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MATRIC NO: 970516-30-5006001


No. Title Page

1 Table of content 1

2 Definition of knowledge management and types of knowledge 2

3 Differences or similarities between telehealth and telemedicine approach 3-4

4 How managing knowledge using telehealth system can benefit the patient 5-6

5 How managing knowledge using telehealth system can benefit doctor and 7

6 Challenges in implementing telehealth system for stakeholder (patient, 7

doctor and hospital)

7 What can these stakeholders do to address the challenges 7

8 How the use of health technology able to support individual in everyday life 8
to be healthier

9 References 9


The term knowledge management has so many meanings and it depends on how the
person views it. And at the same time, there is also no consensus on what it means (Shin et
al., 2001; Salisbury, 2003; Call, 2005). Everyone is still forming their definitions.

Knowledge management entails the orderly management of information resources within

an organization (Holsapple &Jones, 2004) to derive value from its knowledge assets
(Ergazakis et al., 2005) by creating, coding, storing, conveying, and trading expresses
information with technology as a key enabler and supporter (Davenport & Prusak, 1998;
Benbya & Belbaly, 2005). However, it is not entirely technological because it requires
managing people, their tacit knowledge, and their social interactions (Currie & Kerrin, 2003).
(Butler, 2003).

Since there is currently no consensus on the definition and no possibility of one in the
near future, based on Sallis and Jones (2002), knowledge management is a systematic
strategy for managing individual, group, and organizational knowledge using the right means
and technology. It all ultimately boils down to managing people, what they know, how they
interact with one another while executing duties, how they make decisions, how information
flows, and the company's culture. The range of this module's topic is represented by this

Tactic knowledge and explicit knowledge are the two categories of knowledge. Tacit
knowledge is the knowledge that can't be described in words, sentences, numbers, or
formulae because it's subjective and experiential (context-specific). Technical skills such as
craft and know-how, as well as cognitive skills such as beliefs, images, viewpoints, and
mental models, are examples. Explicit knowledge, on the other hand, consists of objective
and rational information that may be stated in words, sentences, numbers, or formulae
(context-free). Theoretical approach, problem-solving, manuals, and databases are some of
the approaches described.

Managing organizational knowledge has a variety of advantages, some of which are
obvious and understandable, while others are not. Nowadays, companies are primarily valued
for their intellectual capital, as evidenced by the rising gap between corporate balance sheets
and investor perceptions of the company's worth. The most valuable corporate resource is
intellectual capital, which is made up of people and structural capital. Human capital refers to
the organization's body of knowledge, which is stored in the minds of employees, vendors,
and consumers. When an organization's personnel leave the office, structural capital remains
in the shape of databases, customer files, software, manuals, trademarks, and other items.

This can be evident in Microsoft, which is one of the world's largest companies.
Microsoft is recognized not only for its physical assets, but also for its intellectual assets,
which include copyrights, customer databases, and software for business processes. The
knowledge that lives in the minds of Microsoft employees is also considered intellectual
capital (software developers, researchers, product managers, and academic collaborators).

As a result, the most valuable resource in today's business is the collective knowledge
that exists in the minds of the company's employees, customers, and vendors. In a
conclusion, knowledge management can be defined as the mechanisms for discovering,
capturing, organizing, and sharing intellectual assets that are critical to organizational



Telehealth encompasses a wide range of electronic and telecommunications technologies

and services such as computers and mobile devices, that are used to deliver care and services
over long distances. When you and the doctor are not in the same place at the same time, this
service provides a platform. It's also a terrific method to acquire the healthcare you need
without putting yourself at risk, which is especially important during this pandemic.

As a type of healthcare service, telehealth comes in five forms. Patient portals,
professional networking, electronic health records (EHRs), patient education, and personal
health apps. These five forms will be explained more on section 3.0 where we will talk on
how managing knowledge using telehealth system can benefit the patient. Among telehealth
services available in Malaysia include:

Telemedicine provides patients with the same benefits as traditional in-office visits with
their doctors, with the exception that physicians provide care remotely. Doctors and patients
use electronic communication tools for diagnosis, consultations, and treatment in
telemedicine. These tools could, for example, be smartphone apps. Following recent
developments, telemedicine app development has become the only alternative for ensuring
remote care in some circumstances. Telemedicine is a type of healthcare service that comes
in three forms. Each can be used on its own or in conjunction with other forms to provide
more comprehensive e-care. They are synchronous telemedicine, asynchronous telemedicine,
and remote monitoring.

