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Water Pollution and Control

changed in its quality or composition
chapter human directly indirectly as a result of waste
activities so that it becomes less or

Sources of Water Pollution

suitable or harmful for use. disposal and other

4 1,
The major sources of water pollution are as
Natural: Natural pollution may be due to aerial
to rainfall or melting of ice.
Decaying of plants, animals and entering the water body due
Water Pollution and Control water. organic matter etc. will pollute
2. Agricultural wastes: Agricultural wastes comprise of fertilizers,
Water is the most precious natural resources that exist on our planet. Without water
etc. These will pollute water. pesticides, insecticides
on earth would not exist. That is why water is popularly called liquid of life. Water 3. Industrial wastes: Industrial wastes
consisting of toxic chemicals, acids, alkalis, metallic
around 73% of the earth's surface. Therefore, earth is also known as the water
planet. phenol, cyanides, ammonia, radioactive substances etc.
Even though we know that water is essential for life, we are 4.
are sources
of water pollution.
Municipal wastes: Sewage obtained from domestic premises, institutions, commercial
polluting all our water sources. and industrial
Most of our water bodies such a ponds, lakes, and rivers have become buildings also pollute water. Another source of
of increasing industrialization, urbanization and other
polluted as a consequence
water pollution is hospital wastes.
development activities In USA every major Mining wastes: Water is polluted due to fines and tailings from ore
river has become seriously polluted. Massive solids, soluble toxic materials and acid drainage. washing, insert suspended
pollution turned Rhine into a dead river in the
heart of Western Europe. In India all the 14
Major Rivers including Ganga, Gomati, Cauvery
and Damodar have become
polluted. The river Damodar is perhaps the most heavily polluted
river. Holy Ganga (our large
perennial river) is the most polluted one even today after clean up
programme. Many of our lakes notably the Dal Lake have become
choked with excessive growth of darkened, smelly and
algae. Dan Quayle said, "lt is not
environment. It is the impurities in our air and water that pollution that is harming the
doing it".
The term hydrosphere has been
derived from the two Greek
sphaira'. The word hydor means water and words, namely, 'hydor and
sphaira means sphere.
hydrosphere in physical
geography describes the combined
under, and the surface of a mass of water found
planet. Ou
The total mass of the Earth's
Water Polution
0.023% of the Earth's total mass. hydrosphere is about 1.4 x
101 tonnes, which is
About 20 x 102 tonnes
(the volume of one tonne of water is of this is in the Earth's abo Causes of Water Pollution
Earth's surface, an area approximately I cubic metre). atmosphc Water is polluted mostly due to industrialization,
urbanization and other human activities.
covered by ocean. In short, some
361million square Approximately 75%% or is
kilometres (139.5 million follows:
the oceans,
lakes, streams, and square mile
he major cause of water pollution is as the number of industries is
Meaning of Water Pollution rivers
form the Industrialization: To meet the needs of huge population,
hydrosphere. need ahuge amount ofwater toget rid of their wastes or

Water pollution refers increasing rapidly. Industries

to the presence
it unfitof for industrialization is a major
ofwater pollution.
lowering the water quality and making some
use. substances
Water is said to the polluted when thus effluents. Thus rapid
impurities in
wateis Modern agriculture: Modern
agriculture uses large
nutrients etc. All the residual form
manure, pesticides,
in the form of fertilizers, organic
Environmental Studie
of these chemicals (phosphorous, nitrogen, pesticides ete). run of with rain wa
water to
wells, rivers, lakes etc.
3. Domestic sewage: Sewage is defined as the water borne waste derived from domest
me ic
wastes and animal or food processing plants. Sewage includes human excreta, soaps, and
detergents, paper and cloth. Water pollution is caused by uncontro|led dumping ofwastes
of villages, towns and cities into ponds, lakes, streams or rivers, In short, increasing
population is the major cause of waterpollution.
4. Sewage by municipalities: Discharge of untreated or partially treated sewage in water
bodies by municipalities is another cause of water pollution. Most of the hospitals dump
wastes into nearby rivers, streams etc.
5. Urbanization: Urbanization is another reason for water pollution. Most people preferto
live in towns and cities. Many people move to urban areas in search of jobs, enjoyment
etc. Towns and cities are overcrowded. There is no land to dispose off wastes (industrial,
domestic etc). Naturally these wastes are put into water (or land). In this way the water
becomes polluted.
Mumbai is a metropolitan city with posh homes, slums, luxury cars, crowded trains, crampu
factories and spectacular beaches.Itis a oityofdreams, attracting millions who come
earn fame, fortune and to make a living. Still almost half of the city's 12 million residen
are either in slums or homeless. The city generates 2225 million litres ofsewage
that flows directly into the Arabian Sea.
Improper drainage system: The improper drainage system blocks the water in a ny
places. This causes a huge growth of microbial population.
, the

