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Physical Activity and Health Programmes

Assessment of health and

lifestyle-related behaviours

Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
The aim of this presentation is…
- To understand the importance of measuring health and
lifestyle-related behaviours.
- To know how to assess health and lifestyle-related
behaviours, such as:
Quality of life Mediterranean Diet
Anxiety Tobacco
Alcohol consumption
Physical activity and sedentary

Physical activity and sedentary

behaviour will be explained in session
“Self-reported measurements of PA
and sedentary behaviours”
Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
Beforehand, which is the definition of Health-
Related Quality of life (QoL)?
- How an individual measures the ‘goodness’ of multiple
aspects of their life. These evaluations include one’s
emotional reactions to life occurrences, disposition, sense of
life fulfillment and satisfaction, and satisfaction with work and
personal relationships.

- In a broader way, it is referred to as satisfaction with life. Life

satisfaction is a subjective assessment of the quality of one’s

- This multidimensional concept is split in two sub-scales:

- Physical health-related QoL;
- Mental health-related QoL.
Theofilou (2013) “Quality of Life: Definition and
Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
Why should we measure levels of health-related
quality of life (HRQoL)?
Through physical activity prescription, we may improve perceptions
of quality of life.
In fact, the evidence shows that good levels of HRQoL…
• Reduces mortality risk in older adults.
• Decreases the use of health-care delivery services and help to limit the
rising costs of medical care.
• Reduces feelings of stress among people without chronic conditions.
• Stress interferes with many aspects of health that can be mitigated by a
higher sense of quality of life induced by regular physical activity.
• Greater amounts of physical activity are associated with a positive
perception of quality of life.

2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee

Scientific Report; F3-15; F3-14; F3-25
Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
Which is the definition of anxiety?
An unpleasant high activation feeling state characterized by
feelings of apprehension, worry, and physical sensations
arising from activation of the autonomic nervous system. In
the extreme, these feelings can become a clinical disorder.

With increasing levels of stress in the modern world, anxiety

and anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental
disorders in our society.
Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
Why should we measure anxiety?
The evidence shows that…

Physical activity is an effective approach for improving both anxiety

and depressive symptoms (symptoms that often co-occur), with
similar effects to the most effective pharmaceutical approaches.
 Acute bouts of exercise can reduce state anxiety. Regular
participation as well as longer durations of moderate-to-vigorous
physical activity can reduce trait anxiety in adults and older adults.
Physical activity reduces anxiety symptoms in individuals with
anxiety disorders and reduces depressive symptoms in individuals
with major depression.
Elevating one’s mood and reducing anxiety are essential for
maintaining a healthy and productive life.
Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
Why should we measure lifestyle?

Lifestyles are modifiable risk factors for chronic disease

Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
How do we measure Health-related Quality
of Life and Anxiety levels?

Health-related quality of life can be measured using

• SF-12v2 (short version)
• SF-36v2 (long version)

Anxiety can be measured using the questionnaire:

• State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)

Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
Let’s see…
How these questionnaires look like


how to analyse them

Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
Questionnaires SF-12v2 or SF-36v2

• It includes self-report measures of perceived physical,

mental health and functioning.

• It is one of the most generic scales used in the evaluation of

clinical results.

• Applicable to general populations older than 14 years of


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Differences between SF-36v2 and SF-12v2

SF-36v2 SF-12v2
Version Long Short
Number of items 36 12
Time to answer it 5 - 10 min. ≤2 min.

How can you administer the questionnaire?

• Self-administered
• Personal interview by interviewers
• Telephone interview
• Online questionnaire
Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
This is the

It is available in
Virtual Campus

What does it measure?






