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AG0 2244A-J«n ^


TM 11-662 I
Changes No. 1)
Washington 25, D. C, 8 November 1966

TM 11-662, 20 February 1952, is changed as Page 72, paragraph 6£c(£). Make the following
follows: changes:
Make the following In line 17 of the second column, on the page,
Page 86, paragraph £7.
change "Ebt " to read: E„.
changes in paragraph 27:
"— (i,Xr,)" from the equa- line 19 of the second column. Change "hori-
o. Lone 12. Delete
zontal" to read: vertical.
Page 75, paragraph 68c(£). line 5. Change
a. Delete lines 14 and 15.
"horizontal" to read: vertical.
Delete b.
Page 74.
Page 48, paragraph 8&f(£). line 4. Change (Added) Use of Load Line to Illustrate
"in reference to ground" to read: in reference to Amplification. The output voltage and
the cathode. plate current that will result from a given input
Page 60, paragraph Jfia. Make the following (grid) signal voltage can be clearly seen by using
changes: a load line on a plate family of characteristics.
Second column, line 15. Change "It is a pure" The grid input signal causes the grid voltage to
to read: The amplification factor is a pure. vary along the load line. If an input signal with
a swing of to —8 volts is drawn perpendicular
to the load line (e„, fig. 61.1), the output signal
Line 30. Change "m-^—IOO" to read:
voltage may be obtained by drawing vertical
lines from the maximum and minimum grid
voltage points on the load line to the plate voltage
axis. It can be seen that the plate voltage
Page 61, figure 56. In the figure caption, swing, 6p, and consequently, the output signal, is
change the word "amplifiaction" to read: 125 volts.' Therefore, an input grid signal of 8
amplification. volts is amplified by the tube to an output signal
Page 64, paragraph 48c. Change the heading of 125 volts. However, the output wave form
to read: Ac Plate Resistance. (fig. 61.1) may appear smaller than the input.

Make This is because the scale on which the output

Page 65, paragraph 48. the following
voltage is drawn (plate volts scale) differs from
changes in paragraph 48:
that on which the input signal is drawn (grid bias
c(3). line 15. Change "C" to read: 0.
scale). The plate current variation, t„ can be
e. Change "RP" in the heading to read: rp.
seen by drawing horizontal lines to the plate
Page 66, paragraph 49d. Change "GM " in the
current axis. This shows that the plate current
heading to read: m .
varies between 5.3 and 10.3 milliamperes. Thus,
Page 67, paragraph 49e. Change "GM " in the by plotting the input signal wave form on a load
heading to read: gm. line, the relationship, at any instant, between the
Page 67, paragraph 60. Change "Rp" in the input and output signals may be quickly and
heading to read: rp. easily determined.

TAOO 2W2A—Not. 1
Pap 74-


450 800 690




TM 662.-CI-I

Figure 61.1. (Added) Plate characteristic* thawing tignal voltage amplification.

Page 91, paragraph 62h. Line 4. Change ".5" Page 95, paragraph 67a. Line 6. Change
to read: 1.5. "«»=«»»" to read: eb =£ M ,

Page 94, paragraph 66. Make the following Page 116, figure 96. Place the letter "L" at the
changes in a: intersection of the plate current axis and the
Line 2 of the second column of the page. Delete
characteristic curve.
"as in figure 75."
Line 4. Change "in other types, the connection Page ISO, paragraph 90a(l). Line 18. Change
is" to read: in other types as in figure 75, the "changes negligibly and" to read: changes negli-
connection is. gibly throughout the middle frequency range and.

* taoo assaa
Page ISO, paragraph 506(1). Line 5. Change direction of the arrowhead in the schematic
"low-middle and high-frequency" to read: low-, symbol for the crystal.
middle-, and high-frequency. Page 145, figure 118. Reverse the connections
Page 185, paragraph 92d. Line 9 in the second to the symbol for the crystal. Connect point A
column on the page. Change "20X20=40" to to the arrowhead and connect the flat portion of
read: 20X2=40. the crystal symbol to the resistor:
Page 188, paragraph 95a. Line 5. Change Page 145, figure 119. Reverse the connections
"minus" to read: equals. to the symbol for the crystal. Connect the
Page 144, paragraph 101b(l). Delete the fourth generator to the arrowhead and connect the flat
sentence and substitute the following: The direc- portion of the crystal symbol to the junction of the
tion of the electron current flow is opposite to the capacitor and the resistor.
(AG 413.44 (4 Oct 55)]

By order of the Secretary of the Army:

General, United States Army,
Official : Chief of Staff.
Major General, United States Army,
The Adjutant General.

Active Army:
CNGB (1) Gen & Br Svc Sen (5) except Sig 11-16R, Hq * Hq Co, Big Bo,
Tec Svc, DA (1) except CSIGO (30) Sch (25); Engr, Armd, Inf * Corps or Abn Corps (2)
Tec Svc Bd (1) Arty Sch (50) 11-57R, Armd Sig Co (2)
Hq CONARC (5) Gen Depots (2) except Atlanta Gen 11-127R, Sig Rep Co (2)
CONARC Bd (Incl ea Test Sec) (1) Depot (None) 11-128R, Sig Depot Co (2)
Army AA Comd (2) Sig Sec, Gen Depots (10) 11-500R (AA-AE), Sig Sve Org
OS Maj Comd (5) Sig Depots (20) (2)
OS Base Comd (5) POE 11-557R, Abn Sig Co (2)
Log Comd (5) 11-587R, Sig Base Maint Co (2)
MDW OS Sup Agencies (2)
(1) 11-592R, Hq & Hq Co, Sig Baas
Armies (5) Sig Fid Maint Shops (3)
Depot (2)
Corps (2) Sig Lab (5) 11-597R, Sig Base Depot Co (2)
Tng Div (2) MU Dist (1)
PMST Sig Sr. ROTC units (1) Units organised under following
Ft& Cp (2) TOE's:
CGSC (3); ICAF (3); AFSC (5) 11-7R, Sig Co, Inf Div (2)
NO: State AG (6); units —same as Active Army except allowance is one eopy to each unit.
USAR: None.
For explanation of abbreviations used, see SR 320-50-1.

«aoo sesaa s

8P0 400511
TM 11-662


Changes No. 2 Washington 25, D. C, 21 April 1958

TM 11-662, 20 February 1952, is changed as follows:

Change "R I,=25,000V" on the loadline to: RI =25,000Q in the following places:
Page 72, figure 61.
Page 74, figure 61.1 (page 2 of C 1).
Page 17, paragraph 166. Make the following changes:
Line 4. Change "attract" to repel.
Line 5. Change "repel" to attract.
Page 88, paragraph 30/. Delete subparagraph / and substitute:
/. Static characteristics are obtained with different dc potentials applied to the tube electrodes,
whereas dynamic characteristics are obtained with a load in the circuit.
Page 58, paragraph 43<2(3), last sentence. Change "charge" to change.
Page 62, paragraph 476(3), line 4. Change "-9" to -8.
Page 64, paragraph 48c. Make the following changes:
Line 6. Change "265" to 285.
Line 8. Change "33,100" to 35,625.
[AG 413.44 (24 Mar 58)]

TAGO 5630A—Apr. 440474*—58 1

By Order of Wilier M. Brucker, Secretary of the Army:

General, United States Army y

Official: Chief of Staff.

Major General, United States Army,
The Adjutant General.

Active Army:
ASA MDW Trans Terminal Comd Sectors, USA Corps (Res)
CNGB Armies Army Terminals USA Corps (Res)
Technical Stf, DA Corps OS Sup Agcy JBUSMC
Technical Stf Bd Div USA Sig Pub Agcy Units organized under fol-
USA Arty Bd USATC USA Sig Comm Engr lowing TOE's:
USA Armor Bd Ft & Camps Agcy 11-7
USA Inf Bd Svc Colleges USA Comm Agcy 11-15
USA Air Def Bd Br Svc Sch TASSA 11-16
USA Abn & Elct Bd Gen Depots Mid-Western Rgn Ofc 11-57
USA Avn Bd Sig Sec, Gen Depots (TASSA) 11-95
USA Armor Bd Test Sec Sig Depots USA Sig Eqp Spt Agcy 11-127
USA Air Def Bd Test Fid Comd, AFSWP USA White Sands Sig 11-128
Sec Engr Maint Cen Agcy 11-500 (AA-AE)
USA Arctic Test Bd Army Pictorial Cen Yuma Test Sta 11-537
US ARADCOM AFIP Sig Fid Maint Shops 11-587
OS Maj Comd AMS Sig Lab 11-592
Log Comd Ports of Emb (OS) Mil Dist 11-597
NG: State AG; —
units same as Active Army.
VSAR: None.
For explanation of abbreviations used, see AR 320-50.

2 TAGO 5830A
TM 11-662/TO 16-1-255


United States Government Printing Office

Washington: 1952

AGO 2244A


Washington 25, D. C, 20 February 1952

TM 11-662/TO 16-1-255 is published for the information and guidance of all concerned.

[AG 413.44 (5 Dec 51)]

By order of the Secretaries of the Army and the Air Force:


WM. BERGIN E. Chief of Staff, United States Army
Major General, USA
The Adjutant General


K. E. THIEBAUD Chief of Staff, United States Air Force
Colonel, USAF
Air Adjutant General

Distribution :

Active Army:
Tech Svc Arm & Svc Bd (1) AFF Bd (ea Svc Test Sec) (1) AFF (5) OS Maj
(1) ; ; ; ;

Comd (25) Base

; Comd (3) (5) ; MDW
Log Comd (2) A (20) CHQ (2) FC (2)
; ; ;

PMS&T (1) Sch (2) except 5, 6, 7, 17 (50) Dep (except Sec of Gen Dep) (2) Dep 11
; ; ;

(including Sig Sec of Gen Dep) (20) Tng Cen (2) except 11 (100) Lab 11 (2) 4th
; ;

& 5th Ech Maint Shops 11 (2) PE, OSD (3) Mil Dist (3) Two (2) copies to each of
; ;

the following T/O&E's: 11-7N; 11-15N; 11-57N; 11-95; 11-537T; 11-547; 11-617.

NG : Same as Active Army.

ORC: Same as Active Army.
For explanation of distribution formula, see SR 310-90-1.

AGO 2244A

Paragraph Page
Introduction 1 1
Importance to communication 2 1
Early experimenters 3 2
Tube types 4 4
Tube functions 5 5
Summary 6 8
Review questions 7 8


Basic theory of electron emission : 8 9
Thermionic emission 9 11
Other types of electron emission 10 11
Types of emitters 11 12
Materials used 12 13
Summary 13 14
Review questions 14 14

Construction 15 15
Operation 16 17
Space charge 17 20
Vacuum-tube characteristics 18 24
Linear and nonlinear characteristics 19 26
Static and dynamic characteristics 20 27
Family of curves 21 27
Plate-current emitter-temperature characteristic 22 28
Plate-current plate-voltage characteristic 23 29
D-c plate resistance of diode 24 31
A-c plate resistance of diode_ 25 33
Static and dynamic diode characteristics 26 34
Uses 27 36
Types 28 36
Electron transit time 29 36
Summary 30 38
Review questions 31 38

Control grid 32 40
Input, output, and cathode circuits of triode 33 44
Electrostatic field in triode 34 45
Negative voltage on control grid 35 46
Positive voltage on grid 36 47
Summary of control-grid action 37 48
Additional characteristics 38 49
Bias, signal voltage, and plate current 39 50
Characteristic curve 40 52
Triode circuit notations 41 52
Static plate-current grid-voltage characteristics 42 52
Grid family of characteristic curves 43 56
Static plate-current plate-voltage characteristics 44 59
Tube constants : 45 60

AGO 2244A
Paragraph Page
Amplification factor . 46 60
Finding p from plate families 47 62
Plate resistance 48 63
Transconductance (mutual conductance) 49 65
Relation betweenii, r p and g m
, 50 67
Dynamic characteristics of a triode 51 69
Load line 52 71
Dynamic transfer characteristic 53 74
Effect of different loads 54 75
Simple triode amplifier : 55 76
Operating point 56 77
Interelectrode capacitances 57 81
Summary 58 82
Eeview questions 59 84


Section I. Tetrodes
General 60 86
Tetrode 61 86
Plate-current plate- voltage characteristic curves 62 89
Constants of tetrodes 63 91
Advantages and disadvantages of tetrode 64 92
II. Pentodes
Physical construction 65 93
Pentode circuit 66 94
Characteristic curves 67 95
Constants of pentodes 68 96
Dynamic transfer characteristic 69 97
Beam power tubes- 70 99
Pentodes as triodes 71 103
Variable-^ tubes 72 103
///. Multigrid and multiunit tubes
Multigrid tubes 73 105
Multiunit or dual-purpose tubes 74 108
IV. Summary and review questions
Summary 75 109
Eeview questions 76 109

General 77 111
Class A operation 78 112
Class B
operation 79 112
Class ABoperation 80 114
Class C operation 81 116
Push-pull operation 82 116
Table of characteristics 83 120
Phase relationships in amplifiers 84 120
Methods of biasing 85 121
Summary 86 125
Review questions 87 126


Introduction 88 127
Resistance-capacitance coupling 89 127
Gain of an R-C coupled amplifier 90 129
R-C-L coupling network 91 132
Transformer coupling 92 133
Tuned-circuit coupling 93 135
Direct coupling 94 137
Gain by measurement 95 138
Distortion 96 139

AGO 2244A
Paragraph Page


Feedback in amplifiers 97 140
Summary 98 141
Review questions 99 142


Section I. Power rectification
General 100 144
Power rectification 101 144
Half -wave diode rectifier 102 145
Full-wave diode rectifier 103 146
Rectifier tubes 104 147
II. Signal rectification
Radio communication 105 148
Detection 106 150
Diode detector 107 151
Other types of detectors 108 152
Detector characteristics 109 15S
///. Summary and questions
Summary 110 154
Review questions 111 154

Introduction 112 155
Conditions for oscillation 113 155
Types of oscillators 114 159
Heterodyne principle 115 163
Summary 116 163
Review questions 117 164


Difference between transmitting and receiving tubes 118 165
Construction of transmitter tubes 119 166
Transmitting-tube applications 120 170
Tuning procedure 121 189
Summary 122 190
Review questions 123 191


Gas-filled tubes 124 193
Phototubes 125 197
Electron-ray indicators 126 199
Tubes for high frequencies 127 199
Microwave tubes 128 200
Cathode-ray tubes 129 202
Summary 130 203
Review questions . 131 203


Electron-tube electrode connections 132 204
Electron-tube type designation 133 206
Information in tube manual 134 207
Uses of tube manual 135 208
Summary 136 209
Review questions 137 209



AGO 2244A

- .
• TM 66?- (0

The electron tube is a vital element in modern signal communication facilities.




1. Introduction on electromagnetic waves as the link. The in-

telligence that is transmitted in this fashion

a. The success of modern military operations, may be in code or it may be voice or music in-
as well as of the peacetime activities of the tended for specific points or for general recep-
armed forces, depends in a great measure on tion over a wide area, or it may be both, plus
signal communication facilities. Whether on other forms.
the offense or the defense, in the front lines b. It is equally important to understand that
or far behind the lines, exchange of information the telephone, the teletype, and facsimile also
is vital to the successful movement of personnel are signal communication facilities, even if they
and equipment. On the ground, in the air, or use wire as the linking medium. These wired
below the surface of the seas, electronic devices systems frequently are integrated into radio
are in daily use, and in every one of these uses systems wherein the intelligence first spans a
the electron tube is a vital element (fig. 1). distance over wires and then is fed into a radio
b. Fundamentally, the electron tube is a valve link for transmission to some remote point or,
which provides the means of conducting elec- possibly, to a point not too distant which cannot
trons through the enclosed space within a glass be reached by conducting wire.
or metal container. As the electrons move from c. Radar, too, in its many forms, is a signal

the end of one metallic conductor, or electrode, communication facility. It is conceivable that
across the intervening space to the other elec- it might be placed in a special category, but even

trode, or conductor, they are controlled more so it is embraced by the broad meaning of the
easily than if the same electrons were passing communication art. Although public address
through a wire or any other type of conductor. systems and intercommunication systems are
This power to control electrons or electron cur- removed from radio systems, they are part of
rents and their associated voltages makes the military signal communication facilities, as are
electron tube the most useful single element many other equipments which transmit in-
in modern signal communication equipment. telligence.
The present high level of signal communication d. In all of these communication devices, the
and its tremendous versatility are due to the electron tube is the vital component and its

existence of the electron tube. Radio communi- unique feature is an extraordinary versatility.
cation was utilized prior to the development of Here is a device which, at first view, appears
electron tubes, but it attained its present ver- to be rather fragile and capable of only limited
satility only after the electron tube was in- types of service. But appearances are deceptive
vented. The electron tube is unrivaled in sensitivity by
any other electrical or mechanical device, since
it can discriminate between quantities in terms
2. Importance to Communication
of millionths of a second of time; yet it can
a. In the armed forces, signal communication handle electrical energy in terms of thousands
means many things and a wide variety of equip- of watts of power. Following are some of the
ment. Radio communication is prominent types of service in which these tubes play an
among these, but it is just one method of ex- important part:
changing intelligence, or information, between (1) In social life. The long-distance tele-
two points namely, that method which depends
: phone, national and world-wide radio

AGO 2244A 1
broadcasting, sound motion pictures, numerous investigators. Actually, to trace the
public address systems, and television very beginnings of certain important dis-
are all well known,
and their impact coveries, which later led to fruitful results,
on customs and on national and
social would necessitate a discussion beyond the scope
international relations has been tre- of this manual. However, for all practical pur-
mendous. poses, modern radio art may be said to have
(2) In commercial communication. Air, had its beginnings toward the end of the last
land, and sea communication are car- century when, in 1883, Thomas A. Edison was
ried on by means of radiotelegraphy experimenting with his newly invented incan-
and radiotelephony. Navigation aids, descent lamp.
both aircraft and marine, have les- b. The Edison incandescent lamp may be re-
sened the hazards of travel. garded, in a sense, as the forerunner or proto-
(3) In industry. Electric-eye control de- type of the modern electron tube. Edison
vices for automatically controlling noticed that the carbon wire filament of these
quality, and size of manufac-
color, first incandescent lamps burned out at the point
tured products, and for performing all at which the filament entered the glass bulb.
kinds of counting, sorting, timing, re- Looking for an explanation, he inserted a
cording, and similar operations, have second conductor or plate into the lamp (this
been invaluable to industry. Induction is basically the structure of the diode, or two-
heating applications for production electrode tube of today), and recorded in his
soldering, welding, and heat treatment notebook that this dead end wire or plate, when
of metals in metal fabrications have connected through a current meter to the posi-
been instrumental in reducing factory tive side of the battery, showed a flow of cur-
time and costs. rent (fig. 2) across the space between the fila-
(4) In medical therapy. X-ray therapy, ment and the plate. Normally, such an arrange-
diathermy for inducing curative arti- ment constituted an open circuit; therefore,
ficial fevers, and high-frequency ap- current flow, according to the knowledge of
plications in bloodless surgery have electrical circuits at that time, was regarded
provided vital tools for the medical as an impossibility, for here was an open cir-
profession. cuit. Edison could find no satisfactory explana-

(5) In scientific research. Atomic experi- tion for this phenomenon, which became known
mentation, electron microscopy, instru- as the Edison effect.
mentation, computer and recording de- c. An accurate and epoch-making explana-
vices have become practical realities. tion of theEdison effect was advanced in 1899
(6) In military communications. Radar, by a British scientist, Sir J. J. Thomson. He
fire-control apparatus, communication presented the theory that small, negative par-
facilities between fixed and mobile ticles of electricity, called electrons, were emit-
units have increased the mobility and ted by the filament in Edison's lamp as a result
the power of land, sea, and air forces. of operating it at incandescence or white heat.
e. Finally, so numerous and varied are the He said, further, that these electrons, because
applications of electron tubes that a new branch of their negative charge, were attracted to the
of engineering has been created, that of elec- positively charged plate. Thus, as long as the
tronics, which encompasses the widespread ap- filament was heated to the proper temperature,
plications of electron tubes. electrons would flow from it to the plate. This
movement of electrons constituted a flow of
3. Early Experimenters electron current, and the electron stream was
the means by which the gap was bridged across
The development of the electron tube and
the intervening space between the filament and
its associated communication circuits as they
the plate, thus closing the circuit.
exist today was not the work of any one scien-
tist.Rather it was the cumulative result of d. Thomson's findings came to be known as
the researches, discoveries, and inventions of the electron theory. Briefly, this theory views

AGO 2244A
into direct current. Fleming, calling his modi-
fiedversion of Edison's two-electrode lamp a
valve (the term still used for the electron tube
in England), thereby provided a superior de,
tector to supplant the comparatively insensi-
tive crystal detectors then being used in radio
receivers in Guglielmo Marconi's system of
wireless telegraphy. The crystal detector was
a parallel development, which, following the
experiments of numerous predecessors, Marconi
made a reality in 1901 when his historical sig-
nals of the letter S (three dots) spanned the
METAL Atlantic Ocean. With the advent of Fleming's
PLATE valve, the two major lines of discovery and
invention, from which the radio art evolved,
were joined.
/. Fleming's valve was a two-electrode tube.

For several years it was the only electron device

in use. At this point it seemed that the progress
of wireless communication had reached its prac-
tical limit, a limit determined by the existing
methods and devices used for transmitting and
receiving radio signals. The most powerful

TM 662-11

Figure 2. Circuit of Edison's two-electrode tube.

the atoms of all matter as being composed of

mfmitesimally small, individual negative par-
ticles, or electrons, held within the atom by
the attraction of a central nucleus of positively
charged particles called protons. Under suitable
conditions, as by the application of heat to a
substance, some of the electrons within the
substance could be liberated. This extremely METAL
important theory gave great impetus to subse- PLATE
quent research, and led to great developments
in electron tubes.
e. Equipped with this knowledge, other scien-
tists explored further. The next significant de-
velopment of far-reaching importance was the
work of J. A. Fleming, an English scientist,
who designed the first practical electron tube.
Fleming observed from Edison's work that,
when the plate connection was made to the
negative rather than to the positive side of
the battery, the current was zero (fig. 3) This .

property provided the basis for the operation of TM 6 62-1

the electron tube as a rectifier, that is, as a Figure 3. With plate connectednegative side of
device for the conversion of alternating current battery, current through tube is zero.

AGO 2244A 3

transmitters could transmit signals to receiv- or, ina few isolated cases, of both materials.
ing sets more than several hundred miles away, The absence or presence of air or other gases
but the reception of such signals was undepend- in the envelope distinguishes the two funda-
able. The range and the dependability of radio mental classes of electron tubes. In the vacuum
communication could be increased only by the tube, all gases have been removed; in the
development of some method by which the weak gaseous tube, after all air has been removed, a
signal could be amplified. The vacuum tube de- small amount of mercury vapor or inert gas is
veloped by Lee DeForest in 1907 supplied this placed within the envelope.
needed means of amplification. Later improve-
ments of this tube have made possible the recep-
tion of radio signals millions of times too weak
to be audible without amplification.

DeForest, by inserting an extra electrode

in the form of a few turns of fine wire between
the filament and the plate of Fleming's valve,
made the tube an amplifier. DeForest called
the third electrode the control grid. It provided
the desired amplification by virtue of the fact
that relatively large plate current and voltage
changes could be controlled by small variations
of control-grid voltage without expenditure of
appreciable power in the control circuit. De-
Forest called his three-electrode tube an audion,
a designation superseded in present-day usage
by the term triode (fig. 4)

4. Tube Types
a. Each kind of electron tube is capable,
generally, of performing many different func-
tions, and therefore initial classification of
these tubes is not based on function but upon
their physical construction (fig. 5). The en- Figure i. Construction of DeForest's three-element tube,
velopes or housings are made of glass or metal or triode.

4 AGO 2244A
b. In all electron tubes, one electrode, called 5. Tube Functions
the cathode, is the emitter of electrons, and it
The functions performed by electron tubes
must be heated to cherry red or to incandes-
are many and varied, but for convenience these
cence before the electrons are freed from its
functions may be consolidated into a few gen-
surface to move across to the second electrode, eral groups. Each function is determined not
or anode. In vacuum tubes, sometimes called only by the tube type but also by the circuit and
high-vacuum or hard-vacuum tubes, the cathode its associated apparatus.
is in almost every case (the photoelectric tube
a. A
general capability of the electron tube
is excepted) heated by some external source
is an ac (alternating current) so that
to alter
of power, and these tubes, therefore, are not
it becomes a pulsating dc (direct current) (fig.
distinguished as to type of cathode. In gaseous 6) Associated apparatus can smooth out the

tubes, sometimes called soft tubes, a further variations in the current, and the system as a
subclassification is made into hot-cathode and whole can be said to change an alternating cur-
cold-cathode types. In the first type, the cathode rent into a constant-amplitude direct current.
is heated to the proper temperature for emis- This function provides convenient sources of
sion by some external source of power; in the d-c voltage when the only available primary
second type, the gas within the tube is ionized, source of electrical energy an a-c power line
then the cathode is bombarded by positive ions or an a-c generator. These d-c voltages may be
which raise the cathode to the correct emission as low as a fraction of a volt and as high as tens
temperature. of thousands of volts. The action of changing
an alternating current into a pulsating direct
c. Both vacuum tubes and gaseous tubes of
current is referred to in general terms as rec-
either the hot- or cold-cathode type are further
tification, and the electron tube which does this
classified as to the number of active elements
is called a rectifier.
or electrodes contained inside the envelope.
The simplest of these, described above, con- b. Another significant and useful capability
tains two elements and is known as a diode. of the electron tube, and perhaps its most im-
A tube which contains three elements is known portant function, is described as amplification
as a triode, and a tube with four elements is (fig. 7). A stronger signal voltage may be ob-
called a tetrode. If it contains five elements it tained from the tube than is fed into it. In
is a pentode. In each instance, the type classi- effect, the tube is a signal voltage magnifier.
fication indicates the number of elements which A signal equal to 1 volt fed into the input system
make up the tube. In the following chapters of the amplifying tube may appear as 20 volts
each of these tubes is illustrated and the differ- at its output. Different arrangements provide
ences between them fully explained. for different amounts of signal amplification.



Figure 6. Function of tube as rectifier of alternating current.

AGO 2244A

Figure 7. Function of tube as amplifier.

(1) This amplification ability of the elec- c. Still another extremely important facility
tron tube accounts for the advanced offered by the vacuum tube is the conversion
development of modern-day communi- of electrical energy existing as direct current
cation. It is the basis of all long-dis- and voltage into alternating current and volt-
tance telephony,because repeaters age (fig. 8). Used in this manner, the tube
(electron-tube amplifiers) compensate draws energy from a d-c source and, in con-
for the energy losses encountered in junction with suitable apparatus, generates
the wires. Also, by means of public high-frequency oscillations. This function has
address systems, the electron tube is been responsible for innumerable developments
used to amplify the voice of an indi- in the communication field.

vidual so that thousands of people (1) The principle of oscillation underlies

gathered together may hear it clearly. the operation of virtually every type
(2) Amplification by electron tubes makes of radio transmitter, large or small,
radar possible because it strengthens fixed or portable. As a generator of

the echo signal received from the tar- high-frequency oscillation, the electron
get so that it can be made visible on tube replaces ponderous rotating ma-
a special screen. It is responsible for chinery. Even more important is that
teletype operation. Television would specialized oscillators opened up the
be impossible without it. Amplification very-high- and ultra-high-frequency
is essential in radio transmitters and and microwave regions for operation.
receivers of all kinds to build up elec- These extend from approximately 30
trical energy to proportions necessary mc (megacycles) to tens of thousands
for proper operation of the various of megacycles. The use of these fre-
circuits of the equipment. quencies has helped to overcome the



Figure 8. Function of electron tube as generator of alternating current.

AGO 2244A
communication limitations caused by ment. Electronic computers could not operate
changing seasons and the effects of without waveshaping of the currents and volt-
weather. It helped create new tech- ages present in the equipment.
niques, among which are radar, tele- e. A singular type of electron tube is capable
vision, and radio facsimile. of converting light energy into electrical energy.
(2) Availability of these high-frequencies This is the photoelectric tube, also called the
has made possible the convenient use phototube. In contrast to the conventional elec-
of low power and the design of small tron tube, the phototube does not employ an
receivers, transmitters, and antennas. incandescent electron source. Instead, electrons
All of these are important contribu- are liberated from a specially prepared surface
tions and make feasible radio contact inside the tube when radiant energy strikes the
between planes and tanks, or landing material. The stream of charges thus developed
forces and ships. is an electric current and gives rise to a voltage
d. The electron tube can modify the shape of in the system. The net result is a voltage out-
electric current and voltage waveforms; that put for visible or invisible light input. Although
is, itcan change the amplitude of these quan- not as versatile as the conventional electron
tities relative to time. Voltage and current tube, the phototube has many uses. It affords
shaping (figs. 9 and 10) are vital to the opera- a means of using light energy to control devices
tion of numerous electronic devices. It is used or systems or to operate many kinds of equip-
in code transmission, the timing of circuit ac- ment. The reproduction of sound from a photo-
tions in radar, in the production of television graphic image on a film is one of many applica-
pictures, and in the operation of teletype equip- tions of the phototube.


