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ALSTÖ'M Steam Turbine Business STD0003912 ALSTÖ'M EN 2 STD0003912

Responsible department Take over department: Revision: Doc. type: File no.:
Prepared: Prepared by: Checked: Approved: Language: Page: Hi) Laser deposited Stellite-6
05-11-14 SRHoldsworth RodVANSTONE EN 1/46
Valid lor Derived from: Replaces: Classify no.: Data set: Since STD0002278 was issued [3], the focus has been on options ii) and Hi), and more recently on the brazed-on
Stellite-6 shield solution. Originally, Option i) had been regarded as a practical solution for ND45A, but there were
uncertainties relating to the mechanical integrity of the insert material adjacent to the welded joint [3].
Technical Report / Technischer Bericht (for internal use only) The following report details the latest findings of investigations concerned with the feasibiltiy evaluation of:
- Local thermal hardening with laser peening
Review of Candidate Erosion Protection Solutions for St 103AH ND45A LSBs - Laser deposited Stellite-6, and
- Brazed-on Stellite-6 shields.

Distribution: The three candidate erosion protection solutions have been considered in terms of criteria covering manufacturing
°laca to Dept. to Mr./ Mrs./ Miss DopiBS Comment
and mechanical integrity in service. The main manufacturing considerations related to the potential for using
Ba TSND P Walker Keywords:
existing Alstom resources, consequential distortion, and cost. In terms of mechanical integrity in service, the
Ba TSND B Scarlin ND45A, SH03AH, erosion protection important acceptability criteria were that the solution offered equivalent erosion and fatigue resistance to edge-
Ba TSNDM A Pirscher induction treatment, laser peening hardened StUTNiE LSBs, with immunity to stress corrosion cracking.
Ba TSNDP-6 M Fischer laser clad Stellite-6
Ba TSNDMH-1 P A Masserey / J Hard 2 brazed-on Stellite-6 shields
Ba . TSNDMH- H Bartsch
Ru TSNDUG P G Cooper 2.1 Background
Ru TTCMS R W Vanstone •
The concept of local thermal hardening is to procure St103AH blades in the fully 3-stage heat treated condition and,
Ru . TTCMD T D Bailey following machining, to solution treat by induction heating the upper leading edge with existing Alstom edge-
Lev STDF M C Maennel hardening equipment. On cooling, the micrestructure of the heat affected PH-15Cr5Ni steel is soft martensite.
Ba TTCM C Gerdes Whole blades are then furnace-aged at a temperature giving high hardness (and erosion resistance) in the induction
treated zone with no significant change to properties elsewhere in the blade.
I Erosion tests had been performed on St103AH hardened to 450HVN [4], and the erosion characteristics shown to
be similar to those of edge-hardened St11 TNiE in terms of volume loss, visual appearance and penetration depth

Three candidate erosion protection solutions have been evaluated for the new St103AH (PH-15Cr5Ni) ND45A last Most recent activity hasfocussed on optimisation of the local thermal hardening process, characterisation of the
stage blade, i.e. stress corrosion properties of the treated zone, and evaluation of the feasibility of employing laser peening as a
- Local thermal hardening with laser peening means of reducing the risk of SCC in an area of high hardness at a position of high stress. This work was based on
- Laser deposited Stellite-6, and results from locally thermal treated test plates (Table 1).
- Brazed-on Stellite-6 shields.
This latest evaluation reviews the existing knowledge relating to the metallurgical characteristics of the three 2.2 Process Optimisation
solutions and reports new information concerning process optimisation and stress corrosion cracking susceptibility. The feasibilty of applying local thermal hardening to St103AH was originally evaluated in furnace heat treatment
trials [3]. The practicality of the concept was then demonstrated in induction treatment trials using existing
1 INTRODUCTION equipment at Birr Factory (Fig. 2 [3]). These first trials indicated the process parameters to give the required local
hardness of >425HVN.1 Indeed, surface hardnesses of >475HVN (up to -500HVN) were apparently achieved for
St103AH has been selected as the material for the new ND45A high strength last stage LP turbine steelblade. The certain process conditions.
alloy is a precipitation strengthened 15Cr5Ni steel with tow carbon, and therefore cannot be induction edge- A schematic representation of the configuration of the Birr test plates is shown in Fig. 3. These enabled four
hardened for erosion protection by the same metallurgical process applied to conventional 11/12%Cr martensitic locally thermal hardened regions to be generated in material with a thickness representative of that at the upper
stainless blading steels. Edge-hardening has been employed for many years to protect the upper aerofoil leading- leading edge of a ND45A blade (i.e. 7mm).
edge profiles of 11/12%Cr blading steels against water droplet erosion [1]. Significant effort has been applied to the
metallurgical investigation of candidate solutions for protecting the leading edges of high strength PH-15Cr5Ni A second batch of test plates was processed according to the parameters established in (3] to provide a source of
ND45A last stage blades from erosion damage. specimens for further metallurgical evaluation, i.e.
a) Induction treatment (peak temperature -1080°C, coil velocity - 25mm/min, back-face air cooling - 97l/min)
PH-15Cr5Ni has been used extensively by GEC-Alsthom as a last stage LP turbine blade material for many years, b) holding at <20°C for 24h, and
with effective erosion protection being achieved using brazed-on Stellite-6 shields [2]. Such shielding provides a
c) ageing for 2h at 450°C
potential erosion protection solution for the ND45A last stage blade, but there are potential technical difficulties.
The ND45A blade design requires a much longer, more contoured and flexible (possibly articulated) shield than has The surface hardnesses measured in these samples were between 422 and 493HVN (Table 1).
previously been adopted. Moreover, the outstanding service experience with brazed-on shields has been with last The observation of treated zone surface hardnesses in the range 398 to 444HVN in a third batch of test plates
stage blades for which the highest upper leading edge stress has been <-300MPa. There is a peak stress of processed with similar conditions to those adopted for the first batch of test plates raised concern about the
reproducibility of the process.
~550MPa in the upper leading edge region requiring erosion protection in the ND45A blade (Fig. 1).
Three explanations for the occurrence of lower surface hardnesses than measured in the first trial were considered.
During the early stages of metallurgical evaluation of candidate erosion protection solutions for St103AH ND45A
The first was that the induction treatment peak temperature of 1080°C was not being consistently achieved.
last stage blades, the brazed-on Stellite-6 shield option was regarded as a fall-back solution, with the focus being on
the following three possibilities [3]: 1
i) Edge-hardened St12T welded insert The specified hardness for induction treated StUTNiE and St12T leading edges is >40OHVN after the post hardening
treatment [1). A higher target was set for locally thermal hardened St103AH because the higher hardness condition was the
ii) Local thermal hardening one for which erosion characteristics had been determined.
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without express authority is strictly forbidden. ©AlstomPower NV2000
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ÄLSTÖ'M EN 3 STD0003912 ALSTÖM - EN 4 STD0003912