7. Failure of drainage system: Sometimes due to the failure of drainage sy

sewage gets mixed with the drinking wate. rdaiy
Ground waterpollution: Around 2 billion people depend on ground water for t water is
needs. About 600-700 cu. km of ground water is withdrawn every year. Grou w a s t e d u m p s ,a n d

polluted due to pollutants from septic tanks, landfills, hazardous waste nes4 ers

underground tanks containing petrol, oil, chemicals etc. Substances like paint watet wa

motor oil that we pour on the ground very often find their way into the groun
Il.afonta. their arigin and effects: river / lake l avoumnd wotors
Effects of Water Pollution
As everybody knows, water is essential for lluted

it has immediate as well as far

sustaining life. Therefore, if water is po
reaching effects on the health and environment of living de
Water pollutionis a curse to life. The adverse
effects ofwater pollution can be
be studie
the following headings.
1. Effects on human health and safety: Various cteria,

pathogenic microbes like vir

protozoa etc. grow largely in domestic sewage. The food m a t e r i a s

present in sewage, accelerate materials, beverages, organwale fwater

the growth of these microbes. This leads to the spreau

Hater Pollution and 107

borne disease. Some common sewage related water borne diseases are cholera, typhoid,
dysentery, jaundice, diarrhoea, amoebiasis etc. According to WHO estimates, 80%ofdiseases
inIndia are caused by water-borne pathogens. According to a report from the WHO, about
million children below the age of 5 years, in developing and under-developed countries, die due
to drinking of polluted water.
The nitrates used in agriculture get mixed with our drinking water sources. Ultimately
they find their way to our intestines and our intestinal bacteria convert them to nitrite. These
nitrite compounds react with the heamoglobin ofbloodand form the compound methemoglobin.
This reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of blood. The disease is known as
methemoglobinemia. Sometimes it damages the lungs and even causes cancer.
Injudicious use of pesticides is one of the main reasons of water pollution. Pesticides
various health problems. The
drinking water ultimately reach human beings and they cause

total consumption of pesticides in India alone is about 44,000 tonnes per annum. Most of these
banned in America and European countries. Let us examine how the
pesticides are contained in the
mixed with pesticides will affect human beings. The chlorinated hydrocarbons
water are easily absorbed through the skin and take
their course to the blood. A dose of lor 2
die. Through the circulation of blood they get stored in
grams is enough for a healthy person to
functions of liver and nerves. The presence of
the fatty tissues and severely damage the
affect the composition and functions of the blood.
excessive amount of pesticides severely
each year about 40,000 people die because of pesticide
According to world Development Report,
affected by different types of pesticides. The most
toxic effect and 1-2 million people are
dangerous pesticides are DDT, BHC, chlordane, heptachlor, aldrin, endrin etc.
is nowa major problem in Bangladesh and West
Arsenic contamination of groundwater of West Bengal. Later, it
from the 24 Parganas District
Bengal. It was first reported in 1983 was affected by this problem the effect of
Was found that almost the whole of Bangladesh
two to five years the contaminated
asenic on body tissues starts showing leading later to gangrene (death ofa part of
spots, then hard
water. The skin develops also causes many other complications such as blindness, liver and
e body) and cancer.
eart problems, diabetes, and goiter.
affects human health. Some heavy metals
water ultimately
Toxic substance polluting the
cadmium cause various types
diseases. Mercury dumped into water
E ead, mercury and mercury by
bacterial Methyl mercury will
transformed into water-soluble
in Japan
from numbness (in sensibility) of body
umulate in fish. In 1953, people abnormal mental benaviour. his disease is called
vision and hearing problems and irred due
soldiers. It was occurred to consumption
due to
in Japanese
Minamata disease.
o It was first detected Kyushu, The dieea
Kyushu, Japan. The disease
c o n t a m i n a t e d fish
caught from
Minamata bay
of methyl mercury
merc 1ne people were dancing and
y 700 people permanentiy