TM 662-18

Figure 9. One type of waveshaping accomplished by electron tubes. The input signal is a sine wave;
the output is a square wave.

+ = -i K L.


TM 662-19

Figure 10. Another type of waveshaping. Only parts of the positive peaks of the input signal are present
in the output.

AGO 2244A
6. Summary 7. Review Questions
a. The term electron tube is a general one
a. What are the two classifications of electron
under which are grouped vacuum tubes, photo- tubes as distinguished by the presence or ab-
electric cells, phototubes, cathode-ray tubes, sence of gas within them?
and many other types. The operation of all
b. List and describe briefly 12 or more gen-
electron tubes is based on the controlled flow
eral uses for electron tubes.
of electrons within the tube structure.
c. What are some of the various services in-
b. In their various forms, electron tubes are
found in devices that perform some necessary cluded under the general term communication?
function in almost every phase of social, indus- d. Name some types of signal communication
trial, scientific, and military life. facilities used by the armed forces.
c. Probably the very first important step in
e. Explain the Edison effect.
radio development was the discovery of the
/. Explain briefly the contributions to the
Edison effect. Many other scientists contrib-
radio art by Fleming, Thomson, Marconi, and
uted important discoveries and inventions.
Thomas, Fleming, DeForest, and Marconi are
among these early pioneers. g. What are the names for two-, three-, four-

d. DeForest's original three-electrode tube

and five-element tubes ?
was called an audion, a designation now super- h. What is the linking medium in radio
seded by the term triode, and Fleming's orig- broadcasting, facsimile, teletype, telephone,
inal diode was termed a valve, the designation radar?
that still is used in England instead of the term i. Name and describe briefly some of the spe-
tube. cial functions which electron tubes can per-
e. According to the number of elements they form.
contain, electron tubes are classified as diodes,
j. In what sense is an electron tube an ampli-
triodes, tetrodes, or pentodes.
/. Among the many special functions which
they are capable of performing, that of amplifi-
k. How does a phototube differ from an ordi-

cation of electrical energy is perhaps the out-

nary electron tube?
standing feature of electron tubes. The diode, I. What special capabilities of electron tubes
however, does not provide amplification, but differentiate them from electrical and mechan-
it performs another basically important func- ical devices designed for similar types of serv-
tion — rectification. ice?

AGO 2244A

8. Basic Theory of Electron Emission and photons, but their study concerns the chem-
istand the nuclear physicist. The early elec-
a. The operation of all electron tubes de-
tron concept, as suggested by Nels Bohr, is sat-
pends on an available supply of electrons. Elec-
isfactory to students concerned with electronics
tron emission can be accomplished by four
and provides a useful physical picture neces-
methods, the most important of which is ther-
sary for the study of the properties of electric-
mionic emission. Thermionic emission is the
liberation of electrons from a metallic emitter
e. In any material, confined in a given vol-
by the application of sufficient heat. Other
ume, the atoms or molecules are in a state of
methods are secondary emission, photoelectric
emission, and cold-cathode emission.
random motion around a mean position. The
All of
extent of this motion is determined by the na-
these are discussed later in this chapter.
ture of the substance and its temperature. In
b. In the vacuum type of electron tube, as
solids, this random motion is restrained the
much air as possible is withdrawn from the en-
greatest amount. In liquids, the restraint is
velope and all the electrons needed for opera-
less, and in gases, it is the least, almost none.
tion of the device are obtained from the emit-
This explains why a solid substance holds its
ter. In the other general category of electron
shape unless forces are applied to change it,
tubes, known as the gaseous type, all air is re-
why a liquid changes its shape to suit its con-
moved from the tube and a small amount of
tainer, and why a gas attempts to fill the space
mercury or some inert gas (neon, argon, xenon,
in which it is liberated.
etc.) is placed within the envelope. The emitter
/. Inasmuch as the item of concern is the
furnishes the primary supply of electrons. The
emitter output provides electron bullets for emission of electrons from metals which may
ionization of the gas atoms. This process is ex- or may not bear coatings of certain chemical

plained in a later chapter of this manual. elements, it will be well to discuss the action
of atoms and molecules. It is significant to note
c. The atomic theory, which maintained that
that the amount of random motion in atoms
the atom was the fundamental building block of
and molecules is a function of temperature. If
matter, gave way to the electron theory, which
the temperature of a metal is reduced, its
revealed that the electrons and protons which
amount of random motion is reduced, and its
comprised the atoms were actually the primary
resistance to the flow of electric current is re-
particles of matter. Accordingly, all electron-
duced. This action can be explained by saying
tube and electrical phenomena now are ex-
that the electrons which comprise the current
plained in terms of the electron theory.
meet and experience fewer col-
less opposition
d. The electron theory states that all matter lisions with the atoms, because the atoms are
consists of two basic electrical charges: posi- restricted in their movements.
tively charged protons and negatively charged
g. On the other hand, if the material is
electrons. These charged particles are the prin- heated, energy added to the energy already
cipal and fundamental building blocks which possessed by the atoms and the molecules in
form the atoms comprising the 90-odd elements motion, and they perform greater movements
constituting all matter. Recent investigations at greater velocity. When a fuse blows, the
have disclosed neutrons, positrons, mesotrons, action is simple. The high current overload

AGO 2244A
heats the fuse material so that the kinetic en- keep it within (fig. 12). This behavior of dif-
ergy of the atoms and molecules is sufficient to ferent materials is described as the work func-
disrupt the molecular organization of the metal tion of the substance. As a matter of conven-
completely, and it passes instantly through the ience, this constant usually is expressed in elec-
stage of liquefaction and turns into vapor. Con- tron volts of energy or simply electron volts.
sequently, it becomes a part of the surrounding Consequently, if an electron advances from a
air. point of zero potential to a point that is 10 volts
h. In like fashion, the free electrons in a positive, it has acquired 10 electron volts of
substance held at normal temperature perform energy. Under such conditions, the velocity of
random motion in their travel between atoms, the electron is described as 10 electron volts
as illustrated in exaggerated form in figure 11. or,for convenience, 10 volts. Potential barrier
This takes place at a relatively high velocity. isanother name for the action that occurs at the
Since these electrons move around so rapidly, surface of a material and is also expressed in
one is tempted to ask the natural questions: electron volts.
Why don't they move out of the material for —
instance, a piece of wire ? Why don't they break
through the surface and get into free space? ELECTRONS
Some do just that, but they are so few in num- SURFACE
ber as to be of no importance. The generally
accepted description of what happens is that
there is no liberation of electrons until special
conditions are created deliberately. The reason METAL
for such behavior was first explained by 0. W.
Richardson in 1901. Richardson's theory con-
cerning conditions at the surface of a hot metal
has subsequently been accepted by scientists.
TM 662-21

Figure 12. Free electrons escaping into air and to
surface of metal.

j. Various substances have certain work

functions. A
substance like thoriated tungsten,
which is commonly used in electron tubes as
the source of electrons, has a work function
rating of 2.63 volts. On the other hand, nickel
coated with barium oxide has a work function
TM 662-20
rating of about 1 volt. The lower this rating
Figure 11. Free electrons having random motion at is more easily an electron can penetrate the
normal temperature within a metal.
surface and leave the material. Consequently,
oxide-coated substances often are used as emit-
i.Richardson advanced the idea that the
ters of electrons in electron tubes when a large
boundary of a substance exerts a force in a di- electron flow is desired. In terms of electron
rection toward the inside of the substance, and
velocity, the lower the work function rating,
so prevents the electrons from leaving the mate-
the less the velocity of the electron needs to be
rial by penetrating through its surface. For an
in order to leave the surface. This gives rise to
electron to break through the surface, it is nec-
the use of different kinds of electron-emitting
essary that its velocity, as it approaches the
substances in electron tubes.
surface, be greater than a critical amount, in
order that kinetic energy be sufficient to over- k. The statements made so far show that the

come the barrier at the surface which tends to emission of electrons by a substance is possible

AGO 2244A
by giving the electrons such velocity that they 13). When, for example, a stream of high-ve-
will overcome the restraining forces present at locity electrons strikes a metallic substance,
the surface. This means adding energy to the these bombarding electrons impart sufficient
amount already possessed by the electrons. Sev- energy to the electrons within the metal to en-
eral methods of doing this will be described able them to break through the potential bar-
presently. rier. Although in the figure only one secondary
electron is shown to be released for each pri-

9. Thermionic Emission mary electron, in actual practice the number of

secondary electrons may be more, depending on
a. Thermionic emission is one means of se-
the material from which the body is con-
curing an adequate supply of electrons for the structed. In some vacuum tubes, secondary
operation of both vacuum and gaseous kinds of emission takes place in the normal tube opera-
electron tubes. By definition, thermionic emis-
tion, but usually it is undesired and provision
sion is the emission of charged particles from
is made to prevent it. However, this condition
a heated cathode or emitter. The acceleration
is created purposely in other tubes to obtain
of the electron to the velocity required for it
special operating characteristics.
to leave an emitter is accomplished by means
of heat applied by any one of a number of proc-
esses. Consequently, the name thermionic tubes
sometimes is used to describe electron tubes.
b. In thermionic emission, heat is the form of
energy that used to liberate electrons from

the substance. When heat is applied to a metal

and the temperature is raised sufficiently, some
of the heat energy is transferred to the elec-
trons. The electrons then move with greater
velocities than previously. If the temperature
is high, so that the motion of the electrons
reaches sufficient velocity, they will escape
through the potential barrier of the emitter
into space. When this action is controlled, as TM 662-22
in the case of electron tubes, it can be made to
provide a continuous stream of electrons. Figure IS. Secondary emission caused by electron
c. For a given type of emitter, there is a
definite rate of thermionic emission at each Another method of producing electron
temperature. The rate depends on the type of emission is by the application of light. Light,
emitter material used and the temperature of
an electromagnetic radiation, is a form of en-
the emitter. This process is fully described in
ergy. The theory by which electrons are lib-
chapter 3.
erated from substances when electromagnetic
waves of the proper frequency impinge on them
1 0. Other Types of Electron Emission
is very complex and is beyond the scope of this
a. Thermionic emission sometimes is re- book, but it is an accepted fact that electron
ferred to as primary emission to distinguish it
emission does take place. Consequently, when
from another type of electron emission called
energy in the form of light strikes a photo-
secondary emission. In this comparison, pri-
sensitive metal, electrons are liberated from
mary emission signifies that emission takes
place directly from an emitter substance by the
this metal under impact of the energy of the
application of heat, or other means; in sec- light rays (fig. 14). This is known as photo-
ondary emission, electrons are detached from electric emission. The photoelectric current is

a body as the result of its being bombarded by directly proportional to the intensity of illu-
electrons emitted from a primary source (fig. mination. All photoelectric tubes, or photo-

AGO 2244A 11
tubes used in countless applications for control a. Directly Heated Electron Emitters
and detection depend on photoelectric emission (fig. 15). A directly heated electron emitter or
for their operation. filament is usually of the general construction
shown in A. The radio symbol for the filament
in a vacuum tube is shown in B. Physically,
PHOTOSENSITIVE the filament usually is shaped either in the form
METAL of an inverted V or an inverted W. The fila-
ELECTRONS ment voltage required to produce electron emis-
sion is applied across the filament prong termi-
nals located in the base of the tube. When cur-
rent flows through the filament circuit, the fila-
COLLECTOR ment emits electrons when it reaches emission
temperature. Filament materials are tungsten,
thoriated tungsten, or metals that have been
coated with alkaline-earth oxides. In the latter
case, the electron-emitting material is the coat-
ing the metal core is used to carry the heating

current. Some directly heated oxide-coated fila-

ments require comparatively little heating
power, and for this reason they are extensively
used in tubes designed for operation from bat-
teries and in portable equipments. An added
advantage of the directly heated electron source
is the rapidity with which it reaches electron-

emitting temperature. Since this is almost in-

stantaneous, many equipments that must be
TM 662-23
turned on at infrequent intervals but must be
instantly usable use directly heated tubes.
Figure lb. Photoelectric emission of electrons.
Usually these are of the oxide-coated variety.
b. Indirectly Heated Electron Emitters
c. another method is called cold-cathode
(fig. 16). For the indirectly heated type of
emission. In this type of emission, electrons
electron emitter, shown in A, the cathode elec-
are virtually pulled out of a substance by the
trode is the emitting element. B represents
power of an extremely strong electric attract- the radio symbol as it appears in vacuum tubes.
ing force. Since high voltages which raise
many problems are required in this method,
cold-cathode emission is not commonly used.
11. Types of Emitters FILAMENT

Electron emitters are classified according to

the method used to heat them. In the direct
method, the emitter is called a filament or di-


rectly heated cathode, and the electric current -_GLASS J i FILAMENT
is applied directly to the cathode. In the indi- STEMS LEADS
rect method, the emitter is called an indirectly
_ TUBE _
heated cathode and the electric current is sent A
through a separate heater element which is lo-
cated inside the emitting cathode and transfers A B
its heat energy to it by conduction. Both meth- TM 662-24

ods can use either alternating current or direct Figure 15. Directly heated filaments and schematic

12 AGO 2B44A
The electron source is an oxide coating on the designed for operation within definite tempera-
cathode electrode. It is heated to emission tem- ture limits to assure maximum operating life
perature by the heat from the heater. The elec- and efficiency. Excessive temperature causes
tric current flows through the heater, located extremely rapid deterioration of the emitter,
within the cathode that surrounds it. Heat en- which reduces its useful life. This applies
ergy produced in the heater by the electric cur- equally to all types of tubes using heated elec-
rent is conveyed by conduction to the cathode. tron emitters.
The majority of electron tubes are of the in-
directly heated type, because of the practicabil- 12. Materials Used
ity of operating the tube from alternating-cur-
a. Very high temperatures are required to
rent supply lines. Variations in heater current
produce satisfactory thermionic emission. As
do not cause a fluctuating output in electron
previously mentioned, the materials best suited
emission (for all practical purposes) because
for the purpose are tungsten, thoriated tung-
the temperature of the cathode remains fairly
constant when the a-c input reverses its direc-
sten, and oxide-coated core materials. Plat-
tion. The constant temperature is caused by
inum and nickel are examples of oxide-coated
core materials. Of all these substances, tung-
the inability of the cathode to cool off quickly
when the alternations are approximately 60 sten possesses the greatest durability, and
cps. This is not true for directly heated emit-
therefore, is used in tubes which may be sub-
jected to heavy overloads. Similar service is also
ters, and, consequently, special circuits are nec-
essary to adapt these tubes to an a-c filament
performed by thoriated-tungsten filaments.
Both of these generally are found in equipments
such as transmitters, since they can withstand
high voltages and rigorous conditions.
b. Thoriated-tungsten filaments are manu-
factured by mixing thorium with tungsten. The
-CATHODES- thorium coating behaves as a profuse emitter
of electrons and gradually evaporates during
use. As it boils off, it is replenished from inside
the tungsten filament wire. At the same time,
TUBE a gradual evaporation of the wire occurs con- ;

ENVELOPE sequently, it becomes thinner with time. Even-

tually one part of the filament becomes too weak
rti Ffi to carry the current and it burns out.

c. Thoriated-tungsten filaments usually are

operated at temperatures of about 1,900° C.

At this point, the filament becomes bright yel-
Figure 1 6. Indirectly heated emitter and schematic
low. Tungsten, on the other hand, is operated
at approximately 2,200° to 2,500° C. and glows
c. Factors Determining Emission. The with a white light. The evaporation of tungsten
amount of electron emission that can be ob- is like that of thoriated tungsten consequently,

tained from an incandescent filament or a longest tube life is attained by keeping the volt-
cathode depends on various factors. Essen- age constant across the filament and allowing
tially, it is determined by the temperature of the current to adjust itself in accordance with
the emitter, which in ordinary vacuum-tube the changes in filament resistance as the wire
operation is determined directly by the amount becomes thinner and thinner.
of current applied to the filament. In general, d. The most efficient electron emitters are
the higher the temperature of the emitter, the the oxide-coated filaments and cathodes. These
higher is the resultant emission. However, a coatings usually are barium or strontium ox-
practical limit must be considered. The sub- ides. The electron emission takes place from
stances used in the manufacture of emitters are the oxide coating; the core carries the heating

AGO 2244A
current. The operating temperature is approx- b. Name the two fundamental particles found
imately 800° to 1,150° C. in the atom.

c. State three methods by which electrons can

13. Summary be liberated from a material.

a. According to the electron theory, all mat- d. What enables electrons to leave a mate-
ter is composed of two fundamental electrical rial?

charges namely, protons and electrons. Dif- e. What is meant by the terms work function

ferent combinations of both form atoms. A and potential barrier?

molecule consists of one or more atoms, depend- f. Name three materials which are used as
ing on the particular element. electron emitters in electron tubes.
b. Free electrons in a substance at normal
g. Which type of substance emits electrons
temperature perform random motion in their most profusely?
travels between atoms.
What is meant by indirect heating of an
c. Some types of electron emission are ther-
emitter? By direct heating of an emitter?
mionic, secondary, photoelectric, and cold-
h. What is the name generally applied to an
indirectly heated emitter? To a directly heated
d. Electron emitters are either directly or
emitter ?
indirectly heated by an electric current. Be-
cause alternating current is the principal
i. What is the effect of operating emitters
at excessive temperatures?
source of electrical power available, the indi-
rect means of heating electron emitters is most j. Why are tungsten and thoriated-tungsten

widely used. emitters operated at constant voltage instead

e. Oxide-coated materials for cathodes are
of constant current?

used most commonly because of their high emis- k. What is the difference between primary

sion rate. Where higher voltages are involved, emission and secondary emission ?
mechanical strength is a requirement, and I. Relative to the source voltage, what advan-
therefore, tungsten or thoriated tungsten is tage does indirect heating offer over direct heat-
used. ing of emitters ?
m. Which operates more rapidly, the indi-
14. Review Questions rectly heated emitter or the directly heated
a. What are the building blocks of matter ? emitter ?

14 AGO 2244A


15. Construction by a metal support which allows for the expan-

sion of the filament wire when heated. The fila-
a. The simplest type of electron tube is the ment voltage is applied across the prong termi-
diode. It consists of two elements or electrodes, nals of the filament in the tube base. Figure 17
one of which is an emitter of electrons and the is a cross-sectional view of a simple diode tube,
other a collector of electrons. Both elements are showing the internal construction, tube base,
enclosed in an envelope of glass or metal. Al- and wiring.
though this discussion revolves around the
d. In indirectly heated tubes, the cathode-
vacuum diode from which most of the air has
heater design can be either of the two common
been removed, it should be understood that
types shown in figure 16. The heater wire is
gaseous diodes also exist. The term diode refers
usually either U-shaped, as shown on the left,
to the number of elements within the tube en-
velope rather than to any specific application.
In this connection, the complete electron-emit-
ting system is treated as one element. Different FILAMENT
names are applied to the diode to indicate the
specific function of the tube in any particular
electrical circuit. As one example, the diode PLATE
can change alternating current into direct cur-
rent it is then a rectifier, and the tube is named

accordingly. Therefore, when discussing the

basic diode, reference is made to the tube as a
type, rather than to any of its applications. FILAMENT
b. The electron collector is called the plate SUPPORTS
and the electron emitter is called the cathode.
Although the latter term more specifically ap- GLASS
plies to the indirectly heated type of emitter, STEM
whereas the directly heated type of emitter is GETTER
referred to as the filament, the term cathode
usually is used regardless of the method of heat-
ing. This usage is not so odd as it may seem,
since the majority of tubes in use today are of
the indirectly heated type. BASE
c. In directly heated tubes, the filament is of
the general construction illustrated in figure 15,
showing two typical filamentary cathodes. The
type shown at the left is known as an inverted UNUSED PIN
V, and that on the right as an inverted W. The
filament is held in place within the tube enve- FILAMENT PINS
lope (glass or metal) by means of suitable metal TM 662-26

supports firmly resting in the glass stem of the Figure 1 7. Cross-sectional view of simple half -wave
tube. It is suspended from the top of the tube diode of filament type.

AGO 2244A
in A, or can be twisted throughout its length,
it envelope, each section consisting of an emitter
as on the right, in A. In indirectly heated tubes, with its own heater and its related plate (A of
the cathode an oxide-coated cylindrical sleeve,
is fig. 18). A tube that contains a pair of diode
usually of nickel, which encloses the heater wire. sections is called a duo-diode, or a full-wave rec-
The heater is insulated from the nickel sleeve by tifier. The choice of term depends on the appli-
an Alundum coating on the heater wire or by cation of the tube. Rectifiers usually are asso-
passing the heater wire through fine parallel ciated with circuits which change alternating
holes in an Alundum tube. In directly heated current to pulsating direct current at reason-
high-power tubes, the cathode heater is con- ably high levels of electrical power, whereas
structed of tungsten and thoriated tungsten, the name diode or duo-diode is applied to tubes
since high voltages tend to destroy oxide-coated which perform the same function in connection
cathodes. with radio signals. These represent appreciably
e. The plate is usually of cylindrical construc- lower levels of electrical power. The differences
tion, although frequently it has an elliptical will become much clearer later.
form. In modern tubes it surrounds its associ- g. The circuit symbol for an electron tube
ated emitter, as in figure 18. The metals used with two cathodes and two plates is shown in
for the diode plate (and the plates of most other the lower part of A. The two heaters, one for
tubes) usually are nickel, molybdenum, monel, each cathode, are shown joined in series. The
or iron. A tube which contains one emitter and same heater current flows through both. The
a single related plate is identified generally as a two extreme terminals are arbitrarily labeled
half -wave rectifier, for reasons which will be ex- HI and H2. In some tube types, a center tap
plained later. Another name for tubes of this is provided in the heater circuit. This is shown

kind is simply diode. by the dotted line labeled H3. The two cathodes,
f. Another structural organization of diode Kl and K2, are independent of each other. The
tubes utilizes two diode sections inside a single plates associated with these cathodes are des-



#\ AND #2

TM 662-27

Figure 18. Construction of duo-diode and its schematic representation.

AGO 2244A
ignated appropriately PD1 and PD2, corre- erally magnesium or barium, flashed within

sponding to the markings for the cathodes. The the tube to absorb the gases released by the
circle around all of the electrodes symbolizes heat. The getter condenses on the inside surface
the tube envelope. of the tube envelope as a silver or reddish coat-
h. B shows a different physical arrangement ing. The slightest air leak caused by a cracked
of two diodes within a single envelope. This is glass envelope will result in a chemical reaction
a directly heated tube in which oval-shaped between air and the getter flash, turning it
plates surround the inverted V-shaped filament milky white. The tube interior is evacuated so
emitters. These filaments are connected in se- completely that it approaches a nearly perfect
ries, as shown in the related circuit symbol. vacuum. Fewer than half a trillion air mole-
Again, the two plates are independent of each cules per cubic inch is considered a very effi-

other and each bears its own identifying desig- cient vacuum for receiving tubes.

i. Modifications tube structure occur
of 16. Operation
among the many diode tube types. Two of these a. It is necessary to review briefly several
are illustrated in figure 19. One heater can fundamentals concerning the behavior of the
serve a single cathode, which has sufficient emis- electron before proceeding with the explanation
sion to serve two independent plates, as in A, of the operation of the diode. The electron is a
or two series-connected heaters can serve two particle of negative electricity. It is attracted
cathodes joined to each other internally and by a charge of opposite polarity and repelled by
terminated at a single tube base pin, as in B. a charge of like polarity. Such behavior is in
The plates are separate from each other for con- accordance with the basic laws of electricity
nection to individual circuits. which state that like charges repel and unlike
charges attract. What is true about charges is
true also about bodies or plates which are
charged positively by the removal of electrons
or charged negatively by the addition of elec-
trons. Consequently, if a source of voltage, E,
is connected between two facing plates, N and

M, as in A of figure 20, with the positive termi-

nal to N and the negative terminal to M, a dif-
ference of potential is established between N
TM 662-28 and M. This difference in potential equals the
Figure 19. Other schematic representations of
voltage source, E ; in addition, plate N is posi-
duo-diodes. tive relative to plate M, or negative
plate M is

relative to plate N. Finally, as the consequence

j. One of the essential requirements of a of the redistribution of charges on plates and N
vacuum tube is that it must remain practically M, an electrostatic field is created in the space
free of internal gases during operation. Every between the plates.
precaution is taken during manufacture to b. As explained in TM 11-661, the direction
pump all the air from the tube and bring it as of a line of force is the direction in which a posi-
close as possible to a fully evacuated state. When move when placed in an
tive test charge tends to
a tube is not highly evacuated (because of some Thus, because like charges attract
electric field.
defect in manufacture, or deterioration during and unlike charges repel, a positive test charge
use) it is said to be gassy. The flow of current
, tends to move toward a negative charge and
through a gassy tube may be erratic, and this away from another positive charge, or, from
can cause erratic operation. It is important to positive to negative. For this reason, the direc-
note that some gases remain after evacuation, tion of the line of force is shown as leaving a
being imbedded in the metal parts. To remove positive charge and entering a negative charge.
these imbedded gases, the tube elements first The choice of a positive charge as the test
are brought up to red heat; then a getter, gen- charge is conventional. Actually, if a negative

AGO 2244A
ELECTROSTATIC FIELD one because the study of vacuum tubes is con-
cerned largely with the behavior of the electron
in motion, and the electron, being a negative
charge of always tends to move from
negative to positive. Also, the electron tends to
move in the same direction as the arrows on the
lines of force, the latter being the graphical
representation of the electric field.
c. No
matter where the electron is placed in
the between N and M, it travels toward N
along the lines of force. Only two lines of force
are shown as a matter of convenience in the
drawing; actually, the entire space between
both plates is full of these imaginary lines of
force. Although they issue from point charges,
the radial arrangement of electrostatic fields
shown for isolated charges is not used here.
Great numbers of these charges are located on
the two parallel plates and the effect of the
forces caused by these charges within the space
bounded by the two plates can best be shown by
parallel lines.

d. If the connections of the voltage source are

reversed so that plate M
is joined to the positive
terminal and plate N to the negative terminal,
as in B of figure 20, the reverse condition is
established. The electrostatic field still exists in
the space between the two plates, but now the
direction of the lines of force of the field is re-
versed. Plate M is positive relative to plate N
and the electron advances along the lines of
force toward M, the positively charged plate.
TM 662-29
The action of an electron in an electrostatic
Figure 20. Electrostatic fields resulting from two field of this kind can be described simply by say-
plates and a battery. ing that it advances along the lines of force to
the most positive point in the field. In A of fig-

test charge is chosen, the direction of the line ure 20, this is plate N ; in B of figure 20, it is

of force will be reversed that is, a negative test

plate M.
charge, when placed in an electric field, tends to e. One factor that determines the intensity of

move toward a positive charge and away from the force of attraction and repulsion acting
another negative charge, or, from negative to upon the unit test charge is the distance be-
positive. Actually, it makes no difference tween plates M and N. The smaller the separa-
whether a positive test charge or a negative tion between M and N, the greater is the force
test charge is selected because, in either case, of the field for a given value of applied voltage.
the choice is arbitrary. The only difference is If the applied voltage is doubled, the force of
in the direction of the arrows on the lines of the field is doubled, and this has the same effect

force in the illustrations. Throughout this man- as reducing the distance between the plates by
ual, the use of a negative test charge is assumed half. (Plate separation has the inverse effect
and the direction of arrows on all lines of force with reference to the applied voltage.) Actually,
in the illustrations are shown from negative to the intensity of the electrostatic field can be in-
positive (A of fig. 20) . This choice is a logical creased by three methods : an increase in volt-

18 AGO 2244A
age applied to the plates, a reduction in the readily be a transformer of appropriate voltage
separation between the plates, and a combina- and current rating operated from the a-c power
tion of both of these methods. It follows that line. The latter is the usual arrangement.
any increase in the intensity of the electrostatic
a strengthening of the force act-
field results in
ing upon the electron. In effect, the greater this
force, the more powerfully is the electron either
attracted or repelled in its travel between the

