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You are on page 1of 43, 1.271 sre 1 BEER @] oH}O] | Fale] aA, wo) > ayy * Bas 1 Soy7}44 HSo] Boel(hate speech)W7? A= JAH BE Belo] Felela| & Ya st Az) ole ule BAI ABol7} Gar Wel Bo]7} gle} al E e¥4ela BEs|>] 2 BY7} 2SslthBrown 562). WWALe Youas “Heloly JAS 1S, Y, VS, Su, BA z]eol] st BA] rjs}e} eo}ay Of Bh Ue oe Bo] Brison 313). Tey o]z]a SBA Ao] «op AAMAS] FEN ASU lel) UAE WealAse] nnatoy 44-45%oH]4] We} gtr. gonel, Fe] Bey, BS F94 mn & ASS OWE HE AAetoh she Wop, AAMee, HRS A AAR ES pugelnd ake Ae] ol. RV 7b AE “Aa ages Ane oY sol, ae ade weer} we] Adal oes ZAR ARLES Aah AE BS AK Wes wes} ach ae 7+ ish WISH 7B} oe cps] AY ES casein ae A} 4)’(alternative facts)°9] HE G2 + Sith. °] BARIg, Se dla) ARS ay Wo] AEE Yseh= Ae] och AalS hal A BAR) WSs, VAS Far] Aa) AH] AL BAS of , PEP UE AL at Sol] Aare} 20214 EBS] “sulet +e}2] A\azt Ale] Seb VS ol Het SAS] oS Sel 7HHTAS Belo} |B] Aapabl] Het F aheke2] AeA SASS Sele] Aol] ete] Bwglo] Ae ES Uspy, oO] BPS BE See ola] YSYS Vos} gsopea Webep. = uSel7} calgzhs} Yee Rath= DAR HR zB] Ze] all SUE) thy} UA os avs gale Row weal Apa Wee tt is not necessary to figure parent-child incest as a unilateral (Undoing 155, BA} BAR)EH= LHS FE USI YE ae} o] 9 aah F 2Al 2] Bzho]yy FR] Je bso] AA BS Fea}7] HA Zo] objec. Hel ¥ EMS US Ee} ATPASE] BRE} apofe] Wespge] ye Ayala] SeMoucArpy FEHAp a} Ha ofole] ARDS Zele| Ae YA eajcoh|zje] 4 We Bze)oe eels * JAWS BRE} Aa] BANOS A) VS Aa ASAP) Etshe Aoe ses) Se] sy ad AS EAshe Ba ogee. BAT ASL. SF so]zjopA] wl Sey} «zlo] gps Bal saps} «aye Ao] FOZ ofelo] Fx] Ya ars FHA y, Yael aS Bal HAA Behe FA] Ge] BeEB|a Stee et Ata Fash HE (Undoing 154) Ee3] Pala eae. EE WSe7} SEES we} ofo]2] S2fo] PYA(asexual)?] of 4z} YA (sexual 9]. WE AS WS RS|EY wlGe] WF ofol7} Yoh] o}g As ? impingement on the child by the paret © 278 aa Al SBA) ABM] ALS BW] GLO) ofS F¥Ale|n ea Sa EA BA) B51 ofole] “sE4] Sus Sze + ofo|7t Hoy yaa AUS porn, <1 Bo] Bae] Vel 24 IPL sp] wea a Hebe ofo 7 laa) RAT} a= BAT}. of7)Aq +79" ental ob se] zoprsdtalel Aj Beal ow, apy} Gea] UE MRE ASI elmvtnery7} he =A, F belt ai4sh= RAY Apolo st HE ol Folch. ASSES BHele 7)Be} wise] aad He RS Als the Bee] Was} Ae Pepys Fok GA) Sel, ee go) BAS BABA] SHVyored AI obs] SoA SSILS Salo B84 Fal7t Ache A, alan 2 U2: Hele ©]Z] ofol7} Bow Azyeb] al ale asa =A) SahoRiche Fale] SIS Aes GALS, = Ya) Qzojet gasjo} Aaa) ajelow oF eh FS gn slo lols de] alesis Jezel YS aoa, oo a7] Hales He2bi Het JEIS A ALLE Halt Hho Bal Eo] ABS ofa] vaso] Aes sae) Ao] objec}. ofe}e} apa AAA] BY Qo] FA] SAS B7FSsteh. obsela) HA, AK, Seo] He SR o] JIS AVA) Ao] ohjep HR Se SHaiste] YEW Sol] AAT ely oFs2] WAS reel dat FE] UA} ae uy. Ho] Feel ose) Folsh= WBA Role ofol7} B a] YRS) ARS PEACE ops + gol Be revit acy, obo] ae 7M aoe Age + ath BABA « S87] lA © AA aapevgo] Alevallokebe}. fo] 2] zhz oa ase] Brel