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departamento de inglés
LINGÜÍSTICAS Producto final (Ejemplos de productos finales)

1º ESO Biographies of sport and musician women. Biography structure

document (1º&2º ESO):
Selected Sport Women: Worksheets

1º A: Isadora Duncan, Helen Roca, Maribí Ribera, Edurne Pasabán,Steffi Graf

1º B: Nancy López, Mia Hamm, Nadia Comaneci, Martina Navratilova, Jackie Joyner
1º C: Mireia Belmonte, Alexia Putellas, Almudena Cid, Sandra Sánchez, Arantxa Sánchez Vicario
1º D: Carolina Marín, Theresa Zabell, Ruth Beitia, Lydia Valentín, Blanca Fernández Ochoa

Selected Musician women:

Sara ( 1A, 1C y 2D) : Alicia Kiss, Beyoncé, Pink , Maria José Llergo, Lola Flores, Miley Cirus, Peggy
Gilbert, Miriam Makeba , Cesárea Ébora , Madonna, NOA, Rozalen, Vivir Quintana , Sonita
Alizadeth, Celine Dion , Rebeca Lane, Tash Sultana , Ani Choying Dolma, Chirigota Cadiwoman

Antonio (1B)
We will work on a worksheet with a set of eight exercises focused (all of them) on HIDDEN The sources have been
FIGURES OF MUSIC HISTORY (unit 7). Although every exercise is connected to the main topic and selected by the Music
supports the project, the cross curricular will be specifically worked through: an introductory teacher, so their access and
text, ex. 4 (read here), and specifically through ex. n.5 (the work's requirements, structure and search is limited to this
presentation. Project will be
research of information will be done with the help of this presentation) and n.7 (creation of a graded according to this
group poster). rubric.

Biographical Posters that will be exhibited on the walls in the corridor and used afterwards in the
Department Gymkhana at the end of the second term.

2º ESO Physical Education: famous women players and coaches. Different shots showing how the phrase
“Like a girl” has turned into a new meaning.
There is an exception with 4th B, who are going to choreograph a dance to the song “Ain’t Your
Mama” and it is being set up by the women of this class.

Physical & Chemistry:

Activity 1: Video worksheet about “The Female Century (International Women’s Day)“
Activity 2: An interactive Escape game (a type of game based on Escape rooms). This one theme
will be African female scientists, and how they made (and make) a difference in society.

Students will have 25-35 minutes, depending on their performance, to complete the game
throughout different “missions” or tests, with different steps each. Upon successfully completing
each mission, they will acquire a clue (a number, for instance) that will be required should they
wish to finish the game.

Creation of a QR code with “QRCodeMonkey application” (free online tool through which you
can generate and personalize QR codes online) of a video explaining International Women's Day,
as well as for the escape room and the video used in class.

Sara : biografías de mujeres (Apartado de 1° ESO )
Antonio Romero: 2ESO A, B y C. The sources have been
selected by the Music
We will work on a worksheet with a set of eight exercises focused (all of them) on HIDDEN teacher, so their access and
FIGURES OF MUSIC HISTORY (unit 7). Although every exercise is connected to the main topic and search is limited to this
supports the project, the cross curricular will be specifically worked through: an introductory presentation. Project will be
text, ex. 4 (read here), and specifically through ex. n.5 (the work's requirements, structure and graded according to a rubric
research of information will be done with the help of this presentation) and n.7 (creation of a included in the presentation.
group poster).

Selected “hidden female” figures to seek info about:

1. Kassia of Constantinople (9th c.):
2. Hildegard Von Bingen (11th-12th c.):
3. Comtessa de Dia (12th c.):
4. Maddalena Casulana (16th c.):
5. Francesca Caccini (17th c.):
6. Barbara Strozzi (17th c.):
7. Isabella Leonarda (17th c.):
8. Fanny Mendelssohn (19th c.):
9. Louise Farrenc (19th c.):
10. Clara Schumann (19th c.):
11. Rebecca Clarke (19th c.):
12. Ethel Smyth (20th c.):
13. Delia Derbyshire (20th c.):
14. Rachel Portman (20th c.)

3º ESO Biology & Geology: Use of English:

Kahoot about International Women’s Day Review: Making questions,

use of auxiliary verbs
It is a pre-career activity to involve students and raise awareness of the difficulties women face
in pursuing a career, particularly in science.
Physics & Chemistry

Games about International Women’s Day

The idea is that the students, using their own biographies of women scientists, create two games
in which they have to recognise these women scientists.


1. How to write a short biography. Relevant data. Searching for information on the web.
2. Selection of relevant data from the biographies. Construction of cards for the game

Final project:
Two board games. A competition between groups of the same class based on the games
prepared by the pupils.

