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Automatic Pick HU (Handling Unit) creation


In this blog you will learn about the automatic pick HU creation during the pick warehouse task creation.
There are some business cases where automatic packing is required at the time of picking. In other
business case, when there is a partial pick from a particular pallet and during this partial pick business
needs a pick Hu to be created automatically by the system.

Solution Approach:
Please follow the below mentioned configuration steps to achieve this functionality

 Create number range for the handling unit and assign it to the respective packaging material using
the below mentioned path:

IMG Path – SPRO -> IMG -> SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended    Warehouse
Management -> Cross-Process Settings -> Handling Units -> External Identification-> Define number
range for Hu identification/Assign number range intervals to packaging material types.

 Create packaging profile in the path mentioned below and activate the “Create HU’s” indicator

IMG Path – SPRO -> IMG -> SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended Warehouse
Management -> Cross-Process Settings -> Warehouse Order -> Define Packaging Profile for Warehouse
Order Creation.

 Assign this packaging profile to the respective WOCR (Warehouse order creation rule) using the
below mentioned path.

IMG Path – SPRO -> IMG -> SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended Warehouse
Management -> Cross-Process Settings -> Warehouse Order -> Define Creation Rule for Warehouse

 Create packaging specification for the respective packaging profile using the

 When we create a pick warehouse task, a pick-HU should be created automatically. For each
activity area, we need to define one storage bin in which this pick-HU is created. This storage bin
will be an intermediate bin between source and destination bin in which pick-hu is created by the

Create a storage bin using the transaction code: /SCWM/LS01.

 Assign this intermediate storage bin to the starting point/start bin using the transaction code:

 To move this pick-Hu created from the bin (Here: VIRTUAL_BIN) to the resource, a warehouse
task to be created automatically by the system. For this warehouse task creation, we need a
warehouse process type.

Create warehouse process type using the below mentioned path:

IMG Path – SPRO -> IMG -> SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended Warehouse
Management -> Cross-Process Settings -> Warehouse Task -> Define Warehouse Process Type

 Assign this warehouse process type to the warehouse number control using the below mentioned

IMG Path – SPRO -> IMG -> SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended Warehouse
Management -> Master Data->Define Warehouse Number Control

 Delivery is created & released the wave to create a pick warehouse task.

 Confirm the pick warehouse in RF and check whether the pick-HU has been created

Login to the RF and follow the path-> Outbound Processes-> Picking->Picking by WO and scan the WO.
          Scanning the source bin, product, destination HU/bin and quantity
 Picking is completed and the goods are moved to the staging bay with pick-Hu.

The blog walks you through various steps involved in automatic Pick Hu creation with test results.

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