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I/C NUMBER : 991112-08-6372



1. Define planning AND elaborate TWO (2) importance of planning.

A plan is a blueprint for goal achievement and specifies the necessary resource
allocation, schedule, tasks and other action. Planning is a process of formation of a
systematic program of action designed to achieve the organization’s goals. Planning is
the function of management that involves setting objectives and determining a course
of action for achieving those objectives.Planning also includes formulating and
implementing strategy.

Planning is important to ensure the efficient use of resources. Any organization,

regardless of size, has a limited amount of resources. The planning process provides
the management with the data they need to make informed decisions on how to
distribute resources so that the organization can achieve its goals. Productivity is
increased, and resources are not squandered on projects that are unlikely to be

Planning is also important to carry out strategy and achieve goals. Planing is a process
of identifying and implementing strategy to help an organization attain one of its
goals. One of the most important aspects of the planning process is to set goals that
enable everyone in the organization to improve their productivity. Goals must be
optimistic but attainable. Organizations must not become too confident with how they
are currently operating, or they run the risk of losing ground to opponents.

2. Planning can be made for long term and short term basis by all level of
management. Describe THREE (3) types of planning based of each level of

There are three types of planning based on each level of management, which are
Strategic Planning, Tactical Planning, and Operational Planning. Strategic
I/C NUMBER : 991112-08-6372

planning involves analyzing competitive opportunities and threats, as well as the

strengths and weaknesses of the organization, and then determining how to position
the organization to compete effectively in their environment. Strategic planning has a
long time period of two to five years. Strategic planning generally includes the entire
organization and includes formulation of objectives. Strategic planning is often based
on the organization’s mission, which is its fundamental reason for existence. An
organization’s top management most often conducts strategic planning.

Tactical planning is intermediate-range (six months to two years) planning that is

designed to develop relatively concrete and specific means to implement the strategic
plan. It explains how the organization will allocate and utilize resources, budgets and
finance, and also names the individuals within the organization assigned to achieve
the goals set. Middle-level managers often engage in tactical planning.

Operational planning generally assumes the existence of organization-wide or sub-

unit goals and objectives and specifies ways to achieve them. It is a daily plan,
designed and implemented by lower-level managers (head-unit, the group leader or
supervisor to the workers). Operational planning is short-range (30 days to six months)
planning that is designed to develop specific action steps that support the strategic and
tactical plans.

3. Explain on how planning can be implemented effectively and successfully.

The process of converting strategies and plans into actions in order to achieve
organizational objectives and goals is known as implementation. There are several
steps to explain on how planning can be implemented effectively and successfully.
First and Foremost, determine the objective of the organization. Once you analyze
the current market trend, determine objectives that will help you achieve your goals.
Your objectives should be in line with your company mission and vision. SMART
goals are useful to determine a timeline and identify the resources needed to achieve
the goals to make your success measurable.
I/C NUMBER : 991112-08-6372

Second is to list down the alternatives. Do research based on the objectives and list
down the alternatives. Every alternatives must be point out with advantage and
disadvantage at the end of it (goals or results). Then, build premises or assumption
and select the best alternative. Develop a team and make assumption on the list
alternatives. Choose the best alternative that is relevant with the objectives and
organization vision and mission.

Develop a plan. Create a strategic plan to successfully reach your goals. This step
requires determining the tactics necessary to attain your objectives and designating a
timeline and clear communication of responsibilities. Make a plan for action. Once
you have the plan, you’re ready to implement it. First, communicate the plan to the
organization by sharing relevant documentation. Then, the actual work begins. Set up
regular reviews with individual contributors and their superiors and determine check-
in points to make sure you’re on track.

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