2 Освіта Britain

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Education in Great Britain

1. Read and translate the text 1. Schools are paid for by money from everyone.
In Great Britain education is compulsory for all children from 5 to 16 years of 2. Schools are paid for by money from parents who send their children to
age. Before 5 some children attend Nursery Schools, while most children start their these schools.
basic education in an Infant School, which is the first stage of Primary Education. In 3. Schools accept only children who are already doing well in school and are
Primary School children are taught the so-called 3R’s- reading, writing and arithmetic, able to work quietly.
as well as elementary science and information technology. They also have music, 4. Classes are less crowded.
physical training and art classes. 5. Religion is not taught there.
At the age of 11 children transfer to Comprehensive Schools. These schools give 6. They give religion lessons and usual school subjects as well.
general education and a wide range of academic courses leading to the public 7. Children wear special school uniforms.
examinations taken at 16. They also provide some vocational courses. 8. Students wear what they want.
Along with the state schools there are about 500 private schools in Britain.
Most of these Independent or Public Schools charge fees and there are boarding 4. Read the proverbs. Match the beginning of the proverb in left column with its
schools, where the children actually live in the school. ending in right column:
Any child may leave school at 16 when all children take the school-leaving 1. Live and …. a. a dangerous thing.
examinations and get a certificate of secondary education. Those who want to 2. Knowledge is … b. to learn.
continue their education at a University have to stay on at school for two more years 3. A little knowledge is… c. power.
and take another exam ( at advanced level). Advanced level examination is very 4. It is never too late…. d. to know nothing.
important, because on the results of this examination the Universities and 5. To know everything is… e. Learn
Polytechnics choose their students, as there are no entrance examinations. 6. There is no royal road… f. to learning
The leading universities in England are Oxford, Cambridge and London. Each
University consists of a number of faculties: medicine, arts (philosophy), law, music,
natural science, commerce and education. After 3 years of study, a student receives a 5. Match the words in the box with their definitions below:
Bachelor’s degree. Some may continue their studies for 2 or more years to get the Boarding school, graduate, head teacher, nursery school, primary school,
degrees of Master and Doctor. primary school, private school, secondary school, state school
Besides universities, there are other types of higher educational institutions: 1.__________ is a school paid by the government which gives free education.
Polytechnics and Colleges of different kinds. 2.__________ is a non-government school where you have to pay.
3.__________ is a school for very young children at the age of 1 – 4.
2. Answer the questions: 4.__________ is a school for young children from 4 to 11 years old.
1. At what age do all children start their basic education in Great Britain? 5.__________ is a school for older children from 11 to 18.
2. What subjects are taught in Primary School? 6.__________ is a school where pupils live, eat and sleep.
3. What is the difference between a state and a private school? 7.__________ is a “boss” of a school.
4. What is the first school-leaving age in Britain? 8.__________ is a person who has finished university and has a degree (e.g.
5. How do Universities and Polytechnics choose their students? economics)
6. What are the most famous English Universities?
3. Complete the table, describing private and public school: Write your thoughts about one of the proverbs from exercise 4.
Public schools Private schools

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