What Is The Cycle of Acceptance

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What Is The Cycle Of Acceptance?


October 16, 2019

Accepting that you have a problem is the first step you can take toward deciding that you
want to recover. Acceptance is a hard thing. You may struggle with one of the steps in this
cycle or multiple. You may need an extra layer of support during your cycle of acceptance.
That’s what we at Pinnacle Recovery are here for. Below is the cycle of acceptance.

Normal existence

In this stage, you haven’t yet realized that there’s a problem you need to accept. You are
still capable of reasoning and making good decisions. Your emotions are not clouding
your judgment. You are acting as you usually would. 

Realizing you need help

Realizing you need help is like getting bad news. You probably weren’t ready for it. This
realization of help may feel like a personal attack. You may not want to face that you need
help. This is where our next step begins. 


In the stage of denial, you may not want to face that you need help. It just can’t be true.
You won’t believe that this is happening to you. You may question why you need help
because you don’t think you have a problem. Try not to allow denial to get in the way of

receiving help. The sooner you come to terms with your problem, the sooner you can
move on and get the help you deserve.


During the anger stage, you may not want to hear from anyone that you have a problem.
You don’t want to hear anyone talk about it. You don’t want others to offer you help or
support. This angers you and can lead to aggression. You can begin to attack those around
you for trying to help you. Although this is irrational, your anger clouds your judgment.
Try not to be too hard on those around you. They just want to help.


In the depression stage, you might be coming to terms with realizing you need help. You
may think there’s nothing you can do about it. You may feel trapped and hopeless and
ready to give up. You can become confused, still questioning and in denial and angry. 


The bargaining stage can be a long one. You may start to tell yourself that if you reach out
for help, you will do something else that you’d like. You may feel motivated to get out of
the funk of depression by asking for help. Your vision is becoming less clouded in this
stage. You start to think clearly again and you are on your way to acceptance.


Acceptance means making the best of the situation. In this case, you will reach out for
help. You will take that leap toward recovery. It may be hard, but you believe you can do

Pinnacle Recovery wants to help you accept your circumstances. We can help
you get help for your addiction. Reach out to our staff today at 1-866-301-
0573 to learn more about the programs we offer. We can’t wait to hear from


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