lmed 50 lives and over

and Control
Hater Pollution
Environmental Studies 109
108 numps, valves, and other
from the nearby
chemical plant p r o . Pipin
equipments in plants, which use
died. The mercury
come in the bay
had caused the
disease tg
called water. contaminated water as cooling
laughing and they metal cadmium
another heavy rice. The rice f Effect on the economy: For
chloride, Pollution by
Vinyl disease was caused by
cadmium-contaminated 4. removing suspended solids, taste, odour, colour
in the people ofJapan. The and drainage
water from mines. In this diIsease and specific chemicalS present in the water, considerable hardness
Pollut streams may be the only source of water for the expenditure will have to be incurred.
were irrigated with effluentsof zinc affected. Similarly
excess of fluorida in
bones,liver, kidney, lungs, pancreasandthyroid are attack the teeth. It leads to mottlino of for them to remove the pollutants from the water municipality or industries. It is costly
human beings. Fluorides first a
drinking water affects stiffen the bonejoints particularly thoseof Ganga River is one of the polluted rivers in India. A
teeth. Prolonged intake offluoride
containing water lead large number of people depend on
cannot be cured.
Another water pollutant jis ad. Ganga for washing, cleaning, bathing and
the spinal code. The hump once developed drinking. Realizing
I50 crores under seventh plan, of which a portion has been this,forGovt. of India set aside Rs.
reduction in heamoglobin formation, mentoi
Lead pollution causes liver and kidney
damage, spent cleaning the But
Lead has neuromuscular effects aln it was a failure.
retardation, and abnormalities fertility and pregnancy.
It may affect central nervous system.
Prevention and Control of Water Pollution
leads to eutrophication. The
1. Efects on animal life and aquatic life:
Water pollution We have seen the effects of water pollution on human heath
and animal and plant life.
bloom. luxuriant growth of algae in
nutrients in the wastes increase the growth of algal (The Water is essential for life. Care should be taken to keep the water free from
is called As
eutrophication) a result
of eutrophication, kinds. The following points may help in preventing and
pollution of all
tanks, ponds and various water reservoirs controlling
the photosynthetic organisms get killed. The oxygen content of the water decreases. Manyof water pollution".
1. Prevention of pollution at source: The following measures may be taken
the aquatic animals die due to the lack of oxygen. Further, eutrophication makes the movement
pollution at source:
to prevent
animals difficult. Some decomposing plants produce a toxin namely 'Strychnine. It
animals including the cattle.
(a) Restrictions have to be imposed on the source of water pollution. The sources are to be
ascertained and strict rules are to be applied.
The chlorinated hydrocarbons contained in the pesticides are not easily degraded in nature.
They accumulate in the body of organisms and their concentration becomes high at higher (b) The factories which use maximum amount of water, should be instructed to treat the used
The concentration becomes high at higher trophic levels. The phenomenon is water before discharging them into water bodies. This method would reduce the water
trophic levels.
called biological magnification. pollution to a great extent. Further, steps should be taken to make rainwater harvesting
If the biological magnification is very high, the organism is at
risk. compulsory. Again, industries should be instructed to improve process technology to reduce
2. water demand.
Effects on plant life: Water containing chemical fertilizers is injurious to plants. The
bacteria, fungi, earthwoms present in soil help in the formation of (c) The drinking water source and the sewer system are to be kept in sufficient distance. In
essential for plant growth because it
humus in soil. The humus is such condition the sewage would not get mixed with drinking water by percolation or by
provides essential nutrients. The chemical
present in soil hamper the growth of fertilizers
plants are reduced
due to the lack of humus.
and earthworms. As a result, the
any other process.
2. Control of sewage: Proper management and control of sewage can check the water
As a result
of thermal pollution (hot water) the plant life is damaged. pollution to a large extent. This can be achieved through the following measures:
water leads to death of many
aquatic animals. Many of them High temperature o also be cleaned regularly.
migrate to some safer a) The sewer system should be properly developed. It should
With the increase in
temperature the solubility of oxygen and other plac should be properly ascertained. A
0 T h e ultimate egress point (the way out) of the
As a result, the decrease
oxygen deficiency occurs in water. gases according has to be done before outflowing
the sewages in a particular
temperature, the metabolic activities (overall Moreover, with the increase in vater

