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1. THE NOUN. –1
3. THE PRONOUN. – 27
6. THE VERB. – 64
8. TENSE FORMS. – 81
9. MODAL VERBS. – 102
13. TAG QUESTIONS. – 130
14. THERE IS - ARE / IT IS. – 135
15. SO DO I / NEITHER DO I. – 140
16. WHAT / HOW / SO / SUCH – 143
18. CONJUNCTION. – 153
25. SYNONYMS. – 180

THE NOUN 8. Choose the correct variant.

I can't store the boxes here because there ______.
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) isn’t enough spaces
Be careful, there's ______ on the floor! Someone has
B) wasn’t enough spaces
broken the window.
C) weren’t enough spaces
A) a glass D) isn’t enough space
B) some glasses E) aren’t enough spaces
C) some glass
D) piece of glass 9. Choose the correct variant.
E) glasses I need ______ to finish this letter.

2. Choose the correct variant. A) a few more time

There ______ in the area. B) more times
C) a few more times
A) is a lot of pollution
D) many times
B) is a lot of pollutions
E) a little more time
C) is many pollution
D) were much pollution
10. Choose the correct variant.
E) are a lot of pollution
- Have you ever been to London?
3. Choose the correct variant. - Yes, ______.
______ on the roads this morning?
A) a little time
A) Were there many traffics B) much time
B) Was there much traffic C) little time
C) Was there much traffics D) a few times
D) Are there many traffics E) little times
E) Is there much traffics
11. Choose the correct variant.
4. Choose the correct variant.
Mary has ______.
He refused to give me ______ about the project.
A) black hairs
A) an information
B) a black hair
B) many information
C) a black hairs
C) informations
D) black hair
D) any information
E) a fair hair
E) some informations

5. Choose the correct variant. 12. Choose the correct variant.

She had ______ when she was younger. There are ______ on his bed.

A) a long hair A) some hairs

B) long hair B) much hair
C) long hairs C) a hair
D) some long hairs D) hair
E) a black hair E) many hair

6. Choose the correct variant. 13. Choose the correct variant.

I really need ______ before I buy a new car. She is brushing ______.
A) some advice A) hers hair
B) advices B) her hairs
C) an advice C) her hair
D) some advices D) a hair
E) advise E) hairs
7. Choose the correct variant.
I'd like to read ______ now. 14. Choose the correct variant.
There is ______ on the table.
A) a newspaper
B) paper A) a piece iron
C) some paper B) some irons
D) a papers C) a iron
E) some newspaper D) a white iron
E) an irons

15. Choose the correct variant. 22. Match the halves.

This door is made of ______. 1. a piece of a. cheese
2. a bar of b. shorts
A) an iron
3. a pair of c. chocolate
B) irons
C) some irons A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
D) iron B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
E) irons C) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
16. Choose the correct variant.
E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-b
There is ______ with many trees near the river.
23. Match the halves.
A) a wood
1. a piece of a. sugar
B) wood
2. a lump of b. soup
C) a woods
3. a plate of c. advice
D) some wood
E) any wood A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
17. Choose the correct variant.
C) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b
I have a good ______.
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
A) work E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
B) works
24. Match the halves.
C) jobs
1. a bar of a. water
D) working
2. a glass of b. soap
E) job
3. a slice of c. meat
18. Choose the correct variant.
A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
He has ______ to do this week.
B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
A) much job C) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b
B) much works D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
C) a lot of work E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
D) many work
25. Match the halves.
E) a lot of job
1. a glass of a. milk
2. a pair of b. trousers
19. Choose the correct variant.
3. a barrel of c. oil
Give me ______ of water.
A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
A) glass
B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
B) two glass
C) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b
C) a glasses
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
D) a glass
E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-b
E) some glass
26. Match the halves.
20. Choose the correct variant. 1. a box of a. paper
Where do you ______? 2. a piece of b. honey
3. a jar of c. chocolates
A) job
B) work A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
C) works B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
D) working C) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b
E) jobs D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
21. Match the halves.
27. Match the halves.
1. a pair of a. bread
1. a piece of a. gloves
2. a loaf of b. scissors
2. a pair of b. chalk
3. a slice of c. lemon
3. a bunch of c. flowers
A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
C) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b
C) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c

28. Match the halves. 34. Choose the correct variant.

1. a kilo of a. meat 1. the Brown’s
2. a cup of b. tea 2. the Browns’
3. a bottle of c. lemonade 3. the Browns’s
4. at John’s
A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3
C) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b 35. Choose the correct variant.
E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c 1. Tom’s and Mary’s hands
2. Tom and Mary’s hands
29. Match the halves. 3. Tom’s and Mary’s mother
1. a bunch of a. sugar 4. Tom’s and Mary’s hair
2. a piece of b. metal
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 1,3
3. a lump of c. grapes

A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c 36. Choose the correct variant.

B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a 1. The horse’s hay is damp.
C) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b 2. The dog’s kennel was dirty.
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b 3. The dogs’s kennel
E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c 4. Take the girl’s hand.

A) 1,2,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 1,3

30. Match the halves.
1. a plate of a. flour
37. Choose the noun in the possessive case.
2. a glass of b. porridge
3. a sack of c. water A) He's listened to the song.
B) She's reading a comic.
A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
C) It's rained a little.
B) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a
D) Jane's been here.
C) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b
E) Jack’s and Tom’s mothers are doctors.
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
38. Choose the noun in the possessive case.

31. Match the halves. A) He's written an e-mail.

1. a basket of a. paper B) She's lost her money.
2. a piece of b. apples C) What’s your brother’s name?
3. a jar of c. jam D) It's raining.
E) He's cut his finger.
A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
39. Choose the noun in the possessive case.
C) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b A) Mother’s gone to the baker’s.
E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c B) My sons are in the childrens’ room.
C) That's nice of you.
32. Match the halves. D) Where's Kathy gone?
1. a pair of a. earrings E) Let’s go somewhere to have coffee.
2. a loaf of b. oranges
3. a box of c. bread 40. Choose the compound nouns.

A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c A) timetable, tea-pot, oil-field, information

B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a B) coal-mining, sea-level, winter, snow
C) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b C) armchair, chairman, football, basketball
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b D) volleyball, handball, highway, investigation
E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c E) motorway, railway, mistake, childhood

33. Choose the correct variant. 41. Choose the noun-forming suffixes.
1. a few month’s A) - hood, - ity, - tion, - age, - ship
2. a few months’ B) - less, - ess, - ship, - an, - ics
3. a few day’s C) - th, - dom, - ent, - ish, - able
4. a few days’ D) - ize, - ern, - y, - th, - ed
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 2,4 D) 1,4 E) 1,3 E) - en, - ify, - ing, - ment, - ible

42. Choose the noun-forming suffixes. 50. Choose the common nouns.
A) - or, - ment, - ful, - age, - ous A) bicycle, book, car, computer, Paris
B) - ness, - less, - ship, - ese, - ics B) dress, hammer, key, pencil, fine
C) - th, - dom, - ent, - eer, - tion C) ship, table, vase, lovely, Monday
D) - ize, - ful, - y, - th, - ing D) wallet, chair, England, UNESCO, NATO
E) - ist, - ism, - ly, - hood, - ative E) telephone, glass, box, scissors, knife

43. Choose the nouns in the singular. 51. Choose the common nouns.
A) progress, fruit, bicycle, magazines A) cup, aunt, uncle, nephew, mother
B) lice, pictures, rose, orange B) niece, boy, nephew, bad, bat
C) police, mouse, snow, actress C) butcher, carpenter, cousin, father, fat
D) work, maths, glass, louse D) girl, lady, man, mother, farther
E) physics, cattle, medicine, oil E) tailor, woman, doctor, teacher, teach

44. Choose the correct variant. 52. Choose the noun in the possessive case.
1. a little hair 2. a little books 1. This is Tom’s car.
3. a little information 4. a little letters 2. This is the car of Tom.
5. a little names 3. The car’s lights are broken.
4. The lights of the car are broken.
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,3 E) 1,5
A) 1,4 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3
45. Match the halves.
1. a bottle of a. butter
53. Choose the noun in the possessive case.
2. a sack of b. milk
1. Tom is using his mother’s car.
3. a kilo of c. coal
2. Tom is using the car of his mother.
A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c 3. He can drive to the birthday of his friend.
B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a 4. He can drive to his friend’s birthday party.
C) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a
A) 3,4 B) 2,4 C) 1,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
54. Choose the noun in the possessive case.
46. Match the halves. 1. Whose is this bag? – My brother’s.
1. a bunch of a. rice 2. The Smith’s will be here soon.
2. a bowl of b. paper 3. The Fox have moved recently.
3. a sheet of c. carnations 4. My father-in-law’s office is nearby.

A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c A) 2,4 B) 1,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3

B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
C) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b 55. Choose the noun in the possessive case.
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b 1. his brother’s toys
E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c 2. the womens’ national football team
3. all the animals’ cages
47. Choose the noun in the possessive case.
4. the school childrens’ favourite day of the year
A) Father’s car is in front of the house.
B) My brothers’ name is John. A) 1,4 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,3
C) What’s your favourite music?
D) Who’s your best friend. 56. Choose the nouns in the singular.
E) Kate’s got a few friends. 1. lyrics 2. physics
3. mouse 4. mechanics
48. Choose the noun in the possessive case.
1. a few month’s rest A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 2,4 D) 1,4 E) 1,3
2. three days’ baby
3. Tom and Carol’s mothers 57. Choose the nouns in the singular.
4. Tom’s and Carol’s mothers 1. cattle 2. topics
3. person 4. grass
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3
A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3
49. Choose the noun in the possessive case.
1. The actress’s voice was trembling. 58. Choose the nouns in the singular.
2. The boss’ room is untidy. A) box, glass, police, mouse
3. Let’s wash the car. B) mice, louce, man, woman
4. It’s Charles’ birthday. C) feet, child, ox, mathematics
D) dynamics, optics, economics, politics
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,3 E) 1,4 E) class, actress, progress, poultry

59. Choose the noun in the possessive case. 67. Choose the correct variant.
A) Julie closed the store’s window. I don't have much ______. Just two small bags.
B) The boy’s dog is sleeping right now.
A) chair
C) The name's of the book is Twilight.
B) job
D) Jacket’s John is here.
C) furniture
E) The house’s gate is closed.
D) information
60. Choose the derivative nouns. E) luggage
1. childhood
68. Choose the correct variant.
2. freedom
They are going to tell you all you want to know. They
3. tooth
are going to give you a lot of ______.
4. warship
5. championship A) information
B) experience
A) 1,2,5 B) 2,3,4
C) work
C) 2,4,5 D) 1,4,5 E) 1,2,4
D) hair
61. Choose the common nouns. E) progress
A) Sunday, metro, office, book
69. Choose the correct variant.
B) test, tram, bus, train
There are a lot of ______ in the room.
C) team, quickly, text, window
D) magazine, January, time, Linda A) sofa
E) June, clock, lady, letter B) permission
C) chairs
62. Choose the noun in the possessive case.
D) baggage
1. Billy’s blue car is in the garage.
E) money
2. Let’s have dinner.
3. Mr. John’s secretary is here.
70. Choose the correct variant.
4. It’s going to snow.
We have no ______, not even a bed or a table.
A) 1,3 B) 1,2 C) 2,3 D) 3,4 E) 2,4
A) another furniture
63. Choose the noun in the possessive case. B) furniture
A) Tom’s and Mary’s mother is a teacher. C) any furnitures
B) They sell ladies’ clothes in this store. D) a furniture
C) She’s got a comfortable room. E) a piece of furniture
D) Jane’s got lovely shoes.
E) Linda and Carol’s hair is black. 71. Choose the correct variant.
- What does Alan look like?
64. Choose the noun in the possessive case. - He's got a long beard and very short ______.
1. My friends’ cousins are beautiful.
A) a hair
2. Mr White’s wife is a doctor.
B) many hair
3. Mrs Whites’ husband is an engineer.
C) lot of hair
4. The baby’s still sleeping.
D) hairs
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,2 E) hair

65. Choose the noun in the possessive case. 72. Choose the correct variant.
1. We love Grandma’s cookies. Carla's English is very bad. She must make ______.
2. The engineers’s sunglasses are broken.
A) a progress
3. I don’t like boys’s sneakers.
B) few progress
4. Bring the baby’s toys.
C) many progress
A) 2,3 B) 2,4 C) 1,4 D) 3,4 E) 1,3 D) progress
E) progresses
66. Choose the noun in the possessive case.
1. Those women’s horses are white. 73. Choose the correct variant.
2. The horse’s tail is not short. George is unemployed. He's looking for a ______.
3. These doctors’s offices are beautiful.
A) work
4. The students’ books are new.
B) works
5. Tom’s spent a lot of money on the books.
C) job
A) 1,2,4 B) 3,4,5 D) few job
C) 1,4,5 D) 1,3,5 E) 2,3,5 E) jobs

74. Choose the correct variant. 81. Choose the correct variant.
If you want to leave work early, you have to ask for I need to wash my ______.
A) hair
A) permission B) a hair
B) a permission C) hairs
C) a few permissions D) long hairs
D) money E) dirty hairs
E) permission
82. Choose the correct variant.
75. Choose the correct variant. How many ______ were at the cinema with you?
I don't think Ann will get the job. She hasn't got
A) person
enough ______.
B) child
A) experiences C) childrens
B) skillful D) people
C) experience E) woman
D) experienced
82. Choose the correct variant.
E) experiment
Could you give ______ on your project?

76. Choose the correct variant. A) some information

Shakespeare’s ______ are wonderful. B) an information
C) a few informations
A) work
D) several informations
B) job
E) two information
C) a work
D) a job 82. Choose the correct variant.
E) works The pupils ask a lot of questions because they have
______ about it.
77. Choose the correct variant.
1. a few knowledge 2. enough knowledge
How many ______ can you eat in 20 minutes?
3. a desire to learn 4. little information
A) cheese
A) 1,3 B) 2,3 C) 2,4 D) 1,4 E) 3,4
B) milk
C) coffee 85. Choose the nouns in the possessive case.
D) apples 1. I think these doctors’ advice is very useless.
E) butter 2. That journalist’s information is better than yours.
3. They have stayed at the Brown’s.
78. Choose the correct variant. 4. Azerbaijan is famous for it’s oil.
How ______ water do you drink every day?
A) 2,4 B) 1,4 C) 1,2 D) 3,4 E) 2,3
A) a lot
86. Choose the nouns in the Possessive Case.
B) few
1. We spent our holiday with the Smith’s.
C) many
2. The magazine is neither Tom’s nor cousin’s.
D) none
3. We had lunch at Ann’s.
E) much
4. The children’ toys are in the box.
79. Choose the correct variant.
A) 1,3,4 B) 2,3 C) 1,2,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,4
You can put ______ in your tea.
87. Choose the correct answers.
A) many sugar
1. a furniture
B) a few sugars
2. furniture
C) much sugars
3. a new furniture
D) a sugar
4. much furniture
E) some sugar
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3
80. Choose the correct variant.
We have to buy ______. 88. Choose the correct answers.
1. a furniture shop
A) a new furniture
2. furniture shops
B) two furnitures
3. many furniture
C) much furnitures
4. a few furnitures
D) new furniture
E) a furniture A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3

89. Choose the correct answers. 97. Choose the correct answers.
1. a piece of information 1. the Brown’s cat
2. some pieces of information 2. the Browns’ cat
3. piece of information 3. the Smiths’ car
4. an information 4. the Smith’s car

A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3 A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3

90. Choose the correct answers. 98. Choose the correct answers.
1. an advice 1. Mr. Wilsons’ office
2. some advice 2. Mr. Wilson’s office
3. advices 3. Tom and Jane’s hair
4. a piece of advice 4. Tom’s and Jane’s hair

A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3 A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3

91. Choose the correct answers. 99. Choose the correct answers.
1. a pair of gloves 1. a hour
2. much money 2. a honest man
3. two moneys 3. a tasty breakfast
4. a few slice 4. an honorary job

A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3 A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3

92. Choose the correct answers. 100. Choose the correct answers.
1. half an hour 1. a European city
2. a half an hour 2. a English book
3. an hour and a half 3. an red apple
4. an hour and half 4. a unit

A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,3 A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3

93. Choose the correct answers. 101. Choose the correct answers.
1. a news 1. have breakfast
2. a news agency 2. have a breakfast
3. a news programme 3. make a coffee
4. an interesting news 4. make a noice

A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3 A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3

94. Choose the correct answers. 102. Choose the correct answers.
1. a loaves of bread 1. a few fish
2. a loaf of bread 2. a few fishes
3. two loaf of bread 3. a lot of deers
4. two loaves of bread 4. a lot of deer

A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3 A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3

95. Choose the correct answers. 103. Choose the correct answers.
1. a few weeks’s camping 1. many work
2. a few week’s leave 2. much luggage
3. a few weeks’ championship 3. pair of trousers
4. a few days’ walk 4. a pair of scissors

A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3 A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3

96. Choose the correct answers. 104. Choose the correct answers.
1. two years’ debt 1. this pairs of pliers
2. two year’s car 2. these pairs of glasses
3. an hour’s way 3. this pair of gloves
4. a few hour’s walk 4. these piece of news

A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,3 A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3

105. Choose the correct answers. 113. Choose the correct answers.
1. another work 1. much time
2. another chance 2. many time
3. another people 3. many times
4. another book 4. a few time

A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3 A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,3

114. Choose the correct answers.

106. Choose the correct answers.
1. Take the bread and put them on the table.
1. others people
2. Take the bread and put it on the table.
2. other people
3. Take the papers and put it on the table.
3. some more information
4. Take the scissors and put them on the table.
4. a few more question
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3

115. Choose the correct answers.

107. Choose the correct answers.
1. Do you have an information for us?
1. a few piece of paper
2. Can you see these people over there?
2. a few pieces of paper
3. Can you give some advice about it?
3. these pieces of cheese
4. Could you give me another cup of coffee?
4. that pieces of cheese
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3

116. Choose the correct answers.

108. Choose the correct answers.
1. Do you have another homework?
1. a little red paint
2. Did you have much work yesterday?
2. so little information
3. Have you got another children?
3. many advice
4. I have good news for you.
4. many money
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3

117. Choose the correct answers.

109. Choose the correct answers.
1. Physics are difficult.
1. These pairs of glasses are new.
2. She has a black hair.
2. These pair of glasses are yours.
3. She has black hair.
3. That pairs of glasses is mine.
4. She is brushing her hair.
4. A pair of gloves is on the table.
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3

110. Choose the correct answers. 118. Choose the correct answers.
1. two miles’ way 1. I can’t wait for you. I have little time.
2. two mile’s way 2. I can help you. I have a little time.
3. three month’s holiday 3. Sorry, I have a little time.
4. three months’ salary 4. I am alone. I have few friends.

A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3 A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3,4

111. Choose the correct answers. 119. Choose the correct answers.
1. Sona and Ali’s hair 1. Only a few people were there.
2. Sona’s and Ali’s hair 2. Only few people were there.
3. Ilkin’s and Arif’s eyes 3. Very few people were there.
4. Ilkin’s and Arif’s mother 4. Very a few people were there.

A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3 A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,3

112. Choose the correct answers. 120. Choose the correct answers.
1. Tom and Kate’s hands 1. hundred manats
2. Tom’s and Kate’s hands 2. a hundred manats
3. children’s room 3. hundreds of books
4. childrens’ bus 4. hundred of manats

A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3 A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3

121. Choose the correct answers. 128. Choose the noun in the possessive case.
1. millions of stars 1. Billy’s blue car is in the garage.
2. billion of stars 2. Mr. John’ secretary is here.
3. a million stars 3. They sell ladies’s clothes in this store.
4. billion stars 4. The doctor’s kids are very nice.
5. The women’s husbands are late.
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,3
A) 1,2,3 B) 3,4,5 C) 1,4,5 D) 2,3,5 E) 2,4,5
122. Choose the correct answers. 129. Choose the noun in the possessive case.
1. We had a party at John’s. 1. My friends’ cousins are beautiful.
2. She went to the baker’s. 2. We love Grandma’s cookies.
3. I’m at my uncles’s now. 3. The engineers’s sunglasses are broken.
4. His father’s-in-law is in hospital. 4. I don’t like boys’ sneakers.
5. Bring the baby’ toys.
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3
A) 1,2,3 B) 3,4,5 C) 1,4,5 D) 1,2,4 E) 2,4,5
123. Choose the correct answers. 130. Choose the noun in the possessive case.
1. Her mother-in-law’s house is high. The President ______ election was widely forecast by
2. tomorrow’s meeting the polls.
3. tomorrows’ news
A) Clinton
4. yesterdays’ lesson
B) Clintons
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3 C) Clinton's
D) Clinton'
124. Choose the noun in the possessive case. E) Clintons’s
A) This is Peter’ book.
131. Choose the noun in the possessive case.
B) Let’s go to the cafe.
My ______ cars are in the garage.
C) The childrens’ room is upstairs.
D) John’ sister is twelve years old. A) son's-in-law's
E) Let’s go to the Smiths’. B) sons-in-law's
C) sons'-in-laws
125. Choose the noun in the possessive case. D) sons'-in-law
A) He's listened to the song. E) sons’s-in-law
B) His mother-in-law’s house is nice.
132. Choose the noun in the possessive case.
C) She's reading a comic.
The doctor's car is outside ______ house.
D) That men’s son is a doctor.
E) It's rained a little. A) the Browns
C) Browns'
126. Choose the noun in the possessive case. C) the Browns'
A) She's been here. D) the Brown's
B) He's written an e-mail. E) the Smith’s
C) She's lost her money.
133. Choose the noun in the possessive case.
D) Bill’s coming made us happy.
Old Mr. O'Hara told a story of the _______ movement
E) Womens’ clothes are more expensive.
in Ireland.

127. Choose the noun in the possessive case. A) woman's

A) It's raining. B) women
B) He's cut his finger. C) women's
C) That's nice of you. D) woman
D) Where's Kathy gone? E) womens’
E) Sue’s and Paul’s mothers are doctors.
133. Choose the noun in the possessive case.
After ______ period of drought it started raining.
128. Choose the noun in the possessive case.
A) those sheeps’ tracks A) six month
B) Mr’s and Mrs Smith’s house B) a six month's
C) The Brown’s car C) a six-month
D) Britain’s economy D) the six month
E) deers’ tracks E) six months

135. Choose the noun in the possessive case. 143. Choose the noun in the Possessive Case.
The ______ room looks very cosy. 1. London’s situated on the Thames.
2. There’s nothing interesting in today’s programme.
A) children
3. Tom’s spoilt his brother’s notebook.
B) childrens
4. Ben’s talking to his friend.
C) children's
D) childrens's A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 1,2 E) 2,4
E) childrens’
144. Choose the nouns referring to males.
136. Choose the correct variant.
1. gentleman 2. daughter
Don't bother, I won't listen to your ______. ______
3. madam 4. widow
will do me no good.
5. nephew 6. hero
A) advice, It
A) 1,4,5 B) 1,5,6 C) 2,3,5 D) 1,2,3 E) 2,4,6
B) advices, They
C) advise, It
145. Choose the nouns referring to males.
D) advises, They
1. lioness 2. waiter
E) advice, They
3. poetess 4. barber
137. Choose the correct variant. 5. host 6. niece
I need ______ before I make a decision.
A) 2,4,5 B) 1,5,6 C) 2,3,5 D) 1,2,3 E) 2,4,6
A) more informations
B) further information 146. Choose the nouns referring to females.
C) a few more information 1. bridegroom 2. princess
D) many information 3. bachelor 4. aunt
E) much informations 5. actor 6. hen

138. Choose the noun in the Possessive Case. A) 1,4,5 B) 1,5,6 C) 2,3,5 D) 1,2,3 E) 2,4,6
1. Who’s older among you?
2. What colour’s your cat? 147. Choose the nouns referring to both males
3. Jane’s picked her granny’s flowers. and females.
4. Linda’s singing pleased everybody. 1. baby 2. manager
3. cousin 4. teacher
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 1,2 E) 2,4
5. bride 6. uncle
139. Choose the noun in the Possessive Case.
A) 1,4,5 B) 1,5,6 C) 1,3,4 D) 1,2,3 E) 2,4,6
1. Ben’s talking was very dull.
2. John’s sold his villa this week. 148. Choose the uncountable nouns.
3. - Where’s he? – He’s at the dentist’s. 1. absence 2. bridge
4. It’s been raining for 2 hours. 3. knowledge 4. ceremony
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 1,3 E) 2,4 5. education 6. character

140. Choose the noun in the Possessive Case. A) 1,4,5 B) 1,5,6 C) 1,3,5 D) 1,2,3 E) 2,4,6
1. Aynur’s written the exercise.
2. Mr Aliyev’s comfortable house is nearby. 149. Choose the uncountable nouns.
3. Ann’s writing is very accurate. 1. happiness 2. help
4. Alice’s already spent all her money. 3. subject 4. sentence
5. armchair 6. work
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 1,2 E) 2,4
A) 1,4,5 B) 1,2,6 C) 2,3,5 D) 1,2,3 E) 2,4,6
141. Choose the noun in the Possessive Case.
1. My brother’s gone to the chemist’s. 150. Choose the uncountable nouns.
2. What’s that woman’s name? 1. virus 2. problem
3. There’s somebody in the house. 3. advice 4. furniture
4. The burglar’s broken the window. 5. news 6. barrel
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 1,2 E) 2,4 A) 3,4,5 B) 1,5,6 C) 1,3,5 D) 1,2,3 E) 2,4,6
142. Choose the noun in the Possessive Case.
1. He’s late again today. 151. Choose the uncountable nouns.
2. We bought a lot of food at the grocer’s. 1. faith 2. glass
3. Jane’s tired after a long working day. 3. bunch 4. plate
4. Tomorrow’s meeting is very important for me. 5. adventure 6. harm

A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 1,2 E) 2,4 A) 1,4,5 B) 1,5,6 C) 2,3,5 D) 1,2,3 E) 1,2,6

152. Choose the uncountable nouns. 161. Choose the line uncountable nouns.
1. permission 2. piece 3. pair A) labour, lightning, literature, love
4. peace 5. poetry 6. gallery B) luck, luggage, meat, bowl, brick
C) milk, mist, money, bridge
A) 1,4,5 B) 1,5,6 C) 2,3,5 D) 1,2,3 E) 2,4,6
D) music, news, noise, broom, bucket
153. Choose the correct sentence. E) oil, oxygen, butcher, butterfly
1. This is my boss’s office.
162. Choose the line uncountable nouns.
2. Isabel’s just informed us about it.
A) paper, patience, camel, cafe
3. There are many problems in today’s world.
B) pay, peace, pepper, castle
4. That store sells womens’ clothes.
C) permission, petrol, cage, calendar
A) 2,3 B) 1,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3 D) plastic, pleasure, candle, card
E) poetry, policy, advice, information
154. Choose the correct sentence.
1. Mr. Brown’s lost his documents. 163. Choose the line uncountable nouns.
2. Did you read yesterday’s newspaper? A) pork, certificate, comb, coach
3. Mr. Brown’s lost documents were found. B) poverty, power, powder, comet
4. It will cost me a months’ salary to buy it. C) pressure, pride, progress, protection
D) water, wealth, weather, conductor
A) 2,3 B) 1,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3
E) wheat, wine, wood, dollar
155. Choose the correct variant.
164. Choose the correct variant.
Would you like ______?
1. an apple
1. some more tea 2. a ugly T - shirt
2. any more tea 3. an hamster
3. another cup of tea 4. an English book
4. a few more tea
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4
A) 2,3 B) 1,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3
165. Choose the correct variant.
156. Choose the line uncountable nouns. 1. an sweater
A) absence, advice, air, accountant 2. a clever boy
B) alcohol, anger, art, accident 3. an hamburger
C) baggage, brunch, beef, beer, 4. an English name
D) blood, bread, business, acrobat
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4
E) butter, cash, advisor, aeroplane
166. Choose the correct variant.
157. Choose the line uncountable nouns.
1. an heir
A) cheese, chess, childhood, chocolate
2. a folders
B) coal, coffee, ambassador, anchor
3. a university
C) comfort, cotton, damage, antelope
4. a blue uniforms
D) democracy, depression, apartment, aim
E) education, electricity, architect, apostrophe A) 1,2 B) 1,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4
158. Choose the line uncountable nouns. 167. Choose the correct variant.
A) energy, entertainment, arena, army 1. a beautiful dress
B) environment, evidence, experience, arrow 2. a walkmen
C) faith, fashion, fear, fire 3. a honest man
D) flour, food, freedom, author 4. an angry man
E) furniture, garbage, autograph, axe
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4
159. Choose the line uncountable nouns.
168. Choose the correct variant.
A) glass, gold, grass, babysitter
1. a duck
B) ground, happiness, baker, balcony
2. an umbrella
C) harm, heat, help, barber
3. a old house
D) history, homework, bee, beggar
4. an wild animal
E) honey, hope, hospitality, housework
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4
160. Choose the line uncountable nouns.
A) ice, independence, industry, information
169. Choose the correct variant.
B) intelligence, jam, jealousy, beginner
1. an ox 2. an unit
C) jewellery, joy, bench, bike
3. an hour 4. an horse
D) juice, justice, biker, blanket
E) knowledge, boat, bomb, bottle A) 1,3 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4

170. Choose the correct variant. 178. Choose the correct variant.
1. a yard My sister is my parents’ ______.
2. a elephant
A) sister
3. an ant
B) uncle
4. an university
C) aunt
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,3 D) 1,4 E) 2,4 D) nephew
E) daughter
171. Choose the correct variant. 179. Choose the correct variant.
1. a board My brother’s daughter is my ______.
2. a eagle
A) cousin
3. a frogs
B) grandfather
4. an orange ball
C) grandmother
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,4 D) niece
E) nephew
172. Choose the correct variant.
1. a yoghurt 180. Choose the correct variant.
2. a happy girl My uncle’s or aunt’s children are my ______.
3. an orange
A) grandparents
4. a juice
B) grandsons
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4 C) cousins
D) sisters
173. Choose the correct variant.
E) nephews
1. an Internet server
2. an European city 181. Who uses a hammer?
3. a good time A) a fruit seller
4. a fine weather B) a soldier
C) a carpenter
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,4
D) a farmer
174. Choose the correct variant. E) a police officer
1. such a long time
182. Which one is not a sport?
2. so a long time
A) chess
3. so a little time
B) draughts
4. so little time
C) basketball
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4 D) hockey
E) ceremony
175. Choose the correct variant.
183. Choose the correct variant.
1. such a little house
______ man can’t see anything.
2. such a little cheese
3. such a lot of time A) The deaf
4. such a nice girls B) The mute
C) The blind
A) 1,3 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4
D) The poor
176. Choose the correct variant. E) The rich
My uncles and aunts are my ______. 184. Which one is a plural noun?
A) relatives A) Germen
B) cousin B) castle
C) grandfather C) dominoes
D) grandmother D) cattle
E) grandparents E) Normen

177. Choose the correct variant. 185. Choose the correct variant.
Jane’s ______ is a doctor. They have two children. ______ is a place where we buy meat.

A) father A) A baker’s
B) husband B) A grocer’s
C) mother C) A fishmonger’s
D) son D) A butcher’s
E) brother E) A dentist’s

186. Choose the correct variant. 194. Choose the correct variant.
______ is a place where we buy bread. 1. father’s-in-law
2. fathers’-in-law
A) A baker’s
3. father-in-law’s
B) A grocer’s
4. fathers-in-law’s
C) A fishmonger’s
D) A butcher’s A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 1,4 E) 2,4
E) A greengrocer’s
195. Choose the correct variant.
187. Choose the correct variant.
1. a moments’ silence
______ is a place where we buy seafood.
2. a moment’s silence
A) A greengrocer’s 3. sheeps’ skin
B) A baker’s 4. sheep’s skin
C) A grocer’s
A) 3,4 B) 1,3 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3
D) A fishmonger’s
E) A butcher’s
196. Choose the correct variant.
188. Choose the correct variant. 1. deer’s tracks
______ is a place where we buy rice, butter, sugar. 2. deers’ tracks
3. man’s
A) A baker’s
4. mens’
B) A grocer’s
C) A dentist’s A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3
C) A fishmonger’s
D) A butcher’s 197. Choose the correct variant.
1. woman’
189. Choose the correct variant.
2. women’s
______ is a place where we buy vegetables.
3. the cats’s
A) A baker’s 4. the cats’
B) A butcher’s
A) 2,3 B) 1,2 C) 3,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,4
B) A grocer’s
C) A fishmonger’s
198. Choose the correct variant.
D) A greengrocer’s
1. the children’s
190. Choose the correct variant. 2. the childrens’
______ is a place where we have our hair cut. 3. 4 students’
4. 4 student’s
A) A baker’s
B) A grocer’s A) 2,4 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 1,2 E) 1,3
C) A fishmonger’s
D) A barber’s 199. Choose the correct variant.
E) A dentist’s 1. the boss’ order
2. the boss’s order
191. Choose the correct variant.
3. the actress’s answer
1. a few mile’s
4. the actress’ answer
2. a few miles’
3. children’s toys A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,4
4. childrens’ toys

A) 1,4 B) 2,4 C) 1,2 D) 3,4 E) 2,3 200. Choose the correct variant.
1. one another’s
192. Choose the correct variant. 2. one anothers’
1. Brown’s house 3. each other’s
2. Browns’ house 4. each others’
3. Ali’s and Sona’s eyes A) 2,3 B) 1,2 C) 3,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,4
4. Ali and Sona’s eyes

A) 2,4 B) 1,2 C) 1,3 D) 1,4 E) 2,3 201. Choose the correct variant.
1. Ted and Ben’s hair
193. Choose the correct variant. 2. Ted’s and Ben’s hair
1. The Brown’s 2. The Browns’ 3. at the baker’s
3. two miles’ 4. two mile’s 4. at the baker’
A) 2,3 B) 1,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 3,4 A) 2,4 B) 1,4 C) 2,3 D) 3,4 E) 1,2

202. Choose the correct variant. 209. Choose the correct variant.
1. at my uncle’s 1. a box - boxs
2. at my uncle’ 2. a tomato - tomatos
3. at the dentist’ 3. a bush - bushes
4. at the dentist’s 4. a photo - photoes
5. a video - videos
A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,2
A) 4,5 B) 1,2 C) 1,3 D) 3,5 E) 2,3
203. Choose the correct variant.
1. an honest man 210. Choose the correct variant.
2. an hour 1. a radio - radios
3. an historic monument 2. a piano - pianos
4. an university 3. a man - mans
5. an ugly boy 4. a woman - womans
5. a foot - foots
A) 1,4 B) 3,5 C) 1,2,5 D) 3,4,5 E) 3,4
A) 3,5 B) 1,3 C) 4,5 D) 2,3 E) 1,2
204. Choose the correct variant.
1. an useful tool 211. Choose the correct variant.
2. a unimportant problem 1. a goose - geese
3. an unkind woman 2. a tooth - tooths
4. lovely weather 3. a child - childs
5. a useful advice 4. an ox - oxes
5. a louse - lice
A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 3,5 E) 2,5
A) 2,4 B) 1,5 C) 3,5 D) 2,5 E) 1,3
205. Choose the correct variant.
1. a good news 212. Choose the correct variant.
2. a nice furniture 1. a mouse - mice
3. a good time 2. a sheep - sheeps
4. a cold weather 3. a deer - deer
5. have a nice breakfast 4. a fish - fishes
5. a swine - swines
A) 1,5 B) 2,4 C) 2,3 D) 1,2 E) 3,5
A) 2,4 B) 1,5 C) 3,5 D) 2,5 E) 1,3
206. Choose the correct variant.
213. Choose the correct variant.
1. have a dinner
1. a salmon - salmon
2. have a delicious lunch
2. a species - species
3. have a breakfast
3. a city - cityes
4. a European country
4. a lady - ladies
5. an yard
5. an army - armys
A) 2,3 B) 2,4 C) 3,5 D) 2,5 E) 1,4
A) 2,3,5 B) 1,2,4
C) 3,4,5 D) 1,2,5 E) 1,2,3
207. Choose the correct variant.
1. an information 214. Choose the correct variant.
2. a unit 1. a boy - boys
3. a furniture 2. a toy - toyes
4. a furniture shop 3. a play - playes
5. a furniture shops 4. a knife - knives
5. a leaf - leafs
A) 1,5 B) 3,4 C) 2,5 D) 2,3 E) 2,4
A) 3,5 B) 2,5 C) 1,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,4
208. Choose the correct variant.
1. a tie - ties 215. Choose the correct variant.
2. a map - mapes 1. a life - lives
3. a bag - bags 2. a wife - wifes
4. a bus - buss 3. a roof - roofs
5. a class - classes 4. a chief - chieves
5. a cliff - cliffs
A) 1,3,5 B) 2,4,5
C) 1,2,4 D) 3,4,5 E) 2,3,5 A) 1,3,5 B) 2,4,5 C) 1,3,4 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,2,5

216. Choose the correct variant. 225. Which is not a noun-forming suffix?
1. a belief - believes
A) -en
2. a man-driver - man-drivers
B) -ance
3. a woman-driver - women-drivers
C) -ness
4. a policeman - policemans
D) -ation
5. an Englishman - Englishmen
E) -sion
A) 1,3 B) 4,5 C) 2,3 D) 3,5 E) 1,2
226. Which is not a noun-forming suffix?
217. Choose the correct variant.
A) -dom
1. Roman - Romans
B) -less
2. Norman - Normen
C) -ess
3. German - Germans
D) -ism
4. a father-in-law - father-in-laws
E) -th
5. a pen-friend - pen-friends
227. Which is not a noun-forming suffix?
A) 1,2,5 B) 1,3,5 C) 2,3,4 D) 1,3,4 E) 2,4,5
A) -ence
218. Choose the correct variant.
B) -ist
1. a baby-sitter - baby-sitters
C) -ion
2. an editor-in-chief - editors-in-chief
D) -hood
3. a merry-go-round - merrys-go-round
E) -ful
4. a forget-me-not - forgets-me-not
5. a handkerchief - handkerchief 228. Choose the singular nouns.
1. mechanics
A) 1,2 B) 1,5 C) 2,4 D) 3,5 E) 2,3
2. topics
219. Choose the correct variant. 3. dynamics
1. Alice has a black hair. 4. draughts
2. There are some hairs on the jacket.
A) 1,3 B) 1,2 C) 2,3 D) 3,4 E) 2,4
3. There is hair on the soap.
4. There is an iron on the table. 229. Choose the singular nouns.
1. lyrics
A) 1,2 B) 1,5 C) 2,4 D) 3,5 E) 2,3
2. athletics
220. Choose the correct variant. 3. news
1. This door is made of iron. 4. cattle
2. There is a wood near our house.
A) 1,3 B) 1,2 C) 2,3 D) 3,4 E) 2,4
3. This furniture is made of a wood.
4. I have a good work. 230. Choose the singular nouns.
1. gentry
A) 1,2 B) 1,5 C) 2,4 D) 3,5 E) 2,3
2. optics
221. Choose the correct variant. 3. lice
1. I have a lot of work to do. 4. mouse
2. I’m looking for a job.
A) 1,3 B) 1,2 C) 2,3 D) 3,4 E) 2,4
3. Where do you job?
4. Give me glass of water.

A) 1,5 B) 1,2 C) 2,4 D) 3,5 E) 2,3

222. Choose the correct variant.

1. the glass of the window
2. two glass of milk
3. a pair of trousers
4. these pair of shoes

A) 1,2 B) 1,5 C) 2,4 D) 3,5 E) 1,3

223. Which is not a noun-forming suffix?

A) -er B) -ship C) -ian

D) -able E) -or

224. Which is not a noun-forming suffix?

A) -y B) –ize C) -ity
D) -age E) -ment

QUANTIFIERS 9. Choose the correct variant.

1. so much useful work
1. Choose the correct variant. 2. so much interesting details
1. so many luggage 3. so much children’s stories
2. so much pleasure 4. so many invitation cards
3. such much kindness
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 3,4 E) 2,4
4. so many business trips

A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4 10. Choose the correct variant.
1. so many opinions
2. Choose the correct variant.
2. such much traffic lights
1. so many amusement
3. so many words of respect
2. such much sweets
4. so many fruit salad
3. so many pieces of music
4. so few attractions A) 1,2 B) 1,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4

A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4

11. Choose the correct variant.
3. Choose the correct variant. 1. few lumps of sugar
1. so few contents 2. a few pieces of cheese
2. so many useful information 3. a little flour
3. so much historic events 4. a little bookcases
4. so little sum of money
A) 1,2,3 B) 2,3,4 C) 1,3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4
12. Choose the correct variant.
4. Choose the correct variant.
1. a few traffic problems
1. so many hot pancakes
2. a few traffic
2. so much baskets of mushrooms
3. a little eyeglasses
3. so much sounds of music
4. a little glass
4. so many difficulties
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,4
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4
13. Choose the correct variant.
5. Choose the correct variant.
1. a few pieces of furniture
1. so many bottles of medicine
2. a few glasses of juice
2. so much pairs of gloves
3. a little trousers
3. such much cocktails
4. a little luggage
4. so many barrels of oil
A) 1,2,4 B) 2,3 C) 1,3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4
A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,4
14. Choose the correct variant.
6. Choose the correct variant.
1. a few traffic accidents
1. so many square mile
2. a few hand luggage
2. so much despair
3. a little honey
3. so many faithful friends
4. a little money
4. so much winter sports
A) 1,2,4 B) 2,3 C) 1,3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4

7. Choose the correct variant. 15. Choose the correct variant.

1. so many lovely days 1. a few pieces of music
2. so much patience 2. a few furniture shops
3. such much bags of luggage 3. a little money
4. so many sheet of paper 4. a little sharp scissors

A) 1,3 B) 1,2 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4 A) 1,2 B) 1,2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,2,4 E) 2,4

8. Choose the correct variant. 16. Choose the correct variant.

1. so many cotton shirts 1. a few pieces of soap
2. so much salt 2. a few glue
3. such much reasons 3. a little tubes of toothpaste
4. so many courage 4. a little face powder
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4 A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4

17. Choose the correct variant. 25. Choose the correct variant.
1. a few boxes of chocolates 1. half an hour
2. a few housework 2. an hour and a half
3. a few orange juice 3. an hour and half
4. a few police officers 4. much books

A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4 A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,4

18. Choose the correct variant. 26. Choose the correct variant.
1. a little strawberry jam 1. a few books
2. a few policeman 2. such an interesting book
3. a little brown bread 3. such a good advice
4. a few paper money 4. a news agency

A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 1,3 A) 1,2,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,3,4 E) 2,4

19. Choose the correct variant. 27. Choose the correct variant.
1. a few pairs of scissors We must be quick. We have ______ time.
2. a little furniture
A) a little
3. a little traffics
B) a few
4. few chocolate
C) few
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4 D) much
E) little
20. Choose the correct variant.
1. a few match boxes 28. Choose the correct variant.
2. a little cherry trees Listen carefully. I'm going to give you ______ advice.
3. a few slices of bread
A) many
4. a few bottles of oil
B) piece of
A) 1,2,3 B) 2,3 C) 1,3,4 D) 3,4 E) 2,4 C) lot of
D) a few
21. Choose the correct variant. E) some
1. so many idea
2. so many ideas
29. Choose the correct variant.
3. such many ideas
Do you mind if I ask you ______ questions?
4. such a good idea
A) a lttlle
A) 1,2,3 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,3,4 E) 2,4
B) little
C) a lot
22. Choose the correct variant.
D) a few
1. such good idea
E) much
2. such a lot of information
3. so many information
4. such a little house 30. Choose the correct variant.
This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so
A) 1,2,3 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,3,4 E) 2,3
______ tourists come here.

A) few
23. Choose the correct variant.
B) a little
1. so little bread
C) only a little
2. so few bread
D) a lot of
3. such a little mice
E) many
4. such little mice

A) 1,2,3 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 1,3,4 E) 2,4

31. Choose the correct variant.
I don't think Jill would be a good teacher. She's got
24. Choose the correct variant. ______ patience.
1. such much news
A) many
2. such a lot of news
B) a few
3. a pair of shoes
C) little
4. pair of shoes
D) much
A) 1,2,3 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,3,4 E) 2,4 E) a lot of

32. Choose the correct variant. 39. Choose the correct variant.
- Would you like milk in your coffee? There is very ______ orange juice left in the fridge.
- Yes, ______ please.
A) little
A) a lot of B) many
B) lots of C) a few
C) several D) few
D) a few E) a little
E) a little
40. Choose the correct variant.
33. Choose the correct variant. Fred felt very alone. ______ people visited him in
It is a very boring place to live. There's ______ to do. hospital.

A) little A) Many
B) much B) Little
C) a lot C) Few
D) many D) A few
E) several E) Much

34. Choose the correct variant. 41. Choose the correct variant.
- Have you ever been to Paris? The recipe from my grandmother requires ______
- Yes, I've been there ______ times. eggs than your recipe.

1. a few 2. a little A) a lot of

3. many 4. much B) much
C) many
A) 1,2 B) 1,3 C) 2,4 D) 2,3 E) 3,4
D) fewer
35. Choose the correct variant. E) few
Henry is just too fat. In my opinion, he walks ______
42. Choose the correct variant.
than he should.
I have got ______ time. We can have a cup of tea.
A) fewer
A) very little
B) less
B) only a little
C) little
C) a lot
D) more
D) a little
E) much
E) little
36. Choose the correct variant.
43. How many variants are correct?
You should drink _____ vodka. It destroys your liver.
I have got ______ money left. I won't buy this watch.
A) little
1. much 2. little
B) much
3. only a little 4. a little 5. many
C) many
D) a little A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 5
E) fewer
44. Choose the correct variant.
37. Choose the correct variant. He is uncommunicative. That's why he has got ______
There are ______ people on the beach than we friends than his brother.
A) fewer
A) a lot of B) less
B) more C) more
C) many D) a few
D) few E) many
E) less
45. Choose the correct variant.
38. Choose the correct variant. You are 10 kilograms overweight. You need to eat
He knows ______ about Chinese culture. ______ food in the evenings.

A) a lot of A) little
B) lots of B) a little
C) many C) much
D) a lot D) a lot
E) a few E) a lot of

46. Choose the correct variant. 53. Choose the correct variant.
I would like to make new friends. I've got ______ The weather has been very wet recently. We've had
friends here. ______ rain.

A) a lots of A) much
B) few B) a little
C) a little C) a lot of
D) much D) many
E) a lot E) little

54. Choose the correct variant.

Every morning she buys a lot of newspapers, but she
47. Choose the correct variant.
doesn’t buy ______ magazines.
She isn’t very busy these days. She has ______ free
time. A) any
B) much
A) much
C) no
B) many
D) a little
C) little
E) some
D) a little
E) a lot 55. Choose the correct variant.
How ______ English books have you got?

A) few
49. Choose the correct variant.
B) many
Ann is very busy these days. She has ______ free
C) much
D) either
A) little E) a little
B) much
56. Choose the correct variant.
C) many
How ______ times have you been there?
D) a little
E) a lot of A) few
B) much
C) many
50. Choose the correct variant. D) either
Did you take ______ photographs when you were on E) a little
57. Choose the correct variant.
A) much I have got ______ English books, but I haven’t got any
B) a lot Spanish ones.
C) lot of
D) lots A) no
E) many B) much
C) a lot
D) some
51. Choose the correct variant. E) none
I'm not very busy today. I haven't got ______ to do. 58. Choose the correct variant.
A) many She can drink ______ water, but she cannot drink
B) much much coffee.
C) a few A) a lot of
D) a little B) a lot
E) a lot of C) many
D) a few
E) few
52. Choose the correct variant.
The museum was very crowded. There were too 59. Choose the correct variant.
______ people. She does not eat ______ meat.

A) few A) little
B) little B) much
C) much C) many
D) many D) a few
E) several E) lot of

60. Choose the correct variant. 67. Choose the correct variant.
She has got a lot of dresses, but she hasn’t got I don’t need to make new friends. I've got ______
______ skirts. friends here.

A) lots A) a lots of
B) a plenty of B) few
C) lot of C) a little
D) much D) much
E) many E) enough

61. Choose the correct variant. 68. Choose the correct variant.
She does not buy much perfume, but she buys ______ How ______ money do you need to buy this French
clothes. dictionary?

A) much A) much
B) a little B) many
C) a lot of C) few
D) few D) a few
E) a lot E) a lot

62. Choose the correct variant. 69. Choose the correct variant.
The recipe from my grandmother requires ______ Are there ______ new students in the class?
eggs than your recipe.
A) anybody
A) a lot of B) some
B) much C) no
C) many D) both
D) fewer E) any
E) less
70. Choose the correct variant.
63. Choose the correct variant. There are not ______ Italian teachers in that school.
I have got ______ time. We can’t have a cup of tea.
A) some
A) very little B) someone
B) only a few C) each
C) a lot D) no
D) a little E) any
E) enough
71. Choose the correct variant.
64. How many variants are correct? The was ______ food in the fridge. It was nearly
I have got ______ money left. I will buy this watch. empty.

1. much 2. little A) a few

3. only a little 4. a little 5. enough B) a little
C) few
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 5
D) little
65. Choose the correct variant. E) a lot of
He is very shy. That’s why he has got ______ friends
72. Choose the correct variant.
than his brother.
- When did he go out?
A) fewer - ______ minutes ago.
B) less
A) A lot
C) more
B) Much
D) a few
C) Every
E) many
D) A few
E) A little
66. Choose the correct variant.
Your dog is 6 kilograms overweight. It needs to
73. Choose the correct variant.
consume ______ calories.
I can't decide. I need ______ time to think about it.
A) a few
1. a little 2. any 3. some
B) a little
4. a few 5. much 6. a lot
C) much
D) many A) 1,2,3 B) 2,3,5
E) a lot C) 3,5,6 D) 1,3,5 E) 2,4,6

74. Choose the correct variant. 81. Choose the correct variant.
There was ______ traffic, so we arrived earlier than I eat very ______ meat. I don't like it very much.
we expected.
A) few
A) little B) little
B) few C) much
C) a little D) a lot of
D) many E) many
E) much
82. Choose the correct variant.
75. Choose the correct variant. Excuse me, can I ask you ______ questions?
The bus service isn't very good at night. There are
A) a few
______ buses after 9 o'clock.
B) a little
A) many C) a lot
B) little D) lot of
C) a lot of E) much
D) plenty of
83. Choose the correct variant.
E) few
There were only ______ people on the bus. It was
76. Choose the correct variant. nearly empty.
- Would you like some juice?
A) a few
- Yes, ______ , please.
B) few
A) little C) a little
B) a few D) little
C) a little E) many
D) a lot of
84. Choose the correct variant.
E) many
There are eight books on the shelf, I haven’t read
77. Choose the correct variant. ______ of them yet.
I'd like to practise my English more but I have ______
A) no
B) any
A) much C) none
B) a little D) neither
C) plenty of E) anything
D) only a few
85. Choose the correct variant.
E) only a little
They have two daughters, I don't know _____ of them.
78. Choose the correct variant.
A) none
We're going away for ______ days.
B) some
A) a few C) either
B) much D) none
C) one E) any
D) a lots of
86. Choose the correct variant.
E) a little
They are both very young, ______ of them is old
79. Choose the correct variant. enough to have known him.
Everybody needs ______ luck.
A) no
A) a lots of B) neither
B) a lot of C) nobody
C) many D) none
D) little E) any
E) many
87. Choose the correct variant.
80. Choose the correct variant. They are all very clever, but ______ of them is clever
I can't talk to you now. I've got ______ things to do. enough to find the solution.

A) a lot of A) some
B) a lot B) not
C) much C) none
D) only a few D) neither
E) very few E) any

88. Choose the correct variant. 95. Choose the correct variant.
The student can’t buy the book. It is ______ The weather isn't nice ______ to go outside.
A) too
A) rather B) enough
B) enough C) much
C) much D) a little
D) a little E) many
E) many
96. Choose the correct variant.
This maths exercise isn't easy ______ to be done by
89. Choose the correct variant.
I could not finish the test in time. It was ______ long.
A) too
A) two
B) many
B) enough
C) much
C) many
D) a little
D) little
E) enough
E) quite
97. Choose the correct variant.
90. Choose the correct variant. The boy is ______ short to reach the shelf.
I couldn’t answer the question. It wasn't easy ______.
A) much
A) enough B) enough
B) a lot of C) too
C) much D) a little
D) too E) many
E) few
98. Choose the correct variant.
91. Choose the correct variant. Give me ______ more water, will you?
We can't get into this small car. It isn't big ______.
A) some
A) too B) no
B) enough C) an
C) much D) any
D) a little E) a
E) many
99. Choose the correct variant.
92. Choose the correct variant. Please, can I have ______ information about them?
Jane can't hear the television. It isn't loud ___ .
A) some
A) some B) anything
B) enough C) anyone
C) any D) no
D) a little E) an
E) also
100. Choose the correct variant.
93. Choose the correct variant. I can't go. I haven't had ______ news from them.
The man can't see the sun. The sky isn't clear ______.
A) anything
A) too B) a
B) enough C) any
C) much D) a few
D) a little E) little
E) many
101. Choose the correct variant.
He isn’t very busy these days. She has ______ free
94. Choose the correct variant.
It's ______ cold to go outside.
A) enough
A) too
B) many
B) enough
C) little
C) much
D) a few
D) a few
E) a lot
E) many

102. Choose the correct variant. 109. Choose the correct variant.
Ann is very busy these days. She has ______ free There were ______ yellow cabs in the streets.
A) so many
A) no B) so much
B) much C) such few
C) enough D) so
D) a little E) such a
E) a lot of
110. Choose the correct variant.
103. Choose the correct variant. She doesn't have ______ time.
Did you visit ______ museums when you were on
A) so few
B) so much
A) many C) so little
B) a lot D) so
C) lot of E) such a lot
D) lots
111. Choose the correct variant.
E) much
He had ______ money in his bag!
104. Choose the correct variant.
A) so a
I'm not very busy today. I have got ______ to do.
B) so few
A) many C) so many
B) much D) so
C) little E) such a lot of
D) a little
E) a lot of 112. Choose the correct variant.
They were ______ hungry that they stopped in a fast
105. Choose the correct variant.
The museum was almost empty. There were too
______ people. A) so many
B) such much
A) few
C) so a
B) little
D) such
C) much
E) so
D) many
E) several
113. Choose the correct variant.
106. Choose the correct variant. There are ______ women than men in the world.
Sorry! ______ parking!
A) so many
A) Some B) so much
B) No C) so a lot of
C) Any D) more
D) A E) such a
E) An
114. Choose the correct variant.
107. Choose the correct variant.
He is ______ nice, he lent me his video game!
Richard got ______ good marks than Fred in the
examinations. A) so
B) so few
A) less
C) such a
B) fewer
D) a very
C) few
E) many
D) much
E) many
115. Choose the correct variant.
108. Choose the correct variant. There is no lift in this building though there are
He's ______ demanding boss! ______ floors.

A) such a A) such many

B) how B) only few
C) what a C) such a lot of
D) such D) such a
E) so E) so

116. Choose the correct variant. 123. Choose the correct variant.
He arrived ______ late. It's 40 degrees celsius. It's ______ hot!

A) so many A) so many
B) so B) such
C) such C) so
D) such a lot D) such an
E) few E) such a

117. Choose the correct variant. 124. Choose the correct variant.
There is ______ traffic! I spilled a drink on me. It is ______ shame.

A) such much A) so many

B) such little B) such a lot
C) so little C) such a
D) so a D) so
E) such a E) such

118. Choose the correct variant. 125. Choose the correct variant.
There are _______ horses in this area! There's not ______ thing as free lunch.

A) so many A) so little
B) so much B) many
C) so little C) such a
D) so D) such
E) much E) so

119. Choose the correct variant. 126. Choose the correct variant.
He ate everything. He was ______ hungry. I don't like him. He is ______ idiot!

A) so many A) so many
B) such an B) such an
C) such a C) such a
D) a very D) so
E) so E) very

120. Choose the correct variant.

127. Choose the correct variant.
She is ______ fool!
You're ______ fool! You get scammed all the time.
A) so many
A) so
B) such a lot of
B) such
C) such a
C) such a
D) so
D) many
E) such
E) a few

121. Choose the correct variant.

He launders money. I think ______ people should go 128. Choose the correct variant.
to jail. It is ______ heavy. I can't lift it.

A) so a few A) very
B) such B) such
C) such an C) such a
D) so D) a lot
E) such a E) too

122. Choose the correct variant. 129. Choose the correct variant.
He is not a professional. He is ______ amateur. It is ______ hot cup of coffee that I can’t drink it.

A) such an A) so a
B) very B) so
C) such a C) such
D) so D) such a
E) such E) very

130. Choose the correct variant. 137. Choose the correct variant.
This coffee is ______ hot that I can’t drink it. He is ______ boring person that everybody tries to
avoid him.
A) so a
B) so A) so a
C) such B) so
D) such a C) such
E) enough D) such a
E) such an
131. Choose the correct variant.
They were ______ cheap shoes that I bought them. 138. Choose the correct variant.
They were ______ difficult problems that nobody
A) so a
solved them.
B) so
C) very A) so a
D) such a B) so
E) such C) such
D) such a
132. Choose the correct variant.
E) quite a
I was ______ tired that I went to bed early.
139. Choose the correct variant.
A) so a
She is ______ girl!
B) so
C) such A) such clever
D) such a B) so a clever
E) enough C) such a clever
D) so clever
133. Choose the correct variant. E) quite clever
She has ______ long holidays that she travelled
140. Choose the correct variant.
around the world.
It was ______ last night that I couldn't sleep.
A) so a
A) rather a
B) so
B) such a hot
C) such
C) so a hot
D) such a
D) such hot
E) enough
E) so hot
134. Choose the correct variant. 141. Choose the correct variant.
They were ______ dirty that we didn’t let them come $500 a night for a hotel? That's______!
into the house.
1. such expensive
A) so a 2. such an expensive
B) so 3. so expensive
C) such 4. too expensive
D) such a
A) 3,4 B) 2,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 3,4
E) enough
142. Choose the correct variant.
135. Choose the correct variant. He was ______, he could run 5 miles in 30 minutes.
It was ______ big meal that I couldn’t eat it all.
A) so fast runner
A) so a B) so a fast runner
B) so C) such fast runner
C) such D) such a fast runner
D) quite E) quite fast runner
E) such a
143. Choose the correct variant.
136. Choose the correct variant. The train was ______ fast, it went from Shanghai to
I was ______ excited that I didn’t sleep. Beijing in only 10 hours.
A) so a A) so a
B) so B) so
C) such C) such
D) such a D) such a
E) enough E) enough

144. Choose the correct variant. 151. Choose the correct variant.
The ocean in Los Angeles is usually ______. We have ______ lessons today.

A) such cold A) either B) none

B) such a cold C) no D) every E) neither
C) so cold
152. Choose the correct variant.
D) cold so
______ of us was present at the meeting.
E) enough cold
A) Both B) Every
145. Choose the correct variant.
C) All D) None E) Most
I can't believe that John stole that woman's purse. He
was always ______. 153. Choose the correct variant.
She had ______ difficulty finding her child.
A) so good boy
B) such a good boy A) either B) none
C) such good boy C) no D) every E) neither
D) a such good boy
154. Choose the correct variant.
E) a quite good boy
We can’t write a letter because there are ______ pens
146. Choose the correct variant. here.
This restaurant has ______ of food, that it's hard to A) every B) many
decide what to order. C) none D) no E) each

A) such selection 155. Choose the correct variant.

B) such a selection How many children have they got? - ______.
C) a so selection
A) either B) none
D) so selection
C) no D) every E) neither
E) such a selections

147. Choose the correct variant. 156. Choose the correct variant.
How could you say ______ to your mother? Mary and I play badminton every day but ______ of us
can play well.
A) so awful thing
B) such awful thing A) much B) neither
C) such an awful thing C) a little D) a few E) none
D) a so awful thing
E) a such awful thing 157. Choose the correct variant.
Julia ate ______ rice, she wasn't very hungry.
148. Choose the correct variant.
She's ______ unkind woman! 1. a little 2. a few 3. much
4. many 5. little 6. only a little
A) so a
B) so A) 1,4 B) 5,6 C) 4,5 D) 3,6 E) 2,3
C) such
D) such a 158. Choose the correct variant.
E) such an Mike ate ______ chips, he wasn't very hungry.

