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GODSAIDMANSAID.COM - Meditation Rebuilds Grey Matter in 8 W...



Over 50 years of my life�s born-again experience has included daily meditation in God and His
beautiful Book. I can testify that the benefits it yielded, and continues to yield, in faith, hope, love,
peace, and even insights into the business world have been truly magnificent. The blessings of
discipline, revelation, purpose, vision, expectation, and more are so hard to articulate, but suffice it to
Views: 251612 say, out of this world! Unlock your inner savant, and so much more.

Meditation Rebuilds Grey Matter in 8 Weeks (My Soul is

Continually in My Hand)

Psalm 119:109:

My soul is continually in my hand: yet do I not forget thy law.

The born-again can confidently say, “My soul is continually in my hand.” We have chosen Christ Jesus
as our Lord and Savior, and we stay that way by our own volition. Our souls are continually in our

The soul of the unsaved, on the other hand, is taken captive by the devil at his own will (II Timothy 2:26)
and that soul can only escape carnaldom’s bondages by the power of the Redeemer—the Christ, who
alone sets captive souls free. But in the matter of choice—what is commonly called “free will”—the
unsaved, by God’s grace, still maintain the power to choose between freedom and bondage. The
prophet Joel calls this place “the valley of decision.” Joel 3:14:

Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley
of decision.

Have you been born again—literally born a second time, this time of the Spirit of God? Your soul is most
certainly in your hand. You are, at this moment, in the valley of decision. Will today be the day you are
granted the power—God’s power—that breaks all of Satan’s bondages? Today, everything begins anew
if you say so. In mere moments, as you follow me in this simple prompt, your new, miraculous journey
begins. Your soul is in your hand. Are you ready? Do this now—as in right now! Click onto “Further
with Jesus” for childlike instructions and immediate entry into the Kingdom of God. NOW FOR

GOD SAID, Romans 12:1-2:

1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a
living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

GOD SAID, Psalm 119:97-100:

97 O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day.

98 Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies: for they are
ever with me.

99 I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation.

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GODSAIDMANSAID.COM - Meditation Rebuilds Grey Matter in 8 W...

100 I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts.

GOD SAID, Psalm 111:10:

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that
do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.

MAN SAID: The Bible?! It’s only good during funeral services! Who needs it?!

Now THE RECORD: Welcome to GodSaidManSaid feature 994 that will once again certify the
marvelous inerrancy of God’s beautiful Book. All of these powerful features are archived here in text and
streaming audio for your edification and as ammunition in the battle for the souls of men. Every
Thursday eve, God willing, they grow by one.

Take advantage of four highly-beneficial GodSaidManSaid features:

1. You have questions? God has answers. Whatever your question, type a keyword into the
search bar (top right) and watch the screen populate with related information—from Adam
and Eve to quantum physics.

2. Use the Tell-A-Friend feature above to send a message to someone you love. It is so
quick and easy!

3. Imagine—you can download nearly 408 hours of GodSaidManSaid features to your

electronic device! Listen to one every day.

4. Sign up for the GodSaidManSaid weekly broadcast and fresh bread will be delivered to
you, God willing, every Thursday eve.

Thank you for visiting. May God’s grace and peace be multiplied unto you.

The world’s science was shocked. Sprinkled around the globe, science discovered individuals who had
experienced some type of traumatic event; after which, these individuals then displayed savant-like
skills. A savant typically demonstrates extraordinary abilities in a single skill, such as art, mathematics,
architecture, or music. Despite these abilities, a savant is typically socially incapable of functioning in the
human community in most other ways. This small group of people, after experiencing a traumatic
event—an accident or blow to the head, for example—demonstrated savant-like skills, but still
maintained all of their original and “normal” life abilities. This discovery was most distressing to the
camp of the evolutionists, because their refrain of “time and chance” couldn’t produce these latent, outer-
worldly skills. These particular humans—or possibly all humans—have these latent, savant-like powers
already onboard—do we dare to say, even downloaded into us by God? When the researchers were
asked how one might unlock the inner savant without undergoing a traumatic event, the answer was to

Several paragraphs from the GodSaidManSaid feature “Unlock and Develop God’s Brain Power” will set
the stage for the latest research:

Did Adam inherit from God phenomenal capabilities and is today’s science beginning to
discover this truth? Psychiatrist Darold A. Treffert began researching the savant
phenomenon in 1962. He authored a feature in Scientific American that was discussed in
the GodSaidManSaid feature, “The Critics and Adam''s Penmanship.” A few paragraphs
form that feature follow:

The August 2014 issue of Scientific American published a six-page feature titled,
“Accidental Genius.” In the article, research addressed the concept of acquired
savantism. Through an accidental blow to the head or a traumatic experience of some
kind, people have been known to emerge from that experience with unearthly and

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GODSAIDMANSAID.COM - Meditation Rebuilds Grey Matter in 8 W...

unlearned, savant-like skills in music, math, or other subjects and still retain normalcy.
Following are a few excerpts from that feature:

Discovery of this unusual phenomenon raises the possibility that dormant potential
in some artistic or intellectual realm—an “inner savant”—resides in each of us. If
so, perhaps a way can be found to tap these buried abilities in the absence of
disease or injury.

One plausible explanation for the hidden talents that emerge in savant syndrome
—whether early in life or induced by injury—is that these reservoirs of skill and
knowledge must be inherited in some way. We do not start life with a blank slate
that subsequently gets inscribed through education and other life experiences.
The brain may come loaded with a set of innate predispositions for processing
what it sees or for understanding the “rules” of music, art, or mathematics.
Savants can tap into that inherited knowledge far better than the average person
can. [End of quotes]

Finally, Treffert writes:

A technological solution may not be an absolute prerequisite, however. Meditation or

simple adherence to assiduous practice of an artistic skill may suffice to allow us to
switch on the more creative right side of the brain and thus explore undiscovered artistic

Acquired savantism provides strong evidence that a deep well of brain potential resides
within us all. The challenge now is to find the best ways to tap into our inner savant—
that little bit of Rain Man—while keeping the rest of our mental facilities intact. [End of

Mr. Treffert suggests meditation as a way to open up the inner savant. As a believer
meditates upon the Word of God and practices the principles he discovers, he will find that
wisdom will begin to multiply. A host of verses declare this scientific truth. [End of quotes]

Thousands upon thousands of years before the world’s wisest paraded their latest discoveries before the
progeny of Adam and Eve, the God of the Bible was already there—as the childlike fully expect—always
inerrant and always the solid Rock.

The Bible directs its adherents to meditate upon God and His Word—remember, you are actually made
out of words—all the day long. The fruit of such obedience would include:

� Understanding;
� Wisdom;
� All the answers a soul could want;
� Mental stability;
� Clarity of thought;
� Confidence;
� Boldness;
� Health and wealth;
� Transformation and renewal of the mind;
� Peace and joy in the midst of the contradiction; and
� Eternal life.

This list is certainly not exhaustive.

GodSaidManSaid has published numerous features on the subject of the God-like brain between our

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