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Lesson 2.

● Probability distribution - is a correspondence that assigns probabilities to

the values of a random variable
● Discrete random variable - if its set of possible outcomes is countable
● Continuous random variable - if it takes on values from within an interval or
disjoint union of intervals
● Continuous probability - distribution is a distribution consisting of
observations that are measured on a continuous scale
● f(x), and is also called a probability density function, a frequency function ,
or a probability distribution

1. The curve of a probability distribution is formed by either discrete or
continuous random variables
2. The values that describe a standard normal distribution are a mean equal to 0
and a standard deviation equal to 1
3. The symbol z denotes a random variable with a standard normal distribution.
4. The z-value (z-score) at the horizontal base of the standard normal curve
indicates how many standard deviations a score Xlies above or below the
mean of its distribution
5. The area under the normal curve is equal to 1
6. The area under the curve corresponds to the probability that a random
variable having this distribution will take on values on a specified interval
7. The areas under the standard normal probability distribution are based on the
8. The mean, median, and mode under the normal probability distribution are
9. The tails of the curves of a normal probability distribution extend indefinitely
10. The middle 95% of the standard normal distribution is bound by the z -values

Lesson 3

● Parameters - descriptive measures computed from a population

● Statistics - descriptive measures computed from a sample
● Sampling error is the error resulting from using a sample to estimate a
population characteristic

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