However, Birr records showed that in all cases the target temperature had been attained on the basis of readings Shot peened specimen tests are also underway in pure condensing steam at 95°C (Fig. 8). To date, there is no
from a regularly calibrated pyrometer. At the start of the Batch-1 trials, the default induction treatment temperature evidence of cracking at stresses in the range 200-1050MPa, but exposure durations only extend to ~6kh.
limit of ±40°C in the equipment control programme had been reset to ±10°C (as ±40°C was regarded as being too Nevertheless, this is still an improvement in SCC initiation resistance at the highest stress level compared with the
wide for St103AH). This adjustment had also to be made at the start of the Batch-3 trial, and it is therefore possible behaviour of unpeened local thermal hardened testpieces (c.f with Fig. 7)
that the wider limit setting had been applied for the Batch-2 trials which were not witnessed.
A second possibility was that ageing had not been consistently performed at 450°C. Again, Birr records There was always concern that bcally thermal hardened St103AH was susceptible to SCC, and the evidence from
indicated that the specified ageing treatment had been given in all cases. As a check, a test plate with thermally the steam tests has already confirmed this to be the case at stresses above ~600MPa (Fig. 7). Hence, there was a
treated zones exhibiting lower hardnesses was further aged for 2h at 450°C. This treatment did not result in a need to consider means of signifbantly reducing the magnitude of tensile stress at and close to the hardened
significant change in local thermal treated zone hardness (Plate 2/1, Table 1) and led to the conclusion that the test surface. The solutbn investigated was laser peening (Appendix A). The concept of bcal thermal hardening with
plate could have been aged correctly but that the microstructure was not in an appropriate condition for further laser peening is illustrated in Fig. 9.
hardening, e.g. because the marten site finish (mf) temperature for the locally thermal hardened material was below
20°C leading to a higher than normal retained austenite content (see below). 2.4 Laser Peening
Associated with consideration of the incorrect ageing explanation, a check was made that the ageing response
Laser peening is a process in which a laser beam is pulsed upon a metallic surface, producing a planar Shockwave
of induction treated St103AH was represented by the ageing characteristics of the alloy established in [3] for the
that travels through the workpiece and plastically deforms a layer of metal (Fig. A 1). The depth of plastic
furnace solution treated alloy. It is clear from the evidence in Fig. 4 that peak hardness is also achieved for the
deformation and resulting compressive residual stress are signifbantly deeper than possible with most other surface
locally thermal treated zone by ageing at 450°C. Moreover, the magnitude of hardness achieved by local thermal
treatments. In early 2005, Metal Improvement Company (MIC) had developed the process to the point where it was
hardening can be higher than that achieved by furnace heat treatment.
being regularly applied for aerospace applications and were confident it could be used to generate a 1.5 to 2mm
The third potential explanation as to why the hardnesses of Batch-2 and Batch-3 induction treated test plates
deep layer of compressive stress around the upper aerofoil leading edge section of a St103AH ND45A LSB. To
were lower than those of Batch-1 test plates is that the 24h hold time at <20°C does not effectively fully transform all
verify this claim, a number of trials were conducted in collaboratbn with MIC, and the details of these are given in
austenite in the locally thermal hardened zone to martensite. A depressed mf scenario is not unreasonable. Mf is
Appendix A..
known to decrease with increasing solution treatment temperature and decreasing solution treatment time [5]. The
heat of St103AH used for the trials was solutbn treated for 1h at 1000°C during quality heat treatment whereas the
condition mainly adopted during induction treatment was ~VA minute at 1080°C. In addition, the test plates prepared The outcome is summarised as follows:
during the original Birr trial which exhibited the highest surface hardnesses were held in a cold water bath for 24h - 3-layer laser peening can generate a layer of compressive residual stress to a depth of 1.5 to 2mm (Fig. A 7), with
before final ageing because the ambient temperature was unusually warm on the day of the trial in August-2003. little effect on surface finish.
The second and third batches with lower peak hardness test plates were simply held in factory air. - The use of a fade-out transitbn technique avoids the generation of an abrupt step to high residual tensile stresses
Residual austenite measurements were made on samples taken from Batch-1 and Batch-3 test plates (see at the edge of the laser peened surface area (Fig. A 8 to Fig. A 11).
Table 1). The measured levels were in the range 11.5-12.7% compared with adjacent parent material levels of 8.8- - The depth to which compressive residual stresses are generated using 2-layer laser peening is lower than that
9.5%.2 While it was clear that full martensite transformation had not occurred following the local thermal hardening associated with 3-layer treatment, being -1.4 to 1.9mm (Fig. A 8a).
process, it was not possible to discriminate between Batch-1 and Batch-3 samples in terms of their respective - Laser peening without an ablative layer is a lower cost process but generates a lower quality burnished surface
magnitudes of residual, austenite. condition with a risk of microcrack formation (Fig. A 3 to Fig. A 5).
- Laser peening without an ablative layer is responsible for an at-surface tensile residual stress (~+250MPa),
A fourth batch of test plates were processed to specifically examine the effect of reducing the hold temperature requiring a final over-peen (by conventional shot peening) to eliminate near-surface tensile residual stresses.
following local solution treatment. Test plates were held in iced water for 12h (Plate 4/2) and at -25°C for 12h
(Plate 4/3) following induction treatment (Table 1). Both treatments were consistently responsible for hardnesses in
excess of 450HVN (Table 1), but there was no hardness advantage over the Batch-1 processed plates. This being
the case, it was assumed that there had been no significant reduction in the residual austenite content as a 3.1 Background
consequence of cooling the locally solution treated materials respectively to 0°C and -25°C.
It was concluded that a significantly lower hold temperature than -25°C would be necessary to achieve full The superior water droplet erosion resistance of Stellite-6 is well known both from the results of laboratory tests [9]
martensite transformation for this material condition and would be impractical to implement. Furthermore, in view of and service experience (i.e with brazed-on Stellite-6 shields). The process of laser cladding Stellite-6 had not
the results from the Series-4 tests (Table 1) and the fact that the attainment of surface hardnesses consistently previously been adopted for the erosion protection of large steam turbine last stage blades, but had been used to
above 450HVN was acceptable, it was also concluded that the intermediate hold temperature should be <20°C but protect blades for medium steam turbines (LCA) without final surface finishing and blend profiling. The proposal for
could be >0°C. An intermediate hold temperature of <+10°C is recommended. the ND45A application was to laser deposit Stellite-6 into a prepared recess to enable final grinding to give a fully
blended leading edge profile.
The residual stress conditbn associated with local thermal hardening was investigated (Fig. 5 [6]). There was no
The solution was investigated in collaboratbn with Praxair, and the results of preliminary evaluation activities are
evidence of significant surface residual compressive or tensile stresses associated with the process.
reported elsewhere [3j. These confirmed that laser deposited Stellite-6 provides a strong solutbn for the erosion
protection of the ND45A last stage blade. The erosion resistance of Stellite-6 in this conditbn is better than that of
2.3 Stress Corrosion
other forms of the Co-based hard-facing alloy and significantly superior to that of edge-hardened StUTNiE.
Two series of stress corrosion tests are being performed on locally thermal hardened St103AH [3]. The first series Stellite-6 is not prone to SCC and the deposit heat affected zone is not susceptible to SCC in a hot molar sodium
are accelerated tests in hot motar sodium sulphate solution at 80°C using jig loaded 0.8mm thick bent beam sulphate solutbn. Evaluation of the stress corrosion properties of Stellite-6/St103AH joints has continued and the
specimens with applied outer fibre stress levels in the range 500 to 1100MPa (Fig. 6). All bent beams have details of the activity are given in sect. 3.2.
survived >21 kh without evidence of cracking. These durations are significantly longer than lower bound crack The results of water droplet erosbn tests indicated that a 1-layer deposit (~0.5mm) is likely to be inadequate
initiation times for 12CrNiMo (St11TNiE) steels in a range of strength conditbns in this environment. because of the risk of coating penetration [3]. A 2-layer deposit (-1 mm) is more acceptable, but with an increased
risk of leading edge distortion during manufacture. The results of distortion studies are given in sect. 3.3.
The second series of tests also involve jig loaded 0.8mm thick bent beams, but in a pure de-oxygenated condensing
steam environment. These beams were machined from the local thermal hardened zones of Birr industion treated 3.2 Stress Corrosion
test plates (see Table 1). Beam specimens have been loaded to applied outer fibre stresses in the range 200 to
The stress corrosion tests initiated in 2003 are still ongoing and continue to demonstrate the high resistance to SCC
1050MPa (Fig. 7). Two 400MPa loaded specimens have survived >15kh steam exposure. However, two 600MPa
initiation in hot molar sodium sulphate solution of bent beam specimens (Fig. 10). Bent beam specimens with a test
loaded bent beams have cracked after duratbns of ~5-6kh.
surface sampling laser deposited Stellite-6, and St103AH HAZ and base metal, and loaded to a stress of 1000MPa,
have survived >21 kh in this environment without cracking.
A retained austenite level of -9% is typical for a 3-stage heat treated PH-15Cr5Ni steel with an intermediate ageing
temperature of -800QC
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Identical bent beam specimens with applied stresses in the range 200 to 1050MPa have been exposed to pure 5 PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS
low oxygen condensing steam for durations of 7.5kh without cracking (Fig. 11).
5.1 General
3.3 Distortion The three candidate erosion protection solutions have been considered in terms of criteria relating to manufacturing
and mechanical integrity in service. The main manufacturing considerations relate to the potential for using existing
Following preparation of the bead-on-plate test samples [3], Praxair laser-deposited Stellite-6 on the surface of a
Alstom resources, consequential distortion, and cost. In terms of mechanical integrity in service, the important
LSB aerofoil leading edge section. In addition to visible distortion, metallographic examination revealed end-of-
acceptability criteria are that the solution offers equivalent erosion and fatigue resistance to edge-hardened
bead detachment and between-bead cracking (Fig. 12). With the dubious explanation that Praxair had thought this
StUTNiE LSBs, with immunity to stress corrosion cracking.
trial was just a process demonstration activity and had not realised that dimensional stability and metallurgical
quality were important and to be evaluated, distortion susceptibility was next evaluated in a more controlled way by
5.2 Local Thermal Hardening with Laser Peening
laser depositing Stellite-6 onto specially prepared test plates with recesses (Fig. 13).
In these tests, the measured plate deflections at four corner positions (with respect to the plate centre) were It has been demonstated that the developed local thermal hardening procedure can lead to a reproducible
observed to be significantly greater for the testpiece with 2-layer deposits compared with the testpiece with 1 -layer metallurgical condition when applied to St103AH (PH-15Cr5Ni) steel, in particular a surface hardness >450HVN. A
deposits (Fig. 14). In each case, the deflections increased after stress relieving at 500°C. necessary part of the process to achieve this is holding the blade (or treated part) for 24h at a temperature of <10°C
These tests clearly demonstrated that by increasing the deposit thickness to -1mm to prevent breakthrough by immediately following induction treatment (sect. 2.2). While this operation does not pose a serious technical
erosion, the associated risk of distortion was significantly increased. difficulty, it is different to the current Alstom practice following induction treatment of StUTNiE last stage blades.
Consequently, the effectiveness of three deposition approaches to reduce distortion were subsequently
investigated. In additbn to the single-sided axial deposition procedure, these were: No problem with distortion has been identified applying the local thermal hardening treatment to section thicknesses
- single-sided transverse deposition of ~7mm.
- double-sided axial deposition
- re-inforced single-sided axial deposition St103AH local thermal hardened to >450HVN has been shown to exhibit the same resistance to water droplet
erosion as that of edge hardened StUTNiE [3]. However, the latest evidence confirms that locally thermal
In this follow-up study, recesses were introduced on one edge only of the test plates. The results for the four hardened St103AH is vulnerable to stress corrosion cracking at stresses ~600MPa (Fig. 7).
deposition approaches are summarised in Fig. 15 to Fig. 18. In terms of the overall test plate deformation criterion
adopted for the previous distortion trials, all three alternative solutions appeared to effectively reduce the level of Stress corrosion cracking may be avoided by laser peening to generate a layer of high-magnitude compressive
distortion arising from the laser deposition process, in particular the double-sided axial deposition approach, Fig. 17 stress to significant depth below the surface (Fig. 9). A procedure for laser peening ND45A blade upper aerofoil
(c.f. Fig. 15). The re-inforced single-sided axial deposition solution did not appear to be particularly effective (Fig. leading edges has been developed with MIC, and the consequential residual stress state characterised
18), but it is noted that overall deformation measurements (made before backing-piece removal) had to be regarded (Appendix A). An added advantage of laser peening is that the residual stress condition is generated without
with caution because of the difficulty in making them due to the shape irregularity of this test plate. significantly affecting the surface condition. The main disadvantage with including laser peening in the overall
In terms of local distortion, only the re-inforced single-sided axial deposition approach appeared to offer any procedure for this solution is the impact on cost. Whereas, local thermal hardening without laser peening could be
advantage over the original single-sided axial deposition solution, Fig. 18 {c.f. Fig. 15, Fig. 16, Fig. 17) applied for ~130€ per blade, the addition of laser peening to the process is likely to initially result in a per blade cost
of 650€.3
Alstom does not have the internal capability to laser peen, and so the resource would have to be procured from a
4.1 Background sub-contractor such as MIC. MIC plan to locate a mobile unit in Europe during the course of 2006 which will enable
laser peening to be performed on the factory site where the blades are being machined.
Brazed-on Stellite-6 shields have been used extensively by GEC-Alsthom as an effective means of protecting the
leading edges of LSBs against water droplet erosion [2]. The option was initially considered as a candidate for the
A full-size blade demonstration is the main outstanding action for this process
ND45A blade but only regarded as a fall-back solution because the new large blade required a much longer, more
contoured and flexible (possibly articulated) shield than had previously been adopted. More importantly, the
A cheaper alternative to laser peening is ball peening. This process is no more expensive than conventional shot
outstanding service experience with brazed-on shields had been with LSBs for which the highest upper leading
peening, but the consequent surface condition is unacceptable for most applications (Fig. A 12).
edge stress was <~300MPa. There is a peak stress of ~550MPa in the upper leading edge region requiring erosion
protection in the ND45A blade (Fig. 1).
5.3 Laser Deposited Stellite-6
When it became evident that the two strongest candidate erosion protection options (local thermal hardening with In principle, the laser deposition of Stellite-6 into a prepared recess to enable final grinding to give a fully blended
laser peening and laser deposited Stellite-6) both involved a significant cost per blade, and were not without risk, it leading edge profile provides an attractive ND45A erosion protection solution. A 2-layer deposit has been shown to
was decided to further investigate the potential of the brazed-on shield solution. The initial focus was on the exhibit outstanding resistance to water droplet erosion [9], with no risk of stress corrosion cracking (sect. 3.2).
mechanical integrity of the brazed-on shield construction under the influence of high stress. This was evaluated in a
series of tension/torsion tests. The fatigue strength of laser depositied Stellite-6 is not outstanding [12], and the fatigue strength of the joint with
St103AH has still to be characteriesd. However, the main disadvantage with the laser deposition process for this
4.2 Tension/Torsion Testing application is the associated distortion, which becomes worse with increasing deposited layer number. Even with a
2-layer deposit which is the minimum to avoid erosion penetration to the substrate [3], the distortion level is likely to
The details of the tension/torsion testing programme and the outcome are detailed in Appendix B. The study
be unacceptable without employing a sacrificial backing piece (sect. 3.3). Such an operation contributes to an
involved the development of specifically designed model blade tension/torsion specimens with Stellite-6 shields
estimated cost of >1000€ per blade for this solution.
brazed-on and inspected according to the Company process specification [10], which were tested according to a
new procedure implemented by the Politecnico di Milano (PdM [11]).
Alstom does not have the capability to laser deposit Stellite-6, and this process would have to be applied by a sub-
The most important observation was that even with a superimposed tensile stress of 550MPa, the brazed-on
contractor such as Praxair.
shields of the model blade specimens {shown in Fig. B 1 to Fig. B 5) did not detach in an unstable manner even
when subjected to an angular displacement of almost 50° (Fig. B 28). Specimen failure was by stable shield
A full-size blade demonstration of the process is still required
detachment which did not begin to develop until an angular displacement of >25° had been exceeded (Fig. B 25).

