Confidentiality Deed - English

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Document Name: Individual Confidentiality and Aceass Undartaking Voc # HR-REGT-IL-10-010-1.0 Rev # 1.0 Efl, Date: Feb 2010 Procedure Ref. Ni Individual Confidentiality and Access Undertaking {INDIVIDUAL CUNGERNED ‘Any Individual wo wil perform werk for Ingrated Talacom 0 (ITC) what 95 ‘an ITC employee, independent convactor Smployos ‘of another company, or any ‘ther eapaoty ie roqurad to complate this Print name, department and phone number 2. COMPANY SEGRET inorder 10. parlor work for ITC, 1 Betnewiedge andl agree tat I may Rave Sezove to company courte belonging to TT or TTC cwlomers ot cooperating partes ‘The tern “vonpany secets” stall be understood ‘as incaaing all fms of Infomation net generat known outse TG such as but not bed to, makeing plans, customer information, develoment fesuf “sofware, fechnlony ventons, Improvement methods ef. or any oer infomation tal by very malice may be {nalicd tba’ concent. propery lence secre! resting to producto vices which ITC cuttomsre or” 02 poretng parce matt ore, oF rey ‘ott o uve inthe fre The ter “company sects" shall abo be understood fo Gover formation relating fo I, Te customer of co-operating pares business aces, methods and reaton, Such 2, bul not led fo, ‘infomation about “sales, costs operaina Income. ganization.” customer Isis and" pce Eatin mode [As a contin of being permite acces, | Sy that lot, ete time oF purpose, reves! eny ‘company eee toany peroon wo ls na approved By to ovale such aint 8) That wil mol eter rectly oF indvey, ake use ‘of company sees ‘her than’ in ‘the execution” ofthe Uunderakings agreed between TC and my 0 (ormy employer, asthe case ma be. ©) That | wil achere to TT hskrtons Teaarting company secres. such as, but ‘ol ited tothe reiement tat etn Infomation may not be removed fom TC promieoe or may ony bo communicated te Enrtaln ITS omployes 3) Tht | am ewer tat neler company cts nor anyother mater May be Photocoped or otherwise dupated or "eprodutou ieuang geal eopyng omer than as roqutea for We execution oF NC Conraces work 4) amr eaming of any unauhare ‘dsosure or Use of copvina of company ‘secrets | shall not ITC prompt and oo ‘porate fly wit ITO to protect such infomation, DT undertake not to use ysis cxmmurites' ratworks” suchas” Ter, Facebook, Instagram, or otner ses. 19 discose "or send’ ‘any confidential, information out of the workoace oF to be Used for any provocative ais. amond the Dublc opinion to harm of destabilize the company. STACCESS To COMPUTER SYSTENS inorder to perform my werk fr ITC | may be granted acca tothe compar eye one, [As a condton of blog period ators, personaly ae ') That | wi use onthe agin 1b assigned to me by ITC when fogging on tothe computer systems of TC 1) That | log of the computer systoms, of ITC immedatei upon ‘comoleton ‘of ch work sasion, €) That vil ot allow other inate to ‘Roca thn compute systems of TTC By the {Use ofthe login ID aelgned to mo 6) Thatta oop stay cordon the posowerd, MiN'eodes te as00Ceied 1 My fogon 0. ©) Tht | i wo enon access any Infomation dta or computer system other tman mat which | have been spedlly ‘authorized {0 acess by IT. 1) Thal wil not intenionaly spread viruses, ectroni chain lees or other mals computer code to the amputee syste fre 4) That wl net automateslly forward any Sector mal te non TC mall eyeteme hy That wil folow ITC polles end Instructions regarding my access to and by fe cute ays I)"Tat aw erect FTG exmractes work, | wal not Inemtonaly make Uso of Matera inconsistent wih "a prtessional wor place, tor example material such 2s, Dut not Imitod fo, Wadler, harassing oF seal rented 4) That wil not instal any sofware other {nan that ree for ewmeiion of nee te re ) Upon leering of any secuy inedont, shortcomings "oF euepleous computor ‘Satie I hall notify ITE promply and eo Sperete fly will ITC Wy TesUWe Ie Stastin, That have no ngexw prvacy i anyeing "aspay, crete, store, send or reeave on TC's computng resources 4 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS The result ofthe work assianment | pererm for TC shal belong to Tc The ter. "et of tha work assignment shall br lndetogd 3 tine, But not sm | Confidential | Charing on Neca to Know Basis limit, al fore of irforstionprocesing systems, designs and usu Featires, wniter pyran, parts of sult prog, rata aed Weas forthe design for he design of computer programs, incuaing algortnms and pretmnary design male trary and asic works, works of 2 deceive nae. calloaues and other ‘comalaions of soniicant amounts of data ete fexpty agree 1) That | ening to TC: pape all intelectual property nights to all resut | may ‘rodice dung the work for ITC. ae wel a ‘Swnocehip rights to ony materials 1 may Produve in is) awewsure ITC Utey Sujies the sue igh aso ext of me {o newy use me Test of my War ah associated imtetectual propery nats Toran ‘Unlmiea time and witiot any obigaton to ay addtional remuneration 1) That ITC s enlied. 28s oun escration fo continue working withthe est ace ae ‘associa isl enna igh ad ‘mate them ausiable fo or raneer them 1 ‘thers [5 RETURN OF INFORMATION. 1 understand and egies that al tangible tne conaing nna rau 1 Ue work pei fr ITC at be contre Property oF, "personaly That upon the end of my work assignment. ‘or upon requested of ITC, wl turn to ITC such tangible tems ina al forms of pies. abstrachons an eomplatinn teen ‘Wit alaning any copies ar Home ‘equied tobe retuned & DAMAGES: | am aware that any broach ofthe tems of this individual Conientalty. and Access Understanding, 2s set Toh above, shal ‘cause suostanmar gamage and wreparane ham 10.11 and tat \~can’ Beeld personaly responsive Tor damage caused {Dereby ta T.GOVRNING LAW. ‘This agreement shall be governed by the Law of SUD ARABIA, PYAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, UNRERSTANN IT AND BY SIGNING [BELOW AGREE TO BE BOUND BY Tr. mans wal eed AL AEABSYS pas Signature! - ——— ume py t-TLeed vege 71

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