/. Another point of interest that might be

mentioned is that, regardless of the number of

electrons advancing under the influence of the
field, their velocity per unit time is a function of

the difference of potential established between


the limits of the field. The greater the voltage JiKHl'I'I'I'h

on plate M relative to plate N, the faster the B
electrons travel through the field. If a great TM 662-30

many electrons start from some point near N,

Figure 21. Different conditions of current flow
the greater will be the number that will be able
through diode.
to advance to M
in a unit time. The lower the
difference of potential between the two plates,
i. Apart from the heater circuit, the operat-
the lower the velocity of the electrons, and con-
ing system consists of the emitter, in this in-
sequently, fewer electrons will span the field
stance the cathode, K, plate P, and the external
per unit time.
circuit consisting of a plate-voltage supply
g. All of the preceding leads to the most im- source, B, and a current meter, A. The voltage
portant part of the review. It is evident that applied to the plate is connected between the
the direction of the electron advance is deter- plateand the emitter. The purpose of the meter,
mined by the polarity of the field. If a source which is connected in the circuit, is to indicate
of electrons is assumed somewhere in the field, the behavior of the current. The plate battery
near plate N, and their behavior is examined is so connected as to make the plate negative
relative to plate M, it is seen that the electrons with relation to the cathode.
will feel a force attracting them to plate when M j. At this point, it is important to understand
that plate is positive, and will feel a repelling a certain action inside the tube. Regardless of
force when that plate is negative. Under one what may be connected between cathode and
set of conditions, electrons will advance to plate plate, or if no apparatus of any kind is joined
M and under another set of conditions they will to these electrodes, an electron cloud appears
not go to plate M. The relationship between near the cathode as soon as the cathode is heated
electron movement and the polarity of the field to electron-emitting temperature. This electron
is basic to the operation of the diode and to all cloud is located in the space between the cathode
electron tubes. and the plate. What happens to these negative
h. As a preliminary explanation at this time charges ? The answer is found in the discussion
and without attempting to deal with all of the of charged plates earlier in this chapter. With
pertinent points, reference is made to A of fig- plate P negative relative to cathode K, the emit-
ure 21. This is an elementary version of a diode ted electrons are prevented from advancing to
circuit. The emitter is indirectly heated. The the plate ; the direction of action of the electro-
voltage required to drive current through the static field between K and P repels the electrons.
heater secured from a source normally identi-
is In the meantime, the continued heating of the
fied as heater voltage supply. The polarity of cathode results in continued emission. The net
the filament battery can be reversed, since its result is a cloud of electrons in the space near
only purpose is to heat the filament. In the cir- the cathode, as illustrated by the tiny circles in
cuit shown it is a battery, but it can just as A of figure 21. The absence of electron flow be-

AGO 2244A

tween cathode and plate makes the interelec- valve, automatically starting and stop-
trode space the equivalent of an open circuit; ping current flow.
consequently, there is no current flow through n. These capabilities lead to many different
the tube circuit formed by the cathode, the plate, applications of the diode, several of which are
the current meter, and the plate-voltage supply detailed elsewhere in this manual. One of these
source. can be appreciated here. If the plate battery
k. In B of figure 21 the system has been modi- in B of figure 21 is replaced by an a-c voltage
fied by changing the polarity of the voltage ap- source, which alternately changes the polarity
plied to the plate, making the plate positive rela- of the plate and the cathode, the tube will alter-
tive to the cathode. What happens to the emit- nately conduct and cease conducting. Each time
ted electrons under such polarity conditions? the plate is made positive, current will flow
The previous discussion concerning the move- through the system and continue flowing until
ment of negative charges in an electrostatic the polarity of the plate is changed to negative,
field furnishes the answer. The positively at which time, current flow through the plate
charged plate now exerts an attracting force on circuit will cease. This is the principle of recti-
the emitted electrons. They advance across the fication.
space between cathode and plate. Since moving o. The fact that two diode systems are con-
charges comprise electric current, the stream tained within a single envelope does not modify
of electrons is the equivalent of an electric cur- the behavior. Each diode behaves as outlined.
rent without benefit of a wire conductor. The The use of two diode sections is a matter of ac-
movement of these charges can be viewed con- complishing certain results conveniently. These
veniently as being from the cathode to the plate, will be explained later.
thence through the meter, A, through the plate-
voltage source, B, and back into the cathode,
17. Space Charge
completing the circuit.
a.The statements made thus far in regard to
I. If assumed that the cathode is kept at
it is
the electrons emittedfrom a cathode (or fila-
an emitting temperature and the plate is main-
ment) and the statements made concerning the
tained positive relative to the cathode, the move-
plate voltage as well as the plate current may
ment of electrons continues through the circuit
well be considered more critically. How much
for as long as the aforementioned conditions
electron emission is possible? How much plate
prevail. Because the current flows to the plate
current is possible or permissible? How
in the tube and through the circuit elements
identified as plate cur-
can the voltage on the plate be ? These questions
joined to the plate, it is

rent. The electrons shown in B of figure 21, deserve answers because they influence the un-
now are seen to fill the space between the cath- derstanding of the over-all operation of the de-
ode and the plate. vice. This leads to the subject of space charge.

m. This behavior of a diode leads to a num- In order to make this manual easy to read, the

ber of important and far-reaching conclusions cathode and filament types of electron emitters
will be treated in like manner. Their physical
(1) Current flow in a diode occurs only
when the plate is positive relative to differences are taken for granted, but it is nec-
the electron emitter. essary to select one or the other term for easiest

when reference to emitters. Accordingly, the word

(2) Current will not flow in a diode
the plate is negative relative to the cathode will be used to denote the electron emit-
electron emitter. ter in all cases, unless otherwise specifically
stated. It will have meaning only as a source of
(3) Current flow in a diode can be in one
direction only, from cathode to plate, electrons, rather than as a term which distin-
never from plate to cathode. This ac- guishes indirectly heated emitters from directly
tion is called unidirectional or unilat- heated emitters.
eral conduction. 6. The number of electrons which traverse
(4) A diode can behave like a control the space between the cathode and the plate in

20 AGO 2244A
a diode per unit time (in other words, the plate plate, without any attracting pull from the
current) , is determined by four important fac- plate. These are so few in number that they
tors : can be disregarded in terms of normal function-
(1) The temperature of the cathode ing of the tube.
(2) The emission per unit time /. The second assumption is that the shape of
(3) The voltage of the plate relative to the the emitting surface of the cathode is a straight
cathode side or a plane surface. The third and final as-

(4) The space charge. sumption is that the electrons leave the cathode
c. Items (1) and (2) are related to each other
in an orderly manner and have orderly motion,

because the temperature of any cathode deter- something like the movement of troops in col-
mines the number of electrons emitted per unit umns. This is not really true because emission
time. Logically, a supply of electrons is neces- is haphazard and in random directions away

sary in order that plate current flow may exist. from the surface, but the assumption does no
Item (3), the plate voltage, harm. An idea of what is meant is illustrated
d. another im-
in B; the disposition of the electrons is shown
portant factor. It is the force attracting the
emitted electrons. At first thought, it would
more accurately in A. The orderly emission aids
the understanding of what follows. Let us start
seem as if a very low value of positive plate volt-
with the emission of the first row of electrons,
age would immediately attract all the electrons
in B. They have nothing in front of them to
which have been liberated by the cathode. This
does not happen because of item (4), the space
impede their progress. However, their low ve-
locity of emission is a limiting factor, and they
charge. The space charge is responsible for the
control of plate current. As a matter of fact, do have to contend with the second row in back
of them, the third group in back of the second,
plate current in diodes generally is described as
being space-charge limited, and an analysis of the fourth group in back of the third, and so
the behavior of the space charge explains why on. Since the basic law of charged bodies states

changes in the value of voltage applied to the that like charges repel one another, the elec-
plate change the value of plate current. The trons back of the first group are experiencing a
term space charge refers to the effect of the elec- repelling force exerted by the electrons in front

trons which have been liberated and which ac- of them, and the direction of this force is such
cumulate in the neighborhood of the cathode, as to retard the motion of the electrons in their
with or without plate-current flow in the tube. advance away from the cathode.
e. Imagine for a moment a tube arranged as g. Layers after layers of electrons feel these

illustrated in A of figure 22. The cathode is forces acting on both sides of them and, while
heated to an electron-emitting temperature and they do move under the velocity of emission,
the plate is joined to the cathode. Since no volt- the net result is a cloud of electrons near the
age is applied to the plate, it exerts no attract- cathode. The density of this cloud is greatest
ing force on the emitted electrons. If the cath- near the cathode, and less and less dense
ode is emitting electrons, what happens to them ? away from the cathode, as in A. To complete
As a beginning, it is necessary to make several the picture, it is necessary to consider two other
assumptions. The heat applied to the cathode points. Since each charge in space exerts an in-

imparts sufficient velocity to the electrons to fluence upon each neighboring charge, the ac-
enable them to overcome the work function of cumulation of the charges in space gives rise to
the emitter material. They break through the an accumulative effect of great importance.
potential barrier.But most of the energy pos- This is the condition created in the proximity
sessed by the electrons is given up in passing of the cathode. It is spoken of as the space
through the potential barrier and very little is charge. Actually it is an electrostatic field that
left after they leave the emitter. This is the exists between the boundary of the electron
firstassumption The electrons are considered
cloud facing the cathode and the emitting sur-
as leaving the cathode at a relatively low veloc- face of the cathode, as shown in C.
ity. A few emitted electrons can possess suffi- h. One limit of this electrostatic field is the
cient velocity to complete the excursion to the number of charges and the other is the emitting

AGO 2244A
TM 662-31

Figure 22. Electron accumulation in diode.

surface of the cathode. The direction of the velops a field of such intensity as to repel back
lines of force in terms of emitted electrons is into the cathode one electron for every electron
away from the electron cloud. The cathode sur- which enters the electron cloud. This condition
face, on the other hand, is assumed to be the of equilibrium in the space charge is called
positive boundary of the field, because as each emission saturation.
electron leaves it during emission, the cathode i. Every value of cathode temperature has a
contains one additional positive ion (an atom condition of emission saturation. This is under-
lacking one or more electrons) and tends to at- standable because an increase in cathode tem-
tract electrons back into itself. It might seem perature increases the velocity of the emitted
that the density of the space charge will in- electronsand these new electrons will enter the
crease as long as the cathode is emitting elec- space charge and make it more dense. After the
trons. Such is not the case. For any one given density has been increased to the point where
temperature of the cathode, the emission of elec- the field strength can offset the increased veloc-
trons is definitely limited, as is the density of ity of the emitted electron, a new level of emis-
the space charge. The reason for this is the re- sion saturation is reached for the new cathode
pelling action of the space charge. Having ac- temperature. It is evident, therefore, that the
quired a critical density, the space charge de- space charge has a controlling influence upon

11 AGO 2244A
the emission of electrons from the cathode. The the field created by the voltage applied to the
control exerted by the space charge on the plate plate. The between the space charge and
current can be seen by reference to figure 23. the cathode is treated separately. The move-
The positive plate voltage is applied to that elec- ment of an electron between cathode and plate
trode, giving it a positive charge. The plate is can, therefore, be viewed as being first into the
positive relative to the cathode, but in between space charge and then out of the space charge
these two electrodes is the space charge with to the plate. In this way equilibrium or constant
its retarding influence on the emitted electrons. electron density is maintained in the space


o — XXP-!

I-^tQPq o= XX

Hl'l'fr TM 662-32

Figure 23. Electrostatic fields present between cathode and plate as result of space charge.

j. Two electrostatic fields are, therefore, charge. If the equilibrium in the space charge
present between the cathode and the plate one : is disturbed by removing electrons from the
between the cathode and the space charge and portion that is nearer the plate because of the
the other between the space charge and the attracting power of the positive voltage on the
plate. Because of the presence of the space plate, it results in a reduction of the magnitude
charge, it is entirely proper to view the attract- of the field of the space charge. Its ability to
ing force of the positively charged plate as act- repel electrons emitted from the cathode is,

ing on the electrons in the space charge, rather therefore, reduced, and consequently only that
than directly on the electrons being emitted. number of electrons required to restore equi-
k. The reason for this is as follows : The lines librium will be added to the space charge in the
of force going to the positively charged plate zone near the cathode. More than this number
represent a certain number of excess positive will not be added to the space charge, because
charges on that plate, and, naturally, a defi-
the state of equilibrium must be maintained. If
ciency of a certain number of negative charges.
electrons equal to 10 ma (milliamperes) of cur-
The location of sufficient negative charges to
rent are removed from the space charge per
serve as terminations of the lines of force going
to the positive plate is unimportant. Although
second, that many electrons will enter the space

true that the plate voltage is applied be-

it is
charge from the cathode each second. The move-
tween the plate and the cathode, the electron ment of electrons is from the cathode into the
cloud (space charge) located in space between space charge, through the space charge, and
these two electrodes furnishes the number of out of the space charge to the plate without al-
negative charges required as terminations for tering the density of the space charge.

AGO 2244A
I. A directed movement of electrons in this ing force exerted by the positively charged plate
manner can be described as being the flow of and the number of electrons attracted to the
plate current between the cathode and the plate, plate. There is also a relationship between emit-
thence through the remainder of the system. It ter temperature and electron emission more —
is permissible to view the space charge as a res- specifically, filament emission and filament cur-
ervoir of electrons, from which are drawn the —
rent and between cathode emission and heater
negative charges which are required to equal the current.
instantaneous plate current. The cathode is the b. The manner in which these variable fac-
supply which replenishes the space charge. This tors influence a vacuum-tube operation estab-
is similar to a water-supply system in which the lishes the characteristics of the tube, and this
consumers draw water from a local reservoir, is most clearly illustrated by means of graphs
and a stream or lake automatically supplies the known as characteristic curves. As will be
equivalent amount of water required to main- shown, these curves provide useful reference
tain a predetermined level. data for studying tube performance, and also
m. For a given value of plate voltage and a for predicting performance under particular
constant cathode temperature, a fixed number conditions of operation.
of electrons are drawn from the space charge c. For simplicity, characteristic curves can

per unit time. This results in a plate current of be regarded as being charts of cause and effect.
a certain value which is measured in amperes. Characteristic curves are plotted within the
A change in plate voltage changes the rate of boundaries of two reference lines one, a ver- :

electron flow and the plate current likewise tical reference line called the vertical axis, the
changes to an extent determined by the direc- Y-axis, or the ordinate the other, a horizontal

tion of change in plate voltage. At a sufficiently line called the horizontal axis, the X-axis, or the
high positive plate voltage, all the emitted elec- abscissa (fig. 24). These two reference lines
trons enter the space charge because that many serve as scales upon which can be indicated the
leave the space charge. Then the plate current units of measures (volts, ohms, amperes, and
is equal to the emission current, by which is so on), representing variations in the depend-
meant the total number of electrons emitted by ent variable (effect) and the units of measure

the cathode per unit time. (volts, ohms, amperes), representing variations
n. The space charge performs a useful and in the independent variable (cause).
necessary function. In most tubes, the cathodes
(or filaments) are designed to emit a surplus of
electrons so that more of them are available
than are actually required during each unit
time. If there were no space charge, even a UJ

very low positive plate voltage would result in o

very high values of current and short emitter i
life. Some kind of control is, therefore, desir- SCALES IN

able, and this is exerted by the space charge. REQUIRED UNITS

Hence the statement that plate-current flow in <
diodes (and other electron tubes) is space- o
charge limited.
1 8. Vacuum-tube Characteristics
To study more adequately the various factors
and other tube types, this dis-
affecting diode
cussion of vacuum-tube characteristics is of
fundamental importance.
a. In a vacuum tube, a definite relationship
TM 662-33
exists between plate voltage and plate current Figure 24..Organization of chart on which tube
—that is, between the magnitude of the attract- characteristics can be drawn.

24 AGO 2244A
d. Generally, changes in the magnitude of starting at the 24-volt point on the voltage scale,
the cause (X-axis) are shown on the abscissa, leads to a new current value of 10.6 ma. Con-
and changes in the magnitude of the effect sequently, a change of 14 volts (from 10 to 24
(Y-axis) are shown on the ordinate. These volts) means a change of 5 ma.
scales of magnitude though not always,
g. Finally,simultaneous projections can be
start at the junction of the two axes, the
made from both axes, for various magnitudes
point. The units indicated depend on what in-
of whatever is indicated upon the abscissa and
formation is to be conveyed.
the ordinate. These intersect, establishing
e. The characteristic curve (or curves, for points from which a characteristic curve can be
there can be more than one), appears inside drawn that will identify the relationship be-
the space bounded by the two axes (heavy line tween the quantities indicated upon the refer-
in fig. 25). The characteristic of a device also ence axes. Several examples appear later.
is shown in the figure. Its description is un-
h. In general, characteristic curves involve
important; all that matters is that the charac-
teristic curve displays cause and effect: The
two variable factors. These have already been
current (in milliamperes) through the device indicated, in terms of cause and effect. The
varies for different applied voltages (in volts).
characteristic curve for this relationship is

Current and voltage is the cause. The

is effect,
termed the plate-current plate-voltage charac-
effect isshown on the Y-axis in steps of 1 ma teristic curve, or the I-E curve. Similiarly, if

and the cause is shown on the X-axis in steps of the curve illustrates the cathode temperature
for varying heater current, it would be called
2 volts. What is the current corresponding to
a voltage of 10 volts ? A projection upward from the cathode-temperature heater-current charac-
the 10-volt point on the voltage scale meets the change in heater
teristic curve, since it is the

Y-axis or current scale at 5.6 ma. This is the current that causes the variation in cathode
amount of current corresponding to 10 volts. temperature.

To establish the effect of a change from

/. i. Characteristic curves operate in both di-
a known reference value, assume that the cur- rections. If the curve is viewed as the expres-
rent corresponding to 24 volts is required. Re- sion of the cause and its resultant effect, the ef-
peating the previously described process, but fect resulting from a change in the cause can be


Figure 25. Plot of simple characteristic curve.

AGO 2244A
noted. It is also possible to regard this curve the state of behavior are identified. At least
in another fashion. It may be desired to know three values are indicated on or required for a
what change must be made in the primary vari- vacuum-tube characteristic curve the two vari- :

able in order to produce a definite condition in ables illustrated in the curve, and a third, each
the second variable. Consequently, a plate-cur- indicating the exact condition contributed by
rent plate-voltage curve can be examined to the other factors to the information illustrated
ascertain the plate voltage that is required to in the characteristic curve.
produce a certain plate current, rather than the
effect upon the plate current by a certain change 19. Linear and Nonlinear Characteristics
in plate voltage. In other words, the curves (fig. 26).
operate with equal facility in two ways, one
being the resultant change in effect as the cause
a. Two terms often encountered in descrip-

is varied, and the other being the required

tions of characteristic curves are linear and
change in cause to produce a certain change in nonlinear. The meaning of the first term is
effect. graphically illustrated in A of figure 26. For

j. Although characteristic curves illustrate example, if a d-c voltage is applied across a

the relationship between two variables, a third fixed resistor, the relationship between the volt-
quantity usually is associated with them. For age (one quantity) and the current (the second
example, in the I-E curve, it is necessary to quantity) is a straight line. The resultant
state the temperature of the cathode, the cur- change in the second quantity (current) is
rent through the filament or heater wires, or directly -proportional to variations in the first
the voltage applied to the filament or heater
quantity (voltage). Such a relationship is said
wires. If no information is given regarding the
to be linear, and it appears as a straight line
cathode temperature, current flow, or voltage,
over the full range of variation. In this case,
the characteristic could not be identified as ap-
the term curve is not truly descriptive of the
plying to any -particular condition. For, while
the curve can be representative of behavior, the straight line. However, not many character-
exact values of plate current indicated mean istic curves of vacuum tubes are linear through-

nothing unless the exact conditions producing out their length.

Figure 26. Linear and nonlinear characteristic curves.

AGO 2244A

b, B of figure 26 shows a tube characteristic trodes, and the organization of the system is
curve which resembles the type found frequent- not typical of actual operation. The dynamic
ly. The characteristic is nonlinear over a characteristics are the values obtained when
region, representing a range of applied voltage, the organization of the system conforms with
then becomes linear over another range of volt- typical operation. This is explained more fully
ages, and again becomes nonlinear. Just why later.
this is so is unimportant; the importance lies
in recognition of the meaning of linearity and 21. Family of Curves
nonlinearity. The reason for this is frequent
reference to operation over the linear portion of a.Several characteristic curves usually are
a tube characteristic. These are specific con- shown together, to illustrate the relationship
ditions of use. between the same two quantities under differ-
ent conditions. A group of such curves is known
c. At all times, linear operation means direct
as a family. Figure 28 is a family of different
proportionality between a cause and an effect,
plate-current plate-voltage curves for different
as illustrated in A of figure 26, where a two-
values of cathode temperature. For a given
time increase in voltage, from 20 to 40 volts,
value of plate voltage, the plate current will be
causes a two-time increase in current, from 2
to 4 ma. Only a straight-line characteristic is
maximum at curve A. Therefore, curve A indi-
cates the highest cathode temperature, curve B
a linear characteristic. This can be the entire
shows a decrease in cathode temperature, and
characteristic curve or a part thereof, as indi-
the temperature is the least for curve C. Nu-
cated in B of figure 26. The completely non-
merous families of curves appear in later sec-
linear characteristic is shown in figure 27. At
tions of this book.
no point is one variable directly proportional
to the other.

20 40 60 80
TM 662-36
Figure 27. Curve illustrating completely nonlinear PLATE VOLTAGE (V)
characteristic. TM 662-37

Figure 28. Family of plate-current plate-voltage curves

20. Static and Dynamic Characteristics for three values of cathode temperature.

Linear and nonlinear characteristic curves

b. The characteristic curve, or family of
can be of either the static or the dynamic type.
curves, usually encountered in vacuum-tube lit-
Both static and dynamic characteristic curves
erature relates to the flow of plate current in
exist for each vacuum tube. They differ in shape
the tube. The most common, and perhaps the
as well as in the actual values they represent.
most important of vacuum-tube characteristics,
A simple explanation of the difference between
is the one illustrating the magnitude of the elec-
these two types of curves is that, in static char- tron stream arriving at the plate for various
acteristics, the values are obtained with differ- values of positive voltage applied to the plate
ent d-c potentials applied to all the tube elec- namely, the plate-current plate-voltage char-

AGO 2244A

acteristic. Most vacuum-tube applications are changes in the heater current. The filament
judged in terms of the plate current, since it meter indicates the current in this circuit.
is by the flow of plate current through the tube 1/ indicates the flow of filament current and
and the different electrical devices externally E f
the voltage across the filaments. The plate
connected to it that the various capabilities of voltage is supplied by battery B and the plate
the tube can be utilized. read on the meter in the plate
current is circuit.
I b indicates the flow of plate current. It might
22. Plate-current Emitter-temperature
be well to mention that the capital letter / for
(fig. 29)
current indicates constant, average, or rms
(root mean square) values by appropriate sub-
To investigate the manner in which the
Instantaneous values are indicated by
emitter temperature and the space charge in-
a small letter i for current and e for voltage.
fluence plate current in a diode, a circuit is set
Constant, average, or rms values of voltage are
up in which different values of emitter tempera-
ture can be created by varying the heater or
indicated by the capital letter E with appro-

filament current while the plate voltage is held

priate subscripts. The subscript letter f in fig-

constant. ure 29 indicates the filament, whereas the sub-

a. In A of figure 29, a fixed filament voltage script b near the plate-current meter associates
source, A and a variable resistor, R, allow it with the plate. Common usage has established


D \ E

b|+ t

i. a [-
120 1
B \ C

3 80


o 60

3 40


12345 6789

10 It 12


TM 662-38

Figure 29. Plate-current filament-voltage characteristic curves.

AGO 2244A
En as the voltage of the plate voltage supply. 23. Plate-current Plate-voltage Charac-
These subscripts are further explained in chap- teristic
ter 4.
Another important relationship is that
b The general contour of the 7 6 = Ef curve can
between the voltage applied to the plate and the
be predicted from what has already been said resultant plate current when the emitter tem-
about the conditions of emission. The curve of perature is held constant. This approaches the
filament voltage versus plate current, with fixed
conditions under which the tube is used. The
plate voltage, would start at corresponding circuit for developing these data is shown in
to the value of filament voltage. Then it would A of figure 30. A voltage source, B, applies a
rise as the voltage is increased. Eventually it voltage between cathode and plate through a
would flatten when the emission saturation current meter, I b The voltage applied to the

points (B and D of fig. 29) would be reached plate of the diode is shown on a voltmeter and
for the applied value of plate voltage. Beyond is labeled En . The subscript letters bb asso-
this value of filament voltage, the increased ciate voltage E
with the source namely, the —
emission contributes little to the plate current battery, B. The meter labeled I h indicates the
plate current flowing in the system.
(lines BC
and DE), since the number of elec-
b. The diode in A of figure 30 is shown with-
trons pulled out of the space charge by the plate
out a heater and its associated current source.
voltage is not increased. Only the density of the
It is common practice to do this when illustrat-
space charge is increased. As is evident in the
ing the circuity of simple, indirectly heated
graph, a slight rise in plate current occurs with
tubes. The presence of the heater is assumed.
increased filament voltage beyond emission sat- If thiswere a filament-type tube, the circuit
uration, but this increase is so slight, relative would appear as in B of figure 30. Since the
to the change in plate current up to the satura- emitter temperature is not a variable, the
tion point, that it can be disregarded for all heater or filament circuit is not indicated.
practical purposes. c. If curve ABC shown in C of figure 30 is

c. Referring to curve ABC (B of fig. 29), the examined, it will be noted that a fairly rapid
span A-B represents current limited by cath- rise in plate current occurs as the plate voltage

ode emission for the existing plate voltage. Be- is increased from the value. Then the in-
crease in plate current becomes less rapid, with
tween points B and C on curve ABC the limita-
uniform increases in plate voltage until a point,
tion of plate current is due to the action of the
B, is reached where very little increase in plate
space charge. A means of raising the plate-
current occurs as the plate voltage is increased
current limitation is by reducing the effective-
still more. Point B represents the condition
ness of the space charge. This can be done most when all of the emitted electrons are admitted
simply by raising the plate voltage. into the space charge to form the plate current.
d. Raising the plate voltage results in a Between points A and B, the plate current is
rise of the plate-current curve, and a new value limited by the space charge; between B and C,
for the point of emission saturation or the start it is limited by the emission. Consequently, in

of the space-charge-limited plate-current area. the example shown, raising the plate voltage
This is shown as curve ADE. Consequently, it from to 350 volts increases the plate current
from slightly above to about 68 ma. Raising
can be seen that, for every value of plate volt-
the plate voltage from 350 to 500 volts causes an
age, there is a limit to the number of electrons
increase of only 2 ma from 68 to about 70 ma.
which can be drawn over to the plate in unit
The explanation for the presence of a very
time to form the plate current. For the two
slight amount of plate current with plate
B and D. The point at
curves, these are points voltage is the fact that some of the electrons are
which emission saturation is reached is also emitted from the cathode with such high veloc-
known as the saturation point, and the maxi- ity that theyadvance across the space between
mum current flowing (as BC and DE) is known the emitter and plate without benefit of any
as the saturation current. attracting force issuing from the plate.