149. Choose the correct variant. 1. few 2. a few 3. much

We must have ______ good time in Nabran in order 4. many 5. little 6. only a few
not to forget it for ______ long time. A) 1,4 B) 4,6 C) 4,5 D) 1,6 E) 2,3
A) so / a
B) such / --- 159. Choose the correct variant.
C) such a / a She found ______ cookies under her bed.
D) so / --- 1. a little 2. a few 3. much
E) such / a 4. some 5. little 6. only a little

150. Choose the correct variant. A) 1,4 B) 4,6 C) 4,5 D) 5,6 E) 2,4
My friends spent ______ money on the clothes.
160. Choose the correct variant.
1. so much I need ______ water to feel better.
2. such a lot of
3. such much 1. a little 2. a few 3. several
4. such a little 4. many 5. some 6. a lot

A) 1,4 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,2 E) 1,3 A) 1,5 B) 4,6 C) 4,5 D) 5,6 E) 2,3

THE PRONOUN 8. Choose the correct variant.

I haven’t seen that man before. Have you seen
1. Choose the correct variant. ______?
1. We know their names, but they don’t know ______.
A) her
A) us B) him
B) we C) them
C) our D) me
D) their E) you
E) ours
9. Choose the correct variant.
2. Choose the correct variant. Jane‘s friends are very kind people; ______ will help
I don’t like ______ colour. her.

A) it A) they
B) it’s B) me
C) they C) you
D) theirs D) we
E) its E) them

3. Choose the correct variant. 10. Choose the correct variant.

Willy is wearing a cap that isn’t ______. These are our photos and those are ______.

A) he A) my
B) him B) yours
C) hers C) their
D) his D) him
E) their E) her

11. Choose the correct variant.

4. Choose the correct variant.
Where are the keys? I can’t find ______.
I don’t know this woman. Do you know ______?
A) them
A) she
B) it
B) her
C) him
C) he
D) her
D) him
E) they
E) hers
12. Choose the correct variant.
5. Choose the correct variant. Mary and Jim visit ______ parents very often.
John is a friend of ______.
A) they
A) her B) her
B) our C) theirs
C) your D) his
D) mine E) their
E) my
13. Choose the correct variant.
6. Choose the correct variant. I don’t know these girls. Do you know ______?
I gave her my address and she gave ______ hers.
A) they
A) me B) their
B) my C) her
C) they D) us
D) I E) them
E) mine
14. Choose the correct variant.
7. Choose the correct variant. Will you give me his telephone number? I don’t know
Are these ______ coats? ______ .

A) you A) its
B) them B) it’s
C) him C) he
D) your D) her
E) yours E) him

15. Choose the correct variant. 22. Choose the correct variant.
I have left my textbook at home. Will you give me ______ are many good students in our school.
A) These
A) you B) Those
B) your C) That
C) mine D) There
D) her E) This
E) yours
23. Choose the correct variant.
16. Choose the correct variant.
- Who is this?
He is very handsome. I envy ______.
- ______ is my mother.
A) he
A) He
B) she
B) These
C) him
C) This
D) his
D) Those
E) her
E) Her
17. Choose the correct variant.
They are not reliable. He doubts ______. 24. Choose the correct variant.
______ is a good restaurant nearby.
A) them
B) their A) There
C) it B) It
D) its C) Its
E) me D) These
E) Those
18. Choose the correct variant.
I taught her. ______ learned it from ______.
25. Choose the correct variant.
A) She / me ______ book is pretty interesting.
B) I / her
A) These
C) She / I
B) Those
D) They / it
C) There
E) He / me
D) It
19. Choose the correct variant. E) This
We asked for his advice. ______ advised ______ not
to come. 26. Choose the correct variant.
______ are not my shoes.
A) He / we
B) She / us A) They
C) He / us B) This
D) His / him C) Them
E) We / him D) That
E) It
20. Choose the correct variant.
______ doesn’t matter. 27. Choose the correct variant.
______ aren't any good books in the library.
A) Its
B) It A) This
C) It’s B) They
D) They C) Their
E) I D) There
E) Its
21. Choose the correct variant.
- Who are those people over there?
28. Choose the correct variant.
- ______ are our best students.
______ books are really old.
A) This
A) That
B) Those
B) There
C) These
C) This
D) That
D) Them
E) There
E) These

29. Choose the correct variant. 36. Choose the correct variant.
______ time I'm going to win the race! ______ geese like hissing.

A) That A) They
B) This B) Them
C) It’s C) This
D) These D) These
E) Those E) That

37. Choose the correct variant.

30. Choose the correct variant.
______ is cold and I am tired.
______ not what I expected.
A) This
A) That’s
B) That
B) This
C) It
C) Those’s
D) These
D) Its
E) Those
E) There
38. Choose the correct variant.
31. Choose the correct variant. ______ lice of yours ______ so disgusting.
______ my friends over there.
A) This / is
A) This are B) That / is
B) These is C) Those / was
C) They are D) Them / were
D) That are E) These / are
E) It is
39. Choose the correct variant.
32. Choose the correct variant. ______ news ______ rather frustrating.
______ oxen ______ not dangerous.
A) This / is
A) Those / is B) That / were
B) This / is C) These / are
C) That / are D) This / were
D) These / are E) They / is
E) That / is
40. Choose the correct variant.
33. Choose the correct variant. ______ deer over there ______ so graceful.
______ pair of jeans ______ from the USA.
A) That / are
A) These / are B) This / is
B) This / is C) These / are
C) Those / are D) Those / are
D) Those / were E) Those / was
E) That / are
41. Choose the correct variant.
34. Choose the correct variant. ______ two rings here on my little finger belonged to
- What ______ in the bag? ______ grandmother.
- Just books.
A) These / my
A) were their B) That / mine
B) are this C) Those / me
C) was those D) The / myself
D) is that E) This / my
E) are those
42. Choose the correct variant.
When the little boy grabbed the lizard, ______ tail
35. Choose the correct variant.
broke off in ______ hand.
______ hard to find a good friend.
A) it's / his
A) This is
B) it / him
B) That is
C) its / his
C) It is
D) it / one's
D) These are
E) its / he's
E) Them

43. Choose the correct variant. 50. Choose the correct variant.
Some of these clothes are ______, and the rest of This book belongs to me. This is ______ book.
______ belong to Zack.
A) mine
A) yours / it B) my
B) my / them C) yours
C) hers / their D) those
D) me / they E) these
E) mine / them
51. Choose the correct variant.
44. Choose the correct variant.
Whose book is that? It is not ______.
- Who is it?
- Annie, it's ______. I'm back. Open the door, please. A) your
B) me
A) her
C) mine
B) him
D) our
C) me
E) my
D) them
E) she
52. Choose the correct variant.
45. Choose the correct variant. The cat ate ______ food.
Neither Maria nor I have a pen. Can you lend ______
A) its
B) it
A) him C) it’s
B) it D) hers
C) its E) them
D) them
E) us 53. Choose the correct variant.
She took out ______ purse and gave it to me.
46. Choose the correct variant.
The little girl fell down, hurt ______, and began to cry. A) she
B) it
A) her
C) mine
B) hers
D) hers
C) he
E) her
D) herself
E) she
54. Choose the correct variant.
47. Choose the correct variant.
A friend of ______ gave me that toy.
- Do these books belong to your sons?
- Yes, these books are ______. A) my
B) him
A) their
C) his
B) his
D) our
C) theirs
E) their
D) them
E) they
55. Choose the correct variant.
48. Choose the correct variant. This is their car. That car is ______ too.
I checked the answers. Two of ______ were wrong.
A) my
A) it B) our
B) its C) her
C) them D) your
D) they E) theirs
E) their

49. Choose the correct variant. 56. Choose the correct variant.
My parents are coming. I'll open the door for ______. May I introduce to you one of ______ colleagues?
A) they A) my
B) them B) mine
C) him C) ours
D) her D) this
E) us E) each

57. Choose the correct variant. 64. Choose the correct variant.
Has anyone here lost ______ books? He’s been waiting ______ three weeks.

A) this A) this
B) that B) that
C) every C) a
D) his D) same
E) hers E) these

65. Choose the correct variant.

58. Choose the correct variant.
Can you drive ______ to work?
I’ll try ______ best, I promise.
A) herself
A) mine
B) her
B) ours
C) hers
C) hers
D) she
D) my
E) their
E) these
66. Choose the correct variant.
59. Choose the correct variant. This cat is ______.
Each country has ______ own customs.
A) my
A) it B) her
B) theirs C) she
C) this D) hers
D) something E) him
E) its
67. Choose the correct variant.
I heard that ______ won the lottery.
60. Choose the correct variant.
Lend me ______ pen, I’ve lost ______. A) them
B) her
A) your, my
C) hers
B) yours, mine
D) him
C) your, mine
E) he
D) his, her
E) these, mine 68. Choose the correct sentence.
1. Its cold outside.
2. I liked its colour.
61. Choose the correct variant.
3. It’s getting dark.
What is ______?
4. What’s it’s name?
A) this
A) 2,3 B) 1,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3
B) those
C) these 69. Choose the correct sentence.
D) any 1. The tea is cold. Don’t drink its.
E) same 2. The porridge is hot. Don’t eat it.
3. It’s a poem. It’s author is S. Vurgun.
62. Choose the correct variant. 4. Tell me its name.
______ is his book, isn’t it? A) 2,3 B) 1,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3
A) These 70. Choose the correct sentence.
B) That 1. There is a bedroom in it.
C) Those 2. Eat it. It’s very tasty.
D) So 3. Its autumn. It’s getting colder.
E) Same 4. Put it’s on the table.

A) 2,3 B) 1,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,2

63. Choose the correct variant.
I’ll take ______ books. 71. Choose the correct sentence.
1. Take it’s and go out.
A) so 2. It’s very nice.
B) a 3. He needs it.
C) those 4. I want it’s.
D) this
E) that A) 2,3 B) 1,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3

72. Choose the correct sentence. 79. Choose the correct variant.
1. Take the magazines and give them to me. Helen asked her nephew to bring his camera.
2. Have you heard the news? They were bad.
A) It / hers / it
3. This sheep are black.
B) She / him / them
4. Do you like those flowers?
C) She / him / it
A) 2,3 B) 1,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3 D) She / her / it
E) He / his / its
73. Choose the correct sentence.
80. Choose the correct variant.
1. Its raining. Take your umbrella.
Jane’s niece cut the paper with these scissors.
2. Do you love yours aunt?
3. You’re teachers. A) She / it / them
4. You’re a teacher. B) They / them / them
C) He / its / them
A) 2,3 B) 1,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3
D) She / it / their
E) He / it / it
74. Choose the correct sentence.
1. My brother likes these shoes. 81. Choose the correct variant.
2. My brother likes this pair of shoes. The police have arrested two men.
3. My brother likes these pair of shoes.
A) It / him
4. This pair of shoes are very lovely.
B) He / them
A) 2,3 B) 1,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,2 C) They / them
D) She / him
E) it / it
75. Choose the correct variant.
Tom’s house is as big as David’s.
82. Choose the correct variant.
A) It / hers Do you ever talk to ______?
B) He / his
A) myself
C) They / theirs
B) itself
D) She / his
C) herself
E) it / his
D) yourself
E) themselves
76. Choose the correct variant.
The Wilsons invited their relatives to the wedding 83. Choose the correct variant.
party. Boys, this task is not difficult. Try to do it ______.
A) He / them A) itself
B) They / they B) himself
C) They / them C) themselves
D) She / them D) yourself
E) They / him E) yourselves

84. Choose the correct variant.

77. Choose the correct variant.
My mother and ______ want to buy a small house in
Your shirt was made in Mexico and your shoes in
the suburbs.
A) I
A) It / they
B) our
B) They / it
C) mine
C) It / them
D) myself
D) He / She
E) their
E) Its / They

85. Choose the correct variant.

78. Choose the correct sentence. This bicycle is yours, not his. Father gave it ______.
1. Whose book is those?
A) his
2. Our school is new, but yours is old.
B) himself
3. That milk is fresh. You can drink it.
C) your
4. Is that garden over there their?
D) yourself
A) 2,3 B) 1,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3 E) me

86. Choose the correct variant. 93. Choose the correct variant.
Their plan is quite good. I don't understand why you Did you see the manager ______?
don't like ______.
A) myself
A) its B) yourself
B) him C) themselves
C) it D) ourselves
D) them E) himself
E) us
94. Choose the correct variant.
87. Choose the correct variant. I often walk by ______.
The bird fluttered ______ wings and flew off.
A) myself
A) her B) yourself
B) his C) themselves
C) it’s D) ourselves
D) its E) himself
E) their
95. Choose the correct variant.
88. Choose the correct variant. The student did his homework ______.
Maria and John spent the evening by ______.
A) myself
A) herself B) yourself
B) itself C) themselves
C) myself D) itself
D) ourselves E) himself
E) themselves
96. Choose the correct variant.
89. Choose the correct variant. The house ______ is not worth much.
What will you do with _____ this morning?
A) myself
A) myself B) yourself
B) yourself C) itself
C) themselves D) ourselves
D) ourselves E) himself
E) himself
97. Choose the correct variant.
90. Choose the correct variant.
He has the habit of talking to _____.
They were whispering among ______.
A) myself
A) myself
B) yourself
B) yourself
C) themselves
C) themselves
D) ourselves
D) ourselves
E) himself
E) himself

91. Choose the correct variant. 98. Choose the correct variant.
We should seldom speak of ______. He cut _____.

A) myself A) myself
B) yourself B) yourself
C) themselves C) themselves
D) ourselves D) ourselves
E) himself E) himself

92. Choose the correct variant. 99. Choose the correct variant.
I drive the car ______. She told me the news _____.

A) myself A) myself
B) yourself B) herself
C) themselves C) themselves
D) ourselves D) ourselves
E) himself E) himself

100. Choose the correct variant. 107. Choose the correct variant.
The machine works by ______. Make _____ at home!

A) myself A) myself
B) itself B) yourself
C) themselves C) themselves
D) ourselves D) ourselves
E) himself E) himself

101. Choose the correct variant. 108. Choose the correct variant.
He examined ______ in the mirror. He ______ conducted the interview.

A) myself A) myself
B) yourself B) yourself
C) themselves C) themselves
D) ourselves D) ourselves
E) himself E) himself

102. Choose the correct variant. 109. Choose the correct variant.
They are making fools of ______. She said that she wanted to do it ______.

A) myself A) himself
B) yourself B) herself
C) themselves C) hers
D) ourselves D) she
E) himself E) myself

103. Choose the correct variant. 110. Choose the correct variant.
She stretched ______ out on the sofa. Do you think ______ is older than me?

A) myself A) herself
B) yourself B) her
C) themselves C) hers
D) ourselves D) she
E) herself E) us

111. Choose the correct variant.

104. Choose the correct variant.
I have to do it ______.
Behave ______!
A) himself
A) myself
B) yourself
B) yourselves
C) themselves
C) themselves
D) myself
D) ourselves
E) itself
E) himself

112. Choose the correct variant.

105. Choose the correct variant.
Why didn’t the teacher do it ______?
She lives by ______.
1. himself
A) herself
2. yourself
B) yourself
3. ourselves
C) themselves
4. herself
D) ourselves
E) himself A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 2,4 E) 1,4

106. Choose the correct variant. 113. Choose the correct variant.
Help ______ to coffee. He and I saw ______ in the mirror.

A) myself A) myself
B) your B) himself
C) yourselves C) ourselves
D) ourselves D) herself
E) himself E) yourselves

114. Choose the correct variant. 121. Choose the correct variant.
Let’s do this ______. Before you marry her, I must tell you ______ about
her parents.
A) themselves
B) yourselves A) anything
C) himself B) nothing
D) ourselves C) something
E) myself D) anyone
E) someone
115. Choose the correct variant.
Mary, send the letter ______. 122. Choose the correct variant.
Don't trust ______.
A) herself
B) yourself A) no one
C) yourselves B) nobody
D) himself C) none
E) itself D) anyone
E) someone
116. Choose the correct variant.
Are you going to the mall by______? 123. Choose the correct variant.
It's up to her so ______ should tell her what to do.
1. ourselves
2. themselves A) somebody
3. yourselves B) nowhere
4. yourself C) nobody
D) anybody
A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,3
E) no
117. Choose the correct variant.
124. Choose the correct variant.
Let’s cook dinner ______.
Don't worry, ______ will be OK.
A) himself
A) anything
B) ourselves
B) something
C) themselves
C) everything
D) yourselves
D) nothing
E) myself
E) nobody
118. Choose the correct variant.
125. Choose the correct variant.
We learn not only new words ______ but also ______
______ wanted to talk to you when you were in the
usage in the sentences.
supermarket. He left his number.
A) ourselves / their
A) Nobody
B) themselves / theirs
B) Anybody
C) himself / its
C) Any
D) ourselves / its
D) Nothing
E) themselves / their
E) Somebody
119. Choose the correct variant.
126. Choose the correct variant.
You don’t respect ______.
Is ______ going to the theatre with me?
1. himself
A) any
2. yourself
B) anybody
3. themselves
C) somebody
4. yourselves
D) nobody
A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,4 E) some

120. Choose the correct variant. 127. Choose the correct variant.
We liked not only the actress ______ but also ______ I didn't feel good at the concert, because there was
performance. ______ I knew.
A) herself / her A) anybody
B) himself / his B) no one
C) herself / his C) some
D) ourselves / her D) someone
E) herself / its E) no

128. Choose the correct variant. 135. Choose the correct variant.
Would you like me to do ______ for you? The holidays were great. We could do ______ we
A) some
B) something A) any
C) any B) something
D) anything C) no
E) nothing D) nothing
E) everything
129. Choose the correct variant.
Paul lives ______ in Canada. 136. Choose the correct variant.
I didn't see ______ interesting at the party yesterday.
A) somewhere
B) anywhere A) something
C) some B) nothing
D) nobody C) anything
E) nowhere D) someone
E) no
130. Choose the correct variant.
There is ______ to go in winter in this city. 137. Choose the correct variant.
______ there ______ here who ______ the answer?
A) nowhere
B) nothing A) Is / someone / knows
C) anywhere B) Are / anyone / know
D) some C) Were / anyone / knew
E) any D) Is / anyone / knows
E) Will / no one / knew
131. Choose the correct variant.
138. Choose the correct variant.
I can't see Kate ______. Do you know where she is?
I'm very upset because ______ can help me with my
A) anywhere problem.
B) something
A) no one
C) nowhere
B) anyone
D) somewhere
C) something
E) some
D) somebody
E) nothing
132. Choose the correct variant.
______ was surprised when he confessed his love. We 139. Choose the correct variant.
didn't expect it. Would you like ______ tea?
A) Every A) anybody
B) Someone B) any
C) Some C) everything
D) Nobody D) some
E) Everyone E) someone

133. Choose the correct variant. 140. Choose the correct variant.
He's not a liar. I'm sure ______ he said was true. We don’t have ______ to drink at the moment.
A) something A) nothing
B) everything B) anything
C) nothing C) no
D) anything D) any
E) nowhere E) some

134. Choose the correct variant. 141. Choose the correct variant.
We had known all the facts he said. We found out This is the teacher ______ told me my son has been
______ new. misbehaving in class.
A) each A) which
B) anything B) whose
C) something C) whom
D) nothing D) who
E) no E) where

142. Choose the correct variant. 149. Choose the correct variant.
My husband, ______ I love, sent me flowers at work That young man, to ______ we owe many thanks,
last night. saved our mom's life after the car accident.

A) where A) which
B) whom B) whom
C) which C) who
D) whose D) whose
E) what E) where

143. Choose the correct variant.

150. Choose the correct variant.
This is the girl ______ car hit that tree last week.
The man ______ we met in the street is my uncle.
A) why
1. whom 2. which
B) which
3. whose 4. who 5. that
C) whose
D) whom A) 1,4,5 B) 2,4 C) 2,5 D) 3,4,5 E) 1,4
E) who
151. Choose the correct variant.
144. Choose the correct variant.
The cafe ______ she usually has breakfast is around
Those were the boxes ______ were sent to you last
the corner.
month but never made it here.
A) whom
A) which
B) where
B) who
C) what
C) whose
D) whose
D) whom
E) that
E) where

145. Choose the correct variant. 152. Choose the correct variant.
______ is going to take the dog for a walk? The girl ______ wrote this poem is still in high school.

A) which A) whom
B) whose B) where
C) whom C) which
D) who D) whom
E) where E) who

146. Choose the correct variant.

153. Choose the correct variant.
I asked you ______ of these shoes you think would go
The girl ______ poem I read is still in high school.
with my outfit.
A) whom
A) whose
B) where
B) who
C) whose
C) whom
D) who
D) where
E) whose
E) which

147. Choose the correct variant. 154. Choose the correct variant.
______ house is this, anyway? Are we allowed to stay The neighborhood ______ we live is safe.
here? A) in where
A) who B) when
B) whom C) in which
C) where D) whom
D) which E) who
E) whose
155. Choose the correct variant.
148. Choose the correct variant. The people ______ we saw yesterday are my
I have friends ______ love me so much. neighbours.
A) who A) when
B) whom B) where
C) which C) whose
D) whose D) ---
E) where E) what

156. Choose the correct variant. 163. Choose the correct variant.
The boy ______ bike was stolen is crying. There is ______ at the door.

A) whom A) anywhere
B) where B) someone
C) whose C) somewhere
D) who D) anything
E) which E) anyone

157. Choose the correct variant.

164. Choose the correct variant.
The people ______ live across the street are from
I’ve heard ______ bad about Peter. Is he ill?
A) something
A) that
B) someone
B) whose
C) somewhere
C) ---
D) anything
D) when
E) anyone
E) what

158. Choose the correct variant. 165. Choose the correct variant.
The hotel ______ we stayed was very noisy. Do you live ______ here?

A) in where A) some
B) where B) someone
C) whose C) anywhere
D) who D) anything
E) which E) anyone

159. Choose the correct variant. 166. Choose the correct variant.
The man ______ wallet was stolen was very upset. ______ wants to see you.

A) what A) Nothing
B) which B) Somewhere
C) whose C) Some
D) whom D) Any
E) who E) Someone

160. Choose the correct variant.

167. Choose the correct variant.
______ book will you buy?
Has ______ seen my bag?
A) Where
A) anywhere
B) Which
B) any
C) ---
C) anyone
D) Whom
D) anything
E) Who
E) someone

161. Choose the correct variant.

The old woman lived alone, with ______ to look after 168. Choose the correct variant.
______. My teacher asked me ______.

A) someone / her A) anything

B) anyone / herself B) neither
C) everyone / she C) every
D) no one / her D) either
E) anyone / him E) something

162. Choose the correct variant.

169. Choose the correct variant.
I’ve got ______ in my eye.
Can I have ______ to drink?
A) something
A) something
B) someone
B) everybody
C) somewhere
C) any
D) anything
D) anything
E) anyone
E) no

170. Choose the correct variant. 177. Choose the correct variant.
Don’t worry. ______ can tell you where the post-office - ______ pen did he give you?
in this town is. - The blue one.

A) Nobody A) Who
B) Something B) Whom
C) Everywhere C) That
D) Anyone D) Which
E) Everything E) Whose

171. Choose the correct variant. 178. Choose the correct variant.
I don’t know ______ about it. I couldn't decide ______ camera was right for me.

A) any A) where
B) anything B) who
C) anyone C) which
D) something D) what
E) nothing E) whom

172. Choose the correct variant. 179. Choose the correct variant.
There is ______ in the compartment. ______ turn is it to wash the dishes?

1. somewhere A) Which
2. somebody B) Whose
3. nobody C) What
4. anything D) Whom
5. somebody else E) Where

A) 1,2 B) 2,3,4 C) 1,5 D) 3,5 E) 2,3,5 180. Choose the correct variant.
I can't decide ______ the best candidate is.
173. Choose the correct variant.
The man ______ house we stayed in is my uncle. A) that
B) who
A) which
C) what
B) who
D) whom
C) where
E) whose
D) whom
E) whose 181. Choose the correct variant.
His last book, ______ I didn't read, was very
174. Choose the correct variant.
At first, I couldn't tell ______ he was, but then I
recognized him. A) which
B) who
A) whom
C) whom
B) which
D) why
C) who
E) whose
D) that
E) where
182. Choose the correct variant.
175. Choose the correct variant. I don't know ______ song that is, but it's not theirs.
The guy ______ sold me my car is a crook.
A) whom
A) whom B) where
B) who C) that
C) which D) whose
D) whose E) who
E) where
183. Choose the correct variant.
176. Choose the correct variant. My friend John, ______ doesn't speak French, had
______ car is parked beside that fire hydrant? trouble communicating in France.

A) Who's A) which
B) When B) what
C) Whose C) who
D) What D) whose
E) Whom E) whom

184. Choose the correct variant. 191. Choose the correct variant.
______ responsible for this decision? This is the place ______ the accident happened.

A) Who A) where
B) Where B) what
C) Whom C) who
D) Who’s D) which
E) What E) in where

185. Choose the correct variant. 192. Choose the correct variant.
______ fault is that? It's the city in ______ the worst housing problems in
the country exist.
A) Who's
B) Whose A) whose
C) That B) which
D) Whom C) where
E) How D) what
E) whom
186. Choose the correct variant.
I can't remember ______ told me that. 193. Choose the correct variant.
That man ______ next door works in the post office.
A) who
B) what A) who live
C) which B) which lives
D) where C) that live
E) whose D) who lives
E) whom lives
187. Choose the correct variant.
I can't figure out ______ I should blame for this. 194. Choose the correct variant.
Sam ______ Medicine works in the hospital.
A) who
B) whose A) that daughter studies
C) what B) which daughter studies
D) whom C) whose daughter studies
E) where D) who daughter studies
E) whose daughter study
188. Choose the correct variant.
The building ______ the fire started in is a complete 195. Choose the correct variant.
ruin. I love the dress ______ last week.

A) what A) that you bought

B) that B) which you buys
C) where C) whom you bought
D) in which D) which you buy
E) who E) which were bought

189. Choose the correct variant.

196. Choose the correct variant.
Is this the place ___ we're supposed to meet them?
That’s the man ______ at the pub.
A) in where
1. which I met
B) by which
2. I met
C) that
3. who I met
D) whom
4. whose I met
E) in which
A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 2,4 E) 1,4
190. Choose the correct variant.
Do you know the cafe _____ I saw them?
197. Choose the correct sentences.
A) what 1. Did you take the chair which was in the room?
B) where 2. Give me the book who is on the table.
C) which 3. The girl who is standing there is Fiona.
D) that 4. That's the dog who barks all the time.
E) whom
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 1,3

198. Choose the correct sentences. 205. Choose the correct variant.
1. A baker is a person which makes bread. The town in ______ he was born is a few miles away.
2. Who is knocking at the door?
A) why
3. I prefer to buy the car which is cheaper.
B) where
4. I know the man whose told you to do it.
C) who
A) 1,2 B) 1,4 C) 2,3 D) 2,4 E) 3,4 D) which
E) where
199. Choose the correct sentences.
206. Choose the correct variant.
1. The postman which works in here is very old.
The school ______ I was educated closed down a
2. The egg which is in the nest is brown.
couple of years ago.
3. Where is the bed who was in the attic?
4. The bottles that are lying on the floor are green. A) whose
B) that
A) 1,4 B) 1,3 C) 2,4 D) 2,3 E) 3,4
C) where
D) which
200. Choose the correct sentences. E) whom
1. This is the man who works at the station.
207. Choose the correct variant.
2. The tree who grows in the garden is an apple tree.
This is the house ______ I grew up in.
3. The man which goes jogging every Friday is my
neighbour. A) whom
4. The elephants which live in Africa have big ears. B) what
C) whose
A) 1,2 B) 1,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,4 E) 3,4
D) where
E) that
201. Choose the correct variant.
208. Choose the correct variant.
Give me the plate ______ is on the table, please.
The person ______ rang the doorbell was wearing a
A) of which red coat.
B) which
A) who
C) where
B) which
D) what
C) whose
E) whom
D) whom
E) where
202. Choose the correct variant.
______ will you ask to help you with all this work? 209. Choose the correct variant.
The patient ______ husband was complaining was
A) That very pale.
B) In which
C) What A) whom
D) Whom B) whose
E) Which C) where
D) that
E) who
203. Choose the correct variant.
Put it back in the drawer ______ you took it from 210. Choose the correct variant.
when you've finished. She pointed to a black car ______ was parked next to
A) where
B) which A) who
C) in where B) that
D) what C) where
E) Why D) whom
E) whose

204. Choose the correct variant. 211. Choose the correct variant.
That's the house ______ I grew up. Tell me ______ you are looking for and I'll help you.

A) which A) where
B) in what B) who
C) where C) whose
D) that D) that
E) in where E) why

212. Choose the correct variant. 219. Choose the correct variant.
Over there is the park ______ the picnic was We have interviewed with twenty candidates for the
organized last year. vacant position, but ______ of them was actually
appropriate for it.
A) which
B) that A) most
C) where B) neither
D) whose C) much
E) who D) none
E) no
213. Choose the correct variant.
There are several coats here. ______ one is yours?
220. Choose the correct variant.
A) Who
Oakland is about to go bilingual, with two official
B) Which
languages, but ______ of them is English.
C) Whose
D) Where A) both
E) That B) none
C) neither
214. Choose the correct variant.
D) either
______ umbrella is this? Mine is blue.
E) no
A) Who
B) Whom
221. Choose the correct variant.
C) Whose
On some computers there are keys which can have as
D) Which
many as five different functions ______.
E) Why
A) either
215. Choose the correct variant.
B) each
You say you called yesterday. To ______ did you
C) none
D) every
A) what E) both
B) whom
C) whose
222. Choose the correct variant.
D) which
______ argument could move ______ man from this
E) whom
216. Choose the correct variant.
A) No / either
We're going to meet at the hotel ______ the
B) Every / both
conference is being held.
C) No / neither
A) that D) Each / all
B) where E) Each / both
C) which
D) who 223. Choose the correct variant.
E) whose
______ Peter ______ Michael come here quite often
217. Choose the correct variant. but ______ of them gives us help.
I need to know the number of people ______ are
going to attend. A) Both / and / either
B) Neither / nor / both
A) that C) Both / and / neither
B) whom D) Either / or / all
C) whose E) Both / or / any
D) which
E) what
224. Choose the correct variant.
218. Choose the correct variant. The Blues won the football match, but ______ players
He gave ______ of us advice about our present goals. played well; In fact they ______ played quite badly.
A) every A) each / each
B) each B) neither of / both
C) the whole C) all / all
D) much D) neither of the / all
E) no E) none of the / all

225. Choose the correct variant. 231. Choose the correct variant.
There were ______ people on the beach, so we Very ______ people fly just because of terrorist
weren't completely alone. activities.

A) a few A) a few
B) fewer B) little
C) fewest C) much
D) very little D) many
E) only a little E) few

232. Choose the correct variant.

226. Choose the correct variant. Johny is a keen player but unfortunately he has
The two brothers got up at 8:30 that day. ______ of ______ ability.
them were tired, because ______ of them had slept
A) few
B) none
A) Both / neither C) many
B) Neither / neither D) some
C) Either / none E) little
D) None / either
233. Choose the correct variant.
E) All / both
______ of the children is ill today.

A) One
227. Choose the correct variant.
B) Every
Everyone should have a check up with the dentist
C) Fewer
______ six months.
D) Many
A) another E) Some
B) each
234. Choose the correct variant.
C) every
My house is on ______ side of the street.
D) all
E) the whole A) another
B) others
C) the other
228. Choose the correct variant. D) the others
______ his friends speaks any English. E) other
A) Both of 235. Choose the correct variant.
B) Some There are twenty photos in the album; six of them are
C) All mine and ______ are Pat’s.
D) Many
A) another
E) Neither of
B) others
C) the others
229. Choose the correct variant. D) other
If global warming causes the ocean level to rise, E) that
______ world will suffer.
236. Choose the correct variant.
A) all I found only one photo in the album. Where are ____?
B) every
C) most of A) that
D) each of B) another
E) the whole C) others
D) the others
E) this
230. Choose the correct variant.
______ who is acquainted with Paul knows that they 237. Choose the correct variant.
can always rely on ______. Fanny lives on ______ side of the street.

A) Everyone / her A) another

B) Someone / his B) others
C) Everyone / him C) the other
D) Nobody / hers D) the others
E) Anybody / he E) some

238. Choose the correct variant. 245. Choose the correct variant.
- Which of the two books will you recommend me to Do you live ______ near Mandy?
A) somewhere
– Neither. One of them is dull and ______ is very dull.
B) anywhere
A) another C) anything
B) others D) nowhere
C) the other E) anybody
D) the others
E) a few 246. Choose the correct variant.
______ wants to see you.
239. Choose the correct variant.
There is only one slipper under the bed. Where is A) All
______? B) Everybody
C) Both
A) another
D) None
B) others
E) Every
C) both
D) the others
247. Choose the correct variant.
E) the other
Has ______ seen my bag?
240. Choose the correct variant.
A) somebody
Some people go to bed early, ______ go to bed late.
B) nothing
A) another C) you
B) others D) anybody
C) the other E) both
D) the others
E) one 248. Choose the correct variant.
My teacher asked me ______. He was busy.
241. Choose the correct variant.
This is not a very good camera. Will you show me A) something
______ one? B) anything
C) everything
A) another
D) some
B) others
E) nothing
C) the other
D) the others
249. Choose the correct variant.
E) many
Can I have ______ to drink?
242. Choose the correct variant.
A) nothing
I've got ______ in my eye.
B) anything
A) something C) something
B) anyone D) no one
C) somewhere E) any
D) anything
E) no 250. Choose the correct variant.
Don't worry. ______ can tell you where the post-office
243. Choose the correct variant.
in this town is.
There isn’t ______ at the door.
A) Nobody
A) something
B) Everyone
B) nothing
C) Something
C) someone
D) No one
D) anybody
E) Every
E) no one

244. Choose the correct variant. 251. Choose the correct variant.
We haven't heard ______ about Peter. Is he ill? I don't know ______ about computers.
A) anybody A) any
B) something B) nothing
C) anything C) something
D) nothing D) anything
E) some E) some

252. Choose the correct variant. 259. Choose the correct variant.
They have two brothers, but I don't know ______ of ______ of them has come back yet.
A) Either
A) either B) Each
B) none C) Neither
C) no D) Most
D) every E) Half
E) neither
260. Choose the correct variant.
253. Choose the correct variant. - Can you talk to me?
They are both very good, so ______ of them can win - Sorry, I have ______ time.
the tournament.
A) either
A) either B) none
B) both C) no
C) no D) every
D) every E) neither
E) neither
261. Choose the correct variant.
254. Choose the correct variant. - How many books have you bought?
You can park your car on ______ side of the road. - ______.

A) both A) either
B) none B) none
C) no C) no
D) every D) every
E) either E) neither

255. Choose the correct variant.

262. Choose the correct variant.
They are all very clever, but ______ of them is clever
Mandy is here. Where are ______?
enough to find the solution.
A) another
A) either
B) others
B) none
C) the other
C) no
D) the others
D) every
E) much
E) neither

256. Choose the correct variant. 263. Choose the correct variant.
I am afraid that ______ doctor can save him now. Where are ______ textbooks I have given you?

A) either A) another
B) none B) others
C) many C) the other
D) a few D) the others
E) neither E) this

257. Choose the correct variant. 264. Choose the correct variant.
______ of his friends was able to help him. ______ knows anything about his background.

A) Much A) Somebody
B) no B) Anybody
C) A little C) Nobody
D) A few D) Something
E) Neither E) Nothing

258. Choose the correct variant. 265. Choose the correct variant.
______ of his two brothers could help him. I don’t know ______ about car engines.

A) All A) something
B) None B) some
C) No C) nothing
D) Every D) anything
E) Both E) any

266. Choose the correct variant. 272. Choose the correct variant.
- Is there ______ in the corner of the room? That's the girl ______ won the race.
- No, I can see nothing there.
1. whose
A) something 2. which
B) anything 3. that
C) nothing 4. who
D) somebody
A) 1,3 B) 1,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 3,4
E) both

273. Choose the correct variant.

267. Choose the correct variant. The students ______ do well on the exam will be
Matilda has sent me two letters neither of ______ has allowed to leave early.
1. who
A) who 2. that
B) which 3. which
C) what 4. where
D) whom
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 1,4
E) whose

274. Choose the correct variant.

268. Choose the correct variant. We saw the cat ______ lives in the house next door.
The Alisons have got three cars, two of ______ they
1. which
have never used.
2. that
A) who 3. who
B) whose 4. ---
C) what
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 1,4
D) whom
E) which
275. Choose the correct variant.
The airport ______ is being built will be the largest in
269. Choose the correct variant.
the country.
My cousin Jake has got a lot of books, most of ______
he hasn’t read yet. 1. which
2. who
A) who
3. that
B) what
4. where
C) which
D) whom A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 1,4
E) whose

276. Choose the correct variant.

270. Choose the correct variant. The woman ______ sang that song is very beautiful.
That's the man ______ stole my purse!
1. which
1. which 2. that
2. who 3. who
3. whom 4. ---
4. that
A) 1,3 B) 2,3 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 1,4
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 1,4

277. Choose the correct variant.

271. Choose the correct variant. People ______ use this site will learn English very
That's the jacket ______ I want to buy. quickly.

1. who 1. which
2. which 2. that
3. that 3. what
4. whose 4. who

A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,4 A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 1,4

278. Choose the correct variant. 285. Choose the correct variant.
The computer ______ I want to buy costs $1,000. Those jeans ______ are really expensive.

1. which 1. which you want to buy

2. that 2. what you want to buy
3. who 3. that you want to buy
4. --- 4. you want to buy
5. whose you want to buy
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,3,4 D) 1,2,4 E) 1,4
A) 1,5 B) 1,3,4 C) 2,4,5 D) 2,3 E) 1,2,5
279. Choose the correct variant.
The dinner ______ your mother prepared was
286. Choose the correct variant.
Lewis ______ tennis professionally, is an excellent
1. which player.
2. that
A) who plays
3. who
B) which plays
4. whose
C) whose plays
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 1,4 D) what plays
E) who play
280. Choose the correct sentence.
1. Would you like some coffee?
287. Choose the correct variant.
2. Only few people know about it.
That girl ______ the red handbag is new at school.
3. Only a little books here are interesting.
4. Could I borrow some dollars from you? A) whose is carrying
B) who are carrying
A) 2,3 B) 1,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3
C) who carry
D) who is carrying
281. Choose the correct sentence.
E) what she is carrying
1. There is very little water in the bucket.
2. There are very few people in the shop.
3. Write the letter and send them at once.
288. Choose the correct variant.
4. There is a box on the table. Give its to Mr Smith.
These three books ______ us to read, are really
A) 2,3 B) 1,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,2 interesting.

A) which the teacher recommended

282. Choose the correct variant. B) what the teacher recommended
The boy ______ felt really happy about it. C) whom the teacher recommended
D) which the teacher recommend
A) whose won the prize
E) whose the teacher recommended
B) what he won the prize
C) which won the prize
D) who have won the prize
289. Choose the correct variant.
D) who won the prize
Have you seen the new advertisement ______ on TV
last night?
283. Choose the correct variant.
1. which was shown
The student ______ the teacher is sitting there.
2. which were shown
A) whose parents are talking 3. that was shown
B) who parents are talking to 4. whom was shown
C) whose parents are talking to 5. what was shown
D) which parents are talking to
A) 1,2 B) 1,3 C) 2,4 D) 3,4 E) 2,3
E) what parents are talking to

284. Choose the correct variant. 290. Choose the correct variant.
David ______ is a careless driver. Did you like the film ______ yesterday?

A) whom owns a very fast car A) whom we saw

B) who own a very fast car B) which we saw
C) which owns a very fast car C) what we saw
D) who owns a very fast car D) whose we saw
E) what he owns a very fast car E) who we saw

291. Choose the correct variant. 297. Choose the correct variant.
We enjoyed everything ______ on our holiday. This dress is made of silk ______ a very expensive
and delicate material.
1. what we saw
2. which we saw 1. who is
3. that we saw 2. which is
4. we saw 3. that are
4. whose was
A) 1,2 B) 1,3 C) 2,4 D) 3,4 E) 2,3
5. that is

A) 2,5 B) 1,3 C) 2,4 D) 3,4 E) 2,3

292. Choose the correct variant.
We enjoyed ______ on our holiday. 298. Choose the correct variant.
Smithsfield is a small village ______ people live a
1. what we saw
quiet life.
2. which we saw
3. nothing we saw 1. who
4. we saw 2. in which
3. ---
A) 1,2 B) 1,3 C) 2,4 D) 3,4 E) 2,3
4. that
5. where
293. Choose the correct variant.
A) 2,5 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 4,5 E) 3,4
The security guard ______ that night didn't see
anything. 299. Choose the correct variant.
______ of newspaper is it?
1. which was working
2. whom was working A) What kind
3. who was working B) Which
4. that was working C) What
D) Who
5. who were working
E) How many
A) 1,2 B) 1,3 C) 2,4 D) 3,4 E) 2,3 300. Choose the correct variant.
______ is she like?

294. Choose the correct variant. A) What

B) Which
We arrived at a nice beach, ______ we could swim and
C) When
lie on the sun.
D) Why
A) what E) Where
B) who 301. Choose the correct variant.
C) which John and Mary looked at ______.
D) that
A) each others
E) where
B) one another’s
C) each other
295. Choose the correct variant. D) one other
The patient ______ was taken to hospital E) each others’
302. Choose the correct variant.
A) who had a serious disease
Peter and Susan have met ______.
B) which had a serious disease
C) that have a serious disease A) each others
D) who have a serious disease B) one another’s
E) where had a serious disease C) each other
D) one other
E) each others’
296. Choose the correct variant.
______ is the name of the prison ______ Nelson 303. Choose the correct variant.
Mandela stayed? Bill, Mary and Joanna gave ______ a book.
A) Who / who A) each others
B) What / which B) one another’s
C) Who / that C) each other
D) Which / that D) one another
E) What / where E) each others’

304. Choose the correct variant. 311. Choose the correct variant.
Three children were talking to ______. Peter and Jane take turns to help ______ to carry the
heavy grocery bag.
A) each others
B) one another’s A) each others
C) each other B) one another’s
D) one another C) each other
E) each others’ D) one other
E) each other’s
305. Choose the correct variant.
My uncle and I talk to ______ every day. 312. Choose the correct variant.
Selina and Jack have known ______ since primary
A) each others
B) one another’s
C) each other A) each others
D) one other B) one another’s
E) each others’ C) each other
D) one other
306. Choose the correct variant.
E) each others’
She and her brother stopped talking and looked at
______. 313. Choose the correct variant.
My aunt and mother respect ______ greatly.
A) each others
B) one another’s A) each others
C) each other B) one another’s
D) one another C) each other
E) each other’s D) one other
E) each others’
307. Choose the correct variant.
John and his mother bought ______ presents for
314. Choose the correct variant.
They sat for hours looking into ______ eyes.
A) each others
A) each others
B) one another’s
B) one another’s
C) each other
C) each other
D) one other
D) one other
E) each other’s
E) each others’
308. Choose the correct variant.
I think that all people should love ______. 315. Choose the correct variant.
They talk to ______ a lot.
A) each others
B) one another A) each others
C) each other B) one another’s
D) one other C) each other
E) each others’ D) one other
E) each others’
309. Choose the correct variant.
Both of them love ______ very much. 316. Choose the correct variant.
We often use _____ cars when going on an excursion.
A) each others
B) one another A) each others
C) each other B) one another’s
D) one other C) each other
E) each others’ D) one other
E) each others’
310. Choose the correct variant.
The teacher told his students to cooperate with 317. Choose the correct variant.
______ when doing the project. The friends introduced ______ fathers to ______.

A) each others A) each other / each other

B) one another’s B) one another’s / each other
C) each other’s C) one another / one another
D) one another D) one other / others
E) each others’ E) each other’s / each other

318. Choose the correct variant. 325. Choose the correct variant.
We always take part at ______ birthday parties. Who ______ wants to translate the text?

A) each others A) other

B) one another’s B) else
C) each other C) another
D) one other D) the other
E) each others’ E) others

326. Choose the correct variant.

319. Choose the correct variant.
The supermarket is on ______ side of the street.
My brother and I seldom wear ______ shirts.
A) others
A) each others
B) the others
B) one another’s
C) other
C) each other’s
D) another
D) one other
E) the other
E) each others’
327. Choose the correct variant.
320. Choose the correct variant. There were three books on my table. One is here.
If we are friends, we should keep ______ secrets. Where are ______?
A) each others A) others
B) one another’s B) the others
C) each other C) the other
D) one other D) another
E) each others’ E) others

328. Choose the correct variant.

321. Choose the correct variant.
Some of the speakers went straight to the conference
There's no ______ way to do it.
room. ______ speakers are still hanging around.
A) other
A) The other
B) the other
B) The others
C) another
C) Another
D) others
D) Others
E) the others
E) Other
322. Choose the correct variant.
329. Choose the correct variant.
Some people like to rest in their free time. ______ like
Please, give me ______ chance.
to travel.
A) other
A) Other
B) the other
B) Another
C) another
C) The others
D) else
D) Others
E) others
E) The other

330. Choose the correct variant.

323. Choose the correct variant.
What ______ programmes did you see?
This cake is delicious! Can I have ______ slice, please?
A) else
A) other
B) another
B) another
C) other
C) others
D) others
D) the other E) the other
E) else
331. Choose the correct variant.
324. Choose the correct variant. ______ book has 278 pages, but ______ has only
Where are ______ boys? 275.

A) the other A) Yours, mine

B) the others B) Your, my
C) others C) Yours, my
D) else D) Your, mine
E) another E) You, he

332. Choose the correct variant.

______ computer is a Mac, but ______ is a PC.
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) Your, mine
1. What are the news for today?
B) Yours, mine
2. There is no money in my bag.
C) Your, my
3. All sorts of furniture are sold in this shop.
D) Yours, my
4. All sorts of paper is used in this office.
E) Mine, he
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4
333. Choose the correct variant.
______ pencil is broken. Can I borrow ______? 2. Choose the correct variant.
1. One of them knows me.
A) Mine, yours
2. Two of the students has come late.
B) Your, mine
3. Most of the people likes football.
C) My, yours
4. Both of the men are wearing black suits.
D) Yours, mine
E) His / your A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4

334. Choose the correct variant. 3. Choose the correct variant.

This bird has broken ______ wing. 1. Neither of the boys are here.
2. All of the bread was eaten by the child.
A) it's
3. All of the teeth were examined by the dentist.
B) its'
4. Some people don’t think so.
C) hers
D) its A) 2,3,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4
E) their
4. Choose the correct variant.
335. Choose the correct variant. 1. Some butter is used to make this meal.
Was ______ grammar book expensive? 2. Some of them were from other countries.
3. Some of it have already been used.
A) your
4. Only a few of them speaks French.
B) yours
C) your's A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4
D) you
E) hers 5. Choose the correct variant.
1. A little of it has been used.
2. The number of the students are increasing.
3. A number of students are taking part here.
4. Half of the information have been sent.

A) 1,2 B) 1,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4

6. Choose the correct variant.

1. Half of the boys has been questioned.
2. None of the boys has come yet.
3. The rice from these countries is very tasty.
4. The leaves of the tree is still green.

A) 1,2 B) 1,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,3

7. Choose the correct variant.

1. The juice in these bottles are very tasty.
2. Each boy in the class has his computer.
3. Each of the boys in the class speak English.
4. Either of the boys is able to speak English.

A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4

8. Choose the correct variant.

1. Such clothes are not for me.
2. The glass was broken by a little boy.
3. These scissors doesn’t cut anything.
4. The glass of the windows are shining.

A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4


9. Choose the correct variant. 16. Choose the correct variant.

1. Your clothes are very dirty. Half of the books ______ novels.
2. Paper money are better than coins.
1. is
3. Children like chocolate very much.
2. are
4. Mother’s hands is very soft.
3. will be
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,4 4. were
5. was
10. Choose the correct variant.
A) 1,2 B) 1,3,4 C) 3,4,5 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,3,5
1. A box of matches are on the table.
2. A few jars of honey cost 10 manats. 17. Choose the correct variant.
3. The information in these papers are fresh. More than one student ______ late for the class this
4. Two sacks of flour are enough for a month. morning.

A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4 1. is

2. are
3. has been
11. Choose the correct variant. 4. was
1. News were shocking. 5. were
2. Physics and Phonetics are my favourites.
A) 2,3,4 B) 2,5 C) 1,3,4 D) 4,5 E) 1,3,4
3. Tom and I am a doctor.
4. These clothes are new. 18. Choose the correct variant.
Twenty years ______ since I left the school.
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 2,4 D) 1,4 E) 3,4
A) have passed
B) has passed
12. Choose the correct variant. C) had passed
1. This sort of flour is for rolls. D) passed
2. This news are very shocking. E) is passed
3. The tights doesn’t fit me.
19. Choose the correct variant.
4. The police are looking for the thieves.
One hundred years ______ a long time in human
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4 history.

A) isn’t
13. Choose the correct variant. B) aren’t
1. The police officer is standing at the car. C) weren’t
2. The policeman are interrogating the woman. D) will not
3. The police officers has already gone. E) haven’t been
4. The policemen have already come. 20. Choose the correct variant.
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4 A pair of broken glasses ______ on the desk.

A) are laying
B) are lying
14. Choose the correct variant. C) is laying
These chairs ______ made by that man over there. D) is lying
1. was E) were lying
2. are 21. Choose the correct variant.
3. were My sunglasses ______.
4. will be
5. has been A) is worn out
B) was worn out
A) 1,2 B) 2,3,4 C) 2,3,5 D) 1,5 E) 1,4,5 C) have been worn out
D) is wore out
E) has been wore out
15. Choose the correct variant.
His advice ______ bad. ______ never helped me. 22. Choose the correct variant.
1. What are the police looking for?
A) is, it has
2. What is the police looking for?
B) was, they have
3. What were the police looking for?
C) are, they have
4. What was the police looking for?
D) were, it has
E) is, it have A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,4

23. Choose the correct variant. 31. Choose the correct variant.
Ninety persent of the work ______. 1. There are a list of members on the table.
2. Everybody in the class have done the homework
A) have been done B) has been done
C) have done D) has done E) did
3. Neither the teacher nor the students seem to
24. Choose the correct variant. understand this assignment.
1. The cattle are eating grass at the foot of the hill. 4. Has either my father or my brothers made a
2. The United Nations were founded in 1945. payment?
3. The United Nations were found in 1945.
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,2
4. The United Nations was founded in 1945.

A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,2

32. Choose the correct variant.
25. Choose the correct variant. 1. Hartford is one of those cities that are working
1. Politics is a subject taught in all schools. hard to reclaim a riverfront.
2. A number of teenagers are playing in the hall. 2. Some of the grain has gone bad.
3. The number of people own cars are increasing. 3. John or his brother are going to be responsible for
4. The wounded was sent to the hospital at once. this.
4. A few of the students is doing so well they can skip
A) 1,3 B) 1,2 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,4
the next course.
26. Choose the correct variant. 5. Not one of the performers was at the party.
1. The Philippines are in the Pacific Ocean.
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,4,5 E) 1,2,5
2. Her family are sitting outside enjoying the fresh air.
3. Neither John nor his sister work in the hospital.
33. Choose the correct variant.
4. Neither his brother nor his sister works in the
1. One of my instructors has written a letter of
recommendation for me.
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,2,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,3,4 2. There was several reasons for it.
3. Both of the statues on the shelf were broken.
27. Choose the correct variant.
4. The chairman, along with his two assistants, plan to
The teacher together with his students ______
attend the meeting.
discussed the matter.
5. Juan or Julian prepares the conference room.
A) has B) have
A) 1,2,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,4,5 D) 2,4 E) 1,3,5
C) has been D) have been E) are discussed

28. Choose the correct variant.

34. Choose the correct variant.
1. About fifty percent of the students in our class are
1. The police hasn't made any arrests lately.
from poor families.
2. No news are good news.
2. Something in that curry make me sneeze.
3. The results of the election were not available for two
3. One of those socks are lighter than the other.
4. Everyone likes Mary’s key lime pie.
4. The last questions on the test were very difficult.
5. Bread and butter is their daily food.
5. Neither of the statements is false.
A) 2,3,4 B) 3,4,5 C) 1,3,5 D) 1,4,5 E) 2,4
A) 1,3,5 B) 3,4,5 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,2,5
29. Choose the correct variant.
1. Some of the votes seem to have been miscounted.
2. Some of the grain appear to be contaminated. 35. Choose the correct variant.
3. Three-quarters of the students is against the hike. 1. Annie and her brothers are at school.
4. Three-quarters of the students are against the hike. 2. Either my mother or my father are coming to the
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,2
3. The dog or the cats are outside.
30. Choose the correct variant. 4. Either my shoes or your coat is always on the floor.
1. A high percentage of the population is voting for the
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,2
new school.
2. A high percentage of the people are voting for the
new school. 36. Choose the correct variant.
3. The mayor together with his two brothers are 1. George and Tamara doesn't want to see that movie.
moving from here. 2. Benito doesn't know the answer.
4. Neither of my two suitcases are adequate for this 3. One of my sisters are going on a trip to France.
trip. 4. The man with all the birds lives on my street.
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,2 A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,2

37. Choose the correct variant. 44. Choose the correct variant.
1. The movie, including all the previews, takes about 1. Her friends or Sarah is good at volleyball.
two hours to watch. 2. Each of these houses have been ruined.
2. The players, as well as the captain, wants to win. 3. The students, as well as the teacher, are nervous
3. Either answer is acceptable. about the test.
4. Every one of those books are fiction. 4. The news are on at 10.
5. Those has been cheaper in the past.
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,2
A) 1,5 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,5 E) 1,2

45. Choose the correct variant.

38. Choose the correct variant.
1. The director, with all the staff, works very hard.
1. Nobody knows the trouble I've seen.
2. Each gets a trophy for playing.
2. Are the news on at five or six?
3. Something were very wrong there.
3. Mathematics is John's favorite subject.
4. Everybody enjoy a good book.
4. Eight dollars are the price of a movie these days.
5. Someone don’t understand.
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,2
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,4 E) 1,2

46. Choose the correct variant.

39. Choose the correct variant. 1. Both are qualified for the job.
1. Are the trousers in this drawer? 2. Several was already on location.
2. Your pyjamas is at the cleaner's. 3. Some sugar is required for taste.
3. There were fifteen candies in that bag. 4. Most of the cookies were eaten.
4. The Prime Minister, together with his wife, greet the 5. All of them goes to school.
press cordially.
A) 1,4 B) 1,3,4 C) 1,3,5 D) 2,4 E) 1,2
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,2
47. Choose the correct variant.
1. All of the CDs, even the scratched one, is in this
40. Choose the correct variant. case.
1. The game was exciting. 2. John, as well as his younger brothers, is going to
2. They worry too much. study at that school.
3. She study every night. 3. People from the South is very friendly.
4. Black or white are your choice. 4. Everyone need to be loved.
5. Part of the money goes to charity.
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,4 E) 1,2
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,5 E) 1,5

48. Choose the correct variant.

41. Choose the correct variant. 1. The price of these jeans are reasonable.
1. The girl or her sisters watch television. 2. The books borrowed from the library is on my desk.
2. Rob don’t like sports. 3. The boy who won two medals is a friend of mine.
3. His classmates study before a test. 4. Bread and butter is our daily food.
4. One of the cookies are missing.
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,2
A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3
49. Choose the correct variant.
1. The famous singer and composer has arrived.
42. Choose the correct variant. 2. Collecting match-boxes was one of his favourite
1. A lady with 10 cats lives in that big house. pastimes.
2. Mumps are very serious. 3. The quality of the candies are poor.
3. Mathematics were hard for many. 5. Neither parent were fond of playing mahjong.
4. Our team is the best. A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,2
5. Randy and Juan like sports.
50. Choose the correct variant.
A) 1,3,5 B) 3,4 C) 1,4,5 D) 2,4 E) 1,2,5 1. None of my friends is there.
2. Many students has made the same mistake.
43. Choose the correct variant. 3. Gold, as well as platinum, have recently risen in
1. Everybody enjoy a good song. price.
2. Either is suitable. 4. The boss, as well as his colleagues, has been robbed
3. Cats and dogs love to run. by the robber.
4. He don’t like chocolate. 5. Ten tons is a heavy load.

A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,2 A) 1,3 B) 3,4,5 C) 1,4,5 D) 2,4 E) 1,2

THE ADJECTIVE / THE ADVERB 8. Choose the correct variant.

The heat is ______ than the cold.
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) most harmful
The town is just as ______ as my native one.
B) harmful
A) larger C) a lot harmful
B) more large D) less harmful
C) large E) a more harmful
D) the largest
9. Choose the correct variant.
E) a large
This song is ______ one in the world!
2. Choose the correct variant.
A) more beautiful
The road was ______ than we had expected.
B) the most beautiful
A) long C) much beautiful
B) longer D) most beautiful
C) a longer E) much more beautiful
D) the longest
10. Choose the correct variant.
E) more long
They are as ______ as donkeys!
3. Choose the correct variant.
A) more stubborn
The girl is very ______.
B) much stubborn
A) more intelligent C) a stubborn
B) the most intelligent D) much more stubborn
C) an intelligent E) stubborn
D) much intelligent
E) intelligent 11. Choose the correct variant.
The weather today is ______ than the weather
4. Choose the correct variant.
yesterday but not as ______ as it was four days ago.
As soon as they understood that the second book was
______ than the first one, they changed their mind. A) bad / better
B) worse / bad
A) much boring
C) worse / worst
B) boring
D) good / best
C) most boring
E) badder / bad
D) the most boring
E) more boring
12. Choose the correct variant.
5. Choose the correct variant. The story was ______ one I have ever heard.
The shop is ______ than the school.
A) exciting
A) far B) most exciting
B) farther C) the most exciting
C) the farthest D) an exciting
D) much far E) more exciting
E) more far
13. Choose the correct variant.
6. Choose the correct variant. They were ______ than we.
Ventspils is ______ town in Latvia I have been to.
A) tired
A) the farthest B) most tired
B) far C) much tired
C) a little far D) the most tired
D) farthest E) less tired
E) furthest
14. Choose the correct variant.
7. Choose the correct variant. George bought ______ car than he could ever
Tim is ______ than Pat. imagine.

A) intelligent A) the newest

B) more intelligent B) newer
C) most intelligent C) a more new
D) much intelligent D) a newer
E) the most intelligent E) a new

15. Choose the correct variant. 22. Choose the correct variant.
The mark is ______ than I expected. Their flat is ______ than ours.

A) better A) more large

B) good B) large
C) bad C) the larger
D) well D) much larger
E) best E) the largest

16. Choose the correct variant. 23. Choose the correct variant.
They are very ______ with the results. You are ______ person that I know.

A) more upset A) luckier

B) the most upset B) luckiest
C) much upset C) the luckiest
D) upset D) more lucky
E) an upset E) much luckier

17. Choose the correct variant. 24. Choose the correct variant.
She is ______ than me. Cats are not so clever ______ dogs.

A) polite A) more
B) most polite B) so
C) more polite C) than
D) the most polite D) that
E) much polite E) as

18. Choose the correct variant. 24. Choose the correct variant.
The boy is ______ runner of all. The situation is ______ than I thought.

A) faster A) badder
B) fastest B) worse
C) the fastest C) more bad
D) the most fast D) the worst
E) a fast E) much bad

19. Choose the correct variant. 25. Choose the correct variant.
It is as ______ as a greeting card. Today the weather is ______ than yesterday.

A) pleasant A) more nice

B) more pleasant B) more nicer
C) most pleasant C) much nicer
D) much pleasant D) the nicest
E) much more pleasant E) most nice

20. Choose the correct variant. 26. Choose the correct variant.
The movie was ______ than the book. For me Mathematics is ______ Physics.

