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Seminar on



USN: 4SU19CS014
VIII Semester
Computer Science and Engineering

Under the guidance of

Mr. Pradeep Rao K B
Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

SDM Institute of Technology, Ujire – 574 240
SDM Institute of Technology, Ujire – 574240
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

This is to certify that Mr. Basavaraj N USN:4SU19CS014 has
satisfactorily completed seminar on “3D Internet” in partial fulfillment for
the award of degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and
Engineering from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during
the year 2022-23.

Date of Seminar presentation: 0 3 -03-2023

Signature of the student:

Mr. Pradeep Rao K B Mr. Ravi Kumar

Faculty advisor Seminar Coordinator

Dr. Thyagaraju G S

Head of the Department with seal and date


3D Internet, known also as virtual worlds may be a powerful new way for users to reach consumers,
business customers, partners, students and colleagues. The Internet is gradually evolving to become
the virtual environment which would facilitate communication, business, and entertainment on a
global scale. While this concept seems incremental, in the sense that it merely just adds 3D graphics
to the current Web, it is in fact revolutionary as it would provide a complete virtual environment that
would facilitate services, interaction, and communication. The experience of interacting with other
users or objects in a 3D environment, as compared to screen names or flat images, adds new appeal
to the act of socializing and exploring on the Internet and also Virtual world generate immersive 3D
experiences that replicate real life.

Table of Contents

Page No.
Abstract i

Table of Contents ii

List of Figures iii

1 Introduction 1

2 Literature survey 2

3 System design and Working 3

3.1 System design 3

3.2 Working 4

4 Applications 6

5 Conclusion 7

References 8

1. Introduction

3D Internet can be called as the integration of the Internet and 3D graphics. The result of
such an integration would be interactive and real time 3D graphics all delivered through the
web. It is the live simulation of a 2D web page into 3D graphics. Sections of Internet that we
use today are under the category of web 2.0 and web 3.0. The next form of Internet takes
interaction of users and the 3D experience to a whole new level. This type of experience is
often so lively that it is considered as a mix of virtual and augmented reality. 3D Internet can
be therefore visualized as virtual worlds. People who are active in these virtual worlds would
be more interested and active in the digital world than in real life. It can be termed as the
mixed combination of passiveness of television, vastness of web, networking like in the
social media and stereoscopic experience of 3D movies. But we can see that the television is
a passive source whereas 3D Internet is engaging and interactive. Example of such a virtual
world can be “Second Life”. The people who are in this world are called as residents. The
residents are capable of participating in social events, distance attendance to meetings and
educative classes, meeting new people, participate in virtual commerce, trying new products,
participate in brand experience which is like the real world. 3D Internet has the live
broadcasting property of television combined with the ample content of the Internet. Some
disadvantages of the Internet that we use currently can be wastage of time due to mouse
movements, less interactive web pages, less Efficient i.e. slow speed of working and
ineffective representation of certain images and 3D graphics. Thus, we see that the current
technology is highly futile. A replacement or an upgrade is needed in the coming time.

2. Literature Survey

[1] Dr. Mohana Aradhya -"3D Internet : The Future of the Web ". In this paper
author mainly explored The Internet we currently use is filled with web pages, graphics and
images that have a 2D existence. The time has come to upgrade the Internet itself as technology
advancements are growing, to a much sophisticated, ubiquitous and interactive network. Research
indicates that it is possible to implement 3D Internet


PINTO - "Registration of Consecutive Frames From Wireless Capsule Endoscopy
for 3D Motion Estimation". This paper proposes a use of technology called computer
vision to capture the images from WCE and register consecutive frames to estimate the
3D motion of the capsule. In this paper the deployed Computer vision is used to identify
the location and the trajectory of the capsule by registering the Consecutive Frames From
Wireless Capsule Endoscopy as it moves through the GI tract, which is especially
relevant for the detection of anomalies and provides 3D Motion analysis of the Wireless


REHMAN SIDDIQUI - "Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Bleeding Image Classification
Using CNN Based Model". In this paper the images from the Wireless Capsule
Endoscopy is captured and Bleeding images are classified using an CNN and data
augmentation.The paper puts forward the detection of Bleeding area in GI Tract using
Train and Test datasets with the help of CNN based model that uses data augmentation
and provides output based on the analysis of algorithm.