fe; Ae] Slo] Ass4]= ela BIA Aloe Yee) KA 2lo]7] : A442] ERS WSS] ole] Ble och weey7} A Faye] Ae] ws Are} ae IY Abs] Sal, 7H ol] WAlsk= Aa] 4 BALE QUEL, Be]w oles “AR FY"(false allegations)(154)°] Wj Ya) a ue) elel7epu ARSKS AS U7} BABYF2) eis Yor Ale] Fe BLE Yo) Hach HA] Bel Ble AsS Salo BA = UF] F429 Boe Pac. Salas} Sale) Mate Sy alzt of 2. gonel, Fe] Bey, BS F94 29 SA) Bae 7 AaB AY ohHzle] WY o)aol) 7H 7iel) 4} 7 A Ealaobez|e, BL]EE o] WAYS +pefehat |Z] F Ava Aes a] Bel ag] Alo] get. 8 ApS Ave] she o] ze) ayow yo} 4] & HUA Sat AOwe wol7] wel Ae] g ee *F(Michel Foucault)= 2} 2] Lohr Ha alee) =kpexformative resignficaton) me 4g £ ap} ah £2 ay (Jacques Lacan)2] QAEAE YA 72] WIS les) He AS och. F uw Sele ee] Ya, Baz, offal] o|Sa} ZS 7H loyal] o]2] a ee ae " Ba alelap, PAA espa Ss Veh. DAS EAA Ach. & Si] TS WED alas] eR ana she AE och. @ AIS] ESA Behe] BAAo|z aAVe Aelo|7|S a FU Ae] DES} YAS FE AWA EAS] Soe ces ql, see we Bal} do. Selo] FHS VA, BAA onjoal «ajalaalo] AX] = Be Fe Ady BIOs PHP ER] Kelur} of Ee AS gl wv "(nothing is more degenerate ethics or morality that survives in the shape NA 0 x a oly bi Zz offi ait cs of collective ideas even after the World Spirit has ceased to inhabit them)3) ss seo]Cy. LES] Ale] Se WYSS Ae] DA} slo, wel] = a dee) Sheth. a4 Aye] Se Asay e714 #2] Bail a] gon keep. oer} Heels] aseyt oh aml esate IAs] 2 Yes Belsp] ofr. wSel2] Sey] Hay WES A Aa4oe 7p} PAS Asks ARS & lea AS lsat. Tay Aap ze] Wyk S2hee] ohd 71S] 2] Aso] BRE MSA) oa Psu Taleo] HFslo] MSS ces) 3) = 52|7} 0/=2%-(Theodor Adomno)2] '=428}2| ¥4]y(Problems of Moral Philosophy) 2 FAS 29183 BelchGiving an Account of Oneself 4). 280 aa asi se oA, 34 ape] dat Bee FBS ABS) key) 4 Al ARIS} AALS Hel) ala) 4 } ach. SA7h shetat al a ABE AE Yeh. AZ} eels} SS So] ALA Ay} 1 LHS AlAs} Heke, sole We 2 AE Sey) Ae de 78S A A = ulow gle oa Aow y HH] oR _ AAS BIglo] wkBslyy, ch] wkbaow pan + Sx I Al2} eto} wek= }SNAconfirmatory bias) BEM. Beye sole w 2] Ae Heke BAe 2] 71Ao] Ala. 1A) Se AWE PVISW7AY Suge 2 22 APES Role YELE o] YA) qhalel AS} Qe AAPA ays} BA 2] AeAe] Bal Aid?) Nac. Mele use] SHAMS ‘ME Whe QS FAIVYE BU MIS ABBA, HAMS3} Selo] ello] ZS S]31, Az} apho] Asse ae Ba oe a)zto] Ac. Slaleh 2147) Be | 9- S118 G7) 2 BAS ASS Bole Paes, ups z}olajals} wjolej2: S7\st a ate ude HASEZ) e]cjo] B42} Hee] Bee +O Ss|z se. Se] ase] vlcjoje] aye] Wah= Bowes] Bt & OS Sols) Ach. Het EME] HHS VS 1A "cols Sey AVA aaa Sto] SA StS BT GW, Poway Ze “PA Be sa 7¥’(shameless obscenity) 2] 346} f= FS $o]aale}. uae, Ase] Yo] Aso], Srela1, gal Al 3-887) wel 71Alo] Akae| ARS Aeleh= RE oh]c}. 