thorough ecological investigation

of the animals) also chemical reactions
get high. Higher metabolic taking place in living organisms place.
3. Effect on activity creates more demand for of nitrates and phosphates, which eutrophication
property: Discharge of acids and oxyE Domestic sewages contain a lot
water should be properly treated before
damage of property through corrosive attack.
occasionally of other industrial wastes leads
d problems in water bodies. The
domestically used

damage to concrete structures in the Corrosion of steel

stream are
common. We can also see
objects such as on releasing them into the sewers.
the con
Environmental Studiea
(d) Various domestic garbage (like paper, cloth, plastic, remains of fruit and vegetable
produce new materials. These can also be used in productionetc.)a
can be recycled to

cooking ga_ and electricity. of

3. Control of water pollution due The
to pesticides: of those insecticides
which are
biodegradable in nature (like
DDT, aldrin etc.) should be restricted. To
control the
abundant use of insecticides, the following measures
may be adopted:
(a) Naturalpredator species can be introduced in the field to control the pest
b) Various microbial pathogens (virus, bacteria, population.
the field. These will create disease
protozoa etc.) of the pest can be applied in
among the pests and diminish their population.
(c) Integrated pest management should be
adopted to reduce reliance on pesticides.
Control of thermal pollution
ofwater: For controlling the thermal pollution of
following measures are to be undertaken: the wate,
(a) The different types
of industries and thermal power stations should install
towers. their own cooling
(b) The industries, which utilize a
large amount of water, will have to maintain their oWn
reservoirs. The hot water, produced from the
released into the main water stream. factories, should be cooled at first and then
(c) Provisions should be made
by the industries to
again. recycle the same water from time aand
5. Removal of pollutants
from water: Different kinds of radioactive
organic and inorganic substances, icals,
from the water.
compounds, chemica
suspended particles, etc. can be extracted or noved
6. Other measures to control
water pollution: In addition to
other measures to control water some
the above, there ar
(a) Government should pollution. They are as follows:
enforce strictly the laws a
should be imposed those relating to control of water alties

b) Steps

should be taken to plant trees

Individuals or
institutions causing water r pollution. b.

sediments (also prevent soil wherever possible. This pollution.

duce pollution

Waste Wotow erosion). would reduce po O

plating industry.
Treatment, Utilisation and Disposal of Sewage
In developing countries, the organic load of river system is a major proble. In India, the
contribution of local bodies, e.g., Panchayat, Municipality, Corporation etc.,
about 90 percent, while 3
through sewageis
percent is contributed by small-scale and 7 per cent by medium, and
large-scale industries. Unfortunately, control of pollution due to sewage cannot be self
eg, it is not economically viable. However,
considering the social responsibility and other indire
advantages pollution control, it is essential to have
developed countries, pollution control measures are slower pollution control for sewage. Even l
that of trade effluent. With the in case of domestic effluent than
establishment of the River Ganga due
to sewage, is receiving
greater attention. It is Authority, pollutioncontrol,
not cotributing expected
directly the pollution of rivers
to that even those local bodies,
control in the near future. Ganga and Yamuna, will in wi go for pou
Standards for polluted waters
Class Use
Drinking water after chlorination Standard
Bathing, recreation and shell Without filtration B. Coli
culturel No visible per 100 m
Fishing sewage matter
1atter B. Coli 100 per 10

Rough industrial use and Dissolved oxygen
irigation rably 5 ppm, 40content to be 3 and pree
CO, and preferably 20p
Absence of
nuisnce, odours and
urs and unsighti
suspended floating matters. olved
oxygen should be
and Control