Synchronous telemedicine demands real-time video call interaction between a doctor and
a patient. Video conferencing software facilitates this communication. Real-time
telemedicine eliminates the time and transit constraints, in addition to enhancing patient
access to high-quality medical care. Telemedicine apps for video conferencing will soon
become mainstream as this method of medical care evolves. Doctors can use synchronous
video visits to diagnose a patient's illness, prescribing drugs, advocate for in-home care, track
treatment, make appointments for follow-up consultations, get expert advice and interactions,
and order testing in the lab. Teladoc is a virtual medical practice that provides access to
licensed healthcare providers that are board-certified in emergency medicine, pediatrics,
family medicine, and internal medicine. A user can have a no-time-limit consultation after

requesting a doctor via video call or text chat. A doctor can send a prescription to a patient's
local pharmacy if medication is required.

The delivery of previously recorded and stored data (images and video) to a healthcare
practitioner over an electronic communication system is known as asynchronous (store-and-
forward) telemedicine. The practitioner assesses these photographs or videos outside of a live
engagement after obtaining them. Telemedicine that stores and forwards information is
comparable to emailing. This makes it a handy way for doctors and patients with busy
schedules to communicate. Patients can use such platforms to fill out surveys about their
health problems, take pictures or videos of the symptoms, MRI images, test findings, and X-
rays sharing (depending on the condition), and record voice memos. DermEngine is a
dermatology imaging and documentation platform for a variety of skin disorders. On
DermEngine, users take images of their symptoms and email them to a trained specialist to
start a consultation. The medical expert then reviews the information and provides a detailed
report on the problem.

Self-monitoring or self-testing are terms used to describe this type of telemedicine.

Patients can check their health status outside of a clinical setting and receive support 24
hours a day, seven days a week with remote monitoring. Patients with diabetes, for example,
can use an electronic device to track their blood sugar levels and exchange this information
with their doctors. Doctors may review received data, communicate lab findings, and make
suggestions all through the same app. Users can log their blood sugar levels, meals, and
prescriptions in Glucose Buddy, a diabetes cares mobile app. Users may view changes in
their glucose levels, track steps, write comments, and learn on the move with the help of
Glucose Buddy's built-in teaching plan. Users can also export medical data reports to share
with medical specialists.

The differences between telemedicine and telehealth can be seen in few aspects.
Telehealth is distinct from telemedicine in that it covers a broader range of remote healthcare
services. Telemedicine is used to describe remote clinical services, whereas telehealth is used
to describe remote non-clinical services. Telemedicine is a technology for illness while

telehealth is a technology for wellness (wellbeing). Telemedicine is clinician and nurse-led
while telehealth is service or user-led. Telemedicine is an institutional context and
contrastingly, telehealth is home or community context. Telemedicine focuses on patients,
whereas telehealth focuses on people. Telemedicine control and monitor the patient, on the
contrary, telehealth is self-management by users.

Their differences can also clearly be understood through examples. Examples of

telehealth scenarios are “A world-class oncologist has educational and informative sessions
with medical students.” “A primary healthcare professional consults on a rare case by sharing
a patient's X-rays with colleagues.” “Ahmad learns about atopic disorders using a
smartphone app's encyclopedia.” As for Telemedicine, the examples of scenarios are “After a
video chat between Muhammad and his doctor, they developed a comprehensive treatment
plan and set up a follow-up appointment.” “Azhar sends his doctor an X-ray related to his
injury that is currently being diagnosed.” “A dermatologist examines digital photographs of a
patient's skin and diagnoses the condition.”


Managing knowledge using a telehealth system can benefit the patient by having a
multidisciplinary healthcare team, with the help of video consultation, lifestyle education,
medication tracking, and telemonitoring of vital signs, this will help to suspect and establish
hypertensive patients, monitor older adults, medically underserved people, high-risk patients,
patients with multiple comorbidities, and isolated patients due to pandemic like COVID-19.
When these people have been identified, this will reduce the frequency of office visits,
treatment intensification, improve their quality of life, improve medication adherence,
improve drug safety, reduce management costs and improve the outcome (hospitalization or
death rate).

One of the five forms under telehealth is called the electronic health records (EHR)
system. Patients can use an electronic health record system to schedule, reschedule, or cancel
their appointments, see their medical records and obtain reports in an electronic format,
obtain the prescriptions they require and after an appointment, they can get treatment
instructions or ask questions. Epic is a popular EHR system because of its significant
emphasis on patient care. Hospitals, medical practices, academic institutions, and healthcare
professionals are all served. Epic is available in the cloud and on the web, and customers can
utilize the iOS and Android mobile apps to access basic EHR functionality. Epic's
fundamental features include scheduling, medical histories, e-prescriptions, lab integration,
reporting, and analytics. Through this system, we can see how efficient telehealth works in
assisting the patients.

Patient portals are web-based systems that help strengthen doctor-patient interactions and
give patients more control over their treatment. These portals are either integrated with
capabilities included in an EHR system or stand-alone platforms. Patients can utilize patient
portals for appointment scheduling and cancellation, prescription refills, examine reports of
clinical appointments and receive laboratory findings, health-insurance products updates, and
manage balances.