2)A\(Slavoj Zizek)= BARE] YL WAS Sole EYL FES 4A] WHel See Ae] oye} adsl he Mie rational)(Hegel 122)°]>] EE © SH) £499] FAA] ZI] PSE] she FEA Salt ot. ASS Aq oF AW r HRI eA ow who} 2 ay UA Wetol] 2] e Bolebsr F 4) 2\4}2) etellA] 21223 obscenity, HK, Beja] Bofok a BA (ofFscene)2] = ch, Alay: 2021) BH Hegel in a Wired Brain) ER °]52) 7} | HRS Balai S32] PA WE MAIS] Azel dle} AMS ofS AE FPebr}(122). @ AS Sek: Roe Pay] aa gonel, Fe] Bey, BS F94 281 ARV We ALS EAAela 24 7kset V4 Foe Yopwe|y, ‘did A Ade SVEs als] Zalys Ah. HL Bele] le SOV, Sel} BSA} Lopgole} alz|z}epRl, »] aalehe 412 78h Ao] B7FsSS Rola, AA Aeteoe SAWls, Sa ohjeh, A Alle] S9 USoll Stele KA Role}. of tena] We tA] AEE lelatel, Balu As Bey] Abs 7b} ae 7st Beet AAA Azey) she B47} Beh. ole] Aeel7}epan Ake et, ho Fe Ue Mas Balch. s}e}el(Yuval Harari)7} 'Se. U$-21(Homo Deus)| 28 HAH, 374 1 AM] ABS as}ozs) a adel, “eee| ase ae Qe Bus pas ¥y wel a 1°96). non on 3 AS Baca, ALE EID aa Nail ela fa I. Boras} FAS} AHP WANE AS] BLS aeeya zhE silo, HA] zHre FH Beale] B Eo] WAAL Aa AS] EAH Azar}. wel 7} FAS} BORSA] eke BRsplaje] EAS] | ars Cay 2B Vthat ME, fe] Bo] o} » 53) Ug cbst APS PHA Beslan | a RSet] 2%] Bo] 2 wi, HA] Bel WS 12 “oianie SE AUP ole] Het HSel2] Be Bs} O. Hae) AMS Bee PAlsjoly= et Aqp(“free speech should not take priority over rights to equality”)(“Preface” xv). "132] A EYE BAA] AG, F7Vb BAB 4P2S HAS] AHH SSS a, HA] aHrehe FOB aoude a7] o4 olekl zHravl) ssl Sala, USA, WA ae ARENT oz} EE ARO] eye Soest Beal) ofa Yaya we ech. a9] AEE Az] yes) Bch. Lr} A oleae] He SH] Aad Sa]S S7] 282 aa = As} SERV] GAP Aba} MkE a, Me le|ele #FeTY7]_Bel 1 AA] US, wal] MSU, Hebe} Supe solAS] S24]UAE Alias flac. SE dee] ded Sas BRE ARHS°] 242144 AIA 22 Also] Sele SS Rela, 7b obra] 24 ae}. ae ekaayaie) BARS gels) BS He Qe}. el Bale AyaL Fe] ate sich. Aa SoAL SeI7P] SNS AE 7b] Adele Se] , HAS] zHE Hele A, Aste] BAH St Sze] SUS7] WAS go WS rss) Be UPS, Mle Mts, 72] SSS olSele] AS 5 she 7ASLe Herth. ols} Be Uele fol Aas ae SHS VAM KD F Whe Betots op lst] sat, yw 1S2 Ab 7ia\ Kell Zlolct. aed ele] Be Bele] 2] 2HrS 8: Folk Sk Ao] oye} Bae B = AVE Sole heh. aWhS vt PAlahe 150] Baw Hawke so 3 HA 24} BSA} = Psy) Fadad. ayes # 7 Use use 2 . OE ALS Up 1910] a a HAA OR ABA Ho} oj] = } BSAS MSA + ge}. Asro| Pol) Sahl AS Qty. ape i * ae Fey azo]. SLY Fal] 4 BAYS fst AS al Abe) ee eke}. 8 Ala] apo] Bsy-S “ott Uo deh) Rske Al} lat ‘as ate}, “Ae|} Bo] Sry] glonl Salah, eke Bo}s eI At AL ANSE Wow WEArh(no. 298E BAA To] Behe, Fee sel} BRE Bel} a of ull fo 4G ic “8, 4 ‘le ql at & ie 2 why uo A Y xs 7 eI ye pa ny i 3 th i o 2 jo clr 2% aaa} BE Whe ‘ene “74 Ea] AVS A ol ts = 2 ae se 29) aa deen a xgeh AS ade] Yl 712] a9) 4 she] a 2 Ardea ALAC. WSeS 1990} uses 28F ee) 1 BHM guiele) 288 Bo} oS a, sora, MRS] APY] a LWA AILS APE A TA NSS) AW, SS NI] ao w shevbh 2 hela, Ue shh: Bo) abt olga eS Wola, aele o] Uh, Ball AAS x o] ARS doy on ashe RE, Best de de auc} aL WE AVS BAS) aGolte alee) laps dae} Ae, F2vt Vea alel ob, doit Pele ojelaitt. “eh 2] a ae ‘acu Be, zz. FAS) AH} BEA] ofa GA, gaol 7a] a ae Zz ase S ae 2p) eheca als, dela} Bal} Alalalel wee Gumalake we aple (Charles Lawrence II1)7} S1S2PH4 