AGO 2244A
150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Figure SO. Plate-current plate-voltage characteristic curves.

d. To obtain an increase in plate current for every tube operated at a fixed emitter tempera-
plate voltages in excess of 350 volts, it is neces- ture, there is a certain value of plate voltage
sary to provide a greater flow of electrons. This beyond which it is useless to increase the volt-
can be accomplished by raising the emitter tem- age further, since all of the emitted electrons
perature. Assuming an increase in cathode tem- are moving over to the plate, and consequently,
perature, a curve similar to ADE might be ob- no appreciable plate current increase can be
tained. The plate-current saturation point D obtained. However, one factor remains There

corresponds to a plate-current flow of about 85 is a difference in saturation points depending

ma (in contrast to the previous 68 ma at point on whether a tungsten, a thoriated-tungsten,

B) and a plate voltage of about 375 volts. Any or an oxide-coated cathode is used. The curve
further increase will not produce a substantial in C of figure 30 was obtained with a diode hav-
increase in plate current. ing a tungsten filament. Figure 31 shows that
e. The discussion thus far reveals that, for the emission from an oxide-coated emitter is

30 AGO 2244A
considerably larger, since the plate current is ever may be its nature, as being the equivalent
larger, than that of the tungsten types. Oxide- of a resistance. Electrical fundamentals teach
coated emitters release so many electrons that that the control of current in a system issues
it is practically impossible to find plate voltages from some form of opposition to the current
which will draw off all of these electrons with- flow present in the system.
out ruining the tube. Consequently, most mod- b. Such opposition exists in all electron tubes,
ern tubes which use oxide-coated cathodes do among which the diode. It stems from many
not display a plate-voltage saturation charac- factors, such as the spacing between the elec-
teristic, but rather show continually rising trodes, their physical size, the conditions of
plate-current curves as the plate voltage is in- emission, the conditions of the space charge,
creased as shown in figure 31. Note from the and, in general, the energy wasted while the
curves that as the operating temperature of the electrons are traversing the space within the
cathode increases, the plate current increases. tube. Tube resistance is of two kinds d-c plate :

In addition, this increase will have a more no- resistance and a-c plate resistance, each of
ticeable effect on the oxide-coated cathodes which will be explained. The former usually is
since the solid and dashed lines are much farther symbolized as R p and the latter as rp .

apart in the higher operating temperatures than c. The d-c plate resistance of the diode is that
in the lower ones.
opposition to plate current flow offered by the
tube when a d-c voltage is applied to the plate.
It can be calculated from Ohm's law, R=E/I,
with the plate voltage and the plate current in-
serted as the known factors in the equation.
d. Referring to figure 32, B shows a typical
plate-current plate-voltage characteristic for a
type 6H6 duo-diode tube, using only one pair of
the two pairs of elements contained inside the
envelope —that is one cathode and its asso-
ciated plate. With 8 volts dc applied to the plate,
in A, the plate current, I b , is seen to be 10
or .01 ampere. (The notation E b is used as the
varying constant voltage between the plate and
cathode. This may or may not be the same
value as E Applying Ohm's law for d-c cir-
bh .)

cuits, these values of plate voltage and plate

current represent a d-c plate resistance of

Rv = ~= ~ =
i;, .Ul
800 ohms,

e. Similarly, with 20 volts dc applied to the

plate, the curve shows a plate current of 40 ma,
or .04 ampere. This corresponds to a d-c resist-
Figure SI. Plate-current emitter-temperature charac- ance of 20/.04 =
500 ohms. With 28 volts dc
teristic curves of diode with different types of
applied to the plate, the plate current on the
curve is 66.4 ma or .0664 ampere, and the d-c
resistance is 28/.0664 422 ohms. =
24. D-c Plate Resistance of Diode
/. Examination of these figures, and also of
a. Since the application of a positive voltage the shape of the characteristic curve, shows
to the plate of a diode results in the flow of plate that the resistance offered by the diode to the
current, and since some form of control of the flow of plate current is not constant, as is ordi-
magnitude of plate current for different values narily the case when resistance is present in a
of voltage exists in the tube, it is entirely proper conventional d-c circuit. The characteristic
to view the current control mechanism, what- shows that the resistance of the diode decreases

AGO 2244A



40 =500 ohm s —

Ul 30


10 ^Rp =800 ohm s —

8 12 16 20 24 28 32
TM 662-41

Figure 32. Plate-current plate-voltage characteristic for type 6H6 tube, using only one diode section.

as the plate voltage increases, and increases as with the E b =I b characteristic curve is the con-
the plate voltage is decreased. It has a nonlinear dition resulting when
the two sections of this
behavior. If the relationship of plate voltage duo-diode are connected in parallel, and the two
and plate current were linear over the entire cathodes also are joined in parallel. The plate
range of plate voltage, the plate-current curve current in this case becomes twice the amount
obtained when the same value of plate voltage
would be a straight line instead of having a
is applied to a single pair of elements. Accord-
curved characteristic. A straight line would in-
ingly, the values at any point along the plate-
dicate that the d-c plate resistance remained
current curve are doubled when both sections of
constant over the full range of plate voltage.
the duo-diode are paralleled. The plate resist-
g. Another significant fact in connection ance, therefore, becomes half of that existing

32 AGO 2244A
when one pair of the two diode portions is used. Suppose it is desired to find the a-c resistance
This will be found to be true in all multiple- when the mean value of this assumed a-c volt-
section diodes. age is 20 volts, and the variation or swing is
h. The absence of plate-current saturation arbitrarily chosen at 1.6 volts on either side of
points similar to those appearing in figures 29 the 20-volt point; that is, when A eP equals 3.2
and 30 is due to the use of oxide-coated emit- volts (fig. 33).
ters in this tube. An application as low as 32 d. To compute rv the change , in plate current
volts to the plate results in a fairly high value for the given change in d-c plate voltage first
of plate current, almost 70 ma. Judging by the must be found from the curve. At 21.6 (20 plus
shape of the characteristic, the saturation 1.6) volts, the plate current is 45 ma or .045
point is a long way off. The tube probably ampere. At 18.4 (20 minus 1.6) volts the plate
would be damaged long before the plate-cur- current is 35 ma or .035 ampere. These pro-
rent curve would flatten because of the appli- vide the two limits of voltage and current.
cation of sufficient plate voltage to attract all Consequently,
the emitted electrons. This does not mean that
rp = A e = 21.6 — 18.4 = _S2 = 320 ohms.
diodes are not used at plate voltages exceed-
ing 32 volts they are used with very high volt-
A iP .045 — .035 .010
e. The value of 320 ohms given above is the
ages, many tens of thousands of volts, but when which
a-c plate resistance for a plate voltage
so used, diodes are specially designed.
varies between 18.4 and 21.6 volts, whereas
the same point is equal to a d-c plate resistance
25. A-c Plate Resistance of Diode
a. The a-c plate resistance of the diode is
of 500 ohms when the plate voltage is held con-

defined as the resistance of the path between stant at 20 volts. Using the same method, 278
cathode and plate to the flow of an alternating ohms a-c plate resistance is obtained at the
28-volt plate-voltage point for a change in plate
current inside the tube. Such is the definition
meant when the term resistance is used without voltage of 1.6 volts each side of the mean value
qualification for the diode and all other electron
of 28 volts, whereas the d-c resistance is 422

tubes. As will be seen later, it is an important ohms when the plate voltage is maintained con-
term and is closely related to operating condi- stant at 28 volts. Similarly, rp is shown equal
to 527 ohms when the 8-volt plate-voltage point

b. The a-c plate resistance is the ratio of a

varies 1 volt on either side of the 8-volt mean
small change in plate voltage by the corre- value. If 1.6 volts is used in the latter case in-
still remains relatively close
stead of 1 volt, r v
sponding change in plate current. Expressed
in an equation to 527 ohms. However, it must be kept in mind
that the smaller the change in plate voltage,
the more accurate are the results. This is be-
in which rpis the a-c plate resistance in ohms, cause of the nonlinearity of the characteristic
A represents a small change in plate voltage,
ep curve about this small change. In the former
and i
PArepresents a corresponding small two cases, the curve is fairly linear and 1.6
change in plate current caused by the plate volts are used arbitrarily. Normally, for linear
voltage change. The Greek letter signifiesA operation, the operating point for this curve
a small change of. is chosen with an rp equal to about 320 ohms.

c. Figure 33 shows a plate-current plate-volt- /. It can be seen that an appreciable differ-

age characteristic curve identical to the one in ence exists between d-c plate resistance and a-c
B of figure 32 and obtained from the circuit plate resistance, the latter being approximately
in A of figure 32, where one section of a 6H6 one-half of the former. This is, in general, true
diode is used. To establish the a-c resistance at for all types of vacuum tubes. Furthermore,
any point along the curve, the plate voltage is as figure 33 shows, the a-c resistance also is
varied on both sides of it at some definite value. related to the plate voltage, decreasing as plate
B of figure 32 shows that the d-c plate resist- voltage is increased, and increasing as plate
ance, R p for this diode is 500 ohms when the voltage is decreased. The exact value of a-c re-
plate voltage is held constant at 20 volts dc. sistance depends on the point of operation se-

AGO 2244A

Alp >


Ae p 3.2


320 /\
C-i- A p=.o


Ae p = 3.2


p 527
r =

4 Ai
p 0O38

1 I

4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
TM 662-42

Figure 33. Plate-current plate-voltage characteristic which can be used to determine the a-c plate resistance of a

leeted on the characteristic curve. Conse- than the static characteristic which applies
quently, if the point of operation is at a plate when there is no load.
voltage of 20 volts, the a-c plate resistance is
greater than when the operating point chosen
corresponds to a mean plate voltage of 28 volts.

26. Static and Dynamic Diode Character-


a. The discussion of diodes thus far has been

for static conditions and not for actual operat-
ing conditions. For a diode, or any tube, to be
able to perform its normal function, its exter-
nal circuit must contain a load. It is through
this load that the diode current flows outside
the tube, and the voltage drop developed across
this load then represents the output of the tube.
With such a load, represented by a resistance
RL (fig. 34), the operating characteristic of the
tube is changed materially. The plate-current TM 662-43
plate-voltage curve is altered noticeably, and Figure 34. Adding a load resistor, RL to a diode circuit

it represents the dynamic characteristic rather to obtain an output voltage.

34 AGO 2244A
b. With no load in the circuit, or when RL represents the static characteristic that is, —
equals the resistance in the circuit is the re-
0, when there is no load resistance. Solid line 1
sistance of the tube also, the small resistances
illustrates the voltage-current relationship
of the battery and meter are present, but these when the load resistance is 1,000 ohms. This
can be neglected. But when an external resist- line possesses some curvature, but it is consid-

ance, the load resistance, is added (fig. 34) the ,

erably less than that of the static line. Solid
total opposition to plate-current flow includes line 2 is obtained with a load resistance of

that of the tube itself and also that of the load. 10,000 ohms. This line is almost straight some ;

When the load resistance is many times the curvature appears in the region of low plate
value of the internal resistance of the tube, the voltage where the internal resistance of the
tube resistance offers only a negligible percent- tube is highest. A line representing a value of
age of the opposition to plate-current flow. 100,000 ohms is so straight throughout its
Consequently, if the external load resistance length that it lies too close to the horizontal

maintains its value regardless of the amount axis, and it cannot be drawn clearly on the

of current flowing through it, the plate-current graph. Therefore, the higher the load resistor
plate-voltage characteristic of the system is value, the straighter is the dynamic curve, and
changed from a curved line into a substantially the lower is the amount of plate current flowing

straight line. in the circuit. not a disadvantage, pro-

This is

c.These various conditions can be noted on vided the load resistance is maintained within
a separate graph (fig. 35). The dashed line reasonable limits.

80, . . . , . .

AGO 2244A 35
d. A linear dynamic characteristic is desired voltage. The absence of conduction in the tube
for the diode, principally because it assures pro- during the two negative alternations, B and B',
portionality between applied plate voltage and of the input voltage is caused by the diode plate
output current. This affords freedom from dis- being negative with relation to the cathode dur-
tortion in many circuits that use the diode, al- ing these periods. If the input voltage has a
though, in other applications, distortion is of frequency of 60 cps (cycles per second), the
secondary importance. The most important output current pulses will occur 60 times per
consideration is the use of a load a load is nec- ; second, each lasting for a period equal to one-
essary if a diode is to be of practical use. half of each input cycle.
d. Both single- and dual-section diodes have
27. Uses many other uses, developed later in this manual.
All of these depend on the principle of unilat-
a. Since current flow in the diode is unidirec- eral conduction through the tube.
tional, one of its most prominent uses is as a
rectifier or converter of alternating current into
direct current. In figure 36, an alternating 28. Types
voltage is used as the plate voltage. During the High-vacuum diode tubes are available in
positive alternations of the input voltage, the various types (fig. 37) differing principally in

plate is positive relative to the cathode, and physical dimensions and shape. They differ in-
plate current i p flows through the tube and load ternally as well but not in the fundamental
resistance R L The current develops a voltage
arrangement of the electrodes. The physical
drop across the load. At every instant the out- dimensions are related to the magnitudes of
put voltage (in volts) is: voltages applied to the plate and the currents
e output = (ip X Rl) — (iP X rp ) flowing through the tube during operation.
where RL is the load resistance in ohms Tubes used in circuits which handle signal volt-
rp is the a-c resistance of the diode in ages of relatively low values are known as sig-
ohms nal diodes. Another general category is that of
ip is the instantaneous current in am- power diodes or vacuum-tube rectifiers which
peres. handle high values of voltage and current. Each


I A \ / A'\
\ \ B 1 \ B' /

T TM 662-45

Figure 36. Diagram illustrating unidirectional current flow in diode.

b. If load resistance R L is very much greater of these types is intended for special applica-
than rp the internal tube resistance, the effect
, tion and they are not interchangeable. Signal
of the latter is negligible and ip times rp of the diodes are restricted to signal circuits. Power
preceding formula can be neglected. diodes generally are used in power circuits, ex-
c. Concerning the action in figure 36, it can cept where certain signal systems entail rela-
be seen that the changes in current amplitude tively high voltages, and circuit operation de-
follow the instantaneous changes in applied mands an action similar to rectification.
plate voltage. This becomes evident when the
input plate-voltage alternations, A and A', are 29. Electron Transit Time
compared with the output voltage pulsations, a.The time required for an electron to tra-
A and A'. These pulsations have the same shape verse the distance from the cathode to the plate
as the two positive alternations of the applied of a diode, or other kinds of electron tubes, is

AGO 2244A

Figure 37. Various types of high-vacuum diodes.

called electron transit time. At operating fre- plate current conforms with instantaneous
quencies below 200 mc, transit time introduces changes in tube electrode voltages.
no particular problems. Under such conditions, b. As the frequency of the electrode voltage
the movement of the electron conforms with rises, above 200 mc, for example, the transit
the changes in instantaneous amplitude and time becomes an appreciable part of the cycle.
polarity of the plate voltage. This can be de- The elapsed time for the completion of 1 cycle
scribed more broadly by saying that the output of a 200-mc voltage is one two-hundredth of a

AGO 2244A

microsecond. The positive alternation of such /. Static characteristics are obtained with
a voltage is completed in one four-hundredth of different d-c potentials applied to the tube elec-
a microsecond, or .0025 usee. For example, sup- trodes, whereas dynamic characteristics are ob-
pose that the applied plate voltage and the tained with an a-c potential applied to the con-
physical arrangement of the electrodes are such trol grid with different values of d-c potentials
that .005 usee is required for the electron to applied to the other electrodes.
travelfrom the cathode to the plate. Then if a g. One of the effects interfering with maxi-
200-mc signal is applied to the plate, the elec- mum plate-current flow in a tube is that result-
tron undergoes a change while traveling to the ing from the presence of the space charge. The
plate because the polarity of the plate voltage space charge is caused by an accumulation of
has reversed from that which existed a moment electrons in the immediate vicinity of the cath-
earlier. ode. In this position, it tends to repel electrons
c. A lag of this kind cannot be tolerated be- back to the cathode and prevents them from
cause it interferes with the operation of the flowing toward the plate.
system. Therefore, diodes (and other electron h. The state of equilibrium in which the
tubes) are designed specially for use at very maximum density of the space charge for every
high frequencies. As a rule, these design differ- fixed temperature of the cathode is reached is
ences are found in the physical spacing between known as emission saturation, or the satura-
electrodes and in the value of the applied volt- tion point. The value of plate current flowing
ages. Moreover, such tubes bear special desig- at that time is referred to as the saturation
nations indicating their suitability for very- current.
high- and ultra-high-frequency applications.
i. Two types of resistance are present in a
diode, the d-c plate resistance and the a-c plate
30. Summary resistance. This also is true of other types of
a. The diode is a two-electrode tube contain-
ing an emitter of electrons and a collector of j. The phenomenon of electron transit time

electrons. The emitter is known as the fila- is not a factor of importance in medium- and
ment or cathode. In modern usage, the term high-frequency operation of vacuum tubes, but
cathode is used to indicate either type. Cath- it isof very special concern in ultra-high-fre-

odes are of two types, directly heated and indi- quency operation.
rectly heated. The collector is commonly known k. The principal uses of the diode are as a
as the plate and sometimes is referred to as the rectifier and as a detector.
b. The flow of electrons in a diode constitutes 31. Review Questions
the plate current. Plate-current flow in a diode Describe the construction of a diode and
is unidirectional, and the tube is, therefore, a draw its schematic.
unilateral conductor. This underlies the use of 6. By what other names are these identified
the diode as a rectifier. the emitter of electrons and the collector of
c. The direction of plate-current flow is iden- electrons in a tube?
tical to that of electron flow, that is, from nega- c. Describe two principal methods for heat-
tive to positive. ing electron emitters. Which is more commonly
d. An electron in an electrostatic field moves used?
toward the positive limit of the field, its veloc- d. Name the two types of rectifiers using
ity per unit time being a function of the differ- diodes. What feature of diode operation makes
ence of potential existing between the limits of possible its use as a rectifier?
the field. e. What is a duo-diode and how does its con-
The important features of a vacuum tube
e. struction differ from that of a regular diode?
can be obtained from its characteristic curves. Illustrate schematically.
A number of curves drawn on the same graph /. When an electron moves in an electrostatic
are known as a family of curves. field between two charged surfaces, what de-

38 AGO 2244A
termines (a) its direction of travel, (b) its o. Explain the terms emission saturation,

velocity of motion ? saturation point, saturation current.

g. In a vacuum tube, why do electrons flow p. What is the effect of a load resistance upon

from the cathode to the plate but not in the re- plate-current flow and upon the dynamic curve?
verse direction? q. What are some kinds of important infor-

h. In what respect does a diode act like a mation that can be obtained from characteris-
tic curves?
valve when comparing it to the flow of plate
current in a diode? r. What relationship is brought out in a
plate - current plate - voltage characteristic
i. What is the space charge in a tube and how
curve ?
does it affect the operation of the tube? Is it
s. In what sense do characteristic curves
desirable ?
operate in both directions?
j. Name four factors that control plate-cur-
t. Explain and illustrate the terms linear
rent flow in the diode.
and nonlinear.
k. Identify the two electrostatic fields pres- u. What are the two types of resistances
ent in a diode. present in a diode?
I. Howdoes the plate current of a tube vary v. What general information is contained in
as the plate voltage is increased ? Show this by a family of characteristic curves?
a graph. Can the plate current be increased w. What is the difference between the static
indefinitely by increase of plate voltage? and dynamic characteristics of a vacuum tube?
to. What is a positive ion? x. Name some types of diodes.
n. What is meant by the equilibrium of the y. What action of the electron is referred to
space charge? by the term electron transit time?

AGO 2244A

32. Control Grid

a. General.
(1) The invention of the triode, or three-
element tube, was one of the most im-
portant steps in modern electronics.
Up to 1907, the diode was the only
electron tube used in the primitive
wireless communication systems of
that time. In that year, DeForest dis-
closed his third element, an electrode
which was added to the diode and so
formed the triode. Not only did it
modify the diode, but it opened a new
era in communication facilities. De-
Forest's third element made present-
day radio communication in all its

forms a practical reality.

(2) The emitter and the plate as used in
the diode appear also in the triode.
They retain their functions as a source
of electrons and a collector of elec-
Figure 38. Construction of triode, showing cathode,
trons, respectively. In the space be-
control-grid, and plate arrangement.
tween them, and located nearer to the
emitter, is placed the third element,
intended uses of the tubes. Since these
commonly called the control grid.
are related to such details as the values
b. Physical Construction of Triode. of plate voltage and plate current, the
(1) Figure 38, illustrating the organiza- elements of triodes used in transmit-
tion of the cathode, control-grid, ters generally are larger than those of
plate electrodes of the triode, an is tubes used in receivers.
example of the oval-shaped form of (3) The internal structure of the triode
grid, and shows how the grid sur- seldom is completely visible through
rounds the emitter on all sides. The the envelope. When the envelope is
plate electrode is seen enveloping the made of metal, the reason is obvious.
control grid. Other examples of triode When the envelope is made of glass,
construction exist, but they do not the view of the inside usually is ob-
differ greatly from this. scured because of the opaque coating
(2) The dimensions and the shape of the formed by the getter when the tube is
electrodes used in triodes, as well as flashed, that is, heated to a high tem-
the physical spacing between the elec- perature. The getter is a substance
trodes, differ in accordance with the that is placed within the envelope for

40 AGO 2244A
the express purpose of absorbing any c. Construction of Control Grid.
gases that may be liberated from the (1) In appearance, the control grid is a
electrodes during initial operation. ladderlike structure of metal. In most
This keeps the vacuum created in the cases, it has a helical form, consisting
tube as high as possible. Magnesium of a number of turns of fine wire
is widely used as a getter, but other wound in the grooves of two upright
materials, such as barium, zirconium, supporting metal structures (fig. 39).
and phosphorous, also can be used. (2) The metals used for grids are usually
(4) The opaque deposit formed by the get- molybdenum, nichrome, iron, nickel,
ter appears as a thin film on the lower tungsten, tantalum, and alloys of iron
half of the inside surface of the glass and nickel. The different physical sizes
housing. The top usually remains of the control grid, as well as the
transparent, and some visual inspec- spaces between the turns that form the
tion of the electrodes inside is there- electrode, reflect different designs of
fore possible. This is the usual means triodes. The emitters and the plates
for determining whether the electron are similar to those used in diodes.
emitter is incandescent. In the larger d. Symbol for Control Grid. When shown
transmitting tubes, the getter coating symbolically, the control grid(fig. 40) appears

usually does not obscure the metal between the symbols used for the emitter and
parts inside the tube. the plate, as either a zig-zag line, in A, or a


TM 66S.4r

Figure 39. Typical control-grid assemblies.

AGO 2244A
dashed line, as in B. The symbol using the sating plate current. In the case of
dashed line is the standard form in Signal Corps the triode, the voltage applied to the
schematics. The letter identification of the con- plate of the tube is a d-c voltage ob-

trol grid in the triode electron tube is the capital tained from a constant voltage source,
letter G, although in some instances the letters but the action of the control grid can,
CG are used. nevertheless, cause variations in the
amplitude of the plate current. The
statement just made concerning the
situation at the plate of a tube is a
very important and fundamental point
of distinction between the diode and
the triode.
(4) The control grid can stop the flow of
electrons to the plate. Thisis the same

as saying that the plate current can be

cut off despite the presence of a d-c
voltage on the plate of the tube.

(5) The positive plate voltage can be as

high as 5,000 volts, and, with proper
negative grid bias, the control grid
can overcome completely the influence
of the high voltage. Consequently, it
TM 692-48
can be said that the control grid con-
Figure UO. Symbols for directly and indirectly
heated triodes. trols the current in the plate circuit.
This control is external. If current
e. Purpose of Control Grid.
and voltage in a system are represen-
(1) Briefly, the purpose of the control grid
tative of electrical energy in that sys-
is to govern the movement of electrons
tem, then the control grid in the triode
between the cathode and the plate,
is an independent agency affording
thereby controlling the instantaneous
control of the amount of electrical
plate current flowing through the tube.
energy present at any instant in the
As previously mentioned, the voltage
plate circuit.
applied to the plate determines the
amount of electrons attracted to it. (6) The ability of the control grid to gov-
What, then, is the electrical difference ern the flow of plate current is used in
between the triode and the diode? many ways. Stopping all plate cur-
(2) Essentially, the diode can change al-
rent is an example of an extreme con-
ternating current to pulsating direct dition. In addition, the control grid

current. When an a-c voltage is ap- can decrease or increase the plate cur-
plied to the plate, the instantaneous rent instantaneously, even though the
value of plate current is a direct func- positive voltage applied to the plate is

tion of the instantaneous polarity of constant. It can also create current

the applied plate voltage, assuming, conditions in the plate circuit which
of course, that the emitter tempera- are equivalent to changes in the plate
ture remains constant. In the triode, voltage. Finally, the control grid can
a voltage on the control grid can vary be made ineffective so that it does not
the plate current when the voltage ap- control the plate current at all.

plied to the plate of the triode is held (7) It is natural if the preceding state-
constant. ments lead to the impression that the
(3) The polarity and amplitude changes grid in the triode behaves like a valve
in voltage applied to the diode plate by controlling the instantaneous value
result in a unidirectional flow of pul- of plate current. It is common to refer

42 AGO 2244A
to the control grid in this manner, al- tery (fig. 41), also called the B-supply
though the term valve not fully de-
is or plate-voltage supply. Electrically,
scriptive of all the uses of a grid. it isconnected between the plate and
Nevertheless, the valve action is very the electron emitter, with the positive
important, for it is the basis of the terminal of the supply joining the
many functions of a triode, especially plate of the tube. The junction be-
its ability to deliver a stronger signal tween the negative terminals of the
than it receives. This process is called A- and B-batteries usually is grounded
amplification. It should be pointed out, in standard practice.
however, that vacuum tubes actually (3) The third electrode of the triode is
do not amplify power. In fact, the the control grid. Discussion of the
grid actually controls the flow of movement of electrons in the diode
power from the plate power supply. (ch. 3) has made clear that control of
/. Supply Voltages of a Triode. plate current by means of an added
(1) To operate properly, every triode re- electrode is accomplished by setting
quires a means of heating the emitter. up an additional electrostatic field. A
This is accomplished by a heater or field of this kind results from the ap-
filament voltage. The voltage source plication of a voltage difference be-
sometimes is referred to as an A-bat- tween the grid and another point.
tery (fig. 41). It is connected to the Therefore, by all sound reasoning, the
filament in the directly and the indi- control grid should be subject to a
rectly heated triodes, shown in A
and voltage.
B respectively.This d-c voltage com-
(4) A third source of voltage, generally
monly is known
as the heater supply
assigned the letter C, is connected be-
or the A-supply. As a matter of sim-
tween the control grid and the emitter
plicity, the discussion of the triode
(fig. 41). The polarity connections of
will be carried on using the indirectly
the C-battery make the control grid
heated triode as the basis.
negative with relation to the electron
emitter. This is standard practice for
reasons which will be explained short-
ly. For the moment, it should not be

considered in that light, but viewed

rather as a voltage connected between
the control grid and the emitter. The
reason for this approach is the man-
ner in which the action of the control
grid will be analyzed. It will be exam-
ined under these conditions: positive
relative to the emitter, negative rela-
tive to the emitter, and zero potential
relative to the emitter.

(5) The circuits in figure 41 are of funda-

mental triode systems suitable for
study. Each diagram shows the volt-
Figure 41. D-c supply voltages of directly and indirectly
heated triodes. age sources applied to the electrodes
of this type of tube. However, all sys-
(2) Since the plate in the triode functions tems do not use batteries as the source
as an attractor of electrons, it is un- of operating voltages. The voltages
derstandable that a source of positive can be secured from other sources. The
plate voltage (in reference to ground) heater or filament voltage, marked A,
is required. This source is the B-bat- can be obtained from an a-c trans-

AGO 2244A
former, or from rotating machinery electrode and the common ground
such as a d-c generator. The plate- junction. The same is true for the con-
voltage source, labeled B, can be a d-c trol-grid voltage: the measurement
generator, or it can be a device de- would be made between the control
signed for the purpose of furnishing grid and the common ground point.
d-c voltages from a variety of primary
power sources. Such a device is known 33. Input, Output, and Cathode Circuits
as a power supply. of Triode
(6) The grid-voltage supply, labeled C,
a. General. The application of the triode
also can be secured from a power sup-
and other vacuum tubes which contain three
ply or from special circuits associated
or more electrodes is founded upon a division of
with the tube itself, which will be de-
the electrode circuits into three systems (fig.
scribed later.
42) : the input, output, and cathode circuits.
(7) The warrant addi-
circuits of figure 41
A shows an indirectly heated and B a directly
tional comments. Previous statements heated triode.
concerning the thermionic type of di-
ode associated that tube with one fixed
operating voltage, the heater or fila-
ment voltage. The voltage applied to
the plate was shown as dc only, for
the purpose of explaining the operat-
ing characteristics. In rectifier appli-
cations, this voltage is alternating and
is representative of the a-c power that
is being applied to the tube for con-
version to d-c power.
(8) In the triode (fig. 41), the situation
TM 662-51
isdifferent. Here, the three electrodes
receive fixed d-c operating voltages. Figure 42. Input, output, and cathode circuits of

These determine the manner in which indirectly and directly heated triodes.

the tube functions and performs the

b. Distinction Between Circuits.
duties assigned to it. As long as an
electron tube is used as a triode, it (1) The input encompasses all cir-
bears direct association with a value cuit elementsbetween the control-grid
of heater or filament voltage, a plate electrode as one boundary and the
voltage,and a control-grid voltage. grounded common voltage reference
Sometimes these are referred to as point as the other circuit boundary.
the operating potentials. The output circuit includes all com-
(9) Another very important detail con- ponent parts between the plate elec-
cerning the operating voltages of the trode and the common voltage refer-
triode (as well as of other vacuum ence point. Finally, the cathode circuit
tubes containing three or more elec- includes all the elements in the system

trodes) is the reference point of the between the emitter proper and the
applied electrode voltages. In almost common voltage reference point.
all cases it is the cathode, or the com- (2) The circuit division is based on the
mon junction point of the voltage voltages applied to the electrodes even
sources, shown connected to ground in though the different voltage sources
figure 41 because this is a standard have been omitted. It also is related to
practice in almost all cases. To meas- the paths of signal currents that flow
ure the plate voltage, a voltmeter in the tube circuits. It is too early in
would be connected between the plate this treatment to speak about these,

AGO 2244A
but they will appear again later in this relative to the space charge. The con-
manual. trol grid is very much closer to the
space charge than the plate is. In fact,
34. Electrostatic Field in Triode the entire space charge is assumed to
be located between the cathode and
a. Space-charge Conditions.
the control grid. The actual physical
(1) An imaginary view of the electrodes separation between the electrodes of
of a triode without any voltages ap- an electron tube is a matter of indi-
plied to the control grid and the plate, vidual tube design. This aspect of elec-
but with the cathode at emitting tem- tron-tube construction is unimportant
perature, is shown in figure 43. The in this discussion, although it can be
letter K designates the electron-emit- stated that these dimensions usually
ting cathode, G is the control grid, are in small fractions of an inch, ex-
and P is the plate. Each grid wire is
cept in the very large transmitting
represented as a small circle. Elec- which the tube electrodes are
tubes, in
trically, these circles are connected.
farther apart.
The separation between the grid wires
is ample to allow electrons to travel
b. Behavior of Control Grid.
between the wires toward the plate. (1) In figure 44, the cathode is assumed
The space charge is shown by the tiny to be emitting an adequate supply of
dots between the cathode and the con- electrons. The B battery applies 100
trol grid. The greatest space-charge volts to the plate, making it positive
density is seen to exist nearest the relative to the cathode by that amount.
cathode (par. 17) Note the absence of
. The control grid is at zero potential
electrons in the space between the con- relative to the cathode, as shown. Men-
trol grid and the plate. Some of the tion of zero voltage difference between
emitted electrons have sufficient velo- two points does not imply an open cir-
city after emission to advance to the cuit; it means that both points are at
plate, but these are so few in number the same potential or that there is no
as to be unimportant in the discussion. difference of potential between them.
Consequently, it is completely satis-
factory to show the space between the
control grid and the plate devoid of FIELD
electrons. It is only when current is
passing through the tube that elec-
trons are present in this space.
(2) In figure 43, note the physical loca- PLATE
and the plate
tions of the control grid CURRENT

B TM 662-53

Figure UU- Electron flow in triode with control grid

at cathode potential.