Disposal of Sewage

The following
methods are considered to be of potential importance in sewage treatment.
as a
B rrnad
oad irrigation: method, sewage is disposed off on land. The land area acts
In this
is usually given primary
erude filter and stabilizes sewage by aerobic filtration. The sewagefiltration.
eatment before disposal. This method is similar to intermittent sand
treatment befor

Farming In this method, the water and fertilising elements, namely, nitrogen,
Sewage the
are utilized to raise crops. It has the special advantage of fertilising
nhosphorous and potash
land and also being beneficial from the economic point of view. as rivers,
the sewage is discharged into large bodies of water such
Dilution: In this method, water
sea. The sewage is treated to ensure that
the condition of the receiving
lakes or the
method is satisfactory
stream does not
deteriorate to the extent ofimpairing its normal utility. This
but not suitable for the period
the rainy season when the dilution factor is extremely high,
volume of flow is low.
November through June when the
Treatment of Sewage
Sewage treatment involves the following stages
Primary Treatment
of floating and suspended (settleable)
The primary treatment consists of physical separation
detritus tanks, skimming tanks and settling
solids from the sewage. Screens, frit chambers,
tanks are used for this purpose.
Secondary Treatment
flocculation and precipitation of theremaining
The secondary treatment includes
and their physical separation in secondary
n the sewage with the help of biological agencies,
settling tanks.
the treatment processes are usually carried out in
For simplicity and economy ofoperation,
nesequence indicated in the following
treatment plant operation
Unit employed
No. 7ype of treatment| Screens of different designs
1. lighter floating
Preliminary Removal of(i) leaves of trees, (ii) Skimming tanks.
materials, e.g.,
wood charcoal,
pieces of rags,
i ) Fats and grease. Detritus tanks
Preliminary Removal of heavier and Grit chambers
material, e.g, grit
|inorganic Settling tanks
Primary Removal oflarger
(organic) solids.
Environmental Studies Waler
Pollution and Control

suspended and )a. Intermittent and filters
4. Secondary Removal offine b. Trickling filters af economy of cost and to reduce heat
material by
| dissolved organic flocculation losses, digestion tanks should be
Gi) Activated sludge treatment Weeding method: 10 prevent several risks, deep and circulate.
meansofbiological e.g., the production of an
and then by plant and secondary and air inside the tank and the
sucking in of air by negative explosive mixture of gas
andprecipitation tanks. setlinp should be adopted. pressure, the following methods
settling out.
Final Removal ofharmful bacteria Chlorinator feeding method, sludge is delivered into the
In the
and other organisms. Over anadjustable wei, such as a telescopic weir, and to thetank, causing digested sludge to pass
The by-products of the treatment process are screenings, grit and sludges of dice adopting this method, the sludge can be maintained within secondary digestion or disposal. By
fferent safe
limits. In case there are many
tanks, the sludge should be fed to them in
kinds, of which the first two can be easily disposed off by burial or burning. Sludge
contains equal quantities, preferably once a day, when the
primary sedimentaiton tanks are sludged.
unstable volatile organic materials and may be treated by the method of digestion, in
ich Seeding and Mixing: Raw
gases(eg. biogas) are produced with high calorifie values which can be successfally utilied sludge is mixed
with about 20 percent
of actively digested sludge
for heating or power generation. The solid material left, behind, i.e.,
digested sludge, before it is passed into the primary tank. For
contains stirring, mechanical stirrers can be used.
good manurial elements and is useful as a manure or soil buildings. Heating methods: Any of the following methods,
used to heat the digestion tanks:
or in convenient combinations, can be
Sludge Digestion
The process of sludge . By circulating hot water through fixed coils of pipes of about 4 cm
digestion is the
liquefaction of organic mterial by anaerobic bacteria diameter, located near
which produce an alkaline reaction. When the walls of the tank.
sludge is first placed in a tank, acid digestion with the
production of noxious gases results, but eventually alkaline 2. By rotating coils or grids of pipes in which hot water is circulated.
the alkaline condition remains
for an indefinite
digestion prevails and, once established, The pipes serve the
period oftime. double purpose of heating and
during digestion are mainly methane with some The gases given offby the
sludge stirring sludge.
CO, and smaller quantities of other gases. 3. By drawing sludge from the primary tank, heating it in a
Digestion takes place in three stages: heat exchanger and passing it
. A short
back into the digestion tank.
period of rapid digestion,
2. An extended during which the pH value of the 4. By heating alkaline supérnatant water drawn off from the secondary tank and
period of slow digestion sludge decreases. into the primary tank. returning it
production during which the pH value rises slowly with low
During the third stage, it attains a B y injecting steam into the bottom of the tank.
Two-stage digestion is usually pH of 7.0 and gas production is maximum. Sludge control: The sludge is pumped (usually daily) into the digester and passes into the tank
removal of preferred because it through the recirculation return part at the bottom of the sludge heater chamber, which is
collected forsupernatant
water. A
major part of the gas issimplifies gas collection and as:
sists the
designed, so that the direction and velocity, at which the sludge enters the digester,specially
produced in primary tank give a
for thisSupernatant water is removed from
have to be treated
rotatory motion to the tank contents. The sludge feed displaces an equal volume of digested
primary digestion tanks at a there is no need to heatsecondary
In purpose but tankS. anks
dge, which passes through the sludge draw-off pipe, from the central discharge point,at the
solids takes the secondary ottom of the cone, to the sludge draw-off chamber. It, then, passes over an adjustable weir
place, giving 0.96 temperature of 32C. about ai
population per day. cubic metre 40.8 percent penstock, into the discharge chamber before being delivered to the secondary digester or sludge
sludge. The digestionHowever, this depends gas/kg of solids destroyed ordigestion o