Belo] “sio]4 way 6syolala gonel, Fe] Bey, BS F94 283 ae & “ we * of oie Ae] zee ae ASS) a aa, dg 99 a4 Bowe Asia} ech, = a = MEP MHS] Baja Ha lo] YAS Mss WE aAse7p ep loja ae AS WIA) soni, elola) Yapeslelsn ala} siz} dai m7} BABE VE geo. VslAo|n AaAoleh: Bo] Wee S ARE WS EMIS HY BEE Heh Tey FQ AL SS So) Ve WY) Ne + Ache 4B 7heKE Alek] aya 4] 4 a ois ah wad le leh tel AHS Ada ae z S, ln BEA Ve Ys Ae} y Seale. Bhs A Bo] Agole AeSl 7H @ dan AA, ay gee @ 4] Qo} Sola} Wa olny elo}4} Ma) Far] Yas Zora. a o} W He 842 Wace see + QS We Fae Wa Ge HAS See aebhe Woe Fase 284 aa ae] ez fet BWAnita Hill] ARIS ABAh 19918 108118, HA) use] Sel gel Er|2(Clarence Thomas) VAKS AYA ys} BAYA F ool ule MywI7} Sach. 0] YEA Be o]ale} Ieyol A Evol) QEVS Sacha Sec}. Te} Avie] Sale BA) psgo] 2 AY] Mol] Sol HRS Fohye7] He SRE ] Balch we a Selo] aaays AVS @ Ae] ohfzh, >] AF] & SSS VEYS SVE Aa) Wea + aoe 4 aS} SFI] ulAS] ow wspylsac. opgolal we} Bekdce, elezals} MoUs ABP) VE al, NYS] YALL apse aeeel ze) aa Ea Mala] Ba) BRE} E7| Fala Erj2o] Yaga} YA tat Bch Uo] Sora, Sekilz9] Qae BS BSF7]el Sl] HE Ab Poll AVIS Welw, tov yet Ae] Selo] ofa] a Aays wes} D2 Pass o7S wey, “e4pe Be a AWS] SHS gare] a UP(75)aL F485 B77} BQ 5 et. ey Fel vache] FY0] BgJollafepar Aelsh= 7|YohLe] Bole SF A | 48s + te7h UZ 4 Sa VRE 19934 Fo] eho] YA 2) go] Wa] “22% Bs}2|= BePDon't Ask, Don’t Tell”) BAS rlalaleh. o] Bale AA aeaee We UWE Stk BSo] hE Ao|S Beate}. Sat 0] AAS . AJAISt AL} AMIo] Oe Bs}o] USSR So}o]p}, Aopgy= 2E8(Force of Nonviolence 168-70).!5) ais. & 4 14) [212] “the excessively strong super-ego which has obtained a hold upon consciousness rages against the ego with merciless fury ~-. We should say that the destructive component had entrenched itself in the super-ego and tured against the ego. What is now holding sway in the super-ego is, as it were, a pure culture of the death-instinct, and in fact it often enough succeeds in driving the ego into death, if the latter does not protect itself from the tyrant in time by a revulsion into mania.” 4 a) & ro} Sy} obe Bela} 0 #E}elaly BE Bale] oz et Seve asada Wate, ele a) AUS 32) aalel 2S FAS| Also] rae. Alalzy Aoloj Tt eke a8 SA Aas} =o pest aaa 4]. ‘SU is identification) TKS z 8h e Fu 7k of] 2], 29} vawee, TUASRE H- SUNS PHA alelae] Wyo] Ese] & mn oe z WA BE Teac. Aeaee] S ABI AVS AzoVS Ba wes} AYA gow Est qd, 2 1s, 3, Se ay an anjs A)4tep i) abe}. a 7b SE ole] AULA Wet “ES oketSe] Saran alliance of many weaklings)(205)-& - BAA fu ole] eto] 2 H0]Ee] AS(mania)e +Y9] Be] 37], elu] Bled Haz} SS B7|(mani slat, wie} Re Al BAe] obd, «0] 1s 2] An} 4B 27] Asks BAA als} wSels| Bal} a. “Tee, seh tesla} Wake 289) 4] Fag] FAVIsh of: BEV © ach yolks, Sesh wep, SE AV) ARIS We]the(beside oneself), Ao] AAEV| (ecstasy) B82] AAs |g] sic. Bago] 3kch. ese Ws AB | ‘ia, madness) $} ©] weal ee ek-stasis) 22 ane BRO|E7} # VIL U7: WHEE FS] Ah "3@c}(Force