The cost component arising from laser peening could fall as the technology develops and is used more widely.
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5.4 Brazed-on Ste 11 ite-6 Shields 6 Whitehead, P.S., 2005, 'Induction treated test plates 2 & 3 in PH steel; An assessment of residual stresses near
edges using the target gauge/centre hole drilling method', Stresscraft report no. 04-243, 06/05.
Brazed-on Stellite-6 shields are a well proven solution for the erosion protection of last stage blades. However, a
main concern of this solution for the ND45A blade was the absence of service experience with such attachments for 7 Whitehead, P.S., 2005, 'Induction treated test plate in PH steel; Assessment of residual stresses (fully treated
axial stresses above ~300MPa, when the ND45A blade upper aerofoil leading edge peak stress was ~550MPa. and boundary) using the target gauge/centre hole drilling method', Stresscraft report no. 04-242, 05/05.
The resufts of the tension/torsion tests of brazed-on shielded model blade specimens demonstrate that this concern 8 Whitehead, P.S., 2005, 'Ball-peening test plate in steel material; An assessment of residual stresses (fully
is unfounded, with shield detachment occuring in a stable manner only after an applied angular displacement in peened and boundary) using the target gauge/centre hole drilling method', Stresscraft report no. 04-240,04/05.
excess of 25° for an axial stress of 550MPa (sect. 4.2, Appendix B). 9 Maggi, C M . & Schwarzmaier, T.H., 2003, Wassertropfenerosionsversuch an Steliit 6 Beschichtung',
TGTM-C8139, 14/2/03.
If the brazed-on shield solution is to be adopted, there is a need for a full blade concept demonstration to finalise the 10 PS301/0172,1994, 'Brazing of cobalt based erosion shields to bladesand inspection of the brazed joints-Single
design and process details. An advantage of the brazed-on shield solution is that there is already an in-house piece J-type shields', GEC Alsthom process specification.
capabiltiy to apply the process at Willans Works (Rugby). 11 Gariboldi, E., 2005, Tension-torsion tests', Politecnic di Milano Test Report, 20/12/2005.
12 Schwarzmaier, T.H., 2003, 'HCF tests with Stellite coated specimens', TGTM-C8140,26/02/03.
On the basis of actual costs charged for brazing shields onto the model blade specimens, the estimated cost per
ND45A blade for this solution is estimated to be ~650€. It may only be possible to determine the true cost after a
demonstration trial.