mainly on the animal and

p e r head e
arying beds. By adjustment ofthe weir-penstock, the sludge level in the tank can be controlled
52C. At all period 7
Digestion temperatures, the depends on the
total amount vegetable
temperature and can be
o i l c o n t e ntto f t h e

emoval ofsupernatant water: The secondary digestion tanks serve the purpose ofcompleting

which tanks: As the of gas gestion to economic limit, and providing quiescent conditions to permit separation of
collected in the produced during digestion
rise and fall gas is ins the same
with the level
re Supernatant water.
of the sludge as tanks, it is
the tanks desirable use
The common arrangement for the removal of supernatant water iS the installation of several
are filled nd sake
Simall-diameter valves, connected at various levels in the tank. Ihe operation is to open a valve
and emptuc
emptied. For the

at a
Environmental Studies
time, tofind where the supernatant water is, then, to draw it off
until sludge apne
percentage of dewatering varies between 10-50
percent, depending upon the nature a the
Industrial Sludges
Industrial sludges are evèn more dangerous than industrial solid
wastes to dispose of
tidily. Industrial sludges consists of calcium carbonate and fluc gas
sludge. This desulfurisation
sludge is generated when calcium hydroxide or limestore are used to trap
escaping gases in coal fired fire plants. These wastes also consist of calcium saltsdioxide from
and several
toxic, volatile elements such as arsemic, selenium, mercury, lead and cadmium.
These pose
harmful effects on the environment.
Ground Water Pollution
countries (Jha, 1999)
Water (Preventionand Control of Pollution) Act, 19974
In response to critical
problems on quality and quantity ofwaters,
"The Water (Prevention
and Control of Pollution) Act was passed in 1974. The main concern
Act is to maintain
or restore the wholesomeness of water.

Objectives of the Act

() Prevention and control of water pollution.
) Maintaining or restoring the wholesomeness of water.
()Establishment of Central and State Boards for the prevention and control ofwater pollution.
Definition of Pollution
In this Act, 'pollution' has been elaborately defined as, "the contamination of water, or the
Cration of the physical, chemical or biological properties of water, or the discharge of any
which is
likely to render such water
DCwage trade effluent (whether directly or indirectly),
n u l or injurious to (a) public health or safety (b) domestic,
commercial, industrial, agricultural
or aquatic organisms".
OUner uses life and health of plants, animals,
Salient Features of the Act
otf all types of surface and
(a) and restoration of quality
ne Act provides for maintenance
ground water.
and State Boards for pollution control,
) t provides for the establishment of Central
control pollution.
Confers them with powers and functions to
al Studies
e n a l Studi

