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Glagol BITI – TO BE

Glagol BITI u potvrdnom obliku:

I am – ja sam We are – mi smo
You are – ti si You are – vi ste
He is – on je They are – oni su
She is – ona je
It is – ono/to je
U rečenici, on izgleda ovako:
He is Italian. – On je italijan.
We are tired. – Mi smo umorni.
I am a mechanic. – Ja sam mehaničar.
Glagol možemo i skratiti tako da lična zamenica i glagol postanu jedna reč (ovo
nije obavezno):
I am – I’m We are – We’re
You are – You’re You are – You’re
He is – He’s They are – They’re
She is – She’s
It is – It’s

Glagol BITI u odričnom obliku:

I am not – Ja nisam We are not – Mi nismo
You are not – Ti nisi You are not – Vi niste
He is not – On nije They are not – Oni nisu
She is not – Ona nije
It is not – Ono/To nije
U rečenici, on izgleda ovako:
We are not Spanish. – Mi nismo španci.
Maria is not a doctor. Maria nije doktor.
My parents are not at home. – Moji roditelji nisu kod kuće.
Glagol u odričnom obliku možemo skratiti na nekoliko načina:
I am not – I’m not We are not – We’re not/We aren’t
You are not – You’re not/You aren’t You are not – You’re not/You aren’t
He is not – He’s not/He isn’t They are not – They’re not/They aren’t
She is not – She’s not/She isn’t
It is not/It’s not/It isn’t

Glagol BITI u upitnom obliku:

Am I – da li sam Are we – da li smo mi
Are you – da li si Are you – da li ste vi
Is he – da li je on Are they – da li su oni
Is she – da li je ona
Is it – da li je ono/to
U rečenici on izgleda ovako:
Are they at school? – Da li su oni u školi?
Is Paul an engineer? – Da li je Pol inženjer?
Are you from Austria? – Da li si ti iz Austrije?

Odgovori na DA/NE pitanja izgledaju ovako:

Yes, I am/No, I am not – Da, jesam/Ne, nisam
Yes, you are/No, you are not – Da, jesi/Ne, nisi
Yes, he is/No, he is not – Da, jeste/Ne, nije
Yes, we are/No, we are not – Da, jesmo/Ne, nismo
Yes, you are/No, you are not – Da, jeste/Ne, niste
Yes, they are/No, they are not – Da, jesu/Ne, nisu

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