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Materials Letters 237 (2019) 84–87

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Mechanical behavior and microstructures of aluminum in the Multi-

Axial Compression (MAC) with and without specimen re-machining
Pedro M.A. Stemler a, Paula C.A. Flausino a, Pedro H.R. Pereira a, Cleber G. de Faria a, Natanael G.S. Almeida a,
Maria Teresa P. Aguilar b, Paulo R. Cetlin c,⇑
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte 31270-901, Brazil
Department of Materials Engineering and Civil Construction, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte 31270-901, Brazil
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte 31270-901, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD) leads to grain refinement and strengthening of metals. The most uti-
Received 4 October 2018 lized SPD techniques are Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP), High Pressure Torsion (HPT) and
Received in revised form 5 November 2018 Multi-Axial Compression (MAC). Only MAC allows the determination of the stress–strain curves of the
Accepted 11 November 2018
material during processing. Although ECAP and HPT processing has been analyzed in detail, there are
Available online 13 November 2018
few studies of MAC procedures and their consequences. It is shown that only specimens re-machined
after each compression lead to adequate MAC stress–strain curves of the material, whose microstructures
are not affected by re-machining.
Multi-Axial Compression
Ó 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Stress–strain curves

1. Introduction lower stress levels in comparison with those in the previous

The most utilized Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD) techniques The same situation was reported for R-MAC in a Cu–Cr–Zr alloy
are Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP), High Pressure Torsion with De = 0.4 [7] and a 7075 aluminum alloy [8], processed with
(HPT) and Multi-Axial Compression (MAC) [1]. MAC is simple, De = 0.1, but utilizing not re-machined specimens (hereafter
easily up-scaled and allows the determination of the stress–strain denominated NR-MAC). NR-MAC on (i) 99.9995% aluminum with
curves of the material for each compression (hereafter denomi- De = 0.5, e = 12 displayed heavy specimen distortions [9], (ii)
nated SS curves) [2]. MAC was pioneered for 1100 Aluminum with AZ61 Mg alloy with De = 0.05, e = 10 exhibited mild specimen dis-
strain amplitudes De = 0.075–0.33 and total strain e  4 [3]; after tortions [10] and (iii) 1070 Al with De = 0.075 and e = 0.9, after an
6–9 compressions, specimens were re-machined due to non- ECAP pass [11], led to SS curves displaying various shapes and
parallel opposing faces, irregular lateral surfaces and various types stress levels.
of distortions. The use of R-MAC or NR-MAC may influence SS curves as well as
MAC was also performed on 99.99% Cu up to e = 2–3 with the material microstructures. No study of these influences was
De  0.3, 0.4 and 0.7, with specimen re-machining after each com- found in the literature. The present results reveal that NR-MAC leads
pression step, (hereafter denominated R-MAC) [4]; the resulting SS to inadequate SS curves and that R-MAC eliminates these difficul-
curves display low, positive work-hardening with a smooth enve- ties. Similar microstructures were found for both types of MAC.
lope. However, similar R-MAC for this material [5,6] led to SS
curves displaying either only work-hardening, or initial stress
2. Experimental
peaks followed by work-softening, or initial stress peaks followed
by work-softening and then by work-hardening, with no smooth
MAC specimens were extracted from as-cast 99.77% Aluminum
envelope. Furthermore, these SS curves exhibit similar, higher or after one initial ECAP pass and annealing; NR-MAC specimens were
13.00  12.52  12.06 mm. Each compression caused lateral dis-
torted faces to be compressed in the next processing step; these
⇑ Corresponding author. faces were re-machined for R-MAC till they became flat. Their ini-
E-mail address: (P.R. Cetlin). tial dimensions were 15.58  15.00  14.45 mm, so they became
0167-577X/Ó 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P.M.A. Stemler et al. / Materials Letters 237 (2019) 84–87 85