3. System design and working

3.1 System design

3.2 Working

The architecture of WCE consists of Battery, Antenna, Lights, and Lens. Here Alex Net
which is a part of CNN concept is used for working.The proposed approach is divided
into three main parts: data augmentation, deep feature extraction, and bleeding region

 Wireless Capsule Endoscopy(WCE) is nothing but a Pill Camera it is a procedure that

uses a tiny wireless camera to take pictures of digestive tract for analysis of Bleeding
 Images from WCE the raw input data are augmented by rotating and flipping, then
deep features are extracted from the augmented images, and finally the bleeding area
is segmented using Alexnet.
 Randomly selected 420 bleeding and non-bleeding images were used for the
experiment. The proposed method is to train with 340 images and tests with 80
 According to this research, the size of the input image is 227 × 227 × 3 RGB image.
Its distinguishing characteristics are its colors and texture, which are extracted
through five convolutional layers. The colors of WCE images vary depending on the
bleeding region.
 The texture and colour feature of WCE input images is extracted in hierarchical
manner. Fc6 and fc7 extract low-level features, while fc8 extracts high-level features.
 Then the Classification of bleeding and non-bleeding region are made using Support
Vector Machine (SVM) Algorithm.

4. Applications

3D Internet technology has various application in different fields:

1. Education: Implementation of 3D Internet in education would make people to have a better

understanding of the subject. They can view lectures and experiments in a 3D environment
that will help them learn more efficiently than the traditional approach especially considering
during the pandemic.

2. Real Estate: 3D Internet can change the real estate industry drastically. Customers can
view the property they are interested in beforehand online with a stereoscopic view. They
would get a basic idea and feel of the area and locality that they would be living in even
before its complete construction. This will cut down on traveling and ease the selection
process of properties to a great extent. Social

3. Social Interaction: The current generation users have much more active online social life
as compared to real life. The addition of 3D to social networking can revolutionize the digital
world. Video calls can be more interactive and appealing to the users. 3D chat spaces can be
introduced to social media with interactive emojis. Personal interaction will no more be
limited to real world. People who are unable to meet on a regular base can interact online.

4. Tourism: It is important to choose the perfect destination to spend holidays which would be
much easier after the implementation of 3D Internet. Tourists can have a 3D sample view of
the desired locations and then later decide which destination they would like to visit. The
demo of the place they are about to visit can decide if it’s worth investing on the trip.

5. E-commerce: Online Shopping would be more realistic and reliable with the adoption of
3D Internet. Concepts like online shopping malls and stores can be implemented so that the
users can view their catalogue and visit virtual malls from Internet. The feeling of shopping
can be fulfilled by consumers by sitting at home. There will be benefits to both, the buyer and
the seller as the necessity to meet at a common trading place will be eliminated completely
while the shopping experience will remain intact.

5. Conclusion

3D internet also known as virtual worlds, is a powerful new way for you to reach
consumers, business customers, co-workers, partners, and students. It combines the
immediacy of television, the versatile content of the Web, and the relationshipbuilding
strengths of social networking sites like Face book. One venue that stands out for its ability
to attract highly motivated audience is called the 3D Internet. Under the light of this
discussion, it can be said that soon 3D technology will become the necessary part of our
routines. Along with TV and internet we anticipate its corporation in other fields. On the
other hand, it is very necessary to use it in proficient way to save important time and
money resources.


[1] S.SUNITHA, S.S. SUJATHA:"An Improved Bleeding Detection Method

for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (WCE) Images Based on AlexNet".2021 3rd
International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICPSC)
(May 2021)


PINTO:"Registration of Consecutive Frames From Wireless Capsule Endoscopy
for 3D Motion Estimation." IEEE Access, vol: 9.pp.119533 - 119545 (August-


UR REHMAN SIDDIQUI: "Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Bleeding Images
Classification Using CNN Based Model."IEEE Access, vol: 9.pp.33675 -
33688 (February-2021)

[4] E. TUBA, S. TOMIC, M. BEKO, D. ZIVKOVIC and M. TUBA, "Bleeding

Detection in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images Using Texture and Color
Features," 2018 26th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), Belgrade, Serbia,
2018, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/TELFOR.2018.8611939.


"Application of Convolutional Neural Networks for Automated Ulcer Detection
in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images". Sensors 2019, 19, 1265.


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