(2) The triode is a thermionically heated

electron tube; therefore, a space
charge exists in the neighborhood of
the cathode, between that electrode
TM 662-52 and the control grid. This cloud of
Figure US. Imaginary view of electrodes in a triode. electrons is inherent in every tube of

AGO 2244A
this kind, regardless of the number of of grid current flow in the control-
electrodes. grid cathode circuit.
Creation op Electrostatic Field. The
c. (2) Slight as it is, this grid current is,

electrostatic fields created by this organization nevertheless, undesirable for several

of electrodes and the voltage relationships are reasons. All of them relate to the ulti-
symbolized by the arrows in figure 44. With mate performance of the tube. Some
zero voltage applied to the grid, the latter has of them are associated with the prop-
no electrostatic field of its own. The positive er performance of the devices which
voltage applied to the plate causes an electro- are used with the tube. Since it is too
static field to exist between the cathode and early in the discussion of the triode
the plate (par. 17). to explain each of these effects, they
will be explained later. However, it
d. Direction of Electrostatic Field. The
can be said that the usual triode oper-
direction of the field is such as to pull electrons
ating conditions are such as to pre-
toward the plate. They advance to it through
vent the attraction of electrons to the
the spaces between the control-grid wires. The
control grid, and therefore, the flow
amount of plate current flowing through the
of grid current.
tube and around the external plate circuit back
into the cathode is a function of the voltage

applied to the plate, or space-charge limiting

35. Negative Voltage on Control Grid
that takes place. For the sake of clarity and a. General. Another set of operating volt-

because the plate voltage has been stated as age conditions for the triode (fig. 45) is iden-
100 volts, a plate current of 20 ma is assumed. tical with that shown in figure 44, except for the
This value is purely illustrative, and is not insertion of a 1-volt C-battery which makes the
intended to imply any plate-current plate-volt- control grid negative relative to the cathode by
age relationships for triodes in general. 1 volt.

e. Contribution of Control Grid. So far,

the action of the triode is not much different SPACE
from that of the diode. The control grid, at 1
cathode potential, contributes very little, if
anything, to the behavior of the triode. It is PLATE
important, however, to consider the grid cur- CURRENT
rent which flows in the control-grid cathode cir- 100V
cuit because of what it means during applica-
h|, Ni
and its association
tion of control-grid voltages
B TM 662-54
with the operating voltage conditions at the
control-grid electrode. Figure 45.Electron flow in triode with control grid
negative in relation to cathode.
/. Grid Current.
(1) The spaces between the control-grid b. Electrostatic Field. The voltages ap-
wires allow free movements of elec- plied to the plateand the control grid produce
trons to the plate (fig. 44). The con- two separate The
electrostatic fields (fig. 45).
trol grid is, however, a physical struc- positively charged plate has a field which at-
ture; therefore, the grid wires can tracts electrons toward the plate. The nega-
block the passage of some of the elec- tively charged control grid has a field which
trons advancing toward the plate. repels electrons toward the cathode.
There is no force that tends to make c. Path of Electron.
the grid wires attract electrons to it, (1) On the side of the control grid which
but since it is in the path of the plate- faces the space charge, the negatively
current electrons, some charges will charged grid acts to repel electrons
attach themselves to the control-grid back into the space charge, thereby
wires. This results in a small amount reducing the number of electrons

46 AGO 2244A
which advance to the plate. This tends For the purpose of comparing figures
to increase the density of the space 44 and 45, the —
1-volt grid bias in
charge, which causes a greater num- figure 45 reduces the original plate
ber of the emitted electrons to be re- current by 10 ma, making it 10 ma
pelled back into the cathode in order instead of the 20 ma flowing with
to maintain equilibrium of the space grid voltage in figure 44.
charge. Immediately, the situation (3) In some tubes, — 1 volt applied to the
implies a reduction in plate current; control grid can stop the movement of
however, this is not the complete story. electrons completely, thus cutting off
(2) On the side of the control grid which the plate current. Such a condition is
faces the plate, the direction of the known as cut-off, and the amount of
toward the plate.
electrostatic field is negative grid voltage necessary to

Consequently, once an electron has cause this state is known as the cut-
traveled into the area between the off voltage. In some instances, cut-off
control grid and the plate, all the is not reached until perhaps 10 volts, —
forces acting on it attract it toward — 20 volts, or more are applied to the
the plate. Even though this effect control grid. The exact value is deter-
takes place, it is not too important in mined by the design of the tube.
relation to the negative grid.

d. Effect of Electrostatic Field. Figure 36. Positive Voltage on Grid

45 shows that the lines of force in the plate What happens if the voltage applied to the
field penetrate the space between the grid wires control grid is positive, thereby making the
and act on the space charge, tending to pull elec- control grid positive relative to the emitter?
trons to the plate. At the same time, the lines This is not the most frequently used operating
of force on the cathode side of the control grid condition, but it warrants an explanation be-
tend to prevent electrons from advancing to the cause it is found in some applications.
plate. The movement of electrons through the a. Electrostatic Field. The change in pol-
openings of the grid to the plate is controlled arity of the control-grid voltage modifies the
by the force that predominates. direction of the electrostatic field between grid
e. Effect of Circuit Voltages. and cathode (fig. 46). This field tends to pull
(1) It would seem from the simple relation electrons out of the space charge and accelerate
between numbers that the negative 1- them toward the because of the positive
plate ;

volt potential on the control grid and voltage on the control grid, great numbers of
the positive 100-volt potential on the electrons pass through the grid openings as they
plate would create fields of such rela- advance toward the plate. The field produced
tive intensity as to enable the plate by the positive voltage on the plate also is pull-
field to overwhelm the grid field com- ing electrons toward the plate; consequently,
pletely. This does not occur, because the positively charged control grid can be de-
the control grid is much closer to the scribed as aiding the plate voltage, thereby in-
space charge than the plate is. There- creasing the plate current. It is assumed in the
fore, a low voltage applied to the con- example cited that the plate current is increased
trol grid can exert as much, or more, 10 ma, so that the current is now 30 ma instead
influence on the space-charge electrons of the 20 ma indicated in figure 44.
as a very much higher voltage applied b. Path of Electrons. Many of the elec-
to the plate. trons attracted from the space charge by the
(2) Making the control grid 1 volt nega- positive control grid are intercepted in their ad-
tive with relation to the cathode can vance to the plate by the grid wires. This results
offset as much as plus 10, 20, or even in grid current which is much larger in value
50 volts applied to the plate. In some than when the control grid was held at voltage.
types of triodes the effect may be less, c. Effect of Plate Voltage. The extent to

and in still other types can be greater. which a positive voltage applied to the control

AGO 2244A
GRID CURRENT FLOW b. Conclusions. The specific values of plate
current shown in curves B and D are also arbi-
trary, but for the sake of simplicity are made
to conform with the values stated above during
the description of the grid-voltage conditions.
PLATE Correlating the plate-current changes in curve
B with the grid-voltage changes A
shows that
(1) When
in curve

the grid voltage is held at zero

potential (curve A, periods 1 to 2,
TM 662-55
5 to 6, and 9 to 10) the plate current

is constant at a value determined only

Figure 46. Electron flow in triode with control grid
positive in relation to cathode. by the attractive force of the positive
plate voltage. This current is repre-
grid offsets the space charge and increases plate sented in curve B, periods 1' to 2', 5'
current is determined by the design of the par- to 6', and 9' to 10'.

ticular triode. In some tubes, a grid voltage (2) A change in grid voltage from to a
change of a few volts may have the same effect positive 1 volt (curve A, 2 to 3) results
on plate current as changing the plate voltage in an increase in the plate current
by 10, 20, or oven 50 volts. In other instances (curve B, 2' to 3').
it may be more or less.
(3) A change in grid voltage from to a
d. Relationships. The exact
Plate-grid negative 1 volt (6 to 7) causes a de-
quantitative relationship between changes in crease in plate current (6' to 7').
the control-grid voltage and changes in the
(4) Where the grid voltage assumes a
plate voltage for equal changes in plate current
steady positive 1-volt value for a per-
is dependent upon the individual tube type de-
iod of time (3 to 4), the plate current
sign. This is a very important constant of every
also remains constant (3' to 4') at the
triode, and, for that matter, of every type of
new value created by the positive
electron tube which uses more than two elec- voltage on the grid.
trodes. It determines the suitability of a tube
(5) Where the grid voltage assumes a
to meet a functional need.
steady negative 1-volt value for a per-
iod of time (7 to 8), the plate current
37. Summary of Control-grid Action alsoremains constant (7' to 8') at the
new value created by the negative volt-
a. Pictorial Summary. A pictorial summary age on the grid.
of the control-grid action associated with fig-

ures 44 through 46 is shown in figure 47. Posi- (6) The direction of change in grid volt-

tive and negative polarities and values of con- age has a definite relationship to the
trol-grid voltage are pictured over a period of direction of change in plate current.

time in curves A and C. An imaginary switch As the grid voltage changes in the
mechanism in the grid circuit provides 0, +1, positive direction from (2 to 3), the

and —
1 volts at the control grid. The 1-volt
plate current increases (2' to 3'). As

positive and negative limits are arbitrary. The the grid becomes less positive (4 to 5),
graphs of these voltage variations may assume the plate current decreases (4' to 5').
the shape of a sine or a square wave, as shown As the grid voltage increases in the
in curves A and C. For purposes of easiest cor- negative direction (6 to 7), the plate
relation with the resultant plate-current current decreases (6' to 7'). As the
changes (curves B and D), each interval of grid becomes less negative (8 to 9),
grid-voltage level and polarity
is labeled. Cor-
the plate current increases (8' to 9')-
responding labels appear on the plate-current (7) The changes in plate current occur in
curve. step with the changes in grid voltage.

48 AGO 2244A
3' 4'


TM 662-56

Figure U7. Curves showing relationships between grid voltage and plate current in triode.

The maximum and minimum points of mains positive. No other value is possible be-
one occur at the same instant as the cause of the unidirectional current flow in the
maximum and minimum of the other. tube. to the grid makes
The voltage applied
This is commonly referred to as an in- the unidirectional plate current greater or
phase condition. smaller in value, in conformance with the in-
stantaneous amplitude and polarity changes of
38. Additional Characteristics the grid voltage.
a. Unidirectional Flow. Curves A and B 6. Grid-plate Relationships. Another per-
warrant some additional discussion. The tinent detail is that the plate-current grid-volt-
changes in grid voltage in each direction repre- age relationship is not dependent on sudden
sent a change in polarity relative to a refer- changes in grid voltage. The grid voltage can
ence voltage. However, the changes in plate change slowly or very rapidly and the plate cur-
current are not changes in polarity, but rather rent will vary accordingly. This is symbolized
represent variations above and below a refer- by the sine-wave voltages shown in curves C
ence value of current. The reference value of and D. In general, it can be said that the change
plate current in curve B is +20 ma, which cor- in plate current usually has the same shape as
responds to the grid reference volt of volt the change in control-grid voltage. This is not
in curve A. Curve B shows that even when the a rigid rule; it is subject to numerous modifica-
plate current is at its lowest value (T to 8'), tions as dictated by the way in which the tube
it still has a value greater than (+10 ma). is used. Subsequent explanations will make this

The polarity of the plate current always re- point clear.

AGO 2244A 49
c. Triode Output. The final point to be made may be defined as the d-c voltage between the
about a varying plate current in the plate cir- grid and the cathode. It is represented by bat-

it can be looked upon as

cuit of a triode is that tery C in figure 48. The total voltage existing
a steady direct current to which is added an between grid and cathode is the signal voltage
alternating-current component. This results in plus the bias voltage.
a current which has a unidirectional flow but
which varies in value above and below a steady
reference value. In curve C, 11 to 12 and 18 to
19 are the steady (0 grid voltage) reference VOLTAGE
values. In curve D, 11' to 12' and 18' to 19'
show the steady reference value of correspond-
ing plate current, 20 ma. The a-c voltage ap- INPUT
plied to the control grid (curve C, points 12 SIGNAL
through 18) momentarily increases the plate VOLTAGE
current to a maximum (curve D, points 13' and (ALTERNATING)
17') 30 ma, and momentarily decreases it to a

minimum (point 15'), 10 ma. This plate cur-

rent can be described as a direct current of
20 ma with an a-c component equal to 10 ma VOLTAGE
TM 662-57
Figure 48. Bias and signal voltages of a triode.
39. Bias, Signal Voltage, and Plate Cur-
rent c. Bias-signal Representations.
Grid-current Effects. It has been stated (1) The association between the signal
and the grid bias is illustrated in fig-
that a value of positive voltage on the control
ure 49. Curve A represents an input
grid results in the presence of grid current be-
a-c signal of 5 volts peak. It varies
tween the control grid and the cathode through
the system external to the tube. This condition
between +5 and —
5 volts. In order
to keep the control grid negative dur-
cannot be avoided, because the grid wires inter-
ing the entire positive alternation of
cept electrons which are advancing toward the
the input signal, the grid bias must
grid on their way to the plate. The positively
equal, if not exceed, the peak value of
charged grid attracts electrons into itself. Dis-
the signal. Therefore, the control-grid
regarding for the moment any applications
which permit grid current, the presence of grid bias is arbitrarily set at —6 volts, as
in curve B. Since the grid is negative
current normally is undesirable. It represents
with relation to the 0-voltage refer-
the consumption of power and other unwanted
ence level, it is shown below the refer-
ence voltage line.
Bias and Signal Voltages. The signal
The resultant of the signal and con-
voltage normally applied to an electron-tube
trol-grid bias voltages at the control
control gridis alternating in character at least, ;
grid, instant by instant, is shown as
it isa voltage which varies in amplitude and curve C same illustration. Curve
in the
perhaps in polarity relative to the cathode. Dur-
C is the addition of curves A and B.
ing the time that it is negative with relation The fixed bias voltage sets up the ini-
to the cathode, freedom from grid current is
tial voltage relationship between the
obvious, but when it is positive, grid current
control grid and the cathode. This is
ispresent unless some means are provided to the no-signal condition as in curve B.
keep the control grid at a negative potential It is represented by 1 to 2 and 8 to 9
during the positive portion of the input signal. in curve A
and 1' to 2' and 8' to 9' in
The purpose of the negative control-grid bias curve C. The times from 1 to 2 and
is to establish this operating condition. Bias 8 to 9 in curve A represent the period

ACO 2244A
(point 3), the control grid is 1 volt
negative with relation to the cathode,
as shown by 3' in curve C. As the sig-
nal voltage decreases in positive am-
plitude (from 3 to 4 in curve A), more
and more of the bias voltage becomes
predominant until point 4 is reached,
which again corresponds to signal
voltage. The control grid again be-
comes 6 volts negative with relation
UJ REFERENCE to the cathode, as shown by point 4'
on curve C. Examining the action dur-
o ing the positive half-cycle of the ap-
plied signal voltage, points 2' to 4' in
CD curve C, it is evident that a 5-volt
change in signal voltage in the posi-
1 1 ' 1 REFERENCE tive direction has taken place at the
-1 1
VOLTAGE control grid, but the grid electrode

I / \*-SlGNAL VOLTAGE remains negative throughout the half-

1/ \l cycle.
< < -6 r_ 9,BIAS V0LTAGE
V 4'\ f&
2' 8 (4) During the negative alternation of the



signal voltage (points 4 to 6), the sig-
nal and the fixed negative bias volt-
ages add. The result is a change in
voltage at the grid from —6 volts (4'

,6 1 in curve C), to a maximum negative

— 11

/\ 1 voltage of volts (5') and then a
E 1
/ \ 1
return to —6volts (6') again. The
1- '/ V control grid remains negative with re-
1/ \l
H 20' lation to the cathode by an amount
10 11 \13 /15 17 18
O equal to the sum of the instantaneous
signal voltage and the fixed grid bias.

d. Plate-current Representations. The

plate current varies in accordance with the in-
stantaneous resultant of the signal and fixed
bias voltages, as in curve D. Without a signal
input, but with the bias applied, the plate cur-
rent is of constant amplitude (10 to 11 and 17
Figure 49. Waveshapes illustrating bias, signal voltage, to 18) at 20 ma. When
the signal voltage is
and plate current. applied, the plate current increases and de-
creases above the no-signal value.
of signal voltage, during which time General.
the full —6 volts of grid bias is active

It is interesting to note that

on the control grid, as shown in times (1) curves
1' to 2' and 8' to 9' in curve C. C and D show changes in voltage and
current, respectively they are in step
(3) As the signal voltage starts rising in ;

the positive direction (from 2 to 3), above and below the no-signal values.
it bucks the fixed negative bias, and
Each of these curves represents a com-
the control grid becomes less and less bination of d-c and a-c components.
negative until, at the peak of the posi- (2) The grid bias may be referred to as
tive alternation of the signal voltage being increased.This means that it

AGO 2244A
isa higher value of bias, making the (1) E bt = the plate-supply voltage, or the
control grid more negative with ref- amount of B voltage.
erence to cathode. When reference is = the instantaneous total plate volt-
(2) eb
made to a reduction of bias, itmeans age. (In fig. 50, E ih equals e h because
a lower value of voltage, or one which there is no plate load.)
makes the control grid less negative. = the total steady plate current.
(4) E = the control-grid supply voltage,
40. Characteristic Curves the C voltage, or the grid-bias voltage.
a. General. The relationships between the (5) ec = the instantaneous total grid volt-
different voltages applied to the triode and the age. (In fig. 50, E cc equals e c because
effects they have on the plate current are very there is no input signal.)
important. As in the case of the diode, they (6) Ic = the total steady grid current.
are illustrated by means of characteristic
curves, except that the curves which display
the behavior of triodes are more numerous and
present more varied information.
b. Triode Constants. The suitability of a
triode or any other kind of electron tube for an
application is determined by the constants of
the tube. An understanding of the meaning of
triode constants and the manner in which they
are determined is pertinent to proper use of the
tube. Accordingly, subsequent paragraphs are
devoted to the subject.

41. Triode Circuit Notations

a. General Notations. Before explaining TM 662-59

triode characteristics, necessary to refer
it is Figure 50. Triode circuit bearing several voltage and
briefly to the several triode circuit notations current notations.

that will appear in the discussion. The elec-

trodes of vacuum tubes are referred to by their
c. Other Notations. Attention is called to
common names, such as control grid, plate, fila- the use of capital letters and / for steady E
values of voltage and current and to the use of
ment, and cathode. Voltages and currents re-
small e and i for instantaneous values of volt-
lated to these electrodes also are treated in the
age and current. The conditions depicted in
same way: for example, plate voltage, plate-
figure 50 do not involve instantaneous values
supply voltage, plate current, and control-grid
of current, and therefore, the small letter i is
absent. The subscript letters c and 6 associate
b. Letter Notations. Such long names can
the voltage or the current with the tube elec-
prove unwieldy in text or in illustrations, espe- trodes. Only a few circuit notations are intro-
cially when they need frequent repetition. To duced at this time. More will follow as the sub-
overcome this difficulty, it is common practice ject unfolds in this manual.
to assign letter notations to indicate certain
voltages and currents under different operating 42. Static Plate-current Grid-voltage
conditions. A complete list of these appears in Characteristics
the appendix to this manual. Figure 50 illus-
a. General. In view of the electrode organi-
trates a simple triode circuit bearing several zation of the triode, three basic factors control
circuit voltage and current notations which are the plate current : the emitter temperature, the
used often. Only immediately pertinent nota- control-grid voltage, and the plate voltage. The
tions are shown: first of these can be disregarded, for, unless

52 AGO 2244A
otherwise stated, it is general procedure in all characteristic for a tungsten filament
vacuum-tube operation to assume that the emit- emitter triode.
ter is being operated at the required tempera- (2) The use of the word static in connec-
ture. Accordingly, it is necessary merely to stip- tion with the characteristic means
ulate the emitter temperature in terms of heater that the curve represents tube behav-
or filament voltage or current upon whatever ior under no-load conditions. The
tube characteristic is being illustrated. voltages applied to the electrodes are
determined solely by the voltage
Variable Factors. This, then, leaves the

control-grid voltage and the plate voltage as

sources, such as E ce and E bb in figures
50 and B of 51.
the two variable factors (causes) which con-
tribute to variations in plate current (the ef- (3) The vertical dividing line projecting
fect). To treat two variables simultaneously upward from the 0-voltage point on
with no constants is impossible; consequently, the grid-voltage axis divides the plate
each of these is considered separately. The ef- current curve into two parts. The por-
fect on the plate current of a change in grid tion left of the 0-voltage dividing line

voltage is considered first; this characteristic shows the plate-current curve when
is known as the plate-current grid-voltage char- the grid voltage is negative. The por-
acteristic. Plate voltage must be applied to the tion to the right of the 0-voltage line

triode plate ;
therefore, the characteristic is de- shows the plate-current curve when
veloped with a known and stipulated plate volt- the grid voltage is positive. In all
age. If it is desired, individual plate-current cases, the value of plate current is in-

grid-voltage characteristics can be developed dicated by the scale on the ordinate,

for different values of plate voltage. Both kinds or the vertical axis.
of characteristic graphs are treated in this d. Explanation of Characteristic.
manual. (1) The circuit capable of producing the
c. Construction of Characteristic. data contained in this graph is illus-
trated in B of figure 51. Grid-voltage
(1) The construction of a static plate-cur-
source E cc is so arranged that a vari-
rent grid-voltage characteristic is a
able voltage, either negative or posi-
relatively simple procedure. Different
tive, can be tapped to the control grid.
values of grid voltage, starting at
and advancing first in the positive di-
An arbitrary choice limits the grid-
voltage changes to a maximum of
rection and then in the negative direc-
about 7 volts in a positive or negative
tion (or the reverse) are applied. The
plate current flowing at each incre-
direction. Appropriate voltmeters VM
indicate the applied grid and plate
ment of grid-voltage change is plotted
voltages. The ammeter, AM, shows
on a suitable graph. If the changes are
the plate current flowing in the system
in steps of 1 volt, the final character-
for each increment of grid voltage.
isticshows the plot of plate current
over a range of grid voltages from zero (2) Referring to the characteristic, it is
to some negative limit, say 6 volts,— seen that with the plate voltage fixed
and from zero to some positive limit, at a constant value, plate current starts

say +6 volts (in 1-volt steps). The flowing at about —6 volts on the grid.
graph is laid out in the way described
As the control grid is made less nega-
tive by adjusting voltage supply E cc ,
in paragraph 26. The known variable
the plate current increases, but in a
is considered to be the cause and is
nonlinear manner. From approxi-
marked off along the abscissa or hori-
mately —2.75 volts up to about — .75
zontal axis. The unknown variable, or volt, the plate-current rise is in direct
effect, is marked off on the ordinate proportion to the reduction in grid
or vertical axis (A of fig. 51). This is voltage. This is the linear part of the
the static plate-current grid-voltage characteristic, or the straight portion.

AGO 2244A


"''! M|l '1

-cc ,

+ B




< 40



-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -I 23456789 10


TM 662-60

Figure 51. Plate-current grid-voltage characteristic curve for a typical triode circuit.

As the control-grid voltage approaches tinues to increase until the rise in grid voltage
and passes into the positive grid- produces no further increase in plate current.
voltage region, the plate current con- At this value of positive grid voltage, the plate-
tinues to increase, but again in non- current curve flattens off. This occurs at ap-
linear manner, proximately point A, which usually is identi-
e. Conclusions. Several pertinent conclu- fied as the plate-current saturation point. It is
sions can be drawn from this plate-current grid- the value of plate current beyond which no fur-
voltage characteristic. As the grid is made ther increase in plate current occurs as the grid
more and more positive, the plate current con- is made more positive.