A) interesting A) more easy as

B) more interesting B) easyer than
C) an interesting C) easier
D) the most interesting D) easier than
E) much interesting E) much easy than

21. Choose the correct variant. 27. Choose the correct variant.
My house is ______ than your house. This car is ______ of all.

A) the most beautiful A) an expensive

B) beautifuller B) the most expensive
C) more beautiful C) a less expensive
D) beautiful D) the little expensive
E) much beautiful E) most expensive

28. Choose the correct variant. 35. Choose the correct variant.
Concord was ______ plane in the world. Which sea is ______: The Black or the Red?

A) fast A) less salty

B) fastest B) saltier
C) the fastest C) less saltier
D) a fastest D) salty
E) a faster E) the saltiest

29. Choose the correct variant.

36. Choose the correct variant.
The new teacher is ______ than the previous one.
The band will play on ______ stage.
A) a lot better
A) a new
B) many better
B) newer
C) a lot of good
C) newest
D) much good
D) much new
E) a better
E) new
30. Choose the correct variant.
This room is not so ______ as that one on the first 37. Choose the correct variant.
floor. Oh! This dress is ______ expensive than I expected!

A) much comfortable A) much

B) a comfortable B) many
C) the most comfortable C) a lot
D) more comfortable D) more
E) comfortable E) the most

31. Choose the correct variant. 38. Choose the correct variant.
There is no ______ for the furniture in my room. It will do you ______ if you start doing your
A) space enough
B) rather space A) good
C) quite space B) better
D) too many space C) the best
E) enough space D) bad
E) worse
32. Choose the correct variant.
These jeans are too small. I need ______ size. 39. Choose the correct variant.
It is ______ dog that I have ever seen!
A) a large
B) a larger A) big
C) a largest B) most big
D) more large C) the biggest
E) much large D) bigger
E) biggest
33. Choose the correct variant.
We must find ______ way among them. 40. Choose the correct variant.
The red jacket is ______ than the blue jacket.
A) the quickest
B) a quick A) more cheap
C) a quicker B) the cheapest
D) quickest C) cheaper
E) much quicker D) as cheap
E) cheap
34. Choose the correct variant.
It is ______ to go for a walk than to watch TV at
41. Choose the correct variant.
The shoes are ______ than the boots.
A) good
A) nice
B) the best
B) nicest
C) better
C) more nice
D) well
D) more nicer
E) bad
E) nicer

42. Choose the correct variant. 49. Choose the correct variant.
The pink socks are ______ than the white socks. Those green tomatoes are ______ than the red
A) more expensive
B) expensive A) sweeter
C) most expensive B) the sweetest
D) as expensive C) more sweet
E) the most expensive D) too sweet
E) more sweeter
43. Choose the correct variant.
The brown sweater is ______ than the blue sweater. 50. Choose the correct variant.
Summer is ______ season of the year.
A) good
B) best A) more beautiful
C) bad B) more beautifully
D) better C) beautiful
E) well D) much beautiful
E) the most beautiful
44. Choose the correct variant.
The chocolate looks ______ than the candy. 51. Choose the correct variant.
Which is ______ way to the shopping center?
A) bad
B) worse A) the shortest
C) badly B) more short
D) best C) the most short
E) the worst D) shorter
E) much shortest
45. Choose the correct variant.
The radio is ______ than the DVD player. 52. Choose the correct variant.
The test was ______ than we expected.
A) a new
B) a newer A) the most difficult
C) more new B) more difficult
D) the newest C) difficulter
E) newer D) difficult
E) a more difficult
46. Choose the correct variant.
53. Choose the correct variant.
The Cds are ______ than the DVDs.
Mary is always ______ to get up.
A) old
A) the earliest
B) older
B) more earlier
C) the old
C) the most earliest
D) the oldest
D) an early
E) elder
E) much early

47. Choose the correct variant. 54. Choose the correct variant.
These apples are ______ than those apples. Jill is feeling ______ now than she did last week.
A) brighter A) badly
B) bright B) more bad
C) the brightest C) worse
D) more bright D) well
E) so bright E) good

48. Choose the correct variant. 55. Choose the correct variant.
This dress is ______ than that dress. Today is ______ day of the month.
A) beautiful A) the most coldest
B) most beautiful B) the coldest
C) very beautiful C) colder
D) a more beautiful D) cold
E) more beautiful E) the most cold

56. Choose the correct variant. 63. Choose the correct variant.
Health is ______ thing in our life. Sandra speaks French ______.

A) more important A) more perfect

B) the most important B) perfectly
C) most important C) much perfectly
D) important D) good
E) much more important E) perfect

57. Choose the correct variant. 64. Choose the correct variant.
Ann is ______ than her brother. This pullover was very ______.

A) lazy A) most expensive

B) more lazy B) more expensively
C) laziest C) more expensive
D) much lazier D) expensive
E) a lazier E) much expensive

58. Choose the correct variant. 65. Choose the correct variant.
Have you heard ______ news? She looked for the purse ______.

A) later A) more careful

B) the latest B) most careful
C) the most late C) much carefully
D) last D) carefully
E) least E) careful

59. Choose the correct variant. 66. Choose the correct variant.
Fred is ______ person I‘ve ever met. Paul walked home ______.

A) more serious A) sadly

B) the most serious B) more sad
C) more seriously C) sadder
D) much serious D) most sad
E) serious E) saddest

67. Choose the correct variant.

60. Choose the correct variant.
Father spoke much ______.
The boys play tennis ______.
A) angry
A) good
B) more angry
B) bad
C) most angry
C) perfect
D) angrily
D) the best
E) more angrily
E) well

68. Choose the correct variant.

61. Choose the correct variant. She doesn't like sports. So she ______ does any
They are ______ tennis players. sports.
A) well A) hardest
B) good B) more hard
C) best C) hardly
D) more good D) harder
E) badly E) hard

69. Choose the correct variant.

62. Choose the correct variant.
They did their homework much ______.
Frank sings ______.
A) more badly
A) bad
B) worse
B) much well
C) well
C) much better
D) badly
D) good
E) bad
E) more well

70. Choose the correct variant. 77. Choose the correct variant.
I speak English ______ now than last year. He had an accident last year. Now, he drives ______
than before.
A) fluently
B) more fluent A) careful
C) more fluently B) more careful
D) most fluently C) more carefully
E) much fluently D) most carefully
E) carefully
71. Choose the correct variant.
78. Choose the correct variant.
She greeted me ______ of all.
Jim can run ______ than John.
A) most politely
A) fastly
B) more politely
B) faster
C) politely
C) more fastly
D) polite
D) more fast
E) the most polite
E) much more fast
72. Choose the correct variant. 79. Choose the correct variant.
She smiled ______ than before. Our team played ______ of all.
A) happily A) worst
B) much happily B) good
C) happier C) bad
D) happiest D) more bad
E) more happily E) worse

73. Choose the correct variant. 80. Choose the correct variant.
This girl dances ______ of all. Sally is ______ girl in my hometown.
A) graceful A) prettily
B) more gracefully B) most prettily
C) most graceful C) the prettiest
D) most gracefully D) a pretty
E) gracefully E) prettier

81. Choose the correct variant.

74. Choose the correct variant.
You should drive ______, otherwise you will cause an
He worked ______ than ever before.
A) hardlier
A) more carefully
B) harder
B) careful
C) hard
C) more careful
D) hardly
D) most careful
E) more hard
E) the most carefully

75. Choose the correct variant. 82. Choose the correct variant.
Could you write ______? This is ______ film I've seen so far.
A) clearest A) bad
B) more clear B) badly
C) clearly C) baddest
D) much clearly D) worse
E) clearer E) the worst

83. Choose the correct variant.

76. Choose the correct variant.
He was ______ hurt in the accident.
Planes can fly ______ than birds.
A) good
A) highly
B) badly
B) high
C) worse
C) more high
D) the worst
D) more highly
E) better
E) higher

84. Choose the correct variant. 91. Choose the correct variant.
Don't run around so ______. Every morning I get up 10 minutes ______ than my
A) more nervous
B) more nervously A) earlier
C) nervous B) early
D) nervously C) more early
E) most nervous D) much early
E) earliest
85. Choose the correct variant.
92. Choose the correct variant.
This exercise was ______ than I expected.
What are the ______ animals in Australia?
A) easily
A) dangerously
B) easier
B) most dangerously
C) more easy
C) more dangerous
D) more easily
D) most dangerous
E) easy
E) dangerous
86. Choose the correct variant. 93. Choose the correct variant.
Sam didn't behave as ______ as Mike. I can run as ______ as my elder brother.
A) well A) more fast
B) good B) fastest
C) better C) fast
D) best D) faster
E) bad E) fastly

94. Choose the correct variant.

87. Choose the correct variant.
The blue sweater suits you ______ than the red one
He works ______ of all the pupils.
and I think it fits ______.
A) hardly
A) well / perfectly
B) hardest
B) better / more perfectly
C) hard
C) best / perfectly
D) the hardest
D) better / perfect
E) more hardly
E) better / more perfect

95. Choose the correct variant.

88. Choose the correct variant.
If you worked ______, you would make ______
You should do your homework ______.
A) careful
A) careful / fewer
B) more careful
B) more carefully / fewer
C) attentive
C) carefully / less
D) the most attentively
D) carefully / a little
E) carefully
E) most careful / fewer

89. Choose the correct variant. 96. Choose the correct variant.
My perfume smells ______ than yours. Joy Fielding writes ______ books I've ever read.
A) sweetly A) the most exciting
B) more sweet B) exciting
C) more sweetly C) more exciting
D) sweeter D) excitingly
E) the sweetest E) most exciting

90. Choose the correct variant. 97. Choose the correct variant.
Sam's idea sounds ______. Caroline is ______ girl in this room.

A) well A) pretty
B) best B) prettiest
C) badly C) prettily
D) good D) the prettiest
E) worst E) prettier

98. Choose the correct variant. 104. Choose the correct variant.
Vienna is ______ town in Austria. This is ______ place to cross the street.

A) the largest A) more dangerous

B) larger B) dangerously
C) largest C) the most dangerous
D) more large D) so dangerous
E) more larger E) such dangerous

105. Choose the correct variant.

If you don’t study ______ you will ______ be able to
99. Choose the correct variant.
pass the exam.
Please, speak ______, I ______ understand the
instructions. A) hard / hard
B) hardly / hardly
A) more clear / hardly
C) hardly / hard
B) clearly / hard
D) hard / hardly
C) clearly / harder
E) harder / hard
D) clear / hardly
E) clearly / hardly 106. Choose the correct variant.
Anna told me a very ______ story.

A) interestingly
100. Choose the correct variant.
B) interest
Do you ______ take milk in your coffee?
C) interests
A) since D) interested
B) already E) interesting
C) still
D) always 107. Choose the correct variant.
E) yet Mary speaks English ______ Kate.

A) as fluently than
101. Choose the correct variant. B) more fluently
I've been taking English lessons for three months but I C) as fluent as
haven't made much progress ______! D) so fluently than
E) more fluently than
A) already
B) often 108. Choose the correct variant.
C) seldom She speaks English ______ him.
D) still
A) more faster than
E) yet
B) as fastly as
C) much fast as
D) faster than
102. Choose the correct variant. E) such faster than
Emma only moved last week and she ______ knows
her neighbours. 109. Choose the correct variant.
A) frequently Mary ______ gets up ______ Anna.
B) still A) always / as early than
C) always B) sometimes / later
D) yet C) never / late than
E) already D) often / as early as
E) seldom / as earlier as

103. Choose the correct variant. 110. Choose the correct variant.
Eight o’clock is not a very convenient time for me. Ten Matt doesn’t get up late. In the other words, he
o’clock is ______. ______ gets up early.

A) more convenient A) always

B) a lot convenient B) rarely
C) the most convenienest C) never
D) much convenient D) sometimes
E) a more convenient E) ever

111. Choose the correct variant. 118. Choose the correct variant.
He hardly ever arrives late. In the other words, he The girl is ______ intelligent.
______ arrives late.
A) enough
A) never B) much
B) always C) a lot
C) usually D) a little
D) often E) too
E) rarely
119. Choose the correct variant.
112. Choose the correct variant. The shop is ______ further ______ the school.
Among so ______ candidates, Mike performed ______
A) too / than
to get the job.
B) more / than
A) many / best C) a lot / than
B) much / better D) very / as
C) lots of / slightly better E) as / as
D) a few / well
120. Choose the correct variant.
E) many / the best
Caroline is ______ prettiest girl in this room.
113. Choose the correct variant.
A) much
The group consists of six people and among them Mike
B) more
is ______ handsome boy.
C) the
A) the less D) the most
B) the most E) rather
C) more
121. Choose the correct variant.
D) a little
1. serious injured
E) most
2. seriously injured
114. Choose the correct variant. 3. terribly hot
Tom bought a new watch and his watch is ______ 4. terrible hot
A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 3,4 E) 1,2
A) as much as
122. Choose the correct variant.
B) the same as
Which is ______: The Kur or The Araz?
C) more similar
D) less expensive A) the longest
E) attractive than B) long
C) more longer
115. Choose the correct variant.
D) much long
It’s ______ today to sit in the sun.
E) longer
A) much too hot
123. Choose the correct variant.
B) too much hot
1. quite good
C) so hot that
2. quite well
D) slightly hot
3. quite quiet
E) slightly hotter
4. quiet badly
116. Choose the correct variant.
A) 1,2,3 B) 1,2 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 1,2,4
The town is just larger ______ my native one.
124. Choose the correct variant.
A) then
1. The pizza tasted delicious.
B) of all
2. The pizza tasted deliciously.
C) than
3. The cook tasted the pizza careful.
D) among
4. The cook tasted the pizza carefully.
E) enough
A) 1,3 B) 2,3 C) 1,2 D) 1,4 E) 2,4
117. Choose the correct variant.
The road was ______ longer ______ we had expected. 125. Choose the correct variant.
1. The tulips smelt so nice.
A) more / than
2. The tulips smelt so nicely.
B) - / enough
3. I smelt the roses careful.
C) a lot / then
4. I smelt the roses carefully.
D) a little / of all
E) much / than A) 1,3 B) 2,3 C) 1,2 D) 1,4 E) 2,4

THE VERB 8. Choose the correct variant.

Why ______ he always wear the same shirt?
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) do
______ you speak English?
B) have
A) Do C) has
B) Is D) does
C) Are E) don’t
D) Were
9. Choose the correct variant.
E) Does
______ Polish people eat a lot of meat?
2. Choose the correct variant.
A) Are
If they ______ come, I will be very surprised.
B) Were
A) do C) Do
B) – D) Is
C) are E) Does
D) did
10. Choose the correct variant.
E) has
My mother ______ like to travel.
3. Choose the correct variant.
A) don’t
______ he always behave like this?
B) isn’t
A) Is C) wasn’t
B) Was D) were
C) Do E) doesn’t
D) Has
11. Choose the correct variant.
E) Does
1. I am an Australian.
2. She is two cats and one dog.
4. Choose the correct variant.
3. It is a bird.
______ they know that you're my sister?
4. They has a car.
A) Does
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,2 D) 1,3 E) 2,3
B) Have
C) Are
12. Choose the correct variant.
D) Do
1. They ______ a small house last year.
E) Were
2. We ______ a cottage in the countryside.
3. We ______ both Canadian.
5. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ know how to cook. a) are b) had c) have

A) doesn’t A) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c

B) isn’t B) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
C) wasn’t C) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
D) don’t D) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a
E) did E) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a

6. Choose the correct variant. 13. Choose the correct variant.

______ your cats ______ with you? Last week we ______ write a dictation.

A) Do / play A) did
B) Does / play B) had
C) Does / plays C) didn’t
D) Did / played D) hadn’t
E) Have / play E) don’t

7. Choose the correct variant. 14. Choose the correct variant.

You ______ understand, don't you? ______ drink and drive.

A) don’t A) Don’t
B) doesn’t B) Didn’t
C) do C) Doesn’t
D) didn’t D) Be
E) – E) Does

15. Choose the correct variant. 22. Choose the correct variant.
Yesterday Rick ______ forget his homework. We really ______ enjoy going to the theatre.

A) doesn’t A) don’t
B) do B) do
C) isn’t C) does
D) hadn’t D) are
E) didn’t E) doesn’t

16. Choose the correct variant. 23. Choose the correct variant.
When ______ your first lesson begin? What colour ______ you prefer?

A) is A) is
B) was B) are
C) has C) does
D) does D) do
E) do E) were

17. Choose the correct variant. 24. Choose the correct variant.
Have you ______ your homework? ______ Samantha have a dog?

A) do A) Has
B) done B) Do
C) did C) Is
D) does D) Have
E) have E) Does

18. Choose the correct variant. 25. Choose the correct variant.
Why ______ you late for work? Where ______ they live?

A) doesn’t A) are
B) are B) do
C) do C) does
D) was D) were
E) will E) have

19. Choose the correct variant. 26. Choose the correct variant.
What has she ______ with her money? I ______ think Mary is here.

A) done A) do
B) do B) doesn’t
C) does C) haven’t
D) has D) don’t
E) have E) am not

20. Choose the correct variant. 27. Choose the correct variant.
Have you ever ______ anything silly? These shoes ______ fit me.

A) did A) doesn’t
B) does B) are not
C) has C) don’t
D) done D) haven’t
E) do E) were

21. Choose the correct variant. 28. Choose the correct variant.
______ you like rap music? This car ______ go fast.

A) Are A) isn’t
B) Do B) wasn’t
C) Does C) doesn’t
D) Doesn’t D) hasn’t
E) Isn’t E) don’t

29. Choose the correct variant. 36. Choose the correct variant.
What music ______ he listen to? - Where ______ you come from?
- Canada.
A) do
B) did A) are
C) has B) do
D) is C) does
E) was D) were
E) have
30. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ think he likes it. 37. Choose the correct variant.
How much ______ it cost to phone Canada?
A) doesn’t
B) isn’t A) do
C) aren’t B) was
D) does C) has
E) don’t D) does
E) is
31. Choose the correct variant.
Excuse me, ______ you speak English? 38. Choose the correct variant.
George is a good tennis player but he ______ play
A) does
very often.
B) do
C) were A) isn’t
D) are B) don’t
E) have C) doesn’t
D) wasn’t
32. Choose the correct variant. E) hasn’t
- Where's Tom?
- I ______ know. 39. Choose the correct variant.
My mother has ___ the shopping.
A) doesn’t
B) am A) did
C) have B) have
D) had C) done
E) don’t D) do
E) does
33. Choose the correct variant.
What's funny? Why ______ you laughing? 40. Choose the correct variant.
Walter ______ fly to Rome, he flies to Venice.
A) do
B) does A) doesn’t
C) did B) don’t
D) is C) hasn’t
E) are D) isn’t
E) will
34. Choose the correct variant.
- What ______ your sister do? 41. Choose the correct variant.
- She's a dentist. I hear he is looking ______ a job.

A) do A) at
B) is B) for
C) does C) after
D) did D) up
E) has E) through

35. Choose the correct variant. 42. Choose the correct variant.
It ______ raining. I don't want to go out. Could everyone please look ______ the lost keys?

A) do A) at
B) does B) for
C) were C) after
D) is D) through
E) was E) like

43. Choose the correct variant. 50. Choose the correct variant.
My sister looks ______ the kids on Saturday. I'm looking ______ Tom. Have you seen him anywhere
A) at
B) through A) like
C) for B) up
D) like C) at
E) after D) for
E) after
44. Choose the correct variant.
51. Choose the correct variant.
Why is she looking ______ me like that?
Jane is nice. She looks ______ her mother.
A) like
A) at
B) at
B) through
C) for
C) for
D) up
D) like
E) after
E) after
45. Choose the correct variant. 52. Choose the correct variant.
Look ______ those lovely flowers over there. You'll feel much better if you just ______ down and
rest for a while.
A) up
B) through A) lie
C) at B) lain
D) for C) lies
E) about D) laid
E) lay
46. Choose the correct variant.
53. Choose the correct variant.
I must look ______ today’s newspapers.
The hens aren't ______ any eggs this week.
A) through
A) lying
B) like
B) laying
C) for
C) lay
D) up
D) laid
E) after
E) lays

54. Choose the correct variant.

47. Choose the correct variant.
Why did they ______ so many employees off at that
This is very valuable. Please look ______ it.
company last year?
A) at
A) lie
B) like
B) laid
C) for
C) lain
D) up
D) lay
E) after
E) lays

48. Choose the correct variant. 55. Choose the correct variant.
I have lost my key. I'd better look ______ it. Why did you ______ to me?
A) at A) lied
B) for B) lay
C) through C) lie
D) up D) lain
E) after E) laid

49. Choose the correct variant. 56. Choose the correct variant.
I'll see you again soon. Look ______ yourself. He always tells a ______.

A) like A) lay
B) up B) lie
C) at C) lies
D) for D) lay
E) after E) lain

57. Choose the correct variant. 64. Choose the correct variant.
I don't know why he's not ______ progress with his I ______ that man because I ______ English.
A) understand / don’t know
A) doing B) doesn’t understand / don’t know
B) making C) not understand, don’t know
C) make D) don’t understand, not know
D) has E) don’t understand, don’t know
E) does

58. Choose the correct variant. 65. Choose the correct variant.
Good students hate ______ spelling mistakes. - ______ you ______ any time to help me?
- Sorry, I _____.
A) to do
B) doing A) Did / had / didn’t
C) make B) Does / have / haven’t
D) makes C) Do / have / don’t
E) making D) Have / got / am not
E) Do / have / have got
59. Choose the correct variant.
Could you please ______ me a favour?

A) make 66. Choose the correct variant.

B) does Everybody in our family ______ Mummy about the
C) making house. Dad ______ the dog, I ______ the flowers, and
D) made my brothers ______ the rooms.
E) do
A) help / walks / water / clean
B) helps / walks / water / clean
60. Choose the correct variant.
C) help / walks / water / cleans
It won't ______ her any harm to stay up a little later.
D) helped / walk / watered / cleaned
A) do E) helps / walk / water / clean
B) did
C) made
D) make 67. Choose the correct variant.
E) doing ______ Jane Smith ______ English?

61. Choose the correct variant. A) Is / speak

My mother ______ a bad headache. B) Does / speak
C) Do / speak
A) have got
D) Did / spoke
B) am
E) Was / speak
C) has got
D) have
E) was
68. Choose the correct variant.
62. Choose the correct variant. The Browns ______ a nice house in the country.
Where ______ the Johnsons live? A) has got
A) do B) didn’t had
B) are C) doesn’t have
C) does D) are having
D) were E) have got
E) have

63. Choose the correct variant. 69. Choose the correct variant.
Margie and her sister ______ wonderful voices. ______ you ______ swimming?

A) does A) Do / like
B) has got B) Does / like
C) have got C) Are / like
D) has C) Did / liked
E) are E) Do / likes

70. Choose the correct variant. 77. Choose the correct variant.
______ Dad ______ any brothers or sisters? Can you help me? I ______ the way to the market.
A) know
A) Do / got
B) didn’t knew
B) Have / got
C) am not know
C) Does / have
D) not know
D) Does / has
E) don’t know
E) Did / got

71. Choose the correct variant. 78. Choose the correct variant.
______ your sister often ______ to the theatre? ______ any beer in the fridge yesterday?

A) Is / go A) Does Peter have

B) Does / go B) Do Peter has
C) Do / go C) Have Peter got
D) Did / went D) Did Peter have
E) Does / goes E) Did Peter had

72. Choose the correct variant.

79. Choose the correct variant.
We ______ a car, but we are going to buy it.
My daughter Mary ______ apples, but she likes
A) didn’t had oranges.
B) don’t have
A) not likes
C) didn’t has
B) doesn’t like
D) aren’t have
C) doesn’t likes
E) hasn’t
D) don’t like
E) didn’t liked
73. Choose the correct variant.
______ Bob ______ what I want?
80. Choose the correct variant.
A) Does / knows What’s the matter? You ______ very happy.
B) Do / knows
A) look
C) Does / know
B) looks
D) Did / knew
C) looking
E) Does / known
D) is looking
E) was looking
74. Choose the correct variant.
They can’t go out because they ______ raincoats and
81. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ the shopping every Friday afternoon.
A) have got
A) doing
B) aren’t have
B) make
C) don’t have
C) do
D) doesn’t have
D) does
E) didn’t had
E) made

75. Choose the correct variant.

Last year Jack ______ not far from us, but we ______ 82. Choose the correct variant.
him often. Please, can you ______ a reservation for me?

A) lives / not see A) has

B) lived / don’t see B) did
C) lived / saw C) made
D) lived / didn’t saw D) make
E) lived / didn’t see E) do

76. Choose the correct variant.

83. Choose the correct variant.
Don’t give him cigarettes. He ______.
She doesn't ______ much money.
A) isn’t smoke
A) has
B) doesn’t smoke
B) had
C) don’t smoke
C) do
D) hasn’t smoke
D) makes
E) doesn’t smokes
E) make

84. Choose the correct variant. 91. Choose the correct variant.
Nobody helps my mother to ______ the housework. I hate ______ the housework every day.

A) make A) do
B) doing B) make
C) makes C) to make
D) do D) doing
E) did E) making

85. Choose the correct variant. 92. Choose the correct variant.
Will you ______ me a favour? Help me carry this table. She had to repeat the composition because she had
______ a lot of spelling mistakes.
A) have
B) do A) make
C) make B) did
D) does C) done
E) made D) do
E) made
86. Choose the correct variant.
Let's ______ the appointment for 10:00 in the 93. Choose the correct variant.
morning. Be serious! Why are you always ______ fun of
A) has
B) makes A) making
C) did B) do
D) make C) doing
E) does D) made
E) make
87. Choose the correct variant.
94. Choose the correct variant.
Try not to ______ any grammar mistakes in your
They were ______ so much noise that someone
phoned the police.
A) make
A) make
B) made
B) making
C) does
C) to make
D) do
D) to do
E) makes
E) doing
88. Choose the correct variant. 95. Choose the correct variant.
Oh, dear! There is so much laundry to ______! I always ______ the ironing and she ______ the
washing up.
A) does
B) make A) make / makes
C) do B) do / makes
D) did C) do / does
E) making D) made / did
E) does / do
89. Choose the correct variant.
96. Choose the correct variant.
She always ______ the dishes late at night.
The bestman has to ______ a speech.
A) made
A) make
B) doing
B) made
C) does
C) did
D) makes
D) done
E) do
E) do
90. Choose the correct variant. 97. Choose the correct variant.
I'll ______ spaghetti for dinner. Do you like it? Could you ______ me a favour?
A) do A) make
B) did B) made
C) made C) does
D) making D) do
E) make E) to do

98. Choose the correct variant. 104. Match the halves:

I was ______ the shopping when I met Rose. 1. have a. a favour
2. do b. a headache
A) making
3. make c. a decision
B) made
C) doing A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
D) did B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
E) do C) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
99. Choose the correct variant.
I have ______ an appointment with the dentist. 105. Choose the correct variant.
I'm not used ______ up this early.
A) made
B) making A) get
C) do B) getting
D) done C) to get
E) did D) gets
E) to getting
100. Choose the correct variant. 106. Choose the correct variant.
She always ______ a delicious cake for her birthday I used ______ a lot in my youth.
A) to read
A) does B) reading
B) make C) read
C) did D) will read
D) do E) to reading
E) makes
107. Choose the correct variant.
You'll have to get used to ______ on the right when
101. Match the halves: you live there.
1. have a. a fire
A) drive
2. do b. a rest
B) driving
3. make c. shopping
C) drives
A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c D) drove
B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a E) will drive
C) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a
108. Choose the correct variant.
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
I didn't use to ______ it, but I do now.
E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
A) like
102. Match the halves: B) liking
1. have a. up one’s mind C) liked
2. do b. a rest D) likes
3. make c. housework E) will like

A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c 109. Choose the correct variant.

B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a I found it hard to get used ______ in such a hot
C) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a country.
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b A) lives
E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c B) live
C) to live
D) living
103. Match the halves: E) to living
1. have a. the ironing
2. do b. a speech 110. Choose the correct variant.
3. make c. a good time Where did you use ______ when you visited Spain?

A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c A) stays

B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a B) staying
C) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b C) to stay
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b D) stay
E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c E) to staying

111. Choose the correct variant. 118. Choose the correct variant.
It took me a while to get used ______ the language. He ______ have good mark at college last year.

A) speak A) doesn’t
B) to speaking B) don’t
C) spoke C) isn’t
D) spoken D) wasn’t
E) speaking E) didn’t

112. Choose the correct variant.

119. Choose the correct variant.
I used ______ hard when I was a student.
What do you ______ in your hand?
A) work
A) got
B) working
B) have got
C) to working
C) has
D) to work
D) had
E) worked
E) have

113. Choose the correct variant.

Have you got used to ______ it yet? 120. Choose the correct variant.
How many stamps ______ you have last year?
A) do
B) doing A) have
C) did B) are
D) will do C) do
E) has done D) did
E) does
114. Choose the correct variant.
I'm not used ______ so much tea.

A) drink
B) drinking
C) to drink
D) to drinking
E) drinks

115. Choose the correct variant.

What ______ he like doing in his free time?

A) is
B) do
C) does
D) would
E) are

116. Choose the correct variant.

- What ______ you like to drink?
- A glass of water.

A) is
B) do
C) does
D) would
E) are

117. Choose the correct variant.

What ______ the weather like today?

A) is
B) do
C) does
D) would
E) are

THE COMPLEX OBJECT 8. Choose the correct variant.

She heard somebody ______ to the door.
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) walk
He felt her arm ______ through his.
B) walked
A) slips C) walks
B) slipping D) will walk
C) is slipping E) to walk
D) will slip
E) to slip 9. Choose the correct variant.
We saw some people ______ clothes in the stream.
2. Choose the correct variant.
She felt her hands ______. A) to wash
B) washed
A) to tremble
C) washing
B) trembles
D) washes
C) trembling
E) were washing
D) trembled
E) will tremble
10. Choose the correct variant.
3. Choose the correct variant. I heard him ______ the teacher about it.
He could hear a car ______.
A) to tell
A) passing B) tell
B) to pass C) tells
C) passes D) told
D) passed E) is telling
E) is passing
11. Choose the correct variant.
4. Choose the correct variant.
I felt tears ______ down her cheeks.
He felt his heart ______ with joy.
A) rolls
A) to beat
B) to roll
B) beats
C) rolled
C) is beating
D) were rolling
D) beaten
E) roll
E) beating

5. Choose the correct variant. 12. Choose the correct variant.

We saw him ______ the street looking to the left and If he comes here, I ______.
to the right. A) made him do it
A) to cross B) made him doing it
B) crossing C) make him does it
C) crossed D) will make him do it
D) cross E) make him to do
E) crosses
13. Choose the correct variant.
6. Choose the correct variant. He couldn’t make the radio ______.
I felt the wind ______ through a crack in the wall.
A) to work
A) blowing B) work
B) blows C) working
C) to blow D) worked
D) blew E) works
E) was blowing

7. Choose the correct variant. 14. Choose the correct variant.

I heard him ______ the piano in the house. The manager expected the team ______ the game.
A) was playing A) to lose
B) plays B) have lost
C) played C) losing
D) to play D) will lose
E) playing E) lose

15. Choose the correct variant. 22. Choose the correct variant.
I noticed somebody ______ the room. Jane asked me ______ her with his homework.

A) leave A) help
B) to leave B) helped
C) leaves C) to help
D) left D) helping
E) will leave E) helped

16. Choose the correct variant. 23. Choose the correct variant.
The boy made his father ______ that expensive car. Let ______ your suitcase.

A) bought A) I carry
B) buying B) me to carry
C) buy C) she carry
D) buys D) I to carry
E) to buy E) me carry

17. Choose the correct variant. 24. Choose the correct variant.
Doing morning exercises will help you ______ fit. Teachers always want their students ______ attentive.

A) were A) is
B) to be B) are
C) are C) to be
D) is D) was
E) being E) be

18. Choose the correct variant. 25. Choose the correct variant.
Can you tell who asked you ______ the fence. What makes you ______ such rude words?

A) painted A) tell
B) painting B) to tell
C) painted C) tells
D) to paint D) told
E) paint E) is told

19. Choose the correct variant. 26. Choose the correct variant.
The lecture noticed two students ______ quietly. Mother didn’t let me ______ out in such bad weather.

A) speaking A) to go
B) spoke B) gone
C) to speak C) goes
D) speaks D) go
E) spoken E) went

20. Choose the correct variant. 27. Choose the correct variant.
Ask Jimmy ______ to the shop and ______ some salt. Father didn’t expect ______ such a big snowman.

A) goes / buys A) we to make

B) to go / buy B) us to make
C) to go / to buy C) she to make
D) go / buy D) they to make
E) going / buying E) her make

21. Choose the correct variant. 28. Choose the correct variant.
We expected him ______ the car before leaving. The coach asked his players ______ the game.

A) wash A) to win
B) to wash B) win
C) washing C) won
D) washed D) wins
E) will wash E) will win

29. Choose the correct variant. 36. Choose the correct variant.
I saw Tom ______ for the bus. Father, let’s ______ to the cinema today.

A) waited A) gone
B) waits B) to go
C) will wait C) going
D) to wait D) go
E) waiting E) went

30. Choose the correct variant. 37. Choose the correct variant.
The teacher made ______ the poem by heart. The shop-assistant wanted ______ at once.

A) us to learn A) their to pay

B) us learn B) them pay
C) she learn C) them paying
D) I learn D) them to pay
E) we learn E) they to pay

31. Choose the correct variant. 38. Choose the correct variant.
We want all our problems ______ solved. It’s very cold. Let me ______ and ______ the window.

A) be A) to go, shut
B) is B) go, shut
C) has C) go, shutting
D) are D) go, to shut
E) to be E) going, shutting

32. Choose the correct variant. 39. Choose the correct variant.
Let me ______ as you wish. It’s raining. Make ______ the umbrella.

A) did A) him take

B) do B) he take
C) doing C) him to take
D) done D) him taking
E) to do E) she take

33. Choose the correct variant.

40. Choose the correct variant.
Our teacher asked us ______ page 87 and ______
We watched the children ______ basketball.
Exercises 4.
A) playing
A) to open, do
B) were playing
B) open, do
C) to play
C) open, to do
D) plays
D) to open, to do
E) played
E) opening, doing

34. Choose the correct variant. 41. Choose the correct variant.
Father made me ______ all the text into English. We didn’t expect ______ that tree.

A) translated A) him cut

B) to translate B) he to cut
C) translates C) they to cut
D) translate D) him to cut
E) translating E) him cutting

35. Choose the correct variant. 42. Choose the correct variant.
We want our uncle ______ us to the museum. I saw Jack ______ his brother.

A) taken A) beating
B) to take B) to beat
C) took C) beats
D) takes D) was beating
E) taking E) beaten

43. Choose the correct variant. 49. Choose the correct variant.
He wanted ______ reading at once. I saw my son ______ the ball.

A) me begin A) catches
B) their to begin B) to catch
C) me to begin C) catch
D) me beginning D) is catching
E) I to begin E) caught

44. Choose the correct variant. 50. Choose the correct variant.
The captain ordered his men ______ the door. My friend wanted ______ the red gloves.

A) break A) me to choose
B) breaks B) me choose
C) breaking C) me choosing
D) broke D) me chose
E) to break E) I to choose

45. Choose the correct variant. 51. Choose the correct variant.
She asked her mother ______ her some water. She asked ______ his homework for her.

A) brought A) me to do
B) to bring B) me do
C) bring C) I to do
D) bringing D) my to do
E) brings E) me doing

46. Choose the correct variant. 52. Choose the correct variant.
We watched ______ the bridge. We watched the elephants ______ water.

A) them to build A) drank

B) they building B) were drinking
C) their build C) drunk
D) them building D) will drink
E) them built E) drinking

46. Choose the correct variant. 53. Choose the correct variant.
We noticed the house ______. The policeman ordered the drivers ______ fast.

A) burnt A) not drive

B) burning B) not to drive
C) is burning C) not driving
D) that burns D) don’t drive
E) will burn E) drive

47. Choose the correct variant. 54. Choose the correct variant.
I want you ______ some bread. I didn’t let ______ much ice-cream.

A) to buy A) she eat

B) buy B) her to eat
C) buying C) her eat
D) buys D) her eating
E) bought E) her ate

48. Choose the correct variant. 55. Choose the correct variant.
We didn’t notice ______ home. I saw ______ from the sofa.

A) he come A) him fell

B) him to come B) him falls
C) she coming C) him fall
D) him comes D) he falling
E) him come E) him to fall

56. Choose the correct variant. 63. Choose the correct variant.
This tablet made me ______ better. I saw them ______ in the park.

A) feel A) walks
B) to feel B) walked
C) feeling C) walking
D) feels D) to walk
E) felt E) were walking

57. Choose the correct variant. 64. Choose the correct variant.
His rudeness made me ______ him. She believes Mark ______ a good guy.

A) forgot A) be
B) to forget B) being
C) forget C) to be
D) forgotten D) is
E) fotgets E) was

58. Choose the correct variant. 65. Choose the correct variant.
We heard the child ______ and ______ his mother. I saw you ______ in the park. Everybody liked it!

A) cry / calling A) to dance

B) crying / calling B) dancing
C) to cry / call C) were dancing
D) crying / to call D) danced
E) cries / calls E) dances

59. Choose the correct variant. 66. Choose the correct variant.
I heard two men ______ in the next room. Mr. Smith saw her friends ______ the classroom.

A) talks A) to leave
B) talked B) left
C) talked C) leaves
D) talking D) leaving
E) to talk E) were leaving

60. Choose the correct variant. 67. Choose the correct variant.
I saw her ______ into the building. His mum wants him ______ his homework.

A) to come A) to do
B) was coming B) doing
C) come C) do
D) came D) did
E) is coming E) does

61. Choose the correct variant. 68. Choose the correct variant.
I believed you ______ three mobile phones. Shh! I hear someone ______.

A) to have A) cries
B) have B) to cry
C) having C) crying
D) had D) cry
E) has E) cried

62. Choose the correct variant. 69. Choose the correct variant.
He made me ______ the window. He can’t make me ______ this!

A) close A) doing
B) closed B) do
C) closing C) to do
D) to close D) did
E) close E) done

70. Choose the correct variant. 77. Choose the correct variant.
I like him ______ this task so well. I heard her ______ a famous English song.

A) to do A) to sing
B) doing B) sing
C) do C) singing
D) did D) sang
E) does E) sung

71. Choose the correct variant. 78. Choose the correct variant.
I heard my mum ______ me. I know her ______ a good student.

A) calls A) was
B) calling B) were
C) to call C) be
D) call D) to be
E) called E) being

72. Choose the correct variant. 79. Choose the correct variant.
Mr. Brown would like his son ______ a surgeon. Rainy weather makes me ______ bad.

A) become A) feeling
B) became B) feel
C) becomes C) felt
D) becoming D) to feel
E) to become E) feels

73. Choose the correct variant. 80. Choose the correct variant.
I want ______ more languages. A) Do you want them stay at the hotel?
B) I'd like professors look through my notes.
A) learn
C) Do you want me to show you the city?
B) to learn
D) We expect him arranged everything in time.
C) learning
E) I want her telling me the news in brief.
D) learnt
E) learns
81. Choose the correct variant.
A) He expected the meeting to be held the next day.
74. Choose the correct variant. B) I would like them fix an appointment.
Don’t let him ______ you. C) We want her introduced us to the boss.
D) I don't want them being late for dinner.
A) fooling
E) He expected her be invited to the party.
B) to fool
C) fool
82. Choose the correct variant.
D) fools
A) I'd like the dress be bought by Monday.
E) fooled
B) I don't want her be treated like Alice.
C) We considered him to be an honest man.
75. Choose the correct variant. D) I like her prevent me from doing it.
I expect the weather ______ good today. E) I suspect him be helped by her.
A) was
83. Choose the correct variant.
B) were
A) They did not notice us passes by.
C) be
B) He heard her playing the piano.
D) to be
C) He saw her to burst into tears.
E) being
D) I felt her hand is shaking.
E) He hasn't heard us to call his name.
76. Choose the correct variant.
I felt someone ______ me on the shoulder. 84. Choose the correct variant.
A) They haven't seen the accident happen.
A) was touching
B) I heard them were arguing.
B) to touch
C) She heard the footsteps were dying away.
C) touch
D) She felt something crawls around her neck.
D) touches
E) We many times heard him to tell this story.
E) touched

85. Choose the correct variant. 93. Choose the correct variant.
A) She noticed the expression of his face change A) I'd like her to tell us where she is going.
suddenly. B) I think you'll hear today her to sing.
B) I heard somebody mentioned my name. C) When he got up he heard his son to cry.
C) I felt something hard hurts my leg. D) I'd like nobody take my things.
D) I did not expect her forget about my birthday. E) Don't consider him be a hero.
E) She saw the children plays in the park.
94. Choose the correct variant.
86. Choose the correct variant. I saw him ______ round the corner and ______.
A) Do you know him goes abroad?
A) turn / disappear
B) I like to watch her dances.
B) to turn / to disappear
C) She hardly believed him be rescued.
C) turning / disappear
D) He expects everybody were ready to do it.
D) turned / disappear
E) I don't like the children to be late.
E) turn / disappearing
87. Choose the correct variant.
95. Choose the correct variant.
We didn’t want his speech______.
A) My son asked me to let him to go to the club.
A) was interrupted B) My son asked me let him to go to the club.
B) interrupting C) My son asked me let him go to the club.
C) interrupts D) My son asked me to let him going to the club.
D) be interrupted E) My son asked me to let him go to the club.
E) to be interrupted
96. Choose the correct variant.
A) You must make him practice an hour a day.
88. Choose the correct variant.
B) You must make him to practice an hour a day.
A) I've heard him to arguing with his father.
C) You must make him practices an hour a day.
B) I suspect him take my money.
D) You must make him practiced an hour a day.
C) She likes to watch the sun to set.
E) You must make him practicing an hour a day.
D) I hate people to shout at each other.
E) They suppose him cope with this work.
97. Choose the correct variant.
A) She was made repeat the song.
89. Choose the correct variant.
B) She was made repeats the song.
A) I've heard her to crying.
C) She was made repeating the song.
B) We expect him solve this problem soon.
D) She was made to repeat the song.
C) I saw him talks to Kate a few minutes ago.
E) She was made to repeating the song.
D) Parents want their children be the best.
E) I wouldn't like such valuable presents to be given to
98. Choose the correct variant.
My daughter asked me ______.

90. Choose the correct variant. A) let her to go to the theatre

A) I noticed him to write something to Alice. B) to let her to go to the theatre
B) We suppose them apologize to us. C) let her go to the theatre
C) I watched the stars to sparkle in the sky. D) to let her go to the theatre
D) I didn’t expect him behave in such a way. E) letting her go to the theatre
E) We don't want our planet to be polluted.
99. Choose the correct variant.
91. Choose the correct variant. She asked me ______.
A) I heard him works in his study at night.
A) to read the letter carefully and to write an answer
B) They expected him buy a more expensive car.
B) to read the letter carefully and write an answer
C) I didn’t expect the policeman to be such an impolite
C) read the letter carefully and write an answer
D) reading the letter carefully and writing an answer
D) We'd like you deliver goods by the end of June.
E) read the letter carefully and to write an answer
E) I expected her be invited there.
100. Choose the correct variant.
92. Choose the correct variant.
Let me ______ you with your work.
A) They did not expect him be asked about it.
B) I heard his name to be mentioned several times at A) to help
the meeting. B) helping
C) He did not notice us come up to him. C) help
D) Have you seen them were laughing at him? D) helps
E) We did not expect it be announced on the radio. E) will help

101. Choose the correct variant. 108. Choose the correct variant.
She asked me ______ the letter and ______ it When I was waiting in the hall, I saw a girl ______
immediately. with a file in her hand.

A) to write / to send A) came out

B) write / send B) to come out
C) writing / sending C) was coming out
D) writing / sent D) comes out
E) to write / send E) come out

102. Choose the correct variant.

He was seen ______ the house.
110. Choose the correct variant.
A) leave Nobody expected the president of the company
B) to leave ______ to the party.
C) leaves
A) coming
D) left
B) came
E) had left
C) coming
103. Choose the correct variant. D) to come
The man told me not ______ on the grass. E) come

A) walking
B) walks
C) walked 111. Choose the correct variant.
D) to walk She noticed the children ______ behind the tree but
E) walk pretended to see nothing.

A) hiding
104. Choose the correct variant.
B) to hide
Have you heard him ______ the piano?
C) to be hidden
A) to play D) hid
B) played E) hides
C) was playing
D) playing
E) plays 112. Choose the correct variant.
I want his article ______ in November.
105. Choose the correct variant.
The doctor wanted the patient ______. A) to publish
B) published
A) to be examined C) publishes
B) be examined D) to be published
C) being examined E) publishing
D) examined
E) will be examined

106. Choose the correct variant. 113. Choose the correct variant.
There are a lot of people who expect your country He didn’t expect her ______ so early.
______ the same as their own. A) return
A) not to be B) returned
B) not being C) to return
C) not be D) returning
D) isn’t E) returns
E) is

107. Choose the correct variant. 114. Choose the correct variant.
Did you hear the chairman ______ an announcement? We expect the statement ______ true.
A) made A) be
B) to make B) is
C) is making C) was
D) making D) being
E) be made E) to be

TENSE FORMS 8. Choose the correct variant.

Listen! The band ______ the new guitar.
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) is testing
1. John ______ football at the moment.
B) tests
A) played C) tested
B) is playing D) would test
C) play E) test
D) are playing
E) plays 9. Choose the correct variant.
First I ______, then I dress.
2. Choose the correct variant.
We often ______ tests at our school. A) am washing
B) will wash
A) are writing
C) washes
B) writes
D) washed
C) have written
E) wash
D) were writing
E) write
10. Choose the correct variant.
3. Choose the correct variant. Every morning my mother ______ up at 6 o'clock.
I ______ to my teacher now.
A) gets
A) am talking B) get
B) talked C) have got
C) was talking D) is getting
D) will talk E) got
E) talk
11. Choose the correct variant.
4. Choose the correct variant. Andy sometimes ______ comics.
Look! Mandy and Susan ______ a film on TV.
A) shall read
A) watched B) reads
B) is watching C) is reading
C) watch D) don’t read
D) are watching E) read
E) will watch
12. Choose the correct variant.
5. Choose the correct variant.
Listen! Sandy ______ in the bathroom.
Olivia ______ her uncle every weekend.
A) is singing
A) visits
B) sang
B) is visiting
C) sings
C) have visited
D) was singing
D) visit
E) songs
E) were visiting

6. Choose the correct variant. 13. Choose the correct variant.

Now the sun ______. My sister usually ______ in the kitchen.

A) shines A) help
B) shone B) is helping
C) is shining C) don’t help
D) is shine D) helps
E) was shining E) has helped

7. Choose the correct variant. 14. Choose the correct variant.

They sometimes ______ poems at the lessons. My mother ______ breakfast now.
A) read A) makes
B) doesn’t read B) is making
C) are reading C) made
D) reads D) are making
E) reading E) is make

15. Choose the correct variant. 22. Choose the correct variant.
They often ______ the bathroom. She ______ at the moment.

A) doesn’t clean A) was cooking

B) didn’t cleaned B) cooked
C) clean C) cooks
D) cleans D) cook
E) are cleaning E) is cooking

16. Choose the correct variant. 23. Choose the correct variant.
Look! The boys ______ home. They ______ a party last Sunday.

A) come A) have
B) came B) had
C) were coming C) has
D) will come D) didn’t had
E) are coming E) will have

17. Choose the correct variant. 24. Choose the correct variant.
We never ______ TV in the morning. We ______ it tomorrow.

A) are watching A) did

B) watch B) do
C) watches C) were doing
D) don’t watch D) shall do
E) didn’t watch E) does

18. Choose the correct variant. 25. Choose the correct variant.
Every day his grandfather ______ for a walk. She ______ this exercise 2 weeks ago.

A) go A) wrote
B) is going B) write
C) don’t go C) will write
D) doesn’t goes D) writes
E) goes E) are writing

19. Choose the correct variant. 26. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ with my friend at the moment. He usually ______ modern clothes.

A) chat A) buys
B) am chatting B) is buying
C) chatting C) doesn’t buys
D) chatted D) don’t buy
E) are chatting E) buy

20. Choose the correct variant. 27. Choose the correct variant.
Bob ______ English but I ______. Look! The children ______ snowballs.

A) is studying / don’t A) play

B) studies / don’t B) are playing
C) doesn’t study / don’t C) played
D) don’t study / do D) were playing
E) doesn’t studies / do E) plays

21. Choose the correct variant. 28. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ many things every day. They ______ a quick-test yesterday.

A) does A) write
B) am doing B) will write
C) do C) didn’t wrote
D) doesn’t do D) are writing
E) didn’t E) wrote

29. Choose the correct variant. 36. Choose the correct variant.
They sometimes ______ their toys. They ______ on the beach every summer.

A) breaks A) rests
B) are breaking B) is resting
C) doesn’t break C) doesn’t rest
D) didn’t broke D) didn’t rested
E) break E) rest

30. Choose the correct variant. 37. Choose the correct variant.
The boy ______ only good marks last year. I ______ the picture right now.

A) get A) colour
B) will get B) am colouring
C) got C) coloured
D) didn’t got D) was colouring
E) don’t get E) colours

31. Choose the correct variant. 38. Choose the correct variant.
Listen! Somebody ______. They ______ a tasty meal last week.

A) shouts A) cook
B) shouted B) will cook
C) was shouting C) cooks
D) shout D) didn’t cooked
E) is shouting E) cooked

32. Choose the correct variant. 39. Choose the correct variant.
We often ______ to school by bus. I always ______ tea in the morning.

A) goes A) drinking
B) are going B) drunk
C) go C) drink
D) didn’t went D) doesn’t drink
E) doesn’t go E) drinks

40. Choose the correct variant.

33. Choose the correct variant.
They ______ harder next year.
They ______ their car in 2010.
A) works
A) will buy
B) will work
B) bought
C) are working
C) buys
D) shall work
D) didn’t bought
E) worked
E) are buying

41. Choose the correct variant.

34. Choose the correct variant. We ______ TV last night.
I ______ for the teacher now.
A) watch
A) wait B) didn’t watch
B) waited C) have watched
C) will wait D) will watch
D) doesn’t wait E) are watching
E) am waiting

42. Choose the correct variant.

35. Choose the correct variant. - ______ the football game last night?
My granny ______ us next week. - No, last night we went out to dinner.
A) will visit A) Watched you
B) visit B) Did you watched
C) visited C) You watched
D) visits D) You did watch
E) shall visit E) Did you watch

43. Choose the correct variant. 50. Choose the correct variant.
Kate ______ to the hospital to visit her cousin. My friend ______ a bunch of bananas every day.

A) gone A) eat
B) did go B) was eating
C) goed C) shall eat
D) go D) eats
E) went E) has eaten

44. Choose the correct variant.

51. Choose the correct variant.
What ______ you like to do?
The Sun ______ in the West.
A) is
A) always sets
B) was
B) always is setting
C) does
C) sets always
D) would
D) always setting
E) are
E) set
45. Choose the correct variant.
- What ______ she like? 52. Choose the correct variant.
- She's intelligent. Did John ______ with the band yesterday?

A) is A) sing
B) do B) sung
C) does C) song
D) would D) sang
E) are E) sings

46. Choose the correct variant.

53. Choose the correct variant.
What ______ he like to do this evening?
He ______ school in 1998.
A) is
A) will leave
B) do
B) has left
C) does
C) leaves
D) would
D) left
E) are
E) is leaving
47. Choose the correct variant.
- What _______ you like to drink in hot weather?
54. Choose the correct variant.
- Water and coke.
She ______ the dishes every day.
A) is
A) wash
B) do
B) is washing
C) does
C) has washed
D) would
D) didn’t washed
E) are
E) washes
48. Choose the correct variant.
- What ______ your boss like? 55. Choose the correct variant.
- He enjoys playing tennis. You ______ the cake yesterday.
A) is A) isn’t cooking
B) do B) didn’t cook
C) does C) don’t cook
D) would D) haven’t cooked
E) are E) wasn’t cooking
49. Choose the correct variant.
- What ______ your boss like? 56. Choose the correct variant.
- He is very hard-working. The Earth ______ round the Sun.
A) is A) went
B) do B) is going
C) does C) goes
D) would D) go
E) are E) will go

57. Choose the correct variant. 64. Choose the correct variant.
Who ______ food in your family when your Mom is Mary ______ on holiday six years ago.
A) had gone
A) cooks B) has gone
B) has been cooking C) has been
C) is cooking D) will go
D) cooked E) went
E) cook
65. Choose the correct variant.
58. Choose the correct variant. Last year I ______ to England on holiday.
Collin ______ on holiday last year.
A) go
A) doesn’t go B) gone
B) hasn’t gone C) went
C) won’t go D) goes
D) didn’t went E) am going
E) didn’t go
66. Choose the correct variant.
59. Choose the correct variant. Where ______ last night?
______ you ______ Catherine a minute ago?
A) did you
A) Have / seen B) were you go
B) Do / see C) have you gone
C) Will / see D) did you went
D) Had / seen E) did you go
E) Did / see
67. Choose the correct variant.
My sister ______ very fast.
60. Choose the correct variant.
He ______ the glass yesterday. A) talk
B) talks
A) breaks
C) talking
B) has broken
D) shall talk
C) will break
E) is talk
D) didn’t broke
E) broke 68. Choose the correct variant.
My brother and I ______ Japanese.
61. Choose the correct variant.
A) speaks
They ______ for everything.
B) spoken
A) didn’t pay C) speak
B) hasn’t pay D) is speaking
C) doesn’t pay E) are speak
D) didn’t paid
69. Choose the correct variant.
E) pays
A) I not usually have lunch at home.
B) I usually have not lunch at home.
62. Choose the correct variant.
C) I doesn't usually have lunch at home.
______ they ______ their holidays in Paris last
D) I usually have lunch at home.
E) I don't usually has lunch at home.
A) Do / spend
70. Choose the correct variant.
B) Did / spend
A) My friend don't goes to the cinema a lot.
C) Did / spent
B) My friend not goes to the cinema a lot.
D) Have / spend
C) My friend goes to the cinema a lot.
E) Had / spent
D) My friend doesn't goes to the cinema a lot.
E) My friend don’t go to the cinema a lot.
63. Choose the correct variant.
Last week, Mary and Paul ______ to the cinema.
71. Choose the correct variant.
A) go A) Do his father drive a car very fast?
B) goes B) Is his father drive a car very fast?
C) went C) Does his father drives a car very fast?
D) had gone D) Does his father drive a car very fast?
E) will go E) Did his father drove a car very fast?

72. Choose the correct variant. 81. Choose the correct variant.
A) Did the shops closed at 8 in the evening? A) How much does cost it for the return ticket?
B) Does the shops close at 8 in the evening? B) How much for the return ticket does it cost?
C) Do the shops closes at 8 in the evening? C) How much does it cost for the return ticket?
D) Are the shops close at 8 in the evening? D) How does much it cost for the return ticket?
E) Do the shops close at 8 in the evening? E) How much does it costs for the return ticket?

73. Choose the correct variant. 82. Choose the correct variant.
A) You often play basketball? A) They doesn't often phone my mother.
B) Do you often plays basketball? B) They don't often phone my mother.
C) Is you often play basketball? C) They often don't phone my mother.
D) Are you often play basketball? D) They don't phone my mother often.
E) Did you often play basketball? E) They don't phone my mother often.

74. Choose the correct variant. 83. Choose the correct variant.
A) How you often play basketball? A) The next train leaves in the morning at 4.
B) How do you often play basketball? B) The next train leaves at 4 in the morning.
C) How often do you play basketball? C) The next train at 4 in the morning leaves.
D) How often you play basketball? D) At 4 in the morning the next train leaves.
E) How often did you played basketball? E) The next train leave at 4 in the morning.

75. Choose the correct variant. 84. Choose the correct variant.
A) She come home early. I ______ already ______ to London a couple of times.
B) She not comes home early.
A) have / travelled
C) She don't come home early.
B) travelled
D) She doesn't come home early.
C) shall / travelled
E) She doesn't comes home early.
D) is / travelling
76. Choose the correct variant. E) travels
A) Why doesn't you come to the youth club?
85. Choose the correct variant.
B) Why you not come to the youth club?
Last week, Mary and Paul ______ to the cinema.
C) Why not you come to the youth club?
D) Why don't you come to the youth club? A) go
E) Why don't you came to the youth club? B) goes
C) went
77. Choose the correct variant.
D) had gone
A) My brother never waits for us.
E) will go
B) My brother doesn't never wait for us.
C) My brother don't ever wait for us. 86. Choose the correct variant.
D) My brother does never wait for us. Joanna ______ the book yet.
E) My brother never wait for us.
A) haven’t read
B) has read
78. Choose the correct variant.
C) didn’t read
A) We always goes abroad for our holidays.
D) hasn’t read
B) We always go abroad for our holidays.
E) doesn’t read
C) Always we go abroad for our holidays.
D) We go always abroad for our holidays. 87. Choose the correct variant.
E) We go abroad always for our holidays. I ______ any problems so far.

A) haven’t had
79. Choose the correct variant.
B) didn’t have
A) Does she always get up early in the morning?
C) have had
B) Does she get up early always in the morning?
D) had
C) Does she get up always in the morning early?
E) have
D) Does she get up always early in the morning?
E) Do she gets up always early in the morning?
88. Choose the correct variant.
They ______ the new words yet.
80. Choose the correct variant.
A) When at the university do you start? A) don’t learn
B) When do start you at the university? B) have learned
C) When do you start at the university? C) haven’t learned
D) When does you start at the university? D) didn’t learn
E) When do you starts at the university? E) hasn’t learned

89. Choose the correct variant. 96. Choose the correct variant.
______ they ever ______ to New York? They ______ the house since 1991.

A) Have / been A) has owned

B) Did / be B) will own
C) Have / go C) have own
D) Have / went D) have owned
E) Are / - E) owned

90. Choose the correct variant. 97. Choose the correct variant.
______ he ______ the news yet? You ______ 4 cars so far.

A) Did / hear A) have bought

B) Does / hear B) bought
C) Did / heard C) will buy
D) Has / heard D) didn’t bought
E) Has / hear E) buy

91. Choose the correct variant.

98. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ your book several times.
We ______ this movie lately.
A) am reading
A) saw
B) have read
B) didn’t seen
C) read
C) have seen
D) reads
D) don’t see
E) has read
E) see

92. Choose the correct variant.

99. Choose the correct variant.
She ______ that skirt many times.
Dan ______ here since last November.
A) wears
A) didn’t work
B) wore
B) hasn’t work
C) didn’t wear
C) will work
D) has worn
D) worked
E) doesn’t wear
E) hasn’t worked

93. Choose the correct variant. 100. Choose the correct variant.
My friend ______ Brazil a few times. Peter ______ here since last summer.