Geography: Gender pay gap

Working with charts and graphs. Interpretation of information from different sources. Starting a
debate in English about the topic.
1. Show and explain (with auxiliary’s participation and help) graphs and charts about
gender pay gap.
2. Use the information, expressions and vocabulary given to start a debate in class
Final project:
1. Answer a short questionnaire about gender pay gap.
FINAL PRODUCT TO EXHIBIT: Graphs with short comments
4º ESO Physical Education: Drama: Short film: #like a girl.

Historia: Key female figures Biographies: Students have used this

-Artistas: Sofonisba Anguisola, Artemisia Gentileschi, Maruja Mallo biography structure
-Fotógrafa: Gerda Taro document (3º&4º ESO):
- Escritoras: Emilia Pardo Bazán/ Rosalía de Castro/ Carmen Laforet. Worksheets
- Importantes gobernantes: faraonas Hatshetsup y Cleopatra. Emperatrices Livia y Teodora.
Reinas: Leonor de Aquitania, Isabel de Castilla, Isabel I de Inglaterra, Catalina la Grande de
Rusia/ Ángela Merkel/ Margaret Thatcher.
- Figuras importantes, olvidadas o maltratadas: Ana de Mendoza (Princesa de Éboli)/ Juana de
Arco/ Olympe de Gouges, Mariana Pineda, Florence Nightingale
- Otras: Clara Campoamor, Victoria Kent, Emmeline Pankhurst, Isabel Zendal

1. Form groups and Search for information
2. Use “How to write a biography” guide and prepare a poster and a presentation

Final product:
1. Write a short biography in a poster
2. Elaborate a presentation for the class


We have analyzed a dilemma designed by the psychologist Kohlberg. Also we have read a
document where the Kolhberg theory is explained.
Then we reflected on the ethics of care developed by Carol Gilligan. This theory is a criticism of
Kohlberg from a feminist point of view.
Final product:
They have to choose her or his favorite carer: grandmother, mother, sister, father, uncle (maybe a
nurse), aunt (could be a doctor).
They have to elaborate a presentation for the class.

Project: The streets of Córdoba through women’s´eyes

The pupils must have a look at a map of Córdoba and search for 4 streets or landmarks that are
linked to people who are recognised for being carers. They must pinpoint these 4 spots on
Google map (or whatever app you choose or even a real map) and plan a route to visit them,
taking pictures of themselves at each spot, showing the plaque on which the name of the person
is included. They can do it on foot, riding a bike, skating... whatever way that involves any
physical activity.

They must add two or three (according to the group members) more spots to the route and the
map. These ones must be significant places for the important carers they have chosen in
Philosophy. At these places, they also must take a picture of themselves.

Final product:

The students must choose either option:

- Upload the pictures and the map to a CR assignment explaining why each of these 5
people were outstanding ones.
- Create an interactive map adding the photos to the spots on the map and upload it to
the CR assignment.

FINAL PRODUCT TO EXHIBIT: QR Codes for the elaborated maps.

ÁREAS En las lenguas hemos aunado las dos efemérides de este mes:
LINGÜÍSTICAS El Día internacional de la mujer (8 marzo) y el Día de la poesía (21 marzo)

CASTELLANA Actividad 1: Investigación sobre los siguientes temas: La querella de las mujeres en la Literatura española del s. XV. Mujeres
trovadoras. Visión idealizada y visión degradante de la mujer en el s. XV.

Producto final: Elaboración de una presentación en formato digital y exposición oral en clase.

Actividad 2: Búsqueda de un poema de una autora femenina. Práctica de recitado.

Producto final: Grabación de un podcast en el que el alumnado recite unos poemas en castellano

Actividad 1: elaboración de biografías de mujeres poetas y exposición oral en clase. Las poetas seleccionadas son Rosalía de Castro,
Gabriela Mistral, Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, Rosa Chacel, Dolores Catarineu, María Zambrano, Casilda de Antón del Olmet,
Elisabeth Mulder, Ernestina de Champourcín, Lucía Sánchez Saornil, Carmen Conde, Virginia Woolf y Mary Shelley.

Actividad 2: grabación de un podcast con poemas de las mismas mujeres poetas de la actividad 1.
Se recitarán también 2 poemas en inglés.

ORATORIA Actividad 1: el alumnado de este nivel investigará a través de los podcast “Mujeres Malditas” sobre figuras relevantes de nuestra
historia que han tenido un camino difícil para realizarse.

Producto final: llevarán a cabo una exposición oral en clase a través de una presentación en formato digital.

INGLÉS Grabación de un podcast en el que el alumnado recite poemas escritos por mujeres en Inglés ( en 3º y 4º de ESO y 1º de Bachiller)

FRANCÉS Grabación de un podcast en el que el alumnado recite poemas de mujeres escritos en Francés (en 3º y 4º de ESO)

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