Thesis Statements and Essay Writing. Practice 1

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Group 1
Below you will find topic sentences for the body paragraphs. Choose one topic sentence
and develop it into a body of a paragraph.

(I) The impact of technology on the nature of our friendships has been a much-debated
topic since the meteoric rise of social networks. Advancements in mobile technology and
social networking sites mean we spend more time online than ever before. After all, if
Facebook were a country, it would be the largest in the world by population (World
Economic Forum, 2016). According to the Nielson Group (2016), 22% of our overall online
media time is spent on social media. Thesis statement: It is therefore not surprising that
so many psychologists, sociologists, and others are eager to give their thoughts on how
this is impacting negatively on our society.

A. Young people are losing their face-to-face friends.

B. Social networking is changing young people’s personalities.
C. Being a part of hyper-connected world turns its users into narcissists.
D. A worrying part of social media is the ability to start friendships with people you have not met in

Doskonalenie kompetencji 1

II. Narrow the subject and write one good thesis sentence for five of the following topics:
1. Professional sports ..........................................................................................................
2. The Internet .....................................................................................................................
3. Safe driving
4. Parenthood
5. Honesty ...........................................................................................................................

III Read the following introduction to the essay. Complete it with a thesis statement for a
logical division of ideas.

Going off to university is a one-of-a-kind experience. Professors mould young minds, while
students get to soak up a rich and lively social atmosphere. Whether your pursuits include
education, or simply hanging out with your peers, knowing some principles of living and
studying at the campus is a must.
Thesis statement: ..............................................................................................................
Doskonalenie kompetencji 1

Group 2

Below you will find topic sentences for the body paragraphs. Choose one topic sentence and
develop it into a body of a paragraph.

(II) It is an indisputable fact how vital childhood friendships are for a person’s emotional
development. They help us to build trust with people outside of the family and learn
how to compromise, share, and manage conflict. When growing up, our friends provide
the support we need to allow us to experiment with who we are. They give us feedback
which helps us to change our behavior, and the people we ultimately become.

Thesis statement: However the point of concern remains whether it is possible to make
friends in the era of social networking, and it is here that surprisingly positive effects of
social networking on friendship have been proved.

A. Social networks aid the reunion of old school friends and distant family.
B. Many use social media to pursue friendships with like-minded individuals.
C. Claims that social networking causes people to lose friends are not supported by evidence.
D. People do not want to be on their own anymore.

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II. Narrow the subject and write one good thesis sentence for five of the following topics:

1. Education ........................................................................................................................
2. Politics.............................................................................................................................
3. Memory...........................................................................................................................
4. Leaders.............................................................................................................................
5. Television shows.............................................................................................................

III Read the following introduction to the essay. Complete it with a thesis statement for a
logical division of ideas.

More and more smokers are aware of the serious risks smoking poses both for themselves and
for the non-smokers around them. Most smokers want to stop because they know about the
risks to their health. But many keep smoking because they are addicted to nicotine, often from
a young age. As well as marketing targeted at young people, the tobacco industry has
designed and modified cigarettes to make them addictive. The nicotine in tobacco gets rapidly
into your brain and creates a need to continue to smoke. The falling level of nicotine in your
brain creates the urge to smoke. Thesis statement: ...........................................................


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Group 3

Below you will find topic sentences for the body paragraphs. Choose one topic sentence and
develop it into a body of a paragraph.

Fast Food

(III) Eating real food is the thing of the past, lament nutritionists who are increasingly concerned about
the convenience foods which dominate today’s eating habits. The fast food industry, so embedded
in our culture that preschoolers favor the taste of foods and drinks if they’re told the foods are
from McDonald’s, may be considered a major threat to public health. The famous, almost
exclusively plant-based, Okinawan diet in Japan that led to long and healthy lives may have
been eroded by fast food restaurants, and now the islands’ inhabitants have gone from the
leanest Japanese to some of the fattest, with serious health issues. However, the success of
mass produced fast food results largely from changing lifestyles.

A. The pace of life nowadays leaves little time for leisurely eating.
B. Fast-food outlets have become fashionable, especially with youngsters.
C. The variety of ready-made products, available in supermarkets, is a cheaper alternative to home
D. Eating out or taking away is a cheaper and more comfortable alternative to home cooking.


C. Narrow the subject and write one good thesis sentence for five of the following topics:
1. Professional sports ..........................................................................................................
Doskonalenie kompetencji 1

2. The Internet .....................................................................................................................

3. Safe driving .....................................................................................................................
4. Parenthood ......................................................................................................................
5. Honesty ...........................................................................................................................

III Read the following introduction to the essay. Complete it with a thesis statement for a
logical division of ideas.

