Fem 3

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Finite Element Method (FEM)

Module Code:

Lecture on Multi Physics of FEM, 15 September 2019

By: Dr. Mesay Alemu Tolcha

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, JiT, Ethiopia.

Application of the FEM to heat conduction

A variational principle are applied to analysis the heat

conduction with temperature and heat flux
Heat transfer in a composite wall

Heat transfer in a composite wall

Heat flux at a point is given by Fourier’s law:
q = −K (1)
This can be approximately written for node 1 as
T1 − T2
q = −K1 (2)
Similarly for node 2
T1 − T2 T2 − T3
q = −K1 = −K2 (3)
L1 L2
For node 3
T2 − T3
K2 = h(T3 − T2 ) (4)

Heat transfer in a composite wall...

Equations (2), (3) and (4) can be rearranged as,

k1 k1
T1 − T2 = q
L1 L1
k1 k1 k2 k2
− T1 + + T2 − T3 = 0
L1 L1 L2 L2
k2 k2
− T2 + + h T3 = hTa
L1 L2
This can be written in a more compact form as,
 K K1
   
− L 0  T 1   q 
 K1 1 K1 1K2
   
K2 
− L1 L1 + L2 − L2  T2 = 0
− KL22 K2

    
0 + h T hT
 
L2 3 a

Heat transfer in a composite wall...

There are two methods of solving the above equation.

1. Direct Method.
• Matrix inversion method
• Tri-Diagonal Matrix Algorithm (TDMA)
• Gaussian elimination
2. Iterative Method
• Gauss-Seidel Iteration
• In the direct method, all elements of the coefficient matrix are
stored in the computer memory. This will make the computer
very slow and its memory will be full.
• Since large number of the off-diagonal elements of the
coefficient matrix are zero, storing these elements is useless.
• In the indirect method, only the non-zero elements on the
diagonal of the coefficient matrix are considered. The
drawback of this method time consuming iterations.
Assignment % for Thermal Students

Pipe flow element


Q 1 q3 3 Q

Figure 1: Pipe Flow Network

1 1
qi = (pi − pj ) and qj = (pj − pi )
For Poiseuille flow R = 128Lµ
πD 4

Assignment % for Manufacturing Engineering and Design Stu-

FEA Beam Problem (Develop Force relation Displacement)

Q Uniform

L1 L2

Common Assignment %
Element Transformation
• Direct assembly of element equations is a bit tedious.
• Transformation of element equations in to global form and
then to assemble is more preferable.
Common Assignment %

(e) (e)
The other consideration is relation of element forces, f1 and f2
(e) (e) (e)
with their global components, F1 , F2 , F3 (e) and F4 .

Weight Residual Methods


• The method of weighted residuals is an approximate way of

solving engineering problems by using trial functions.
• Integral formulation is made over the problem domain to
minimize error.

d 2y
− 10x 2 − 5 = 0 = D(y (x), x) (5)
dx 2
where 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 with boundary conditions y (0) = y (1) = 0

Weight Residual Methods...

Illustration ...

According to the weighted residual methods, an approximate

solution y ∗ (x) given by the following equation is assumed,
y ∗ (x) = ci Ni (x) (6)
i =1
where ci are constants to be determined and Ni (x) are shape
functions. When the trial function (6) is inserted in to the
differential equation (5), we get
D(y ∗ (x), x) 6= 0 = R(x) (7)
R(x) is called residual. The whole idea of the weighted residual
methods is minimizing the residual over the entire problem domain
by multiplying it with some weighting function.
Weight Residual Methods...

Illustration ...
Minimization over the entire domain (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) for problem given
in equation (5) is achieved through,
wi (x)R(x)dx = 0 (8)
where wi (x) are n arbitrary weighting functions.
There are several weighted residual methods depending on
the way wi (x) are chosen.
The following are the most common ones.
• least squares method,
• Point collocation,
• Subdomain collocation, and
• Galerkin’s method. 11/14
Weight Residual Methods...

In Galerkin’s weighted residual method, the weighting functions are

chosen to be identical to the trial functions; that is,
wi (x) = Ni (x) (9)
Illustration ...
For problem given by equation (5), a trail function of the form
Ni (x) = x(x − 1) (10)
Satisfies the boundary conditions given. And the approximate
solution will have the form,
y ∗ (x) = c(x) = c1 x(x − 1) (11)
d2y ∗
and, dx 2
= 2c1

Weighted Residual Methods....

Illustration ...
Then, the Galerkin weighted residual expression will be,
Z1 Z1
N1 (x)R(x)dx = x(x − 1)(2c1 − 10x 2 − 5)dx = 0 (12)
0 0

This integral gives us c1 = 4. The approximate solution becomes,

y ∗ (x) = 4x(x − 1) (13)

And the exact solution is,

5 5 10
y (x) = x 4 + x 2 − x (14)
6 2 3
The two solutions are shown in the next Figure.
Weighted Residual Methods...

0.0 Galerkin





0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figure 2: Comparison of Exact and One Trial Function Galerkin’s Method Solutions


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