Reading Your Chemistry Textbook

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Reading your Chemistry textbook The following is some helpful hints for reading your Chemistry book by Wilbraham,

Staley, Matta and Waterman. As we start each chapter, you will be required to read each chapter and take notes over the chapter. As you begin your reading, break each section down. Look at the subheadings in red. For example, in chapter 1, section 1.1 there are 4 subheadings: 1. What is Chemistry? 2. Areas of Study 3. Pure and Applied Chemistry 4. Why Study Chemistry Concentrate on vocabulary that is new to you. Use pictures provided to help you understand concepts Look back and forth between words and related graphics Before you move onto the next section, go over the section assessment questions. You dont have to write these down, just make sure that you understand them. Your notes for each chapter should be written on paper that you can turn into me to check. Keep your notes brief. If they are more than 1 page, staple the pages together when you hand them in. It is fine to use the back of the paper. I will keep your notes until test day. You will get these notes back at this time and can use them on your test. As we work our way through the chemistry book, I will also give you notes in class that you will be expected to write down in a notebook or on looseleaf paper. Chapter 1 notes are due on Tuesday, 8/25

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