiler in primary pipework

passes through cylinder containing heat
exchanger to heat up water

The closed circulation of water can prevent

clogging. Secondary circulation is required
to prevent dead legs.
Indirect Hot
Water Supply
Types of Indirect DHW
Various fuels and systems of design can be
used to heat the water in this system,
including the following

•  Vented Storage Hot Water Supply

System (Indirect/Direct Heated
•  Unvented Storage Hot Water Supply
•  Indirect Hot Water system with
Expansion Vessel
Vented Storage Hot
Water Supply System  
Unvented Storage Hot
Water Supply System  
Indirect Hot Water System
With Expansion Vessel  
These   heaters   are  
fuelled   either   by  
gas   or   electricity  
a n d   h e a t   t h e  
water   only   when  
These heaters are
located near a sink
a n d h a v e a
capacity not more
than 15 litres. The
s t o r e d wa t e r i s
heated by an
electric element
until the water has
expanded enough
to discharge from
the discharge
•  Type  of  materials  for  pipe  
•  Type  of  hot  water  supply  system  

Types  of  Pipe  materials  available:  

•  Copper  Pipe  
•  Cross-­‐Link  Polyethylene  (PEX)  
•  Polybutylene  (PB)  
•  Temperature  check:  
               -­‐  principal  loops  
               -­‐  subordinate  loops    
               -­‐  localized  loops  
               -­‐  monthly  inspec>on  

•  Water  soNening  
               -­‐  removes  minerals  from  hard  water  
•  Water  sample  inspec>on  
                   -­‐  to  ensure  no  contamina>on  
                   -­‐  weekly  inspec>on  
•  Chlorine  inspec>on  
                   -­‐  disinfec>on  of  bacteria  
                   -­‐  annual  inspec>on  
•  Calorifiers  inspec>on  
                   -­‐  removes  inspec>on  hatchs  
                   -­‐  annual  inspec>on  
Vented  Water  Hea>ng  Systems  

Advantages   Disadvantages  

Less  complicated   Requires  the  support  of  cold  water  storage  

Low  cost  upon  purchase  

Easy  to  maintain  

Unvented  Water  Hea>ng  Systems  

Advantages   Disadvantages  
Doesn’t  need  cold  water  storage  support   Incompa>ble  power  showers  

Provides  hot  water  to  any  draw  off  points   High  installa>on  cost  
Direct  Solar  Water  Hea>ng  Systems  
Advantages   Disadvantages  
More  efficient   Cannot  be  used  with  hard  water  

Flexible  collector  installa>on   Requires  an  automa>c  drain  valve  

Less  risk  of  overhea>ng  

Indirect  Solar  Water  Hea>ng  Systems  
Advantages   Disadvantages  
Good  freeze  protec>on  system   Risk  of  breakdown  at  high  temperatures  

Less  problem  with  hard  water  

STUDY  1  
•  Pipe  leakage:  
Common  causes:  
PH  value  of  water  
(only  affects  metal  pipes)  
Water  velocity/pressure  
•  Check  valve  failure:  
Common  causes:  
Water  velocity  
Back  siphonage  
recommend  the  hotel  to  s>ll  keep  the  previous  
water  hea>ng  systems  just  as  a  back  up  for  
when  it  is  not  sunny,  thus,  giving  the  hotel  an  
interchangeable  water  hea>ng  system.    
STUDY  2  
Initially, this hotel uses an electrical water heating system. But after some
time, due to some inefficiency due to the electrical water heating systems,
the hotel manager decides to upgrade its system by replacing those electrical
heaters with 21 thermosiphon solar water heaters, which in turn,

•  reduces the hot water demand by 50%.

•  it also reduces the overall energy consumption by a stunning 80%
•  also adds up to approximately 1200 litres of additional storage capacity

Due to its success, the hotel, later adds another 4 additional units.

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