of Nonviolence 167). Bala} Bala FS wee zo] oheh, ¥ aA sa} A Ae] Behe) why gonel, Fe] Bey, BS F94 307 SUA WSs A EARS HAW) Wel, ssl] Fe Aol ole Wa sla, Ale SS SiS 4 Aehe Alok Wc. slat WSey7} Weke ole SAolz}o] Pals Sseolar o}YoyaHS washes Me} A Bot chet. AVIS elt) Bsel7bsys} aa deal ke apa 48S] Ahesby, SA VS se] BAYS zlAsh= Ae] oleh, “A}3) A, BAA, BAA AIS A SMM Ss] la 4] Se duly BA & Aske Sop ozs Belch. Te] 20008q) o}Fol= Foleh= Be] al (precarious life)o]@ 1S 4 Be] ASE Meh. “ARS ap JeleloReRt oh 42}, ree QA) Ret zelyeo+ E/(precariat), 12] 3 2 HE 4, aie] HES 22 Vi Dee BE a, E=c]Es] $2 +FR2 ee (many weaklings)& EP}. 7] TFA] Say Awe Tels, “#Sele] Ay & 2S} (HBlackLivesMatter) BE, AE TAY] ola] ASR ARE BS] ofp] uslel “52 3} ]P]4]¥]"(Asociacién Madres de Plaza de Mayo), M2 Gat Uel7Ael Bs} alo] S$sl= ela, ea] aeasS a $2] PEt YR PRPS] AS BuUpowHE ARHE, ola} Sal alee WS + Me Pel Me AG Se] BP Red. oad U7} Ye] ae WeET] gM eS olZ7x ‘FAL ] Shlo}okshe7 2’ eat eo] gutan Bek AA ° ra ESA, DAS Aol] 21714] 7A OLS Boke of | SE WU, Why Ys) FeSe eo] 4 Brats] ago] ohyoh alee $2] 29] Helga} AMS Sap Belen SHI AS Hess AAEM] aot ohieh, eto] Ss} Baal USES Ye] BRE a 9} 6] achin HRS &, Se 4s] 89 wah a7} de awe olga og Al oleyaishiz7Pa) ola els] eee, ASKS Fe] ee Sale WE 717 9} OE wh SS Bele. 16) [213] “something “queer” is at work at the heart of gender performativity, a queeress that is not so very different from the swerves taken by iterability in Derrida’s account of the speech act as citational”(Notes 63); “the term queer does not designate identity, but alliance, and it is a good term to invoke as we make uneasy and unpredictable alliances in the struggle for social, political, and economic justice”(Notes 70) 308 ale] o 3 as Ma} aa, aon Us alas} Be. a7l9] Ale, Se] BE be A] A OBE ApJ) SSS so] Gee A, ol lowe Dae che @ dol Sas) Gethe IS gelel aloe, Fale Sag aoe wat etek eh " ae e g fo Al ARLE aly) 137] wer 2 Ah a 2p raha] BAS Fale] Beso] $7144] AAS ©] Fedzs] Ab} Mas wi, ART Ss ee Jol] seat, Fete ARID S24EE we ae} ree LEO) 1S EO oe} AhIEE ABS 1d 71%, loc, 20cH9] 2 ach. eRe Yee YU SUS WASh=S Fro oh yeh, U9} 42 Uso] fs Bold . FIA Selo] FAS uy] swede apo] 3 US} eRe} eel7] Het oj, AQULe 4kSo] Sy] BIS Bar], Eso] a AS Yat AS A] 93] of, Ye] ES} Yo] &, tela Uo} F229] Fes] AAs} US Gal Be H Feo] AYota, Ces] AB] APoht AVS ae BE ARE @ HS YlepH o] AVIS WSelaS Zea ie Wehol] Mee7t ewe Bo] Aeduche wale AAS word ede UF Be AWS Gejaiar 37) ele} aE NL Fale] BIS Y eek 2 # 421 se. aa sees anise Taal 404 Set ySa9] Vat Se aes) AVS el USES Bows) Slo] FAY BE MRA aS F Seip Gon Hae, eles SRO +H ] Azz} ad oy Ioh} co Palo|a alae) aiele) ward + ghee 2], sels A asit cpieel Qe weld #8 Ae, sala anal BABA Aaa dle So AS Ve esl7t Bee SUS + Moly ache] Bae oO wild. gonel, Fe] Bey, BS F94 309 Beals. "epse] Eekyss Wel. “WBF oles 27.1 (2022): 217-55. —. "AAA S|, AS, del Waals] Phe. “ESS Arb 23.2 (2022): 243-69. ME. H)Se2] Ys} BETS] yA. Yo], 26.1 (2021): 185-211. Althusser, Louis. Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays. Trans. Ben Brewster. New York: Monthly Review, 2001. Arendt, Hannah. “Lying in Politics.” Crises of the Republic. 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Bouas] Wea Mle $2 7p} HAW Uge Aas adh. 7h} HAE E ao]n S24 gl) ARIS aslo] Qos] Byes BS See ae, a AAS SS AAG owe o] SAMO] grh AM ASS Alzle] eal Aga, M2 Fsse 242k 2 HE ol] OSS) Wile] Az) Fel 7 SAE eth. Hep] o] J] B42 o} Ajule] 4a} Se] Me Vola Sle] Be of eee Ak Aapaber| Frl2 wSel7+ AOUMS yg) ol zabetay, ola] o}8 7) Aasla4} shez|S Asn, ZSqoe ae aa eal & Bod F QE EAS Dele Va} she ul] 2 Se] Beh. 4 Bou, 7H B22) Balt co] oVyyzAeleh= 0] = ashi, Sa, Pouse] LS Sad = she BEhUNDS # oe Bol ust wo] a 7d + MEA H , “| Feh9} 41,(2020)9] Be Wo] ZLo]E7} of Ba] neues Real, S PYSKS ERE] ulete] 7]AS wsey} ofa) aa Alt Bee WE ase AALS GAFEAS th re a ol u 312 aa Hate Speech, Subject Agency and Performativity of Bodies Abstract Haeook Jeong (Pukyong National University) Hate speech is any form of expression that vilifies and discriminates against individuals or groups based on their identity, including race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and more. However, hate speech is not merely an emotional expression; it can often be intertwined with fake news and logical reasoning that appears convincing. This article explores Judith Butler's theories on hate speech, how she resists it, and how to draw a good life out of a bad life. Firstly, it examines the limitations of the traditional dichotomy between reason and emotion and how it relates to issues such as hate speech, fake news, and post-truth. Secondly, it analyzes hate speech as either an illocutionary or perlocutionary speech act, and reviews legal cases related to hate speech in the USA through Judith Butler's Excitable Speech (1997). Thirdly, it explores Butler's analysis of Freud's work in The Force Of Nonviolence (2020), including his ideas about the importance of emotional tics and communities of feeling, and how he aimed to overcome blind fury in his later years. The article also discusses how Butler supplements Freud's unfinished research and extends his ideas beyond their original limits. Finally, the implications of these attempts for Korean society, which is currently grappling with the problem of hate speech, are examined in the last section. »Keywords: Judith Butler, hate speech, excitable speech, perlocutionary speech acts, performativity, Freud, emotional ties gonel, Fe] Bey, BS F94 313 > Notes on the Contributor: Haeook Jeong is Researcher of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Pukyung National University. Email: Received: January 30, 2023. Reviewed: February 14, 2023, Accepted: February 14, 2023.

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