and Control
Water Pollution
126 127
Boards are widely represented
and are given

The Central and

State Pollution Control technical assistance for ne.
To prescribe
the erluent
standards for the sewage and trade effluent to be
comprehensive powers
to advise,
coordinate and provide
revention into any stream or on land.
and control ofpollution of
accounts and audit of the Central a inspect trade eftluents and wastewater
budgets, State treatment plants.
d) The Act has provisions for funds, To establish or recognize laboratories for
Polution Control Boards. river, well or trade effluent. analysis of water samples from any stream
various penalties for the defaulters and procedurec for the
makes provisions for
(e) The Act To perform such functions as
may be assigned or entrusted by the
same. Governments. CPCB or State
Pollution Control
Functions of the Central
Central Pollution Control Board are:
Penalties for Violating the Provisions of the Act
Under Section 16-A, the functions ofthe
matters regarding the prevention and control ne
(a In case of failure to provide information bya person discharging effluents into streams or
the Central Government on
water pollution.
well or regarding
construction or establishment of an effluent
disposal system, the penalty is
imprisonment upto three months or fine upto Rs. 10,000 or both. Ifthe omission continues, the
Control Boards and resolving disputes
Co-ordinating the actions of the State Pollution offender is penalized with an additional fine upto Rs. 5,000 per day.
among them, if and when arise.
b) In case of violation of order prohibiting discharge of any polluting matter into stream, well
Providing technical assistance and guidance to the SPCBs in carrying out research in
or land, or violation of Board order of closure of industry or stoppage of electricity or water
prevention and control ofwater pollution.
supply, etc., the penalty is imprisonment for one and a halfyear to six years orfine or both. If
iv. Organising training for persons engaged in pollution control. the violation continues, the penalty is an additional fine ofRs. 5,000 per day; and ifit continues
V.Organising comprehensive programme for water pollution control through mass media. beyond one year, then the penalty is imprisonmentoftwo to seven years on conviction. And the
vi. Prescribing standards for water quality parameters. name of the offender is published in newspapers at offender's expense..
vi Preparing manuals, codes or guide_ for treatment and disposal of sewage and trade efluents. (c)In case of destroying or damaging the property ofthe Board, obstructing the functions of
Compiling and publishing technical and statistical data relating to water pollution. the Board, failure to provide infomation aboutaccidents
Section31, givingwrong
or making false statements to get Board's consent, the penalty is imprisonment upto three months
Establishing and recognizing laboratories for analysis of water samples from any stream,
well or trade effluent. or fine upto Rs. 10,000 or both.
Functions of the State Pollution Control Section 24 of the Water Act, 1974 no person should knowingly cause or
Board According to
determined in accordance with such standards
According to Section 7-B, the functions of SPCB are: permit any poisonous, noxious or polluting matter
directly or indirectly) into any stream
(a) To plan a comprehensive
programme for the prevention, control and abatement of
may be laid down by the State Board to enter (whether to enter into any
of streams/rivers and wells. po shall knowingly cause or permit
Or well or
sewer or onland; or no person
on combination with similar matters
(b) To advise the State Government on tend, either directly or
matters concerning water cam any other matter which may of the stream in a manner leading or likely to lead to a
of industrial units. pollution control or ocation mpede the proper flow of the
or of its consequences.
(c) To collaborate with the CPCB for Stantial aggravation of pollution
due to other causes
programmes. training personnel engaged in water in Waterbodies
pollutio Oandards for Discharge of EMuents
has laid down its
guiding standards for waste water
Tocollaborate with the CPCB for institution (IS)
for water organizing
pollution control through educational programmes spreading
mass media.
i n g information
he Indian Standards
into surface water
sources (it
includes rivers, streams, estuaries,
lakes and
standards for industrial
() To promote and t s discharged Table. This
table also shows
conduct research on the as shown in following
subject towards evolving economical
methods of the sewage treatment and trade effluents, disposal of sewagecal
e andreliable Oirs) and in public
surface waters,
a E s to be disposed of in

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