A) has visited A) isn’t

B) visited B) hadn’t been
C) didn’t visit C) hasn’t been
D) have visited D) won’t be
E) has visit E) wasn’t

101. Choose the correct variant.

94. Choose the correct variant.
After Fred ______ his holiday in Italy he ______ to
Marta ______ just ______ her homework.
learn Italian.
A) doesn’t / finish
A) spent / wanted
B) will / finish
B) will spend / wanted
C) has / finished
C) spend / wanted
D) have / finish
D) had spent / wanted
E) didn’t / finish
E) had spent / wants

95. Choose the correct variant. 102. Choose the correct variant.
It ______ never ______ like that. Jill ______ Dad at work before she ______ for her trip.
A) hasn’t / snowed A) phoned / left
B) didn’t / snow B) had phoned / left
C) - / snowed C) will phone / leave
D) has / snowed D) had phoned / leaves
E) have / snowed E) phones / left

103. Choose the correct variant. 110. Choose the correct variant.
Susan ______ the radio after she ______ the dishes. They ______ their bikes before they ______ their
A) turned / had washed
B) turn / had washed A) rode / met
C) turned / will wash B) ride / met
D) turned / washes C) had ridden / met
E) turned / has washed D) will ride / met
E) rode / have met
104. Choose the correct variant.
When she ______ the match ______ already ______. 111. Choose the correct variant.
Yesterday, Mandy ______ to a café after work.
A) arrive / had / started
B) arrived / has / started A) went
C) arrived / had / started B) goes
D) arrive / will / start C) had gone
E) arrive / will / start D) will go
E) is going
105. Choose the correct variant.
After the man ______ home he ______ the cat. 112. Choose the correct variant.
The pupils talked about the film they ______.
A) came / fed
B) comes / fed A) watched
C) came / feeds B) are watching
D) had come / feeds C) will watch
E) had come / fed D) have watched
E) had watched
106. Choose the correct variant.
Before he ______ a song he ______ the guitar. 113. Choose the correct variant.
I was late for work because I ______ the bus.
A) sing / plays
B) sings / play A) had missed
C) sang / has played B) will miss
D) sang / had played C) missed
E) sang / played D) miss
E) misses
107. Choose the correct variant.
114. Choose the correct variant.
She ______ a video after the children ______ to bed.
We lived in the house that my father ______.
A) watched / had gone
A) built
B) watch / had gone
B) will built
C) will watch / went
C) has built
D) would watch / go
D) had build
E) is watching / went
E) had built

108. Choose the correct variant. 115. Choose the correct variant.
After Eric ______ breakfast he ______ his friend. We admired the picture that Lucy ______.
A) had made / phoned A) painted
B) made / will phone B) had painted
C) has made / would phone C) will paint
D) will make / phone D) is painting
E) make / will phone E) paints

109. Choose the correct variant. 116. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ very tired because I ______ too much. They watered the trees that they ______.
A) was / have studied A) plant
B) am / had studied B) are planting
C) was / will study C) planted
D) will be / had studied D) had planted
E) was / had studied E) will plant

117. Choose the correct variant. 124. Choose the correct variant.
The teacher corrected the tests that the pupils ______. When he ______ , his mother ______ already ______
A) will write
B) had written A) woke up / had … prepared
C) are writing B) wake up / prepares
D) write C) wake up / had … prepared
E) have written D) woke up / has prepared
E) woke up / prepared
118. Choose the correct variant.
They did not send me the shirt that I ______.
125. Choose the correct variant.
A) ordered
We ______ to London because our friends ______ us.
B) have ordered
C) will order A) went / invited
D) had ordered B) goes / invited
E) order C) went / invite
D) went / had invited
119. Choose the correct variant. E) are going / had invited
Look! Sara ______ to the movies.

A) goes
126. Choose the correct variant.
B) is going
He ______ the news, ______ to the telephone and
C) went
______ a friend.
D) was going
E) go A) heard / go / call
B) hear / go / call
120. Choose the correct variant. C) heard / went / call
On her right hand, Sara ______ her handbag. D) heard / went / called
E) hears / goes / went
A) carry
B) shall carry
C) is carry
127. Choose the correct variant.
D) are carrying
When she ______ learning English she ______ already
E) is carrying
______ French.

121. Choose the correct variant. A) start / learn

The handbag ______ very beautiful. B) started / had … learned
C) started / learned
A) are
D) starts / has … started
B) were
E) started / has … learned
C) has
D) is
E) be 128. Choose the correct variant.
Jane ______ already ______ three pages when her
122. Choose the correct variant.
computer ______.
Sara usually ______ on black shoes but now she
______ white trainers. A) had … typed / crash
B) had … typed / crashed
A) put / wear
C) typed / crashed
B) put / is wearing
D) have … typed / crashed
C) is putting / wears
E) has … typed / crashed
D) puts / is wearing
E) puts / wear
129. Choose the correct variant.
123. Choose the correct variant. By the time the doctor ______ at the house the
Look, she ______ an umbrella because it ______. patient ______.

A) is taking / is raining A) arrived / had died

B) takes / is raining B) had arrived / died
C) take / rain C) arrive / dies
D) took / rains D) arrives / died
E) is taking / rained E) arrived / will die

130. Choose the correct variant. 137. Choose the correct variant.
Before that day we ______ never ______ of traveling My friend ______ in Canada two years ago.
to Japan.
A) is
A) think B) has been
B) will … think C) will have been
C) thinks D) were
D) had … thought E) was
E) thought
138. Choose the correct variant.
131. Choose the correct variant. I ______ to Canada so far.
I ______ him a long time before I ______ his family.
A) am not
A) know / meet B) wasn’t
B) knew / met C) shall be
C) know / will meet D) haven’t been
D) knows / met E) hasn’t been
E) had known / met
139. Choose the correct variant.
132. Choose the correct variant. I ______ here since 1992.
They ______ where to meet because nobody ______
A) worked
B) work
A) don’t know / tell C) will work
B) doesn’t know / tells D) have worked
C) didn’t know / had told E) had worked
D) knew / had told
E) knew / told 140. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ already ______ to London a couple of times.
133. Choose the correct variant.
A) have / travelled
It ______ cloudy for days before it ______ to rain.
B) travelled
A) was / began C) shall / travelled
B) has been / began D) is / travelleng
C) is / begin E) --- / travels
D) had been / will begin
E) had been / began 141. Choose the correct variant.
I can't take any pictures because I ______ a new film
134. Choose the correct variant. yet.
I ______ just ______ my homework.
A) don’t buy
A) have … finished B) didn’t buy
B) has … finished C) have bought
C) finished D) shall buy
D) will … finish E) haven’t bought
E) finish
142. Choose the correct variant.
135. Choose the correct variant. ______ you ever ______ a whale?
Mary ______ already ______ five letters.
A) Did / saw
A) has … write B) Do / see
B) has … wrote C) Shall / see
C) write D) Have / seen
D) write E) Are / seeing
E) has … written
143. Choose the correct variant.
136. Choose the correct variant. The receptionist ______ the guests and ______ them
Tom ______ to his home town in 1994. the keys of the rooms.

A) move A) welcomed / gave

B) moved B) welcome / gives
C) is moving C) welcome / will give
D) to move D) are welcoming / gives
E) will move E) welcomed / gives

144. Choose the correct variant. 151. Choose the correct variant.
The car ______ down and we ______ to walk home. Did you just ______ me a liar?

A) broke / have A) called

B) broken / had B) calling
C) broke / had C) calls
D) will break / had D) call
E) break / have E) have called

145. Choose the correct variant.

152. Choose the correct variant.
My father ______ in, ______ and ______ me to tidy
She is a mean person. I don't like ______ to her.
up my room.
A) talk
A) comes / looks / told
B) talks
B) came / look / tell
C) is talking
C) had come / look / told
D) talking
D) came / look / tells
E) have talk
E) came / looked / told

146. Choose the correct variant. 153. Choose the correct variant.
I last ______ him two days ago. You ______ my brother, have you?

A) saw A) haven't seen

B) see B) didn't see
C) have seen C) didn’t saw
D) will see D) don’t know
E) had seen E) won’t know

147. Choose the correct variant.

154. Choose the correct variant.
He ______ at the meeting on Monday because he was
I often ______ a bicycle when I was a kid.
away on business.
A) had ridden
A) was
B) have ridden
B) wasn’t
C) rode
C) weren’t
D) ride
D) won’t be
E) rides
E) isn’t

148. Choose the correct variant. 155. Choose the correct variant.
Where ______ for her holidays? We ______ this report by the end of the month.

A) she goes A) shall have written

B) did she went B) wrote
C) does she goes C) write
D) did she go D) are writing
E) do she go E) shall write

149. Choose the correct variant. 156. Choose the correct variant.
How long ______ you to drive from Amsterdam to I'd like to invite you to a barbecue. ______ anything
Paris? tomorrow?

A) does it takes A) Do you do

B) did it took B) Are you doing
C) did it take C) You do
D) did it taken D) Did you do
E) do it take E) Were you do

150. Choose the correct variant.

157. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ in bed when I heard the accident outside.
I ______ this program when Tom and Justin arrived.
A) was lying
A) watch
B) laid
B) am watching
C) have lain
C) have been watching
D) am lying
D) will watch
E) lain
E) was watching

158. Choose the correct variant. 165. Choose the correct variant.
He knew London well because he ______ the city She was tired because she ______ in the garden.
several times.
A) has worked
A) had visited B) worked
B) has visited C) works
C) had been visited D) has been working
D) visited E) had been working
E) will visit
166. Choose the correct variant.
159. Choose the correct variant.
I promise, I ______ my homework in two hours.
They ______ in Poland for ten years but they moved
out in 2000. A) shall do
B) am doing
A) have lived
C) have done
B) has lived
D) do
C) lived
E) would do
D) live
E) had been living
167. Choose the correct variant.
160. Choose the correct variant. Look at the sky! It ______ rain. Let's go home.
The bus _____ every morning at 7 a.m. Don't be late!
A) will go
A) will be leaving B) is going to
B) leaves C) goes
C) has left D) is going
D) leave E) would
E) left
168. Choose the correct variant.
161. Choose the correct variant.
I was reading a book when the phone ______.
I am not hungry. I ______ dinner.
A) rung
A) had already eaten
B) rang
B) have already eaten
C) was ring
C) already eat
D) rings
D) ate
E) will ring
E) eats

162. Choose the correct variant.

169. Choose the correct variant.
- What are you doing?
I promise, I ______ anyone about your problems.
- I ______ TV.
A) shan’t be telling
A) watch
B) shan’t tell
B) was watching
C) tell
C) am watching
D) don’t tell
D) watched
E) didn’t told
E) had watched

163. Choose the correct variant. 170. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ as a teacher since 2006. I still work in this Right now, our house ______ by Acme House Painters.
A) is being painted
A) have been worked B) was being painted
B) worked C) is painting
C) have been working D) paints
D) works E) is painted
E) work

164. Choose the correct variant. 171. Choose the correct variant.
Tomorrow at this time I ______ to Chicago. Do you know what you want to do after you ______?
A) will be flying A) will graduate
B) will fly B) graduate
C) fly C) graduated
D) am flying D) graduates
E) flew E) are graduating

172. Choose the correct variant. 179. Choose the correct variant.
If I had her address, I ______ her a postcard. What ______ this time last year?

A) had sent A) were you doing

B) would send B) did you do
C) will send C) you were doing
D) send D) did you did
E) sent E) was you doing

180. Choose the correct variant.

173. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ you at 9 o'clock as arranged because I was
If Tim ______ time he would travel around the world.
having a meeting.
A) will have
A) doesn’t call
B) has
B) didn’t call
C) had
C) don’t call
D) having
D) won’t call
E) had had
E) didn’t called
174. Choose the correct variant. 181. Choose the correct variant.
I used my time well while I ______ for my plane. I ______ when my husband left for work this morning.
A) wait A) was still sleeping
B) was waiting B) still slept
C) were waiting C) still sleeping
D) waited D) have been still sleeping
E) will wait E) will be sleeping

182. Choose the correct variant.

175. Choose the correct variant.
Why did you bring your umbrella? ______ when you
I ______ when my boss walked in my office.
left home?
A) wasn’t working
A) Did it rained
B) worked
B) Were it raining
C) work
C) Was it raining
D) have worked
D) Is it raining
E) were working
E) Did it rain
176. Choose the correct variant. 183. Choose the correct variant.
When I ______ for the taxi, I saw two car crashes. When ______ to Rome?
A) waited A) you went
B) was waiting B) have you gone
C) will wait C) did you went
D) wait D) you are going
E) had waited E) did you go

177. Choose the correct variant. 184. Choose the correct variant.
Tom ______ long hair and a beard when he was at - How many times ______ to pass your driving test?
university. - Three times so far.
A) have A) did you try
B) has B) did you tried
C) have had C) do you try
D) had D) have you tried
E) was having E) have tried

185. Choose the correct variant.

178. Choose the correct variant.
You look different. ______ a haircut?
It started snowing while I ______ to work.
A) Have you had
A) drive
B) You have had
B) am driving
C) Did you have
C) was driving
D) Did you had
D) shall driving
E) Have you have
E) drove

186. Choose the correct variant. 193. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ David at all this week. I don't even know ______ Martin yesterday?
where he is.
A) Do you see
A) doesn’t see B) Did you see
B) didn’t saw C) Does you see
C) haven’t seen D) Did you saw
D) didn’t see E) Have you seen
E) don’t see

187. Choose the correct variant. 194. Choose the correct variant.
- ______ to Peter yet? I arrived on Monday and today is Thursday. I ______
- No, not yet. here for three days.

A) Did you spoke A) have been

B) Have you spoken B) had been
C) Have you spoke C) has been
D) Do do speak D) am
E) Did you speak E) was

188. Choose the correct variant.

When ______ your job? 195. Choose the correct variant.
I came on Monday and I left on Thursday. I ______
A) does you start
there for four days.
B) did you started
C) have you started A) have been
D) you will start B) was
E) did you start C) am
D) will be
189. Choose the correct variant.
E) were
I ______ to a new house since last June

A) have moved
B) have move 196. Choose the correct variant.
C) moved - How long ______ in Paris?
D) will move - Fifteen years - we came back to live in Britain in
E) am moving 2010.

190. Choose the correct variant. A) you lived

My sister ______ to New York three times and she's B) have you lived
going again next month. C) will you live
D) did you lived
A) is
E) did you live
B) was
C) have been
D) has been 197. Choose the correct variant.
E) had been - How long ______ in Britain?
191. Choose the correct variant. - Four years. And we really like it here.
The US President ______ in our country last year. A) did you live
A) have been B) are you living
B) was C) do you live
C) is D) have you been living
D) has been E) did you lived
E) had been

192. Choose the correct variant. 198. Choose the correct variant.
The US President ______ our country three times in Peter ______ a member of the cricket team since last
the last two years. September.
A) visits A) is
B) visited B) was
C) has visited C) will be
D) will visit D) have been
E) have visited E) has been

199. Choose the correct variant. 206. Choose the correct variant.
- How long ______? Your pronunciation ______ if you spent some time in
- About fifteen hours. It was awful. I hate flying long Britain.
A) improves
A) does the journey take B) will improves
B) will the journey take C) would improve
C) the journey took D) is improving
D) did the journey take E) will be improve
E) did the journey took
207. Choose the correct variant.
200. Choose the correct variant. I'll try to fix that broken door handle ______ time.
I ______ tennis ever since I first watched Wimbledon
A) when I got
on TV.
B) I get
A) will like C) if I got
B) am liking D) if I get
C) have liked E) if I had got
D) like
208. Choose the correct variant.
E) liked
I ______ for seven hours last night.
201. Choose the correct variant.
A) was slept
I ______ for Microsoft from 2007 to 2011.
B) slept
A) working C) has slept
B) worked D) sleep
C) work E) sleeps
D) have worked
209. Choose the correct variant.
E) will work
I ______ that you were here.
202. Choose the correct variant.
A) wasn't knowing
What time ______ home?
B) didn't knew
A) have you arrived C) didn't know
B) did you arrive D) knows
C) you arrived E) am knowing
D) does you arrive
210. Choose the correct variant.
E) did you arrived
When I came to this city, I ______ anyone.
203. Choose the correct variant.
A) haven't known
How long ______ in London last summer?
B) didn't know
A) did you spend C) wasn't knowing
B) did you spent D) didn’t knew
C) have you spend E) knows
D) had you spent
E) you spent 211. Choose the correct variant.
You know where I live. I ______ in the same place for
204. Choose the correct variant.
the past three years.
I'll go to London with you if ______ a cheap flight.
A) have been living
A) I will find
B) had lived
B) I find
C) was living
C) I would find
D) had been living
D) I found
E) lived
E) he find

205. Choose the correct variant. 212. Choose the correct variant.
According to experts, ______ mass flooding if the ice I can't take any pictures because I ______ a new film
caps melt. yet.

A) there would be A) don’t buy

B) it would be B) didn’t buy
C) there are C) have bought
D) there is D) shall buy
E) there will be E) haven’t bought

213. Choose the correct variant. 220. Choose the correct variant.
______ they ______ their holidays in Paris last They ______ on holiday every winter.
A) are going
A) Do / spend B) go
B) Did / spend C) goes
C) Did / spent D) went
D) Have / spend E) didn’t went
E) Had / spent
221. Choose the correct variant.
214. Choose the correct variant.
At work he usually ______ all day.
______ you ever ______ a whale?
A) sit
A) Did / saw
B) sat
B) Do / see
C) sits
C) Shall / see
D) is sitting
D) Have / seen
E) was sitting
E) Are / seeing

215. Choose the correct variant. 222. Choose the correct variant.
The receptionist ______ the guests and ______ them The days ______ longer in summer.
to fill in the form.
A) is
A) welcomed / asked B) are
B) welcome / asks C) being
C) welcome / will ask D) was
D) are welcoming / asks E) to be
E) welcomed / asks
223. Choose the correct variant.
216. Choose the correct variant.
My brother ______ animals in his childhood.
The car ______ down and we ______ to walk home.
A) do not like
A) broke / have
B) not like
B) broken / had
C) does not like
C) broke / had
D) didn’t like
D) will break / had
E) didn’t liked
E) break / have

217. Choose the correct variant. 224. Choose the correct variant.
The boys ______ while the girls ______. Right now she ______ down a hill.

A) were swimming / were sunbathing A) ran

B) swim / were sunbathing B) was running
C) swam / sunbath C) run
D) was swimming / sunbathing D) is running
E) are swimming / sunbathed E) runs

218. Choose the correct variant.

225. Choose the correct variant.
My father ______ in and ______ me to tidy up my
He always ______ he is the best one but I do not
believe him at all.
A) comes / told
A) is saying
B) came / tell
B) said
C) had come / told
C) says
D) came / tells
D) sayies
E) came / told
E) saying
219. Choose the correct variant.
While one group ______ dinner the others ______ 226. Choose the correct variant.
wood for the campfire. Tomorrow I think I ______ my new project.
A) prepared / collected A) have started
B) will prepare / collects B) shall start
C) prepares / collects C) start
D) had collected / collect D) starts
E) was preparing / were collecting E) am start

227. Choose the correct variant. 234. Choose the correct variant.
The teacher ______ a test to his students next This time tomorrow some of these people ______ to
Monday. their home countries.

A) will assign A) will travel

B) assign B) will travelling
C) assigned C) will be travelling
D) was assigning D) will have travelling
E) assigns E) were travelling

228. Choose the correct variant. 235. Choose the correct variant.
He ______ it by the end of next week. We ______ there on time if we don’t catch the bus.

A) corrects A) get
B) will correct B) got
C) will have corrected C) shan’t get
D) is correcting D) should get
E) correct E) gets

229. Choose the correct variant. 236. Choose the correct variant.
I think I ______ my trip tomorrow. Water ______ at 100 degrees.

A) shall start A) boils

B) start B) is boiling
C) started C) will boil
D) is starting D) will have been boiling
E) had started E) boil

230. Choose the correct variant. 237. Choose the correct variant.
We ______ a new product last year. The weather ______ hotter and hotter.

A) launched A) are getting

B) have launched B) gets
C) had launched C) have been getting
D) launch D) is getting
E) will launch E) get

231. Choose the correct variant. 238. Choose the correct variant.
It ______ since early this morning. The first modern Olympics ______ place in Athens
more than a hundred years ago.
A) has rained
B) rained A) were taking
C) has been raining B) took
D) have rained C) have taken
E) will rain D) had taken
E) take
232. Choose the correct variant.
The Rodriguez family ______ breakfast before leaving 239. Choose the correct variant.
for the airport. We ______ 20 new buildings this year.

A) have A) build
B) has to B) built
C) had C) were building
D) has had D) had built
E) has got E) have built

233. Choose the correct variant. 240. Choose the correct variant.
Last Sunday they ______ to the football game. We ______ from her since June.

A) went A) haven’t heard

B) go B) didn't heard
C) gone C) had heard
D) were D) weren't hearing
E) going E) hadn’t heard

241. Choose the correct variant. 248. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ to the news at nine o'clock last night. I ______ when my friend ______.

A) am listening A) slept / called

B) listened B) was sleeping / was calling
C) have been listening C) was sleeping / called
D) had been listening D) slept / was calling
E) was listening E) am sleeping / called

242. Choose the correct variant. 249. Choose the correct variant.
After they ______ lunch they cleared the table. Those potatoes ______ for an hour.

A) eat A) is boiled
B) ate B) have been boiling
C) had eaten C) were boiling
D) have eaten D) are boiling
E) were eating E) had been boiling

243. Choose the correct variant. 250. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ for a whole hour! They ______ for four hours before they ______ the
top of the mountain.
A) wait
B) am waiting A) climbed / reached
C) was waiting B) had been climbing / reached
D) have been waiting C) was climbing / reached
E) had been waiting D) climbed / has been reaching
E) have been climbing / reached
244. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ John's mobile phone because I have left 251. Choose the correct variant.
mine at home. I think it ______ a difficult game.

A) am using A) going to be
B) use B) has
C) was using C) have been
D) used D) had been
E) have been using E) is going to be

245. Choose the correct variant. 252. Choose the correct variant.
This juice ______. I ______ to you ever again.

A) is tasting well A) don't speak

B) tastes well B) am not going to speak
C) has been well C) hasn't spoken
D) is tasted good D) will have been spoken
E) tastes good E) am not speak

246. Choose the correct variant. 253. Choose the correct variant.
Long ago they ______ most houses out of wood. I ______ him tomorrow, he is expecting my call.

A) had built A) phone

B) have built B) am phoning
C) were building C) am going to phone
D) build D) will have phoned
E) built E) am going phone

247. Choose the correct variant. 254. Choose the correct variant.
We still ______ life on other planets. The boat ______ the island on Friday.

A) didn't discover A) will leaving

B) hadn't discovered B) leave
C) won't discover C) to leave
D) haven't discovered D) leaves
E) hasn’t discovered E) have left

255. Choose the correct variant. 262. Choose the correct variant.
His grandfather ______ from his job a year ago. As far as I know Mike ______ Italian for quite some
time, but he still doesn’t understand very much.
A) has retired
B) was retiring A) is learning
C) retires B) has been learning
D) will retire C) has learnt
E) retired D) learns
E) learned
256. Choose the correct variant.
What ______ for a living?
263. Choose the correct variant.
A) does your mother do
The government is worried because the number of
B) is your mother doing
people without jobs ______.
C) has your mother done
D) has your mother been doing A) increases
E) do your mother do B) has increased
C) is increasing
257. Choose the correct variant.
D) has been increasing
Jeremy ______ basketball this season; he wants to
E) are increasing
concentrate on his studies.

A) doesn’t play
264. Choose the correct variant.
B) hasn’t been playing
Willy ______ from his Uncle Alex since the latter
C) isn’t playing
immigrated to Canada.
D) hasn’t played
E) didn’t played A) does not hear
B) have not heard
258. Choose the correct variant.
C) has not heard
The Alisons have got three cars, two of which they
D) is not hearing
E) didn’t hear
A) are never using
B) never use
C) have never used 265. Choose the correct variant.
D) have not use been using Matilda has sent me two letters; neither of which
E) had never used ______.

259. Choose the correct variant. A) is arrived

My cousin Jake has got a lot of books, most of which B) has arrived
he ______. C) have arrived
D) arrive
A) doesn’t read yet
E) is arriving
B) hasn’t been reading yet
C) hadn’t read yet
D) isn’t reading yet 266. Choose the correct variant.
E) hasn’t read yet A group of scientists are travelling around Africa. How
many countries ______ so far, I wonder?
260. Choose the correct variant.
Nora, you look awfully tired. What ______ all day? A) have they visited
B) have they been visiting
A) do you do C) they have visited
B) are you doing D) do they visit
C) had you been doing E) did they visit
D) have you been doing
E) have you done
267. Choose the correct variant.
261. Choose the correct variant. Jake is a good footballer. Do you know since when
How long ______ each other? ______ football?
A) do we know A) he has been playing
B) are we knowing B) he plays
C) did we know C) has he been playing
D) have we known D) is he playing
E) have we been knowing E) did he play

268. Choose the correct variant. 274. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ Mario for some time since he left Milan a few - Where is John?
years ago. - He ______ his car in the garage.

A) haven’t seen A) repairs

B) don’t see B) repair
C) didn't see C) is repairing
D) aren’t seeing D) has repaired
E) won’t see E) repaired

275. Choose the correct variant.

I love this film. I ______ it four or five times already.
269. Choose the correct variant.
Dan ______ attention to the road when he ______ A) saw
into a hole in the ground. B) see
C) have seen
A) wasn't paying / fell
D) had seen
B) hadn't paid / was failing
E) will see
C) didn't pay / has fallen
D) hasn't been paying / would fall 276. Choose the correct variant.
E) won't have paid / had fallen - Have you visited any European countries?
- Yes. I ______ Spain and Italy two years ago.

A) visited
270. Choose the correct variant.
B) have visited
Before I ______ downstairs I ______ myself very
C) had visited
carefully for what I had to say.
D) shall visit
A) come / am preparing E) am visiting
B) came / had prepared
277. Choose the correct variant.
C) had come / prepared
She ______ the living room when she heard a strange
D) was coming / prepared
noise in the kitchen.
E) have come / prepared
A) has cleaned
B) has been cleaning
271. Choose the correct variant. C) was cleaning
Linda ______ a vegetarian three years ago after D) is cleaning
watching a documentary on animal rights, and she E) cleaned
______ meat since then.
278. Choose the correct variant.
A) became / hasn't eaten - Where is he?
B) had become / doesn't eat - I ______ for him since three o'clock!
C) was becoming / isn't eating
D) would become / didn't eat A) am waiting
E) has become / hadn't eaten B) has been waiting
C) was waiting
D) have waited
272. Choose the correct variant. E) have been waiting
Where ______ for your last holiday? 279. Choose the correct variant.
A) did you go You're a teacher! How long ______ a teacher?
B) have you been A) are you
C) have you gone B) have you been
D) are you going C) do you be
E) went you D) were you
E) had you been

273. Choose the correct variant. 280. Choose the correct variant.
You live in Vienna! How long ______ in Vienna? When you ______ at the party, who was there?

A) do you live A) arrive

B) had you lived B) will arrive
C) live you C) were arriving
D) are you living D) have arrived
E) have you lived E) arrived

281. Choose the correct variant. 288. Choose the correct variant.
I went to Belgium last month. I ______ there before. What ______ when I called you last night?
It's a beautiful country.
A) were you doing
A) have never been B) did you do
B) had never been C) do you you
C) never was D) are you doing
D) never been E) will you do
E) have never gone
289. Choose the correct variant.
282. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ in a cafe when you called.
Yesterday I ______ through the city when I saw
someone famous. A) am sitting
B) have sat
A) walked
C) was sitting
B) was walking
D) will sit
C) have been walking
E) were sitting
D) did walk
E) had been walking
290. Choose the correct variant.
283. Choose the correct variant. Susie ______ a film when she ______ the noise.
What ______ for lunch yesterday?
A) watching / heard
A) eated you B) will watch / heard
B) had you eaten C) were watching / hears
C) ate you D) was watching / heard
D) have you eaten E) was watching / hears
E) did you eat
291. Choose the correct variant.
284. Choose the correct variant. Yesterday I ______ to the library, next I ______ a
How many times ______ to Italy? swim, later I ______ Julie for coffee.

A) did you go A) went / had / met

B) have you been going B) go / had / met
C) went you C) went / will go / met
D) have you been D) went / have had / met
E) have you go E) went / had / have met

292. Choose the correct variant.

285. Choose the correct variant.
We ______ tennis when John ______ his ankle.
What ______ yesterday evening?
A) were playing / hurt
A) did you do
B) were playing / hurts
B) had you done
C) was playing / hurt
C) did you
D) have playing / hurt
D) have you done
E) were playing / will hurt
E) have you been doing

293. Choose the correct variant.

286. Choose the correct variant.
He ______ a shower when the telephone rang.
My friend and I ______ the Zoo yesterday.
A) was taking
A) were visiting
B) has taken
B) have visited
C) have taken
C) visited
D) is taking
D) had visited
E) takes
E) did visit

287. Choose the correct variant. 294. Choose the correct variant.
You're late! I ______ for twenty minutes. When I ______ into the room, everyone was working.
A) waited A) walked
B) have been waiting B) walk
C) am waiting C) walks
D) have waited D) will walk
E) had been waiting E) have walked

295. Choose the correct variant.

It was a day last September. The sun ______ and the
birds ______. 1. Choose the correct variant.
They ______ at least two hours ago.
A) shone / were singing
B) shines / sing A) should leave
C) shining / singing B) could leave
D) was shining / were singing C) ought to leave
E) was shining / are singing D) can leave
E) had leave
296. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ along the street when I met an old friend. 2. Choose the correct variant.
I met them this morning, so they ______ be away on
A) will walk
B) have walked
C) walk A) might not
D) was walking B) couldn’t
E) am walking C) oughtn't to
D) are not to
297. Choose the correct variant.
E) can’t
When her train got to the station, we ______ on the
platform. 3. Choose the correct variant.
We had better keep our promise, ______.
A) wait
B) were waiting A) don't we?
C) will wait B) didn't we?
D) has waited C) wouldn't we?
E) have waited D) hadn't we?
E) had we?
298. Choose the correct variant.
At 7pm yesterday, we ______ to music. 4. Choose the correct variant.
______ stay at home, wouldn't you?
A) were listening
B) are listening A) You'd rather
C) will be listening B) You'd better not
D) have listened C) You shouldn't
E) had listened D) You'd needn't
E) You will
299. Choose the correct variant.
When I ______ the house, it ______. 5. Choose the correct variant.
You ______ find Linda in the garden, but I doubt it.
A) leave / was snowing
B) left / snows A) can
C) left / was snowing B) should to
D) was leaving / will snow C) might to
E) left / has been snowing D) must to
E) haven’t to
300. Choose the correct variant.
6. Choose the correct variant.
The boys ______ while the girls ______.
Why ______ I to care about your problems?
A) were swimming / were sunbathing
A) may
B) swim / were sunbathing
B) can
C) swam / sunbath
C) should
D) was swimming / sunbathing
D) have
E) are swimming / sunbathed
E) ought
301. Choose the correct variant. 7. Choose the correct variant.
While one group ______ dinner the others ______ We ______ go out to that new Italian restaurant
wood for the campfire. tonight.
A) prepared / collected A) had to
B) will prepare / collects B) could to
C) prepares / collects C) must to
D) had collected / collect D) are able to
E) was preparing / were collecting E) have

8. Choose the correct variant. 15. Choose the correct variant.

Everyone who crosses the border ______ show his or You ______ leave work at 3:30 today.
her passport.
A) are able
A) must B) can
B) shouldn’t C) could
C) ought D) might
D) is able E) will
E) mustn’t
16. Choose the correct variant.
9. Choose the correct variant.
Though he was ill and weak, he ______ get out of the
- When is Tom coming?
burning building.
- He's on his way. He ______ be here any minute.
A) could
A) had to
B) might
B) have to
C) should
C) has
D) was able
D) can
E) has to
E) is able

10. Choose the correct variant. 17. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ go shopping myself yesterday. The windows look clean. You ______ wash them.

A) had to A) can
B) can B) don't have
C) should C) are able
D) had D) mustn’t to
E) must E) needn’t

11. Choose the correct variant.

18. Choose the correct variant.
______ try to be nicer to your brother?
You ______ disturb him during his work!
A) Must you to
A) could not to
B) Do you have
B) don't have to
C) Are you able
C) don’t have
D) Ought you
D) oughtn’t
E) Can you
E) should
12. Choose the correct variant.
You don't look well. You ______ see a doctor. 19. Choose the correct variant.
I don't believe it. It ______ be true.
A) are to
B) could A) can't
C) don’t need B) must
D) should C) shouldn't
E) ought D) wouldn't
E) doesn’t have
13. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ get here earlier yesterday because of the
20. Choose the correct variant.
traffic on the freeway.
______ bring me a glass of cold water?
A) can
A) Could you to
B) shouldn't
B) Can you to
C) couldn't
C) Are you able to
D) mustn’t
D) Do you have
E) may
E) Have you to
14. Choose the correct variant.
She ______ stay home yesterday because her little 21. Choose the correct variant.
son was ill. I ______ find my keys. I think I lost them.
A) could to A) can't
B) had to B) mustn't
C) can C) shouldn't
D) must D) don't have to
E) may E) am not able

22. Choose the correct variant. 29. Choose the correct variant.
When Mike was a child, he ______ run longer Coffee ______ in cold climates.
distances than he ______ now.
A) will be growing
A) was able / can B) can't be grown
B) had to / could C) have grown
C) must / has to D) should grow
D) can / could E) must to be grown
E) could / can

23. Choose the correct variant. 30. Choose the correct variant.
If I wake up very late for the exam, I _____ call a taxi. You ______ go out after it becomes dark. It is not
A) mustn't
B) needn't A) shouldn’t
C) can B) can
D) shall have to C) wouldn't
E) haven’t to D) must
E) ought to
24. Choose the correct variant.
Sshhh! Be quiet! We are in the library. We ______ talk
loudly. 31. Choose the correct variant.
He ______ go to work by bus because his car was
A) could
B) mustn't to
C) shouldn't A) had
D) don't have B) have to
E) oughtn’t C) must
D) had to
25. Choose the correct variant.
E) ought to
During my childhood, there ______ be a market here.

A) used to
32. Choose the correct variant.
B) had to
She is ill, so she ______ see the doctor.
C) must
D) could 1. must
E) used 2. have to
3. shouldn’t
26. Choose the correct variant.
4. ought
There was heavy rain last night but I ______ arrive
5. has to
home safe and sound.
A) 2,3 B) 1,5 C) 4,5 D) 3,4 E) 2,5
A) had to
B) was able to
C) must 33. Choose the correct variant.
D) did not have to It’s raining heavily. You ______ take your umbrella.
E) am able to
1. shouldn’t
27. Choose the correct variant. 2. have
I got a bad mark from one of my courses. I ______ 3. must
study harder and harder. 4. should
A) should 5. don’t have to
B) could A) 3,4 B) 1,5 C) 4,5 D) 1,4 E) 2,3
C) needn't
D) mustn't
E) have 34. Choose the correct variant.
28. Choose the correct variant. The young ______ help the old.
Your car looks dirty. It ______. 1. must
A) might be cleaned 2. have to
B) had better clean 3. mustn’t
C) should be cleaned 4. has to
D) can clean 5. is able to
E) have to be cleaned A) 1,2 B) 1,5 C) 1,4 D) 2,3 E) 2,5

35. Choose the correct variant. 42. Choose the sentences with modal verbs.
I ______ give you a lift to the station. My car broke 1. He needs some water.
down yesterday. 2. She didn’t have to change the colour.
3. She didn’t have any brother.
A) must not
4. I couldn’t warn you in time.
B) won’t able to
C) should not A) 1,3 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,4
D) may not
E) can't 43. Choose the sentences with modal verbs.
1. Does Kate has to invite Kelly?
36. Choose the correct variant.
2. Ann needn’t come there.
- I don't know what to do.
3. Do you need these things?
- You ______ to ask your father for advice.
4. Did you have to eat out?
A) able
A) 1,3 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,4
B) could
C) must
44. Choose the sentences with modal verbs.
D) should
1. You didn’t have to inform him about it.
E) have
2. Could you really solve that problem?
37. Choose the correct variant. 3. She needs your care.
He didn't go to the park with us yesterday because he 4. Do you have any information for me?
______ write a report.
A) 1,3 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,2
A) has to
B) should 45. Choose the sentences with modal verbs.
C) must 1. Did you have to go to the chemist’s?
D) had to 2. Why do you need this photo?
E) could 3. Is she able to lay the table?
4. She doesn’t has obey you.
38. Choose the correct variant.
Hey, I'm lost. ______ you help me? A) 1,3 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,4

A) Should
46. Choose the sentences with modal verbs.
B) Ought
1. Does Kate have a nice voice?
C) Have
2. Need I write a telegram?
D) Are able
3. We must be off at once.
E) Can
4. He needed to attend English courses.
39. Choose the correct variant.
A) 1,3 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,4
You ______ smoke so much. It's bad for your health.

A) can't 47. Choose the sentences with modal verbs.

B) aren’t able 1. You needn’t join us if you don’t want.
C) must 2. We can buy this car.
D) haven’t to 3. Do you have some free time?
E) shouldn't 4. I don’t need such a lot of money.

A) 1,2 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,4

40. Choose the correct variant.
You ______ lay the table for us. We’ve just had
dinner. 48. Choose the sentences with modal verbs.
1. We must do morning exercises every day.
A) don’t need 2. Did Martin have his dinner in time?
B) needn’t 3. Why do plants need water?
C) need 4. You shouldn’t argue with your friends.
D) doesn’t need to
E) haven’t to A) 1,3 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,4

41. Choose the sentences with modal verbs. 49. Choose the sentences with modal verbs.
1. Do you have much time to help me? 1. She oughtn’t go there alone.
2. I need some English books. 2. You don’t have to come home so late.
3. He need go immediately. 3. You must see the doctor.
4. They weren’t able to complete the work. 4. Did he had to tell him about it?
A) 1,3 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,4 A) 1,3 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,4

50. Choose the sentences with modal verbs. 57. Choose the correct variant.
1. I’m thirsty. Can I have some water? I ______ go now because I am already late for my
2. Are you able to walk to the bridge? class.
3. I couldn’t to speak French so fast.
A) had to
4. I don’t need these papers.
B) ought
A) 1,2 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,4 C) don’t have
D) had
E) have to
51. Choose the sentences with modal verbs.
1. Does she have an expensive car?
2. Is he able write anything?
58. Choose the correct variant.
3. May I come in?
I ______ come to your party if I have the time.
4. You might come to my birthday party.
A) shall able to
A) 1,3 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,4
B) shall be able
C) am able
52. Choose the sentences with modal verbs. D) able to
1. It’s going to rain. We have to take a taxi. E) shall be able to
2. We must hurry or we’ll be late for the party.
3. May I to take my dog in?
4. Can you to lend me some money? 59. Choose the correct variant.
Do you ______ clean the house every day or every
A) 1,3 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,2

A) must
53. Choose the sentences with modal verbs.
B) have
1. We must keep the air clean.
C) have to
2. People don’t have cut trees.
D) has to
3. Children need play more outdoor games.
E) can
4. Your hands are dirty. You must to wash them.

A) 1,3 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,4

60. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ speak French without a problem now
54. Choose the sentences with modal verbs. because I have had many lessons.
1. The young must help the old.
A) may
2. The rich has to help the poor.
B) can
3. People has to be kind to one another.
C) have
4. You have to revise grammar rules.
D) am able
A) 1,3 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,4 E) ought

55. Choose the correct variant. 61. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ go to see the doctor last week because I was They ______ do their homework today because it is a
very ill. holiday at the school.
A) must A) must not
B) must to B) haven’t to
C) had to C) don't have
D) have to D) are able
E) should E) didn’t had to

56. Choose the correct variant. 62. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ drive my car this morning because I didn't I ______ help you with your shopping because you
have enough money to pay for the petrol. have a lot of bags.
A) shouldn’t A) ought
B) needn’t B) ought to
C) couldn’t C) should to
D) mustn’t D) able to
E) hadn’t to E) don’t need

63. Choose the correct variant. 69. Choose the correct variant.
When will you ______ come and see us in our new That bus is usually on time. It ______ to be here any
house? time now.

A) can A) might
B) be able to B) have
C) must C) should
D) have D) can
E) ought to E) ought

70. Choose the correct variant.

64. Choose the correct variant. It's the law. They ______ to have a blood test before
I ______ go to Paris next week because there is a very they get married.
big exhibition there.
A) could
A) have B) have
B) have to C) can
C) had D) has
D) don’t have E) must
E) may to
71. Choose the correct variant.
You ______ obey the school rules, ______?
65. Choose the correct variant.
A) have to / haven’t you
I don't have enough money to buy lunch. ______ you
B) must / don’t you
lend me a couple of dollars?
C) have to / don’t you
A) May D) had to / did you
B) Could E) don’t have to / don’t you
C) Shall
72. Choose the correct variant.
D) Have
You ______ understand the rule, ______?
E) Ought
A) can / can
B) haven’t to / do you
66. Choose the correct variant. C) couldn’t / couldn’t you
That ice is dangerously thin now. You ______ go ice- D) mustn’t / mustn’t you
skating today. E) can’t / can you
A) mustn't 73. Choose the correct variant.
B) might not They have to hurry, ______?
C) haven’t to
A) do they
D) don’t have
B) haven’t they
E) hadn’t to
C) have they
D) don’t they
67. Choose the correct variant. E) can’t they
It's my bedtime and I'm really tired. I ______ go to
bed. 74. Choose the correct variant.
He need buy these trousers, ______?
A) should
B) ought A) doesn’t he
C) could B) don’t he
D) have C) needn’t he
E) must to D) need he
E) does he

68. Choose the correct variant. 75. Choose the correct variant.
He ______ commit this crime. He wasn't even in the - Jenny ______ some money to buy shoes.
city that night. - So does Kate.

A) might A) need
B) shouldn't B) doesn’t need
C) couldn't C) can
D) may D) have to
E) didn’t have E) needs

76. Choose the correct variant.

- Jenny ______ any money to buy shoes.
- Neither does Kate. 1. Choose the correct variant.
I have eaten pizza.
A) needn’t
B) doesn’t need A) Pizza was eaten by me.
C) can B) Pizza have been eaten.
D) haven’t to C) Pizza has been eaten.
E) needs D) I have been eaten pizza.
E) Pizza had been eaten.

2. Choose the correct variant.

77. Choose the correct variant.
She took my bags into the house.
- Jenny ______ borrow some money to buy shoes.
- So does Kate. A) My bags are taken into the house by her.
B) My bags were taken into the house by her.
1. has to
C) My bags was taken into the house by her.
2. needs to
D) My bags is taken into the house by her.
3. need
E) My bags have been taken into the house.
4. had to
3. Choose the correct variant.
A) 1,3 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,2
The boys are washing the car.

A) The car is being washed by the boys.

78. Choose the correct variant. B) The car is washed by the boys.
I ______ to go the market, don’t I? C) The car was being washed by the boys.
1. have D) The car has been washed by the boys.
2. has E) The car is being washed the boys.
3. need
4. had 4. Choose the correct variant.
5. am able Kevin had seen the movie before.

A) 1,3 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,2 A) The movie had been seen by Kevin before.
B) The movie was seen by Kevin before.
C) The movie is seen by Kevin before.
D) The movie have been seen by Kevin before.
E) The movie had seen by Kevin before.

5. Choose the correct variant.

I was cooking dinner.

A) Dinner is cooked by me.

B) Dinner was cooked by I.
C) Dinner has been cooked by me.
D) Dinner are cooked by me.
E) Dinner was being cooked by me.

6. Choose the correct variant.

We should find another radio.

A) Another radio should be found by us.

B) Another radio should find by us.
C) Another radio should have found by us.
D) Another radio should be found by we.
E) We should be found another radio.

7. Choose the correct variant.

Julie will finish the project next week.

A) The project is finished next week.

B) The project had finished next week.
C) The project was finished next week.
D) The project has been finished next week.
E) The project will be finished next week.

8. Choose the correct variant. 15. Choose the correct variant.

Someone had stolen the computer. The home team will win the game.

A) The computer had been stolen. A) The game was won by the home team.
B) The computer has been stolen. B) The game is won by the home team.
C) The computer is stolen. C) The game will won by the home team.
D) The computer was stolen. D) The game will be win by the home team.
E) Someone had been stolen. E) The game will be won by the home team.

9. Choose the correct variant. 16. Choose the correct variant.

You should fix your car. My father will sell the paintings next week.

A) Your car should be fix by you. A) The paintings will be sold next week.
B) Your car should fixed by you. B) The paintings would be sold next week.
C) Your car should be fixed by you. C) The paintings will sold next week.
D) Your car should be fixed you. D) The paintings will be seld next week.
E) Your car should fix by you. E) The paintings have been sold next week.

10. Choose the correct variant. 17. Choose the correct variant.
They must do the exercises in time. You should put a lock on your bicycle.

A) The exercises must done in time by them. A) A lock should be put on your bicycle.
B) The exercises must done in time by them. B) A lock should been put on your bicycle.
C) The exercises must do in time by them. C) You should be put on your bicycle.
D) The exercises must be done in time by them. D) A lock should put on your bicycle.
E) The exercises must have done in time them. E) A lock should be put on your bicycle you.

11. Choose the correct variant. 18. Choose the correct variant.
The boy broke the window. He ought to fix the computer now.

A) The window is broken by the boy. A) The computer ought to fixed by him now.
B) The window was broken by the boy. B) The computer ought to been fixed now.
C) The window has broken by the boy. C) The computer ought be fixed by he now.
D) The window has been broken by the boy. D) The computer ought to be fixed by him now.
E) The window will be broken by the boy. E) The computer ought to be fix by him now.

12. Choose the correct variant. 19. Choose the correct variant.
The boy has broken the vase. They are going to serve the food at 8pm.

A) The vase were broken by the boy. A) The food is going to be served at 8pm.
B) The vase was broken by the boy. B) The food is going to be serve at 8pm.
C) The vase has been broken by the boy. C) The food is going be served at 8pm.
D) The vase was broke by the boy. D) The food is going to serve at 8pm.
E) The vase had broken by the boy. E) The food is going served at 8pm.

13. Choose the correct variant. 20. Choose the correct variant.
The children had eaten the cake. He didn’t greet her.

A) The cake had been eaten by the children. A) She has not been greeted by him.
B) The cake has been eaten by the children. B) She was not been greeted by him.
C) The cake have been eaten by the children. C) She was not greeted by him.
D) The cake will be eaten by the children. D) She is not greeted by him.
E) The cake were eaten by the children. E) She have not been greeted by him.

14. Choose the correct variant. 21. Choose the correct variant.
She has cleaned the car. We solve problems easily.

A) The car is being cleaned by her. A) Problems are solve easily.

B) The car is cleaned by her. B) Problems solved easily.
C) The car was cleaned by her. C) Problems is solved easily.
D) The car has been cleaned by her. D) Problems were not solved easily.
E) The car has been cleaned by she. E) Problems are solved easily.

22. Choose the correct variant. 29. Choose the correct variant.
Plants have polluted the air. They began the work 2 hours ago.

A) The air has polluted by plants. A) They were begun the work 2 hours ago.
B) The air have been polluted by plants. B) The work was begun them 2 hours ago.
C) The air is polluted by plants. C) The work was begun by them 2 hours ago.
D) The air has been polluted by plants. D) The work was began them 2 hours ago.
E) The air had been polluted by plants. E) The work is begun by them 2 hours ago.

23. Choose the correct variant. 30. Choose the correct variant.
Father cut the bread with a knife. The girl broke the window by accident.

A) The bread was cut by father. A) The window is broken by accident.

B) The bread were cut by father. B) The window will be broken by accident.
C) The bread has been cut by father. C) The window has been broken by accident.
D) The bread is cut by father. D) The window was broken by accident.
E) The bread will be cut by father. E) The window was broke by accident.

24. Choose the correct variant. 31. Choose the correct variant.
Who cut the bread? Mother has brought the cat in.

A) Who was the bread cut? A) The cat has been brought in by mother.
B) By who the bread was cut? B) The cat have been brought in by mother.
C) Who is the bread cut by? C) The cat had been brought in by mother.
D) Who was the bread cut by? D) The cat is brought in by mother.
E) Who were the bread cut? E) The cat was brought in by mother.

25. Choose the correct variant. 32. Choose the correct variant.
He always does his homework himself. Who brought those lemons?

A) His homework has always done by him. A) Who were those lemons brought by?
B) His homework will be always done by him. B) Who were those lemons brought?
C) His homework were always done by him. C) Who are those lemons bought by?
D) His homework is always done by him. D) Who have those lemons brought?
E) His homework was always done by him. E) Who was those lemons brought by?

26. Choose the correct variant.

33. Choose the correct variant.
I shall draw a picture for you.
When do you usually finish your lessons?
A) A picture shall be drawn for you.
A) When are you usually finish your lessons?
B) A picture will be draw for you.
B) When are your lessons usually finished?
C) A picture will be drawn by I.
C) When were your lessons usually finished?
D) A picture has been drawn by me.
D) When will your lessons be usually finished?
E) A picture will be drawn by me.
E) When have your lessons been finished?

27. Choose the correct variant.

34. Choose the correct variant.
Jane can do this exercise.
The workers have built a new bridge lately.
A) This exercise can be done by Jane.
A) A new bridge has been built lately.
B) This exercise cannot be done by Jane.
B) A new bridge have been by the workers.
C) This exercise is done by Jane.
C) A new bridge is built by the workers.
D) Jane can be done this exercise.
D) The workers have been built lately.
E) This exercise could be done by Jane.
E) A new bridge had been built lately.

28. Choose the correct variant. 35. Choose the correct variant.
You must take the medicine. When did the workers build the bridge?

A) The medicine must taken. A) When is the bridge built?

B) The medicine must be taken by you. B) When were the bridge build?
C) The medicine must took. C) When was the bridge built?
D) The medicine must to be taken you. D) When was the bridge build?
E) The medicine is taken. E) When the bridge was built?

36. Choose the correct variant. 43. Choose the correct variant.
Where will the workers build the new bridge? People cut millions of trees every year.

A) Where will the new bridge be built? A) Millions of trees is cut every year.
B) Where will the new bridge built? B) Millions of trees were cut every year.
C) Where will be the new bridge built? C) Millions of trees have been cut every year.
D) Where shall the new bridge be built? D) Millions of trees are cut every year.
E) Where is the new bridge built? E) Millions of trees was cut every year.

37. Choose the correct variant.

44. Choose the correct variant.
The burglars burnt Mr Smith’s house.
Ben has drunk three cups of coffee.
A) Mr Smith’s house were burnt by the burglars.
A) Three cups of tea has been drunk.
B) Mr Smith’s house is burnt by the burglars.
B) Three cups of tea have been drunk.
C) Mr Smith’s house will burnt by the burglars.
C) Three cups of tea have been drank.
D) Mr Smith’s house had burnt by the burglars.
D) Three cups of tea have been drunk Ben.
E) Mr Smith’s house was burnt by the burglars.
E) Three cups of tea are drunk.
38. Choose the correct variant.
Helen bought a pair of lovely shoes last week. 45. Choose the correct variant.
Can you drink two bottles of lemonade?
A) A pair of shoes were bought by Helen last week.
B) A pair of shoes was bought by Helen last week. A) Can two bottles of lemonade drunk?
C) A pair of shoes has been bought by Helen last B) Can two bottles of lemonade be drank?
week. C) Can two bottles of lemonade drink?
D) A pair of shoes had been bought by Helen last D) Can two bottles of lemonade be drunk?
week. E) Can two bottles of lemonade drink?
E) A pair of shoes will be bought by Helen last week.
46. Choose the correct variant.
39. Choose the correct variant. Who has drunk my tea?
Who has bought a pair of gloves?
A) Who had my tea been drunk by?
A) Who was a pair of gloves bought by? B) Who my tea has been drunk by?
B) Who were a pair of gloves bought by? C) Who has been my tea drunk by?
C) Who has been a pair of gloves bought? D) Who has my tea been drunk?
D) Who has a pair of gloves been bought by? E) Who has my tea been drunk by?
E) Who have a pair of gloves been bought by?
47. Choose the correct variant.
40. Choose the correct variant.
The cat has eaten all the porridge.
When did you buy this car?
A) All the porridge has eaten by the cat.
A) When was this car bought?
B) All the porridge had been eaten by the cat.
B) When were this car bought?
C) All the porridge has been eaten by the cat.
C) When this car was bought?
D) All the porridge have been eaten the cat.
D) When is this car bought?
E) All the porridge has been eaten the cat.
E) When this car are bought?

41. Choose the correct variant. 48. Choose the correct variant.
The librarian chose two interesting books for us. We must finish our work in time.

A) Two interesting books have been chosen. A) Our work must be finished in time.
B) Two interesting books are chosen. B) Our work must finish in time.
C) Two interesting books were chosen. C) Our work must finished in time.
D) Two interesting books is chosen. D) Our work must be finish in time.
E) Two interesting books was chosen. E) Our work must be finished in time we.

42. Choose the correct variant.

49. Choose the correct variant.
I cannot choose a shirt for my father.
The man drove the taxi very carefully.
A) A shirt cannot chosen for my father.
A) The taxi is driven very carefully.
B) A shirt can be chosen for my father.
B) The taxi was driven carefully.
C) A shirt cannot be chose for my father.
C) The taxi was drive carefully.
D) A shirt cannot be choose for my father.
D) The taxi was drove carefully.
E) A shirt cannot be chosen for my father.
E) The taxi were driven carefully.

50. Choose the correct variant. 57. Choose the correct variant.
You have to obey the school rules. At last I found my spectacles.

A) The school rules have to be obeyed. A) At last my spectacles were find.

B) The school rules has to be obeyed. B) At last my spectacles were found.
C) The school rules has to be obey. C) At last my spectacles was found.
D) The school rules have to obeyed. D) At last my spectacles are found.
E) The school rules have been obeyed. E) At last my spectacles were found by I.

51. Choose the correct variant. 58. Choose the correct variant.
The child didn’t eat the ice-cream. We shall never forget our heroes.

A) The ice-cream wasn’t eaten the child. A) Our heroes will never forgotten.
B) The ice-cream was eaten by the child. B) Our heroes will be never forgotten.
C) The ice-cream wasn’t eat by the child. C) Our heroes shall never be forgotten.
D) The ice-cream wasn’t eaten by the child. D) Our heroes will never be forgot.
E) The ice-cream weren’t eaten by the child. E) Our heroes will never be forgotten.

52. Choose the correct variant. 59. Choose the correct variant.
Plants have polluted the air. You shouldn’t listen to loud music.

A) The air has polluted by plants. A) You shouldn’t be listened to loud music.
B) The air have been polluted by plants. B) Loud music shouldn’t be listened to.
C) The air is polluted by plants. C) Loud music shouldn’t be listened.
D) The air has been polluted by plants. D) Loud music shouldn’t listened to.
E) The air had been polluted by plants. E) Loud music shouldn’t be listen to.

53. Choose the correct variant. 60. Choose the correct variant.
Father cut the bread with a knife. You mustn’t throw litter out of the train.

A) The bread was cut by father. A) Litter mustn’t be threw out of the train.
B) The bread were cut by father. B) Litter mustn’t thrown out of the train.
C) The bread has been cut by father. C) Litter mustn’t be throw out of the train.
D) The bread is cut by father. D) Litter must be thrown out of the train.
E) The bread will be cut by father. E) Litter mustn’t be thrown out of the train.

54. Choose the correct variant. 61. Choose the correct variant.
Who read all the texts? You shouldn’t drink water from the river.

A) Who were read all the texts by? A) Water should be drunk from the river.
B) By whom all the texts were read? B) Water shouldn’t drunking from the river.
C) Who are all the texts read by? C) Water shouldn’t be drunk from the river.
D) Who were all the texts read by? D) Water shouldn’t be drink from the river.
E) Who were all the texts read? E) Water shouldn’t drunk from the river.

55. Choose the correct variant. 62. Choose the correct variant.
He always does shopping himself. I sent postcards to my parents.

A) Shopping has always done by him. A) Postcards were sent to my parents.

B) Shopping will be always done by him. B) Postcards are sent to my parents.
C) Shopping were always done by him. C) Postcards were send to my parents.
D) Shopping is always done by him. D) Postcards are send to my parents.
E) Shopping was always done by him. E) Postcards was sent to my parents.

56. Choose the correct variant. 63. Choose the correct variant.
I shall draw a picture for you. I saw dolphins in the ocean.

A) A picture shall be drawn for you. A) Dolphins were seen in the ocean.
B) A picture will be draw for you. B) Dolphins was seen in the ocean.
C) A picture will be drawn by I. C) Dolphins have been seen in the ocean.
D) A picture has been drawn by me. D) Dolphins are seen in the ocean.
E) A picture will be drawn by me. E) Dolphins were saw in the ocean.

64. Choose the correct variant. 71. Choose the correct variant.
We have seen many tourists in the park. When will you make dinner for us?

A) Many tourists have been seen in the park. A) When will dinner be made for us?
B) Many tourists has been seen in the park. B) When dinner will be made for us?
C) Many tourists had been seen in the park. C) When will be dinner made for us?
D) Many tourists are seen in the park. D) When will dinner make for us?
E) Many tourists will be seen in the park. E) When will mother be made for us?

65. Choose the correct variant. 72. Choose the correct variant.
We could find fast food for the children. The teacher read the text three times.

A) Fast food could found for the children. A) The text is read three times.
B) Fast food could be find for the children. B) The text were read three times.
C) Fast food could find for the children. C) The text has been read three times.
D) We could be found fast food. D) The text was read three times.
E) Fast food could be found for the children. E) The text was reading three times.

66. Choose the correct variant. 73. Choose the correct variant.
I visited some interesting places. I shall take my son from school.

A) Some interesting places were visited. A) My son shall be taken from school by me.
B) Some interesting places was visited. B) My son will be taken from school by me.
C) Some interesting places is visited. C) My son will be taken from school by I.
D) Some interesting places are visited. D) My son will be took from school by I.
E) Some interesting places have been visited. E) My son will be take from school by my.

67. Choose the correct variant. 74. Choose the correct sentences which can’t be
They can give some information to us. changed into the passive voice.

A) Some information can be given to us. 1. She doesn’t study in this school.
B) Some information can be gave to us. 2. Sally works at the local bank.
C) Some information can given to us. 3. When did the accident happen?
D) They can be given some information to us. 4. Mum often prepare pizza at home.
E) Some information can is given to us.
A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 1,2,3 E) 1,3

68. Choose the correct variant. 75. Choose the correct sentences which can’t be
They keep their pets at the hotels for animals. changed into the passive voice.

A) Their pets are keep at the hotels . 1. It was snowing at that time.
B) Their pets are kept at the hotels. 2. My sister was listening to music.
C) Their pets is kept at the hotels. 3. Lilian taught German last year.
D) Their pets have been kept at the hotels. 4. I saw the Titanic five years ago.
E) Their pets were kept at the hotels.
A) 1,2 B) 3 C) 1,4 D) 2,3 E) 1

69. Choose the correct variant. 76. Choose the correct variant.
Everybody knew him as a good chess player. A party ______ to celebrate their victory.

A) He was known as a good chess player. A) had held

B) He is known as a good chess player. B) holds
C) He were known as a good chess player. C) was held
D) He was knew as a good chess player. D) was to hold
E) He will be known as a good chess player. E) were held

70. Choose the correct variant. 77. Choose the correct variant.
He left his camera in the taxi. What questions ______ you ______ at the interview?

A) His camera was leave in the taxi. A) were / asking

B) His camera was left in the taxi. B) were / asked
C) His camera were left in the taxi. C) are / be asked
D) His camera is left in the taxi. D) have / ask
E) His camera has been left in the taxi. E) will / be ask

78. Choose the correct variant. 85. Choose the correct variant.
A book on archaeology ______ by the famous These books ______ to us by the teacher.
A) recommended
A) wrote B) were recommended
B) has written C) have recommended
C) were written D) was being recommended
D) writes E) had recommended
E) has been written
86. Choose the correct variant.
79. Choose the correct variant.
- What’s the matter?
You ______ to the manager's office.
- My car ______.
A) have taken
A) was just stolen
B) will take
B) has just stolen
C) will be taking
C) has just been stolen
D) will be taken
D) is stolen
E) can be took
E) will stolen
80. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ an invitation to a party. 87. Choose the correct variant.
One of the theatres in our city ______ now.
A) am giving
B) have been given A) was being reconstructed
C) have given B) is reconstructed
D) will give C) being reconstructed
E) am gave D) has reconstructed
E) is being reconstructed
81. Choose the correct variant.
______ the room ______ yet? 88. Choose the correct variant.
That house ______ a long time ago.
A) Is / cleaning
B) Has / cleaned A) was sold
C) Has / been cleaned B) has been sold
D) Was / cleans C) is sold
E) Was / cleaned D) will be sold
E) were sold
82. Choose the correct variant.
These curtains and cushion covers ______ by my 89. Choose the correct variant.
mother. Jin said the room ______.