Three candidate erosion protection solutions have been evaluated for the new St103AH (PH-15Cr5Ni) ND45A last
stage blade, i.e.
- Local thermal hardening with laser peening
- Laser deposited Stellite-6, and
- Brazed-on Stellite-6 shields.
This latest evaluation reviews the existing knowledge relating to the metallurgical characteristics of the three
solutions and focusses on new information concerning process optimisation and stress corrosion cracking

Local thermal hardening provides an effective and reproducible means of providing an acceptable level of erosion
protection to St103AH ND45A blades at upper aerofoil leading edges using existing Alstom equipment.
The required induction heating parameters are now established and the importance of holding at a temperature
of <10°C for 24h before ageing at 450°C has been identified.
The latest evidence confirms that PH-15Cr5Ni steel which has been locally hardened by this procedure is
vulnerable to stress corrosion cracking at ND45A upper aerofoil leading edge peak stresses. Cracking by this
mechanism is avoided by laser peening to generate a layer of high-magnitude compressive stress to a significant
depth below the surface.
A procedure for laser peening ND45A blade upper aerofoil leading edges has been developed with Metal
Improvement Company, and the consequential residual stress state characterised.

A 2-layer deposit of laser-clad Stellite-6 has been shown to provide a highly effective solution for protecting ND45A
last stage blades against erosion, without risk of stress corrosion cracking. However, the deposition process is
responsible for significant local leading edge distortion, requiring a sacrificial backing piece which has to be
removed at the final machining stage to minimise the effect.
Laser deposition would have to be performed by a sub-contractor.

Brazed-on Stellite-6 shields provide a strong alternative erosion protection solution to local thermal hardening. The
concern about brazed joint integrity at high axial stresses of ~550MPa has been shown to be unfounded on the
basis of a special series of tensionAorsion tests on brazed-on shielded model blade specimens.
This method of erosion protection can be applied using existing Alstom resources.

1 Bartsch, H., 2004, 'Overview about ex-ABB induction hardening of last stage blades', STD0002296,2/4/04.
2 Roberts, B.W., 2004, 'A history of brazing Stellite erosion shields to steam turbine blades', STD0Ö02242,
3 Holdsworth, S.R., 2004, 'Metallurgical evaluation of candidate erosion protection solutions for St103AH ND4x
last stage blades', STD0002278,30/3/04.
4 Schwarzmaier, T.H. & Maggi, CM., 2003, 'Evaluation of candidate ND4X blade erosion protection solutions:
Water droplet erosion tests', TGTM-C8968, 17/11/03.
5 Brezina, P. & Sonderegger, B., 1978, 'Heat treatment, structure and properties of the corrosion-resistant
martensitic precipitation hardenable steel X5CrNiMoCuNb14-5(14-5PH', Escher Wyss News, 1.
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Table 1 (continued) Summary of Results of Local Thermal Hardening Trials

Table 1 Summary of Results of Local Thermal Hardening Trials
CONDITIONS 1 (30kg) HVN (1kg) 4/1 1080 F10 L50
2 3
1/1 1080 F25 L50 490 456 Residual austenite, 11.5% (8.8% in adjacent parent material) 1080 F10 L75
1080 F25 L75 443 3 462 Residual austenite, 12.0% 1080 F25 L50 470 Ageing trials, see Fig. 4. The HVN cited is that for the 450"C
1080 F50 L0 439 3 448 ageing treatment
1080 F25 L0 463 3 450 1080 F50 L50
1/22 1080 F50 L50 496 3 454 Source of peened SCCI beam specimen 4/2* 1080 F10 L50 454
1080 F50 L75 481 3 466 Source of peened SCCI beam specimen 1080 F10 L75 467 Residual stress measurements [6]
1080 F10 L0 457 3 456 Source of peened SCCI beam specimen 1080 F25 L50 452
1080 F10 L75 476 3 464 Source of peened SCCI beam specimen 1080 F50 L50 457 Residual stress measurements [6]
2 3 7
1/3 1060 F50 LO 457 462 4/3 1080 F10 L50 454
1100 F25 L75 490 3 462 1080 F10 L75 462 Residual stress measurements [6]
1100 F50 L50 499 3 466 1080 F50 L50 459
1100 F50 L75 508 3 462 1080 F25 L50 452 Residual stress measurements [6]
2/1 1080 F25 L50 432 Hardness after second 2h,450"C ageing treatment, 441 HVN
Notes: In the xxxx Fyy Lzz' code, xxxx is peak temperature in °C, yy is coil velocity in mm/min, and zz is back-form air cooling (% of 200 l/min)
1080 F25 L50 433 Hardness after second 2h,450"C ageing treatment, 444HVN 2
Batch 1 plates were held in a water bath prior to final ageing
1080 F25 L50 442 Hardness after second 2h,450"C ageing treatment, 444HVN Surface hardnesses measured at Birr factory (5mm from edge). All other surface hardnesses were measured in Rugby Materials
1080 F25 L50 440 Hardness after second 2h,450,'C ageing treatment, 449HVN Laboratory
Plate re-aged for 2h at 450°C in Rugby (see sect. 2.2)
2/2 1080 F25 L50 473 Source of SCCI beam specimen
Plates used for laser peening trials
1080 F25 L50 466 Source of peened SCCI beam specimen Plate held in iced water for 12h prior to final ageing
1080 F25 L50 493 Source of SCCI beam specimen Plate held in freeze at -25'C for 12h prior to final ageing
1080 F25 L50 423 Source of peened SCCI beam specimen
2/3 1080 F25 L50 422 Source of peened SCCI beam specimen
1080 F25 L50 462 Source of peened SCCI beam specimen
1080 F25 L50 437 Source of peened SCCI beam specimen Suction side 0 Pressure side
1080 F25 L50 438 Source of peened SCCI beam specimen
3/1 5 1100 F50 L50 429 438
1100 F10 L50 406 430
1080 F10 L50 422 461 2-layer laser peened
1080 F25 L50 406 439 --100 100
3/2 1080 F50 L75 404 426
1100 F25 L50 404 438 3-layer laser peened without ablative layer (also with over-peen)
1080 F10 LO 439 457
1080 F25 L75 444 431 Residual austenite, 12.7% (9.5% in adjacent parent material)
2-layer laser peend without ablative layer (also with over-peen) - - 200
- - 200
3/3 1100 F10 L75 400 451 3-layer laser peened, residual stress measurements [7]
1100 F25 L75 434 444
1080 F25 LO 420 450 3-layer laser peened, residual stress measurements [7]
1080 F50 LO 398 434 • . Ma*, i r i r . - u f t l
l*M lot : n\)
5 .iU-i":
3/4 1100 F50 L75 418 431 * s cci««ai
- - 300
- - 300 • 5.73l>*01
* ViOletlli
1080 F10 L75 420 447
1080 F25 LO 411 444 +\.Wiv>vi
t\ raae-toi
1080 F50 L50 398 436 Residual austenite, 12.6% • J.?5B«-<J2
*i i c i . - o i
• . " f i - -• /
• 3 CCQ.-G:
Notes: In the 'xxxx Fyy Lzz' code, xxxx is peak temperature in °C, yy is coil velocity in mm/min, and zz is back-form air cooling (% of 200 l/m in) •i.^0i«*OJ

Batch-1 plates were held in a water bath prior to final ageing :i:filsa
3 --400
»1 <%l*«02 — 400
Surface hardnesses measured at Birr factory (5mm from edge). All other surface hardnesses were measured in Rugby Materials •1-5CI.-HJJ
t l Z9lcK)2
' : . l LfletfU
Laboratory *7.SGI.*0l
• '. LCOI-O;
4 t2.30l*iOL
Plate re-aged for 2h at 450°G in Rugby (see sect. 2.2) ( 0 BCD««JO
Plates used for laser peening trials

Fig. 1 Maximum principal stress state in the upper aerofoil of the ND45A last stage blade

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475 --

> 450 --
co 425 -
W 400-
CT 375 -

350 -- — Furnace trial - 1h, 1050C+24h,<20C+2h, T,AC
© IT(1080C)+24h, <20C+2h, J,AC
325 -- O 1h, 1000C,AC+24h, <20C+3h,800C,AC+4h,530C,AC+2h, T,AC
300 -- H 1 1 1 h-
250 300 350 400 450 500 550

Fig. 4 Comparison of effect of ageing temperature on hardness after induction treatment compared with ageing
characteristics originally determined in all-furnace heat treatment trials [3].

