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Scaffolding (classroom)
Scaffolding can come in the form of graphic
organizers, concept-mapping, visual aids or
fill-in-the-blank exercises. or use cluster
webs to help you to organize ideas based on
a passage read.
cluster webs
you can use this web to organize
the information you gather on a
specific topic or issue.
1. predict the context of the text

unfamiliar words
Guessing the meaning from the context.

taking advantage of what you already know

This will help you to understand the text better.

Distinguish facts from opinions

facts (numbers, names, places, evidences, dates) opinions (believe,
think, consider) adjectives (horrible, fantastic, boring,
interesting)express opinions too.
2. scanning
When pairing reading passages with questions, look for the key word(s)
in questions and then scan the passage for the same key word(s). The
answers are usually found around the key words.
2.1 Skimming
Skimming is an essential skill that gives you an idea of what the text is
about. It prepares you for the details you would like to know about the
topic when you read closely for meaning.
take into account:
-pictures, illustrations.
-read headings.
-read topic sentences(introduces the topic of the paragraph and a point
the author wants to make about that topic)and concluding sentences
(revisit the main idea of the paragraph in light of the supporting details).
! Do not rely on 'Trigger words'

A passage may focus on one point for quite a bit

of sentences and then change it towards the end
with trigger words like 'but' or 'however'. This will
usually may confuse you when you rush through
the text.
3. Context clues
He was sent to the principal because he made insolent remarks towards
his teacher.

Daniel procrastinated to avoid his homework by watching TV and playing

computer games.

Awareness of contextual cues can help you guessing meanings of unfamiliar

words in context. This skill can be gradually mastered through practice.
3. 1 TIP: Look at the form of the
word for clues.
Pre-war: Pre means before, so you could guess this means “before the

Anti-aging: Anti means against, so you could guess this means “against the

process of looking old"

”Reappear: Re means again, so if you know this, you could correctly assume the

word means “make a repeat appearance.”

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