similar to those of NR-MAC after 12 re-machining and compres- the height after the surface flattening by machining. The initial
sions. Specimens underwent 12 multiaxial compressions with slopes of the S shaped A-B curve in Fig. 1 were close to that of line
De = 0.075 and e = 0.9, as described elsewhere [11]. BC, because the initial distortion flattening was absent.
Compressions utilized an INSTRON 5582 machine, flat anvils The microstructures at the center of the specimens, both for
and a crosshead speed of 0.05 mm/s. Duplicate experiments R-MAC and NR-MAC were examined through EBSD using the same
were performed for both R-MAC and NR-MAC; no notable dif- procedures described elsewhere [12].
ferences in the results were observed between the repeated
3. Results and discussion
The initial height of NR-MAC specimens after a few compres-
sions presented various values, depending on the measurement
Fig. 2a shows various aspects of a specimen after 12 NR-MAC
positions. Their initial height (hi) was thus taken as the average
of the maximum and minimum heights. Curve A-D-B in Fig. 1 compressions. Face E was the last compressed face and is thus flat.
The various irregular specimen shapes originate localized strains
illustrates a typical load versus anvil displacement curve for the
compression of a specimen with distorted compression surfaces associated only with surface flattening during compression. In
addition, difficulties in the calculation of the initial height of the
(see inset in Fig. 1). The total plastic shortening of the
specimens and misalignments between the compression and spec-
specimen (Dhtotal) corresponds to point C, where De = 0.075 =
imen axes resulted in rhombohedrical shapes of the specimens in
ln((hi Dhtotal)/hi)); the anvil displacement under load (given by
NR-MAC. The re-machining of the specimens practically eliminated
point F), is higher than Dhtotal, due to the elastic distortions of
these problems.
the specimen and of the testing machine (totaling Dhelastic). The
Fig. 2b displays the SS curves for NR-MAC. Each compression
necessary load at point B was experimentally determined by
step is indicated by the compression direction (X, Z or Y) and a
unloading from increasing loads and measuring the specimen
number (1, 2, 3 or 5); each set of ‘‘1”, ‘‘2”, ‘‘3” or ‘‘4” curves cor-
height till it reached the desired final height (hfinal = hi Dhtotal).
Point A (corresponding to hi) is obtained as shown in Fig. 1. The responds to a MAC cycle [11]. The slopes and final stress levels
of the various SS curves vary strongly, due to the different irreg-
plastic shortening of the specimen for a generic point D in curve
ADB (DhE) is given by A-E, obtained drawing a parallel to B-C down ularities of the specimen surfaces for each compression, causing
various load evolutions associated with the initially localized
to E. The true strain at D is given by ln((hi DhE)/hi). The true
stress at D is given by the load at D divided by the instantaneous surface deformation and flattening and with the various degrees
of rhombohedrical specimen shapes. Such SS curves do not
cross-sectional area of the specimen, calculated from the specimen
volume. The slope in the initial part in the S shaped A-B curve is describe adequately the mechanical behavior of the material
under MAC.
lower than that of BC because the former also includes the plastic
flattening of irregular surfaces, thus causing only local deforma- Fig. 2c displays the SS curves obtained in R-MAC. The prob-
lems exhibited in the SS curves in Fig. 2b are eliminated. The
tions of the distorted compression surface of the specimen. These
faces also caused inclined positions of the specimens when they SS curves for each R-MAC cycle (1, 2, 3 or 4) follow a regular
pattern, with curves for direction X initially somewhat above
were placed in the lower compression anvil, leading to misalign-
ments between the compression and specimen axes. the curves for direction Y; the curves for directions Z Y display
limited work-hardening of the material. Some curves exhibit dis-
The determination of the SS curves for R-MAC was performed
similarly to NR-MAC, taking the initial height of the specimen as crete initial stress peaks, followed by work-softening and then
work-hardening, which have been attributed in Copper to struc-
tural destabilization and latent hardening [5]. No stress level dif-
ferences between successive compression steps in copper has
been reported [13], but results for copper at 195 K show various
stress levels in the SS curves which displayed work-softening
The blue lines in Fig. 3a–c (for annealed, R-MAC and NR-MAC
specimens, respectively) correspond to the original grain bound-
aries in the annealed MAC specimens, containing large grains.
The red lines represent Low Angle Grain Boundaries generated by
MAC, which are consistent with the microstructural features
observed in recent investigations [15,16]. The grain refinement
caused by both R-MAC and NR-MAC is evident, and the morphol-
ogy and size of these structures are quite similar after the same
amount of compressions either by R-MAC or NR-MAC.

4. Conclusions

MAC without re-machined specimens after each compression

(NR-MAC) causes various lateral distortions and rhombohedrical
shapes of the specimens, leading to SS curves not describing
adequately the material behavior during MAC. Specimen
re-machining after each compression (R-MAC) solves these
Fig. 1. Load  anvil displacement curve for the compression of a distorted Material microstructures at the specimen centers are insensi-
specimen. tive to the type of MAC (R-MAC or NR-MAC).
86 P.M.A. Stemler et al. / Materials Letters 237 (2019) 84–87

Fig. 2. (a) Shape of deformed specimens after 12 NR-MAC compressions, (b) SS curves for NR-MAC and (c) R-MAC.
P.M.A. Stemler et al. / Materials Letters 237 (2019) 84–87 87


Material was supplied by Novelis do Brasil. Financial support of

CNPq (National Council for Research and Technological Develop-
ment) Grant 301034/2013-3 and of CAPES/PROEX (Education Min-
istry) at UFMG is acknowledged.


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Fig. 3. EBSD images with color coded grain boundary angles, at the center of the (a)
annealed specimen and after 12 compressions in (b) NR-MAC and (c) R-MAC. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)

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