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Module 1 Vocabulary


Cover letter: 1 page document that you should send with your resume to
persuade the hiring manager to read it.
Complimentary closing: a word or words that come immediately before the
signature of a letter to express the sender’s respect for the recipient. For
example: Sincerely or Regards.
Professional experience: a experience that you obtain from a profession. It
should be included in your resume in order from current to previous.
Hiring manager: the person responsible for hiring employees, to fill open job
positions in a company.
LinkedIn: a social networking site that helps you create professional
connections according to common areas and interests, as well as you find job
Professional Profile: it is a brief summary of your skills, qualifications,
strengths, and relevant professional experience.
Resume or Resumé: a formal presentation in a 1 or 2 page document, in
which a job applicant showcases his or her contact information, professional
summary, relevant work experience, education, skills and qualifications.
3. How to improve your English
In this class the post-its colors used are related to:
 Blue:general skills
 Yellow: speaking skills
 Orange: reading skills
 Purple:writing skills
 Pink: listening

7. Module 2 vocabulary
Advantages: features that make something better than other things, and a
condition that is more favorable and could give more possibilities to have a
positive experience and success.

Disadvantages: the opposite of advantages; a disadvantage is an

unfavorable position or condition.
Face to face Interview: an interview in which you talk directly to your
interviewer in the same place, not by phone or online.

Online Interview: an interview in which the interviewer and interviewee

connect through an online platform.

Phone Interview: an interview which is done over the phone.

Requirements: something that is wanted or needed, it could also be a

necessary condition.

Soft solid colors: a color that has muted chroma, that was greyed, softened,
or lightened, which has no patterns; a solid color is having the same color all

Technical Interview: an interview to test technical abilities and knowledge for

a job. Usually if you apply for a job in engineering, science, or IT you may face
a technical interview.

11. Module 3 Vocabulary

Competencies: the abilities to perform a task efficiently. Competencies
involve skills, abilities and knowledge. They are your qualifications for a job.

Hard Skills: learned abilities that are acquired and enhanced through

practice, repetition, and education. They are teachable and measurable
technical abilities that fit the job position.

Soft Skills: they are non-technical skills that relate to how you work and
which are not related to a specific job.

Plain language: Clear and effective communication with straightforward

expression or using only as many words as are necessary.

Pair Coding or Programming: an Agile technique originating from extreme

programming in which two developers get together and code using the same

Portfolio: a portable showcase of your work and talents which represent your
skills and achievements.

17. Module 4 vocabulary

Behavioral questions: questions that have to do with how you handled past
work situations.

Call someone out: an expression which has to do with telling someone about
something they did or said and asking them for an explanation.

Job setting / Work setting: your work environment, the place where you

Role play: A dramatization in which you perform or act out the part of a
person or character in a situation in order to make the topic more clear.

Situational questions: questions about hypothetical work situations. They

allow the interviewer to know how you would act if they happened.

22. Module 5 vocabulary

Being late: Not being on time for a scheduled meeting or event.

Follow up: to investigate closely in order to have a status or more information

as a response to something.

If applicable: It expresses that you should consider if something has to do

with you, if it is relevant or if it applies.

Mistake: an act or judgment that is not right; something that you are wrong

Role: a purpose or position that a person has in a company, a situation,

society, or in a relationship; it is related to a duty or obligation that the person

Write down: to record something in written form in a piece of paper.

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