54 AGO 2244A
i i i

/. Other Factors. so profuse in electron output that even

(1) Plate-current saturation is a peculi- with a highly positive grid there re-
arity of tungsten filament tubes. mains an ample supply of electrons to
any one emitter temperature, there cause plate current to flow. This means
occurs a fixed maximum emission. a continually increasing plate current
Plate saturation corresponds to that as the grid is made more positive.

condition when, with the fixed amount Raising the plate voltage would have
of emission from the tungsten fila- the same effect that is, the plate cur-

ment, all the emitted electrons divide rent would continue to rise. In the
between the grid current and the plate figure, the plate voltage is held con-

current, and making the control grid stant at 100 volts.

more positive does not increase the
plate current.
1 —— —




(2) Even this does not remain static. If

the control grid is made sufficiently
positive, it will reduce the plate cur-
rent, as shown by the dotted-line curve
beyond point A in figure 51. The fall
in plate current is due to the emission
of secondary electrons from the plate
while under bombardment by the high-
velocity electrons which comprise the
plate current. These secondary elec-
trons are attracted by the highly posi-
2 I
tive grid. In a sense, electrons are 7^
moving in two directions across the 1

area between the highly positive grid B

and the positively charged plate. The
current flow to the plate consists of
those electrons coming from the cath-
ode which pass through the spaces be- /
tween the grid wires. The higher the <
positive voltage on the grid, the
greater the velocity of these electrons,
but fewer reach the plate because of
the greater attracting force present
at the grid wires. The other flow is
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1012 3 4 5 6 7



from the plate to the grid inside the TM 662-61

tube, these being the secondary elec-

Figure 52. Plate-current grid-voltage characteristic
trons knocked out of the plate by the
curve for triode using oxide-coated emitter.
electrons which advance from the
space charge to the plate. The net
(2) The shape of the characteristic in the
result is an over-all reduction of plate
negative grid-voltage region is very
much like that for the tungsten emit-
g. Using Oxide-coated Emitter.. ter triode. This is to be expected be-
(1) The plate-current grid-voltage char- cause the fundamental relationships
an oxide-coated emitter
acteristic for between the tube electrodes are deter-
triode, curve ABC
(fig. 52), warrants mined only in part by the type of emit-
several comments. The absence of ter. The grid voltage required for a
plate-current saturation is noted im- constant plate current is seen to be
mediately. The oxide-coated emitter is much higher than for the tungsten

AGO 2244A
emitter triode. This is incidental be- voltage characteristic curve furnishes import-
cause the specific value of grid voltage ant information, but it is limited. A number
required to level off the plate current of such curves shown on the same scale for
is determined by the characteristics different values of plate voltage give much more
of the tube. The important point is information concerning the effects of the differ-
that every triode is subject to a con- ent grid voltages on the plate current. Such
stant plate current and finally cut off curves plotted on a single graph comprise a
if the grid is made sufficiently nega- family of characteristic curves, in this instance,
tive. the grid family. Another name used is static
h. Grid-current Effects. The plate-cur- transfer characteristics.
rent grid-voltage characteristic of the oxide- b. Grid Family. As a rule, the grid family
coated emitter in figure 52 is seen to be sub-
or static transfer characteristics do not involve
stantially linear in the positive grid-voltage
the positive region of grid voltage. This is so
zone. This does not imply that normal use of
because for most triode applications the grid is
the tube is with grid current flowing. In some not driven positive. A direct comparison be-
cases it is used in this manner, but in the ma-
tween figures 51, 52, and 53 is, therefore, not
jority of instances the control grid is held at
possible. The first two represent arbitrary
some negative d-c value. Whenever the grid is operating conditions and values, whereas figure
positive, power is consumed in the grid circuit,
53 treats a specific tube, the 6J5. The circuit
since the grid then draws current. If the source
used to develop the data shown in figure 53 is
of grid voltage can compensate for the con- similar to that in B of figure 51, except that
sumption of power, all well and good, but this
the plate voltage, E bb is variable over a sub-

type of operation is a special case, and not the stantial range.

usual. As will be seen later, grid-current flow
is unusual in receiving system tubes, but it is c. Obtaining Grid Family of Curves. Each
common in tubes used in transmitters. curve in figure 53 is identified by a specific
i. Summary. value of applied plate voltage, and is, therefore,
the resultant of the stated plate voltage and
(1) The previous descriptions of tube be-
havior have the one purpose of making changes in grid voltage. The curve is formed
clear the manner in which the various by noting the plate current as the control-grid
voltage is increased in the negative direction,
supply voltages acting on the space
charge are translated into numbers beginning at voltage. These points are joined
to form a graph. and form a curve. The —
18-volt bias limit is
set by that range of plate voltages (100 to 300
(2) Different voltages applied to the plate
modify the shape of the characteristic volts) considered within the performance capa-

curves shown in figures 51 and 52. All bilities of the tube.

tube characteristic curves have linear d. Analysis of Curves.
and nonlinear portions, although not
(1) A number of facts immediately be-
necessarily to the same degree. The come evident. There is a close sim-
but every plate-
cut-off voltages differ,
ilarity between the general contours
current curve displays the effect be-
of the characteristic curves.Each has
cause it is inherent in every vacuum
a linear and a nonlinear part. More-
tube. Finally, the meaning of plate-
over, each plate-current curve has a
current change versus grid-voltage
cut-off point (on the X-axis), and it
change has been illustrated in a way
is seen that as the plate voltage in-
which leads to further explanations of
creases, the value of negative bias re-
tube behavior when plate voltages are
quired to cut off the plate current also
increased or decreased.
increases. For example, —
6.5 volts
causes cut-off when the plate voltage is
43. Grid Family of Characteristic Curves 100 volts, whereas —
12.6 volts is re-
a. General. A single plate-current grid- quired when the plate voltage is 200

AGO 2244A

volts and — 15.5volts cuts off the plate tical projection from the — 4.4-volt
current when the plate voltage is 250 bias point intersects the 5.5-ma cur-
volts. rent projection along the 150-volt
(2) The grid family also discloses an in- plate-voltage curve (point H). This
crease in plate current for an increase leads to the conclusion that a 4.4
in plate voltage when the bias voltage minus 2 or 2.4-volt increase in nega-

is held constant. For example, a — 9- tive grid bias demands a 50-volt in-
volt bias (point A) results in .1 ma crease in plate voltage in order to
plate current with 150 volts applied hold the plate current constant.
to the plate, a 2.1-ma (point B) plate (5) Still more information is available
current at 200 volts on the plate, and from the grid family. This is seen be-
a 6.55ma (point C) plate current with tween points I-J and K-L along the
250 volts applied to the plate. 250-volt characteristic. It shows that

(3) The amount of grid voltage required the change in plate current corre-
to a change in plate current
offset sponding to a fixed change in bias volt-
when the plate voltage is changed can age (grid voltage) is a function of the
be determined from the grid family. operating region on the plate-current
This can be restated by saying that curve. Consider a 1-volt change, be-

these curves indicate the required in- tween —12 and —

13 volts (I-J) on
crease or decrease in bias in order that the curve of E bi =
250 volts. The
the plate current be held constant plate-current change is .84 ma, going
when the plate voltage is changed. For from .86 to 1.7 ma. The same 1-volt
example, point D on the 100-volt plate- grid-voltage change higher upon the
voltage curve corresponds to 8.5 ma curve from —7 to —
8 volts (K-L)

with a negative bias of .8 volt. If the results in a change of 2.8 ma, going

plate voltage is increased to 150 volts, from 11.7 to 8.9 ma.

and the plate current must be held at (6) Examination of the plate-current
8.5 ma (point E), the grid bias must curve where E bb =
300 volts discloses
be increased to —
3.2 volts. This in- even a greater change in plate current
dicates that an increase of 50 volts in for 1-volt changes in grid voltage.
plate voltage is offset by an increase The opposite is true if E bb =
200 volts.
of 3.2 minus .8 or 2.4 volts bias. In This can be seen if the points, 7 to —
similar fashion, points C and F, each — 8 volts, are plotted on the plate-
representing 50-volt increases in plate current curve of E bb =
200 volts. A
voltage, require an increase of 2.5 change of 1.8 ma takes place, from 3.5
volts in negative grid voltage in order to 5.3 ma. This value is 1 volt less than
that the charge in plate voltage be the previous value obtained at 2.8 ma
offset and the plate current remain when E bt was equal to 250 volts. This
constant at 6.55 ma. leads to the generalization that the

(4) The curves work in the reverse direc- higher the plate voltage applied to any
They indicate the change
tion as well. one type of electron tube, the greater
in plate voltage required to offset a is the change in plate current for a

change in negative grid bias for con- given change in grid voltage.
stant plate currents. For example, e. Operating Point. The operating point
assume a starting point G, represent- along the plate-current grid-voltage curve de-
ing 100 volts on the plate and — serves some emphasis. This term should be un-
volts on the grid, and 5.5 ma of plate derstood thoroughly because it is repeated fre-
current. If the bias is increased to quently later. It is important to recognize the
— 4.4 volts, what is the new value of association between the location of the operat-
plate voltage which will result in the ing region on the curve and the manner in
same plate current of 5.5 ma? A ver- which it determines the amount of change in

AGO 2244A
plate current per unit change in grid voltage. the plate current can be noted for this range.
Proportional changes occur only over the linear Joining the individual plate-current points re-
(straight) parts of the curve. The greatest sults in the curve E = ce 0. The grid voltage
change in plate current per unit change in grid then is increased to —2 volts, or Ecc =—
2, and
voltage occurs along the straight, rather than the plate current again noted for a new range

the curved part of the characteristic. of plate voltage, starting with that value which

is just offset by the grid voltage in this case 35

44. Static Plate-current Plate-voltage

volts—up to about 170 These new points volts.
of plate current are joined and they form the
second curve (E = —
In every instance,
cc 2).

Obtaining Plate Family op Curves.

a. the plate-current range shown for a particular

Figure 54 shows a static plate family of charac- fixed grid voltage starts at the point along the

teristic curves obtained by using the same cir- plate-voltage axis where the grid voltage causes
cuit as that used in B of figure 51. In this fam- plate-current cut-off. Each curve is drawn over
ily of characteristics, the grid voltage is varied a range of about 135 volts change in plate volt-
in steps of 2 volts, and the plate-current meas- age.
urements are made over a continuously variable b.Uses of Curves. In general, the grid fam-
range of plate voltages. For example, with the ily and the plate family furnish the same in-
grid voltage at 0, or E cc = 0, the plate voltage formation, except in somewhat different forms.
is varied from to approximately 135 volts, and Whereas the grid family displays the plate cur-


V- -
14 /


o -



(T /

UJ f

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

TM 662-63

Figure 54. Plate family of characteristic curves for 6J5 triode.

AGO 2244A
. 8

rent for small increments of grid-voltage tion factor or amplification constant is the ratio
change and fixed differences in plate voltage, between a small change in plate voltage and a
the plate family displays the effects of small small change in grid voltage which results in
increments of plate-voltage and fixed incre- the same change in plate current. It is an indi-
ments of grid-voltage. These family graphs cation of the effectiveness of the control-grid
serve to present the relationship between the voltage relative to the plate voltage in control-
different triode-tube electrode voltages under ling the plate current. Expressed in a formula
static conditions. They also lead to the mean- Amplification _ Small change in plate voltage
ing of tube constants or parameters, frequently factor Small change in grid voltage
described as tube rating data. Tube constants or
provide a means of comparing vacuum tubes ^ =Ae b (ip constant)
and determining their suitability for specified A ec

The is represented by the
amplification factor
Greek pronounced mu. The Greek let-
letter p,
ter A indicates a small change in. It is a pure
45. Tube Constants
number without any reference to units. For ex-
a. General. The behavior of the plate cur- ample, if a tube is said to have a p of 100, it
rent in a triode (or in any vacuum tube which means that the grid voltage change required to
contains three or more electrodes), under the produce a certain change in plate current is 100
influence of different control-grid and plate times less than the plate voltage change re-
voltages, does not occur at random. It is a quired to bring about the same change in plate

function of the design of the tube specifically, current. In other words, the grid voltage is
the geometric organization of the tube elec- 100 times more effective than the plate voltage
trodes. Examples of these are the separation in its influence upon the space charge and, con-
between the electrodes, the shape and dimen- sequently, on the plate current. To illustrate,
sions of the electrodes, and other physical de- suppose that a plate-current change of 1 ma is
tails. It is these factors which determine the produced by a plate-voltage change of 10 volts,
maximum voltages that can be applied to the and a grid- voltage change of .1 volt produces
electrodes, the maximum plate current permis- a 1-ma change in plate current. Then
siblethrough the tube, the conditions for plate
current cut-off, and other similar facts. All of
^—^ = 100
these are expressed by a group of numbers re- and the amplification factor is 100. Emphasis
ferred to as tube constants. is placed on the fact that it is the change in

plate voltage and the change in grid voltage

b. Names of Constants. Tube constants
that are important and not the individual val-
differ from tube characteristics. Whereas the
ues of plate and grid voltage.
characteristic a graphical representation of
b. Finding Amplification Factor.
tube behavior under the particular set of condi-
(1) The amplification factor can be deter-
tions shown, the tube constants are individual
mined by using either the grid or the
numerical ratings predicated upon the geom-
plate family of curves. Using the grid
etry of the tube. Tubes possessing similar con-
family (fig. 55) assume that it is de-
stants demonstrate similar relationships, al-
sired to determine the /x of the 6J5
though the specific values of grid voltage, plate
voltage, and plate current necessary to make
with 250 volts on its plate and —
volts on its grid. This corresponds to
the tube perform properly may be different for
the various tubes. The three primary tube con-
point A in the figure. The first step

stants are amplification factor, a-c plate resist-

is to locate, on the curve of hh 250 E =
ance, and transconductance. Each of these
volts, some convenient point along the
straight part of the characteristic,
be explained.
such as point B. Next, project a line
parallel to the X-axis from point B
46. Amplification Factor
to the adjacent curve of E hh 200 =
a. Definition. By definition, the amplifica- volts, which is point C. From point

60 AGO 2244A
AGO 2244A

C, project a line parallel to the Y-axis nation of tube constants is accomplished more
upward from the curve of E ib = 200 frequently by means of the plate family than
volts untilit intersects the curve of the grid family because the latter is not shown
En = 250 volts. This is point D. too often in tube literature. A typical static
(2) The plate current at D is 11.7 ma and plate family appears in figure 56.
at B it is 5.35 ma. Also, point D cor- b. Determining Amplification Factor.
responds to a negative grid voltage of
(1) Developing the amplification constant
7, and point B corresponds to a nega-
of a triode from the plate family is a
tive grid voltage of 9.6 volts. Conse-
simple process. Select a grid-voltage
quently, with the plate voltage held
value that is about halfway between
constant at 250 volts and the grid
the usable limits of the grid-voltage
voltage varying between points D and
range shown on the graph. Referring

B that is, from 7 to 9.6 volts, or a

total change of 2.6 volts —
the plate
to figure 56, 8 volts is a satisfactory
grid voltage. Locate a reference point
current changes from 11.7 to 5.35 ma
about halfway down the straight por-
or 6.35 ma. As to the plate-voltage
tion of the plate-current curve for that
change required to produce this same
plate-current change, this value is
grid voltage. This is point A. A hori-
zontal projection parallel to the plate-
found by holding the negative grid
voltage constant at 7 volts and chang-
voltage axis shows point A as being

ing the plate voltage from D to C, that

equal to 5 ma. A vertical projection
downward to the plate-voltage scale
is, from 250 to 200 volts. Again, the
plate current changes from 11.7 ma
shows A to be equal to 216 volts. Point
A, therefore, corresponds to E = — cc
to 5.35 ma, or 6.35 ma.
volts, h = 5 ma, and E = 216 volts. hh
(3) A recapitulation of the action shows
that a 50-volt change in plate voltage (2) Now, project point A parallel to the
change of X-axis to an adjacent grid-bias curve.
results in a plate-current
6.35 ma, and a grid-voltage change of
The direction of this projection is op-

2.6 volts produces the same 6.35-ma

tional. In this instance, it is toward
the higher value of negative grid bias.
change in plate current. This can be
summarized as This is point B at E = ce
— 10 volts. A
vertical projection the dropped to
plate-voltage axis intersects the 257-
volt point. Point B can, therefore, be
The amplification factor or ^ of the
described as E cc = — 10 volts, I = t 5
tube is 19.2. This means that the grid
voltage is 19.2 times more effective
ma, and E bt = 257 volts.
than the plate voltage in causing a (3) The next step is to project the higher

change in plate current. This of 19.2 plate-voltage point on the — 8-volt

is only 4 percent less than the figure curve; this results in point C. Point
specified in the manufacturer's litera- C corresponds to E cc = —9 volts, h =
ture of the 6J5 triode. For all prac- 9.6 ma, and En = 257 volts. The in-
tical purposes, the p of this triode can formation needed to calculate /x has
be considered as 20, since the 19.2 fig- been obtained. With 216 volts on the
ure will vary slightly anyway on the plate (point A) to 257 volts on the
nonlinear portions of the curves. plate (point C), a change in plate
current from 5 to 9.6 ma takes place.
47. Finding /' from Plate Families With 257 volts on the plate, a change
a. General. The amplification factor of a in grid voltage from — 10 volts (point

triode can be determined from the plate family B) to — 8 volts (point C) causes a
of characteristics as well. Graphical determi- change in plate current from 5 to 9.6

AGO 2244A


14 .V-



7 «)

1 n

— h-
i 1

f -t-i

si 6
/ It

a/ 7 *l


50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

TM 662-65
Figure 56. Plate family of curves used to determine the amplification factor of 6J5 triode.

ma. Therefore, the equation

48. Plate Resistance
A eb

herreads — = 257 — 216

= 41
= 20.5 a. Determining R p . The plate resistance is
10 — 8
^ '

2 another vacuum-tube constant. It describes the

internal resistance of the tube or the opposition
which is in substantial agreement with
experienced by the electrons in advancing from
the data developed previously from
the cathode to the plate. This constant is ex-
the grid family. The constant deter-
mined by means of the plate family is

pressed in two ways the d-c resistance and the
a-c resistance. The former is the internal oppo-
closer to the manufacturer's data be-
sition to current flow values of when steady
cause the increments of change are voltage are applied to the tube electrodes, and
smaller. is determined by the simple application
c. Classes op Triodes. There are three gen- Ohm's law,
eral classes of triodes = gjvolts) _
low-p triodes, in which
R (ohms)
the amplification constant is less than / (amperes)
10 me- ;
atany point on the plate-current characteristic.
dium-n triodes, in which it is between 10 and
The voltage, E, is the d-c plate voltage or E
30 and high-p. triodes, in which the amplifica- bb ,
which equals e 6 in this case, and the current, J,
tion factor is 100 or more. type of tube A is the steady value of plate current of /„. Re-
known as the variable ^ possesses a changing sistance R, then,
n is R„.
b. Calculating R p . Referring to the plate
AGO 2244A
family in figure 57, point M
is an arbitrary c. Calculating R p .

point corresponding to a plate voltage of E hh = (1) Finding the a-c plate resistance from
250 volts, E C c =
—8 volts, and the plate current the plate family in figure 57 is some-
/„ = 8.9 ma. Applying Ohm's law, what more The initial point

Rp = 250 Q on the curve marked E cc 10= —

.0089 volts corresponds to a plate voltage
= 28,100 ohms. of 265 volts and a plate current of 8
For any value of plate voltage, the d-c resist- ma. The d-c resistance using Ohm's
ance is determined by applying Ohm's law, law is 33,100 ohms. The varying volt-
where the numerator is the steady voltage at age representing a change of plate
the plate, e 6 =
E ib and the denominator is the
voltage for a-c resistance determina-
corresponding steady plate current. Point N tion obtained by varying the plate

in figure 57, therefore, corresponds to a d-c re- voltage above and below point Q. This
sistance of 37,500 ohms, since E m =
225 volts operating range is shown by the small
and =
6 ma. Point corresponds to a d-c re- triangle drawn about Q. The total
sistance of 65,000 ohms. The various triangles change in plate voltage is 20 volts,
in figure 57 can be neglected in establishing the with the upper plate-voltage limit at
d-c plate resistance they are needed for finding
295 volts and the lower limit at 275
the a-c plate resistance. volts. The variations in plate voltage
are arbitrary. The intersections with nal plate resistance invariably means a-c rather
the appropriate grid-voltage curve are than d-c resistance. Sometimes the term plate
determined by projecting the voltage impedance is used to express a-c plate resist-
lines upward from the plate-voltage ance. The two have the same meaning. It is to
axis until they intersect the grid-volt- be noted that the a-c term involves a small
age curve. change in plate voltage and a small change in
(2) The change in plate current, A 4, is plate current, which are stated in an equation as
determined by projecting the points A e h (e c constant)
of intersection between the — 10-volt
grid-voltage curve and the 295-volt
The d-c resistance value, on the other hand, is
and 275-volt plate-voltage lines, to-
predicated on steady values of plate voltage
ward the left, to the plate-current
and plate current.
axis. The upper and lower plate-cur-
rent values are 9.4 ma and 7 ma, re-
spectively. Consequently, the equa-
49. Transconductance (Mutual Conduc-
tion for the a-c plate resistance at the
initial point Q is a. General. Changing the plate voltage or

Ae b 295— 275 20
the grid voltage or both causes changes in plate
current. There is a tube constant which ex-
.0094 — .007
8,333 ohms.
A« 6 .0024"
presses the specific change in plate current for
(3) This value does not agree exactly with a unit change in grid voltage, with the plate
the manufacturer's rating of 7,700 voltage held constant. This constant is known
ohms, but it is sufficiently close for all as the transconductance or mutual conductance.
practical purposes. As a matter of The former term has become the common stand-
fact, the a-c plate resistance of a tube ard.
is a function of the operating point
b. Definition.
along the characteristic. This is
(1) By transconductance is the
shown by triangles M, N, and O in
ratio of thechange in plate current to
figure 57. Each represents a different
the change in grid voltage which pro-
operating pointalong the 8-volt — duced it, with the plate voltage held
grid-voltage curve. In each case, the
constant. In equation form, it is
plate voltage is changed by 10 volts
each side of the operating point. For gm = (e 6 constant)
M, the r p = = Ae c
8,000 ohms, for N, rv (2) When related to the plate and grid
10,000 ohms, and for C, rp 11,100 = circuits, the precise notation for trans-
ohms. conductance has become
is g pg but, it

d. Conclusions. A
comparison of the oper- common practice to refer to it by the

ating points discloses that the higher the ap- letters g m . When given a quantitative
plied plate voltage, the lower is the a-c plate interpretation, transconductance is
resistance. Likewise, a change of the negative the milliampere change in plate-cur-
grid voltage in the positive direction causes a rent-per-volt change in grid voltage.
lower plate resistance. This is indicated by a c. Numerical Example. The unit of trans-
comparison of the operating points M, N, O, conductance is the mho (ohm spelled back-
and Q. In practice, one operating point is given, ward), but since its value generally is too large
and the suitability of the tube is determined by for common usage in connection with vacuum
the constants prevailing under the single set of tubes, the micromho, or the millionth part of
conditions. As has been shown, each tube is the mho, is the usual reference. A mho corre-
capable of operation over a number of operat- sponds to 1 p.a (microampere) change in plate
ing voltages, but only one of these is selected current for a 1-volt change in grid voltage, or
as being typical. 1 mho =
1,000,000 umho (micromhos). Con-
e. Other Names for R p Reference . to inter- version from mho to micromhos is accomplished

AGO 2244A
by multiplying the quantity expressed in mhos senting 235 volts on the plate and 8 volts on —
by 1,000,000. An electron tube which operates the grid. The plate current is 7.1 ma. A verti-
so that a 1-volt change in its grid voltage re- cal projectionfrom point A to the adjacent grid-
sults in a 1-ma change in plate current is rated voltage curve intersects the 6-volt curve and —
at a transconductance of 1,000 umho. Because produces point B. The corresponding plate cur-
of the single meaning, it has become customary rent is 12 ma and the plate voltage remains at
to drop theword micromhos and to say simply 235 volts. The change in grid voltage occurs
that a tube such as that stated above has a with the plate voltage constant. Substituting
transconductance of 1,000. the plate-current and grid-voltage values in the

d. Determining G m Graphically (fig. 58).

equation, the transconductance is found to be

Plate families of characteristic curves generally AH .012 —.0071 .0049

= .00245 mho
are more available than grid families. There-
Ae 8 —6
fore, it is desirable to know how to determine or 2,450 umho
the transconductance of a tube from them. Since Translated into plate-current change per 1-volt
by definition the transconductance requires that change on the grid, it amounts to 2.45 ma per
the grid voltage be varied and the plate voltage volt. The abbreviation ma/v commonly is used
remain constant, first select a point on a grid- in place of the words milliamperes per volt to
bias curve which, when projected upward or express transconductance. Note how near this
downward vertically along a constant plate- gm value is to 2,600 which is given by the tube
voltage line, will intersect the adjacent grid- manufacturer. The slight discrepancy is due
voltage curve. This is the initial point A, repre- to the nonlinearity of the E cc curves.





Ib <0

f -


UJ f

a. it

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

TM 662-67
Figure 58. Plate family of curves used to determine transconductance of 6J5 triode.

66 AGO 2244A
A , —

e. Evaluation of G m The transconductance .

50. Relation between i\ R F , and g M
of a tube is an important tube constant. It is
a. General. The three triode tube con-
the most commonly used
when comparing tubes of like kind. A tube with
of all the constants
stants—namely, amplification constant, the p,
a-c plate resistance, r and the transconduct-
a transconductance of 2,000 is a better tube
ance, gm— are interrelated. The operating volt-
than one rated at a transconductance of 1,000.
ages applied to each type of tube determine the
The tube with the higher transconductance is
exact value of each constant, and for any one
capable of furnishing greater signal output set of operating potentials to the electrodes each
than the tube with the lower transconductance, tube bears these three ratings. They vary in
assuming like levels of signal voltage ap- magnitude relative to each other in a definite
plied to the grid and like arrangements in the manner. These data are illustrated in figure
plate circuit. 59 for the 6J5.

o 6J5

z 25
5 20


35 3500

o 30 3000
o O
o E
z 25 2500 3
< ••••
- 20 \- 2000 o
• z
\ _ i

\ • o

< 15 z
< in
(£ •
v z
10 1000 a:
u •
H •
— •-


6 8 10 12 14 16 18


TM 662-68

Figure 59. Curves showing relationships between p, g m and rp

, .

AGO 2244
b. Plotting Constants. All three con- and the term A £& appears in both the
stants have individual Y-axis scales. As a ref- rp and g m formulas, they can be made
erence, the plate current axis (X-axis) is com- equal to each other ; that is,
mon to all. When reading the values indicated
upon the graph, the plate-resistance, rp scale is A ib gm X — A eh

shown on the lower left-hand Y-axis the trans- ;

resulting in
conductance, g m appears on the right-hand Y-
axis, and the amplification constant, p, is on the Tp X gm
upper vertical left-hand Y-axis.
Ae c

But u = Ae h
also; therefore, the
c. General Relationships. A ec

(1) Concerning the relationship between product of the a-c plate resistance and
the constants, the amplification factor the transconductance is equal to the
remains substantially constant under amplification constant. That is, p rp =
virtually all conditions. Being a prop- times g m or, by simple transformation,
erty of the physical geometry of the rP = t*./g m and gm p/rv = .

tube, it varies little with changes in

(2) Substituting the values for rp and gm
the operating voltages applied to the that were previously obtained, by us-
grid and the plate. ing rp -- 8,333 ohms and g m =
(2) Plate resistance, rP on the other hand,
umho, /x can be calculated as follows:
varies greatly with operating voltages,
especially through the region of poten- ^ == x gm
tials which result in low values of
= 8,333 X .00245 = 20.4
plate current. This occurs at high which is in substantial agreement with
negative grid bias or low plate voltage, the original value of 20.5. The accu-
or both. It is significant that increas- racy of the constants varies because
ing the physical separation between they are not read to the same decimals
grid and plate in a triode results in a
on each of the graphs, nor at exactly
high amplification factor, also in a
the same point. The a-c plate resist-
high a-c plate resistance. Usually,
ance is
therefore, although not invariably, the
higher the amplification constant of a
triode, the higher the a-c plate resist-
r„ =
ance of that tube. 20.5
(3) As to the transconductance, it is seen
to vary oppositely to a-c plate resist-
= 8,360 ohms
and the transconductance is
ance; given any tube, the higher the
plate resistance, the lower the g m and , 9m —

vice versa. All triodes with high trans-
conductance ratings have low a-c plate
— 20.5
resistance. = .00246 mho.
d. Mathematical Relationships. e. Discrepancies Present. The discrepan-
(1) Following is the mathematical re- cies present in the rpand gm values stem from
lationship that exists between the
the degree of accuracy present on the graphs.
three constants. Since,
Errors of a few percent are unimportant and

amplification constant (^)

Ae b do not cause any complication. Moreover, the
Ae c purpose of these calculations is to show how in-

a-c plate resistance (r p ) = Ae t

formation contained in tube literature can be
Ah used for the development of unknowns, rather

AH than to attempt to verify the information ob-

transconductance (g m ) tained from the graphs.
Ae c

68 AGO 2244A
/. Purpose of Constants. With reference basic triode circuit containing a load
to the constants of the triode, timely to say
it is and, for comparison, the basic triode
that these coefficients of tube behavior are not circuit without a load isshown in B.
restricted to the triode only. They apply to all
electron tubes which contain three or more elec-
trodes. The 6J5 tube discussed in this chapter
is just one example. Other triodes can have the
same values ofrp and g m whereas some tubes
p, , ,

may differ substantially. The important points

e b s Ebb -i bRL *
to remember are that tube constants are a |
means of comparing tubes of like type; also,
that they serve in selecting tubes to fit specific *
needs. WW'
E bb =350V

5 1 . Dynamic Characteristics of Triode

a. General.
(1) The an electron
static characteristic of
tube providesan understanding of
how it operates. For the information
to have practical value, it must be
translated into data which are related
directly to an application.
(2) This requirement alters the funda-
mental circuit of the triode system,
and in doing so, gives rise to a new set
of characteristics. These are called
dynamic characteristics. In the final
analysis, they are the important ones
rather than the static characteristics.
The latter are used as a means for
Figure 60. Basic circuit of triode with and without load.
creating the familiarity necessary for
comprehension of the behavior of the
(2) One difference will be noted in these
triode (and other electron tubes) as
two basic circuits. In A, the presence
used in actual practice. All other ex-
ploration of how an electron tube
of the resistor, RL , is designated as the
load resistance. It is located in the
works is done by means of the dyna-
plate circuit external of the tube. It
mic characteristics.
is in series electrically with the plate-
b. Load Resistor. voltage supply, tb E
and the plate of

(1) The difference between an electron- the tube; consequently, the plate cur-
tube system which allows determina- rent must pass through RL . This action
tion of the static characteristics and greatly modifies the operating charac-
a system which allows determination teristics of the tube. It does not alter
of the dynamic characteristics is not the three basic constants of the tube,
too great. In fact, it is a relatively
but it does affect the plate-current
minor change physically, although it
grid-voltage characteristics.
is a major change relative to the ac-
tions occurring in its circuity. The dy- c. Use of Load Resistor. From a practical
namic characteristics can be described viewpoint, the circuit in A contains the essential
as a graphic portrayal of tube behav- elements for practical use of the triode. For an
ior under load (fig. 60). A shows the electron tube to be usable for any purpose what-

AGO 2244A
soever, it The variations in
requires a load. across R L The . internal plate resist-
plate current caused by a varying voltage ap- ance is infinite and the finite value of
plied to the control grid appear across the load 25,000 ohms in series with an infinite
as a varying voltage drop. Under proper condi- resistance has no significance when
tions of use, the changing voltage across the this action occurs.
load is the output signal. It is a replica, smaller (3) Now assume that the control-grid
or greater, as the case may be, of the varying voltage is changed so that 1 ma of cur-
voltage applied to the control grid. rent flows in the plate circuit, or ib =
d.Load Current. The plate circuit contains .001 ampere. Supply voltage E bb is
several new terms, since a new action is de- constant at 350 volts, at which value
scribed. To understand these new terms, it is it remains regardless of the amount of
imperative to note the plate resistor and its plate current that flows. With .001
location. Load resistor R L is directly in the path ampere of plate current, the voltage
of plate current i b The movement of electrons
. drop across RL is
comprising the plate current must be through ib RL = .001 X 25,000
this resistor, because the complete plate-cur- — 25 volts.
rent circuit is from cathode to the plate inside Since the voltage between the plate
the tube, and, on the outside of the tube, through and cathode or the voltage drop across
resistor R L to the positive terminal of the bat- the internal resistance of tube rp is
tery, E hb and from the negative terminal of
, the difference between the supply volt-
E bb to the cathode. age and the voltage drop across R L ,