A) have sewn A) will have already been cleaned

B) is sewing B) is cleaned
C) had been sewn C) had already been cleaned
D) can sew D) were cleaned
E) has been sewn E) would be clean

83. Choose the correct variant. 90. Choose the correct variant.
All the figures and calculations ______ thoroughly. All the banks ______ on Sundays.

A) should check A) are closed

B) should be checking B) had been closed
C) should have checked C) are been closed
D) should checked D) is closed
E) should be checked E) has been closed

84. Choose the correct variant.

91. Choose the correct variant.
A joke ______ seriously.
The documents ______ by 5 p.m.
A) is not taken
A) will be signed
B) is not to take
B) will sign
C) is not to be taken
C) have signed
D) is not taking
D) are signed
E) was not took
E) will have been signed

92. Choose the correct variant. 99. Choose the correct variant.
We ______ on our way home yesterday. The floors in the office ______ every day.

A) are being followed A) is swept

B) have been followed B) will have been swept
C) have followed C) were being swept
D) were being followed D) will sweep
E) are followed E) are swept

93. Choose the correct variant. 100. Choose the correct variant.
My sister ______ to hospital tomorrow. An old woman ______ while she was living with her
A) is being taken
B) will be taken A) is being looked after
C) was taken B) was being looked after
D) is taken C) will be looked after
E) will be took D) looked after
E) had been looked after
94. Choose the correct variant.
The cake smells so nice. It ______. 101. Choose the correct variant.
I think the money ______ back in the nearest future.
A) will just be baked
B) is just baked A) had been paid
C) have just been baked B) were paid
D) has just been baked C) will be paid
E) had just been baked D) will pay
E) is paid
95. Choose the correct variant.
The conference room ______ at the moment. 102. Choose the correct variant.
My car ______ at the moment.
A) is used
B) is being used A) was being repaired
C) used B) has been repaired
D) will used C) is repaired
E) has used D) is repairing
E) is being repaired
96. Choose the correct variant.
When we arrived at the airport, we found that the 103. Choose the correct variant.
flight ______. The exams ______ by 3 in the afternoon.

A) had been cancelled A) will have been finished

B) is being cancelled B) were being finished
C) has been cancelled C) are being finished
D) was cancelled D) will finish
E) is cancelled E) has been finished

97. Choose the correct variant. 104. Choose the correct variant.
The flowers in the flowerbeds ______ by this evening. Olympic Games ______ every four years.

A) are being watered A) are hold

B) were watered B) had been held
C) will have been watered C) will have been held
D) are watered D) are held
E) will be watered E) is held

98. Choose the correct variant. 105. Choose the correct variant.
America ______ several centuries ago. When we returned home, the walls ______.

A) has been discovered A) has been painted

B) had been discovered B) had painted
C) is discovered C) will be painted
D) was discovered D) were painted
E) will be discovered E) had been painted

106. Choose the correct variant. 113. Choose the correct variant.
We ______ by a loud noise during the night. Cheese ______ from milk.

A) woke up A) made
B) are woken up B) were made
C) were woken up C) is made
D) were waking up D) is making
E) were wake up E) is make

107. Choose the correct variant.

114. Choose the correct variant.
There's somebody walking behind us. I think ______.
That letter ______ by my father.
A) we are following
A) written
B) we are being followed
B) is writing
C) we are followed
C) wrote
D) we are being following
D) was written
E) we have followed
E) was wrote
108. Choose the correct variant.
- Where ______ ? 115. Choose the correct variant.
- In London. David ______ a new bicycle next week.

A) have you born A) will be given

B) are you born B) was given
C) have you been born C) have been given
D) did you born D) was giving
E) were you born E) will be give

109. Choose the correct variant. 116. Choose the correct variant.
The train ______ arrive at 11.30 but it was an hour His house ______ by Shaun.
A) painted
A) supposed to B) was paint
B) is supposed to C) was painted
C) was supposed to D) were painted
D) were supposed to E) has painted
E) are supposed to
117. Choose the correct variant.
110. Choose the correct variant.
You ______ to the station by the driver.
He ______ by his teacher.
A) were took
A) were praised
B) taken
B) praised
C) have been took
C) was praised
D) will be taken
D) been praised
E) has been taken
E) will praised

111. Choose the correct variant. 118. Choose the correct variant.
We ______ for the mistake. Two people ______ in a car accident yesterday.

A) blamed A) were killed

B) has been blamed B) are killed
C) blames C) were being killed
D) shall be blamed D) has been killed
E) shall blamed E) have been killed

112. Choose the correct variant.

119. Choose the correct variant.
She ______ by her teacher to buy that book.
I ______ if I don’t come to her birthday party.
A) was asked
A) were scolded
B) were asked
B) shall be scolded
C) being asked
C) are being scolded
D) have been
D) is scolded
E) had been ask
E) will scolded

120. Choose the correct variant.

I didn’t realize that our conversation ______ to.
1. Choose the correct negative sentence.
A) will be listened
There is a school and a park in our village.
B) is listened
C) was being listened A) There is no a school or a park in our village.
D) have been listened to B) There is no school and park in our village.
E) has been listened to C) There is no school or park in our village.
D) There is not a school and park in our village.
E) There is not school or park in our village.
121. Choose the correct variant.
Jack said the letter ______ the next day. 2. Choose the correct negative sentence.
Both my parents went to the party.
A) would be sent
B) will be send A) Neither my parents went to the party.
C) is being sent B) No of my parents went to the party.
D) will be sent C) My parents didn’t went to the party.
E) will sent D) Neither of my parents didn’t go to the party.
E) Neither of my parents went to the party.

122. Choose the correct variant. 3. Choose the correct negative sentence.
A lot of property ______ by the fire. We need some water for the apple-trees.

A) have been destroyed A) We don’t need any water for the apple-trees.
B) destroyed B) We needn’t any water for the apple-trees.
C) has been destroyed C) We needn’t some water for the apple- trees.
D) will destroyed D) We don’t need no water for the apple-trees.
E) are destroyed E) We needn’t some water for the apple-trees.

4. Choose the correct negative sentence.

123. Choose the correct variant. A) I don’t have a book and a dictionary.
The boy ______ by the noise. B) I have not a book or a dictionary.
C) I don’t has a book or a dictionary.
A) is frightening
D) I didn’t had a book or a dictionary.
B) was frightened
E) I didn’t have a book or a dictionary.
C) frightened
D) have been frightened 5. Choose the correct negative sentence.
E) has frightened A) I didn’t shopping yesterday.
B) They didn’t morning exercises yesterday.
C) She doesn’t the washing-up.
D) He doesn’t do his homework.
E) He doesn’t his homework.

6. Choose the correct negative sentence.

A) I don’t have to do something.
B) I haven’t to do anything.
C) He hasn’t to do anything.
D) They hadn’t to do anything.
E) We didn’t have to do anything.

7. Choose the correct negative sentence.

A) We needn’t these papers.
B) We don’t need go there.
C) She need to go nowhere.
D) She doesn’t need to go there.
E) We needn’t go somewhere.

8. Choose the correct negative sentence.

1. He has no money.
2. He has not money.
3. He doesn’t have no money.
4. He doesn't have any money.

A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3


9. Choose the correct negative sentence. 17. Choose the correct negative sentence.
1. She has no a friend. 1. He didn’t ask me not to call her.
2. She has no friends. 2. I promised not to do it.
3. She doesn't have any friends. 3. I don't think I know him.
4. She doesn't have some friends. 4. I don't think that it won’t rain today.

A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3 A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3

10. Choose the correct negative sentence. 18. Choose the correct negative sentence.
1. I found no information about it. 1. He has no time.
2. I didn't find any information about it. 2. They have no children.
3. I didn't find some information about it. 3. There is no a telephone in the house.
4. I didn't found any information about it. 4. There is no mistakes in your composition.

A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3 A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3

11. Choose the correct negative sentence. 19. Choose the correct negative sentence.
1. He said nothing. 1. I didn't ask anyone, too.
2. He didn't say something. 2. I asked no one either.
3. He didn't say nothing. 3. I didn't also see either of them.
4. He didn't say anything. 4. I saw neither of them.

A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3 A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3

12. Choose the correct negative sentence. 20. Choose the correct negative sentence.
1. She didn't see anyone. 1. He is no better than the others.
2. She didn't see someone. 2. She saw nobody in the yard.
3. She saw no one. 3. She didn’t tell someone about him.
4. She didn't saw anyone. 4. That's no of your business.

A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3 A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3

13. Choose the correct negative sentence. 21. Choose the correct negative sentence.
1. We didn't go anywhere last week. 1. Nothing didn’t happen.
2. We went nowhere last week. 2. Nobody knows how it happened.
3. We didn't went anywhere last week. 3. No one believed him.
4. We didn't go nowhere last week. 4. None of them can’t help him.

A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3 A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3

14. Choose the correct negative sentence. 22. Choose the correct negative sentence.
1. There is no a milk in the refrigerator. 1. There is nothing in this drawer.
2. There isn't any milk in the refrigerator. 2. There is something we can do.
3. There are no milk in the refrigerator. 3. We can do nothing.
4. There was no milk in the refrigerator. 4. We can't do nothing.

A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3 A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3

15. Choose the correct negative sentence. 23. Choose the correct negative sentence.
- How much money have you got? - How much money have you got?
- ______.
1. – I've got none.
1. None. 2. – None.
2. I have no money. 3. – I've got none money.
3. I haven't got no money. 4. – I haven't got no money.
4. I haven't got some. 5. – I haven't got some.

A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3 A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3

16. Choose the correct negative sentence. 24. Choose the correct negative sentence.
1. Try not to be late. 1. We didn't go somewhere.
2. It is better not to discuss it with him. 2. We went nowhere.
3. I prefer not to work on weekends neither. 3. Where did you go? – Nowhere.
4. I regret not telling him about it. 4. I don’t have nowhere to go.

A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 1,2,4 E) 1,3 A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3

25. Choose the correct negative sentence. 33. Choose the correct negative sentence.
1. She wasn’t nowhere to be found. I'm afraid I ______ money.
2. They appeared out of nowhere.
A) have no
3. This takes us nowhere.
B) has no
4. This will not take us nowhere.
C) not have
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3 D) have not
E) 've not
26. Choose the correct negative sentence.
1. Neither answer is correct. 34. Choose the correct negative sentence.
2. No of them were able to help him. He ______ a good teacher without your help.
3. She has never visited New York.
A) would hadn’t become
4. I haven’t never heard about it.
B) would have become not
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3 C) would have not become
D) would not have become
27. Choose the correct negative sentence.
E) wouldn't have not become
1. I like neither of them.
2. I don't like neither of them. 35. Choose the correct negative sentence.
3. Neither of the answers was correct. - Who did you see there?
4. No of the answers is correct. - I didn't see ______. The hall was empty.

A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3 A) anyone

B) no one
28. Choose the correct negative sentence.
C) one
1. Neither of us knew it.
D) someone
2. I don’t know him too.
E) anything
3. I don't know him either.
4. He didn't speak neither Spanish nor French. 36. Choose the correct negative sentence.
She ______ her soup and ate only half of her cheese
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3
29. Choose the correct negative sentence.
A) didn't touch
1. She didn’t anything.
B) not touched
2. He never visits them.
C) touched
3. I don't have anything.
D) touches
4. I don’t have nothing.
E) hadn't touched
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3
37. Choose the correct negative sentence.
30. Choose the correct negative sentence. It's a dangerous place, and I repeatedly asked him
1. He was never seen again. ______ there.
2. He’s not never married.
A) not go
3. He is never late.
B) no go
4. One doesn’t never know.
C) not to go
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,3 D) 2,4 E) 1,5 D) to go not
E) not going
31. Choose the correct negative sentence.
I'll tell you everything tomorrow. Until then, ______ 38. Choose the correct negative sentence.
questions. OK? They were in total darkness. ______ single light shone
A) any
B) no A) No one
C) not B) Not
D) none C) Not a
E) a few D) No any
E) No a
32. Choose the correct negative sentence.
- What did you say? 39. Choose the correct negative sentence.
- ______. I didn't say a word. He ______ thought of such things.
A) Anything A) hardly any
B) Nothing B) hardly ever
C) No C) hardly never
D) Something D) hardly no
E) Not at all E) hardly some

40. Choose the correct negative sentence. 48. Choose the correct negative sentence.
All of the students received bad grades because A) There’s no need to lose your temper.
______ of them answered the questions correctly. B) You haven’t said nothing about yourself.
C) I don’t much difficulty with grammar.
A) no
D) I hadn’t coffee for breakfast this morning.
B) neither
E) He hadn’t job when last I saw him.
C) nobody
D) none
E) no one 49. Choose the correct negative sentence.
She ______ shopping every morning.
41. Choose the correct negative sentence.
We ______ these books. A) doesn’t
B) isn’t
A) needn’t
C) don’t
B) doesn’t need
D) not
C) need not
E) doesn’t do
D) don’t need
E) didn’t needed
50. Choose the correct negative sentence.
42. Choose the correct negative sentence.
I needn’t ______ at all.
She ______ to water these flowers.
A) a car
A) doesn’t need
B) a magazine
B) don’t need
C) have a rest
C) doesn’t needs
D) this book
D) needn’t
E) anybody
E) not need

43. Choose the correct negative sentence.

51. Choose the correct negative sentence.
A) She doesn’t has to wash it now.
She ______ to work a lot.
B) She don’t have to wash it now.
C) She didn’t had to wash it now. A) doesn’t has
D) She doesn’t had to wash it now. B) needn’t
E) She doesn’t have to wash it now. C) mustn’t
D) doesn’t need
44. Choose the correct negative sentence.
E) can’t
Sorry, I have ______ idea where he is.

A) some 52. Choose the correct negative sentence.

B) no - She ______ accept their proposal.
C) any - Neither ______ I.
D) a
E) an 1. didn’t have to / did
2. couldn’t / do
45. Choose the correct negative sentence. 3. doesn’t have to / have
A) He needn’t to learn these words. 4. needn’t / need
B) He needn’t to speak about it. 5. needn’t / am
C) She doesn’t needs to ask a question. 6. shouldn’t / should
D) She needn’t these apples.
E) She doesn’t need these books. A) 2,4,6, B) 3,5,6 C) 1,4,6 D) 1,3 E) 1,2,3

46. Choose the correct negative sentence.

1. The audience do not like his acting. 53. Choose the correct negative sentence.
2. I don’t see anything to hold on. My friend ______ such useful books, ______?
3. We are any longer schoolchildren. 1. likes / don’t he
4. You shouldn’t make no noise. 2. doesn’t like / doesn’t he
A) 2,3 B) 2,4 C) 1,3 D) 3,5 E) 1,2 3. has / hasn’t he
4. has / doesn’t he
47. Choose the correct negative sentence. 5. don’t have / does he
A) I haven’t a rest after lunch. 6. doesn’t need / need he
B) When he phoned, I hadn’t had breakfast. 7. doesn’t need / does he
C) We won’t go there unless you can’t come. 8. need / needn’t he
D) I couldn’t hardly recall his name A) 4,7 B) 3,5,6
E) You needn’t anybody’s advice. C) 1,4,7 D) 1,3,5 E) 4,7,8

INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES 8. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

______ do you know him?
1. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
A) How often
______ have you been single?
B) How well
A) How long C) How high
B) How much D) How
C) How far E) Who
D) How many
9. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
E) How high
- ______ do you meet her?
2. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. - Every single day.
______ does she go out?
A) How well
A) How well B) How often
B) What C) How
C) Who D) Why
D) How often E) Where
E) How much
10. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
3. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. ______ trouble are you in?
______ money does Tim make?
A) How much
A) How much B) How long
B) How well C) How far
C) What D) How
D) Where E) When
E) Why
11. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
4. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. A) How long does it take to go to the park?
______ do you speak Arabic? B) How long do it take to go to the park?
C) How long it take to go to the park?
A) How well
D) How long did it took to go to the park?
B) How long
E) How long does it takes to go to the park?
C) How high
D) How often 12. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
E) What ______ is it from London to Manchester?

5. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. A) How long

- ______ does your father smoke? B) How much
- About two cigarettes a day. C) How far
D) How many
A) Where
E) How deep
B) When
C) How much 13. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
D) How often ______ are you talking about?
E) How well
1. Who 2. Whom
3. Which 4. What
6. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
______ time do we have? A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4

A) How long
14. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
B) Where
A) How many salt is there in the soup?
C) Whom
B) How much salt there was in the soup?
D) How high
C) How much salt was there in the soup?
E) How much
D) How much salt there is in the soup?
E) How much salt were there in the soup?
7. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
______ does he speak to her about?
15. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
A) What A) What trees did your father cut?
B) How B) What trees did your father cuts?
C) How well C) What trees do your father cut?
D) How often D) What trees does your father cuts?
E) How long E) What trees have your father cut?

16. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 23. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
A) When have you been to that park? ______ were you talking to?
B) When did you there? A) Whom
C) Where he went last night? B) What
D) When were you in that park? C) Who’s
E) Why are you crying for? D) Why
E) Who
17. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
1. ______ do you think of Moscow?
2. ______ are you cooking? It smells wonderful! 24. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
- ______ are you?
A) What - I’m a policeman.
B) When
A) What
C) Where B) Where
D) Who C) Which
E) Which D) Who
E) How
18. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
1. ______ did he leave so quickly? 25. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
2. ______ did he write those awful things? ______ did you receive it from?
A) Who A) Who
B) What B) Whom
C) Which C) How
D) Why D) When
E) Why
E) How much

19. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 26. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
1. ______ do his powers come from? ______ book did you take?
2. ______ is my briefcase? A) When
A) Where B) Who
C) Whom
B) When
D) Which
C) How E) Where
D) Why
E) Who
27. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
20. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. ______ one do you prefer?
1. ______ could you do this to me?
A) Who
2. ______ do you finish that task so quickly? B) Whom
A) Who C) Which
D) What
B) How many
E) Why
C) How
D) Whose
E) What 28. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
______ employees took their vacation in May?
21. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
A) How much
______ is speaking?
B) How many
A) What C) How long
B) Who D) How long
C) Where E) How far
D) How
E) Why
29. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
22. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
Last year we spent our holiday in the Crimea.
______ children are they?
A) Where A) When did you spend our holiday in the Crimea?
B) When B) Where did you spend our holiday last year?
C) Who C) Where did you spent our holiday last year?
D) What D) When you spent our holiday last year?
E) Whose E) Where did you spend our holiday in the Crimea?

30. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 37. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
They moved to a new flat yesterday. Two years ago they were students.

A) Where do they move yesterday? A) When were they students?

B) Where did they move to a new flat? B) When they were students?
C) Where they moved yesterday? C) When are they students?
D) Where did they move yesterday? D) Where were they students?
E) Where did they moved yesterday? E) Why were they students?

38. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

31. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
Next year I shall go to the USA.
We have seen him today twice.
A) Where will you go to the USA?
A) When did you see him twice?
B) Where you will go next year?
B) When have you seen him twice?
C) Where will you go next year?
C) When you have seen him twice?
D) Where did you go next year?
D) When you saw him twice?
E) When will you go to the USA?
E) When did you saw him twice?

39. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

32. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
I was not at school yesterday because I was ill.
I shall help you.
A) Why were you at school yesterday?
A) Whom did you help?
B) Why aren’t you at school yesterday?
B) Who you will help?
C) Why you at school yesterday?
C) Whom do I help?
D) Why weren’t you at school yesterday?
D) Whom will I help you?
E) When were you at school yesterday?
E) Whom will I help?

33. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 40. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
I’ve been reading this text for two hours. I am doing my hometask.

A) How long you have been this text? A) Who is doing hometask?
B) How many has he been reading this text? B) Who are doing hometask?
C) How far have you been reading this text? C) Who am doing hometask?
D) How long have you been reading this text? D) What am I doing?
E) How long did you read this text? E) Who was doing hometask?

34. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 41. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
They are watching us at the moment. You will be working six hours every day.

A) What they are watching at the moment? A) How high will you be working every day?
B) What they are doing at the moment? B) How long you will be working every day?
C) What are they doing at the moment? C) How long will you be working every day?
D) What they are watching at the moment? D) How far will you be working every day?
E) Whom are they watching at the moment? E) How much will you be working every day?

35. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 42. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
He will be retired next month. The window was broken by Jack.

A) When he will be retired? A) By whom the window was broken?

B) When will he retired? B) Who was the window broken?
C) When was he retired? C) Who were the window broken by?
D) When has he been retired? D) Who the window was broken by?
E) When will he be retired? E) Who was the window broken by?

36. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 43. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
I am going to enter to university. We shall go to the cinema on Monday.

A) Where you are going to enter? A) When we shall go to the cinema?

B) Where are you going to enter? B) When shall we go to the cinema?
C) What are they going to do? C) When do you go to the cinema?
D) Where are they going to university? D) When did you go to the cinema?
E) Where they are going to university? E) When are you going to the cinema?

44. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 51. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
I met your sister in the street. ______ do these gloves cost?

A) Whom did you met in the street? A) How much

B) Whom do you meet in the street? B) How long
C) Whom you met in the street? C) How often
D) Whom did you meet in the street? D) How well
E) Who did you met in the street? E) How far

52. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

45. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
- ______ have you been speaking on the phone?
______ have you been married?
- For half an hour.
A) How much
A) How much
B) How long
B) How long
C) How far
C) How often
D) How well
D) How well
E) How often
E) How far
46. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 53. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
______ do you go to the cinema? ______ have you known each other?
A) How much A) How much
B) How long B) How long
C) How often C) How often
D) How well D) How well
E) How far E) How far

54. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

47. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
- ______ do you go hunting with your friends?
______ does she go fishing in summer?
- Once a month.
A) How much
A) How much
B) How long
B) How long
C) How often
C) How often
D) How well
D) How well
E) How far
E) How far
48. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 55. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
______ money can you lend me? - ______ is it from Astara to Baku?
A) How much A) How much
B) How long B) How long
C) How often C) How often
D) How far D) How well
E) How much E) How far

56. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

49. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
- ______ have you been waiting?
______ does your friend speak foreign languages?
- Since this morning.
A) How much
A) How much
B) How far
B) How long
C) How often
C) How often
D) How well
D) How well
E) How long
E) How far

50. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 57. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
- ______ does your brother earn? - ______ does the radio station play that song?
- About 20 manats a day. - Every hour.

A) How deep A) How much

B) How long B) How long
C) How often C) How often
D) How much D) How well
E) How often E) How far

58. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 65. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
- ______ does your grandmother cook? ______ is the Atlantic Ocean?
- She's the best cook in the world!
A) How much
A) How much B) How long
B) How long C) How often
C) How far D) How well
D) How well E) How deep
E) How good
66. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
59. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
______ do you like best?
- ______ do you think he knows History?
A) What
A) How much
B) Where
B) How long
C) Why
C) How often
D) When
D) How well
E) How
E) How far

60. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 67. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
- ______ did you sleep last night? ______ does Mandy get up in the morning?
- About six hours.
A) Why
A) How much B) When
B) How long C) How
C) How often D) What
D) How well E) Where
E) How far
68. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
61. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
______ don't you go by bus, Cristina?
I told her ______ she had paid for the sweater.
A) Where
A) how much
B) Why
B) how long
C) When
C) how often
D) How
D) how well
E) What
E) how far

62. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

69. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
Robert didn't know ______ he would stay in France.
______ hobbies does Carlos like?
A) how much
A) Why
B) how long
B) When
C) how often
C) How
D) how well
D) What
E) how far
E) Where

63. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

My teacher was surprised at ______ I had done on my 70. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
exam. ______ do they go every week?

A) how much A) Where

B) how long B) Why
C) how often C) When
D) how well D) How
E) how far E) What

64. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 71. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
______ money should I bring? ______ old are you, Sylvia?
A) How much A) Why
B) How long B) When
C) How often C) How
D) How well D) What
E) How far E) Where

72. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 79. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
______ is Maria's birthday? - ______ is Lola's birthday?
- In March, I think.
A) What
B) Where A) Where
C) Why B) Why
D) When C) When
E) How D) How
E) What
73. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
______ are my exercise books?
80. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
A) Why
- ______ much is the shirt?
B) When
- It's twenty euros.
C) How
D) What A) Where
E) Where B) Why
C) When
74. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
D) How
______ are you doing at the moment, Harry?
E) What
A) Where
B) Why
81. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
C) When
- ______ is best at playing tennis?
D) How
- Johann.
E) What
A) Where
75. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
B) Who
______ do the Petersons live?
C) When
A) What D) How
B) Where E) What
C) Why
D) When
E) How 82. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
- ______ are you going?
76. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
- To my parents.
- ______ is sitting next to Denny?
- His Uncle. A) Where
B) Why
A) Where
C) When
B) Why
D) How
C) When
E) What
D) How
E) Who
83. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
77. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. - ______ is a packet of soda?
- ______ does the boy come from? - It's one euro.
- From Madrid.
A) How much
A) Where B) How long
B) Why C) How often
C) When D) How well
D) How E) How far
E) What

78. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 84. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
- ______ old are her children? - ______ does the restaurant open?
- Three and five. - At ten o'clock.
A) What A) Where
B) Where B) Why
C) Why C) When
D) When D) How
E) How E) What

85. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 91. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
- ______ can I get some ice cream? - ______ are the potatoes?
- At the snack bar. - One dollar.

A) Where A) Where
B) Why B) Why
C) When C) When
D) How D) How much
E) What E) What

86. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 92. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
- ______ are you going to order? - ______ can I do for you?
- Pasta. - I want two white T-shirts.

A) What A) Where
B) Where B) Why
C) Why C) When
D) When D) How
E) How E) What

87. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 93. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
- ______ are you going to do on Monday? - ______ can I get a newspaper?
- I don't know. - At Park Street.

A) Where A) What
B) Why B) Why
C) When C) When
D) How D) How
E) What E) Where

88. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 94. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
- ______ has got my sunglasses? - ______ is your best friend?
- I have got them. - It's Paul.

A) What A) Where
B) Where B) Why
C) Why C) When
D) Who D) How
E) How E) Who

89. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 95. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
- ______ is your name? - ______ does Lisa live?
- Rita. - In Boston.

A) Where A) Where
B) Why B) Why
C) When C) When
D) How D) How
E) What E) What

90. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 96. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
- ______ is Helen's party? - ______ colour is your new car?
- On Friday. - It's white.

A) Where A) Where
B) Why B) Why
C) When C) When
D) How D) How
E) What E) What

97. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 103. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
- ______ do you collect? - ______ were you last Sunday?
- Stickers. - I was working.

A) Where A) Where
B) Why B) Why
C) When C) When
D) How D) How
E) What E) What

104. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

98. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. - ______ can we have a picnic?
- ______ can help me? - I know a nice place near a pond.
- I can.
A) Where
A) Where B) Why
B) Why C) When
C) When D) How
D) How E) What
E) Who
105. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
- ______ are you going to take with you?
99. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. - Some sandwiches and a coke.
- ______ about some grapes?
A) Where
- No, thanks.
B) Why
A) Where C) When
B) Why D) How
C) When E) What
D) Who
106. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
E) What
______ is someone who lifts weight called?

A) Where
100. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. B) Why
- ______ was your first word as a baby? C) When
- Mama. D) How
A) Where E) What
B) Why 107. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
C) When ______ do you want to go there?
D) How
A) Where
E) What
B) Why
C) When
101. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. D) How
- ______ were you born? E) What
- On March 9th. 108. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
A) Where ______ luggage are you going to take?
B) Why A) How much
C) When B) How long
D) How C) How often
E) What D) How well
E) How far

102. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 109. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
- ______ were you born? ______ way should we go, up the hill or along the
- In St Maarten. river bank?

A) Where A) Where
B) Why B) Why
C) When C) When
D) How D) How
E) What E) Which

110. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 117. Match the answers.
- ______ makes you nervous? 1. ______ kind of films do you like?
- The traffic downtown. 2. ______ well does he speak Arabic?
3. ______ is your office, this one or that one?
A) Where
B) Why a. What b. Which c. How
C) Who
A) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b
D) How
B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
E) What
C) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a
111. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. D) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
______ is the depth of this pool? E) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b

A) Where
B) Why 118. Match the answers.
C) When 1. ______ often do you go away on business?
D) How 2. ______ is bigger, Canada or the United States?
E) What 3. ______ do you do?

112. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. a. What b. Which c. How

______ is the weather like in Mexico City in spring?
A) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b
A) Where B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
B) Why C) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a
C) When D) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
D) How E) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
E) What

113. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. 119. Match the answers.
______ should we go before we find a place to stop 1. I've got a red or white pen. ______ do you want?
and rest for a while? 2. ______ is your favourite sport?
3. ______ far is it from New York to London?
A) How much
B) How long a. What b. Which c. How
C) How often
A) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b
D) How well
B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
E) How far
C) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
D) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
114. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
E) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
______ books did you read last semester?

A) Where
B) Why 120. Match the answers.
C) When 1. ______ was your holiday?
D) Who’s 2. ______ nationality are you?
E) Whose 3. ______ do you prefer, vanilla or chocolate?

a. What b. Which c. How

115. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
______ do we have to go at two o'clock? A) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b
B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
A) Where
C) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a
B) Why
D) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
C) When
E) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
D) How
E) What
121. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
116. Match the answers. - ______ are you leaving?
1. ______ much did you pay for it? a. What - I’m leaving at 6 am tomorrow morning.
2. ______ way did he go? b. Which
3. ______ else do you want? c. How A) What
B) When
A) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a C) Where
C) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a D) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c D) Why
E) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b E) How

122. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

- ______ are you crying?
- I'm sad. I got fired today. 1. Choose the correct tag question.
He plays football, ______?
A) What
B) When A) does he
C) Where B) do he
D) Why C) is he
E) How D) isn’t he
E) doesn’t he

2. Choose the correct tag question.

123. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
Mary is going to see movie, ______?
- ______ are you going tomorrow?
- I'm going to Paris tomorrow. A) isn’t she
B) is she
A) What
C) doesn’t she
B) When
D) hasn’t she
C) Where
E) didn’t she
D) Why
E) How 3. Choose the correct tag question.
You’re living in France, ______?

124. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. A) weren’t you

- ______ do you complete your work so quickly? B) are you
- I'm very organized so that I can do things in an C) aren’t you
efficient manner. D) don’t you
E) can’t you
A) What
B) When 4. Choose the correct tag question.
C) Where You live in France, ______?
D) Why
A) did you
E) How
B) don’t you
C) doesn’t she
125. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. D) do you
- ______ is my rucksack? E) didn’t you
- It's right here on the chair.
5. Choose the correct tag question.
A) What Thomas is coming over tonight, ______?
B) When
C) Where A) is he
D) Why B) wasn’t he
E) How C) does he
D) doesn’t he
E) isn’t he
126. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
- ______ did he leave so quickly? 6. Choose the correct tag question.
- He left because he was angry. Fiona is an Irish, ______?

A) What A) isn’t he
B) When B) isn’t she
C) Where C) are they
D) Why D) doesn’t she
E) How E) don’t you

7. Choose the correct tag question.

127. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. Peter and Nick are coming to the party, ______?
A) Have you to do it now? A) are they
B) Did you have to do it then? B) don’t they
C) Does she has to do it now? C) do they
D) How long do it take to get to the cinema? D) aren’t they
E) How long did it took to get to the cinema? E) weren’t they

8. Choose the correct tag question. 15. Choose the correct tag question.
The neighbours like us, ______? She needs his documents, ______?

A) don’t you A) needn’t she

B) don’t they B) does she
C) don’t we C) didn’t she
D) did they D) doesn’t she
E) didn’t they E) need she

9. Choose the correct tag question. 16. Choose the correct tag question.
Stephan is German, ______? There were many children in the yard, ______?

A) wasn’t he A) weren’t there

B) doesn’t he B) weren’t they
C) can’t he C) were they
D) hasn’t he D) were there
E) isn’t he E) aren’t they

10. Choose the correct tag question. 17. Choose the correct tag question.
We’ll have another carton of milk, ______? They played hockey last Saturday, ______ they ?

A) don’t we A) don't
B) have we B) aren’t
C) haven’t we E) did
D) shan’t we C) does
E) do we D) didn’t

11. Choose the correct tag question. 18. Choose the correct tag question.
He called you, ______? The foreign exchange student is from German, _____?

A) don’t he A) is he
B) didn’t he B) aren't he
C) did he C) wasn't he
D) didn’t you D) weren't he
E) did you E) isn’t he

12. Choose the correct tag question. 19. Choose the correct tag question.
He has seen that movie, ______? Did you feel that? That wasn't an earthquake, ______?

A) has she A) is it
B) does he B) were it
C) doesn’t he C) was it
D) hasn’t he D) are it
E) have we E) does it

13. Choose the correct tag question. 20. Choose the correct tag question.
You had to go there in time, ______? Salina bought a new car, ______ she?

A) did you A) don't

B) didn’t you B) didn't
C) do you C) does
D) don’t you D) did
E) have you E) was

14. Choose the correct tag question. 21. Choose the correct tag question.
You needn’t come here now, ______? You haven't been to the shop, ______ you?

A) do you A) hasn't
B) need you B) have
C) needn’t you C) has
D) don’t you D) haven't
E) didn’t you E) do

22. Choose the correct tag question. 29. Choose the correct tag question.
You didn't punch Roy, ______ you? The children will be safe, ______?

A) don't A) will they

B) didn't B) will he
C) does C) won't they
D) did D) won't he
E) are E) aren’t they

23. Choose the correct tag question. 30. Choose the correct tag question.
Rachel wrote that letter, ______ she ? You aren't going to marry the cruel man, ______?

A) didn't A) will you

B) don't B) aren’t you
C) does C) won't you
D) did D) won't he
E) isn’t E) are you

24. Choose the correct tag question. 31. Choose the correct tag question.
You can still talk, ______ you? The passengers had already left for Jamaica when I
arrived ______?
A) will
B) won't A) hadn't they
C) can't B) had they
D) can C) were they
E) could D) are they
E) haven’t they
25. Choose the correct tag question.
You won't leave me here all alone, ______ you? 32. Choose the correct tag question.
The coffee has gone cold, ______?
A) will
B) won't A) is it
C) can't B) has it
D) could C) isn't it
E) are D) hasn't it
E) was it
26. Choose the correct tag question.
33. Choose the correct tag question.
Andrea had replied your email last night, ______ she?
She will agree with our proposal, ______?
A) hasn't
A) will she
B) haven't
B) won't she
C) hadn't
C) won't her
D) isn't
D) would she
E) didn’t
E) couldn’t she

27. Choose the correct tag question. 34. Choose the correct tag question.
Alice, you feed the bird today, ______? I'm getting more forgetful, ______?
A) do you A) am I
B) will you B) aren't me
C) didn't you C) are me
D) don't you D) aren't I
E) aren’t you E) are I

28. Choose the correct tag question. 35. Choose the correct tag question.
You haven't been to Beijing, ______? I have never been to London, ______?
A) have you A) don’t I
B) haven't you B) has she
C) had you C) have I
D) don't D) haven’t I
E) has she E) do I

36. Choose the correct tag question. 43. Choose the correct tag question.
Mary has got a new flat, ______? Cats love milk, ______?

A) doesn’t she A) aren't they

B) hasn’t she B) doesn't they
C) don’t C) doesn't it
D) isn’t D) don't they
E) has she E) didn’t they

37. Choose the correct tag question. 44. Choose the correct tag question.
The Browns have a big house, ______? Snow falls in winter, ______?

A) do they A) isn't it
B) aren’t they B) is it
C) don’t they C) doesn't it
D) haven’t they D) does it
E) have they E) didn’t it

38. Choose the correct tag question. 45. Choose the correct tag question.
She doesn’t go to school, ______? I am friendly, ______ I?

A) do she A) am
B) does she B) amn’t
C) is she C) aren’t
D) did she D) wasn’t
E) was she E) isn’t

46. Choose the correct tag question.

39. Choose the correct tag question.
You had an argument with him, ______ you?
Tom hasn’t come yet, ______?
A) do
A) does he
B) didn't
B) is he
C) weren’t
C) will he
D) did
D) hasn’t he
E) don’t
E) has he

40. Choose the correct tag question. 47. Choose the correct tag question.
Gina and Sara washed the dishes, ___? They had too much to drink, ______?

A) didn't they A) hadn't they

B) wasn't she B) had they
C) weren't they C) did they
D) didn't she D) didn't they
E) did they E) don’t they

41. Choose the correct tag question. 48. Choose the correct tag question.
You won't forget me, ______? That blouse is lovely, ______?

A) won't you A) isn’t that

B) will you B) isn't it
C) wouldn't you C) was it
D) would you D) wasn't it
E) were you E) is it

42. Choose the correct tag question. 49. Choose the correct tag question.
We had a great time, ______? You are not enjoying the party, ______?

A) hadn't we A) weren’t you

B) didn't we B) do you
C) didn't us C) are you
D) had we D) aren't you
E) don’t we E) were you

50. Choose the correct tag question. 57. Choose the correct tag question.
That was wonderful, ______? He seldom comes here, ______?

A) does it A) does he
B) was it B) doesn’t she
C) wasn't it C) is he
D) is it D) did he
E) won’t it E) doesn’t he

51. Choose the correct tag question.

58. Choose the correct tag question.
Dick, you couldn't lend me five dollars, ______?
Let’s have lunch, ______?
A) can you
A) is she
B) could you
B) isn't she
C) couldn't you
C) is he
D) could I
D) isn't he
E) couldn't I
E) shall we
52. Choose the correct tag question.
You don't know where my keys are, ______? 59. Choose the correct tag question.
Nobody dares to challenge him, ______?
A) are you
B) do you A) have they
C) don't you B) has he
D) did you C) do they
E) didn’t you D) does he
E) did they
53. Choose the correct tag question.
Mary, you haven't got an English dictionary, ______?
60. Choose the correct tag question.
A) do you Let’s go for a drink, ______?
B) haven't you
A) shall we
C) is it
B) shan’t we
D) had you
C) do we
E) have you
D) don’t we
E) can’t we
54. Choose the correct tag question.
You could swim when you were four, ______?

A) could you
B) could I
C) do you
D) couldn't you
E) can you

55. Choose the correct tag question.

He could hardly walk, ______?

A) couldn’t he
B) can he
C) could he
D) does he
E) doesn’t he

56. Choose the correct tag question.

There was little time for the problem, ______?

A) wasn’t there
B) was they
C) were there
D) is there
E) was there

THERE IS / IT IS 8. Choose the correct variant.

______ a lot of people at the concert last week.
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) There are
______ a pity you couldn't come.
B) There were
A) There is C) There have been
B) There are D) There was
C) It is E) There is
D) There was
E) There were 9. Choose the correct variant.
We wanted to eat something, but ______ no time.
2. Choose the correct variant.
Come on Peter, ______ your turn. A) there is
B) there are
A) there is
C) it is
B) there is
D) there was
C) it’s
E) there were
D) it will
E) there was
10. Choose the correct variant.
3. Choose the correct variant. Everything is in its right place. I don't think ______
______ a hot day in June last year. any surprises.

A) It was A) there is
B) There were B) there aren’t
C) There will be C) there won’t be
D) There is D) there wasn’t
E) There was E) there will be

4. Choose the correct variant. 11. Choose the correct variant.

______ my birthday yesterday. ______ used to be a shop here.

A) There will A) There is

B) There will be B) There are
C) There is C) There
D) There was D) There was
E) It was E) There were

5. Choose the correct variant. 12. Choose the correct variant.

______ no hope of earning more money in this city. ______ dangerous to drive alone at night.

A) There are A) There is

B) There aren’t B) There are
C) It will be C) It is
D) There weren’t D) There was
E) There was E) There were

6. Choose the correct variant. 13. Choose the correct variant.

______ cold tomorrow. ______ a bookshop near here?

A) There is A) There is
B) There will B) Is there
C) It will be C) It is
D) There shall be D) There was
E) There will be E) Were there

7. Choose the correct variant.

14. Choose the correct variant.
I like Cracow. ______ such a beautiful place.
Yes, ______ me who told him about the plan.
A) There is
A) There is
B) There are
B) There are
C) It is
C) It was
D) There was
D) There was
E) There were
E) There were

15. Choose the correct variant. 22. Choose the correct variant.
______ pointless to buy another car. There ______ a lot of snakes in the jungles.

A) There was A) are

B) There will B) were
C) Its C) will
D) It was D) am
E) There has been E) is

16. Choose the correct variant.

23. Choose the correct variant.
______ a waste of time sitting here, let's go
There ______ two zebras in the grass yesterday.
somewhere else.
A) was
A) There is
B) is
B) There are
C) will
C) It is
D) were
D) There was
E) will be
E) There were
24. Choose the correct variant.
17. Choose the correct variant.
There ______ a few fish in the lake.
They will be safe so ______ no reason to worry.
A) will
A) There is
B) has been
B) There are
C) are
C) It is
D) was
D) There was
E) is
E) There were
25. Choose the correct variant.
18. Choose the correct variant.
There ______ many children on the beach yesterday.
There ______ always a lot of traffic in the rush-hour.
A) has been
A) are
B) is
B) it is
C) was
C) is
D) are
D) was
E) were
E) were

19. Choose the correct variant.

26. Choose the correct variant.
You've stolen a car so ______ no choice but to arrest
There ______ a lot of snow last year.
A) was
A) there isn’t
B) is
B) is there
C) are
C) there will
D) will be
D) there wasn’t
E) were
E) there is

20. Choose the correct variant. 27. Choose the correct variant.
______ no secret that she loves you. There ______ many cars in the streets today.

A) There isn’t A) was

B) There aren’t B) were
C) There is C) has been
D) There was D) are
E) It is E) is

21. Choose the correct variant.

28. Choose the correct variant.
Look! There ______ many animals in the zoo.
There ______ a meeting in our school tomorrow.
A) were
A) is
B) is
B) are
C) are
C) will be
D) was
D) were
E) will be
E) will

29. Choose the correct variant. 36. Choose the correct variant.
There ______ some elephants in the lake. There ______ little coffee in the cup.

A) has A) isn’t
B) are B) were
C) were C) was
D) was D) wasn’t
E) is E) are

30. Choose the correct variant. 37. Choose the correct variant.
______ very late. ______ no bus. There ______ something I have to tell you.

A) There is / There is A) is
B) There is / There are B) are
C) It’s / There is C) were
D) It was / There were D) wasn’t
E) It’s / There was E) isn’t

31. Choose the correct variant. 38. Choose the correct variant.
There ______ much salt in the soup. ______ very There ______ many sharks in the oceans.
A) is
A) was / It is B) are
B) is / It is C) was
C) have been / It is D) has been
D) is / There is E) will
E) are / It’s
39. Choose the correct variant.
32. Choose the correct variant. There ______ a few modern buildings in our city.
______ anything interesting on TV yesterday. ______ very attractive.

A) There is A) are / It is
B) It is B) are / They are
C) There were C) were / It is
D) There isn’t D) are / There were
E) There wasn’t E) is / It is

33. Choose the correct variant. 40. Choose the correct variant.
There ______ many wars since 1941. There ______ nobody in the classroom an hour ago.

A) has been A) isn’t

B) were B) wasn’t
C) are C) were
D) was D) was
E) have been E) is

34. Choose the correct variant. 41. Choose the correct variant.
There ______ some grass under the tree. There ______ a cat under my bed.

A) are A) wasn’t
B) isn’t B) weren't
C) wasn’t C) are
D) were D) aren’t
E) is E) will

42. Choose the correct variant.

35. Choose the correct variant.
There ______ many people in the room.
There ______ a little water in the bottle.
A) is
A) has
B) was
B) is
C) will
C) were
D) wasn’t
D) weren’t
E) are
E) will

43. Choose the correct variant. 50. Choose the correct variant.
There ______ no good news for you today, I’m afraid. ______ there ______ children at school today?

A) were A) Is / many
B) wasn’t B) Were / many
C) isn’t C) Was / much
D) is D) Were / much
E) are E) Was / many

44. Choose the correct variant. 51. Choose the correct variant.
There ______ lots of problems recently. There ______ food in the fridge.

A) had been A) isn`t some

B) has been B) wasn’t no
C) have been C) aren`t any
D) were D) isn`t any
E) are E) aren`t some

45. Choose the correct variant. 52. Choose the correct variant.
There will ______ some interesting reports at the There ______ in the corridor.
A) isn’t nobody
A) is B) is nobody
B) be C) aren’t nobody
C) to be D) are nobody
D) are E) aren’t anybody
E) were
53. Choose the correct variant.
46. Choose the correct variant. How ______ mice are there in your house?
There is no ______ on the table.
A) many
A) a CD B) much
B) CD C) a little
C) another CD D) a lot
D) the CD E) plenty
E) CDs
54. Choose the correct variant.
47. Choose the correct variant.
There is ______ I want to talk to you about.
There ______ soup in my plate.
A) anything
A) are many
B) something
B) is only little
C) everything
C) is many
D) no
D) are much
E) both
E) is much

48. Choose the correct variant. 55. Choose the correct variant.
______ there ______ money left? ______ a nice cartoon on TV this evening.

A) Was / some A) There was

B) Were / any B) Its
C) Were / some C) It’s
D) Was / a D) There is
E) Was / any E) It is

49. Choose the correct variant. 56. Choose the correct variant.
How many flowers ______ in the vase? I’m sure, there ______ misunderstanding.

A) is there A) have been any

B) are there B) have been some
C) there is C) are some
D) there are D) has been any
E) there were E) has been some

57. Choose the correct variant. 64. Choose the correct variant.
______ a long break at 2 o`clock. ______ our lunch ______ a sunny morning. ______ no clouds in the sky.
A) It is / There is
A) It is / There was B) It is / It was
B) There was / There was C) There is / It is
C) There are / It is D) It is / There were
D) There is / It is E) It was / There were
E) It is / There is
65. Choose the correct variant.
58. Choose the correct variant. ______ quite difficult to speak English correctly.
There ______ I can do for you. I`m sorry. ______ so many rules to remember.

A) is nothing A) There is / It is
B) are nothing B) It is / There were
C) is something C) There is / There are
D) is anything D) It is / There is
E) were nothing E) It is / There are

59. Choose the correct variant. 66. Choose the correct variant.
There ______ a book, two pencils and a notebook in ______ lots of stray animals in our city, and ______
my bag. nothing that we can do about it.

A) is A) There is / there is
B) were B) There are / it is
C) will C) There was / it is
D) have been D) There are / there is
E) are E) There were / there were

60. Choose the correct variant. 67. Choose the correct variant.
I hope, there ______ you asked to prepare. ______ only one child in their family. ______ a boy.

A) are something A) There are / It is

B) is everything B) It is / There is
C) are nothing C) There was / It was
D) is anything D) It were / It will be
E) are everybody E) There were / Its

61. Choose the correct variant. 68. Choose the correct variant.
______ a nice film on TV this evening. ______ an ______ a pity that ______ no news at the moment.
American thriller.
A) It was / there were
A) There is / It is B) There is / there is
B) It is / There is C) There / it
C) It is / It is D) It will be / there was
D) There are / they are E) It is / there is
E) There were / it’s
69. Choose the correct variant.
62. Choose the correct variant.
______ important never to give up. ______ my motto.
______ spring. ______ nice flowers everywhere.
A) There is / It is
A) It is / There is
B) It is / It is
B) It is / There are
C) Its / There is
C) There is / It are
D) There was / It was
D) There is / There are
E) It’s / There is
E) It is / There were

63. Choose the correct variant. 70. Choose the correct variant.
______ lots of toys in the child`s room. ______ make ______ was a reason for his strange behaviour and
him very happy. ______ was a serious one.

A) There is / there A) There / it

B) There are / They B) It / there
C) It is / It C) It / it
D) There are / it D) There / there
E) It is / there E) There / it’s

71. Choose the correct variant.

______ 2000 recipes in this cookery books, ______
too much. 1. Choose the correct variant.
He enjoys eating a pear.
A) It is / there is
B) There are / there is A) So I do.
C) There are / it is B) Neither do I.
D) Its / it is C) So am I.
E) There was / it was D) So do I.
E) I enjoy either.

72. Choose the correct variant. 2. Choose the correct variant.

______ good information. ______ no doubt about it. I just can't stop loving you.

A) It is / There are A) Neither can’t he.

B) There are / It is B) Neither can he.
C) There is / There is C) He can’t, too.
D) There was / It was D) So can I.
E) It was / There was E) He also can’t.

3. Choose the correct variant.

73. Choose the correct variant. My cheese has been eaten by mice.
Once upon a time, ______ three bears who lived
A) So has theirs.
in a forest in a little red house near a brook.
B) So does theirs.
A) were C) So is theirs.
B) was D) Neither has theirs.
C) are E) So has their.
D) there were
E) was there 4. Choose the correct variant.
He may drive slowly.

A) So she may.
B) Neither may she.
C) So is she.
D) So does she.
E) So may she.

5. Choose the correct variant.

He doesn't want to leave.

A) I don’t want, too.

B) So do I.
C) I don’t want either.
D) Neither am I.
E) Neither I do.

6. Choose the correct variant.

We shan't eat a lot tonight.

A) So will she.
B) Neither will she.
C) She also won’t.
D) So does she.
E) Neither she will.

7. Choose the correct variant.

He couldn't stand up.

A) They couldn’t either.

B) Neither they could.
C) They also couldn’t.
D) So could they.
E) They couldn’t, too.

8. Choose the correct variant. 15. Choose the correct variant.

He shaves every morning. Times have changed and ______.

A) So I do. A) so have I
B) So have I. B) neither haven’t I
C) Neither does she. C) so do I
D) So do I. D) I changed either
E) Neither do I. E) neither have I

16. Choose the correct variant.

9. Choose the correct variant.
Sean is Irish.
You are eating snails.
1. Michael is Irish too.
A) So are they.
2. Jane isn’t either.
B) Neither are they.
3. So is Michael.
C) So do I.
4. So he is.
D) So have I.
E) Neither do we. A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 1,4 E) 1,3

10. Choose the correct variant. 17. Choose the correct variant.
I am not tired. Tom doesn't like sailing.

A) So am I. 1. So do I.
B) So are we. 2. I don't like sailing either.
C) Neither do we. 3. Neither do I
D) Neither aren’t we. 4. Neither I do.
E) Neither are we.
A) 2,4 B) 2,3 C) 1,3 D) 1,4 E) 1,2

11. Choose the correct variant.

18. Choose the correct variant.
Sabrina doesn’t play tennis.
My sister loves chocolate.
A) So does my sister.
1. Neither does she.
B) Neither does my sister.
2. I love chocolate too.
C) So is she.
3. So did my brother.
D) Neither has she.
4. So does my sister.
E) She doesn’t, too.
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 1,4 E) 1,3
12. Choose the correct variant.
John went to Australia last year. 19. Choose the correct variant.
They can't speak Chinese.
A) So did I.
B) So have I. A) Neither can’t I.
C) Neither did I. B) So can I.
D) So I did. C) We can't speak Chinese either.
E) So do I. D) Neither do I.
E) Neither I can.
13. Choose the correct variant.
Mike didn't like Mathematics. 20. Choose the correct variant.
Coffee keeps you awake.
A) I also didn’t.
B) Neither I did. A) Tea keeps me awake, too.
C) Neither did I. B) Tea doesn’t too.
D) Neither do I. C) So is tea.
E) I didn’t, too. D) Neither does tea.
E) So do tea.

14. Choose the correct variant.

21. Choose the correct variant.
The president cannot decide how to deal with the
Sarah doesn't like coffee.
crisis, and ______ his advisors.
1. Jane doesn't like coffee either.
A) so do
2. Neither do Kate.
B) nor are
3. Jane also doesn’t like coffee.
C) neither can
4. Neither does Jane.
D) as can
E) so can A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,4

22. Choose the correct variant. 29. Choose the correct variant.
David's job isn't well paid. Coffee makes me relax.

A) So is mine. A) So does tea.

B) So is his job. B) Neither does tea.
C) Neither isn’t ours. C) So tea does.
D) My job isn't well paid either. D) Tea does either.
E) My job isn’t well paid too. E) So do tea.

23. Choose the correct variant. 30. Choose the correct variant.
My parents would love to live by the sea. Martin doesn't like reading.

A) So do we. A) Neither Jane does.

B) I would love to live by the sea too. B) Neither does Jane.
C) Neither would we. C) So does Jane.
D) I wouldn’t like too. D) Jane doesn’t too.
E) So they would. E) Neither did Jane.

24. Choose the correct variant. 31. Choose the correct variant.
Tom wouldn't like to lose his job. David's job isn't well paid.

A) Peter wouldn't like to lose his job too. A) Neither is my.

B) My brother also wouldn’t. B) So is mine.
C) So would my brother. C) Neither mine is.
D) Neither my brother would. D) Neither does mine.
E) Neither would my brother. E) Neither is mine.

25. Choose the correct variant. 32. Choose the correct variant.
Julie is interested in art. My friends would like to live in the city.

A) So I am. A) Neither would I.

B) I'm interested too. B) So am I.
C) So do I. C) So would I.
D) I’m also not. D) So do I.
E) Neither am I. E) So have I.

33. Choose the correct variant.

26. Choose the correct variant.
Tom wouldn't like to lose his job.
My sister loves chocolate.
A) Neither would Peter.
A) So do I.
B) So would Peter.
B) So I do.
C) Neither is Peter.
C) Neither do I.
D) So Peter would.
D) I don’t too.
E) Neither wouldn’t Peter.
E) I love either.

34. Choose the correct variant.

27. Choose the correct variant. Julie is interested in art.
Peter was late.
1. So am I.
A) Neither was I. 2. So I am.
B) But Mary was. 3. I am, too.
C) Neither wasn’t I. 4. Neither am I.
D) So was Mary. 5. I’m not either.
E) So Mary was.
A) 1,4 B) 1,2 C) 1,3 D) 2,5 E) 4,5

28. Choose the correct variant. 35. Choose the correct variant.
They can't play handball. Bill didn't understand the joke.
A) So can we. A) Neither did his wife.
B) Neither do we. B) So did his wife.
C) Neither can we. C) Neither does his wife.
D) We can’t too. D) So does his wife.
E) We also can’t. E) His wife didn’t understand too.

36. Choose the correct variant.

Kate put on her black shoes.
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) So do I.
She is ______ nice person.
B) So does Jane.
C) Neither did I. A) so
D) So did I. B) such a
E) I didn’t either. C) such
D) so much
E) so many
37. Choose the correct variant.
- My friend ______ gather all the apples. 2. Choose the correct variant.
- Neither did I. There is ______ loud noise that I can't hear you.

A) doesn’t have to A) such

B) didn’t have to B) such a
C) had to C) a lot
D) has to D) many
E) hadn’t to E) a few

3. Choose the correct variant.

38. Choose the correct variant. I always enjoy seeing ______ good films.
This car cost $5,000.
A) much
A) So does this one. B) such a lot
B) Neither did this one. C) so
C) Neither do these ones. D) such
D) So did this one. E) such a
E) So do these ones.
4. Choose the correct variant.
It is a challenge to teach ______ gifted children.
39. Choose the correct variant.
This car costs $5,000. A) such
B) such a
A) So does this one.
C) so
B) Neither did this one.
D) so much
C) Neither do these ones.
E) such a lot
D) So did this one.
E) So do this one.
5. Choose the correct variant.
______ clever he is!
40. Choose the correct variant.
A) So
My shoes hurt my feet.
B) How
1. So do mine. C) What
2. Mine, either. D) Such
3. So did mine. E) So many
4. Neither did mine.
5. But mine don’t. 6. Choose the correct variant.
6. But mine didn’t. This beggar looks ______ miserable!

A) 2,4,5,6 A) so many
B) 1,4,5,6 B) so much
C) 1,3,4,6 C) so
D) 1,2,3,5 D) such
E) 1,3,5,6 E) such a

7. Choose the correct variant.

There are ______ records I like.

A) such many
B) so
C) so much
D) such a
E) such a lot of

8. Choose the correct variant. 15. Choose the correct variant.

I was ______ tired that I couldn't walk any more. ______ boring you are!

A) such A) So
B) so B) How
C) how C) What
D) what D) Such
E) so many E) What a

9. Choose the correct variant. 16. Choose the correct variant.

That was ______ boring! It was ______ interesting idea!

A) so A) so
B) such a B) what
C) such C) what a
D) enough D) what an
E) what E) such an

10. Choose the correct variant.

17. Choose the correct variant.
On the contrary, it was ______ interesting evening!
You're ______ disagreeable!
A) what
A) so
B) such
B) such
C) such an
C) so many
D) so
D) a lot of
E) how
E) what

11. Choose the correct variant.

______ ridiculous paintings! 18. Choose the correct variant.
______ beautiful couple!
A) What a
B) Such a A) What an
C) So B) Such
D) How C) How
E) What D) What a
E) So

12. Choose the correct variant.

I think they are ______ brilliant! 19. Choose the correct variant.
______ beautiful day!
A) what
B) what a A) So
C) so B) What
D) how C) How
E) so many D) What a
E) What an

13. Choose the correct variant.

______ beautiful colours! The blues! The reds! 20. Choose the correct variant.
______ a disappointing speech the president made!
A) What
B) What a A) How
C) How B) That
D) So C) Why
E) Such a D) Which
E) What

14. Choose the correct variant.

______ lovely surprise! 21. Choose the correct variant.
1. How sad she looked at the party!
A) So
2. How sadly she looked at the meeting!
B) Such
3. What a happy man he is!
C) What
4. How suspicious he is looking at me!
D) How
E) What a A) 2,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,3 E) 1,4

22. Choose the correct variant. 31. Choose the correct variant.
A) What a great wedding party it is! 1. What beautiful hair she has got!
B) What a delicious cheese is it! 2. What interesting news I’ve heard!
C) How lovely she is singing! 3. How a cold day it is!
D) How friendly is your father! 4. What a clever people they are!
E) What a comfortable house have you got!
A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 2,4 E) 1,3
23. Choose the correct variant.
A) How gloomy is the weather! 32. Choose the correct variant.
B) What a nice weather do we have! 1. How beautiful she sings!
C) How fluently is he speaking English! 2. How slowly they run!
D) What a difficult text it is! 3. How far is it!
E) How boring film it is! 4. How hot it was!

24. Choose the correct variant. A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 2,4 E) 1,3
A) How a firm voice he spoke!
B) What a good journey we had! 33. Choose the correct variant.
C) How funny is she telling the story! 1. How good she sings!
D) What a brave man is he! 2. How quickly you walk!
E) How interestingly the tale seems to be! 3. What a foolish mistake I have made!
4. How a fine building that is!
25. Choose the correct variant.
A) How terrible was the last night! A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 2,4 E) 1,3
B) What a lovely idea it is!
C) How the delicious meal it was! 34. Choose the correct variant.
D) What tall building is that! 1. What a foolish mistakes I have made!
E) What a proud men they are! 2. What interesting books you have brought!
3. How strange ideas he has!
26. Choose the correct variant.
4. What a silly story it is!
A) What an awful epidemic of flu!
B) How cosy is the sitting-room! A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 2,4 E) 1,3
C) What good climate has Switzerland!
D) How a difficult situation it was! 35. Choose the correct variant.
E) What a marked the man is! 1. How diligent this student is!
2. What a plumb woman she is!
27. Choose the correct variant. 3. How unkind was the salesman!
A) What capable student he is! 4. What untidy room it is!
B) How capable student is!
C) What a capable student he is! A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,2
D) How capable student he is!
E) What capable the student is! 36. Choose the correct variant.
1. How badly I feel!
28. Choose the correct variant. 2. How bad I am!
A) How good-looking and witty man he is! 3. What a misty day we have!
B) How stupid girl is that! 4. What a sunny weather it is!
C) What a moderate politics they have!
D) How glad I am! A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3
E) What a brave man is!
37. Choose the correct variant.
29. Choose the correct variant. 1. What a long sentence it is!
A) How expensive the furnitures are! 2. What long this sentence is!
B) What educated children Mr. Smiths have! 3. How interesting this text is!
C) How interestingly does the president speak! 4. How a funny story it was!
D) How a terrible event I saw on TV!
E) What a harmful things do they! A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3

30. Choose the correct variant. 38. Choose the correct variant.
1. What exceptional children these are! 1. What a wonderful waterfall it was!
2. How exceptional children these are! 2. How comfortable room do you have!
3. What an exceptional child this is! 3. What a comfortable room you have!
4. How a beautiful house that is! 4. How comfortable was your room!
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 2,4 E) 1,3 A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3

39. Choose the correct variant. 47. Choose the correct variant.
1. What hard-working the man is! 1. How naughty your daughter is!
2. How hard-working the man is! 2. What a naughty daughter you have got!
3. What a hard-working man he is! 3. What a naughty daughter have you got!
4. How a hard-working man he is! 4. How a naughty daughter you have got!