Fig. 2 Induction treatment trial on St103AH plate specimen

0 Depth 400 urn 800 1200 1600 2000
1 / \ j 2 Face-B Face- A

200 -
>1 0 CL

y ^ * ~ ^ ^ ~ *~ ~ _#» ™ « ~ " , — — rf-fc

0 "x l^»*J VJ • o ^
^•M i * " '

, — • •

>i !
^ — ^^m —
-200 mOYll
1 llclAll•num
— o — a vera ge
, »vi i f i mlum
i m i in


Fig. 5 Variation of residual stress with distance below the locally thermal hardened surface of St103AH test plate
• V

< •
130 • >

Fig. 3 Schematic arrangement of Birr test plate for induction treatment trials
Four edges may be induction-treated by rotating the test plate in the clamp after each treatment. In practice this
means that the induction heating coil will pass next to Face-A for edges '1' and '3', and next to Face-B for edges 2'
and •A'

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ALSTÖ'M EN 13 STD0003912 ALSTÖ'M EN 14 STD0003912

1200 1400
Local thermal hardening A> Pure Condensing Steam
Q= 1000 A-> 1200 --
12CrNiMo lower bound 95°C
A PH-15Cr5Ni(450HVN)
LL 1000 i!w i \ • Local thermal hardened
CL CO St103AH (peened)
\- CO 800 High-hardness
co A> UJ \
Q cr
LU h- \
(O I
600 . .• L Q^.N
LU ..i
200 --
1MNa 2 S0 4 soln, 80°C
400 -- o^
0 J 1 L J 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L
High-hardness 12CrNiMo
5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 200 --••
Fig. 6 Stress corrosion crack initiation resistance of hardened St103AH (450HVN) in hot Na 2 S0 4 solution
0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000
All tests continuing
Fig. 8 Stress corrosion crack initiation resistance of shot peened bent beams of hardened St103AH (450HVN) in
pure low oxygen condensing steam
1400 All tests continuing
Pure Condensing Steam
1200 -- [ 95°C
Loca/ thermal hardened
St103AH y s y s s y
V induction hardened erosion damage y
_l I
Q_ 400 Qe>
< ^JHigh-hardness 12CrNiMo
200 bi*
0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000
TIME.h location of high
Fig. 7 Stress corrosion crack initiation resistance of hardened St103AH (450HVN) in pure low oxygen applied stress
condensing steam at 95°C
Solid points - crack initiation, open points - tests continuing Fig. 9 Schematic of concept of edge hardening ND45A leading edge with laser peening treatment

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Laser deposited
Q. woo -- stellite-6

12CrNiMo lower bound
D LDS6(1 layer)
O LDS6 (2 layers)

1MNa 2 SO 4 soln,80 u C
i: • * '

0 J L. J 1 1 L J L. J 1 1 1 1 L

0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000


Fig. 10 Stress corrosion crack initiation resistance of laser deposited Stellite-6 on St103AH in hot Na 2 S0 4 solution
Inset shows test surface of bent beam specimens sampling

Fig. 12 Laser deposit on leading edge of upper blade aerofoil section

Inset showing end-of-bead lack of fusion and between-bead cracking
Pure Condensing Steam
2= 1000 I vw
i \
Laser-clad Stellite-6
(/) High-hardness
cr N PH-15Cr5Ni
(/) 600 -- Q> X
Q V ^
o_ 400 -- !GE>
Q_ ^JHigh-hardness 12CrNiMo
200 --• -e^
ppiw ,, « i p O T ^ I W p » ^ » « ^ ^ \
0 *«
» 30 50 « '" *o « 100 K 'to '3c MO 150 >w m IM <n 2 0 0 ™ *» ?i0
M 2250
5 0 z">
w» * *
0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000
TIME.h Fig. 13 First generation distortion evaluation test plate with different recess preparations for laser deposition on
Fig. 11 Stress corrosion crack initiation resistance of laser deposited Stellite-6 on St103AH in pure low oxygen each edge
condensing steam Dishing after laser deposition is clearly apparent even in test plate with single layer deposits
All tests continuing, see inset to Fig. 10

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125 ••

MMWW f.00 ••
£ E
0.75 -

0.50 -•
/.!_ ,•*

025 -•
After S/R, mm After S/R, mm

Before S/R, mm Before S/R, mm a oo

^ fl C

(a) (b)

Fig. 14 Comparison of overall test plate deflections for (a) test plate with single layer (~0.5mm deep) deposit, and
(b) test plate with double layer (~1 mm deep) deposit, before and after stress relief at 500°C
Measurements at four corner positions with respect to plate center, E, see Fig. 13

Fig. 17 The extent of overall test plate and local distortion arising from double-sided axial deposition

^mil /erage displacement «0.93
/ . 2 5 ••

l ^PH Mmamtt m I ^ V
* r.oo -•

mwjflfffi M i J 5 0.75 • •

Wilt tie T f I

A MM MM MM § • Q
• H a l mm f ^ H
Ö25 +

, ,
0,00 1


• 1

Fig. 15 The extent of overall test plate and local distortion arising from single-sided axial deposition
After stress relief

/^•MJHlliaM^I After removal of backing piece

Fig. 18 The extent of overall test plate and local distortion arising from reinforced single-sided axial deposition
Notes: The overall test plate deformation measurements shown for this geometry were taken after laser deposition
and before backing piece removal. At this stage, they were difficult to make because of the presence of the backing
piece, are reported for completeness, but regarded with caution. There was no point in making overall deformation
B C measurements after backing piece removal since the back-face was machined flush during the final machining
posmoN operation. As a consequence, greater weight was assigned to the extent of local deformation.

üü ••••• ^JArS?sf-;?qJ^WB
Fig. 16 The extent of overall test plate and local distortion arising from single-sided transverse deposition

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APPENDIX A - LASER PEENING zone (at ~25mm). Thereafter, there is a smooth gradient to the edge of the laser peened region, with relatively low
level tensile residual stresses at least to a distance of ~10mm from the edge in unpeened material. The same trend
is apparent in terms of the depth of compressive residual stress with respect to distance from the edge of the test
Background and Introduction plate (Fig. A 11).
During the development of the local thermal hardening erosion protection solution for St103AH (PH-15Cr5Ni), it
A comprehensive evaluation of the residual stress state associated with a laser peened hardened St103AH surface
became apparent that the process could not be controlled to generate a significant associated compressive residual
without ablative layer is outstanding. However, XRD spot surface checks have indicated the presence of tensile
stress condition [6] in the same way that it can for conventionally edge hardened 11/12%Cr steels. St103AH in the
residual stresses of ~+250MPa. Final over-peening with conventional shot peening is required to eliminate this
hardened condition is susceptible to SCC (sect. 2.3), in particular for a high applied stress condition such as that
near-surface residual tensile stress condition (Fig. A 3).
existing at the upper aerofoil leading edge of the proposed ND45A LSB (Fig. 1). A potential method of applying
deep compressive residual stresses (to depths of 1.5-2mm), in a highly controlled manner without affecting surface
Ball Peening
finish, is laser peening, A schematic representation of this concept is shown in Fig. 9. The feasibility of adopting
the process for the ND45A application has been investigated in collaboration with Metal Improvement Company As an alternative to laser peening, the process of ball peening was also evaluated as a more cost effective means
(MIC). of generating deep compressive residual stresses. The resulting surface was extremely rough (Fig. A 12).
However, ball peening is responsible for high magnitude peak compressive stresses in both longitudinal and
Laser peening is a process in which a laser beam is pulsed upon a metallic surface, producing a planar Shockwave transverse orientations, with residual stresses remaining in compression to depths well in excess of 1mm (Fig. A 13)
that travels through the workpiece and plastically deforms a layer of metal (Fig. A 1). The depth of plastic [6]-
deformation and resulting compressive residual stress are significantly deeper than possible with most other surface
Usually, the high pressure plasma beam does not impact directly onto the metallic surface, but onto an ablative
layer of paint or tape providing thermal insulation. Laser light passes through a water tamping layer and the leading Table A1 Summary of Laser Peening Trials
edge of the laser pulse is absorbed on the ablative layer, this absorption rapidly ionising and vapourising more of
the ablative material to form a plasma which rapidly absorbs the rest of the laser pulse. The plasma pressure BATCH INDUCTION NOTES
rapidly builds to ~100kBar with the water confining the pressure. It is the rapidly rising pressure which effectively /PLATE TREATMENT
creates the shock wave that penetrates into the metal to plastically deform the near surface layer. Consequent CONDITIONS1
residual compressive stresses are generated to depths of anything up to ~8mm depending on material and
3/1 1080 F25 L50 2-layer laser peened
processing conditions.
3/2 1100 F25 L50 3-layer laser peened without ablative layer (also with over-peen)
Individual laser plasma process zones are typically 3mm square, on the surface, for engine part applications and
the control parameters for each shock wave impulse may be different if required. The whole process is computer 1080 F25 L75 2-layer laser peend without ablative layer (also with over-peen)
controlled. In principle, it is therefore possible to custom generate highly complex residual stress distributions to 3/3 1100 F10 L75 3-layer laser peened, residual stress measurements [7]
meet specific application requirements. 1080 F25 L0 3-layer laser peened, residual stress measurements [7]
Notes: See Table 1 in main text
MIC Trials
Three of the Batch-3 local thermal hardened test plates (Table 1, Table A1) were laser peen treated by MIC.
Initially, the plates 3/1 and 3/3 were respectively 2-layer and 3-layer laser peened in the conventional way (i.e. with
an ablative layer). The appearance of one of the 3-layer peened edges is shown in Fig. A 2. The outer boundaries
of the three layers were intentionally not coincident to minimise the incidence of a transition to high residual tensile
stress immediately adjacent to the edge of the laser peened surface. The first layer was laid down to a distance of
42mm from the test plate edge, the secondlayer 36mm from the edge and the third layer 30mm from the edge.
For the 2-layer laser peened zone, the first layer was laid down to a distance of 36mm from the test plate edge
and the second layer 30mm from the edge.