Young people who care about animal rights are increasingly turning to a strict vegetarian
diet. Such strict vegetarians are called vegans. They avoid eating all animal products
including eggs, cow’s milk and dairy cheese. Animal products do provide some essential
nutrients, however. They cannot be dropped from one’s diet without proper substitutes.
Vegans must, therefore, be careful to substitute non- animal foods that provide the nutrition
they need. Thesis statement: .............................................................................................................
Doskonalenie kompetencji 1

Group 4

Below you will find topic sentences for the body paragraphs. Choose one topic sentence and
develop it into a body of a paragraph.

“Boys are from Jupiter and get stupider// Girls are from Mars and become movie stars // Boys
take a bath and smell like trash // Girls take a shower and smell like a flower.” As simple
playgrounds songs like this one suggest, the two sexes see themselves very differently. Even
though as adults, men and women have similar goals, values and occupations, as children and
teenagers, boys and girls often seem to belong to different species. In fact, from the first
moment of the day to the last, the typical boy and girl live very different lives.

A. School is a totally different experience for boys and girls.

B. After school boys and girls head in different directions.
C. Boys and girls differ in choosing their life priorities.
D. Boys and girls choose different authorities for their role models.

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C. Narrow the subject and write one good thesis sentence for five of the following topics:
1. Education ........................................................................................................................
2. Politics ............................................................................................................................
3. Memory ..........................................................................................................................
4. Leaders ............................................................................................................................
5. Television shows

III Read the following introduction to the essay. Complete it with a thesis statement for a
logical division of ideas.

Moving to a new country can be an exciting, even exhilarating experience. In a new

environment, you somehow feel more alive. Seeing new sights, eating new food, hearing
the foreign sounds of a new language, and feeling a different climate against your, skin
stimulate your senses as never before. Soon, however, this sensory bombardment
becomes sensory overload. Suddenly new experiences seem stressful rather than
stimulating, and delight turns it into discomfort. This is the phenomenon known as
culture shock. Culture shock is more than jet lag or homesickness, and it affects nearly
everyone who enters a new culture – tourists, business travelers, diplomats and students
Thesis statement: ..........................................................................................................................
Doskonalenie kompetencji 1

Group 5

Below you will find topic sentences for the body paragraphs. Choose one topic sentence and
develop it into a body of a paragraph.

(V) With employers increasingly hiring more part-time workers and less full-time staffers,
many in the workforce are considering the viability of part-time employment. Beyond the
obvious income ramifications, there are hosts of advantages and disadvantages to consider,
when determining if the part-time employment model works for you. However, for many
college students, taking a part-time job is a valuable experience.

A. It helps pay tuition.

B. It provides a steady source of money.
C. It gives satisfaction.


C. Narrow the subject and write one good thesis sentence for five of the following topics:
Doskonalenie kompetencji 1

1. Education ........................................................................................................................
2. Politics.............................................................................................................................
3. Memory ..........................................................................................................................
4. Leaders ............................................................................................................................
5. Television shows.............................................................................................................

III Read the following introduction to the essay. Complete it with a thesis statement for a
logical division of ideas.

If you suffer from shyness, you are not alone, for shyness is a universal phenomenon.
According to recent research, “close to 50% of the general population report that they
currently experience some degree of shyness in their lives. In addition, close to 80 percent
report having felt shy at some point in their lives” (Payne). As shyness is so common, it is not
surprising that social scientists are learning more about its causes.
Thesis statement:
Doskonalenie kompetencji 1

Group 6

Below you will find topic sentences for the body paragraphs. Choose one topic sentence and
develop it into a body of a paragraph.

(VI) Undeniably, people like to gather together. An analysis of the way we live now
demonstrates this in several ways. Of the seven billion people who make up the world’s
population, more than half now live in cities, and the majority of these people share housing
with others. Of course, there are practical reasons for group living, but the reasons are not
only practical. There are clear psychological benefits from living together.

A. Humans naturally and effectively share knowledge in groups, and the bigger the group,
the more knowledge there is to share.
B. The longest-living people usually live with other people.
C. Most households have more than one person in them.
D. People gather together to take part in demonstrations / meetings and to present their views
on different matters.

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C. Narrow the subject and write one good thesis sentence for five of the following topics:

1. Volunteering....................................................................................................................
2. Clothing styles ................................................................................................................
3. Parent-child relationships ...............................................................................................
4. Pets ...............................................................................................................................
5. Violence in schools..........................................................................................................

III Read the following introduction to the essay. Complete it with a thesis statement for a
logical division of ideas.

The longing for driving a car appears at a very early age when a small child sees a driver
behind a wheel. Many small boys fantasise that they will be truck drivers one day. Small girls
would like to be the first aid ambulance drivers as the image combines driving with bringing
help to the sick. However, as soon as one gets a driving licence at the age of 17, the spell is
cast very soon. Statistics prove that teenagers are, in fact, the most dangerous drivers on the
road. They are often seen as irresponsible and overly confident.
Thesis statement: ..............................................................................................................

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