Human Impact Inventions

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Mini Project 2

Human Inventions and their Impact on the

For this Mini project you are going to pick 1 of the human
inventions below and answer the following questions explaining
the impact of the invention on the environment.
Questions and format will be on the next page. Only submit that
page with your written answers. Please write in complete
sentences for EVERY answer! (Restate the question, then proceed with your

Follow the instructions completely! If it says write 3-5

sentences, then do that! Otherwise, points will be taken
off because you did not follow the instructions
1) Liter of light
2) Edible water blobs
3) Mr. Trash Wheel
4) Plastic free shampoo pods – by Benjamin stern
5) Waterotor
6) Shipping container pools
7) The Seabin
8) Rice, mullet, and wheat Edible Spoons
9) Edible six-pack rings – by salt water brewing company
10)Plastic bottle cutter
11)Tooth paste pills – by Bite
12)Waterlily portable turbine
13)Whirlpool Turbine
14)HomeBiogas compost bin


Mr. Perdomo – Biology 1

Human Inventions and their Impact on the Environment

Human Invention:

(Tell me which invention you chose)

What sources did you use

(Where did you find information about this invention. Provide a URL link)


(Write explaining what the invention is, and how it works. Write 3 to 5 sentences)

Importance of the Topic

(Explain why this product was invented, what problem is solved by this existing? Write 3 to 5 sentences )

Possible Benefits

(What are the possible environmental benefits of this invention and how will it help future generations?)

Are there any major issues stopping this product from being used on a wide scale?

(Write whether there are any problems or issues stopping this product from being used all over the
world. Possible issues could be: production cost, buying cost, manufacturer delays, scarcity of resources,
or anything else that you find)

Create an idea for an invention that could be used on campus at ATM?

(Develop an invention that could be used at ATM to improve our environment or decrease the impact
we have on our environment)

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