Circuit Voltages. —E
— IhRh
e. 6b bb

(1) Under these circumstances, two volt- =350 25

age drops occur in the plate circuit.
=325 volts.
Apparently most of the voltage drop
One of these is across the internal re-
takes place across the internal plate
sistance of the tube, or i b rv , and the
resistance, which now is finite since
other is the drop across RL , or ib RL -

plate current flows. The voltage from

This leads to three voltages being pres-
= plate to ground is high and the voltage
ent in the plate circuit: E tb the
across the load is relatively low.
voltage available from the plate-volt-
age supply; e b =
the instantaneous (4) Now assume a change in grid voltage
voltage available from plate to cath- which causes the flow of 12 ma of plate
ode. This voltage is the difference be- current. By Ohm's law the voltage
tween supply voltage E bb and the volt- drop across the load is

age drop across load R L or e b E bb ,

= eB L = hRl = .012 X 25,000
minus i b R L Whether e b is instantan-
=300 volts

eous or steady is determined by the and voltage e b at the plate, or across

character of the plate current, which the internal resistance of the electron
relates back to the grid voltage; e RL tube, is

(the voltage drop across the load re- eb =E — bb ifrRz,

sistor RL ) = ib RL . - 350 — 300 -

(2) In A assume that the

of figure 60,
= 50 volts.
grid voltage, E
adjusted to such
CB , is
During such operating conditions,
a high negative value as to cut off most of the voltage drop occurs across
plate current i b In that event, volt-
load R L and very little drop appears

age e b across the internal resistance of across the internal plate resistance of
the tube (between plate and cathode) the tube; that is, the voltage from
is the same as the plate-supply voltage, plate to cathode is relatively low.

or e b =E =bb 350 volts, shown in B. (5) Bearing in mind that the plate-supply
This is true because with the plate cur- voltage, E bb is always constant at 350

rent cut off there is no voltage drop volts, and that the change in plate cur-

70 AGO 2244A
rent is a function of the control-grid put of plate-voltage supply E ti be-
voltage, it is possible to imagine such tween the load and the internal re-
an increase in plate current that all sistance of the tube under different
of the voltage drop in the plate circuit conditions of plate current.
occurs across load R L If this occurs,
(2) For convenience, the plate family of
the distribution of voltages in the plate characteristic curves is used for the
circuit would be such that voltage e h dynamic characteristics. From it is
would be 0. This is an extreme condi- developed the final transfer charac-
tion and cannot occur in actual prac- teristic curve which correlates the
tice. The plate current may rise suffi- plate-current grid-voltage relationship
ciently that the effective voltage be- with the load present in the circuit.
tween plate and cathode is very low This curve is called the dynamic trans-
but never 0, since a drop always ap- fer characteristic. It is to be noted,
pears across rp even though it may
, however, that equal information can
be considered negligible. be obtained from the dynamic plate
/. Effect of Load Resistor. All of these characteristic and from the dynamic
changes in effective plate voltage e h result from transfer characteristic.
the presence of load resistor R L The moment .
b. Selecting Load Line.
plate current flows, regardless of its value, the
(1) Figure 61, showing a typical static
load resistance comes into play and affects the
plate family of curves, is the same as
effective plate voltage. The load resistance re-
figure 54, except for the diagonal line
duces the effective plate voltage under all con-
XY, the load line. The load line cor-
ditions of plate current except 0. This means
that with a load present in the plate circuit,
responds to a load RL of 25,000 ohms
(A of fig. 60). The selection of 25,000
the actual change in plate current for a change
ohms is arbitrary. It can be a higher
in grid voltage is much less than it would be if
or a lower value, except that there are
load R L were not present. This becomes evi-
limits to the ohmic values of loads rela-
dent upon consideration of the reduction in
tive to the internal plate resistance
effective plate voltage simply because of the
of a tube, and also because of the fixed
presence of a voltage drop across load R L as
value of the applied plate voltage.
soon as current flows.
These statements will be clarified later
g. Difference Between Characteristics. in discussions of voltage and power
The relationship between grid voltages and amplification.
plate current with the load present is called the
(2) No connection exists between load
dynamic characteristic. It differs from the sta-
tic characteristic because the effective plate
line XY (fig. 61) and the static plate
family. The load line has no fixed as-
voltage, e b, isnot equal to the plate-supply
sociation with tube constants or char-
voltage, E hb , when plate current flows, as with
acteristics.It is simply a means of
static characteristics.
developing information concerning the
behavior of any tube that is used with
52. Load Line a certain load. The load may be cor-
rect, or it may not be right for the
a. General.
tube. This information appears on the
(1) The effect of the load applied to a tri-
graph when the effects of the load are
ode (and other electron tubes) can be
studied by means of the load line.
predicted in advance. This usually is
accomplished by adding to the static c. Discussion of Load Line.
plate family of characteristic curves (1) The full length of the line represents
(fig. 54) a graphical representation one extreme condition - namely, a —
of the load, known as the load line. voltage drop across R L equal to the
This shows the distribution of the out- full plate-supply voltage. This means

AGO 2244A
y 1 ,

3=35 ov
16 _^

X 6J5


12 N 'f


< 10 M1
5 ±.

z N
o >
c t 7

f /i
H- t f
I — 1

l_ R1

f 1

— /

/ I

{ 50 100 150 200 250 300

350 400 450
TM 662-70

Figure 61. Plate family of characteristic curves for 6J5 triode, including load line.

that e b = and the plate current plate-current curves at different

equals the full plate-supply voltage points. To establish the distribution
divided by the load resistor or of voltages between the tube and the
load, an operating point must be se-
J _ E±j>
ft" 350
lected. Assume that the grid voltage
Rl 25,000
chosen for examination is 6 volts, —
= .014ampere or Ecc =
6. —
The load line crosses
= 14 ma. the plate-current curve for this bias at
This figure establishes one terminal of point P. A horizontal line drawn to

the load line 14 ma on the plate-cur- the plate-current scale shows that the
rent axis, point X. The other terminal corresponding plate current is 6.35 ma.
of the load line corresponds to the A vertical line dropped from point P
other extreme condition that is, zero :
to the plate-voltage axis intersects it

plate current and the full plate-supply at 190 volts. Therefore, point P can
voltage of 350 volts on the plate of the be described as
E = —6
tube. This is point on the plate-
cc volts
voltage axis. = 190 volts
(2) Further reference to figure 61 dis- it = 6.35 ma.
closes that the load line intersects the The horizontal projection to the plate-

AGO 2244A
6 : 6

voltage axis indicates the division of answer is given in the tabulation which
the plate-supply voltage across the follows.
load and across the internal resistance
of the tube. The point of intersection
E ee = —6 v E cc = -12 v
between the horizontal projection to
the plate-voltage scale and the axis in- — 6.35 ma — 3.1 ma
10.1 ma
dicates the voltage —190 volts — effec-

97 v

e„ = 190 v

e» = 272 v
tive at the plate. The difference be- eS L -= 253 v e BL = 160 v e RL = 78 v

tween this value and the total plate-

supply voltage is the voltage dropped
= (2) From the data available in the preced-
across the load, or 350 minus 190
ing tabulation, other factors can be
160 volts. Further to verify this last
determined as shown below
statement, the voltage drop across the
load resistor can be computed as fol-
lows Change from E cc = to Change from E cc = —6 to
E cc = -6 v E cc = -12 v
e BL = ib RL = .00635 X 25,000 == 160
At plate from 190 — 97 = At plate from 272 — 190
(3) The voltage on the plate and the volt- 93 v =
82 v
age dropped across the load, for var- Across load from 253 — Across load from 160 —
160 = 93 v 78 = 82 v
ious values of grid voltage, can be
determined in similar fashion. For
example, point M, corresponding to As shown in the preceding tabulation,
voltage on the control grid or E cc 0, = the change in plate voltage e b is not
can be described as the same for equal changes in grid
E = —0
cc volt voltage. That is, making the grid less
= 10.1 ma
it negative by 6 volts (going from —
e = 97 voltsb to 0) causes a fall in the effective plate
e BL = 253 volts
voltage by 93 volts. However, when
E n = 350 volts.
the grid was made more negative by
Having selected E = — 6 volts as the
— —
6 volts (going from 6 to 12), the
operating point and E = volts as cc
effective plate voltage increases by
one extreme, the other extreme can be
only 82 volts. Under ideal conditions
6 volts in the other direction, or E oc = (such as having perfectly linear char-
—12 volts. This is point S and can
acteristic curves), the rise and fall in
be described as
voltage at the plate would be the same
E = —12
cc volts in both directions. not the sameIt is
= 3.1 ma
ib in this case because of the curvature
= 272 volts
in the plate-current characteristics
e RL = 78 volts
E n = 350 volts. over the range of grid voltages be-

d. Summary and Conclusions. tween —6 and — 12volts. The curva-

ture reduces the change in plate cur-
(1) The three points of intersection, M,
rent per increment of increase in neg-
P, and S, establish a number of oper-
ative grid voltage beyond approxi-
ating factors. For instance, Ecc =— mately —8 volts, where the curvature
was selected as the reference operat-
is more predominant. This situation
ing point. Then an extreme condition,
introduces another subject for discus-
E co = volts, was selected as one limit sion —namely, linearity of the result-
of change in grid voltage. The second ant characteristic — but this is set
limit of change in grid voltage was set aside for later discussion.
as E cc =—
12 volts. How have these (3) Another pertinent fact is that the total
changes affected the plate circuit? The change in voltage at the plate always

AGO 2244A
is equal to the change in voltage across transfer characteristic and to plot the input sig-
the load. This is shown in the tabu- nal and the resultant plate current along this
lation in (2) above. A 93-volt change characteristic.
in e h is equaled by a 93-volt change in b. In figure 62, A repeats the static grid
e RL when the grid voltage is varied family illustrated in figure 53, and B shows the
from — 6 volts to volt. An 82-volt 25,000-ohm load line on the static plate family.
change in e b is equaled by an 82-volt The latter will be projected on the former to
change in e RL when the grid voltage is show the plate-current grid-voltage curve which
increased from — 6 to — 12 volts. represents the plate current corresponding to
e. Changes in Grid Voltage. certain grid voltages and the effect of the load
(1) This is an appropriate time to inject in creating the effective plate voltages.
another view of the change in voltage c. The two families of curves have three at-
drop across the load. Assuming a slow tributes in common: a common plate-current
manual means for changing the grid axis, like values of control-grid voltage, and
voltage, the changes in plate voltage like values of plate-supply voltage, although
as well as the changes in voltage drop the last two named are illustrated differently.
across the load R L would occur at the In order to project the effect of the load line in
same rate. Regardless of how slowly B on the static grid family in A
of figure 62, it
or rapidly this takes place, the fact is necessary to plot, on the latter graph, the
remains that it is a swing in voltage. plate-current values for each value of grid volt-
In one direction the peak amplitude age shown on the plate family.
is 93 volts and in the other direction d. This is done in the following manner.
it is 82 volts. This change in voltage Point M, in B of figure 62, corresponds to EM =
frequently described as the swing
is and 10.1 ma. This locates point M' on the
in voltage, and is referred to as the ec = grid-voltage line at the 10.1-ma point.
peak value expressed in volts. Point N on the plate-family graph corresponds
(2) A single expression of the peak value to E =
oe —
2 volts and 8.9 ma and this locates
does not suffice for the example under point N' on the intersection of the appropriate
discussion because of the nonlinear plate-current and grid- voltage projections on
changes above and below the reference the grid-family graph. In similar fashion, points
— 6-volt grid voltage. The expression 0, P, Q, R, S, T, U, and V on the plate family
swing in voltage is usable, neverthe- are transferred to the grid family. When these
less, except that two peak values must points are formed, the result is the character-
be mentioned, a positive and a nega- istic curve M', N', 0', P', Q', R', S', T, U', V.
tive value. A single peak reference is This is the dynamic transfer characteristic.

usable when the changes are in only e. The dynamic transfer characteristic is
one direction. seen to differ substantially from the static char-
acteristic. It is much less steep and shows that
53. Dynamic Transfer Characteristic a change in grid voltage results in a smaller

a. The load line shown on a static plate fam- change in plate current than does any static
characteristic.This is not a disadvantage, al-
ily tells a great deal, but not as conveniently as
though it may appear so at first glance, because
does another organization of characteristics.
the change in plate current for a given change
This is the static family of plate-current grid-
in grid voltage on both sides of a reference
voltage curves to which is added the effects of
point is much more linear with the load present
the load. The resultant plate-current grid-volt- than with the load absent.
age curve is known as the dynamic transfer
/. For example, if the reference point is 0',
characteristic (fig. 62). It has become common which corresponds to —4 volts on the grid and
practice, when studying the behavior of the 7.6 ma plate current, a change in grid voltage
plate current under the influence of a signal to —2 volts and then to — 6 volts results in
voltage applied to the grid, to show the dynamic 8.9 and 6.4 ma of plate current. This is an

74 AGO 2244A
-18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 150 200 250 300 350 400

Figure 62. Plate and grid families of 6J5 which are used to construct dynamic tranfer characteristic.

increase of 1.3 ma in the positive direction and the tube is being used. Too much distortion can
1.2 ma in the negative direction. The swing destroy the usefulness of a complete system.
in plate current is not linear, but the degree of h. The dynamic transfer characteristic in A
nonlinearity is less than 8 percent even with of figure 62 is seen to have some curvature. It
the limited accuracy which is possible in graphs is greater between approximately e c 10.5 =
of this kind. volts and ec = — 18 volts than between = e„

g. A corresponding point of operation along

volts and ec = — 10.5 volts. Since linearity of
plate-current changes is a general requirement,
a static characteristic without any load is se-
lected on the 150-volt curve. With 4 volts — examination of the dynamic transfer character-
istic discloses the range of grid voltages over
applied to the grid, the plate current is 6.4 ma.
With the grid reduced to —
2 volts, the plate
which linearity in plate-current changes is
current rises to 12 ma, a change of 5.6 ma.
With the grid voltage changed to 6 volts, the — 54. Effect of Different Loads
plate current drops to 2.6 ma, a change of 3.8
ma. Nonlinearity between the positive and neg- a. Before showing how the dynamic transfer
ative changes amounts to approximately 30 characteristic is used with a simple triode
percent. Nonlinearity in electron tube behavior amplifier system, it is necessary to dwell briefly
is a source of distortion and highly undesir- on the subject of different loads. It was said
able. Some value of distortion can be tolerated, that the selection of 25,000 ohms for 6J5 triode
but it always must be kept within the bounds operated at a supply voltage of 350 volts was
permitted by the function of the system wherein arbitrary when used in the circuit of figure 62.

AGO 2244A
It was seen also that the presence of a finite of ohms), the greater the effect of the load in
load produced a dynamic transfer character- determining the plate current per unit of change
isticwhich had some curvature or nonlinearity, in grid voltage and plate voltage rather than
although it was an improvement over the static the change in internal plate resistance. With
plate-current grid-voltage without any load. infinite load, the characteristic would be along
b. As apparent from the statements above the plate-current line, because changes in grid
and shown in figure 63, the higher the ohmic voltage would have no effect on the circuit.
value of the load, the straighter should be the
55. Simple Triode Amplifier
dynamic transfer characteristic. As the ohmic
a. Grid Signal. Previous discussions in this
value of the load is increased, the over-all char-
chapter have led to the explanation of the sim-
acteristic approaches a straight line; that is,
ple triode amplifier, shown schematically in
itbecomes more and more linear throughout its
figure 64. This amplifier is similar to the triode
length. This can be seen by comparing char-
systems shown previously when they were used
acteristics A, B, C, and D. The curve for R L = for the construction of static and dynamic char-
100,000 ohms is substantially straight for al-
acteristics, but it contains one important differ-
most its full length, whereas the curve for RL = ence. This is the addition of a sine- wave signal
25,000 ohms is straight for only a small portion, source which generates the signal voltage e g
and that for RL = 15,000 ohms is straight for that is to be amplified. Signal e g appears in
even a smaller segment of the characteristic. the input circuit as a sinusoidal variation of
The reason for this behavior is that the higher voltage between the control grid and the E cc
the load resistance (within a reasonable value supply. An amplified version of the signal re-


E bt = 35


3 8


100^ )00

-24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -IO -8 -6 -4 -2 O

TM 662-72

Figure 63. Dynamic transfer characteristic curves for different loads.

76 AGO 2244A
appears in the plate circuit as the varying drop, ec = signal voltage plus grid bias
e BL , across the load resistance. As described = e„ + Ecc
previously, this voltage drop developed across ec = (+6) + (—6) = volts.
the load is the result of the varying plate cur- (2) The other extreme occurs at the in-
rent, ib, that flows through the load. stant when the peak value of the nega-
tive alternation of the signal voltage
appears in the grid circuit. At that
moment, the signal is —6 volts. With
the fixed bias of — 6 volts active in the
circuit, the instantaneous voltage be-
tween the grid and the cathode is the
arithmetical sum of the two voltages,
or —
12 volts. This can be shown num-
erically as

ec = signal voltage plus bias voltage

= e + Ecc
Figure 64. Basic circuit of triode, including input
signal and load.
ec = (—6) + (—6) = —12 volts.
d. General.
b. Grid Voltages. (1) Between these extremes of grid volt-
(1) By examination, three significant volt- age, the instantaneous voltage between
ages now are present in the control grid and cathode is a function of the
grid-cathode circuit: instantaneous amplitude and polarity
of the signal voltage plus the fixed
E — the
eo bias voltage
eg = the instantaneous value of signal voltage negative bias. At no time does the
ec = the instantaneous voltage between grid control grid become positive.
and cathode. (2) Another important item is the associa-
(2) The relative values of grid bias ECB tion between the operating conditions
and signal voltage e g warrant only created by the voltages applied and the
brief comment at this time because the so-called operating point on the dyna-
operation of this amplifier is explained mic transfer characteristic, illus-
in a later chapter. If the assumed re- trated in figure 65, where the load re-
quirement is that the triode amplifier sistor equals 25,000 ohms. This is the
must operate without grid current, the same dynamic transfer characteristic
amount of the fixed grid bias, cc , E developed in A of figure 62 with the
must be at least equal to the peak value static curves omitted. The dynamic
of the positive half of the sine-wave transfer characteristic alone is suffi-
signal, e g In that way, the positive
. cient for a graphical display of the
alternation of the signal voltage will way in which a signal voltage applied
not drive the grid into the positive to the grid reappears amplified in the
voltage zone; consequently, no grid and
plate circuit via the plate current,
current is drawn. also toshow the meaning of the oper-
ating point and possible conditions of
c. Voltage Computations.
operation. These curves furnish the
(1) If the signal, e g , is established at 6
means for predicting the behavior of
volts peak, then the fixed grid bias can
be set at the same figure, or Ecc =— the plate current for a signal input.

volts. This amount of bias will be just

offset by the 6-volt peak of the posi-
56. Operating Point
tive alternation of the signal. This is a. Quiescent Conditions. To demonstrate
one extreme of voltage conditions in the method of predicting the plate-current be-
the input circuit and can be shown havior from the dynamic transfer character-
numerically as follows istic, it is necessary first to establish the oper-

AGO 2244A 77
-18 -16 -14 -12 HO -8 -6 -4 -2

M, D'


N — A' 7 _\F_ -
^ J


O / E



—{— H'

1 1

1 1

l I 1

_A I !

- B

G. — *F
-H 1

TM 662-74

Figure 65. Operating on linear portion of 6J5 dynamic transfer characteristic (R equal Tl to 25,000 ohms).

ating point on the characteristic curves. This determines how much change occurs
is set by the amount of fixed grid bias applied for input signals of different magni-
to the tube. It establishes a steady value of tudes. Since it is always desirable to
plate current which prevails for a O-input sig- develop a maximum change in plate
nal voltage and is generally referred to as the current for a unit change in grid volt-
quiescent value of plate current. Based upon age, the location of the operating point
the data in figure 64, where a 6-volt peak signal is determined by the maximum amount
and a —
6-volt fixed bias are used, the operating of signal voltage anticipated in the
point is N in figure 65. This is seen to equal grid circuit. The reason for this is
6.4 ma and is the quiescent value of plate cur- obvious. Establishing the operating
rent. point for a 6-volt peak signal is satis-
b. Choice of Operating Points. factory for all signals less than 6 volts
(1) The location of the operating point peak, but it is not adequate for signals

78 AGO 2244A
exceeding 6 volts peak. Such signals quired in the plate current. It can be
will drive the grid positive and cause satisfied only by locating the operat-
grid current to flow. ing point along the linear part of the
(2) Another factor related to the location plate-current curve (N of fig. 65). For
of the operating point is the desired instance, selecting the operating point
behavior of the plate current. Inas- at P (fig. 66) by the application of
much as the signal to be amplified is — 12-volt bias permits a 6-volt upward
a sine wave, it is necessary for the and downward swing in grid voltage,
plate current to rise as much as it but the change in plate current is non-
falls during the alternate positive and linear. The reason will be explained
negative half -cycles of the signal. This shortly,
requirement is described simply by c. Amplification.
saying that linear changes are re- (1) Examples of the plate current result-


-18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2




£ 7
M D' 1
L / c/

< ^4
h- !

P — /X 1 J '
Q- 3 -j I— -

0/ --4- -4—1—

2 r
A i

• 1
G _Jl

r r

i H
' i




jL >J

TM 662-75
Figure 66. Operating on nonlinear portion of 6J5 dynamic transfer characteristic (Rl equal to 25,000 ohms)

AGO 2244A

ing from a 6-volt peak signal applied aneous plate currents. Horizontal pro-
to a simple triode are illustrated in jections of these intersections become
figures 65 and 6G. Each graph shows the instantaneous amplitudes of the
the plate-current results for a differ- plate-current wave.
ent operating point. These correspond (4) For instance, line AB is a period dur-
to N and P, previously discussed. In ing which the signal voltage is
each case, the input signal is a sine (point N), producing the period A'B'
wave of voltage. The plate-current wherein the quiescent plate current
variations resulting from the applied is 6.5 ma. This is established by the
signal are
that is,
shown in similar fashion,
as graphical representations
no-signal voltage conditions that is, —
the 350-volt supply, the load resistor
of a current wave. Faithful amplifi- of 25,000 ohms, and the fixed bias of
cation of the signal is indicated by —6 volts. The signal voltage starts
similar shapes for the plate-current increasing in the positive direction
wave and the input signal-voltage and at point C equals +4 volts. It off-
wave. For proper correlation between sets 4 volts of the negative bias ; there-
input signal voltage and output plate fore, the effective grid voltage is —
current, the same time scale must be volts at this time. A vertical projec-
used for both. This is accomplished tionfrom point C on the input signal
by displaying the cycle of the signal wave to the characteristic passes
voltage and the plate current along through the — 2-volt mark on the grid-
zero axes of similar physical length. voltage scale. It intersects the char-
Faithful amplification of the input sig- acteristic at L and equals 8.9 ma. A
nal is indicated by sine-wave shapes horizontal projection on the plate-cur-
for the plate-current wave, since the rent wave scale produces the point C.
input signal voltage in each case is a
(5) The peak of the input signal labeled
sine wave. If the plate-current wave-
D has a voltage magnitude of +6 volts.
shape departs from the original grid
The effective grid voltage, therefore,
sine wave, it is the equivalent of dis-
equals and the projection on the
characteristic produces point M and
(2) The development of the plate-current equals 10.5 ma. Projecting this point
changes for instantaneous changes in horizontally on the plate-current time-
signal voltage requires a point-by- base produces the peak amplitude D'.
point plot of the instantaneous result- Point G is projected to produce point
ant of the signal and bias voltages on 0; point H is projected to produce
the transfer characteristic. Projec- point Q. Treatment of every other
tions of these plots form the plate- point on the signal-voltage wave in
current wave, as accomplished step- similar fashion develops the plate-cur-
by-step in figure 65, where the signal rent waveshape of figure 65.
voltage and the developed plate cur- d. Analysis of Illustrations.
rent bear corresponding identifying
(1) An analysis of the graphical display
letters at designated points.
of the signal voltage, dynamic transfer
(3) Referring to line AB in figure 65, the characteristic, and
resultant plate-
input signal-voltage wave is drawn current waves affords pertinent infor-
so that its 0-volt point coincides with mation. A casual inspection of the
the fixed bias voltage. This is stand- signal-input and plate-current waves
ard procedure and in this instance discloses a substantial similarity,
coincides with E B0 = —
6 volts. All which signifies relatively little dis-
other instantaneous amplitudes of the tortion. A more critical examina-
signal then are projected into the char- tion shows that the positive alter-
acteristic and indicate the instant- nation of the plate current has a

AGO 2244A
slightly higher peak amplitude than changing plate current and compari-
the negative alternation. Nonlinearity son with the amplitude of the input
of this kind a form of distortion, but
is signal.
in this case not too great. Even
it is e. General. Concerning the types of distor-
this small amount of distortion can be tion that can be developed in an electron-tube
eliminated by increasing the load re- amplifier, they are more numerous than the
sistance, reducing the signal voltage, two examples illustrated in figures 65 and 66.
and operating entirely along the Additional examples are given later in this
straight part of the characteristic. manual.
(2) An aggravated example of distortion
appears in figure 66. It results from 57. I nterelectrode Capacitances
the choice of the operating point on
a. An important electrical effect is associ-
the dynamic transfer characteristic
ated with triode tubes. It is the capacitance pre-
relative to the swing in grid voltage
sented by the facing metal surfaces which are
caused by the signal. The plate-cur-
the tube electrodes. Capacitance exists between
rent wave is developed as shown in
the cathode and the control grid, between the
figure 65, but the steps have been
cathode and the plate, and between the control
omitted, although corresponding parts
grid and the plate.
of the signal and plate-current waves
are labeled similarly.
b. The interelectrode capacitance between
the control grid and the cathode bears the label
(3) The nonuniformity in plate-current
Cgk , the subscripts indicating the tube electrodes
changes on both sides of the quiescent
which form the tiny capacitor. The capacitance
value is evident in the plate-current
between the control grid and plate is labeled
wave of figure 66.The curvature in
Cgp and between plate and cathode Cvk These
, .

the dynamic transfer characteristic

capacitors are illustrated in figure 67. These
for relatively high values of grid bias
capacitances are relatively small, being pos-
results in flattening of the peak of the
sibly 2 to 10 fxjd. Nevertheless, they are very
negative alternation. This is serious
important and cannot be ignored in some cases.
distortion when the intended function
of the triode amplifier is distortionless
amplification of a sine wave. It can be
said in passing that wave flattening of
this kind is the equivalent of intro-
ducing frequencies which were not
present in the single-frequency input

(4) The statements in the preceding para-

graphs are a brief treatment of the
subject of amplification. More elabo-
rate and complete details are contained Figure 67. Location of interelectrode capacitances
in chapter 6. In the meantime, it within triode.

should be noted that the amplitude of

c. The triode is used in many circuits that
the plate-current curves in figures 65
involve the phenomenon of resonance. The
and 66 relative to the pictured ampli-
capacitance between the triode electrodes such
tudes of the input signals is not an
as Cgic and C gv is additive to any already there
indication of the amount of amplifica- as a part of the resonant systems connected be-
tion being obtained. This can be de- tween these electrodes. Consequently, substi-
rived only from calculation (or meas- tution of one tube for another is capable of im-
urement) of the voltage drop devel- pairing the condition of resonance because of
oped across the triode load by the changes in tube capacitance.