A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3 A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,2 E) 1,3

40. Choose the correct variant. 48. Choose the correct variant.
1. How icy the roads are! 1. How hospitable your aunt was!
2. What an icy roads they are! 2. What a hospitable woman your aunt is!
3. How icy roads they are! 3. How a hospitable woman she is!
4. What icy roads they are! 4. What hospitable your aunt is!

A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3 A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 1,2 D) 2,4 E) 1,3

41. Choose the correct variant. 49. Choose the correct variant.
1. How truthful her friend is! ______ surprising news it is!
2. How a truthful friend Jane is!
A) What a
3. What a truthful friend is Ben!
B) How a
4. What a truthful friend Kate is!
C) What an
A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3 D) How
E) What
42. Choose the correct variant.
1. What quickly the snow is melting! 50. Choose the correct variant.
2. How quickly the snow is melting! ______ expensive telephones they are!
3. How quickly is the water freezing!
A) What a
4. How heavily the snow is falling!
B) What an
A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3 C) How
D) How a
43. Choose the correct variant. E) What
1. How wise my grandpa is!
2. What wise man my grandpa is!
3. What a wise man my grandpa is!
4. How a wise man my grandpa is!

A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3

44. Choose the correct variant.

1. What a talented son have we got!
2. How a talented son we have got!
3. What a talented son we have got!
4. How talented our son is!

A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3

45. Choose the correct variant.

1. What terribly the wind is blowing!
2. How terribly the wind is blowing!
3. What a terrible wind it is!
4. How a terrible wind it is!

A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3

46. Choose the correct variant.

1. What a boring film it was!
2. How a boring film it was!
3. What boring the film was!
4. How boring the film was!

A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,3


ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF TIME 8. Choose the correct variant.

Does ice melt ______
AND CONDITION A) if it are in the sun?
1. Choose the correct variant. B) if it were in the sun?
1. If you eat fast food, ______ C) if they is in the sun?
D) if it will be in the sun?
A) you will gain weight.
E) if it is in the sun?
B) you gains weight.
C) you gain weight.
D) you gained weight. 9. Choose the correct variant.
E) you would gain weight. What do you do ______

2. Choose the correct variant. A) if the teacher was ill?

If you study hard, ______ B) if the teacher had been ill?
C) if the teacher will be ill?
A) you gets good grades.
D) if the teacher are ill?
B) you got good grades.
E) if the teacher is ill?
C) you getting good grades.
D) you would get good grades.
E) you will get good grades. 10. Choose the correct variant.
Will the computer work ______
3. Choose the correct variant.
When she works early, ______ A) if you change batteries?
B) if you changed batteries?
A) she woke up early. C) if you will change batteries?
B) she will wake up early. D) if you had changed batteries?
C) she wake up early. E) if you are changing batteries?
D) she wakes up early.
E) she woken up early.
11. Choose the correct variant.
4. Choose the correct variant. If I finished my homework, ______
When the radio plays, ______
A) I shall go to the party.
A) it's hard to hear you speak. B) I went to the party.
B) it was hard to hear you speak. C) I have gone to the party.
C) it is hard to hear you spoke. D) I had gone to the party.
D) it's hard to hear you will speak. E) I would go to the party.
E) it’s hardly to hear you speak.

5. Choose the correct variant.

I always wear a jacket ______ 12. Choose the correct variant.
If I finish my work, ______
A) when it will be cold.
B) when it is cold. A) I would watch TV.
C) when it was cold. B) I have watched TV.
D) when it is being cold. C) I shall watch TV.
E) when is it cold. D) I am watching TV.
E) I shall have watched TV.
6. Choose the correct variant.
He never buys lunch ______

A) if he doesn't has cash. 13. Choose the correct variant.

B) if he no have cash. A) If he want dinner, he will cook.
C) if he won't have cash. B) If he wants dinner, he would cook.
D) if he doesn't have cash. C) If he wanted dinner, he will cook.
E) if he don’t have cash. D) If he had wants dinner, he cooks.
E) If he wants dinner, he will cook.
7. Choose the correct variant.
When you heat water, ______
14. Choose the correct variant.
A) it boiled. A) If it is cold tomorrow, I stay at home.
B) it's boiling. B) If it is cold tomorrow, I shall stay at home.
C) boils the water. C) If it is cold tomorrow, I would stay at home.
D) it was boil. D) If it will be cold, I shall stay at home.
E) it boils. E) If it will be cold tomorrow, I stay at home.

15. Choose the correct variant. 20. Choose the correct variant.
We ______ home as soon as our father ______. She ______ her at the station when she ______.

A) go / come A) met / arrives

B) shall go / comes B) would meet / arrives
C) shall go / come C) will meet / arrived
D) shall go / came D) will meet / arrives
E) go / will come E) will meet / will arrive

21. Choose the correct variant.

16. Choose the correct variant.
We ______ to him if he ______ in time.
They ______ to the park if the weather ______ fine.
A) shall talk / will come
A) would go / was
B) talk / comes
B) go / will be
C) shall talk / comes
C) will go / be
D) shall talk / came
D) will go / was
E) would talk / comes
E) will go / will be
22. Choose the correct variant.
17. Choose the correct variant. They ______ him if he ______.
I ______ you when I ______ home.
A) will help / wanted
A) phone / goes B) will help / want
B) phoned / go C) help / will want
C) shall phone / went D) would help / wants
D) shall phone / go E) would help / wanted
E) phone / went
23. Choose the correct variant.
18. Choose the correct variant. It ______ them several hours if they ______ straight
She ______ reading the book when she ______ more ahead.
free time.
A) will take / go
A) will start / has B) take / go
B) start / has C) shall take / went
C) will start / have D) take / shall go
D) starts / will have E) takes / will go
E) will start / had
24. Choose the correct variant.
19. Choose the correct variant. Mr Brown ______ a car if he had enough money.
Peter ______ for a walk after he ______ his English.
A) will buy
A) will go / did B) would buy
B) went / did C) bought
C) will go / do D) has bought
D) do / will do E) would have bought
E) went / had done
25. Choose the correct variant.
18. Choose the correct variant. Of course she would come to the party if you ______
I ______ my exam if I ______ hard. her.
A) would pass / work A) asked
B) would pass / worked B) have asked
C) shall pass / worked C) will ask
D) pass / work D) have been asked
E) would pass / had worked E) asks

26. Choose the correct variant.

19. Choose the correct variant.
They will certainly come ______ them.
I ______ you a letter if you ______ me your address.
A) when calling
A) send / will give
B) you’re calling
B) send / would give
C) if you called
C) shall send / give
D) do you call
D) should send / give
E) if you call
E) sent / give

27. Choose the correct variant. 35. Choose the correct variant.
If I understood the question, I ______ give the If he ______, he ______ the exam.
teacher the correct answer.
1. studied / will pass
A) shall 2. studied / would pass
B) would 3. studies / will pass
C) will 4. will study / will pass
D) have
A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 2,4 D) 1,3 E) 1,2
E) am
36. Choose the correct variant.
29. Choose the correct variant.
If we had more time, we ______ the project.
My dog always barks if he ______ anything unusual.
1. could finish
A) hears
2. can finish
B) will hear
3. shall be able to
C) would hear
4. would finish
D) heard
E) is hearing A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 2,4 D) 1,3 E) 1,2

30. Choose the correct variant.

37. Choose the correct variant.
If you lock the gate properly, the robbers ______ into
If I ______ more money, I would buy a car.
the house.
A) have
A) would not break
B) had
B) should not break
C) would have
C) would not had broken
D) will have
D) would not have broken
E) has
E) will not break

31. Choose the correct variant. 38. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ if I take the map. If she ______ how to speak French, she would not
take lessons.
A) will get lost
B) will not get lost A) knows
C) would get lost B) know
D) would not get lost C) knew
E) got lost D) known
E) will know
32. Choose the correct variant.
If I ______ Mary’s address, I ______ her letter.
39. Choose the correct variant.
A) have / would write If he were older, he ______ vote.
B) have / write
A) will
C) had / wrote
B) could
D) has / would write
C) can
E) had / would write
D) will able
E) must
33. Choose the correct variant.
If anybody ______ a question, please ask me after
40. Choose the correct variant.
The men would have money if they ______.
A) have
A) work
B) will have
B) works
C) would have
C) worked
D) has
D) working
E) had
E) will work

34. Choose the correct variant.

41. Choose the correct variant.
If ever the child ______, the mother would run to it.
What would you do if you ______ the lottery?
A) cries
A) win
B) will cry
B) will win
C) would cry
C) won
D) cried
D) have won
E) has cried
E) would win

42. Choose the correct variant. 49. Choose the correct variant.
If Tom ______ to class, he would learn more. I ______ you up after they ______ my telephone.

A) go A) ring / repair
B) goes B) shall ring / repair
C) have went C) ring / repaired
D) will go D) ring / will repair
E) went E) would ring / repair

43. Choose the correct variant.

50. Choose the correct variant.
The children would do better if they ______ more
You ______ some food when you ______
A) have
A) will find / read
B) has
B) found / will read
C) having
C) finds / reads
D) had
D) will find / will read
E) have had
E) would find / are reading
44. Choose the correct variant.
Where would you______if you could go anywhere in 51. Choose the correct variant.
the world? She ______ till you ______ her a fairy-tale.

A) go A) wouldn’t sleep / are reading

B) goes B) won’t sleep / read
C) went C) sleeps / will read
D) have gone D) won’t sleep / will read
E) gone E) slept / will read

45. Choose the correct variant.

52. Choose the correct variant.
Would you ______ to live in a big house or a small
1. When I wake up late, I feel tired all day.
2. When I waking up late, I feel tired all day.
A) like 3. If the weather is hot, we turn on the air
B) likes conditioning.
C) liking 4. If the weather is hot, we turned on the air
D) liked conditioning.
E) will like
A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 2,4 D) 1,3 E) 1,2
46. Choose the correct variant.
Who would you meet if you ______ meet anyone in 53. Choose the correct variant.
the world? 1. I wear my boots when it rain.
2. I wear my boots when it rains.
A) can
3. When I drive to work, I listen to the radio.
B) could
4. When I drive to work, I listening to the radio.
C) can't
D) will be able A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 2,4 D) 1,3 E) 1,2
E) are
54. Choose the correct variant.
47. Choose the correct variant.
You can go out. I ______ until she ______.
I’ll do it as soon as I ______ my first project.
A) wait / calls
A) will finish
B) wait / called
B) finished
C) shall wait / calls
C) would finish
D) waited / calls
D) finishes
E) wait / will call
E) finish

48. Choose the correct variant. 55. Choose the correct variant.
I have to tidy the room before my mum ______. If we ______ to London, we ______ the Tower.
A) comes A) will go / visit
B) will come B) go / shall visit
C) came C) go / visit
D) would come D) went / visit
E) had come E) go / visited

56. Choose the correct variant. 63. Choose the correct variant.
If the shop ______ open, I ______ a souvenir. He ______ to her if you ______ to do it.

A) will be / buy A) will talk / don’t want

B) was / shall buy B) would talk / don’t want
C) would be / buy C) talk / don’t want
D) is / shall buy D) will talk / didn’t want
E) was / bought E) talks / won’t want

57. Choose the correct variant. 64. Choose the correct variant.
If she ______ the bus, she ______ here on time. You ______ the game if you ______ the rules.

A) miss / will not get A) wouldn’t win / don’t know

B) misses / will not get B) don’t win / won’t know
C) missed / will not get C) won’t win / didn’t know
D) will miss / doesn’t get D) won’t win / don’t know
E) misses / wouldn’t get E) didn’t win / don’t know

58. Choose the correct variant. 65. Choose the correct variant.
He ______ me if he ______ the answer. If you ______ the dishes, I ______ dinner tonight.

A) would help / knew A) washed / shall cook

B) will help / know B) wash / shall cook
C) helps / will know C) wash / would cook
D) will help / knew D) wash / cook
E) would help / knows E) wash / cooked

59. Choose the correct variant. 66. Choose the correct variant.
Jane ______ you in if I ______ here. If I ______ more time, I ______ to play the guitar.

A) lets / shall be here A) had / would learn

B) will let / am not B) had / shall learn
C) would let / am not C) have / would learn
D) let / am not D) shall have / learn
E) lets / shall not be E) shall have / shall learn

60. Choose the correct variant. 67. Choose the correct variant.
If you ______ an ice-cream, I ______ a hot chocolate. If she ______ harder, she ______ better marks.

A) eat / would have A) study / will get

B) ate / will have B) study / gets
C) will eat / have C) studies / will get
D) will eat / had D) will study / will get
E) eat / shall have E) studied / will get

61. Choose the correct variant. 68. Choose the correct variant.
If she ______ a computer, her brother ______ her his If my dad ______ time next week, we ______ my
computer. room.

A) need / would give A) had / shall paint

B) will need / give B) has / would paint
C) needed / would give C) will have / paint
D) needed / gives D) has / shall paint
E) needs / would give E) would have / shall paint

62. Choose the correct variant. 69. Choose the correct variant.
If we ______ time this afternoon, we ______ You ______ a lot about American history if you
tomorrow. ______ the exhibition.

A) will not have / meet A) will learn / visit

B) had / shall meet B) will learn / visited
C) have / meet C) learned / will visit
D) don’t have / shall meet D) would learn / visit
E) didn’t have / shall meet E) learn / visited

70. Choose the correct variant. 77. Choose the correct variant.
If the weather ___ too bad tomorrow, we ___ golf. If you ______ sandals in the mountains, you ______
on the rocks.
A) wasn’t / shall play
B) isn’t / would play 1. wore / would slip
C) won’t be / play 2. wear / would slip
D) isn’t / played 3. will wear / slip
E) isn’t / shall play 4. wear / will slip

71. Choose the correct variant. A) 1,2 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,3
If I ______, I ______ the exams.

1. study / will pass

78. Choose the correct variant.
2. studies / would pass
If Rita ______ her homework, the teacher ______ her
3. studied / would pass
a low mark.
4. studies / will pass
1. forget / will give
A) 1,2 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 1,3
2. forgets / will give
72. Choose the correct variant. 3. forgot / would forget
If the sun ______, we ______ to the town. 4. would forget / gave

1. shines / shall walk A) 1,2 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,3

2. shone / walk
3. will shine / walk
4. shone / would walk 79. Choose the correct variant.
If they ______ to the disco, they ______ to loud
A) 1,2 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,3
73. Choose the correct variant.
1. went / would listen
If he ______ a temperature, he ______ the doctor.
2. go / will listen
1. has / will see 3. will go / will listen
2. had / would see 4. would go / listened
3. had / will see
A) 1,2 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,3
4. has / would see

A) 1,2 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,3

80. Choose the correct variant.
74. Choose the correct variant. If you ______ a minute, I ______ my parents.
If my friends ______, I ______ very happy.
1. waits / shall ask
1. would come / is 2. would wait / asked
2. would come / was 3. waited / would ask
3. came / would be 4. wait / shall ask
4. come / shall be
A) 1,2 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,3
A) 1,2 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,3

75. Choose the correct variant.

If she ______ a lot of money, she ______ to New 81. Choose the correct variant.
York. If it ______, the children ______ for a walk.

1. earns / will fly A) rain / won’t go

2. earns / would fly B) rained / will go
3. will earn / flies C) rains / wouldn’t go
4. earned / would fly D) rains / will not go
E) won’t rain / don’t go
A) 1,2 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,3

76. Choose the correct variant. 82. Choose the correct variant.
If we ______ to London, we ______ the museums. She ______ the literature test if she ______ the novel.
1. shall travel / shall visit A) won’t pass / doesn’t read
2. travelled / would visit B) won’t pass / don’t read
3. travelled / shall visit C) wouldn’t pass / doesn’t read
4. travel / shall visit D) don’t pass / reads
A) 1,2 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,3 E) didn’t pass / will read

83. Choose the correct variant.

Father ______ me his motorbike if I ______ with him.
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) won’t lend / shan’t agree
He didn’t do his homework _____ he had enough time.
B) wouldn’t lend / don’t agree
C) lent / shan’t agree A) although
D) won’t lend / don’t agree B) because
E) don’t lend / don’t agree C) during
D) if
E) since
84. Choose the correct variant.
We ______ in time if we ______ the bus. 2. Choose the correct variant.
Aya did not go on a trip ______ she didn't have any
A) wouldn’t arrive / take
B) don’t arrive / shall take
C) shall not arrive / shall take A) because
D) didn’t arrived / would take B) why
E) shall not arrive / take C) so
D) such
E) even though

3. Choose the correct variant.

______ the hike up the mountain, we saw a lot of

A) For
B) While
C) When
D) And
E) During

4. Choose the correct variant.

Hajar likes volleyball ______ her sister likes handball.

A) but
B) whereas
C) as if
D) since
E) than

5. Choose the correct variant.

Paula got the job, ______ she had no experience.

A) or
B) with
C) as
D) even though
E) in spite of

6. Choose the correct variant.

I don’t drink coffee, ______ it makes me nervous.

A) but
B) even if
C) although
D) in spite of
E) as

7. Choose the correct variant.

Mohammed left early ______ avoid the traffic jam.

A) in order not to
B) so as to
C) since
D) in case
E) whether

8. Choose the correct variant. 15. Choose the correct variant.

______ his injury, Hajji will play Wednesday’s match. We need ______ a visa ______ money to go to Italy.

A) In spite of A) neither ... or ...

B) Even though B) such ... that ...
C) Although C) so ... that ...
D) As if D) either ... nor ...
E) That’s why E) not only ... but also ...

9. Choose the correct variant.

16. Choose the correct variant.
I won’t stop ______ I finish the whole exercise.
______ it was raining I took my umbrella.
A) where
A) In case
B) ever since
B) As
C) when
C) So that
D) as soon as
D) In order to
E) until
E) During
10. Choose the correct variant.
Rime missed the bus, ______ she had to walk to 17. Choose the correct variant.
school. Some apples are red ______ others are green.

A) therefore A) until
B) because B) till
C) despite C) how
D) that D) before
E) until E) while

11. Choose the correct variant.

18. Choose the correct variant.
Gallia is ______ beautiful ______ smart.
The ship could not move ______ there was no wind.
A) not only ... but also ...
A) as
B) neither ... or ...
B) as though
C) either ... nor ...
C) but
D) such ... that ...
D) as soon as
E) so ... that ...
E) during
12. Choose the correct variant.
I meet my math teacher ______ I go to the market. 19. Choose the correct variant.
Surfing is fun ______ it can be dangerous.
A) so
B) however A) despite
C) whenever B) in spite of
D) whoever C) though
E) as long as D) till
E) as though
13. Choose the correct variant.
______ the bell rang the students rushed out of the 20. Choose the correct variant.
classroom. The hotel ______ we stayed last year was very
A) If
B) Where A) in where
C) Till B) when
D) As soon as C) that
E) But D) which
E) in which
14. Choose the correct variant.
Women in Britain were not allowed to vote ______
21. Choose the correct variant.
______ he is poor, he is happy.
A) until
A) Although
B) when
B) Where
C) in case
C) Besides
D) as well
D) Since
E) so that
E) As

22. Choose the correct variant. 29. Choose the correct variant.
______ she gets a job, she won't get married. I don’t know ______ I will win or not.

A) Except A) because
B) Without B) whether
C) Unless C) yet
D) Even D) as well
E) Besides E) so

30. Choose the correct variant.

23. Choose the correct variant.
______ happens, we'll go on with the experiment.
You'll miss the train ______ you don’t hurry up.
A) Wherever
A) as
B) Whatever
B) if
C) However
C) for
D) Whoever
D) unless
E) Whichever
E) as soon as
31. Choose the correct variant.
24. Choose the correct variant. Mohammed bought ______ a villa ______ a car.
It is neither hot ______ cold in winter in the south of
A) not only ... but also ...
B) either ... nor ...
A) nor C) neither ... or
B) or D) so ... that ...
C) but E) both ... or ...
D) but
32. Choose the correct variant.
E) and
The first exercise was easy. ______ I finished very
25. Choose the correct variant.
Do you have any good friends ______ Jamal? A) Before
B) Despite
A) also
C) During
B) and
D) That’s why
C) besides
E) While
D) with
E) beside 33. Choose the correct variant.
You can choose ______ the blue dress ______ the
26. Choose the correct variant. red one.
March was mostly sunny. ______, April was rainy.
A) either ... or
A) Until B) neither ... or
B) However C) or ... or
C) Although D) both ... or
D) Unless E) such ... that ...
E) Nor
34. Choose the correct variant.
______ Algeria ______ Tunisia are located in the north
27. Choose the correct variant.
of Africa.
It must have rained ______ the ground is so wet.
A) Neither ... nor ...
A) but
B) Either ... or ...
B) for
C) Both ... and ...
C) because
D) As ... as
D) after
E) Such ... that ...
E) though
35. Choose the correct variant.
28. Choose the correct variant. ______ the children ______ the parents were present
______ I was cooking, Dad was reading a book. at the party.

A) So A) Such ... that ...

B) Till B) Either ... nor ...
C) And C) Both ... or ...
D) Unless D) Both ... and ...
E) While E) Neither ... or ...

36. Choose the correct variant.

______ Paul ______ Beckey can have good grades.
1. Choose the correct preposition.
A) Neither ... or ...
I go ______ the supermarket on Friday.
B) Either ... no ...
C) Both ... and ... A) for
D) So ... that ... B) at
E) Either ... nor ... C) on
D) to
37. Choose the correct variant.
E) –
To go to France, you can choose ______ the plane
______ the boat. 2. Choose the correct preposition.
I have a lesson ______ 3 a.m.
A) whether ... nor ...
B) either ... or ... A) for
C) either ... nor ... B) to
D) neither ... nor C) beside
E) both ... and ... D) at
E) in
38. Choose the correct variant.
______ Venus ______ Mars are planets. 3. Choose the correct preposition.
I live ______ Julie.
A) Neither ... nor ...
B) Both ... and ... A) at
C) Either ... or ... B) on
D) Not only ... but also ... C) beside
E) As ... as … D) between
E) with

39. Choose the correct variant.

4. Choose the correct preposition.
______ we have a picnic in the forest.
Don't look ______ me!
1. If it doesn’t rain
A) at
2. If it rain
B) on
3. Unless it rains
C) forward
4. Unless it doesn’t rain
D) to
A) 1,2 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 1,3 E) in

5. Choose the correct preposition.

40. Choose the correct variant.
I bought a gift ______ her.
______ his talent he couldn’t won the first place.
A) under
1. Although
B) for
2. In spite of
C) up
3. Though
D) to
4. Despite
E) down
A) 1,2 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 1,3
6. Choose the correct preposition.
I like ______ play soccer.

A) against
B) in
C) for
D) to
E) out

7. Choose the correct preposition.

He climbed ______ the tree.

A) up
B) for
C) over
D) to
E) against

8. Choose the correct preposition. 15. Choose the correct preposition.

Please sit ______ on the chair. The song is ______ a girl he loves.

A) past A) at
B) up B) in
C) down C) about
D) about D) through
E) under E) with

9. Choose the correct preposition. 16. Choose the correct preposition.

The books are ______ the shelf. He is standing ______ the girl with the red jacket.

A) after A) at
B) on B) besides
C) down C) between
D) up D) over
E) before E) beside

10. Choose the correct preposition. 17. Choose the correct preposition.
Please give the pen ______ me. He jumped ______ from the ladder.

A) at A) on
B) on B) for
C) for C) down
D) to D) under
E) before E) along

11. Choose the correct preposition. 18. Choose the correct preposition.
I am looking ______ my keys. I have ______ study tonight.

A) next to A) to
B) at B) for
C) on C) at
D) toward D) in
E) for E) without

12. Choose the correct preposition. 19. Choose the correct preposition.
I wrote a story ______ a dog and a cat. The toys are ______ the children.

A) about A) at
B) around B) on
C) for C) for
D) to D) to
E) out of E) in

13. Choose the correct preposition. 20. Choose the correct preposition.
The ball is ______ the table. Do you know how to send this ______ China?

A) for A) at
B) in B) on
C) between C) for
D) under D) in
E) from E) to

14. Choose the correct preposition. 21. Choose the correct preposition.
This machine is ______ making chocolate. He was absent ______ school today.

A) down A) for
B) on B) of
C) for C) with
D) to D) through
E) at E) from

22. Choose the correct preposition. 29. Choose the correct preposition.
Are you afraid ______ bats? He is ashamed ______ his mistakes.

A) beside A) in
B) of B) on
C) about C) to
D) from D) of
E) without E) about

30. Choose the correct preposition.

23. Choose the correct preposition.
She is aware ______ this fact.
Is this plan acceptable ______ you?
A) onto
A) towards
B) of
B) over
C) about
C) for
D) from
D) to
E) into
E) from
31. Choose the correct preposition.
24. Choose the correct preposition. Last year I was absent ______ school for more than
He was accused ______ murder. two weeks.
A) of A) for
B) over B) at
C) with C) from
D) from D) with
E) for E) in

32. Choose the correct preposition.

25. Choose the correct preposition.
My wife is bad ______ cooking.
Why are you angry ______ me?
A) on
A) towards
B) in
B) at
C) of
C) with
D) for
D) against
E) at
E) in
33. Choose the correct preposition.
Beware ______ big holes on the road when you drive
26. Choose the correct preposition.
in rainy days.
Are you angry ______ last night?
A) of
A) for
B) beside
B) about
C) through
C) with
D) at
D) into
E) about
E) to

34. Choose the correct preposition.

27. Choose the correct preposition. Mahmud was ashamed ______ himself after throwing
He was anxious ______ the meeting. a stone ______ his brother.
A) over A) in / at
B) for B) at / to
C) with C) of / at
D) from D) of / to
E) about E) with / -

28. Choose the correct preposition. 35. Choose the correct preposition.
They are anxious ______ their children. I am usually anxious ______ my future.

A) about A) by
B) with B) about
C) for C) from
D) beside D) to
E) at E) into

36. Choose the correct preposition. 42. Choose the correct preposition.
Very few people believe ______ UFOs. 1. This book is based ______ a true story.
2. It doesn’t depend ______ me.
A) about
3. Azerbaijan borders ______ five countries.
B) for
C) to A) in
D) at B) by
E) in C) on
D) for
E) through
37. Choose the correct preposition.
43. Choose the correct preposition.
Her mother didn’t approve ______ the marriage.
1. I'm bored ______ this work.
A) from 2. He is busy ______ his new project.
B) onto 3. Be careful ______ this bottle.
C) without
A) with
D) of
B) in
E) for
C) -
D) from
38. Choose the correct preposition. E) off
When the broken radio was discovered Murat put the 44. Choose the correct preposition.
blame ______ his sister. 1. They are happy ______ their new car.
A) on 2. The road was covered ______ snow.
B) at 3. The garden is equipped ______ water.
C) without A) in
D) by B) at
E) in C) with
D) for
E) about
39. Choose the correct preposition. 45. Choose the correct preposition.
It was difficult ______ him to change the flat tyre. 1. We are not satisfied ______ his answer.
A) to 2. What is the matter ______ you?
B) in 3. He is popular ______ his novels.
C) for A) from
D) with B) without
E) from C) by
D) with
E) beside
40. Choose the correct preposition. 46. Choose the correct preposition.
She is good ______ knitting. 1. That man is capable ______ anything.
A) from 2. He is confident ______ success.
B) of 3. She is proud ______ her achievements.
C) in A) with
D) at B) of
E) with C) without
D) -
E) for

41. Choose the correct preposition. 47. Choose the correct preposition.
1. Vegetables are good ______ your health. 1. Are you jealous ______ his success?
2. I’m grateful to you ______ everything. 2. This ring is made ______ gold.
3. This work is very important ______ me. 3. It was kind ______ you to help us.

A) by A) -
B) – B) of
C) on C) in
D) of D) through
E) for E) by

48. Choose the correct preposition. 54. Choose the correct preposition.
1. Be careful ______ what you say. 1. Switch the light ______ before you leave.
2. She is careless ______ money. 2. We will have to operate ______ his eyes.
3. I am concerned ______ her illness. 3. May I try these shoes ______?

A) about A) in
B) in B) by
C) into C) on
D) out of D) for
E) till E) through

49. Choose the correct preposition. 55. Choose the correct preposition.
1. This task is difficult ______ him. 1. Don’t shout ______ me!
2. We are ready ______ the journey. 2. He was staring ______ her.
3. He is responsible ______ his actions. 3. We arrived ______ the station in time.

A) during A) in
B) of B) by
C) to C) on
D) for D) for
E) onto E) at

50. Choose the correct preposition. 56. Choose the correct preposition.
1. I’m fed up ______ my job? 1. I’m sorry ______ him.
2. My father was cross ______ me. 2. I’m sorry ______ not going to the party.
3. Streets were crowded ______ people. 3. Why are you late ______ the work?

A) from A) in
B) after B) by
C) with C) on
D) about D) for
E) without E) through

51. Choose the correct preposition. 57. Choose the correct preposition.
1. I am disappointed ______ the results. 1. That old man suffers ______ cancer.
2. What’s wrong ______ your car? 2. I graduated ______ college in 2006.
3. We cannot agree ______ you. 3. Ann is very different ______ her sister?

A) with A) in
B) by B) by
C) as C) on
D) like D) of
E) from E) from

52. Choose the correct preposition. 58. Choose the correct preposition.
1. Nina is envious ______ Ivan's success. 1. I painted the room ______ myself.
2. I am fond ______ collecting stamps. 2. What’s the time, ______ the way?
3. The room was full ______ people. 3. The children were walking side ______ side.

A) next to A) -
B) – B) by
C) to C) in
D) of D) about
E) for E) for

53. Choose the correct preposition. 59. Choose the correct preposition.
1. She was dressed ______ a black dress. 1. Can you describe the thief ______ me?
2. I’m not interested ______ sport. 2. He couldn’t explain the rule ______ me.
3. Oranges are rich ______ vitamin C. 3. She handed the letter ______ me.

A) in A) at
B) by B) by
C) on C) in
D) for D) on
E) through E) to

60. Choose the correct preposition. 66. Choose the correct preposition.
1. What’s happened ______ you? 1. We asked him ______ dinner.
2. Let me introduce myself ______ you. 2. He dedicated his book ______ his wife.
3. How do you get ______ work? 3. This firm belongs ______ me.

A) to A) by
B) by B) to
C) on C) in
D) for D) on
E) with E) towards

61. Choose the correct preposition. 67. Choose the correct preposition.
1. They go ______ the country every weekend. 1. Mother didn’t object ______ my going out.
2. Listen ______ the teacher. 2. Pay attention ______ the notice on the wall.
3. How can you lie ______ me so easily? 3. I prefer coffee ______ tea.

A) in A) about
B) by B) –
C) on C) by
D) to D) off
E) through E) to

62. Choose the correct preposition.

1. He insisted ______ my going there.
2. The students are going ______ an excursion.
3. My mother is going ______ a pilgrimage.

A) into
B) through
C) on
D) of
E) after

63. Choose the correct preposition.

1. Why is she laughing ______ me all the time?
2. Are you good ______ Maths?
3. He is clever ______ Maths.

A) at
B) by
C) on
D) from
E) till

64. Choose the correct preposition.

1. I must prevent him ______ going there.
2. This coat will protect you ______ cold.
3. The thief could escape ______ the prison.

A) in
B) by
C) from
D) for
E) with

65. Choose the correct preposition.

1. You have to apologize to him ______ it.
2. He asked me ______ a book.
3. I’m waiting ______ my friend.

A) for
B) out of
C) onto
D) from
E) to

DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH 8. Choose the correct variant.

She said, "I did not say that."
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) She said that she hadn’t said that.
She said, "I am reading."
B) She said that I hadn’t said that.
A) She said that she is reading. C) She said that she hasn’t said that.
B) She said that she read. D) She said that he hadn’t said that.
C) She said that she had read. E) She said that she wouldn’t say that.
D) She said that she was reading.
E) She said that I was reading. 9. Choose the correct variant.
He said: "I won't tell anyone."
2. Choose the correct variant.
They said, "We are busy." A) He said that he won’t tell anyone.
B) He said that he wouldn’t tell anyone.
A) They said that we were busy.
C) He said that I won’t tell anyone.
B) They said that they were busy.
D) He said that I wouldn’t anyone.
C) They said that they are busy.
E) He said that he didn’t tell anyone.
D) They said that they had been busy.
E) They said that they would be busy.
10. Choose the correct variant.
3. Choose the correct variant. He said, "I have eaten my lunch."
He said, "I know a better restaurant."
A) He said that he has eaten his lunch.
A) He said that he knew a better restaurant. B) He said that he ate his lunch.
B) He said that he knows a better reataurant. C) He said that he had eaten his lunch.
C) He said that he had known a better restaurant. D) He says that he had eaten his lunch.
D) He said that I knew a better restaurant. E) He said that he eats his lunch.
E) He said that he know a better restaurant.
11. Choose the correct variant.
4. Choose the correct variant. Jane said: "What are you doing"?
She said, "I woke up early."
A) Jane asked what you are doing.
A) She said that she woke up early. B) Jane asked what I was doing.
B) She said that wakes up early. C) Jane asked what was I doing.
C) She said that I had woken up early. D) Jane asked what I am doing.
D) She said that she had woken up early. E) Jane asked what we are doing.
E) She said that she has woken up early.
12. Choose the correct variant.
5. Choose the correct variant.
Tom said: "Have you met Pat before?"
He said, "I will ring her."
A) Tom asked if I have met Pat before.
A) He said that he will ring her.
B) Tom asked whether I met Pat before.
B) He said that he rang her.
C) Tom asked if I meet Pat before.
C) He said that he would ring her.
D) Tom asked if I had met Pat before.
D) He said that he has ring her.
E) Tom asked I had met Pat before.
E) He said that he rings her.

6. Choose the correct variant. 13. Choose the correct variant.

They said, "We have just arrived." Father said to Kate: "What are you doing now?"

A) They said that they have just arrived. A) Father asked Kate what she was doing then.
B) They said that they had just arrived. B) Father asked Kate what was she doing then.
C) They said that they just arrived. C) Father asked Kate what she is doing then.
D) They said that they would have arrived. D) Father asked Kate what she had done then.
E) They said that we had just arrived. E) Father asked Kate what she did then.

7. Choose the correct variant. 14. Choose the correct variant.

He said, "I shall clean the car." "Have you finished your exams?" he asked me.
A) He said that he will clean the car. A) He asked me if I finished my exams.
B) He said that he cleaned the car. B) He asked me if I have finished my exams.
C) He said that he had cleaned the car. C) He asked me if I shall finish my exams.
D) He said that cleans the car. D) He asked me if I had finished my exams.
E) He said that he would clean the car. E) He asked me if he had finished his exams.

15. Choose the correct variant. 21. Choose the correct variant.
My friend said: "Does your sister live in France?" The man said: "Is there a post office-near here?"

A) My friend asked if my sister lives in France. A) The man asked if there is a post-office near here.
B) My friend asked if my sister had lived in France. B) The man asked if there was a post-office near
C) My friend asked if my sister will live in France. there.
D) My friend asked if my sister has lived in France. C) The man asked us if was there a post-office near
E) My friend asked if my sister lived in France. there.
D) The man asked us if there has been a post office
near there.
16. Choose the correct variant.
E) The man asked us that there was a post office near
She says: "I don't know where my shoes are."
A) She says that she didn’t know where her shoes are.
22. Choose the correct variant.
B) She says that she hadn’t known where her shoes
"Where is my magazine, Alice?" asked mother.
C) She says that she don’t know where her shoes is. A) Mother asked Alice where her magazine is.
D) She says that I don’t know where her shoes are. B) Mother asked Alice where was her magazine.
E) She says that she doesn’t know where her shoes C) Mother asked Alice where her magazine has been.
are. D) Mother asked Alice where had her magazine been.
E) Mother asked Alice where her magazine was.
17. Choose the correct variant. 23. Choose the correct variant.
She said, "I am doing a degree at the university" "Don't smoke in the room", said the passenger.
A) She said that she is doing a degree at the A) The passenger asked to smoke in the room.
university. B) The passenger asked not to smoke in the room.
B) She said that she were doing a degree at the C) The passenger asked not smoke in the room.
university. D) The passenger asked smoke in the room.
C) She said that she had done a degree at the E) The passenger asked smoking in the room.
D) She said that she was doing a degree at the
E) She said that she did a degree at the university.

18. Choose the correct variant.

She said: "Did you invite him to the party?"

A) She asked if I invited him to the party.

B) She asked if I had invited him to the party.
C) She asked whether I invite him to the party.
D) She asked if I have invited him to the party.
E) She asked if she had invited him to the party.

19. Choose the correct variant.

My friend asked me: "Which book did you take?"

A) My friend asked me which book did he take.

B) My friend asked me which book I took.
C) My friend asked me which book I had taken.
D) My friend asked me which book I have taken.
E) My friend asked me which book I would take.

20. Choose the correct variant.

They said: "We have forgotten to phone our friend".

A) They said they have forgotten to phone their friend.

B) They said they forgot to phone their friend.
C) They said they had forgotten to phone their friend.
D) They said they phoned to phone their friend.
E) They said they will phone to phone their friend.

COMPLETE THE DIALOGUES 9. Complete the dialogue.

- I have pains in my feet.
1. Complete the dialogue.
A. You're always in a hurry.
- Can you tell him that Sarah called?
B. Think about it carefully.
A. Sure, I'll let him know when he gets back. C. You should put some salt on the soup.
B. Why do you want to call me? D. I love painting my toenails.
C. That's terrible news.
D. Are you sure about that? 10. Complete the dialogue.
- I am a vegetarian.
2. Complete the dialogue.
- Kristen is graduating on Saturday. A. Really? You must be very healthy.
B. When did you get diabetes?
A. She must be really upset.
C. Do you want some meat?
B. I'll call you when I get home.
D. Do you like beef?
C. You must be so proud of her.
D. You must be tired.
11. Complete the dialogue.
3. Complete the dialogue. - What time should I call you?
- Margie is a marine biologist.
A. You should give her some time.
A. It should get better soon. B. Call me at 6 pm.
B. What an interesting job! C. You should call off the meeting.
C. You should tell her to stop complaining. D. Why are you calling their names?
D. Let's give her some sandwhich.
12. Complete the dialogue.
4. Complete the dialogue.
- Our dogs don't get along.
- When did you go to England?
A. Oh, that's too bad.
A. I have a problem with that.
B. I got a good deal on it.
B. I would like two tickets, please.
C. He must be proud of it.
C. That's not like you.
D. I saw them run down the road.
D. I went last year.
13. Complete the dialogue.
5. Complete the dialogue.
- I went on a safari in Africa last month.
- Let's meet at the coffee shop down the road.
A. He is so excited.
A. OK. That sounds great.
B. Let's wait for him.
B. OK. I'll pick it up at 5 pm.
C. Wow, you can really run fast.
C. Sure, I can finish the report on time.
D. Wow, that must have been so exciting.
D. I'd like it with sugar and cream, please.
14. Complete the dialogue.
6. Complete the dialogue.
- Where did you buy your furniture?
- Can you walk the dog?
A. Wow, that's cheap.
A. Sure, I love roasting hot dogs.
B. You shouldn't pick it up. It's too heavy.
B. Yes, I want to go camping.
C. I got it at the Urban Barn.
C. I'd like mustard and ketchup on mine, please.
D. The customer is always right.
D. Sure, I'll do that right now.
15. Complete the dialogue.
7. Complete the dialogue.
- David failed his exam.
- Our neighbour's dog was hit by a car.
A. That's great news.
A. Oh, how wonderful!
B. Good for him!
B. Oh, that's terrible.
C. You're an intelligent person.
C. How did you do that?
D. Oh, sorry to hear it.
D. I got a speeding ticket.

8. Complete the dialogue. 16. Complete the dialogue.

- What should I get my mother for Mother's Day? - I'm so thirsty.
A. She looks nervous. A. It's cloudy.
B. I bought myself a new water filter. B. That's a really nice lake.
C. You should buy her some flowers. C. Why are you all wet?
D. I have a birthday party to go to next week. D. Here, have some water.

17. Complete the dialogue. 25. Complete the dialogue.

- The manager isn't here right now. - What did you do while you were there?

A. Do you know when he'll be back? A. She is nervous about that.

B. He is a big guy. B. I can't do that.
C. He's really experienced in that field. C. He is exhausted.
D. What do you have on your back? D. I went swimming.

18. Complete the dialogue. 26. Complete the dialogue.

- She is bilingual. - I don't feel well.

A. Really? I didn't know she bought two houses. A. You should book your trip soon.
B. Really? I'd love to know two languages. B. You aren't English?
C. Wow, she can speak four languages? C. You are talkative.
D. Why is she swearing? D. You should go home and have a rest.

19. Complete the dialogue. 27. Complete the dialogue.

- Can I store my furniture in your garage until the end - Why are you late?
of the month?
A. I have two puppies.
A. Sure, you can. B. I wasn't busy this morning.
B. You must be tired. C. My plane arrives at 7 am.
C. It should get better soon. D. I got caught in rush hour traffic.
D. Congratulations!
28. Complete the dialogue.
20. Complete the dialogue. - Where is the nearest payphone?
- I want to sell my car.
A. It's really expensive.
A. How much more can you take? B. I have to get a taxi.
B. How much do you want for it? C. There's one on the corner.
C. How many people do you know? D. I have to pay my cell phone bill.
D. Sorry, I'm out of that brand.
29. Complete the dialogue.
21. Complete the dialogue. - What's the weather like?
- How much longer do you have to wait?
A. She has a sunny personality.
A. It's 10:30 am. B. It's sunny and warm.
B. Hurry up! I'm late. C. I need an air conditioner.
C. About an hour. D. I like rainy days.
D. I just bought a new clock.
30. Complete the dialogue.
22. Complete the dialogue. - What do you want to eat?
- Do you like my new house?
A. I want a new bicycle.
A. Yes, it's beautiful. B. It's not warm.
B. No, I don't want to leave. C. I want a pizza.
C. It's freezing. D. Peppers are green.
D. I just bought it.
31. Complete the dialogue.
23. Complete the dialogue.
- What do you want to do tonight?
- Why are you moving?
A. I had lunch already.
A. I spent a lot on it.
B. Let's go out for supper.
B. I have the flu.
C. I usually have supper at 5 pm.
C. I got transferred.
D. She called her mother.
D. That movie was really touching.

24. Complete the dialogue. 32. Complete the dialogue.

How did you get there? - When do you expect her to be here?

A. I should arrive at 4:30. A. She's really loud.

B. It will get better soon. B. I never said that to him.
C. I bought it yesterday. C. She's supposed to arrive at 8:30 pm.
D. I went by bus. D. I don't have much experience.

33. Complete the dialogue. 41. Complete the dialogue.

- Do you recycle? - Did you know that there are desert regions in
A. Yes, I'm upset.
B. Yes, I do. A. I want ice cream for dessert.
C. It's your turn. B. No, I don't like sweets.
D. You shouldn't repeat that. C. I'm going to buy a cheesecake.
D. No, I didn't know that.
34. Complete the dialogue.
42. Complete the dialogue.
- I was told that you wanted to speak to me.
- Can you tell me where Sharon is?
A. He's too energetic.
A. She likes swimming.
B. He's really happy about that.
B. She's in her office.
C. I have to work overtime.
C. She's really angry.
D. Yes, I wanted to talk to you about your work.
D. We just got new printers.
35. Complete the dialogue.
- How do you feel today? 43. Complete the dialogue.
- I don't know how to get there.
A. Great, thanks.
B. Not really. A. I have to go now.
C. Sure, you are welcome to do that. B. The train is really fast.
D. That's upsetting news. C. Don't worry. I can show you the way.
D. It's expensive.
36. Complete the dialogue.
He did very well in the training program.
44. Complete the dialogue.
A. I'm not drinking that. - Do you have a minute?
B. That's wonderful.
A. Yes, I have a watch.
C. What a bright room!
B. Sure, what do you want to talk about?
D. That's a nice colour.
C. No, I don't know the time.
D. I can't see the clock from here.
37. Complete the dialogue.
- How do you stay so thin?
45. Complete the dialogue.
A. I eat healthy food and exercise.
- Are you bad-tempered?
B. I have to pack.
C. I have more room now. A. Yes, I'm a tall person.
D. I went to the lake. B. This is a messy house.
C. Yes, the weather is really bad today.
38. Complete the dialogue. D. No, I'm pretty easygoing.
- What are you doing here?

A. Yes, that's right.

B. I can't hear her.
C. I came to visit my mother.
D. She is hard of hearing.

39. Complete the dialogue.

- Do you want to buy a new car?

A. Yes, my old one isn't running well.

B. Yes, I can get there by 10 am.
C. I don't agree with him.
D. Why are you acting like this?

40. Complete the dialogue.

- I have really poor eyesight.

A. I like sightseeing.
B. Have you seen the sights?
C. Have you been to the parade site yet?
D. My sight is really bad too.

COMPLETE THE SENTENCES 7. Complete the sentence.

Ann couldn't go to the theatre with us because

ENDING A) she had prepare for the exam

B) she must prepare for the exam
1. Complete the sentence. C) she had to prepare for the exam
Jim is happy because ______. D) she will have to prepare for the exam
A) he failed the exam E) she was eager to see the play
B) he won the race
C) his friend is ill 8. Complete the sentence.
D) teacher scolded him Mr Smith is respected by everybody because he is
E) he is late ______.

1. cruel
2. unfaithful
2. Complete the sentence.
3. patient
You have to speak louder because ______.
4. polite
A) I can hear you well 5. generous
B) you are beside me
A) 3,4 B) 1,4,5 C) 2,4 D) 2,3 E) 3,4,5
C) there is no noise here
D) the child is sleeping 9. Complete the sentence.
E) he can't hear well - Have you seen a little girl running about?

A) What is she like?

3. Complete the sentence. B) What is she?
Henri is worried because ______. C) What does she like?
D) What does she look like?
A) he is late for an important meeting
E) How is she?
B) the weather is lovely
C) his son has got good marks
D) everything is OK 10. Complete the sentence.
E) he has passed the exam The weather was so sunny and wet that ______.

A) we had to take our coats off

B) we have to take our coats off
4. Complete the sentence.
C) we had to put our coats on
Paul can't go to work because ______.
D) we had to wear our coats
A) he isn’t busy E) we shouldn’t wear our coats
B) his car is in a good condition
C) he has the flu
11. Complete the sentence.
D) he loves his work
Don’t go home without permission. The teacher will
E) it is not a holiday
______ you.

1. praise
5. Complete the sentence. 2. punish
I'm studying English because ______. 3. award
4. scold
A) I don’t want to know it
5. be proud of
B) I don’t need it
C) I don’t like English A) 1,4 B) 2,5 C) 1,3,5 D) 2,3 E) 2,4
D) it’s not interesting
E) I’m fond of languages
12. Complete the sentence.
Mother didn’t like his son’s behavior. He blamed him
for his ______.
6. Complete the sentence.
He is sad because ______. 1. kindness
2. rudeness
A) it is his birthday today
3. hospitality
B) we respect him
4. politeness
C) the teacher praised him
5. carelessness
D) he saw an accident
E) he has come in time A) 1,4 B) 2,5 C) 1,3,5 D) 2,3 E) 2,4

13. Complete the sentence. 20. Complete the sentence.

______ and ______ are not good qualities. It will be safe to stay in the mountains for the night if
A) Boastfulness, selfishness
B) Laziness, patience A) the weather man allows
C) Honesty, impatience B) the weather changes for better
D) Hospitality, cruelty C) it rains in a minute
E) Dishonesty, diligence D) the prognosis about bad weather is reliable
E) the weather remains good till the end of the month
14. Complete the sentence.
- I can't come to the party. I broke my leg this
21. Complete the sentence.
She wasn’t sure of the spelling of the word ______.
A) Great!
A) but she didn’t look it up in the dictionary
B) I'm sorry to hear that.
B) although she knew how to spell it
C) Was it valuable?
C) because she needed a glossary
D) Don't you have another one?
D) as she had a great memory for that
E) Congratulations!
E) however, she felt worse that day
15. Complete the sentence.
- May I sit here? 22. Complete the sentence.
He was hungry ______.
A) Yes, I suppose it is.
B) Only if you must. A) though he had little money
C) Sorry. No. This seat is busy. B) as he didn’t eat something
D) Nice to meet you too. C) in spite of his pale face
E) Fine, thanks. D) since he filled his appetite
E) because he had had no food for two days
16. Complete the sentence.
Simon didn’t become an academic because ______. 23. Complete the sentence.
Though there were few people present, ______.
A) he was impressed
B) he had a brilliant brain A) the party was great fun
C) he was very intelligent B) we got everything arranged for the trip
D) he couldn’t find a job C) we could hardly walk through the crowd
E) he didn’t get a very good degree D) the film is worth seeing
E) I liked the gifts very much
17. Complete the sentence.
If you turn over one or two pages ______. 24. Complete the sentence.
When I get excited, ______.
A) you’d better strike a match
B) take it easy A) I’m not sure about it.
C) it will took you a whole year B) my heart beats faster and faster
D) you’ll find the sentence you need C) they had a miserable life.
E) there is nothing to worry about D) my boss is happy with my work
E) I ate two breakfasts this morning.
18. Complete the sentence.
You shouldn’t wear brightly coloured dresses, 25. Complete the sentence.
______. You can borrow the bike on condition that ______.

A) they don’t fit you A) you have a ticket

B) you look very nice in them B) you return it by five o’clock
C) they become you awfully well C) you’ll get to the railway station
D) it suits you better D) you leave it
E) they are fashionable now E) which bus you take

19. Complete the sentence. 26. Complete the sentence.

She didn’t know anything about first aid, ______. If you iron all the clothes, ______.

A) so she couldn’t help him A) put them on the wardrobe accurately

B) so she has to go to Italy by train B) I don’t iron them
C) that is why she was promoted to desk editor C) washes them again
D) because she believed all the lies he told her D) puts them into the wastebasket
E) because she couldn’t find her wallet E) I tear all of them

27. Complete the sentence.

He decided to take the job, ______.
1. Complete the sentence.
A) in spite of high salary offer
I'd like to know ______.
B) even though the pay isn’t very good
C) although he always did his best at school A) where is my diary
D) as he is younger than the others at work B) where did you put my diary
E) since he didn’t pass the exam C) where my diary is
D) my diary is where
E) where have you put my diary
28. Complete the sentence.
2. Complete the sentence.
My English is improving, ______.
I’m thirsty. Give me ______.
A) so I got a worse grade
A) something to eat
B) but I had expected the test to be difficult
B) something to cook
C) it is getting better every day
C) anything to write
D) because my brother came to my graduation
D) something to drink
E) a few to drink
E) so I feel angry and upset
3. Complete the sentence.
- I've lost my wallet.
29. Complete the sentence. - When ______?
- Why do you dislike Thomas?
- Because he never ______. A) have you lost it
B) did you lose it
A) does any harm to anybody C) had you lost it
B) forgets to pay his debts D) you lost it
C) keeps his promise E) did you lost it
D) hurts anybody
E) does anything wrong 4. Complete the sentence.
It's not very difficult ______.

A) to learn how driving

30. Complete the sentence. B) to learn be a driver
We were not interested in the film ______. C) to learn how drive
D) learn how to drive
A) so have save enough money E) to learn how to drive
B) because he had a cold
C) that’s why watched it eagerly 5. Complete the sentence.
D) and we stood in a queue Mrs Johnson told us ______.
E) so we did not stay until the end A) to not wash up
B) to do not wash up
C) not to wash up
31. Complete the sentence. D) that we don't wash up
This piece of painting is too expensive, ______. E) not washing up

A) keep them quiet for a while 6. Complete the sentence.

B) it gets on my nerves I don't know ______.
C) it took him a whole year to write this work
D) I can’t afford to buy it A) where this museum
E) I would like to purchase something that is not B) where is this museum
cheap. C) where this museum is
D) this museum is where
E) where was that museum

32. Choose the logically correct sentence. 6. Complete the sentence.

A) Ben’s excellent results make his parents very angry. I want ______ at the airport.
B) Ben’s excellent results make his parents very
A) you meeting me
happy. B) that you meet me
C) Ben’s excellent results make his parents very sad. C) you to meet me
D) Ben’s good results make his parents very gloomy. D) you meet me
E) Ben’s good results make his parents very nervous. E) you met me

7. Complete the sentence. 14. Complete the sentence.

The teacher asked me ______ for the lesson. You have never been to Canada, ______?

A) was I ready A) isn't it

B) if I was ready B) is it
C) if was I ready C) haven't you
D) that I was ready D) did you
E) whether I am ready E) have you

8. Complete the sentence. 15. Complete the sentence.

If you aren't going to Liverpool, ______. Do you know the reason ______?

A) I'm not too A) why is she so upset

B) I am not also B) why she is so upset
C) neither I am C) why has she been so angry
D) neither am I D) why will she be so angry
E) I don’t either E) why was she so upset

9. Complete the sentence. 16. Complete the sentence.

I want to know what ______. Can you tell me ______?

A) are you doing A) when have you been there

B) were you doing B) when you have gone there
C) will you do C) when did you leave school
D) you are doing D) when will you leave for the village
E) have you done E) when you were there last

10. Complete the sentence. 17. Complete the sentence.

I'd like ______ overnight. - ______ your new job?

A) that you stayed with us A) Do you like

B) you stay with us B) Like
C) you staying with us C) Are you liked by
D) you stays with us D) Like you
E) you to stay with us E) You like

11. Complete the sentence.

18. Complete the sentence.
I'm sure ______ before.
John asked me ______.
A) we have never met
A) where was his wallet
B) we haven't never met
B) when I have lost my wallet
C) we didn't met
C) where had he lost his wallet
D) we had met
D) where is his wallet
E) did we met
E) where his wallet was

12. Complete the sentence.

They were in Spain last summer, ______? 19. Complete the sentence.
I don’t know ______.
A) were they
B) isn't it A) how many children has she got
C) didn't they B) how many children did she have
D) weren't they C) how much children she has got
E) weren’t there D) how many children she has got
E) how many children does she have

13. Complete the sentence.

When I came home late in the evening, my parents 20. Complete the sentence.
______? ______ was sad.

A) had already had dinner A) What did she say

B) have already had dinner B) What she said
C) have been having dinner C) What she has said
D) had dinner D) What she says
E) was having dinner E) What she is saying

21. Complete the sentence. 28. Complete the sentence.

Is it true ______ about you? Can you tell me ______?

A) what he said A) why do they get a few mistakes in their tests

B) what did he say B) what he didn’t came for his friend’s wedding
C) what had he said C) when the last agreement signed
D) what he had said D) what have the girls sent for him
E) what is he saying E) what has been brought from Milan

29. Complete the sentence.

22. Complete the sentence.
- ______ the answer?
I wonder ______.
- Yes, the answer is twenty eight.
A) if is he in Germany
A) Know you
B) whether has he been in Germany
B) Do you know
C) if he is in Germany
C) Are you knowing
D) if was he in Germany
D) You know
E) whether will he be in Germany
E) Knowing you
23. Complete the sentence. 30. Complete the sentence.
Who can tell me ______? - ______ you like?
- I like grapes and figs.
A) why he has left so early for
B) why did he send it to me A) What kind of fruit
C) what did he intend to do B) How many fruit do
D) what he scolded his son for C) Types of fruit do
E) who was the window broken by D) What sort of fruit do
E) What kind fruit do
24. Complete the sentence.
31. Complete the sentence.
Who knows ______?
- ______?
A) how many rivers are there in the world - I'm going to work.
B) how many rivers there are in the world
A) Why are you going?
C) how many rivers there is in the world
B) What are you going?
D) how many rivers were the in the world
C) Where you going?
E) how much rivers there are in the world
D) Where are you going?
E) Were are you going?
25. Complete the sentence.
32. Complete the sentence.
He asked me ______.
- When your sister came back from school, what were
A) how he can get to Nizamy Street you doing?
B) how can he get to the post-office
A) I was going call her.
C) how could he get to the nearest shop
B) We watched TV.
D) how he could get to the museum
C) We was watching TV.
E) how he must get to the stadium
D) I was about to go out.
E) I made dinner.
26. Complete the sentence.
Kate told me ______. 33. Complete the sentence.
When I was at school, we ______ study Ancient Latin.
A) not to go anywhere without permission
B) not to go somewhere without permission A) mustn't have
C) to stay at home until she comes B) hadn't
D) do all the housework C) hadn't got to
E) when was I leaving for a holiday D) didn't have to
E) mustn't

27. Complete the sentence. 34. Complete the sentence.

I can’t tell you ______. We must ______ the roof fixed before it rains.

A) when does she come from school A) make

B) why we didn’t receive the message in time B) has
C) what is he going to do C) to have
D) why has he been late for work D) cause
E) the reason why was he ill E) get

35. Complete the sentence. 42. Complete the sentence.

- Why did the chicken cross the road? - Which books are yours: these or those?

A) To get to the other side. A) Those are my.

B) In order meet a female chicken. B) Mine books are these.
C) Because it wanted seeing the world. C) Their are mine.
D) To meeting its friend. D) Those are my books and these are yours.
E) Because it didn't know where was it going. E) These books are mine; those are of John.

36. Complete the sentence. 43. Complete the sentence.

There are ______ hotels in the desert. He wanted to know ______.

A) best A) if I shall be at the party

B) not many B) if I would be at the party
C) this C) if I am at the party
D) little D) if I have been at the party
E) none E) if had I been at the party

37. Complete the sentence. 44. Complete the sentence.

- Is it hot or cold in August? He asked them ______.

A) In August is hot. A) who knows the answer

B) It is very hot in August. B) who has known the answer
C) It makes very hot in August. C) who will know the answer
D) Its quite hot in August. D) who knew the answer
E) It is hot in August, but more hotter is July. E) who know the answer

38. Complete the sentence. 45. Complete the sentence.

- Do you brush your teeth after every meal? - How much is a plane ticket to Rio de Janeiro?

A) Yes, I do. A) It's not much.

B) I always brushing my teeth. B) Oh, it's very very.
C) I twice a day brush my teeth. C) It's most than a ticket to Hong Kong.
D) No, I brush the teeth after every meal. D) It is many money.
E) No, I do. I brush my teeth once a day. E) Is a lot.

39. Complete the sentence.

46. Complete the sentence.
- Are you the president of this company?
- How was the movie last night?
- No, ______
A) It was changeable.
A) I are a secretary.
B) It was better then his first movie.
B) I am my employee.
C) It was a action movie.
C) he is the president of them.
D) The movie was very long and very boring.
D) I'm the secretary.
E) The movie was science fiction kind.
E) I've the vice-president.

40. Complete the sentence. 47. Complete the sentence.

- Aren't they coming with us to the party? She asked ______.

A) No, they're not coming. A) where is her umbrella

B) No, they are going with she. B) where her umbrella is
C) No, they are coming in the party later. C) where were her umbrella
D) Yes, they is coming with us. D) where was her umbrella
E) Yes, there coming. E) where her umbrella was

41. Complete the sentence. 48. Complete the sentence.

- Where were you yesterday? Martin asked us ______.

A) I were with your sister at the movies. A) how were we

B) I was with he and she. B) how they was
C) I wasn't in town. C) how we were
D) I wasn't to the office. D) how we are
E) I was at the home. E) how are you

49. Complete the sentence. 56. Complete the sentence.

He asked ______. She asked me ______.