Education is the most effective means of preserving one's health. Patients are not only
educated by doctors. Patient education applications provide users with crucial disease
information, allowing them to take a more active role in their health. Patient education apps
allow the users to visually communicate anatomy and conditions, feature health-related
content, current updates, and illness outbreak information provide access to medication-
related information, offer expert-approved treatment suggestions, allow users to search for
health facilities, testing services, and other services. MedlinePlus is an online program with a
big medical library that covers a wide range of health and wellness topics. All of this
information is presented in an easy-to-understand English and Spanish style. MedlinePlus is
a popular educational tool for patients because it combines medical news with an illustrated
encyclopedia. These portals aid doctors in increasing patient involvement, managing
finances, creating processes and promoting patient loyalty.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine is being applied in a variety of scenarios.

An example is when a patient with mild respiratory symptoms needs evacuation but has been
told not to go to the emergency room. The next scenario is when a patient shows no
symptoms of COVID-19 but has come in contact with someone who has been infected with
the novel coronavirus and wants to be examined. The last scenario is when a patient with
severe COVID-19 symptoms is admitted to the hospital and requires a specialty consultation
with an infectious disease doctor in a remote location. We can observe that, regardless of the
situation or disease, telemedicine has had a significant role in lowering morbidity rates.


Managing knowledge using the telehealth system can benefit doctors and hospitals by
using professional networking apps for mobile devices where it connects doctors from all
around the world with a powerful network to whom they can turn for aid or advice anytime
they need it. Healthcare providers can connect with other medical specialists via chat and
visual consultations to obtain further information regarding a patient's medical records, talk
about the various diagnoses and treatment options, make their private groups and collaborate
with other experts, identify or create events that are relevant to their interests, increase their
clinical knowledge, and receive real-time input on uncommon cases. Connecting through a
telehealth mobile app or website reduces travel and time-consuming in-person appointments
for both patients and doctors.

Just like how the EHR system helps the patients, it is also beneficial to doctors and
hospitals. Paper charts are being phased out in favor of EHR systems. They provide
immediate access to a patient's medical records. Clinics benefit from the precision of these
technologies, as well as higher patient care standards. Doctors can use EHRs to keep track of
patients' medical records, organize lab data and refer patients to specialists for additional
testing, keep track of both new and old prescriptions, get professional perspective and
expedite treatment, share clinical records with other healthcare practitioners, and reduce
paperwork while ensuring high-quality results.



The challenges in implementing a telehealth system for stakeholders (patient, doctor, and
hospital) are first, there may be a high expense, a risk of data loss, and a risk of privacy loss
for the hospital. The issues for the patient would be a breach of the patient's privacy and their
low willingness to pay for the service. Next, the system may be slow for physicians, and
some may be unfamiliar with it, particularly elderly doctors, and last, there may be

insufficient information. Other issues include a lack of funding and political backing, a lack
of a policy framework, and a lack of infrastructure to facilitate telehealth. Patients and health
care providers may also be biased in favor of telemedicine. Insecurity, gender inequality, and
civil instability are among the difficulties peculiar to each country.


Of course, there are solutions to all of the world's challenges. What can stakeholders do
to solve the issues that come with establishing a telehealth system? Some recommended
methods include ensuring political commitment from governments, defining policy support,
and increasing budgetary health allocation. Next, we must maintain public-private
collaboration. Additionally, research and development should be carried out, as well as
training of health professionals.


There are currently about 100,000 health apps available for download on our mobile
devices that can track our physical activity and offer health-related information. Personalized
health technology gives us the ability to manage our health. Smart assistants and cleverly
designed apps are assisting us in maintaining a more active and healthier lifestyle. The
Internet of Caring Things (IoCT) is revolutionizing how we monitor and manage our health.
Wearable devices are no longer confined to fitness trackers and are becoming an integral part
of our daily life. Artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare is changing the ways we diagnose
and treat illnesses by developing a wide range of applications throughout the healthcare
spectrum. Not only can the Internet of Caring Things (IoMT) assist caregivers in monitoring,
informing, and notifying them, but it also gives healthcare providers real-time data to identify
problems before they become critical, allowing for early invention.

Medical software has entered the public due to personal health apps. This is because
these apps are designed to assist users in taking care of their health outside of a clinical
setting. Users can keep track of their personal health information, keep track of their meals,
calories, and water intake, and set up reminders to take their meds regularly, keep track of
their pulse, daily steps, blood sugar level, and other vital statistics, scan barcodes, keep track
of sleeping habits, and inform family members and doctors about the development.
MyFitnessPal is a popular diet and nutrition app that allows users to log their daily activity
and meal choices. There are over 300 workouts in the program, as well as a large database of
meals and product codes. MyFitnessPal also includes tools like a step counter, nutrient
tracker, and calorie counter to assist users to meet their weight-loss objectives quickly.


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