Without-ablative layer laser peening trials were also performed (i.e. on plate 3/2, Table A1). Laser peening without
an ablative layer provides a means of process cost reduction, and was therefore evaluated. Application of the
process in this way resulted in a burnished roughened surface (Fig. A 3, Fig. A 4), with very limited evidence of
surface micro-cracking (Fig. A 5).

Residual Stress Measurements

For the 3-layer laser peened test plate, residual stress profiles were determined by a hole drilling technique at the
positions shown in Fig. A 6 [7]. The results of residual stress measurements close to the test plate edge are shown
in Fig. A 7. Compressive residual stresses of —800-1 OOOMPa are generated close to the surface, with residual
stresses consistently remaining in compression to depths in excess of 1.5mm in both longitudinal and transverse
orientations. There is notably more variation in stresses measured in the longitudinal orientation compared with the
transverse orientation.
The variation in residual stress profile through the fade-out transition from 3-layer coverage to zero coverage is
shown in Fig. A 8. The fade-out approach appears to have been successful in limiting the magnitude of balancing
residual tensile stresses adjacent to, and at a distance of 10mm from the edge of the laser peened zone.

The variations in longitudinal and transverse residual stresses with respect to distance from the test plate edge and
at different depths below the metal surface are respectively summarised in Fig. A 9 and Fig. A 10. These appear to
indicate that a relatively high magnitude of compressive residual stress is maintained to a depth of ~0.5mm across
the region of 3-layer coverage without an obvious discontinuity associated with the edge of the local thermal treated
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Pressure Wave


Inertial Tamping Inertial Tamping

Layer (water) Layer (water)

Ablative Layer Ablative Layer

(paint or tape) (paint or tape)

Fig. A 1 Schematic representation of laser peening process

Fig. A 3 Appearance of 3-layer laser peened surface of local thermal treated test plate when laser peening is
performed without ablative Layer
The lighter coloured band on the left of the sampleis the result of conventional shot peening
Note 3-layer steps on the right of the laser peened surface area

(a) (b)

Fig. A 2 Appearance of 3-layer laser peened local thermally hardened edge Fig. A 4 Higher magnification views of laser peening without ablative layer, (a) of surface in plan-view and (b) of
(the figures are the distances of the outer boundaries of each layer from the radiused edge of the test surface in section
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Dwpth 4O0 |jm BOO 1200 IBOfl 2Q0O


0 Däpth 400 uni BOO 1200 1GO0 KfQQ

Fig. A 5 Limited evidence of surface microcracking associated with laser peening without ablative layer 4oa


•I ••>' O'l i •200

••'.': ••

i'.zuz* » «rr.ii,t drActieni :
«-- 1 iMfllutfMl

k,= ; rö"-
i -6ÜÜ

pffijL V®
/ftftf JffO 175 O -10ÜÜ
1080 F25 10 ''' X*^
—5€— B
-12ÜÜ =a l ...,L^

|5NUttaflRSINTvS£| I I'Jyjrr.ic-jr^'u cv' rra'isi-erac- aA'wsgg va depfr I

Notes : I ) uin.ti.uuiA er* nun

Fig. A 7 Variation of longitudinal and transverse residual stresses with distance below the surface for 3-layer laser
;•> ..:i..ji^ ore lypft FA ::«. iif:Hh i z o
•-V J» i ""*dicotos jü-c-fia »natailcd an .*«>£f&a arte ol plate
peened condition at a distance of 10mm from the test plate edge (see Fig. A 6 for strain gauges hole

Fig. A 6 Hole drilling locations for the determination of residual stress profiles on 3-layer laser peened test plate 3/3
Inset shows strain gauge rosettes 2, 4 and 5 [7]

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0 j - : ; r. 4M Mm ND 13 KP 1«X S.Oi iujicn 4M uTi ItflU 2GCQ
-:::• liu:

aco acn

Li ' u •
-3CÜ •Xfl
Fig. A 9 Variation of longitudinal residual stress with distance from the test plate edge (for the depths below the
g 4Q0
surface indicated in the profile labels)
3 1 The solid lines are residual stresses measured on the front face, while the data points represent measurements made
S «a
on the back face of the test plate. The dashed lines respectively indicate the outer boundaries for 3-layer, 2-layer and
1-layer coverage; the arrow indicates the boundary of the local thermal heat treated zone.
M rti
•10GG n>:o —•—B3
1 i
l t * 1 C .-/<:T'_c _^* i-t .U;»lt» _
r- -läiÜ « 4i< - / B T T Ü I X ^ « . I«« Martta
r.. -
(a) (b)
Liifri 4 0 urn &D 12Ü:> IÖ M KM Diflh 4 M JT. WD 12(0 1Ü-I-J Kttü Transverse stress
4Cti 4C«J S. 200 O Ö
aoa tr
-a -.D>— a — —a— D— fc -a
•—•-• • • 8 m-
91 _
1 •—*~ •—— _ _ -a


4Ctl '.-•

ii>:<i • — w - ~ fi** -100G "2" J
is. n f t f i * *' -* - iij*'*» .- L « t I i I U _ , 1 - * i < "•* « i » ö « - ' - i * *.'<- lU-'irt» _
-laoa -1200
• — r *
(c) ... „ P - ,
(d) -1200
Fig. A 8 Variation of longitudinal and transverse residual stresses with distance below the surface for 3 layer laser peened condition, (a) at 2-layer coverage 0 10 20 L _ i 30 40 50
position in fade-out transition, (b) at 1-layer coverage position in fade-out transition, (c) at unpeened surface, immediately adjacent to edge of 1-layer DISTANCE FROM EDGE, mm
coverage, and (d) for unpeened surface at a distance of 10mm from the edge of the peened zone

Fig. A 10 Variation of transverse residual stress with distance from the test plate edge (for the depths below the
surface indicated in the profile labels)
The solid lines are residual stresses measured on the front face, while the data points represent measurements made
on the back face of the test plate. The dashed lines respectively indicate the outer boundaries for 3-layer, 2-layer and
1-layer coverage; the arrow indicates the boundary of the local thermal heat treated zone.
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2.5 0 Depth 400 inn 800 1200 1600 2000


400- • ii ~~*~ r
- . - • ^ *

OAT» -
zuu I r^'

n -
U 1
J « ^ - "

., Ofifi . /
-£\J\} 1

5 /
0 »-AA -
-ouu 1
ftnri - s/
-ouu ,a
0 10 20 l—l 30 40 50 S ux
-1000 -
1 o n r* -
sy a-' "' r 0
/ >
0 al

Fig. A 11 Variation of depth of compressive residual stress with distance from the test plate edge (for longitudinal

Idfifi H
V LV ™s • ^
Di'Stnhi-tiftiiG df clnöfrCÄC wc rfctnth
(öi), and transverse (03) stresses)
The dashed lines respectively indicate the outer boundaries for 3-layer, 2-layer and 1-layer coverage; the arrow
indicates the boundary of the local thermal heat treated zone. Fig. A 13 Variation of residual stress with distance below the ball peened surface of St103AH

\1 • ii?
• ' M.
i\. i V

,J l4l
-' -'i

•• * • • ' — • • • * * • • * * — * >

1 '••*• '"ff'wS
'"- •""•-

. • • • • i . • • u m • •!«•]»
•Will • ! • • • » — l ¥ f f

_ - -;Ja
• • ' • ' l l "Iff '•';

- -fl

- - • • •* 1 (b)

Fig. A 12 Physical appearance of ball-peened surface

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APPENDIX B -TENSIOWTORSION TESTING OF BRAZED-ON SHIELDED MODEL BLADE SPECIMENS process could be detected from the gauge readings, in particular for the Specimen-2 test (c.f. red shield gauge
records with companion blue test plate records, Fig. B 8).