A) if he had to do that A) when can I meet her at the station

B) if did he have to do that B) when could I meet her at the station
C) whether he has to do that C) when I can meet her at the station
D) if do I have to do that D) when have I met her at the station
E) whether does he have to do that E) when I could meet her at the station

50. Complete the sentence.

57. Complete the sentence.
The mother asked her daughter ______.
He wanted to know ______.
A) where she is
A) when we would meet again
B) where has she been
B) when we have met
C) where she had been
C) when we shall meet again
D) where had she been
D) when did we meet
E) where was she
E) when shall we meet again
51. Complete the sentence.
She asked her friend ______. 58. Complete the sentence.
She asked me ______.
A) which dress does she like best
B) which dress she liked best A) if did I know him
C) which dress did she like best B) whether I know him
D) which dress she likes C) whether I knew him
E) which dress had she liked D) if I shall know him
E) if does he know
52. Complete the sentence.
She wanted to know ______.
59. Complete the sentence.
A) what they were doing She asked him ______.
B) what were they doing
A) where did they live
C) what they are doing
B) where they live
D) what have they been doing
C) where do they live
E) what are they doing
D) where they have lived
E) where they lived
53. Complete the sentence.
He wanted to know ______.
60. Complete the sentence.
A) that they were going to the cinema Jane asked ______
B) if they are going to the cinema
A) how much were the trousers
C) if they were going to the cinema
B) how much did the trousers cost
D) if were they going to the cinema
C) how much the trousers are
E) if are they going to the cinema
D) how much the trousers will cost
E) how much the trousers cost
54. Complete the sentence.
The teacher wanted to know ______.

A) who speaks English

B) who spoke English
C) who did speak English
D) who does speak English
E) who will speak English

55. Complete the sentence.

She asks me ______.

A) how I know that

B) how do I know that
C) how did I know that
D) how I had known that
E) how will I know that

CHOOSE THE CORRECT WORD 9. Choose the positive pairs of words.

1. fair / honest
1. Choose the negative pairs of words. 2. unreliable / comfortable
1. sorrow / happiness 3. kind / lovely
2. disappointed / sad 4. rude / careless
3. passed the exam / glad
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3
4. sad / failed the exam
10. Choose the positive pairs of words.
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3
1. faithful / careful
2. Choose the positive pairs of words. 2. honesty / carefulness
1. glad / failed 3. dishonest / unfair
2. failed / cheerful 4. careless / helpful
3. joyous / merry
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3
4. respected / generous
11. Choose the negative pairs of words.
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3
1. dirty / dreadful
3. Choose the negative pairs of words. 2. happy / unlucky
1. upset / failed 3. tired / bored
2. hated / helpful 4. experienced / skillful
3. ugly / weak
A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,3
4. big / small
12. Choose the negative pairs of words.
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3
1. awful / terrible
4. Choose the positive pairs of words. 2. clever / skilled
1. pleased / appreciate 3. peaceful / calm
2. beautiful / pretty 4. anger / angry
3. proud / unfaithful 5. horrible / terrible
4. modest / greedy
A) 1,3,4 B) 1,4,5 C) 2,4,5 D) 1,2 E) 2,3
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3
13. Choose the line of words describing people’s
5. Choose the positive pairs of words.
1. talented / skillful A) tall / thin / calm
2. truthful / unfaithful B) cheerful / hard-working / helpful
3. proud / intelligent C) slim / envious / beardy
4. liked / envious D) good-looking / rude / cruel
E) boastful / polite / stout
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3
14. Choose the line of words describing people’s
6. Choose the positive pairs of words. character.
1. unreliable / responsible
A) fat / old / young
2. faithful / modest
B) shy / foolish / ugly
3. loved / joyful
C) hospitable / sociable / noble
4. skillful / badly
D) nice / plump / friendly
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3 E) impatient / kind / elderly

7. Choose the negative pairs of words. 15. Choose the line of words describing people’s
1. complain / badly appearance.
2. funny / interesting
A) well-dressed / reliable / devoted
3. selfish / envious
B) attractive / intelligent / bald
4. diligent / intelligent
C) brave / slender / dark-skinned
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3 D) beautiful / middle-aged / serious
E) bold / blonde / handsome
8. Choose the negative pairs of words.
1. reliable / convenient 16. Choose the adjectives with positive meaning.
2. hospitable / kind 1. generous 2. silly
3. greedy / rude 3. friendly 4. talented
4. complain / punish 5. unreliable 6. aggressive

A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3 A) 1,2,4 B) 2,3,6 C) 3,4,5 D) 1,3,4 E) 2,5,6

17. Choose the adjectives with positive meaning. 25. Choose the nouns with negative meaning.
1. ugly 2. careless 1. honesty
3. polite 4. devoted 2. indiligence
5. unfair 6. modest 3. cruelty
4. diligence
A) 1,2,4 B) 2,3,6 C) 3,4,6 D) 1,3,4 E) 2,5,6
A) 1,2 B) 2,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,3
18. Choose the adjectives with negative
26. Choose the nouns with positive meaning.
1. careful 2. intelligent
1. dishonesty
3. stupid 4. skillful
2. modesty
5. envious 6. unexperienced
3. beauty
A) 1,2,4 B) 2,3,6 C) 3,4,5 D) 1,3,4 E) 3,5,6 4. selfishness

18. Choose the adjectives with negative A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,4
1. angry 2. courageous 27. Choose the nouns with positive meaning.
3. fair 4. absent-minded 1. hatred
5. unpleasant 6. kind-hearted 2. war
3. joy
A) 1,2,4 B) 2,3,6 C) 1,4,5 D) 1,3,4 E) 2,5,6
4. wedding
19. Choose the adjectives with negative 5. nobility
meaning. 6. sadness
1. boastful 2. modern
A) 1,2,4 B) 2,3,6 C) 3,4,5 D) 1,3,4 E) 2,5,6
3. unfriendly 4. honest
5. idle 6. wise
28. Choose the adjectives with positive meaning.
A) 1,2,4 B) 1,3,5 C) 3,4,5 D) 1,3,4 E) 2,5,6 1. proud
2. displeased
20. Choose the adjectives with positive meaning.
3. pleased
1. naughty 2. quiet
4. guilty
3. lazy 4. patient
5. dull
5. upset 6. calm
A) 1,2,4 B) 2,3,6 C) 3,4,5 D) 1,3 E) 2,5,6
A) 2,4,6 B) 2,4,5 C) 1,3,6 D) 1,3,5 E) 3,4,5

21. Choose the adjectives with positive meaning.

29. Choose the adjectives with positive meaning.
1. beautiful 2. unfair
1. sad
3. brave 4. cowardly
2. joyous
5. cheerful 6. unkind
3. upset
A) 1,2,4 B) 2,3,6 C) 3,4,5 D) 1,3,5 E) 2,5,6 4. merry
5. incorrect
22. Choose the nouns with positive meaning.
1. calmness A) 2,4 B) 2,5 C) 3,4,5 D) 1,3,4 E) 1,2,5
2. kindness
3. unkindness
30. Choose the adjectives with positive meaning.
4. carelessness
1. disappointed
A) 1,4 B) 1,2 C) 3,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,4 2. hungry
3. warm
23. Choose the nouns with positive meaning.
4. fine
1. patience
5. strong
2. diligence
3. rudeness A) 1,2,4 B) 2,3,4 C) 3,4,5 D) 1,3,4 E) 1,2,5
4. boastfulness

A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,4 31. Choose the adjectives with negative
24. Choose the nouns with negative meaning.
1. mild
1. impatience
2. thirsty
2. bravery
3. anxious
3. hospitality
4. full
4. laziness
5. ill
A) 3,4 B) 2,4 C) 1,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3
A) 1,2,4 B) 2,3,5 C) 3,4,5 D) 1,3,4 E) 1,2,5

32. Choose the adjectives with positive meaning. 39. Choose the adjectives with positive meaning.
1. late 1. delicious
2. disgusting 2. wealthy
3. lovely 3. worried
4. strong 4. boring
5. tired 5. bitter

A) 1,2,4 B) 3,4 C) 3,4,5 D) 1,3,4 E) 2,5 A) 2,4,5 B) 3,4 C) 1,2,3 D) 1,2 E) 4,5

33. Choose the adjectives with negative

40. Choose the adjectives with positive meaning.
1. rude
1. busy
2. lonely
2. sunny
3. tasty
3. cloudless
4. pale
4. empty
5. interesting
5. correct
A) 2,4,5 B) 3,5 C) 4,5 D) 1,5 E) 1,2,4
A) 2,5 B) 2,3,5 C) 1,4 D) 1,4,5 E) 3,4

34. Choose the adjectives with negative 41. Choose the adjectives with negative
meaning. meaning.
1. windless 1. attractive
2. misty 2. dark
3. dry 3. heavy
4. foggy 4. wise
5. suspicious 5. difficult

A) 1,3,4 B) 2,3,4 C) 3,4,5 D) 1,3,5 E) 2,4,5 A) 2,3,5 B) 1,4 C) 3,4,5 D) 2,4 E) 1,5

35. Choose the adjectives with negative

42. Choose the adjectives with positive meaning.
1. bitter
1. humid
2. bright
2. clear
3. healthy
3. changeable
4. mighty
4. favourite
5. snowy
5. right
A) 1,3,4 B) 2,4,5 C) 2,3,4 D) 2,3,5 E) 1,4,5
A) 1,3 B) 2,3,4 C) 3,4,5 D) 1,3,5 E) 2,4,5

36. Choose the adjectives with negative 43. Choose the adjectives with positive meaning.
meaning. 1. convincing
1. wrong 2. suspicious
2. correct 3. confident
3. tidy 4. valuable
4. harmful 5. unfaithful
5. tasty
A) 1,2,3 B) 2,4,5 C) 1,4,5 D) 1,2,4 E) 1,3,4
A) 1,4,5 B) 1,4 C) 2,4 D) 3,4,5 E) 1,5
44. Choose the adjectives with positive meaning.
37. Choose the adjectives with positive meaning.
1. reliable
1. sleepy
2. angry
2. easy
3. attentive
3. satisfying
4. envious
4. terrible
5. ridiculous
5. conscious
A) 2,4 B) 1,5 C) 3,4,5 D) 1,3 E) 3,5
A) 1,2,5 B) 1,3,4 C) 4,5 D) 2,3,5 E) 2,4,5

38. Choose the adjectives with positive meaning. 45. Choose the nouns with negative meaning.
1. harmless 1. illness
2. helpless 2. might
3. alone 3. anger
4. irresponsible 4. wisdom
5. light 5. regret
A) 1,4 B) 1,5 C) 3,4,5 D) 4,5 E) 2,5 A) 2,4,5 B) 1,2,4 C) 4,5 D) 1,3,5 E) 2,4

46. Choose the nouns with negative meaning. 52. Choose the correct word.
1. disease The doctor has told her that she must give ______
2. freedom drinking.
3. belief
A) from
4. nonsense
B) to
5. friendship
C) off
A) 2,3,4 B) 1,4 C) 4,5 D) 2,4 E) 1,5 D) up
E) in
47. Choose the verbs with positive meaning.
53. Choose the correct word.
1. respect
There was a lot of noise so I didn’t understand what
2. scold
she was ______.
3. punish
4. praise A) saying
5. forgive B) telling
6. complain C) speaking
D) talking
A) 1,2,4 B) 2,3,6 C) 1,4,5 D) 1,3,4 E) 2,5,6
E) writing
48. Choose the verbs with negative meaning. 54. Choose the correct word.
1. dislike I ______ beer to wine.
2. like
A) would like more
3. love
B) prefer
4. hate
C) had better
5. apologize
D) would rather
6. betray
E) like
A) 1,2,4 B) 2,3,6 C) 3,4,5 D) 1,3,4 E) 1,4,6
55. Choose the correct word.
I gave her ______ earrings for Novruz.
49. Choose the verbs with negative meaning.
1. appreciate A) a pair of
2. blame B) a set of
3. award C) two
4. accuse D) a
5. interrupt E) a pairs of
6. reject
56. Choose the correct word.
A) 1,2,4,6 Would you like some more tea? There is still ______
B) 2,3,6 left.
C) 3,4,5
A) few
D) 1,3,4
B) a few
E) 2,4,5,6
C) a little
D) little
50. Choose the verbs with positive meaning.
E) none
1. admire
2. refuse
57. Choose the correct word.
3. congratulate
He has been ______ of armed robbery.
4. disturb
5. improve A) blamed
6. approve B) accused
C) charged
A) 1,2,4 B) 1,3,5,6
D) arrested
C) 3,4,5,6 D) 1,3,4,5 E) 2,5,6
E) was arrested

51. Choose the correct word. 58. Choose the correct word.
Good ______! I hope you get the job. Have you found a job ______?
A) chance A) soon
B) fortune B) still
C) luck C) longer
D) wish D) yet
E) night E) ago

59. Choose the correct word. 66. Choose the correct word.
I often ______ at the Wiejce Palace Hotel. The book shop rang ______ that the dictionary you
ordered has arrived.
A) stay
B) sleep A) to say
C) remain B) to tell
D) rest C) for saying
E) go D) for telling
E) said
60. Choose the correct word.
I didn’t realize that the coffee shop was ______ the
other side of the road.
67. Choose the correct word.
A) by Maria has two sisters, but she speaks to ______ of
B) for them.
C) on
A) both
D) in
B) any
E) into
C) neither
61. Choose the correct word. D) either
The language school that I attend is 20 kilometres E) no

A) far
68. Choose the correct word.
B) away
Robert is an uncle of ______.
C) distance
D) long A) Ann
E) distant B) Anns
C) Ann’s
62. Choose the correct word.
D) Anns’
– I am going to the cinema on Saturday.
E) Anns’s
– So ______.

A) I am
B) do I 69. Choose the correct word.
C) I do We discussed the house plans ______ our way to the
D) am I shops.
E) was I
A) by
63. Choose the correct word. B) on
They ______ him of scratching the car. C) in
A) blamed D) to
B) accused E) at
C) punished
D) arrested
E) praised 70. Choose the correct word.
64. Choose the correct word. George goes to ______ by car.
They had to leave the flat because they couldn’t pay A) a work
the ______. B) the work
A) fare C) an work
B) hire D) work
C) rent E) works
D) salary
E) loan
71. Choose the correct word.
65. Choose the correct word.
After our team ______ the game, everybody ______.
She ______ at me and then turned away.
1. lost / cheered
A) viewed
2. won / celebrated
B) regarded
3. lost / was disappointed
C) responded
4. began / were excited
D) glanced
E) said A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 2,4 E) 1,3

72. Choose the correct word. 79. Choose the correct word.
Lana doesn’t want to ______, but her husband wants Mr Smith’s son was such ______ student that all the
a large family. teachers were ______ him.

A) have dinner 1. a diligent / pleased with

B) buy a house 2. a hard-working / disappointed with
C) go to school 3. an absent-minded / glad to teach
D) have children 4. talented / kind to
D) enter the university
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 2,4 E) 1,3
73. Choose the correct word.
Tim was ______ because his proposal was rejected.
80. Choose the correct word.
1. upset 2. cheerful
Joanna makes delicious _____. She is a great _____.
3. pleased 4. disappointed
A) cakes / baker
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 2,4 E) 1,3
B) songs / singer
74. Choose the correct word. C) bread / artist
His brother is very ______. He waited for two hours to D) paintings / teacher
see the doctor and did not complain. E) ice-cream / engineer

A) nervous
B) patient
81. Choose the correct word.
C) intelligent
I don’t like to read this book. I found the book ______.
D) brave
E) impatient A) amusing
B) interesting
75. Choose the correct word.
C) funny
Although the puzzle seemed ______ at first, it was
D) entertaining
______ to complete.
E) boring
A) fun / interesting
B) complicated / easy
C) confusing / hard 82. Choose the correct word.
D) difficult / lengthy I wanted to ______ the race, but my friends
E) simple / easy encouraged me to ______ running.

76. Choose the correct word. A) lose / stop

The job was ______; it only took one day to finish. B) quit / continue
C) win / begin
A) impossible D) watch / start
B) boring E) give up, stop
C) simple
D) exciting
E) tiring 83. Choose the correct word.
Veronica ______ the salesman’s offer because the
77. Choose the correct word. price was ______.
Erin has many friends at school. She is very ______.
A) accepted / high
A) popular B) rejected / unfair
B) intelligent C) took / expensive
C) busy D) considered / terrible
D) untruthful E) refused / low
E) talkative

78. Choose the correct word.

Jane’s mother’s ______ and ______ made their 84. Choose the correct word.
neighbours nervous. Tom decided not to go to school when he was ______.
Instead, he rested all day to recover.
1. unkindness / impatience
2. hospitality / modesty A) young
3. boastfulness / carelessness B) intelligent
4. responsibility / honesty C) strong
D) in a good mood
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 2,4 E) 1,3 E) ill

85. Choose the correct word.

Many people think rabbits love to eat carrots, but they
actually ______ lettuce. 1. Choose the correct synonym.
Every morning I stop sleeping when I hear the alarm
A) hate
B) dislike
C) grow A) wake out
D) prefer B) wake up
E) plant C) wake in
D) wake off
E) give up
86. Choose the correct word.
Although it is ______ outside, Kate is not wearing 2. Choose the correct synonym.
______. On Sundays I can leave bed later than during the
A) cool / a ring
B) warm / a scarf A) get out
C) hot / gloves B) step off
D) cold / a coat C) get up
E) windy / boots D) step out
E) ring up

3. Choose the correct synonym.

87. Choose the correct word.
You must be quick or you will be late for school.
Brian was worried that he would be late for school, so
he ______. A) act up
B) fasten on
A) thought
C) hurry up
B) walked
D) speed in
C) danced
E) go on
D) hurried
E) wrote 4. Choose the correct synonym.
John helped the old lady to board the bus.

A) get into
88. Choose the correct word.
B) get on
Samantha ______ the test to get her driver’s license.
C) get up
She will try again tomorrow.
D) put on
A) noticed E) get off
B) took
5. Choose the correct synonym.
C) passed
Julie went to the library to try to find a book.
D) failed
E) accepted A) look like
B) look after
C) look at
89. Choose the correct word. D) look up
Matilda can play soccer very well. She is ______. E) look for
A) talented 6. Choose the correct synonym.
B) pretty It's time for the news. Let's start the radio.
C) impatient
A) turn on
D) angry
B) turn in
E) hungry
C) turn up
D) turn at
E) turn off
90. Choose the correct word.
Reggie is a very ______ boy. He is always making 7. Choose the correct synonym.
people laugh. Please, come in and have a seat.
A) quiet A) seat up
B) serious B) seat down
C) lonely C) sit up
D) funny D) sit down
E) calm E) stand up

8. Choose the correct synonym. 15. Choose the correct synonym.

When Dad arrives home, he removes his coat. The fire fighters came and extinguish the fire.

A) puts off A) put off

B) takes off B) let away
C) leaves for C) put out
D) takes out D) let out
E) puts on E) put on

9. Choose the correct synonym.

Dad couldn't see very well. "Wear your glasses" said
16. Choose the correct synonym.
I'll call the shop to discover the price.
A) Put on
A) find out
B) Put away
B) bring out
C) Take off
C) turn up
D) Put up
D) call up
E) Bring up
E) find
10. Choose the correct synonym.
When we arrive at the station, we descend from the
train. 17. Choose the correct synonym.
A) get down You never forget the place where you spend childhood.
B) stand down A) bring up
C) get off B) raise up
D) stand up C) grow up
E) get out of D) rise up
11. Choose the correct synonym. E) plant
When Caroline goes to work, the babysitter takes care
of the children.

A) looks at 18. Choose the correct synonym.

B) looks up If your car ceases to function, you should call a
C) looks for garage.
D) looks after A) stops off
E) look forward B) breaks down
12. Choose the correct synonym. C) turns off
The train leaves at 7 pm. D) breaks out
E) stand up
A) lands
B) puts on
C) gets up
D) gets off 19. Choose the correct synonym.
E) takes off It's difficult for a plane to leave the ground when there
is snow on the ground.
13. Choose the correct synonym. A) take off
Peter promises he will stop smoking soon. B) start up
A) give in C) lift off
B) give over D) rise up
C) give on E) land
D) give out
E) give up
20. Choose the correct synonym.
14. Choose the correct synonym. You must return the books that I lend you.
They continued talking when the teacher arrives.
A) hand in
A) went on B) take back
B) got on C) give back
C) broke out D) pay for
D) remained on E) come back
E) kept from

OPEN-ENDED TESTS 8. Choose the correct answers.

When ______?
1. Choose the correct answers.
1. will you come
All my ______ eat too much.
2. have you bought
1. brothers 3. did you go
2. brother 4. were you there
3. friend 5. has he been there
4. friends
9. Choose the correct answers.
2. Choose the correct answers. Look! It ______.
Every ______ in my street likes chasing dogs.
1. rains
1. boy 2. has been raining
2. boys 3. is raining
3. people 4. rained
4. girl
10. Choose the correct answers.
3. Choose the correct answers. I have been ______ London.
______ of the photos looks like you.
1. in
1. All 2. to
2. None 3. from
3. Neither 4. –
4. Both
11. Choose the correct answers.
4. Choose the correct answers. He didn’t expect us ______.
Both Tom and Jerry ______ caught by the police.
1. to come
1. is 2. come
2. are 3. came
3. were 3. coming
4. was
5. have been
12. Choose the correct answers.
He is ______ at learning languages.
5. Choose the correct answers.
1. good
All of us ______ going on holiday soon.
2. bad
1. are 3. interested
2. is 4. clever
3. was 5. tired
4. will be
13. Choose the correct answers.
6. Choose the correct answers. 1. such a long time
______ girl in our class has long hair. 2. such good time
3. such a good time
1. Each
4. such a strange news
2. Every
3. All
4. Some 14. Choose the correct answers.
5. A few 1. so many people
6. This 2. such much salt
3. so much salt
4. such a lot of flowers
7. Choose the correct answers.
______ of us have already read that book.
15. Choose the correct answers.
1. Each
on ______
2. One
3. Both 1. the way home
4. Many 2. my birthday party
5. Much 3. my birthday
6. Some 4. September 19th

16. Choose the correct answers. 24. Choose the correct synonym.
______ students Richard invited Rosa ______ to music.

1. a hundred 1. to dance
2. two hundreds 2. to listen
3. hundreds 3. dance
4. hundreds of 4. listening

17. Choose the correct answers. 25. Choose the correct answers.
______ do it yourself. ______ people

1. Mary, 1. no
2. Mary 2. another
3. Children 3. others
4. He 4. a few

18. Choose the correct answers. 26. Choose the correct answers.
He is not a student, ______. ______ pen

1. too 1. others
2. also 2. another
3. either 3. a
4. neither 4. the other

19. Choose the correct answers. 27. Choose the correct answers.
They have gone. She learns two foreign languages. One of them is
English, ______ is French.
1. So has she.
2. So does she. 1. others
3. Neither do I. 2. the other
4. Jane has, too. 3. another
5. She does, too. 4. the second
5. some
20. Choose the correct answers.
They don’t have a big house. 28. Choose the correct answers.
He ______ me about the problem.
1. So do we.
2. Neither do we. 1. talked
3. Neither have we. 2. spoke
4. We don’t, either. 3. told
5. We haven’t, either. 4. said
6. We don’t, too. 5. informed

21. Choose the correct answers. 29. Choose the correct answers.
Kate wants ______ his English. Nick watches nothing on TV, ______.

1. improve 1. too
2. to improve 2. either
3. practiced 3. also
4. to practice 4. neither

30. Choose the correct answers.

22. Choose the correct synonym.
______ are you thinking about?
Ben wants ______ French.
1. What
1. to learn
2. When
2. learnt
3. Who
3. to know
4. Which
4. to drink
31. Choose the correct answers.
23. Choose the correct synonym. Granny ______ to wear her glasses.
Tom’s car has broken. It needs ______.
1. has
1. repair 2. hadn’t
2. to repair 3. can
3. repairing 4. must
4. washing 5. is able

32. Choose the correct answers. 40. Choose the correct answers.
The Sun ______ in the east. a pair of ______

1. rise 1. shoes
2. rises 2. draughts
3. raised 3. gloves
4. rose 4. trousers
5. dominoes
33. Choose the correct answers.
Jane was very pleased because the film was so _____. 41. Choose the correct answers.
taste ______
1. interesting
2. dull 1. well
3. funny 2. delicious
4. boring 3. good
4. sweetly
34. Choose the correct answers.
The roses smell ______. 42. Choose the correct answers.
be ______
1. sweet
2. nicely 1. quickly
3. better 2. nicely
4. well 3. clear
4. clearly
35. Choose the correct answers.
43. Choose the correct answers.
______ does Jane have English?
How ______!
1. Who
1. badly
2. How often
2. a bad day
3. When
3. quickly
4. What time
4. a nice girl
36. Choose the correct answers. 44. Choose the correct answers.
- What’s she? What ______!
1. - She is Helen. 1. nice
2. - She is a doctor. 2. nice people
3. - She is an actress. 3. cold weather
4. - She is my sister. 4. a nice girl
5. important
37. Choose the correct answers.
45. Choose the correct answers.
He made ______ there.
a little ______
1. us to go
1. hair
2. us go
2. house
3. us going
3. information
4. we go
4. letters
38. Choose the correct answers. 46. Choose the correct answers.
We ______ him reading the book. make ______
1. saw 1. progress
2. watched 2. business
3. made 3. homework
4. asked 4. a mistake
5. ordered 5. coffee
6. recommended
47. Choose the correct answers.
So ______.
39. Choose the correct answers.
He was made ______. 1. does he
2. mine is
1. go
3. I have
2. to go
4. has he
3. going
5. I am
4. went

48. Choose the correct answers. 54. Choose the correct answers.
Neither ______. at ______

1. do I 1. Sunday
2. does he 2. midnight
3. he does 3. the lesson
4. we did 4. the weekend
5. did she 5. weekdays
6. sunset
49. Choose the correct answers.
Nobody ______. 55. Choose the correct answers.
on ______
1. know
2. knew 1. Monday
3. knows 2. the table
4. doesn’t know 3. last night
5. will know 4. every week
5. the way
6. that day
50. Choose the correct answers.
______ of the students was from France.
56. Choose the correct answers.
1. One
______ in
2. Many
3. Most 1. interested
4. Much 2. good
5. Both 3. bad
6. Everyone 4. clever
7. Every one 5. succeed
8. Each 6. afraid
9. A number

57. Choose the correct answers.

51. Choose the correct answers.
Where is ______?
______ of the students speak German.
1. your
1. Both
2. yours
2. None
3. my
3. All
4. mine
4. Each
5. the mine
5. Neither
6. their
6. Which

52. Choose the correct answers. 58. Choose the correct answers.
______ of these two sisters ______ don’t go.

1. Both 1. I
2. None 2. She
3. All 3. We
4. Each 4. Ben
5. Every 5. They
6. No 6. His friend

53. Choose the correct answers. 59. Choose the correct answers.
in ______ ______ of them

1. autumn 1. None
2. winter 2. No
3. the sea 3. Every
4. a bus 4. Every one
5. sunset 5. Nobody
6. the taxi 6. Most

60. Choose the correct answers. 66. Choose the correct answers.
______ are you? It is ______.

1. Where 1. yours
2. How 2. his
3. When 3. your
4. What 4. hers
5. Who 5. their
6. How old 6. our

67. Choose the correct answers.

61. Choose the correct answers.
______ of those lawyers
We ______ send the parcel right now.
1. What
1. haven’t
2. Who
2. need
3. Which
3. must
4. Whose
4. ought
5. Whom
5. should
6. Both
6. needn’t

68. Choose the correct answers.

62. Choose the correct answers. There are 12 ______.
She ______ do homework now.
1. months
1. doesn’t have 2. child
2. must 3. sheep
3. shouldn’t 4. policeman
4. need 5. deers
5. needs 6. fish

63. Choose the correct answers. 69. Choose the correct answers.
a few ______ There isn’t ______ in the compartment.
1. bread 1. somebody
2. times 2. any people
3. time 3. anybody
4. days 4. nobody
5. much people
6. anyone
64. Choose the correct answers.
______ knows it.
70. Choose the correct answers.
1. All
______ deer
2. Nobody
3. Both 1. a lot of
4. Somebody 2. a
5. My father 3. some
6. Our friends 4. much
5. an
6. no
65. Choose the correct answers.
a ______
71. Choose the correct answers.
1. lovely weather
enough ______
2. good news
3. nice furniture 1. time
4. good time 2. strong
5. news programme 3. well
6. good advice 4. tea
7. furniture shop 5. spaghetti
8. orange juice 6. experience

72. Choose the correct answers. 78. Choose the correct verbs.
______ enough 1. I found that movie ______.
2. I like my coffee ______.
1. quickly
3. Jane always keeps her room ______.
2. well
4. Fred always eats carrots ______.
3. fast
5. He made his intentions ______.
4. water
5. information a. strong b. clear c. clean
6. butter d. raw e. boring

79. Match the answers.

73. Choose the correct answers.
1. In spite of ______
much ______
2. Instead of ______
1. beautiful 3. In case of ______
2. better 4. Because of ______
3. well 5. According to ______
4. more quickly
a. the weather report it will rain.
5. early
b. the storm he couldn't come.
6. earlier
c. his illness he attended the party.
d. driving his car he took a bus.
74. Choose the correct answers. e. fire, don't ride the elevator.
hardly ______
80. Choose the correct verbs.
1. never
1. Have you ever ______ here?
2. work
2. If he ______, I will, too.
3. any
3. They ______ yesterday.
4. anybody
4. He enjoys ______.
5. some
5. I like to ______.
6. somebody
a. swim b. swimming c. swam
d. swum e. swims
75. Choose the correct answers.
to work ______ 81. Match the answers.
1. I have ______ things to do today.
1. hardly
2. There is hardly ______ time left.
2. hard
3. There is ______ milk left in the refrigerator.
3. good
4. I feel ______ better today.
4. well
5. He has ______ of money in the bank.
5. better
6. quickly a. any b. many c. much
d. little e. plenty

76. Choose the correct verbs. 82. Match the answers.

1. Jane always ______ her promises. 1. Her dog died so she is ______.
2. Adam sometimes ______ poems. 2. Reading makes you ______.
3. Sally ______ the windows every morning. 3. Driving in snow is often ______.
4. Ann ______ two brothers. 4. She is on a diet since she wants to be ______.
5. Sue seldom ______ my questions. 5. Eating a lot will make you ______.
a. writes b. opens c. has a. fat b. wise c. dangerous
d. keeps e. answers d. sad e. thin

77. Choose the correct verbs. 83. Match the answers.

1. Mr. Jackson painted the door ___. 1. Do you ______ if I go home early?
2. Joseph pushed the door ______. 2. Please ______ me to go home early.
3. My job keeps me ______. 3. ______ I go home early?
4. She found his story ______. 4. Please ______ me go home early.
5. Being late makes him ______. 5. Is it ______ if I go home early?

a. open b. interesting c. busy a. permit b. may c. mind

d. angry e. white d. all right e. let

84. Choose the correct verbs. 91. Choose the correct verbs.
1. When he said that, I had to ______. 1. The conference rose to ______ the speaker.
2. His parents won't ______ him to stay out late. 2. He has ______ to join the army.
3. The beauty of the place ______ her. 3. His talents are not fully ______ in that company.

A. amazed A. applied to
B. allow B. appreciated
C. agree C. applaud

92. Choose the correct verbs.

85. Choose the correct verbs.
1. As you ______ the town, you'll see a college on the
1. The baby had been ______ by its mother.
2. Please ______ our sincere apologies.
2. We always ______ with each other about money.
3. The first part of the plan has been safely ______.
3. A man has been ______ in connection with the
A. accept robbery.
B. accomplished
A. arrested
C. abandoned
B. argue
C. approach
86. Choose the correct verbs.
1. Her eyes ______ from lack of sleep. 93. Choose the correct verbs.
2. He had finally ______ success. 1. We ______ at the hospital a little later.
3. The doctors ______ very promptly to save his life. 2. The teacher ______ us a question.
3. We shall ______ you in finding somewhere to live.
A. ached
B. acted A. assist
C. achieved B. asked
C. arrived
87. Choose the correct verbs.
1. Shall I ______ your name to the list? 94. Choose the correct verbs.
2. Let's just sit and ______ the view. 1. He ______ me to come in time.
3. In the end they ______ a child. 2. The news ______ everyone.
A. admire 3. How many people ______ mosque every Sunday?
B. add A. astonished
C. adopted B. attend
C. asked
88. Choose the correct verbs. 95. Choose the correct verbs.
1. The council is going to ______ the new policy. 1. She ______ a me for a book.
2. She ______ working with children. 2. The name was changed to ______ confusion with
3. The troops were finally given the order to ______. another firm.
A. advance 3. The judges ______ equal points to both finalists.
B. advise A. awarded
C. adopted B. avoid
C. asked
89. Choose the correct verbs. 96. Choose the correct verbs.
1. I ______ you not to tell him. 1. Hail stones ______ against the window.
2. Your opinion will not ______ my decision. 2. The work ______ at 9 o’clock.
3. Can we ______ a new car? 3. The performance will ______ in the evening.
A. afford A. begin
B. advise B. beat
C. affect C. began

90. Choose the correct verbs. 97. Choose the correct verbs.
1. My funny drawings ______ the kids. 1. I couldn’t ______ my eyes.
2. We ______ the teacher’s questions. 2. Have you ever ______ to a political party?
3. He ______ on the scene. 3. She doesn't ______ anyone for her friend's death.

A. amused A. believe
B. answered B. belonged
C. appeared C. blame

98. Choose the correct verbs.. 105. Choose the correct verbs.
1. I have to ______ a few potatoes and two eggs. 1. ______ your homework.
2. We ______ in peace and friendship. 2. He always ______ gum.
3. Azerbaijan ______ on five countries. 3. Sarah ______ her words carefully.

A. borders A. chews
B. believe B. chose
c. boil C. check

99. Choose the correct verbs.

106. Choose the correct verbs.
1. He ______ a book from me.
1. As they ______ higher, the air became cooler.
2. His uncle ______ him up.
2. ______ the door after you leave.
3. Who ______ the window?
3. The wedding was ______ at the last minute.
A. brought
A. climbed
B. broke
B. cancelled
C. borrowed
C. close

100. Choose the correct verbs..

107. Choose the correct verbs.
1. I don’t ______ you.
1. Samples were ___ from over 200 patients.
2. She dropped the plate and it ______ into pieces.
2. Hydrogen ______ with oxygen to form water.
3. She ______ her shoes two times a day.
3. The man who ______ is my uncle.
A. brushes
A. combines
B. believe
B. collected
C. broke
C. is coming

101. Choose the correct verbs.. 108. Choose the correct verbs.
1. A new school will be ______ in our village this year. 1. She ______ some old photographs in a drawer.
2. He ______ me a new coat. 2. The daffodils are just beginning to ______.
3. I’d like to ______ some bread. 3. We must ______ a list of suitable people for the
A. built
B. buy A. compile
C. bought B. come up
C. came across
102. Choose the correct verbs.
110. Choose the correct verbs.
1. I'll ______ a taxi for you.
1. Be quiet! I’m trying to ______.
2. All flights have been ______.
2. I ______ them all on their results.
3. She ______ her baby in her arms.
3. The Normans ______ England in 1066.
A. cancelled
A. concentrate
B. call
B. congratulated
C. carried
C. conquered

103. Choose the correct verbs. 111. Choose the correct verbs.
1. At last he could ______ his wish. 1. Great Britain ______ of four countries.
2. The dog ______ the stick in its mouth. 2. This drink doesn't ______ any alcohol.
3. Do they know what ______ the fire? 3. The exhibition will ______ until 25 July.
A. caused A. continue
B. caught B. contain
C. carry out C. consists

104. Choose the correct verbs. 112. Choose the correct verbs.
1. How do people ______ New Year in your country? 1. By the age of 21 he ______ the company.
2. Nothing has ______ since then. 2. Who's going to ______ supper?
3. He was ______ by her beauty and wit. 3. This blouse ______ 20 manats.
A. celebrate A. costs
B. changed B. controlled
C. charmed C. cook

113. Choose the correct verbs. 120. Choose the correct verbs.
1. This blouse ______ 20 manats. 1. The plane ______ behind a cloud.
2. Fruit and vegetables ______ a lot of vitamins. 2. When was America ______?
3. The government plans to ______ more jobs for 3. We often ______ grammar rules at the lesson.
young people.
A. disappeared
A. contain B. discuss
B. cost C. discovered
C. create
121. Choose the correct verbs.
114. Choose the correct verbs.
1. What are you ______ here?
1. How much do they ______?
2. He ______ thousands of pounds to charity.
2. The government was ______ by the people.
3. Can you ______ a house?
3. We watched the sun ______.
A. donated
A. criticized
B. doing
B. come up
C. draw
C. cost

115. Choose the correct verbs. 122. Choose the correct verbs.
1. How much do these rings ______? 1. I ______ about you last night.
2. Her birthday ______ up soon. 2. Can you ______ a car?
3. We ______ France by train. 3. What do you ______?

A. cost A. dreamt
B. is coming B. do
C. crossed C. drive

116. Choose the correct verbs.

123. Choose the correct verbs.
1. Will you be able to ______ him, Doctor?
1. She ______ her children in their best clothes.
2. I ______ a piece of birthday cake for them all.
2. She should ______ a little milk before going to bed.
3. How much does it ______?
3. She ______ of running her own business.
A. cost
A. drink
B. cure
B. dreams
C. cut
C. dressed
117. Choose the correct verbs.
1. He asked me to ______.
124. Choose the correct verbs.
2. It was difficult to ______ between the two
1. I have to ______ some money.
2. Don’t ______ the soup. It is too hot.
3. Troops have been sent to ______ the borders.
3. He was ______ to the city council.
A. defend
A. eat
B. decide
B. earn
C. dance
C. elected

118. Choose the correct verbs.

1. He ______ the champion in three sets. 125. Choose the correct verbs.
2. We ______ letters within 48 hours. 1. My father always ______ me in my work.
3. Let me ______ some of the difficulties we are 2. Did you ______ the film?
facing. 3. Don’t ______ that room.

A. defeated A. encourages
B. demonstrate B. enter
C. deliver C. enjoy

119. Choose the correct verbs. 126. Choose the correct verbs.
1. The woman ______ her words. 1. He ______ the house quickly.
2. Ideas on childcare may ____ between the parents. 2. The company was ______ in 1972.
3. They ______ deeper and deeper. 3. When did you ______ it?
A. denied A. established
B. differ B. finish
C. dug C. entered

127. Choose the correct verbs. 134. Choose the correct verbs.
1. The music ______ memories of her youth. 1. He ______ him into the house.
2. The doctor ______ her but could find nothing 2. Don’t ______ to buy some bread.
wrong. 3. I'll never ______ her for what she did.
3. ______ me, how can I get to Azadlig Square?
A. followed
A. evoked B. forgive
B. examined C. forget
C. excuse
135. Choose the correct verbs.
128. Choose the correct verbs.
1. This college was ______ in 1890.
1. Does life ______ on the other planets?
2. Mother ______ fresh fish for dinner.
2. I didn’t ______ him to do such things.
3. The whole family ______ together at Ray's home.
3. Can you ______ it to me in an easy way?
A. founded
A. explain
B. gathered
B. expect
C. fried
C. exist

129. Choose the correct verbs. 136. Choose the correct verbs.
1. They ______ the land to the south of the Murray 1. I ______ a letter from my father.
river. 2. ______ me something to eat.
2. These countries ______ sugar and fruit. 3. He ______ quickly and went out.
3. Unfortunately he ______ the exam.
A. give
A. failed B. got dressed
B. explored C. got
C. export
137. Choose the correct verbs.
130. Choose the correct verbs. 1. I ______ a nice present for my birthday.
1. One of the kids ______ into the river. 2. He always ______ early.
2. He was so exhausted that he ______ at his desk. 3. We usually ______ school in time.
3. I always ______ my horses when I go to the village.
A. get to
A. fell asleep B. gets up
B. feed C. got
C. fell
138. Choose the correct verbs.
131. Choose the correct verbs.
1. When are you ______ to give my money back?
1. He ______ his parrots.
2. I ______ smoking two years ago.
2. How do you ______?
3. We often ______ there.
3. I ______ a pain in my knee.
A. gave up
A. fed
B. going
B. felt
C. go
C. feel

132. Choose the correct verbs. 139. Choose the correct verbs.
1. She's gone to ______ the kids from school. 1. Let’s ______ reading.
2. I must ______ him. 2. I ______ from university last year.
3. He ______ it in the forest. 3. It ______ dark. Let’s go home.

A. found A. go on
B. fetch B. is getting
C. find C. graduated

133. Choose the correct verbs.

140. Choose the correct verbs.
1. We have to ______ what the matter is.
1. Could you ______ me up at 6.30 tomorrow?
2. The arts began to ______ at that time.
2. She ______ us with a smile.
3. These planes ______ from London to New York.
3. Different plants ______ in this area.
A. flourish
A. greeted
B. fly
B. grow
C. find out
C. get

141. Choose the correct verbs. 148. Choose the correct verbs.
1. We usually ______ home in time. 1. When did the Romans ______ Britain?
2. I ______ in the village. 2. Who ______ the steam engine?
3. ______ your coat up on the hook. 3. They have ______ me to go to Paris with them.
4. I go ______ every evening.
A. get
B. hang A. invented
C. grew up B. jogging
C. invited
142. Choose the correct verbs.
D. invade
1. What’s ______ to you?
2. When did you ______ here? 149. Choose the correct verbs.
3. How many children do you ______? 1. Can I ______ you?
2. Can you ______ my passport in a safe place?
A. move
3. Many people are _____ in road accidents every day.
B. happened
4. Go and ______ your mother good night.
C. have
A. keep
143. Choose the correct verbs.
B. join
1. Can I ______ another cup of tea?
C. kiss
2. I have already ______ my breakfast.
D. killed
3. I can’t ______ you. Speak loudly.
150. Choose the correct verbs.
A. hear
1. He ______ at the door three times and waited.
B. had
2. He ______ three languages.
C. have
3. I don’t ______ anybody in this city.
4. The concert ______ half an hour.
144. Choose the correct verbs.
1. I ______ him playing the piano. A. knows
2. I hope you will ______ the exam. B. lasted
3. You'll have to ______ if you want to catch that C. know
train. D. knocked
A. hurry 151. Choose the correct verbs.
B. pass 1. Why are you ______ at me?
C. heard 2. We ______ foreign languages with pleasure.
3. When are you going to ______ the university?
145. Choose the correct verbs. 4. Can you ______ me some money?
1. Did you ______ yourself?
A. learn
2. Try ______ sugar and fat from your diet.
B. lend
3. The country has to ______ most of its raw
C. laughing
D. leave
A. import
152. Choose the correct verbs.
B. excluding
1. When are you going to ______ Baku?
C. hurt
2. Don't ______ her upset you.
3. He ______ me. He is a liar.
146. Choose the correct verbs.
4. He is ______ on the sofa.
1. I hope my French will ______ when I go to France.
2. The tour ______ a visit to the Science Museum. A. lying
3. His writings ______ the lives of millions. B. let
C. leave for
A. included
D. lied
B. improve
C. influenced 153. Choose the correct verbs.
1. I ______ their traditions.
147. Choose the correct verbs. 2. We must ______ our motherland.
1. I don't ______ staying long. 3. I always ______ to the radio.
2. Politics doesn't ______ me. 4. He was ______ to.
3. Can I ______ myself? I'm Helen.
A. listen
A. interest B. listened
B. introduce C. like
C. intend D. love

154. Choose the correct verbs. 160. Choose the correct verbs.
1. I ______ in Paris for 5 years. 1. He finally ______ to overcome his fear of flying.
2. They ______ their headquarters in Spain. 2. He had ______ all the things before the taxi came.
3. You ______ pale today. 3. The wound still ______ him occasionally.
4. Don’t ______ me like that. 4. The officer ______ them to fire.

A. located A. managed
B. look B. packed
C. look at C. ordered
D. lived D. pained

155. Choose the correct verbs. 161. Choose the correct verbs.
1. What does she ______? 1. We've decided to ______ the house.
2. Who ______ that old man? 2. You can't ______ the car here.
3. I am ______ my friend. 3. Radios are not ______ in the library.
4. He ______ the newspaper every day. 4. I ______ him, but he didn’t answer.

A. looks through A. park

B. looking for B. permitted
C. looks after C. phoned
D. look like D. paint

162. Choose the correct verbs.

156. Choose the correct verbs.
1. Can you ______ some flowers?
1. Can you ______ coffee?
2. His grandfather ______ two trees in the garden.
2. ______ a sentence from these words.
3. Do you like to ______ basketball.
3. Who is going to ______ you at the airport?
4. Factories and plants ______ the air.
4. The sun ______ the snow.
A. play
A. melted
B. pollute
B. make up
C. planted
C. make
D. pick
D. meet
163. Choose the correct verbs.
157. Choose the correct verbs. 1. The teacher ______ him for his good behavior.
1. Won’t you ______ if I open the window? 2. You need to ______ every day.
2. I ______ these documents. 3. I ______ tea to coffee.
3. We ______ pudding for Christmas. 4. The college _____ students for a career in business.
4. I ______ somebody enter the room.
A. practice
A. need B. prepares
B. noticed C. prefer
C. make D. praised
D. mind
164. Choose the correct verbs.
1. We usually work hard ______ for the exams.
158. Choose the correct verbs.
2. He was anxious to ______ his reputation.
1. He ______ me a well-paid job.
3. She ______ her face against the window.
2. Go to the door and ______ it a little.
4. A lot of cotton is ______ in Azerbaijan.
3. I have ______ up my mind not to go there.
A. pressed
A. open
B. preparing
B. offered
C. preserve
C. made
D. produced
159. Choose the correct verbs. 165. Choose the correct verbs.
1. I don’t ______ anything. 1. My suit needs ______.
2. We will have to ______ on his eyes. 2. He ______ to be ill.
3. I ______ the exam successfully. 3. Nobody could ______ him from going to the beach.
4. I ______ cola and a sandwich. 4. ______ your coat. It is cold.
A. operate A. pretended
B. ordered B. prevent
C. passed C. pressing
D. need D. put on

166. Choose the correct verbs. 172. Choose the correct verbs.
1. ______ here to open. 1. Don’t forget to ______ me up.
2. I ______ to be asleep. 2. The sun ______ in the East.
3. This new evidence will ______ her innocence. 3. The woman ______ on her feet.
4. This hospital ______ the best possible medical care. 4. She came ______ to meet us.

A. prove A. running
B. provides B. rose
C. pretended C. ring
D. press D. rises

167. Choose the correct verbs. 173. Choose the correct verbs.
1. The engine is used for ______ water out of the well. 1. What did you ______?
2. ______ the books into your bag. 2. The teacher ______ him for being late.
3. We've had to ______ our wedding until September. 3. I had ______ my leg and it was bleeding.
4. It is ______. Close the windows. 4. Do you ______ me?

A. raining A. say
B. put off B. scolded
C. put C. see
D. pumping D. scratched

168. Choose the correct verbs. 174. Choose the correct verbs.
1. The student _____ his hand to answer the question. 1. Did you ______ him writing anything?
2. You must ______ grammar rules every day. 2. I saw him ______ under the tree.
3. When I saw her, I ______ something was wrong. 3. I ______ my car to James for $800.
4. He ______ to discuss the matter. 4. ______ me my notes, please.

A. realized A. see
B. refused B. send
C. raised C. sleeping
D. read D. sold

169. Choose the correct verbs. 175. Choose the correct verbs.
1. She could never ______ her ambitions. 1. A thousand kilometres ______ the two cities.
2. I ______ him as soon as he came in the room. 2. The Sun ______ in the West.
3. I ______ the book to all my students. 3. We have to ______ this problem immediately.
4. He will ______ from his operation soon. 4. Can you ______ a pair of gloves for me?

A. recognized A. sets
B. recommend B. separates
C. recover C. settle
D. realize D. sew

170. Choose the correct verbs. 176. Choose the correct verbs.
1. The proposal was firmly ______. 1. Sue ______ a house with three other students.
2. He was ______ from prison last year. 2. The sun is ______.
3. I don't ______ my first day at school. 3. The windows will ______ after I wash them.
4. The car is in good condition. Father has ______ it. 4. They ______ in the south of America.

A. released A. shares
B. remember B. shine
C. repaired C. settled
D. rejected D. shining

171. Choose the correct verbs. 177. Choose the correct verbs.
1. You must ______ the words every day. 1. Could you ______ me your family picture?
2. He didn’t ______ to my letter. 2. Go to the boss and ask him to ______ this paper.
3. I ______ Jack's opinion on most subjects. 3. We must learn to ______ the national anthem.
4. After work we ______ home. 4. He is ______ in the corner.

A. respect A. sign
B. returned B. show
C. repeat C. sing
D. reply D. sitting

178. Choose the correct verbs. 184. Choose the correct verbs.
1. He ______ beside me. 1. Please ______ your room before leaving.
2. He couldn’t ______ all night. 2. Could you ______ in your childhood so well?
3. He is ______ at me. 3. The soup ______ very delicious.
4. Don’t ______ here. 4. The cook ______ the soup a few minutes ago.

A. smoke A. swim
B. smiling B. tasted
C. sat C. tastes
D. sleep D. sweep

179. Choose the correct verbs. 185. Choose the correct verbs.
1. Why are you ______? 1. Can we ______ a little?
2. It ______ heavily yesterday. 2. I want ______ to you a little.
3. We easily ______ the problem. 3. I usually ______ Kate to school.
4. It ______ great. 4. It ______ 2 hours to do it.

A. sounds A. take
B. snowed B. talk
C. solved C. to talk
D. smiling D. takes

180. Choose the correct verbs. 186. Choose the correct verbs.
1. You should ______ to your father. 1. It ______ me an hour to get there.
2. I ______ two days at the seaside. 2. ______ the coat. It is warm.
3. She was too weak to ______. 3. When did the wedding party ______?
4. We ______ work at 9 o’clock. 4. I must ______ in the competition.

A. stand A. take place

B. speak B. took
C. spent C. take part
D. start D. take off

181. Choose the correct verbs. 187. Choose the correct verbs.
1. Can you ______ with me? 1. We have to ______ these facts.
2. He ______ a lot of money on clothes. 2. Mr Smith asked us to ______ a few grammar rules.
3. Somebody ______ that woman’s purse. 3. ______ me what is happening here.
4. Stop ______. I am doing my homework. 4. ______ you for all you have done for me.

A. stay A. thank
B. talking B. tell
C. stole C. study
D. spent D. revise

182. Choose the correct verbs. 188. Choose the correct verbs.
1. Repairs are necessary to ______ the bridge. 1. I ______ he is a doctor.
2. He ______ in getting a place at art school. 2. I ______ he was a teacher.
3. What language do you ______? 3. She ______ the ball up and caught it again.
4. He ______ History at a college. 4. I ______ in the gym for two hours a day.

A. study A. train
B. succeeded B. think
C. strengthen C. thought
D. teaches D. threw

183. Choose the correct verbs. 189. Choose the correct verbs.
1. He ______ from asthma. 1. Who can ______ this sentence.
2. I ______ going in my car. 2. We always ______ first class.
3. We all ______ your decision. 3. My parents still ______ me like a child.
4. The house was ______ with trees. 4. I don't know if I can come but I'll ______.

A. suggested A. try
B. surrounded B. travel
C. suffers C. translate
D. support D. treat

190. Choose the correct verbs. 196. Choose the correct verbs.
1. ______ the shoes on before you buy them. 1. Government troops were forced to ______.
2. She ______ to look at me. 2. He is ______ on a new novel.
3. Can you ______ the litter? 3. I ______ that I won't go to college.
4. This letter will need to be ______ again. 4. I would like to ______ round the world.

A. turned A. working
B. throw B. worry
C. typed C. travel
D. try D. withdraw

191. Choose the correct verbs.

1. I am going to ______ a museum and a gallery.
2. The students' work ______ considerably. 197. Choose the correct verbs.
3. I can’t ______ for you. 1. ______ an English sentence on the blackboard.
4. He ______ late. 2. I didn’t ______ what he said.
3. He ______ me clearly.
A. varies
4. When mother came I was ______ TV.
B. visit
C. wait A. understand
D. woke up B. understood
C. watching
192. Choose the correct verbs.
D. write
1. Who are ______ for?
2. The baby is just learning to ______.
3. We usually ______ at 7 o’clock.
4. I ______ to go. 198. Choose the correct verbs.
1. What does he usually ______?
A. walk 2. He ______ everything.
B. wake up 3. Can I ______ your phone?
C. want 4. He ______ the key in the lock.
D. waiting
A. understands
193. Choose the correct verbs. B. turned
1. I’m not ______ anybody? C. use
2. I ______ you to go. D. wear
3. These jeans need ______.
4. I shall ______ them until they shine.

A. wash 199. Choose the correct pronouns.

B. want ______ do you get up every day?
C. waiting
D. washing 1. What time
2. Who
194. Choose the correct verbs. 3. When
1. Don’t ______ your time and money. 4. What
2. We ______ the cat playing with a ball. 5. Whom
3. Did you ______ anything? 6. Whose
4. It is frosty. We have to ______ our gloves.

A. wear
B. waste 200. Choose the correct variant.
C. watched Pam is going to ______. She has a toothache.
D. understand
1. the supermarket
195. Choose the correct verbs. 2. the police station
1. How much do you ______? 3. the health center
2. She ______ 60 kilos. 4. the dentist’s
3. She likes to ______ at chess. 5. hospital
4. He ______ by the phone, wishing it would ring. 6. the circus
A. weighs
B. win
C. weigh
D. sat

VOCABULARY TEST 8. Choose the correct variant.

I ______ right now. I am at the library. It is very quiet
1. Choose the correct variant. here.
Andrew ______ right now. He wants to pass his test
A. am playing
B. am baking
A. is studying C. am reading
B. is making D. am sleeping
C. is helping
D. is writing 9. Choose the correct variant.
Sshhh! The baby ______ right now. Don't wake it up!

2. Choose the correct variant. A. is playing

Kline ______ a letter to his parents right now. B. is crying
C. is sleeping
A. is studying
D. is studying
B. is writing
C. is singing
10. Choose the correct variant.
D. is cooking
Right now, the dog ______ with its owner.

A. is playing
3. Choose the correct variant.
B. is reading
William ______ dinner for his family right now.
C. is writing
A. is reading D. is studying
B. is talking
C. is playing 11. Choose the correct variant.
D. is cooking Tanner ______ his bicycle to work.

A. walks
4. Choose the correct variant. B. rides
Teddy and Joe ______ soccer right now. C. talks
D. makes
A. are talking
B. are writing
12. Choose the correct variant.
C. are playing
Edward ______ letters to his family.
D. are making
A. makes
B. helps
5. Choose the correct variant. C. sees
John ______ a new car right now. D. writes
A. is driving
13. Choose the correct variant.
B. is sleeping
Linda ______ books at the library.
C. is writing
D. is buying A. eats
B. reads
C. makes
6. Choose the correct variant. D. watches
Nastia and I ______ right now. The water feels good.
We like the pool! 14. Choose the correct variant.
You ______ the computer to study English.
A. are running
B. are studying A. make
C. are reading B. cook
D. are swimming C. drink
D. use

7. Choose the correct variant. 15. Choose the correct variant.

You ______ English right now. They ______ a fire when they are cold.
A. are studying A. make
B. are playing B. eat
C. are making C. talk
D. are doing D. listen

16. Choose the correct variant. 24. Choose the correct variant.
Pierre ______ to his mother on the phone every Eric is ______. He does not have much money.
A. poor
A. goes B. ugly
B. writes C. nice
C. talks D. good
D. reads
25. Choose the correct variant.
Silvia and Tom are ______. When the teachers asks a
17. Choose the correct variant.
question, they always know the correct answer.
Angel and I ______ tennis every day.
A. bad
A. eat
B. sweet
B. listen
C. smart
C. sing
D. tired
D. play
26. Choose the correct variant.
18. Choose the correct variant. Jim and I are ______. They want something to eat!
I ______ to music at night.
A. nice
A. cook B. bad
B. do C. hungry
C. make D. old
D. listen
27. Choose the correct variant.
19. Choose the correct variant. Dylan is 90 years old. He is very ______.
She ______ breakfast every morning.
A. great
A. cooks B. good
B. cleans C. middle-aged
C. listens D. old
D. talks
28. Choose the correct variant.
20. Choose the correct variant. Alex is 6 years old. He is very ______.
Raphael ______ his house every month.
A. hungry
A. makes B. tired
B. buys C. young
C. cleans D. angry
D. eats
29. Choose the correct variant.
21. Choose the correct variant. I don't like Frank. He is not nice. He is ______.
Ramond is ______. He is my friend.
A. greedy
A. nice B. good
B. bad C. nice
C. boring D. sad
D. greedy
30. Choose the correct variant.
22. Choose the correct variant. Alison does not like to work. She does not like to play
Jason is ______. He wins every race. either. She doesn't do anything. She is ______.
A. poor A. bad
B. nice B. lazy
C. fast C. angry
D. tired D. funny

23. Choose the correct variant. 31. Choose the correct variant.
Elvira is ______. She has a lot of money. A fly is a type of ______.
A. slow A. insect
B. rich B. bird
C. terrible C. fish
D. tired D. reptile

32. Choose the correct variant. 40. Choose the correct variant.
A sweater is a piece of ______. A fork is used to ______.

A. trash A. eat
B. clothing B. see
C. meat C. cook
D. paper D. laugh

41. Choose the correct variant.

33. Choose the correct variant.
I like to ______ rice.
A ring is a type of ______.
A. eat
A. clothing
C. smell
B. car
B. read
C. jewelry
D. be
D. fish
42. Choose the correct variant.
34. Choose the correct variant. I do not like to ______ letters.
A shark is a kind of ______.
A. make
A. insect B. write
B. airplane C. see
C. house D. play
D. water animal
43. Choose the correct variant.
35. Choose the correct variant. I don't like to ______ basketball.
A pencil is used to ______.
A. make
A. talk B. do
B. make C. help
C. eat D. play
D. write
44. Choose the correct variant.
36. Choose the correct variant. I try to ______ other people.
A circle is a kind of ______.
A. play
A. hotel B. eat
B. shape C. think
C. picture D. help
D. insect
45. Choose the correct variant.
37. Choose the correct variant. Amy does not like to ______ science.
A car is used to ______.
A. play
A. eating B. make
B. cooking C. sleep
C. transport D. study
D. entertain
46. Choose the correct variant.
Betty likes to sleep late. She ______ until 10:00 every
38. Choose the correct variant.
A brush is used to ______.
A. sleep
A. paint
B. sleeps
B. eat
C. is sleeping
C. see
D. are sleeping
D. do

47. Choose the correct variant.

39. Choose the correct variant. Thomas likes to play the piano. Sometimes he ______
Glasses are used to ______. the piano for hours!
A. eat A. play
B. hear B. plays
C. see C. am playing
D. move D. is playing

48. Choose the correct variant. 56. Choose the correct variant.
Roberto likes to eat sushi. He ______ sushi right now! ______ is a sport.

A. eat A. Knitting
B. eats B. Baseball
C. is eating C. Art
D. are eating D. English

49. Choose the correct variant.

57. Choose the correct variant.
Alfredo and Jonas like to paint pictures. They ______
Cars have ______.
pictures right now!
A. legs
A. paint
B. wings
B. paints
C. wheels
C. is painting
D. feet
D. are painting

50. Choose the correct variant. 58. Choose the correct variant.
Omar doesn't like to talk on the phone. He never Blue is a ______.
______ on the phone.
A. man
A. A. talk B. colour
B. talks C. fruit
C. am talking D. cat
D. is talking
59. Choose the correct variant.
51. Choose the correct variant. ______ is a language.
Fire is ______.
A. Japan
A. tired B. French
B. hungry C. Italy
C. hot D. India
D. nice
60. Choose the correct variant.
52. Choose the correct variant. The door is ______. The door is not ______.
The cat is hungry. It wants ______.
A. small / pale
A. water B. happy / sad
B. food C. tall / short
C. sleep D. open / closed
D. eat
61. Choose the correct variant.
53. Choose the correct variant. Red is a ______.
An apple is ______.
A. letter
A. a kind of fruit B. city
B. a kind of vegetable C. color
C. a kind of drink D. food
D. a species of animal
62. Choose the correct variant.
54. Choose the correct variant.
My father is a ______. My mother is a ______.
My hands are cold. I need my ______.
A. actor / actress
A. gloves
B. engineer / teacher
B. boots
C. doctor / king
C. pants
D. policeman / doctor
D. shoes

55. Choose the correct variant. 63. Choose the correct variant.
______ are parts of the face. Tennis is ______.

A. Ears A. a sport
B. Legs B. a person
C. Hands C. a place
D. Eyes D. an animal

64. Choose the correct variant. 72. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ chocolate. It tastes good. A ______ is a kind of animal.