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• Physical Functioning: The extent to health limits daily physical

activities such as personal care, walking, climbing stairs, carrying
loads among others. Item 2 and 3

• Physical Role: The extent to health interferes with work and other
daily activities, resulting in lower performance and limitation of the
types of activities that can be performed. Item 4 and 5

• Body Pain: It measures the intensity of pain suffered and the

effect on performing daily activities at home and at work. Item 8

• General Health: It measures self-perception of current health and

illness resistance in the future. Item 1

• Vitality: Feelings of energy and vitality. Item 10

• Social function: The extent to physical or emotional health

problems interfere with normal social life. Item 12

• Role emotional: The extent to emotional problems affect

occupational and daily life activities. Item 6 and 7

• Mental health: Evaluation of general mental health including

depression, anxiety, self-control and well-being. Items 9 and 11.

Activity 1 – In class

Fill in the SF-12v2


How is the scoring system of SF-12v2?

1. Use the excel document called “Scoring system SF-12v2”.

1.1. Introduce the answers of the user in the green column.

1.2. You have to look at the results of STEP 5. In this step, the
scores are normalized and can be compared with the
Catalans' average score (Schmidt et al, 2012).
See next slide.

Look at the video called “Scoring system of SF-12v2” for a more

detailed explanation.
Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
Physical health average scores Mental health average scores
Males Females Males Females
Age M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)
18-24 53,1 (6,2) 54,4 (5,5) 51,5 (7,9) 48,3 (10,8)
25-34 53,3 (5,2) 52,9 (6,4) 51,3 (8,5) 49 (10,4)
35-44 52,6 (5,9) 51,6 (8,1) 51,5 (8,8) 49,3 (9,5)
45-54 51,6 (7,6) 50 (9,4) 50,5 (10,4) 48,2 (11,6)
55-64 49,4 (9,3) 46,4 (10,8) 51,4 (9,9) 47,7 (11,2)
65-74 47,3 (10) 41,7 (11,3) 52,9 (9,5) 47,7 (13,9)
≥ 75 43,3 (12,4) 38,1 (13,1) 51,5 (10) 49,6 (13)

For more information, look at the Article “Schmidt et al., (2012)”, Annex section.
Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
Activity 2 – In class

• Implement the scoring system, get your score and

interpret the results.

• Compare your results with the normative values of the

Catalan population (Schmidt et al, 2012) and tell:
- Is your physical HRQoL better or worse than the
average Catalan population?
- Is your mental HRQoL better or worse than the
average Catalan population?

State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)

STAI is composed of two sub-scales:

• STAI State anxiety (S-anxiety)

• STAI Trait anxiety (T-anxiety)

Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)

Each sub-scale assesses a different type of anxiety.

• State anxiety : The essential qualities evaluated by the STAI S-Anxiety scale are feelings of apprehension, tension,
nervousness, and worry. In addition to assessing how people feel “right now,” the STAI S-Anxiety scale may also be
used to evaluate how they felt at a particular time in the recent past and how they anticipate they will feel either
in a specific situation that is likely to be encountered in the future or in a variety of hypothetical situations.

• Trait anxiety: The STAI T-Anxiety scale has been widely used in assessing clinical anxiety in medical, surgical,
psychosomatic, and psychiatric patients. Psychoneurotic and depressed patients generally have high scores on this
scale. The T-Anxiety scale is also used for screening high school and college students and military recruits for
anxiety problems, and for evaluating the immediate and long-term outcome of psychotherapy, counseling,
behavior modification, and drug-treatment programs. In clinical and experimental research, the STAI T-Anxiety
scale has proven useful for identifying persons with high levels of neurotic anxiety and for selecting subjects for
psychological experiments who differ in motivation or drive level.

Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
This is the

It is available in
Virtual Campus

Activity 3 – In class

Fill in the STAI


How is the scoring system of STAI? (I)
1. Each scale includes 20 items based on a 4-point Likert scale (4
responses). Each response has the following points:
Not at all (Nada) = 1 points
Somewhat (Algo) = 2 point
Moderately (Bastante) = 3 points
Very much so (Mucho) = 4 points

A high rating indicates the absence of anxiety for the remaining ten S-
Anxiety items and nine T-Anxiety items (e.g., “I feel calm,” “I feel relaxed”).
The scoring weights for the anxiety-absent items are reversed, i.e.,
responses marked 1, 2, 3, or 4 are scored 4, 3, 2, or 1, respectively.
The anxiety-absent items for which the scoring weights are reversed on the
S-Anxiety and T-Anxiety scales are:
S-Anxiety: 1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 20
T-Anxiety: 21, 23, 26, 27, 30, 33, 34, 36, 39
Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
How is the scoring system of STAI? (II)
2. To obtain scores for the S-Anxiety and T-Anxiety scales, simply add the weighted
scores for the twenty items that make up each scale, taking into account the fact that
the scores are reversed for the above items.

Scores for both the S-Anxiety and the T-Anxiety scales can vary from a minimum of 20
to a maximum of 80.


The next table shows the mean score for

working adults in three age groups.

See the Standard Scores for Normal adults

in the document “Standard Scores Normal
Adults STAI” in virtual campus.

Higher scores indicated higher levels of anxiety:

• In adults, a score of 39–40 detects clinically significant state anxiety symptoms.
• In older adults a score of 54-55 is suggested.
Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
Activity 4 – In class

• Implement the scoring

system, get your score
and interpret the

How do we measure Lifestyle behaviours?

Mediterranea diet adherence can be assessed using:

• PREDIMED questionnaire
Tobacco consumption can be measured using the
• Cuestionario para la clasificación de
consumidores de cigarrillo (C4)
Alcohol consumption can be measured using the
• Alcohol consumption table
Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
Let’s see…
How these questionnaires look like


how to analyse them

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Why should we measure mediterranean diet adherence?

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Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
PREDIMED questionnaire

It consists of 14 questions

The final PREDIMED score ranges

from 0 to 14 points.

Adherence level Score

Low adherence 0-6 points
Moderate adherence 7-10 points
High adherence 11-14 points

Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
Tobacco consumption

It consists of 14 questions

The final PREDIMED score ranges

from 0 to 14 points.

Adherence level Score

Low adherence 0-6 points
Moderate adherence 7-10 points
High adherence 11-14 points

Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
Activity 5 – In class

• Answer the PREDIMED

and implement the
scoring system, get
your score and
interpret the results.

Tobacco consumption
We can use this two questions as a general way to know his/her tobacco

• Which of the following statements best describes your behavior to

smoking (including cigarettes, cigars and pipes)?
1. Currently do not smoke at all
2. Currently I smoke occasionally (less than once a day)
3. Currently smoke every day

• Currently few cigarettes, cigars or pipes smoked every day?

– cigarettes
– cigars
– pipes

Departament de Salut: Enquesta de Salut de Catalunya 1994, 2002 i 2006

Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
When the person is currently smoking, we may ask to answer
this questionnaire to know the level of dependence

To score:
Sum the answers.
Each answer has a
number, sum these
numbers. There are
some questions which
don’t have a number,
in this case they don’t
have to be added.

Level of dependence
1-5 = Low
30-50= Dependent
Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
Alcohol consumption
How many units of alcoholic drinks did you take during the
last weekday and last weekend?

Definition: Departament de Salut: Enquesta de Salut de Catalunya

1 unit of alcohol= one glass of wine, one beer, one shot.

2 units of alcohol= one glass of cognac or liqueur, one whisky o mixed alcoholic drink
The weekly limits of alcohol consumption
Men: 28 units/week maximum
Women: 17 units/week maximum.
Ciències de l’Activitat Física i esport Facultat d’Educació
You have the task in virtual

From your real study case:

- Measure health-related quality of life.
- Measure anxiety levels.
- Measure adherence to Mediterranean diet.
- Measure tobacco and alcohol consumption.

Implement the scoring system of all the

questionnaires, get your real case score and interpret
the results.


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