Background and Introduction The third Series-1 test was first loaded to 250MPa in tension (Fig. B 16). Torsion was then applied in an anti-
clockwise direction (Fig. B 17, Fig. B 18).
Brazed-on Stellite-6 shielding has been widely and successfully applied as a means of protecting the leading edges
During torsional loading, deviation from linearity in the torsional load-displacement records occurred at a
of LSB upper aerofoil sections from water droplet erosion. This good service experience has been associated with
magnitude of ~850Nm (Fig. B 17). The first pop-in type discontinuity (associated with shield detachment) occurred
peak tensile stresses of up to ~300MPa in the vicinity of the shield.
at 1175Nm. The degree of twist responsible for blade detachment (as indicated by discontinuities in the load-
The peak tensile stress associated with the region requiring erosion protection on the ND45A blade is ~550MPa,
displacement record) was -30°.
which is significantly higher than existing experience for this form of erosion protection. In order to establish if there
As for the first two Series-1 tests, shield unpeeling could be detected from the gauge readings of the Specimen-4
is likely to be a problem with brazed-on shield integrity at such high peak stresses, a series of tension/torsion tests
test (c.f. red shield gauge records with companion blue test plate records, Fig. B 18).
were performed on brazed-on shield model blade specimens.
The extent of permanent twist following the testing of Specimen-4 and the consequent damage to the shield joint
is shown in Fig. B 19.
Testpiece Preparation
Two testpiece geometries were employed for the tension/torsion testing study. The configuration of the original The main observation from the Series-1 tension/torsion tests were:
geometry is shown in Fig. B 1. The design was founded on i) a ruling section thickness of 6.6mm to be consistent - Brazed-on shields do not detach in an unstable manner from St103AH test plates when twisted up to -50° with
with the leading edge section thickness of the ND45A LSB in the upper aerofoil section and ii)the shape and superimposed tensile stress up to 450MPa. Shields detach by stable peeing from the top of the shield
dimensions of available J-type Stellite-6 shields (to save the cost and time of procuring a new specifically designed downwards, irrespective of angle of twist and magnitude of tensile stress.
shield). Shields were brazed into prepared recesses and inspected according to the existing process specification - For the same tensile stress and angular rotation, the extent of detachment is greater for clockwise (c.f. anti-
[10]. Five testpieces were prepared, with the original intention of testing all in a single campaign. clockwise) rotation.
Such was the outcome of the first 3 tests, that the remaining 2 specimens were modified prior to further testing. - For the same angular rotation, the extent of detachment decreases with decreasing tensile stress
For the reasons given below, the net section of the specimen was reduced by removing a strip of material from the - From the test records, there were indications that the Series-1 brazed-on shielded model blade specimen was
centre of the test plate (Fig. B 2). This action allowed testing to higher tensile stresses without the need to fabricate prone to bend mis-alignment on tensile loading and that the adopted strain gauge arrangement may be
additional brazed-on shield assemblies. insufficiently sensitive to detect the first occurrence of shield detachment.

In the first series of tests on the original design of specimens, strain gauge rosettes were placed at two positions on The last observation and the requirement to establish the tension/torsion load-displacement characteristics for a
each specimen, one on the shield at 2/3rds height from the tip and one on the main body of the test plate, tensile stress of 550MPa led to the modification of two of the model blade specimens to provide the means for the
immediately adjacent to the first, with its centre-line ~10mm from the edge of the shield (Fig. B 3). For reference, Second Series tests.
the letter-key to individual strain gauges is also shown in Fig. B 3.
A greater number of strain gauges were attached to the two modified geometry specimens in the second series Second Series Tests
of tests and the letter-key adopted for these is shown in Fig. B 4.
The adopted test parameters and consequent results for the Second Series tests are also summarised in Table B1.
First Series Tests
The first Series-2 test was performed with a tensile stress of 450MPa (Fig. B 20) to establish the relationship
The tension/torsion tests were performed using a MTS-809 biaxial servo-hydraulic testing machine at the between Series-1 and Series-2 test behaviour. Torsional loading was then applied in the anti-clockwise direction.
Politecnico di Milano (Fig. B 5). This testing machine had a tension force capacity of 250kN and a dynamic The tensile stress-strain characteristics displayed by Specimen-5 during initial loading are shown in Fig. B21.
torsional capacity of 2200Nm [11]. The adopted test parameters and consequent results are summarised in The loading records associated with Gauges E, B and J (axial gauges mounted across the width of the test plate at
Table B1. 2/3rds shield height, Fig. B 4) did not indicate evidence of bend misalignment. Gauge E appeared to fail at
Specimens were first loaded in tension at a rate of 1kN/s to the mean axial stress to be maintained constant ~400MPa. Gauges H and M were attached to the top of the shield respectively on the front and the back of the
throughout the duration of test. Torque was then applied at a fixed rate of 27min up to a maximum of 45 to 48° (see model blade specimen (Fig. B 4). The evidence in Fig. B 20 appeared to indicate that the applied displacement was
Table B1). not fully transmitted to the top of the shield at these locations.
During torsional loading, deviation from linearity in the torsional load-displacement records occurred at a
The first two tests involved the initial application of a tensile stress of 450MPa (Fig. B 6, Fig. B 11). The application magnitude of ~625Nm (Fig. B 21). The first pop-in type discontinuity (associated with shield detachment) occurred
of torsional loading was then anti-clockwise (when viewed from above, on to the top of the testpiece, Specimen-2) at ~1000MPa. The degree of twist responsible for blade detachment (as indicated by discontinuities in the load-
Fig. B 7, Fig. B 8) or clockwise (Specimen-3, Fig. B 12, Fig. B 13). Torsional loading in an anti-clockwise direction displacement record) was -35°.
was regarded as the most representative for the shielded ND45A LSB situation. Nevertheless, there was interest in The variation with torsional load of axial strains and the strains at 45° anti-clockwise to the longitudianl axis is
the effect of the direction of twist on brazed-on shielded model blade specimen behaviour. shown in Fig. B 22.
The tensile stress-strain characteristics displayed by Specimens 2 and 3 during initial loading are almost The appearance of Specimen-5 at the end of test is shown in Fig. B 23.
identical (Fig. B 6, Fig. B 11). At axial stresses above ~230MPa (~1000u£ axial strain), there was evidence of some
deviation from linearity, in particular from Gauge-E mounted on the shield. This was interpreted as being a possible The second Series-2 test was first loaded to 550MPa in tension (Fig. B 24). Torsion was then applied in an anti-
indication of a bending component to loading across the width of the specimen. clockwise direction (Fig. B 25, Fig. B 26).
During torsional loading, deviation from linearity in the torsional load-displacement records occurred at a The evidence gathered during tensile loading to 550MPa indicated no deviation from linearity according to the
magnitude of ~850Nm, irrespective of direction of twist (Fig. B 7, Fig. B 12). However, whereas pop-in type output from Gauges B and J which measured strain on either leg of the base plate (blue records in Fig. B 24). The
discontinuities (associated with shield detachment) occurred at torsional loads in the range 1070 to 1406Nm for output from the axial Gauges E, H and M, all mounted on the shield, indicated that the transmission of displacement
Specimen-2 (anti-clockwise twist, Fig. B 7), the first evidence of such discontinuities did not occur until -1270Nm for through the braze was not effective in this brazed-on shielded model blade specinen, even at low tensile stress (c.f.
Specimen-3 (clockwise twist, Fig. B 12). Interestingly, the degree of twist responsible for blade detachment (as Fig. B20).
indicated by discontinuities in the load-displacement record) was extremely high, being in excess of 20°. Even During torsional loading, deviation from linearity in the torsional load-displacement records occurred at a
more significant was the observation that shield detachment was not unstable, with shield/specimen separation magnitude of ~625Nm (Fig. B 25). The first pop-in type discontinuity (associated with shield detachment) occurred
being by stable unpeeling rather than by brittle instability (Fig. B 8, Fig. B 9, Fig. B 10, Fig. B 13, Fig. B 14, Fig. B at ~940Nm. The degree of twist responsible for blade detachment (as indicated by discontinuities in the load-
15). displacement record) was -30°.
As a direct consequence of shield detachment occurring by stable unpeeling, the placement of strain gauges at
2/3rds shield height was not optimum for the first detection of shield detachment. Nevertheless, the unpeeling
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Only some shield unpeeling could be detected from the gauge readings of the Specimen-1 test (Fig. B 26), this
being consistent with the relatively limited detachment detected on this testpiece, in particular on the front face
(Table B1).
The extent of permanent twist following the testing of Specimen-4 and the consequent damage to the shield joint
is evident in Fig. B 27 and Fig. B 28.
The main observation from the Series-2 tension/torsion tests were:
- For a given tensile stress, the angular displacement to a given event (e.g. the first pop-in) is greater with the
modified geometry model blade specimen while the torsional loading is lower in proportion to the reduced cross-
sectional area (i.e. ~x0.8).
- There is no indication of bend mis-alignment associated with tensile loading of the modified geometry
- The transmission of displacement from the base plate to the shield can be « 1 0 0 % depending on location on the
- Even with a tensile stress of 550MPa, the integrity of the brazed-on shield is good under the influence of high
superimposed tensile loading.