A. like A. mosquito
B. hate B. baby
C. drink C. man
D. sleep D. dog

65. Choose the correct variant. 73. Choose the correct variant.
I have ______ fingers. I sleep ______ a bed.

A. two A. on
B. five B. at
C. ten C. in
D. twenty D. with

66. Choose the correct variant. 74. Choose the correct variant.
I use my ______ to see. Marcos ______ when he is hungry.

A. mouth A. eats
B. ears B. sleeps
C. eyes C. studies
D. nose D. plays

67. Choose the correct variant. 75. Choose the correct variant.
Fish ______ in the ocean. I ______ in an office.

A. swim A. play
B. walk B. drink
C. sing C. sleep
D. study D. work

68. Choose the correct variant. 76. Choose the correct variant.
I use my _____ to smell. I go to sleep at ______.

A. eyes A. night
B. nose B. morning
C. ears C. evening
D. mouth D. afternoon

69. Choose the correct variant. 77. Choose the correct variant.
China is a ______. Birds ______ through the air.

A. country A. swim
B. city B. walk
C. colour C. run
D. food D. fly

70. Choose the correct variant. 78. Choose the correct variant.
I like learning English. It is ______! ______ is frozen.

A. boring A. water
B. crazy B. land
C. fun C. ice
D. strange D. fire

71. Choose the correct variant. 79. Choose the correct variant.
Lettuce is a type of ______. Rocks are ______.

A. vegetable A. hard
B. salad B. easy
C. fruit C. soft
D. animal D. hot

80. Choose the correct variant. 88. Choose the correct variant.
Snakes are ______. I ______ in the pool.

A. sweet A. walk
B. fun B. go
C. beautiful C. swim
D. dangerous D. eat

81. Choose the correct variant. 89. Choose the correct variant.
I brush my teeth in the ______. My grandfather is ______. He is 91.

A. kitchen A. nice
B. living room B. smart
C. bathroom C. fun
D. bedroom D. old

82. Choose the correct variant. 90. Choose the correct variant.
I live in a ______. Sugar is ______.

A. car A. bad
B. house B. nice
C. boat C. sweet
D. airplane D. poor

83. Choose the correct variant. 91. Choose the correct variant.
The baby is ______. The baby is not ______. My family and I ______ to the beach every weekend.

A. sweet / sour A. fly

B. large / big B. move
C. pretty / nice C. think
D. young / old D. go

84. Choose the correct variant. 92. Choose the correct variant.
I like to read ______. Yoko ______ my best friend.

A. books A. am
B. movies B. is
C. sports C. are
D. games D. were

85. Choose the correct variant. 93. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ to play basketball. It is ______. I like ______ movies at night.

A. want / boring A. to eat

B. like / fun B. to hear
C. love / terrible C. to learn
D. try / old D. to watch

86. Choose the correct variant. 94. Choose the correct variant.
I buy food at ______. The elephant is ______. The mouse is ______.

A. the grocery store A. large / small

B. the movie theater B. grey / pink
C. the bank C. light / heavy
D. the park D. funny / serious

87. Choose the correct variant. 95. Choose the correct variant.
Do you like ______ hats? Cars drive ______.

A. to have A. in the water

B. to wear B. in the street
C. to eat C. in the air
D. to use D. underground

96. Choose the correct variant. 104. Choose the correct variant.
Jane cooks in the ______. - Excuse me. What ______ is it?
- It is November.
A. kitchen
B. living room A. time
C. bathroom B. day
D. bedroom C. month
D. year
97. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ thirty-four years old.
105. Choose the correct variant.
A. am We live in ______. We pay rent every month.
B. is
A. an apartment
C. are
B. a street
D. were
C. a car
98. Choose the correct variant. D. a street
Andolini ______ forty-two years old.
106. Choose the correct variant.
A. am
A butterfly is ______.
B. is
C. are A. a bird
D. were B. a human
C. a water animal
99. Choose the correct variant.
D. an insect
Tommy and Jacob ______ eight years old.

A. is 107. Choose the correct variant.

B. am A whale is ______.
C. are
A. a bird
D. was
B. a human
100. Choose the correct variant. C. a fish
Humans ______. Birds ______. Fish ______. D. an insect

A. fly / walk / swim

108. Choose the correct variant.
B. fly / swim / walk
Jessica is hungry. She is eating ______.
C. walk / fly / swim
D. walk / swim / fly A. a house
B. a party
101. Choose the correct variant.
C. a sandwich
- Excuse me. What _____ is it?
D. a dog
- It is 10:00.

A. time 109. Choose the correct variant.

B. day I live ______ a house.
C. month
A. in
D. year
B. on
C. at
102. Choose the correct variant.
D. into
- Excuse me. What ______ is it?
- It is Tuesday.
110. Choose the correct variant.
A. time I work ______ the bank.
B. day
A. in
C. month
B. on
D. year
C. at
D. into
103. Choose the correct variant.
- Excuse me. What ______ is it?
111. Choose the correct variant.
- It is 2010.
Paco is 6 years old. He likes to play with ______.
A. time
A. toys
B. day
B. chair
C. month
C. trees
D. year
D. bird

112. Choose the correct variant. 120. Choose the correct variant.
Jonas and Ramon are ______. They study at the I am ______. I want to drink some water.
A. hungry
A. police officers B. thirsty
B. chefs C. tired
C. teachers D. angry
D. students
121. Choose the correct variant.
Hello. My ______ is Miguel Antonio. How are you?
113. Choose the correct variant.
I drink water from a ______. A. name
B. phone number
A. bowl
C. address
B. can
D. country
C. bottle
D. plate 122. Choose the correct variant.
I read books at the ______.
114. Choose the correct variant.
A. hospital
I ______ with a fork.
B. bank
A. sing C. library
B. play D. grocery store
C. eat
D. study 123. Choose the correct variant.
The sun is strong today. Today is ______.
115. Choose the correct variant.
A. cloudy
You need ______ to buy a new car.
B. rainy
A. money C. sunny
B. jewelry D. windy
C. pants
D. a suit 124. Choose the correct variant.
There are many clouds in the sky today. Today is
116. Choose the correct variant. ______.
______ is my favorite sport.
A. cloudy
A. Tennis B. rainy
B. Art C. sunny
C. English D. windy
D. Coffee
125. Choose the correct variant.
117. Choose the correct variant. It is raining today. Today is ______.
______ is my favorite food.
A. cloudy
A. Oil B. rainy
B. Chicken C. sunny
C. Money D. windy
D. English
126. Choose the correct variant.
118. Choose the correct variant. The wind is strong today. Today is ______.
______ is my favorite country.
A. cloudy
A. Japanese B. rainy
B. French C. sunny
C. English D. windy
D. Italy
127. Choose the correct variant.
119. Choose the correct variant. The temperature is very high today. The temperature
______ is my favorite language. is 40 degrees today. Today is ______.
A. Germany A. cold
B. Italy B. cool
C. China C. warm
D. English D. hot

128. Choose the correct variant. 136. Choose the correct variant.
The temperature is very low today. The temperature is The temperature is pretty low today. The temperature
20 degrees today. Today is ______. is 10 degrees today. Today is ______.

A. cold A. cold
B. cool B. cool
C. warm C. warm
D. hot D. hot

129. Choose the correct variant.

137. Choose the correct variant.
The temperature is pretty high today. The temperature
I cannot sleep because my neighbors are being so
is 35 degrees today. Today is ______.
A. cold
A. happy
B. cool
B. average
C. warm
C. pretty
D. hot
D. noisy
130. Choose the correct variant.
The newborn baby had ______ toes. 138. Choose the correct variant.
I am very tired. I need to rest. I can't do anything
A. large
else. I am ______.
B. tiny
C. green A. exhausted
D. good B. afraid
C. sociable
131. Choose the correct variant.
D. crazy
The ______ man paid for my ticket. I like him. He is
139. Choose the correct variant.
A. hard The movie was very funny. I laughed a lot. The movie
B. terrible was ______.
C. angry
A. boring
D. kind
B. long
132. Choose the correct variant. C. dangerous
After he washed and waxed his car, it looked very D. funny

A. rusty 140. Choose the correct variant.

B. dirty The air is very ______, and there is ______ ice on the
C. shiny road. Wear a jacket if you go outside. And, don't drive
D. old unless you have to.

133. Choose the correct variant. A. warm / lots of

I am ______ because I passed my math test. B. humid / huge
C. cold / a lot of
A. tired
D. cool / many
B. upset
C. sad
D. glad 141. Choose the correct variant.
Turtles are ______. They are not fast.
134. Choose the correct variant.
The extra ______ shirt was too ______ for me. A. slow
B. quick
A. big / crazy
C. hard
B. large / big
D. dangerous
C. heavy / small
D. wet / rainy
142. Choose the correct variant.
135. Choose the correct variant. The race was a tie. Both runners finished at ______
The party was ______. Everybody had a good time. time.
A. fun A. a different
B. small B. a fast
C. fast C. a good
D. strong D. the same

143. Choose the correct variant. 150. Choose the correct variant.
Playing in a busy street is not very ______. When I said the correct answer, the teacher told me
that I was ______.
A. careful
B. boring A. right
C. safe B. wrong
D. fun C. thin
D. near
144. Choose the correct variant.
She felt ______ after walking many miles. 151. Choose the correct variant.
When I came to the ______ question, I was glad the
A. strange
test was almost ______.
B. old
C. angry A. best / mine
D. tired B. third / easy
C. first / finished
D. final / over
145. Choose the correct variant.
The rope was easy to cut because it was so ______.
152. Choose the correct variant.
A. new
He finally finished the ______ puzzle. It was quite a
B. sad
C. thin
D. hungry A. true
B. easy
C. difficult
146. Choose the correct variant.
D. dangerous
This food tastes ______. It was prepared by a(n)
______ chef.
153. Choose the correct variant.
A. great / excellent
The ______ recipe had very few ingredients.
B. good / angry
C. far / local A. simple
D. bitter / interesting B. friendly
C. complicated
D. strange
147. Choose the correct variant.
When the kids lined up, no one wanted to be last.
154. Choose the correct variant.
Everyone wanted to be ______.
I love to play with my ______ friend.
A. happy
A. boring
B. the first
B. greedy
C. fun
C. bad
D. great
D. best

148. Choose the correct variant. 155. Choose the correct variant.
Amy tried to be on time for her class. However, she The kids were ______ by the haunted house. They
was ______. wanted to run away and hide!
A. late A. hurt
B. great B. lost
C. funny C. scared
D. poor D. fooled

149. Choose the correct variant. 156. Choose the correct variant.
When his sister took the toy away, John was very My face and my twin brother’s face are ______.
______. Everyone says we look ______.
A. thankful A. similar / alike
B. hungry B. special / plain
C. unhappy C. identical / different
D. slow D. scary / normal

157. Choose the correct variant. 165. Choose the correct variant.
The ______ woman had many wrinkles and grey hair. While walking together at night, the children hear a
She was born in 1926. loud noise and get ______. They run away in search of
a place to hide.
A. strong
A. angry
B. young
B. excited
C. old C. scared
D. kind D. tired
158. Choose the correct variant. 166. Choose the correct variant.
To ride the roller coaster, you must be at ______ four The ______ man is the only one who can lift the heavy
feet tall. rock.

A. most A. silly
B. least B. tall
C. proud
C. rest
D. strong
D. greatest

159. Choose the correct variant. 167. Choose the correct variant.
If you do well on tests, people might say you are When the sun goes down, the sky gets ______.
______. A. warm
B. dark
A. loud
C. bright
B. slow D. cloudy
C. fun
D. smart 168. Choose the correct variant.
We were driving east, but we needed to go the
160. Choose the correct variant.
opposite way. So we turned around and drove ______.
With mud on his face, the boy looked ______.
A. west
A. happy B. north
B. fast C. left
C. ugly D. right
D. loud
169. Choose the correct variant.
161. Choose the correct variant. My friend says I am too ______ and that I need to eat
Jim ______ brings a hammer to work. He uses it every ______.
A. young / better
A. never B. healthy / meat
B. always C. skinny / more
C. rarely D. old / vegetables
D. sometimes
162. Choose the correct variant. 170. Choose the correct variant.
Oranges and apples are ______. They are both Would you like a ______ of cola?
A. any
A. sweet / tasty B. can
B. special / red C. cup
C. identical / different D. piece
D. bad / healthy
163. Choose the correct variant. 171. Choose the correct variant.
The ______ woman has gray hair and many wrinkles. You can wash up the dishes in the ______.
She was born many years ago.
A. sink
A. strong B. microwave
B. young
C. bucket
C. old
D. kind D. pool

164. Choose the correct variant. 172. Choose the correct variant.
Timothy is ______. He always gets good grades. He The best place for the washing machine is the ______.
studies hard and always does his homework.
A. bedroom
A. smart
B. funny B. kitchen
C. tall C. sitting-room
D. popular D. balcony

173. Choose the correct variant. 181. Choose the correct variant.
The best place for an armchair is the ______. I like ______ TV.

A. sitting-room A. admiring
B. bathroom B. observing
C. kitchen C. watching
D. shower D. working

182. Choose the correct variant.

174. Choose the correct variant.
I am ______ about it.
You can drive a ______.
A. funny
A. train
B. interested
B. horse
C. happy
C. bike
D. kind
D. car
183. Choose the correct variant.
175. Choose the correct variant. The only nice piece of ______ in the room was an
She is married. She has a ______ ring. antique desk.
A. ugly A. wallpaper
B. silver B. furniture
C. square C. thing
D. wedding D. equipment

184. Choose the correct variant.

176. Choose the correct variant.
You can put an ______ in the local newspaper and sell
What can you ______?
your car.
A. discuss
A. advertisement
B. speak
B. note
C. say
C. sentence
D. talk
D. word
177. Choose the correct variant. 185. Choose the correct variant.
The word "mad" means ______. Congratulations! That's ______news!
A. rude A. wonderful
B. strange B. bad
C. polite C. awful
D. crazy D. horrible

186. Choose the correct variant.

178. Choose the correct variant.
You look ______. Do you want to lie down?
One of the small parts at the end of each foot is called
______. A. well
B. O.K.
A. a nail
C. sad
B. a thumb
D. tired
C. a toe
D. tips 187. Choose the correct variant.
Jack is still in ______, because he was badly injured
179. Choose the correct variant. during the accident.
______ is the most popular sport in Brazil.
A. church
A. Cycling B. hospital
B. Skiing C. cinema
C. Football D. police station
D. Baseball
188. Choose the correct variant.
180. Choose the correct variant. We stopped at the crossroad because the ______ light
It's dark here. ______ the lights. was red.

A. Turn on A. candle
B. Open B. lamp
C. Press C. coloured
D. Switch off D. traffic

189. Choose the correct variant. 197. Choose the correct variant.
Every Thursday her family goes to ______ to pray. Good luck in the exam! I'm sure you will ______.

A. mosque A. take
B. cinema B. pass
C. hospital C. have
D. police station D. do

190. Choose the correct variant. 198. Choose the correct variant.
We heard ______ in the hall. Someone was walking. It is not my fault. It must be ______.

A. fingerprint A. yours
B. silence B. your
C. footsteps C. yourself
D. footstamp D. yourselves

191. Choose the correct variant. 199. Choose the correct variant.
Judy is sitting ______ her mother and father. If you are ______, you should get something to drink.

A. between A. tired
B. in B. ill
C. at C. thirsty
D. on the right D. hungry

192. Choose the correct variant. 200. Choose the correct variant.
They had dinner in an Italian ______. The play is so boring that our audience can ______
A. kitchen
B. factory A. fall
C. church B. begin
D. restaurant C. feel
D. found
193. Choose the correct variant.
Can I open the ______? It`s very hot in here! 201. Choose the correct variant.
They want to ______ camping next month.
A. book
B. fridge A. clean
C. bag B. go
D. window C. leave
D. teach
194. Choose the correct variant.
We always have a ______ together in the evening. 202. Choose the correct variant.
He was too far to ______ anything. I had to shout.
A. mean
B. meal A. hear
C. meat B. taste
D. meet C. smell
D. see
195. Choose the correct variant.
203. Choose the correct variant.
I'm dying for something to drink. I'm ______.
Joan decided to ______ married in two years' time.
A. hungry
A. start
B. wet
B. stop
C. thirsty
C. join
D. water
D. get

196. Choose the correct variant. 204. Choose the correct variant.
______ you like to join a health club next week? To make omlet you need following ______.
A. Which A. help
B. What B. ingredients
C. Why C. frying pan
D. Would D. fruit

205. Choose the correct variant. 213. Choose the correct variant.
These cakes are ______! Try one. She would like to ______ a photo of her newborn
A. delicious
B. tough A. give a look
C. bitter B. took
D. solid C. look
D. take
206. Choose the correct variant.
Take that ______ of coffee and drink it.
214. Choose the correct variant.
A. bottle - How ______ is this lamp?
B. cup - $20.
C. full
A. much
D. bucket
B. many
C. old
207. Choose the correct variant.
D. are
It ______ me 2 hours to get to school.

A. take
215. Choose the correct variant.
B. gives
Make a ______ of all things you want me to buy.
C. bring
D. takes A. paper
B. letter
208. Choose the correct variant. C. card
I would like to buy a ______ of wine, please. D. list

A. plate
B. some 216. Choose the correct variant.
C. packet I don't want to ______ you! I hate weddings!
D. bottle
A. have you
B. marry
209. Choose the correct variant.
C. leave
There ______ not any butter left in the fridge.
D. got
A. is
B. are
217. Choose the correct variant.
C. isn't
- Mother, I passed the exam.
D. aren't
- ______

210. Choose the correct variant. A. Sorry to hear it.

I have ______ been to Canada. B. What a pity.
C. Congratulations!
A. never
D. Not at all.
B. sometimes
C. always
D. often 218. Choose the correct variant.
– Mother, I failed the exam.
– _______
211. Choose the correct variant.
You should ______ notes while reading this book. A. Sorry to hear it.
B. Of course.
A. bring
C. Congratulations!
B. having
D. Not at all.
C. take
D. writing
219. Choose the correct variant.
212. Choose the correct variant. - How much does Ann weigh?
Mat is really ______, he hates spending money. - ______

A. generous A. She weighs forty kilos.

B. cheap B. She is 19 years old.
C. mean C. She doesn't weigh.
D. bad D. She is 150 centimetres tall.

220. Choose the correct variant.

What can you do with a shirt?
1. Choose the correct word.
A. I can read it. He ______ his proposal.
B. I can watch it.
C. I can wear it. A. except
D. I can ride it. B. accepted
C. expect

221. Choose the correct variant. 2. Choose the correct word.

- ______. They ______ a new law.
- I have a headache.
A. adopted
A. What is the matter? B. adapted
B. What did the doctor do? C. assure
C. Go to see the doctor.
D. Does your tooth hurt? 3. Choose the correct word.
He gave me some good ______.

222. Choose the correct variant. A. advise

- I have an earache today. B. accept
- I'm sorry to ______ that. C. advice

A. allow 4. Choose the correct word.

B. ask I ______ him not to go there alone.
C. hear
D. listen A. advice
B. advised
C. adviced
223. Choose the correct variant.
- ______. 5. Choose the correct word.
- Fifty-two kilos. I like walking in fresh ______.

A. How tall are you? A. air

B. How old is your friend? B. heir
C. How much do you weigh? C. hair
D. How much do you buy?
6. Choose the correct word.
He is the only ______ of this family.
224. Choose the correct variant.
A. hair
- I have a toothache.
B. air
- ______.
C. heir
A. It's bad for me.
B. I'm happy to hear that. 7. Choose the correct word.
C. You should take a medicine. She has got long black ______.
D. Give me a medicine. A. here
B. hair
C. heir

8. Choose the correct word.

He read the letter ______ to us.

A. allowed
B. aloud
C. loud

9. Choose the correct word.

It’s not ______ to get in.

A. allow
B. allowed
C. aloud

10. Choose the correct word. 20. Choose the correct word.
I went and sat ______ Tom. There are ______ people in the park.

A. besides A. fewer
B. next B. less
C. beside C. least

11. Choose the correct word. 21. Choose the correct word.
Everybody has come ______ Ben. I prefer ______ sugar in my tea.

A. beside A. less
B. besides B. fewer
C. accept C. many

12. Choose the correct word. 22. Choose the correct word.
Everybody has come ______ him. I couldn’t ______ my pen.

A. except A. found
B. accept B. fond
C. expect C. find

13. Choose the correct word. 23. Choose the correct word.
I have to ______ some bread. Mary is ______ of animals.

A. buy A. fund
B. by B. find
C. bye C. fond

14. Choose the correct word. 24. Choose the correct word.
He left without saying good-______. This college was ______ in 1895.

A. by A. found
B. bye B. founded
C. buy C. fond

15. Choose the correct word. 25. Choose the correct word.
It’s very hot in ______. Mr. Smith is the ______ of this company.

A. desserts A. founder
B. the north B. found
C. deserts C. finder

16. Choose the correct word. 26. Choose the correct word.
Train ______ is high in our country. Can you ______ me?

A. fare A. here
B. fair B. hair
C. four C. hear

17. Choose the correct word. 27. Choose the correct word.
She has ______ hair. Come ______, please.

A. fire A. here
B. fare B. hear
C. fair C. fare

18. Choose the correct word. 28. Choose the correct word.
His ______ is a businessman. There is a ______ in the ozone layer.

A. father A. whole
B. farther B. hole
C. further C. while

19. Choose the correct word. 29. Choose the correct word.
Can you tell me about your ______ plans. My ______ body hurts!

A. father A. every
B. further B. whole
C. farther C. all

30. Choose the correct word. 39. Choose the correct word.
Did you ______ that he would come. My father is a doctor and he takes care of his ______.

A. knew A. a patient
B. new B. patients
C. know C. patience

40. Choose the correct word.

31. Choose the correct word.
We struggle for ______.
I must ______ the table before the guests come.
A. piece
A. laid
B. war
B. lie
C. peace
C. lay
41. Choose the correct word.
32. Choose the correct word. Could you give me a ______ of lemon?
He ______ to me. He is a liar.
A. piece
A. lain B. pieces
B. lied C. peace
C. lay
42. Choose the correct word.
We are going to Baku by ______?
33. Choose the correct word.
______ and rest a little. A. plane
B. plain
A. Lay
C. plate
B. Lain
C. Lie 43. Choose the correct word.
Don’t speak to me like this in his ______.
34. Choose the correct word.
A. presents
It’s a very important game. We mustn’t ______ this
B. absence
C. presence
A. lose
44. Choose the correct word.
B. loose
Be ______ in the reading-hall.
C. lost
A. quite
35. Choose the correct word. B. quick
Let’s ______ at 9 p.m. C. quiet
A. meet 45. Choose the correct word.
B. meat ______ your hand.
C. met
A. Rise
B. Rice
36. Choose the correct word. C. Raise
We went to the market and bought some ______.
46. Choose the correct word.
A. met The Sun ______ in the east.
B. meet
A. raises
C. meat
B. rises
C. risen
37. Choose the correct word.
Who was the man we ______ yesterday? 47. Choose the correct word.
I invited everybody ______ Tom.
A. meat
B. met A. except
C. meet B. accept
C. expect

38. Choose the correct word. 48. Choose the correct word.
Teachers must have a lot of ______. I would ______ you to say nothing.
A. patience A. advise
B. patients B. advice
C. patient C. advised

49. Choose the correct word. 58. Choose the correct word.
The curtains ______. They all were ______ so they went to a restaurant.

A. raised a. thirsty
B. rose b. hungry
C. risen c. angry

50. Choose the correct word. 59. Choose the correct word.
I couldn’t find him ______ the people. I stopped gardening when the rain started. I didn’t
want to get ______.
A. between
B. among a. dry
C. about b. warm
c. wet
51. Choose the correct word.
John ______ his bicycle to work every day. 60. Choose the correct word.
You must be ______ in the library.
a. drives
b. rides a. quiet
c. goes b. quite
c. quietly
52. Choose the correct word.
We had a very good football ______ last night. 61. Choose the correct word.
There are 24 hours in a ______.
a. match
b. play a. week
b. night
53. Choose the correct word. c. day
Can I help you ______ your homework?
62. Choose the correct word.
a. to work
Come to my desk and ______ me your book.
b. to make
c. to do a. take
b. bring
54. Choose the correct word. c. get
All the children in that school have to ______ a
uniform. 63. Choose the correct word.
We are going home the day after ______.
a. wear
b. carry a. tomorrow
c. put b. yesterday
c. today
55. Choose the correct word.
How much do these tomatoes ______? 64. Choose the correct word.
Could you ______ in this form for me, please?
a. price
b. cost a. make
c. pay b. write
c. fill
56. Choose the correct word.
I am very tired. I am going to ______. 65. Choose the correct word.
Bill loves repairing cars. He wants to be a ______.
a. bath
b. shower a. painter
c. bed b. mechanic
c. waiter
57. Choose the correct word.
My favourite subject at school was ______ because I 66. Choose the correct word.
love learning about numbers. Could you ______ the situation to me?

a. History a. learn
b. Art b. study
c. Mathematics c. explain

67. Choose the correct word. 76. Choose the correct word.
This maths problem is too ______ for me. Can you help me to ______ a dress for the party.

a. hard a. make
b. hardly b. do
c. easier c. making

68. Choose the correct word.

77. Choose the correct word.
I’m ______ I’m late. My car broke down.
Could you tell me the ______ to Green Street?
a. sorry
a. road
b. apologize
b. side
c. glad
c. way
69. Choose the correct word.
Are you ready to ______ your meal, sir? 78. Choose the correct word.
Can you ______ German?
a. say
b. study a. speak
c. order b. tell
c. say
70. Choose the correct word.
It is cold outside today you should take a ______ with
79. Choose the correct word.
Your hair is dirty. You must ______ it.
a. bag
a. clean
b. jacket
b. wash
c. gloves
c. brush
71. Choose the correct word.
Mark ______ a lot of photos on his holiday. 80. Choose the correct word.
Be careful not to ______ your passport.
a. take
b. have taken a. lose
c. took b. loose
c. last
72. Choose the correct word.
My father’s brother is my ______.

a. aunt
b. cousin
c. uncle

73. Choose the correct word.

If you don’t know how to spell a word, look ______ in
your dictionary.

a. for
b. up
c. through

74. Choose the correct word.

Did you enjoy the ______ to London?

a. flight
b. flying
c. fly

75. Choose the correct word.

I bought some milk at the little shop on the ______.

a. corner of the street

b. traffic lights
c. bus stop

SAY / TELL / SPEAK / TALK 89. Choose the correct word.

Do you know how to ______ good-bye in Arabic?
81. Choose the correct word.
Don't ______ him about our plans. A. say
B. tell
A. say
C. speak
B. tell
D. talk
C. speak
D. talk

82. Choose the correct word. 90. Choose the correct word.
I waited for an answer, but she didn't ______ a word. We spent the whole evening ______ about old friends.

A. say A. saying
B. tell B. telling
C. speak C. speaking
D. talk D. talking

83. Choose the correct word.

He ______ that he would wait for me at the library.
91. Choose the correct word.
A. said Can you ______ me the time?
B. told
A. say
C. spoke
B. tell
D. talked
C. speak
D. talk
84. Choose the correct word.
He ______ us that he was going to buy a new car.

A. said 92. Choose the correct word.

B. told We should ______ him out of going there.
C. spoke
D. talked A. say
B. tell
85. Choose the correct word. C. speak
Do you ______ English? D. talk

A. say
B. tell
C. speak 93. Choose the correct word.
D. talk Please ______ up. I can't hear you.

A. say
86. Choose the correct word. B. tell
Come here, Mike. We need to ______. C. speak
A. say D. talk
B. tell
C. speak
D. talk 94. Choose the correct word.
He ______ nothing.
87. Choose the correct word.
To ______ you the truth, I don't remember anything. A. say
B. tell
A. say C. speak
B. tell D. said
C. speak
D. talk

88. Choose the correct word. 95. Choose the correct word.
Did the director ______ at the conference? We ______ English to our teacher.

A. say A. say
B. tell B. tell
C. speak C. speak
D. talk D. talk

MAKE / DO 108. Choose the correct word.

Please ______ the dishes after dinner.
96. Choose the correct word.
Who ______ the cooking in your family? A. do
B. make
A. does
B. makes 109. Choose the correct word.
He is a carpenter. He ______ furniture.
97. Choose the correct word.
How much does he ______? A. does
B. makes
A. do
B. make 110. Choose the correct word.
He doesn't ______ much money.
98. Choose the correct word.
I ______ some research and learned several facts. A. do
B. make
A. did
B. made 111. Choose the correct word.
Hello! How are you ______?
99. Choose the correct word.
A. doing
We don't ______ business with that company.
B. making
A. do
112. Choose the correct word.
B. make
Two plus three ______ five.
100. Choose the correct word. A. does
It doesn't ______ any difference to me. B. makes
A. do 113. Choose the correct word.
B. make I have to ______ a telephone call.

A. do
101. Choose the correct word.
B. make
Can you ______ me a favour?
114. Choose the correct word.
A. do
I was ______ my homework when he called.
B. make
A. doing
102. Choose the correct word. B. making
He ______ friends easily.
115. Choose the correct word.
A. does I ______ two mistakes in my spelling test.
B. makes
A. did
B. made
103. Choose the correct word.
I'll ______ my best.
116. Choose the correct word.
A. do Don't just stand there! ______ something!
B. make
A. Do
B. Make
104. Choose the correct word.
I'd like to ______ an appointment with Dr. Smith.
117. Choose the correct word.
A. do Please ______ your homework this afternoon.
B. make
A. do
B. make
105. Choose the correct word.
D. have
We'll have to ______ without a car for some time.
E. take
A. do
B. make 118. Choose the correct word.
Hey Mark! You've ______ a mistake.
107. Choose the correct word.
A. done
She ______ scrambled eggs for breakfast.
B. made
A. did D. had
B. made E. taken

119. Choose the correct word. FALL / FEEL / FILL

Do you ______ sugar in your coffee?
127. Choose the correct word.
A. do Children! Don't climb the tree you might ___.
B. make
A. felt
D. have
B. fall
E. take
C. filling
D. feel
120. Choose the correct word.
E. fell
Did you ______ a good trip?
128. Choose the correct word.
A. do
When she heard the news her eyes ______ with tears.
B. make
D. have A. felt
E. take B. filled
C. filling
121. Choose the correct word. D. feel
We ______ turns in throwing the dice. E. fell
A. do 129. Choose the correct word.
B. make When I arrived home the rain was ______ heavily.
D. have
A. felt
E. take
B. fall
C. filling
122. Choose the correct word.
D. feel
Would you ______ the shopping for me?
E. falling
A. do
130. Choose the correct word.
B. make
Hello Peter! How does it ______ to be twenty one?
D. have
E. take A. feeling
B. falling
123. Choose the correct word. C. filling
My sister Lisa is ______ much progress with her D. feel
French. E. fell
A. doing 131. Choose the correct word.
B. making I'll stay here until the baby ______ asleep.
D. having
A. feel
E. taking
B. fall
C. fill
124. Choose the correct word.
D. falls
Did Alice ______ this photo?
E. fell
A. do
132. Choose the correct word.
B. make
I don't understand how I have managed to forget to
D. have
______ the tank.
E. take
A. felt
125. Choose the correct word. B. fall
Has your brother ______ the washing-up yet? C. fill
A. done D. feel
B. made E. fell
D. had
133. Choose the correct word.
E. took
I ______ upset when I realised that I had broken my
126. Choose the correct word. mother's favourite vase.
You'll ______ a lot of fun in New York. A. felt
A. do B. fall
B. make C. filling
D. have D. feel
E. take E. fell

134. Choose the correct word. 141. Choose the correct word.
The temperature ______ sharply in the night. I forgot to ______ the car tank.

A. felt A. felt
B. fall B. fall
C. filling C. fill
D. feel D. feel
E. fell E. fell

135. Choose the correct word.

142. Choose the correct word.
John, you look strange! Are you ______ well today?
Christmas will ______ on a Saturday this year.
A. felt
A. felt
B. fall
B. fall
C. filling
C. fill
D. feel
D. feel
E. feeling
E. fell
136. Choose the correct word.
I have retired now, but I have no trouble ______ my

A. felt
B. fall
C. to fill
D. feel
E. fell

137. Choose the correct word.

Please ______ in this form to apply for the job.

A. felt
B. fall
C. fill
D. feel
E. fell

138. Choose the correct word.

Be careful, don't ______ down.

A. felt
B. fall
C. to fill
D. feel
E. fell

139. Choose the correct word.

Today I ______ happy because it's my birthday.

A. felt
B. fall
C. to fill
D. feel
E. fell

140. Choose the correct word.

Don't climb that roof, you can ______.

A. felt
B. fall
C. to fill
D. feel
E. fell


143. Choose the correct word. 153. Choose the correct word.
If you have any questions, ______ your hand and I'll Please ______ down that book and listen to me.
try to help you.
A. lay
A. raise B. lie
B. rise
154. Choose the correct word.
144. Choose the correct word. He was ______ on her back in the hot sun.
The student ______ a very good question about the
A. laying
importance of security in the big cities.
B. lying
A. raised
155. Choose the correct word.
B. rose
The robber ______ down his gun.
145. Choose the correct word.
A. laid
The sun ______ in the east.
B. lay
A. raises
156. Choose the correct word.
B. rises
Sometimes I like to ______ down and rest after lunch.
146. Choose the correct word.
A. lay
Our community ______ money for the victims of the
B. lie
plane accident.
157. Choose the correct word.
A. is raising
Yesterday they ______ the foundation for the house.
B. is rising
A. laid
147. Choose the correct word. B. lay
He ______ to an important position in the company.
158. Choose the correct word.
A. raised
I often ______ in bed for hours on Sunday mornings.
B. rose
A. lay
148. Choose the correct word. B. lie
She's ______ three children without her husband's
financial support. 159. Choose the correct word.
Last night I ______ awake in bed, thinking about my
A. raised
B. rose
A. laid
149. Choose the correct word. B. lay
Unemployment ______ quickly in the metropolis-tan
areas. 160. Choose the correct word.
My chickens ______ 20 eggs yesterday.
A. is raising
B. is rising A. laid
B. lay
150. Choose the correct word.
The people decided to ______ up against the new 161. Choose the correct word.
government politics. My chickens ______ 20 eggs every day.

A. raise A. lies
B. rise B. lay

151. Choose the correct word. 162. Choose the correct word.
Don't ______ your voice to me! I'm still your boss. Martha's cat ______ next to her when she reads.

A. raise A. lays
B. rise B. lies

152. Choose the correct word. 163. Choose the correct word.
The price of gas ______ by 5%. The police officer told him to ______ down his gun.

A. has raised A. lay

B. has risen B. lie

164. Choose the correct word. SET / SIT / SEAT

Do you plan to ______ on the grass all day.
167. Choose the correct word.
A. lay Don't ______ on the table. ______ at the table.
B. lie
A. set
B. sit
165. Choose the correct word. C. seat
I have been ______ in the sun all day.
168. Choose the correct word.
A. laying She ______ the clock for 5 p.m.
B. lying
A. set
B. sat
166. Choose the correct word. C. seated
He ______ to me about his exam results.
169. Choose the correct word.
A. laid To avoid back pain you should ______ straight.
B. lied
A. set
B. sit
C. seat

170. Choose the correct word.

The auditorium ______ 500 people.

A. sets
B. sits
C. seats

171. Choose the correct word.

They ______ among their friends.

A. set
B. sat
C. seated

172. Choose the correct word.

The sun ______ in the west.

A. sets
B. sits
C. seats

173. Choose the correct word.

The old man was ______ by the fire.

A. setting
B. sitting
C. seating

174. Choose the correct word.

______ the vase on the table, please.

A. Set
B. Sit
C. Seat

175. Choose the correct word.

Please be ______, ladies and gentlemen.

A. set
B. sat
C. seated

176. Choose the correct word.

The young girl ______ in the first row.

A. set
B. sat

QUICK TEST: TENSE FORMS 10. Choose the correct variant.

Fred ______ here recently.
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) has moved
We ______ an interesting film yesterday.
B) moved
A) have seen C) will move
B) see
11. Choose the correct variant.
C) saw
Fred ______ here last year.

2. Choose the correct variant. A) moved

Kate ______ a letter to his friends once a week. B) has moved
C) moves
A) writes
B) wrote 12. Choose the correct variant.
C) write He ______ the window.

A) didn’t opened
3. Choose the correct variant.
B) don’t open
Father ______ his children go out 2 hours ago.
C) didn’t open
A) lets
13. Choose the correct variant.
B) will let
______ he ______ adventure films?
C) let
A) Does / like
4. Choose the correct variant. B) Does / likes
When ______ you ______ this book? C) Did / liked

A) did / buy 14. Choose the correct variant.

B) did / bought They ______ home in time last night.
C) have / bought
A) will return
B) returned
5. Choose the correct variant.
C) return
I ______ breakfast.
15. Choose the correct variant.
A) have just had
______ they ______ the matter now?
B) just had
C) have just eat A) Did / discuss
B) Have / discussed
6. Choose the correct variant. C) Are / discussing
I ______ dinner yet.
16. Choose the correct variant.
A) have eaten I ______ him since last week.
B) didn’t eat
A) didn’t see
C) haven’t eaten
B) don’t see
C) haven’t seen
7. Choose the correct variant.
He ______ the juice. 17. Choose the correct variant.
How long ______ you ______ in London last year?
A) already drinks
B) has already drunk A) did / stay
C) already drank B) had / stayed
C) do / stay
8. Choose the correct variant.
18. Choose the correct variant.
He ______ TV at the moment.
I ______ here three years ago.
A) watches
A) don’t work
B) watched
B) didn’t worked
C) is watching
C) didn’t work

9. Choose the correct variant. 19. Choose the correct variant.

She ______ homework when mother ______. Who ______ in this office?
A) was doing / comes A) works
B) was doing / came B) work
C) will do / come C) have worked

20. Choose the correct variant. 30. Choose the correct variant.
He ______ anything. He ______ to London two times.

A) said A) have gone

B) didn’t say B) went
C) don’t say C) has gone

21. Choose the correct variant. 31. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ to him tomorrow. He ______ here since we ______ him last week.

A) shall speak A) hasn’t come / saw

B) spoke B) didn’t come / saw
C) have spoken C) will come / saw

22. Choose the correct variant. 32. Choose the correct variant.
They ______ an hour ago. They ______ never ______ to any foreign countries.

A) arrive A) have / gone

B) have arrived B) haven’t / been
C) arrived C) didn’t / go

23. Choose the correct variant. 33. Choose the correct variant.
How well ______ his wife ______ English? They ______ here lately.

A) do / speak A) came
B) does / speak B) comes
C) did / spoke C) have come

24. Choose the correct variant. 34. Choose the correct variant.
The film ______ at 7 and ______ over at 8 o’clock. Look! It ______.

A) began / was A) rains

B) begins / was B) is raining
C) began / is C) rained

25. Choose the correct variant. 35. Choose the correct variant.
We ______ late last Sunday. Look! Somebody ______ the window.

A) wake up A) has broken

B) woke up B) broke
C) will wake up C) break

26. Choose the correct variant. 36. Choose the correct variant.
______ he ______ homework? It ______ yesterday.

A) Does / do A) rains
B) Do / do B) rained
C) Have / done C) has rained

27. Choose the correct variant. 37. Choose the correct variant.
He ______ a house in Baku. We shan’t go if it ______.

A) didn’t had A) rain

B) doesn’t has B) rains
C) doesn’t have C) will rain

28. Choose the correct variant. 38. Choose the correct variant.
______ his friend ______ a car? The child ______ to school every day.

A) Have / got A) will goes

B) Does / have B) go
C) goes
C) Did / had
39. Choose the correct variant.
29. Choose the correct variant. I’ll go out after I ______ reading this story.
We ______ to Baku five times.
A) finished
A) have been B) finish
B) were C) was finishing
C) went D) will finish

40. Choose the correct variant. 48. Choose the correct variant.
He ______ the papers as soon as he signs. If Bob ______ up the kitchen, Anita ______ the car.

A) send A) tidy, washes

B) sent B) tidies, will wash
C) tidies, would wash
C) will send
D) will tidy, washes
D) would send
E) sending 49. Choose the correct variant.
Elaine ______ the drinks if somebody ______ her
41. Choose the correct variant. carry the bottles.
You will enter the university if you ______ hard.
A) buy, helps
A) to study B) buys, will help
B) studied C) will buy, helps
C) study D) will buy, help
D) would study 50. Choose the correct variant.
E) will study If Alan and Rebecca ______ the food, Mary and Sue
______ the sandwiches.
42. Choose the correct variant.
Alex ______ to France next month if he ______ a visa. A) organize / make
B) organized / will make
A) will go, get C) organize / will make
B) goes, will get D) organize / would make
C) will go, gets
D) goes, got 51. Choose the correct variant.
E) will go, will get I’ll wait until he ______.
A) is arriving
43. Choose the correct variant.
B) arrives
He ______ if you ______ him. C) arrive
A) come, ask D) will arrive
E) arrived
B) will come, ask
C) came, asked
52. Choose the correct variant.
D) coming, ask
His father ______ him there in his car.
E) come, ask
A) take
44. Choose the correct variant. B) takes
I shall stay here until you ______ back. C) carries
A) will come
53. Choose the correct variant.
B) came
C) shall come She always ______ lunch at school.
D) am coming A) takes
E) come B) have
45. Choose the correct variant. C) has
If we ______ the salad, Phil ______ the house.
54. Choose the correct variant.
A) prepare / decorate Richard’s life in Paris is a bit difficult. He ______ only
B) prepares / decorates English.
C) will prepare / will decorate
D) prepare / will decorate A) understand
E) will prepare / decorate B) doesn’t understand
C) doesn’t know
46. Choose the correct variant. D) knows
If Sue ______ the onions for the salad, Carol ______
the mushrooms. 55. Choose the correct variant.
A) cuts / will peel What’s the matter? You ______ very sad.
B) cut / will peel A) look
C) cut / peels B) looks
47. Choose the correct variant. C) looked
If they all ______ their best, the party ______ great.
56. Choose the correct variant.
A) will do / do Liz is very good at tennis. She ______ every game.
B) will do / is
C) do / is A) gets
D) will do / will be B) won
E) do / will be C) wins

57. Choose the correct variant. 66. Choose the correct variant.
Winter is warm here. It ______ very seldom. But She ______ her job. She ______ to be a secretary.
sometimes it ______.
A) isn’t liked, wants
A) rain, snows B) doesn’t like, wants
B) snows, rains C) don’t like, want
C) snow, rain
67. Choose the correct variant.
D) rains, snow
Helen often ______ meetings for her boss and other
58. Choose the correct variant. managers of the company.
Helen is on a diet. She ______ very little. A) don’t arrange
B) arrange
A) doesn’t eat
C) arranges
B) eats
C) ate
68. Choose the correct variant.
59. Choose the correct variant. ______ you ______ where your brother ______?
He ______ in a hurry. A) Do / know, is
B) Do / know, were
A) is
C) Are / know, is
B) be
C) doesn’t be
69. Choose the correct variant.
60. Choose the correct variant. Nelly ______ TV three times a week.
The exams at school ______ in June. A) like
B) don’t watch
A) have
C) watches
B) start
C) starts
70. Choose the correct variant.
61. Choose the correct variant. I never ______ out in the evening.
Linda and I _____ for a company which _____ cars. A) go
B) goes
A) works, produces
C) going
B) work, produces
C) work, produce
71. Choose the correct variant.
62. Choose the correct variant. She often ______ to herself.
I ______ work at ten o’clock, and Linda ______ to the A) talk
office at nine. B) talks
C) talking
A) start, comes
B) start, goes
72. Choose the correct variant.
C) start, come
- What is that noise?
63. Choose the correct variant. - Somebody ______ the piano.
She ______ at typing, she ______ letters and reports A) practices
every day. B) practice
C) is practicing
A) be good, writes
B) is good, make
73. Choose the correct variant.
C) is good, writes
My dog ______ vegetables.

64. Choose the correct variant. A) is not eat

B) does not eat
I sometimes ______ my friend to translate letters, as I
C) do not eats
______ French rather well.
A) help, don’t know 74. Choose the correct variant.
B) don’t help, know Water ______ at 100˚.
C) help, knew
D) help, know A) is boiling
B) boils
C) boil
65. Choose the correct variant.
The secretary ______ the phone calls, sometimes she 75. Choose the correct variant.
______ visitors around the factory. Look! The water ______.
A) answer, show A) is boiling
B) don’t answer, shows B) boils
C) answers, shows C) boil

76. Choose the correct variant. 86. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ tomatoes and potatoes in my garden. Where ______ the Johnsons live?
A) usually grow A) do
B) am usually growing B) are
C) does
77. Choose the correct variant.
- Do you speak English?
87. Choose the correct variant.
- Yes, I ______.
Margie and her sister ______ wonderful voices.
A) am
B) do A) does
B) has got
78. Choose the correct variant. C) have got
I would like to lose weight, so I ______ supper this
week. 88. Choose the correct variant.
A) am not eating Can you help me? I ______ the way to the market.
B) do not eat A) am not know
B) not know
79. Choose the correct variant.
C) don’t know
Tom is in Warsaw at the moment. He ______ at the
Mariott Hotel.
89. Choose the correct variant.
A) is staying I ______ that man because I ______ English.
B) stays
A) don’t understand, not know
80. Choose the correct variant. B) don’t understand, don’t know
Can you see those people? I wonder what ______
about. 90. Choose the correct variant.
A) do they talk Everybody in our family ______ Mummy about the
B) they are talking house. Dad ______ the dog, I ______ the flowers, and
my brothers ______ the rooms.
81. Choose the correct variant.
A) help, walks, water, clean
My brother is looking for a place to live. He ___ with
me until he finds somewhere. B) helps, walks, water, clean
C) help, walks, water, cleans
A) stays
B) is staying
91. Choose the correct variant.
______ Jane Smith ______ English?
82. Choose the correct variant.
He is amazingly talented at languages. He ______ A) Is / speak
seven languages very well. B) Does / speak
A) speaks C) Do / speak
B) is speaking
92. Choose the correct variant.
83. Choose the correct variant.
The Browns ______ a nice house in the country.
I ______ my pen again.
A) have lost A) has got
B) lose B) have got
C) am losing C) didn’t had

84. Choose the correct variant.

93. Choose the correct variant.
Usually I ______ at 3.00, but this month I have
worked until 5.00 to earn more money. ______ you ______ swimming?

A) finish A) Do / like
B) am finishing B) Does / like
C) shall finish C) Are / like

85. Choose the correct variant. 94. Choose the correct variant.
My mother ______ a bad headache. ______ Dad ______ any brothers or sisters?
A) have got A) Have / got
B) am B) Does / have
C) has got C) Does / has

95. Choose the correct variant. 104. Choose the correct variant.
______ your sister often ______ to the theatre? ______ you ever ______ to Italy?

A) Is / go A) Did / be
B) Does / go B) Have / been
C) Do / go C) Were / ---

96. Choose the correct variant. 105. Choose the correct variant.
We ______ a car, but we are going to buy it. I ______ the letter yesterday.

A) don’t have A) write

B) aren’t have B) had written
C) hasn’t C) wrote

97. Choose the correct variant. 106. Choose the correct variant.
______ what I want? I ______ the letter at 5 o’clock yesterday.

A) Bob knows A) wrote

B) Do Bob knows B) was writing
C) Does Bob know C) write

98. Choose the correct variant. 107. Choose the correct variant.
They can’t go out because they ______ raincoats and I ______ the letter by 5 o’clock yesterday.
A) had written
A) have got B) was writing
B) aren’t have C) wrote
C) don’t have
108. Choose the correct variant.
99. Choose the correct variant. Tom’s relatives ______ their house this month.
Jack lives not far from us, but we ______ him often.
A) had bought
A) not see B) have bought
B) doesn’t see C) has bought
C) don’t see
109. Choose the correct variant.
100. Choose the correct variant. ______ any beer in the fridge?
Don’t give him cigarettes. He ______.
A) Does Peter have
A) isn’t smoke B) Do Peter has
B) doesn’t smoke C) Have Peter got
C) don’t smoke
110. Choose the correct variant.
101. Choose the correct variant. My daughter Mary ______ apples, but she likes
- ______ you ______ any time to help me? oranges.
- Sorry, I ______.
A) not likes
A) Do you have, don’t B) doesn’t likes
B) Have you got, am not C) doesn’t like
C) Do you have, have got
111. Choose the correct variant.
102. Choose the correct variant. What’s the matter? You ______ very happy.
John ______ when the door ______.
A) look
A) will paint / rang B) looks
B) was painting / rang C) looked
C) has painted / rang
112. Choose the correct variant.
103. Choose the correct variant. - Where is Sue?
Some of the students ______ yet. - She ______ a shower.

A) didn’t come A) has

B) have come B) is having
C) haven’t come C) had

113. Choose the correct variant. 124. Choose the correct variant.
What ______ you ______ at five o’clock yesterday? I ______ the room before I left the house.

A) did / do A) dusted
B) were / doing B) had dusted
C) are / doing E) have dusted

114. Choose the correct variant. 124. Choose the correct variant.
Listen! Somebody ______ at the door. They will go sightseeing if everything ______ all right.

A) knocks A) is
B) is knocking B) will be
C) was knocking C) was

115. Choose the correct variant. 125. Choose the correct variant.
Sarah’s mother ______ her go to the theatre As soon as all ______ ready we ______ the house.
A) is / shall leave
A) let B) will be / leave
B) lets
126. Choose the correct variant.
C) will let
When I ______ the kitchen my aunt ______ tea.
116. Choose the correct variant.
A) entered / is making
His father made him ______ at English very hard.
B) entered / was making
A) work
127. Choose the correct variant.
B) worked
If he ______ hard, he ______ the exam successfully.
C) to work
A) works / will pass
117. Choose the correct variant.
B) passes / will pass
- Where is your sister?
- She ______ breakfast . 128. Choose the correct variant.
They ______ fruit by the time we went to the orchard.
A) has
B) is having A) gathered
C) had B) had gathered

118. Choose the correct variant. 129. Choose the correct variant.
When ______ you ______ there? We ______ in Nabran at that time last year.

A) have / gone A) rested

B) did / go B) were resting

119. Choose the correct variant. 130. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ him since October. Look! Jack ______ with the child.

A) didn’t see A) plays

B) haven’t seen B) is playing

120. Choose the correct variant.

131. Choose the correct variant.
Look! It ______.
I ______ here once 2 years ago.
A) rains
A) was
B) is raining
B) had been
C) rained

121. Choose the correct variant. 132. Choose the correct variant.
I ______TV when he ______ in. Let’s go out now. It ______ any more.

A) watched / came A) is raining

B) was watching / came B) rains
C) will watch / come C) isn’t raining

122. Choose the correct variant. 133. Choose the correct variant.
We ______ the point at that time yesterday. Don’t turn off the radio. I ______ to it.

A) discussed A) am listening
B) were discussing B) listen
C) are watching C) am not listening

134. Choose the correct variant. 143. Choose the correct variant.
He is lazy. He ______ anything to help. Sarah was very busy, so I ______ her.

A) does A) didn’t disturb

B) doesn’t do B) disturbed
C) doesn’t C) won’t disturb

144. Choose the correct variant.

135. Choose the correct variant.
While the baby ______ mother ______ all the
Julie ______ tea very often.
A) don’t drink
A) was sleeping / did
B) doesn’t drinks
B) was sleeping / does
C) doesn’t drink
C) slept / did
136. Choose the correct variant.
145. Choose the correct variant.
How often ______ to the dentist?
The hotel was expensive. It ______ very much.
A) do you go
A) cost
B) did you went
B) costs
C) does you go
C) didn’t cost
137. Choose the correct variant.
146. Choose the correct variant.
The water ______. Can you turn it off?
I am in a hurry. I ______ time to phone her.
A) boils
A) have
B) is boiling
B) don’t have
C) boiled
C) has
138. Choose the correct variant.
147. Choose the correct variant.
Look! That man ______ to open the window.
When we arrived at the station, the train ______.
A) try
A) had already gone
B) tried
B) already went
C) is trying
C) has already gone
139. Choose the correct variant.
148. Choose the correct variant.
- Are you hungry?
The window was open and a bird ______ into the
- No, I ______ just ______ two bananas.
A) had / eaten
A) flies
B) have / eaten
B) fly
C) ate
C) flew

140. Choose the correct variant. 149. Choose the correct variant.
It was warm, so I ______ my coat. I ______ home when I ______ Kate.
A) put on A) walked / meet
B) took off B) was walking / meet
C) take off C) was walking / met

150. Choose the correct variant.

141. Choose the correct variant.
Matt ______ while we ______ dinner.
The film wasn’t very good. I ______ it.
A) phoned / were having
A) enjoyed
B) phone / were having
B) don’t enjoy
C) phone / had
C) didn’t enjoy

151. Choose the correct variant.

142. Choose the correct variant. - Where is Jane?
The film was dull. Nobody ______ it. - She ______.
A) watched A) went out
B) didn’t watch B) has gone out
C) watches C) will go out

152. Choose the correct variant. 162. Choose the correct variant.
When I ______ young, I ______ to be a pilot. We ______ at the party at that time yesterday.

A) was / wanted A) danced

B) is / wanted B) were dancing
C) was / want C) are playing

153. Choose the correct variant. 163. Choose the correct variant.
We ______ an accident while we ______ to the beach. They ______ football at 4 o’clock yesterday.

A) see / drew A) are playing

B) were seeing / were driving B) were playing
C) saw / were driving C) played

154. Choose the correct variant. 164. Choose the correct variant.
Jim is on holiday. He ______ to Italy. - Where is Julia?
- She ______ her homework.
A) has gone
B) went A) is doing
C) had gone B) does
C) has done
155. Choose the correct variant.
The rain ______. The sun is shining. 165. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ Tom yesterday, but I ______ him today.
A) stopped
B) stops A) saw / have seen
C) has stopped B) saw / haven’t seen
C) saw / didn’t see
156. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ my key. I can’t find it. 166. Choose the correct variant.
It ______ a lot last year.
A) lost
B) have lost A) snows
C) lose B) snowed
C) had snowed
157. Choose the correct variant.
______ you ______ my brother today? 167. Choose the correct variant.
Jane ______ her work by the time we ______.
A) Have / seen
B) Did / see A) finished / arrived
C) Did / saw B) has finished / arrived
C) had finished / arrived
158. Choose the correct variant.
He ______ late this week. 168. Choose the correct variant.
He said that he ______ in time.
A) hasn’t been
B) wasn’t A) would return
C) had been B) will return
C) returns
159. Choose the correct variant.
He ______ late last week. 169. Choose the correct variant.
Our team ______ the game last week.
A) hasn’t been
B) hadn’t been A) wins
C) wasn’t B) won
C) will win
160. Choose the correct variant.
He ______ 20 cigarettes yesterday. 170. Choose the correct variant.
She ______ in this office.
A) had smoked
B) smoked A) work
C) has smoked B) doesn’t works
C) doesn’t work
161. Choose the correct variant.
He ______ two cigarettes today. 171. Choose the correct variant.
Kate ______ four languages.
A) has smoked
B) smoked A) speaks
C) smokes B) doesn’t speaks

172. Choose the correct variant. 182. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ my homework. Now I can go out. The police ______ the thief.

A) have done A) has arrested

B) did B) have arrested
C) am doing C) arrests

173. Choose the correct variant.

183. Choose the correct variant.
How long ______ you ______ each other?
When ______ your friends ______?
A) did / knew
A) does / arrive
B) have / known
B) did / arrived
C) does / know
C) did / arrive
174. Choose the correct variant.
Who ______ the telephone? 184. Choose the correct variant.
It was his first flight. He ______ before.
A) has invented
B) invents A) had never flown
C) invented B) flew
C) has never flown
175. Choose the correct variant.
Who ______ America?
185. Choose the correct variant.
A) discovers When I got home, Tom ______ in front of the TV.
B) discovered
A) is sitting
C) has discovered
B) was sitting
176. Choose the correct variant. C) sits
Why ______ you ______ your work yesterday?
186. Choose the correct variant.
A) didn’t / do
When I ______ home, Jane ______ for me.
B) don’t / do
C) haven’t / done A) get / waited
B) get / was waiting
177. Choose the correct variant.
C) got / was waiting
Listen! Somebody ______.

A) is coming 187. Choose the correct variant.

B) went - What ______ you ______?
C) comes - I am watching TV.

178. Choose the correct variant. A) do / do

Nobody ______ French in our group. B) did / do
C) are / doing
A) doesn’t speak
B) speak
188. Choose the correct variant.
C) speaks
- What ______ you ______?
179. Choose the correct variant. - I am an engineer.
I ______ any book by Oscar Wild.
A) are / doing
A) didn’t liked B) do / do
B) don’t like C) did / do
C) likes
189. Choose the correct variant.
180. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ my coat yesterday.
I ______ him anywhere.
A) put on
A) haven’t seen
B) puts on
B) have seen
C) will put on
C) saw

181. Choose the correct variant. 190. Choose the correct variant.
The town is different now. It ______ a lot. She ______ two stories last week.

A) has changed A) reads

B) changed B) read
C) changes C) has read

191. Choose the correct variant. 200. Choose the correct variant.
Mary ______ his finger, didn’t she? - Her mother let he child go out.
- So ______ mine.
A) cuts
B) cut A) did
C) had cut B) do
C) does
192. Choose the correct variant.
They ______ to the cinema, haven’t they?
201. Choose the correct variant.
A) went
- I ______ chocolate.
B) have to go
- Neither do I.
C) have gone
A) didn’t like
193. Choose the correct variant.
B) don’t like
She has taken her gloves, ______?
C) like
A) doesn’t she
B) hasn’t she
202. Choose the correct variant.
C) has she
Everybody in our class ______ a foreign language.
194. Choose the correct variant.
A) know
She has got a green scarf, ______?
B) don’t know
A) doesn’t she C) knows
B) haven’t she
C) hasn’t she
203. Choose the correct variant.
What makes you ______ so?
195. Choose the correct variant.
She has a nice flat, ______? A) think
B) thought
A) hasn’t she
C) to think
B) doesn’t she
C) didn’t she
204. Choose the correct variant.
196. Choose the correct variant.
Steve ______ a cigarette and ______ it.
- We ______ a lot of books.
- So did we. A) took out / light
B) took out / lit
A) bought
C) takes out / lit
B) buy
C) will buy
205. Choose the correct variant.
197. Choose the correct variant. A) She doesn’t any homework.
- He ______ many magazines. B) She doesn’t do some homework.
- So did I. C) She doesn’t do any homework.
A) reads
B) read
C) writes 206. Choose the correct variant.
A) Does she has any English books?
198. Choose the correct variant. B) Do you have got a house?
- He ______ finish his work. C) Have you got a car?
- So need I.

A) needs to 207. Choose the correct variant.

B) need A) Where does she lives?
C) needn’t B) Where she lives?
C) Where does she live?
199. Choose the correct variant.
- He ______ go to his work.
- So do I. 208. Choose the correct variant.
A) needs to A) He didn’t send the mail.
B) need B) He doesn’t sends the mail.
C) doesn’t need to C) He didn’t sent the letter.

209. Choose the correct variant.

A) Did they built the bridge?
B) Did they build the bridge?
C) Did they decorated the house?

210. Choose the correct variant.

A) The rich has to help the poor.
B) The rich has much wealth.
C) The rich have to help the poor.

211. Choose the correct variant.

A) The young have to be kind to the old.
B) Sheep has a lot of wool.
C) Deer is not seen in this forest.

212. Choose the correct variant.

A) The English like tea.
B) English like tea.
C) He like to drink tea.

213. Choose the correct variant.

A) We hadn’t to take a taxi.
B) We didn’t had to take a taxi.
C) We didn’t have to take a taxi.

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