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"total idea of Beauty"

Here we got 2 stories of two persons about the ideal Beauty of people ( Owen and michael).

Hi My name is Owen i am an exchange student in SOUTH KOREA and i'm goingo yo talk
about The idea of ​total beauty in South Korea includes long, skinny legs, v-shaped faces,
large eyes that have been operated on to remove oriental features, a high-bridged nose, and
pale skin. Unfortunately, many of these physical attributes are characteristic of a
Westernized look and not one originating from South Korea, which is why almost all Korean
girls feel outside the role model. This has led South Korea to become one of the global
epicenters for cosmetic surgery worldwide. Almost one in five women between the ages of
19 and 50 has undergone surgery at a cosmetic surgery clinic, and the number is increasing
every year. These efforts by South Korean women to emulate "doll like" features have
created a thriving industry, to the point that there is an entire district of Seoul teeming with
cosmetic surgery centers that have become known with the nickname "belt of beauty".

Now let's see michael's perspective/thought.

Hi i'm Michael and in USA Beauty standards in America are among the most unrealistic and
unattainable in the world. The ideal woman in America is quite different from the real woman:
tall, slim, leggy, with large breasts, long voluminous hair, a toned body, and all while
remaining healthy. Media and advertising that make this ideal body type seem easily
achievable "in just 10 minutes a day" or by cutting out a "few calories here and there"
provoke high doses of frustration among the female gender (and also some than another
falsely idealized image among the male sex). After taking a look at the statistics of plastic
surgery operations in the United States, which reached 16 million procedures in 2013 alone,
there is little doubt that the social pressure on physical appearance is enormous.

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