Table B1 Summary of Tension/torsion Test Details and Observations


1 2 450 Anti-clockwise to 45° - -24" permanent twist after unloading (Fig. B 9)
- Braze metal cracking to depth of -64mm on front
face and -80mm on back face (Fig. B 10)
3 450 Clockwise to 45° - 24° permanent twist after unloading (Fig. B 14)
- Braze metal cracking to depth of -106mm on front
face and -88mm on back face (Fig. B 15)
4 250 Anti-clockwise to 48° - 25° permanent twist after unloading (Fig. B 19)
- Braze metal cracking to depth of ~30mm on front
face and -71mm on back face
2 5 450 Anti-clockwise to 49° - 27 u permanent twist after unloading (Fig. B 23)
- Braze metal cracking to depth of -70mm on front
face and ~90mm on back face
Plate front v i e * Plate l e f t view
1 550 Anti-clockwise to 49" - 28° permanent twist after unloading (Fig. B 27) Scale; 1:1 Scale: 1:1
- Braze metal cracking to depth of -5mm on front face
and -43mm on back face (Fig. B 28) 13

—\ Plate section view A-A

— c*
Scale: 1:1
o o
• I

äC 0 2

Plate top view

Scale: 1:1

Fig. B 1 Engineering drawing for brazed-on shielded model blade tension/torsion specimen
Designed by TSNDM-H1 to enable incorporation of available shield configuration (and dimensions)
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£•& ->


Fig. B 2 Modification to original brazed-on shielded model blade tension/torsion specimen

Brazed-on shield not shown in above sketch, see Fig. B 4

f; S^K. *1 -v* V
I»£A.AFI ^ ^ yuig«
rvr i +2*ffi/ÄG)s

DDQODD +*fe*
11% a S b *?*P leu a 8 * K ifct-?**

Fig. B 3 Appearance of original brazed-on shielded model blade tension/torsion specimen with two strain gauge
rosettes, the associated wiring and the adopted letter-key for each individual strain gauge
Position of brazed-on shield is outlined with dotted yellow line in left hand photograph.
Numbers in right hand diagram represent identity of gauge wires. Letters identify individual strain gauges
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0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Fig. B 4 Appearance of gauge section of modified brazed-on shielded model blade tension/torsion specimen with
the attached strain gauges and the adopted letter-key for each individual strain gauge Fig. B 6 Strain gauge microstrain readings during the tensile loading phase of Specimen-2 (loading to 450MPa)
Position of brazed-on shield is outlined with dotted yellow line in left hand photograph. The letters in the legend refer to individual strain gauges (see Fig. B 3)
Letters in right hand photograph represent identity of individual strain gauges. Letters in bold identify gauges
measuring axial strain.


1250 - •-
Tensile stress: 450MPa

- 1

8 1000 --
T t n s t e stress 450MPa
^X^v * — f

750 -•
1050 \

500 --

j \
250 -• 800 1 l_Zj 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 _,—,—,—,—^
\ \
* 30 40
' to'

*f i.-4
0 - I ' ' J 1 f^ J—L • • • •

0 10 20 30 40 50
~M im

t J ,.
Fig. B 7 Variation of torsional load with torque angle during anti-clockwise angular displacement to 45

I Specimen-2 (Series-1)


Fig. B 5 Views of (a) Series-1 and (b) Series-2 specimens in MTS-809 tension/torsion grips during bading
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1250 •'

E 1000

^ >
750 --

500 --

250 --

-10000 0 10000
Fig. B 8 Variation of strain gauge microstrain reading with torsional load, Specimen-2 (Series-1)
The letters in the legend refer to individual strain gauges (see Fig. B 3)
Fig. B 10 Appearance of damage to brazed-on shield of Specimen-2 after test




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Fig. B 11 Strain gauge microstrain readings during the tensile loading phase of Specimen-3 (loading to 450MPa)
The letters in the legend refer to individual strain gauges (see Fig. B 3)

Fig. B 9 Appearance of Specimen-2 after anti-clockwise torsion test

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-250 - -

P -500 --
3 -750
o \

I- -1000

-1250 •:

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 o

Fig. B 12 Variation of torsional load with torque angle during clockwise angular displacement to 45
Specimen 3 (Series-1)

Fig. B 14 Appearance of Specimen-3 after clockwise torsion test


-250 --
g -500 -'-

o -750 --

8 -1000 --

-1250 --

-1500 -
-10000 0 10000
Fig. B 13 Variation of strain gauge microstrain reading with torsional load, Specimen-3 (Series-1)
The letters in the legend refer to individual strain gauges (see Fig. B 3)

Fig. B 15 Appearance of damage to brazed-on shield of Specimen-3 after test

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500 1500

- < '

CO | 1000
CO o 750 -
S 500 --

250 --

o 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 -10000 0 10000
Fig. B 16 Strain gauge microstrain readings during the tensile loading phase of Specimen-4 (loading to 250MPa) Fig. B 18 Variation of strain gauge microstrain reading with torsional load, Specimen-4 (Series-1)
The letters in the legend refer to individual strain gauges (see Fig. B 3) The letters in the legend refer to individual strain gauges (see Fig. B 3)


1250 --

5 woo
750 -•
B 500 --

250 -•

0 10 20 30 40 50
Fig. B 17 Variation of torsional load with torque angle during anti-clockwise angular displacement to 48
Specimen 4 (Series-1)
Fig. B 19 Appearance of Specimen-4 after anti-clockwise torsion test

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600 1200

500 --
Q- 400
§300 +
200 --

100 -- r

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Fig. B 20 Strain gauge microstrain readings during the tensile loading phase of Specimen-5 (loading to 450MPa) Fig. B 22 Variation of strain gauge microstrain reading with torsional load, Specimen-5 (Series-2)
The letters in the legend refer to individual strain gauges (see Fig. B 4) The letters in the legend refer to individual strain gauges (see Fig. B 4)


1000 -

E 800 -•

D 600 -•
400 -•

200 --
Fig. B 23 Appearance of Specimen-5 after anti-clockwise torsion test

20 30
Fig. B 21 Variation of torsional load with torque angle during anti-clockwise angular displacement to 49
Specimen 5 (Series-2)
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600 1200

500 1000

S.400 800

(J) Z)
§300 + O 600 -'-
er CL
W 200 -- 400 --

100 - - 200

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Fig. B 2 4 Strain g a u g e microstrain readings during the tensile loading p h a s e of S p e c i m e n - 1 (loading to 5 5 0 M P a ) Fig. B 2 6 Variation of strain g a u g e microstrain reading with torsional load, S p e c i m e n - 1 (Series-2)
The letters in the legend refer to individual strain gauges (see Fig. B 4) The letters in the legend refer to individual strain gauges (see Fig. B 4)

. Tensile stress: 550MPa
1000 -•

E 800 -•

D 600 --
400 -•
200 -•

Fig. B 27 A p p e a r a n c e of S p e c i m e n - 1 after anti-clockwise torsion test

0 10 20 30 40 50

Fig. B 2 5 Variation of torsional load with torque angle during anti-clockwise angular displacement to 49
Specimen-1 (Series-2)
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Fig. B 28 Appearance of damage to brazed-on shield of Specimen-1 after test

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