AGO 2244A 81
d. In all applications of the triode and other b. The inside view of a glass triode is ob-

multielectrode tubes, a form of circuit isola- scured by the opaque coating formed by a get-
tion attained between the circuit components
is ter. The purpose is to absorb any
of the getter
which form the control-grid circuit and those gases that are initially liberated from the elec-
which are connected to the plate circuit of the trodes during operation.
tube. Under ideal conditions, the only coupling c. The purpose of the control grid in triodes
between the control-grid and plate circuits is is to govern the movement of electrons from
the stream of electrons inside the tube. The the space charge to the plate.
presence of capacitance inside the tube between d. One distinguishing feature of the triode is
the control-grid and plate electrodes tends to that its plate current can be cut off despite the
defeat the usefulness of the triode as a means presence of a positive d-c voltage on the plate.
of attaining circuit isolation. The interelec- e. Amplification occurs in a triode when it
trode capacitance between the control-grid and delivers a stronger signal to the output circuit
plate circuits acts as a path by which energy
than it receives.
present in the plate circuit is transferred back
/. D-c power sources for a triode consist of
to the grid circuit. The result is interaction
an A-battery, which supplies the filament volt-
between the control-grid and plate circuits.
age a B-battery, which supplies the plate volt-

This can be serious when the grid circuit and

age; and a C-battery, which supplies the con-
the plate circuit of the triode contain systems
trol-grid voltage.
which are resonant to the same or approxi-
g. Operating potentials of a triode are the
mately the same frequency. This action is called
fixed d-c operating voltages of the filament, con-
feedback. The higher the frequency of opera-
trol grid, and plate.
tion the worse is the situation, since the react-
ances of C gk and Cgp become negligible and in- h. The reference point of the triode usually

crease the feedback effect. is the cathode (or the common junction point of
the voltage sources) and it usually is grounded.
e. The results of uncontrolled feedback are
i. An electrostatic field exists between the
bad. The circuit behaves as a very unstable
cathode (space charge) and the control grid in
amplifier. If the feedback is excessive, the sys-
a triode. The direction of this field is such as
tem becomes useless as an amplifier instead, it

to pull electrons to the plate when the grid is

generates a signal of its own. This action is
made positive. The reverse is true when it is
called oscillation. In order to minimize the tend-
ency toward oscillation and so permit the triode
to function as an amplifier, recourse is made to j. a condition that prevails
Grid current is

a circuit action known as neutralization, which in a triode that exists when electrons attach
will be discussed later. In neutralization, the themselves to the control grid and complete a
interelectrode capacitance between the control path to it. It is negligible when the grid is at
grid and the plate is neutralized by means of zero or negative potential and is more predomi-

a special capacitor located outside the tube and nant as the grid is made more and more posi-
connected between the grid and plate circuits.
k. Placing a voltage on the control grid sets
/. Freedom from uncontrolled feedback in
up two electrostatic fields, one between cathode
amplifiers can be attained by use of electron
tubes which contain more than three some- — and control grid and the other from control grid

times four or five electrodes. These tetrodes
to plate. The direction of these fields is depend-
ent on the polarity of the voltages applied to the
and pentodes are discussed fully in the follow-
ing chapter.
I. A low voltage applied to the control grid

can exert on the space-charge electrons as much

58. Summary influence as (or even more than) a very much
a. Control grids, as used in triodes, are com- higher voltage applied to the plate.
posed of such metals as molybdenum, nichrome, m. When the potential on the control grid
iron, and an alloy of nickel and iron. is such that it completely stops the movement

AGO 2244A
: —
— .

of electrons through a tube, the tube is said to family displays the plate current for small in-
be cut off. crements of grid-voltage change and substan-
n. When the potential on the control grid is tial fixed differences in plate voltage the plate ;

positive, it aids the plate by pulling more elec- family displays the effects of small increments
trons to because more electrons pass through
it of plate-voltage changeand larger fixed incre-

the grid openings. ments of grid-voltage change.

In some tubes, a grid-voltage change of a
o. aa. The plate current corresponding to a fixed
few have the same effect on plate cur-
volts can change in grid voltage is a function of the
rent as changing the plate voltage by 10, 20, operating region on the plate-current curve.
or even 50 volts. (In some instances, the effect The operating point determines the linearity
can be less and in others more.) and nonlinearity of the output waveshape of
p. When the maximum and minimum points a triode.
of one waveshape occur at the same instant as ab. The tube constants are
the maximum and minimum of another wave-
shape, it is said that the two waveshapes are Amplification factor (/*)
=—A 6h
(i p constant)
Za e c
in phase.
The plate current of a triode always re-
q. Transconductance (g m ) =-r
A i
-(e b constant)
mains unidirectional even though it may vary Za e c

above and below a reference level.

A-c plate resistance (rp ) =A e>>
. (e„ constant)
r. The polarity of the plate (with reference AH
to the cathode) in a triode always remains posi- ac. Triodes generally are classified as low-/*
tive. (fi is less than 10), medium-/* (^ is between
The control-grid voltage can change very
s. 10 and 30), and high-/*, (//. is 100 or more).
slowly or very rapidly and the plate voltage ad. Rp is defined as the d-c internal resist-
varies accordingly. ance of a tube when steady values of voltage
t. In most cases, the presence of grid current are applied to its electrodes. The term rp is
is undesirable because it represents a consump- defined as the a-c internal resistance of a tube
tion of power. when varying values of voltage are applied to
Bias can be defined as the d-c voltage ex-
u. its electrodes.

isting between the grid and cathode of a triode. ae. The higher the applied plate voltage (or

v. Characteristic curves display the behavior the lower the negative grid voltage), the lower
of electron tubes easily and specifically. is the a-c plate resistance.

w. In the plate-current grid-voltage charac- af. When comparing p, g m and rp p remains

, ,

teristics, the grid voltage is made variable relatively constant under virtually all condi-
(causing changes in plate current) and the tions. The value of rp varies greatly at high
plate voltage is made constant. In the plate-cur- values of negative grid bias or low plate volt-
rent plate-voltage characteristics, the plate volt- age. G m varies oppositely to rt .

age is made variable (also causing changes in ag. The tube constants are a means of com-
plate current) and the grid voltage is made paring tubes of a similar type and permit the
constant. selection of a tube to fit specific needs.
x. Static characteristics are curves that indi- ah. The dynamic characteristics of a tube
cate tube behavior when the voltages applied can be described as a graphic portrayal of tube
to its electrodes are determined by voltage behavior under load.
sources E bb and E ec . ai. When a signal source and a load are used,
Plate-current saturation is reached when
y. the following mathematical relationships hold
no further increase in plate current occurs as true:
the grid is made more positive. ec =E + cc eg; eb =E bb — ih RL ; e RL = ib RL .

In general, grid-family and plate-family

z. aj. A load line displays the way in which the
curves furnish the same information. The grid output of the plate-supply voltage is distrib-

AGO 2244A
uted between the load and the internal resist- I. What point usually is grounded in a triode
ance of the tube under different conditions of circuit ?

plate current.
m. In physical construction, why is the con-
ak. The dynamic transfer characteristic trol grid placed closer to the cathode than to
curve correlates the plate-current grid-voltage the plate?
relationship with the load present in the circuit.
n. What influence does the electrostatic field
al. The change in plate voltage always
total existing in a triode have on the electron flow
is equal to the change in voltage across the load. through the tube?
am. Nonlinearity in electron-tube behavior is o. Will grid current flow when the control
a source of distortion and is highly undesirable. grid is at zero potential?
an. If a triode amplifier is to operate without
p. Explain the differences in direction of the
grid current, the amount of fixed negative bias
electrostatic fields in a triode when the grid is
must be at least equal to the peak value of the positive and negative.
positive half of the input grid signal.
q. What is meant by cut-off in an electron
ao. The plate current in a triode amplifier
is said to be quiescent when no signal is applied
to its input circuit. r. Upon what factors does the cut-off voltage
of an electron tube depend?
ap. The interelectrode capacitances of a tri-
ode, Cgp Cp
and C
jc, are in the order of 2 to
glc ,
s. Name the effects that exist in making the
10 control grid positive in a triode.

aq. The effect of interelectrode capacitance t. What is meant when two voltages are said
can lead to feedback and oscillation. to be in phase ?
u. Can the plate voltage of a triode ever go
59. Review Questions negative? Why?
a. Name some metals that are used to manu- Does the plate current have the same

facture control grids in triodes. shape as the control-grid voltage in a triode?

b. What famous person inserted the third iv. Why is a negative control grid desired in
element into the diode? the majority of cases?

c. Why
are the elements of triodes generally x. Define bias, grid voltage, and cathode volt-
larger in transmitters than in receivers? age.
d. What substances are used as getters in y. What is the main purpose of character-
triodes ? istic curves?
e. Why are getters necessary in triodes? z. What is meant by the notations E ib ,

/. What is the electrical difference between h, e c, and E b 1

a diode and a triode? aa. What are the dependent and independent
g. Is it possible for the control grid to over- variables in both the plate-current grid-voltage
come the influence of a very high plate voltage and plate-current plate- voltage characteristics?
in the order of a few thousand volts? Why?
ab. What are the differences between static
h. Why is the control grid in a triode some- and dynamic characteristic curves?
times compared to a valve"!
ac. Why is plate current reduced when the
Comparatively speaking, what are the ap-
control grid is made too positive?
proximate voltage differences between the A,
B, and C supplies in a triode?
ad. What are the advantages and disadvant-
ages of using oxide-coated emitters?
j. Are the polarities of B- and C-batteries the
same for all triodes? ae. Why are grid-family characteristic curves
used instead of a single characteristic curve?
k. What is meant by the operating potentials
of a triode? af. Define g m and rp .

84 AGO 2244A
ag. What is the differencee between Rp and an. Why does nonlinearity of characteristic
curves cause distortion? How can it be mini-
ah. What is meant by a variable-/*, tube?
ao. What three voltages are present in the
ai. How does rp vary with the plate-supply
control grid-cathode circuit of a triode ampli-
voltage? Grid-supply voltage?

aj. What is the mathematical relationship

ap. When can a quiescent value of plate cur-
between g m and r„?
rent be obtained?

ak. Is the change in plate current for a aq. What is the approximate value of inter-
change in grid voltage more or less when a load electrode capacitance existing between the elec-
is used in a triode circuit? Why? trodes of a triode tube?

al. Explain what a dynamic transfer char- ar. Is interelectrode capacitance more notice-
acteristic curve is. able at higher or lower frequencies? Why?
am. How would you go about drawing a load as. Why is neutralization used in some triode
line for a given set of grid-family curves? amplifiers ?

AGO 2244A


60. General ous problem for design engineers because
progress in communication depended on in-
Although the triode is an important de-
creasing the amplifying capabilities of equip-
vice in communications, its use in amplifying
systems is limited in some respects. The prin-
d. Today the answer is found in two types
cipal reason is the interelectrode capacitance
of tubes. Both are based on the triode but rep-
between its electrodes, especially the capaci-
resent modifications of the original three-ele-
tance between the control grid and the plate.
ment electron tube. One of the versions is the
As the frequency of operation is increased,
tetrode, or four-electrode electron tube, which
the grid-plate capacitance affords an easier
contains an electron emitter, two grids, and a
path for the transfer of energy back from the
plate. The other is the pentode, which con-
output to the input circuit. This action is most
tains five electrodes: an electron emitter,
pronounced in a resonant system in which the
three grids, and a plate.
grid and plate circuits are tuned to the same
or similar frequencies. The result is that
e. The development of electron tubes since
the early 1920's has resulted in more than just
triode tubes seldom are used as amplifiers
the multielectrode tetrode and pentode. Other
without recourse to special neutralizing sys-
tubes which have been developed are various
tems to counterbalance the undesired feed-
combinations of diodes, triodes, tetrodes, and
pentodes in the same envelope. These are iden-
b. Neutralization is not wholly satisfactory. tified by the general name of multiunit tubes.
The higher the frequency of operation, the
more critical is the adjustment. Sometimes it 61. Tetrode
is impossible to neutralize properly over the
entire band. Above all, neutralization is a a. Screen Grid. The four-electrode tube
criticaladjustment and, frequently, a bother- contains the electrodes of the triode (with

some It still is used in some equipment,

one. generally similar functions), and in addition
but in general its use has been reduced by the a fourth electrode. This is the screen grid.
development of new tube types which obviate As a rule, the four-electrode tube is called a

the necessity for neutralization by greatly re- tetrode, although upon occasion it is referred
ducing the interelectrode grid-plate capaci- to as a screen-grid tube.

tance as a feedback path. b. Physical Construction.

c. In addition to the problems of feedback, (1) The physical organization of the
the triode does not satisfy all the amplifying tetrode (fig. 68) does not differ too
needs encountered in receivers, transmitters, much from that of the triode. In A,
and related apparatus. The physical relation- the screen grid of the tetrode (type
ship between the electrodes of the triode is 48) is rectangular in shape. The
such as to set unsatisfactory limits on the de- plate is fin-shaped for heat dissipa-
gree of amplification that can be achieved in tion purposes. In B, the outer screen
a practical tube. At one time this posed a seri- grid is a perforated-metal structure

86 AGO 2244
of circular shape (type 32), located to the base are called double-ended
between the glass envelope and the tubes. the electrodes appear as
If all
plate electrode. The inner screen pins or prongs in the base of the
grid is oval and is located between tube, they are called single-ended
the control grid and plate. There is tubes. In some tetrodes designed for
variation in the shape of the grids: use in receivers and similar low-
in some instances a helical form is power equipment, the cap illustrated

used. The functioning of the elec- in affords electrical connection to

trodes is fundamentally the same re- the control grid. The plate, screen-
gardless of the shape. grid, and heater (or filament) junc-

Figure 68. Physical construction of tetrodes.

(2) C and D show external views of two tions aremade through the tube base
tetrodes. The tubes are substantially pins. In some higher-power tubes,
alike in appearance, but differ in one such as are used in transmitters, the
respect. The practice of using pins in cap furnishes electrical contact with
the tube base as connecting points to the plate electrode, as in D. The re-
the electrodes inside the envelope is maining tube electrodes terminate
followed in the tetrode, but an ex- at the base pins. The reason for cap
ception is the use of a metal connect- connections to the control grid or to
ing cap on the top of the tube. Tubes the plate, as the case may be, is the
which have electrodes connected to desire to reduce the capacitance be-
portions of the envelope in addition tween the connecting pin termina-

AGO 2244A 87
tions of the control grid and the plate.
c. Tetrode Circuit. It is common practice
to use the full names, such as control grid and
screen grid, but for tube schematics it is ad-
vantageous to designate these electrodes in ab-
breviated form as Gl and G2. The smaller num-
ber is assigned to the grid which is closer to the
cathode, this being the control grid. Therefore,
G2 represents the screen grid. These notations
are included in two schematic representations
(fig. 69). The old tube symbol, in A, finds occa- TM 662-79
sional use in modern and therefore,
Figure 70. Circuit representation of tetrode.
is shown here. B shows the modern tube sym-
bol. It also is interesting to note that abridge-
E bb ). The circuity between the emit-
ment words screen grid to the single word
of the
ter and the common junction point,
screen, as meaning the same thing, is practiced
shown grounded, is the cathode cir-
regularly. When illustrated schematically with
cuit. This, too, conforms with the
operating voltages applied to all the electrodes,
breakdown of the triode.
the tetrode appears as in figure 70. The main
(2) The presence of the screen electrode
difference between the tetrode and the triode
isthe screen circuit and the source of its oper-
introduces new voltage and current

ating voltage. In normal use the screen is made

notations. The voltage between the
positive relative to the cathode by receiving a
control grid and the cathode bears as-
voltage from source E which also supplies
sociation with Gl, and is, therefore,
th ,
identified as e A On the other hand,
the plate voltage. In the majority of instances,
the screen-grid voltage source is a
the d-c screen voltage is appreciably less than
the d-c plate voltage.
part of E
m but the voltage applied to

the screen electrode is identified apart

from the plate voltage. Being related
to G2, it bears the notation e c2 and , its
SCRI portion of E bb is labeled E c2 .
GRID(G2) JLfL 6R,c
GRI0(GI) yd*y
x /j_V (3) The current label i c2 identifies the
screen-grid current. The screen is lo-

cated in the space between the control

grid and the plate, and therefore, it

CATHODE CATHODE is in the path of the electrons flowing

through the tube. Since it is sub-
OLD SYMBOL MODERN SYMBOL jected to a positive voltage, it does
more than just accelerate electrons
toward itself and the plate. It attracts
Figure 69. Tube symbols for tetrode. some of the electrons, which comprise
the screen current. Again, the current
d. Analysis of Circuit. notationis seen to bear an association

(1) The organization of the tetrode cir- with the subscript letter c which is
cuit relative to signal transfer (fig. used with all electrodes identified as
70) is the same as that of the triode. grids. The screen current usually is
The control-grid-to-cathode circuit is much smaller than the plate current.

the input part of the tube system (in- e. Function op Screen Grid.
cluding eg and E cc ), and the plate-to- (1) The main purpose of the screen-grid
ground circuit is the output part of electrode is to reduce the plate-to-grid
the tube system (including e b and capacitance, which is a path for feed-

88 AGO 2244A
back in high-frequency amplifiers. the analysis of the triode. The now obsolete
Feedback may lead to self-oscillation UY-224 tetrode was used to obtain the curves
of the amplifier, which is undesirable. illustrated because it exhibits certain proper-
With an average of about 2 f grid- w ties of fundamental interest which later types
plate capacitance in a triode, this value of tetrodes do not show equally well. Figure 71
is reduced to approximately .01 fi^f shows curves for only one control-grid and
or less in a tetrode. The screen-grid screen-grid roltage setting. Since e g is not in-
accomplishes this by acting as an elec- troduced in the circuit the control-grid voltage,
trostatic shield between the control e cl or E cl is held constant at
, 1.5 volts and —
grid and the plate, consequently reduc- the screen-grid voltage, E c2 is held constant at

ing the grid-plate capacitance. When +75 volts. The filament voltage, E f,
is a d-c
an outer screen-grid is used, it serves voltage of 2.5 volts.
to isolate the plate of the tube from b. Referring to figure 71, curve i h is the plate
the external circuit. current and curve i c2 is the screen current (Y-
(2) The screen current, i c2 , that flows as axis) for the stipulated changes in plate volt-
a result of E c2 performs no useful pur- age (X-axis) It can be seen that great changes

pose. Most of the emitted electrons occur in these two curves below a certain value
from the cathode flow to the plate of plate voltage, that is, from E ib values of to
through the openings in the screen- about 90 volts. It is in thisregion that great
grid mesh. Consequently, the screen interest lies, although the operating range of
reinforces the action of the plate by the two curves, when used for amplifier design,
helping it to attract more electrons to is substantially above the 90-volt value. Curves
the plate. At the same time, the screen it and ic2 are added to produce curve i b i c2 + .

has another effect it makes the plate

; This illustrates that changes in plate voltage
current practically independent of E bh do not appreciably affect the total current
plate voltage because of its shielding through the tetrode.
action. Inasmuch as the screen is be- c. The previous statement that the plate cur-
tween the control grid and the plate, rent not affected too much by changes in plate

changes in the value of the voltage on voltage in a tetrode appears to be contradicted

the plate have little effect on the space in an examination of the curves. This is be-
charge. As a matter of fact, it is pos- cause, with voltage applied to the plate and +75
sible toview the plate-voltage field as volts to the screen, an electrostatic field exists

terminating on the screen. This does between the screen and the cathode and not be-
tween the cathode and plate (cathode is at
not imply that the plate voltage is un-
potential). This field attracts electrons to the
important. It accounts for the advance
screen grid and a small screen current (4 mil-
of electrons to it and the plate circuit
liamperes) flows in the external screen circuit.
is still the output circuit. However, Some electrons do reach the plate, however, as
the attracting force responsible for
evidenced by the flow of a very small plate cur-
the movement of electrons beyond the rent (.5 milliampere) at plate voltage.
confines of the control grid is the volt-
d. Raising the plate voltage from to +2
age on the screen rather than the volt-
volts causes an increase in plate current and a
age on the plate.
decrease in screen current. This is indicated by
the upward slope in the plate-current charac-
62. Plate-current Plate-voltage Charac-
teristic and the downward slope of the screen-
teristic Curves
current characteristic. Note that as the plate
a. The behavior of a tetrode under various voltage is +5 volts and slightly
increased to
conditions can be analyzed from its plate-cur- higher, the plate-current curve slopes down-
rent plate-voltage characteristic curves (figs. ward and continues so for an appreciable dis-
78 and 71, with eg excluded) as was done in tance. This appears to be the contrary of what

AGO 2244A


TM 662-60

Figure 71. Plate-current plate-voltage characteristic curve for UY-22i tetrode.

should happen. By ordinary tube behavior the The decrease in plate current and increase in
plate current should increase rather than de- screen current resulting from secondary emis-
crease as the plate voltage increases. The de- sion are represented by the curves in figure 71.
crease is caused by a phenomenon known as The plate current, therefore, continues to de-
secondary emission. crease as the screen current increases. When
the plate voltage is increased and approaches
e.Secondary emission occurs when electrons
the screen potential of +75 volts, some of the
from the space charge strike the plate with
secondary electrons are attracted back to the
sufficient force to dislodge electrons from the
plate, causing the plate current curve to turn
plate material itself. These dislodged electrons
in an upward direction. When the plate volt-
are known as secondary electrons. With the
age reaches the screen voltage, the plate field
screen voltage fixed, the velocity with which
is now strong enough to prevent the secondary
the space-charge electrons (known as primary
electrons from leaving the vicinity of the plate
electrons) arrive at the plate increases as the
because they are nearer to the plate than they
plate voltage increases. At low plate voltages,
are to the screen.
secondary electrons dislodged from the plate
under primary electron bombardment are at- /. As the plate voltage exceeds the screen
tracted to the higher-potential screen. The voltage, most of the electrons which pass
movement of these secondary electrons is in through the screen openings arrive at the plate.

the direction opposite to the regular flow of elec- This condition represents the relatively flat

trons from cathode to plate. The result of this portion of the % curve (beyond En = 90 volts)
dual-directional current flow is that the current Increasing the plate voltage beyond 90 volts
in the plate circuit decreases as more and more does not cause an appreciable increase in plate
secondary electrons are dislodged from the current, because the increased attracting force
plate. These secondary electrons are attracted caused by the higher positive voltage on the
to the screen and the screen current increases. plate does not affect the space charge as much

AGO 2244A

as the screen does ;

therefore, its action on the volts. simply that the extent of the nega-
It is

negligible. is not as great.

tive resistance effect
space-charge electrons is
j. This improvement is attributable to the
g. Normal operation of a tetrode as a distor- kind of material used for the plate. The plate
tionless amplifier is in the zone where the plate of the 24A treated chemically so that
tetrode is

current curve i t is not subject to radical fluctu- fewer secondary electrons are dislodged by the
ations caused by secondary emission effects, primary electrons. This reduces the number of
to the right of point A. secondary electrons that are available to be at-
tracted to the screen when its voltage exceeds
h. In the plate family of characteristics for
that of the plate.
the more modern 24A tetrode (fig. 72) the con- ,
As to the limitations of its use, the modern
trol-grid voltage is varied from volts to — A;.

tetrode subject to secondary emission also,

volts in steps of .5 volt; the screen-grid volt- although it performs as a somewhat better am-
age, E c2 , is held constant at +90 volts and the plifier than the old-type tetrode.
plate voltage is varied over a wide range, from 63. Constants of Tefrodes
volt to +500 volts. Several significant dif- a. General. Like the triode, the tetrode is

ferences can be observed in figures 71 and 72. identified with three basic tube constants: a-c

200 300

Figure 72. Plate family of characteristic curves for 2iA tetrode.

i. It is to be noted that none of the charac- plate resistance r P ,

amplication factor, fx, and
teristic curves for the modern 24A drop below transconductance g m The meaning of each is

the value of plate current, as they do for the the same as when they are used for the triode,
obsoleteUY-224. This does not mean that the although the different organization of the
modern tetrode is free from negative resistance tetrode establishes a contrasting range of val-
effects, for, as can be seen, the plate current ues for these constants.
does decrease with increasing plate voltage over b. A-c Plate Resistance. The a-c plate re-
the region where E bb is approximately to 70 sistance of the tetrode is very high in compari-

AGO 2244A 91
son with that of the triode. The reason for this number the advantages. As stated
is the action of the screen grid it reduces very
; previously, it is limited to a portion
substantially the effect of a change in plate volt- of the over-all plate-current charac-
age on the plate current. The a-c plate resist- teristic. Only in this zone, where the
ance of the few receiving-type (low-power) plate voltage exceeds the screen volt-
tetrodes averages about 400,000 to 500,000 age, are secondary emission effects
ohms, although in the receiving-type power negligible.In view of the effects of

tetrodes it is much lower approximately 70,000 the plate load on the plate voltage
to 100,000 ohms. High-power tetrodes used in when a signal voltage is applied to the
transmitters display much lower values of plate control grid, the use of a very high
resistance, usually about 6,000 to 10,000 ohms. value of plate-supply voltage, E bb , is

c. Amplification Factor. The amplifica-

warranted. Only then can the required
tion factor of tetrodes is many times higher
swing in plate voltage take place and
still have the lowest value of plate
than in triodes. In contrast to triodes, which
voltage, e», exceed the applied screen
possess n values of from about 5 to perhaps 50,
voltage. Under such conditions the
low-power tetrodes are rated at from about
tetrode functions as a linear ampli-
400 to perhaps 600. High-power tetrodes used
in transmitters have ^ values approximating
fier. However, if the plate-supply volt-
age is insufficient and causes the effec-
tive voltage at the plate momentarily
d. Transconductance. The transconduc- to be less than the screen voltage, sec-
tance not too high in tetrodes, despite the
is ondary emission occurs, with conse-
high rating. The reason for this can be ex-
quent impairment of the performance
plained by the equation g m =
n/rv The value .
of the amplifier. Excessive distortion
of rP in the denominator, increases to a greater
is the result.
proportion than /x, in the numerator, does in a
(2) The necessity for a very high plate-
tetrode. Therefore, the ratio of fi/rp decreases
supply voltage, E bb to assure that e h
in proportion and consequently g m decreases.
always exceeds, or at least never goes
In general, the g m of low-power tetrodes is
below E c2 may be inconvenient. More-
about 1,000 to 1,500 micromhos special power ;

over, the fulfillment of the voltage re-

types average between 4,000 and 4,500 microm-
quirements at the plate and at the
screen introduces a limitation on the
amount of signal, e s that can be fed ,

64. Advantages and Disadvantages of

to the input circuit of the tube. The
changes in plate current must be kept
a. Advantages. The advantages of the ordi- to a reasonable minimum in order
nary tetrode are relatively few. It does reduce that the drop across the load resistor
the capacitance between plate and control grid, never makes e b less than Ec2 This .

and therefore the amount of feedback. Also, it limits the tetrode to the handling of
affords greater amplification than is available relatively weak signals.
with a triode. These are the background items
c. General. The fact remains that few re-
which explain its use as an amplifier in a num-
ceiving-type tetrodes are manufactured today.
ber of communication receivers. However, it is
necessary to understand that the receiver and For all practical purposes they can be consid-
other similar equipments which utilize the low- ered obsolete. This is not true, however, of
power tetrode are not the most modern devices. transmitting-type tetrodes. Many communica-
Present-day apparatus generally uses the tion needs demand high amplification, rela-
pentode, which is an elaboration created to tively low plate-supply voltages, and the han-
overcome the disadvantages of the tetrode. dling of substantial amounts of power. These
b. Disadvantages. are accomplished by means of the pentode and
(1) The disadvantages of the tetrode out- the beam power tetrode.

92 AGO 2244A
65. Physical Construction from these because of the action of the sup-
pressor grid.
a. The pentode is a five-electrode electron
tube. It contains an emitter, three grids, and c. In external appearance some pentodes re-

a plate. The grid closest to the cathode, Gl, is semble the tetrode. This similarity is so great,
the control grid; next is the screen grid, G2, even to the use of control-grid or plate caps on
and the third, located between the screen grid the top of the tube envelope, that identification
and the plate, is the new suppressor grid, G3. by visual inspection is difficult. Three receiv-
The construction of a metal-type pentode is ing-type pentodes are shown in figure 74. The
shown in A of figure 73; symbolized, the envelope of a pentode may
be glass, as in A, or
pentode is shown in B. metal. A departure from the tetrode appear-

TM 662-82

Figure 73. Physical construction (metal-type) and symbol of pentode.

b. Functionally speaking, the action of the ance is the acorn-type tube shown in B. This
emitter, control grid, screen grid, and plate in is a comparatively small tube requiring a spe-
the pentode are the same as in the tetrode, ex- cial socket and having wire extensions serving
cepting that, whereas the tetrode suffers from as the tube pins. Another physical feature of
negative resistance effects, the pentode is free the acorn pentode is the location of the plate

AGO 2244A
A B, .. . C

TM 662-83

Figure 7k- Different types of receiving pentodes.

connection at the top and the control-grid con- between the pentode and the tetrode. In some
nection at the bottom of the envelope. These types of pentodes, as in figure 75, the suppres-
are stiff wires which protrude through the en- sor is electrically connected to the cathode in-
velope. Another type of miniature tube is side the tube; in other types, the connection is
shown in C. made to its own prong on the tube base. Such
flexibility of connection between the suppressor

66. Pentode Circuit 1

and the cathode enables some pentodes to be
arranged for action as triodes.
a. When arranged as a basic amplifier, the
pentode (fig. 75) is similar to the tetrode (fig. b. The electrode voltage and current nota-
70). One difference between the two circuits tions for pentode parallel those for the
reflects the fundamental difference in behavior tetrode. The between the
electrical connection
suppressor and the cathode places the former
at the same potential relative to the adjacent
electrodes as the cathode. Under the circum-
stances, the suppressor bears no current or volt-
age notations of its own. It is viewed as being
at or ground potential.

c. Referring again to figure 75, primary elec-

trons are accelerated toward the plate by suit-
able voltages applied to Gl and G2. They pass
through the openings of the control grid and
TM 662- 64 screen wires and also through the openings
Figure 75. Circuit representation of pentode. of the suppressor, G3. When the electrons

94 AGO 2244A

strike the plate they do so with sufficient veloc- volts in steps of 1 volt. The filament voltage,

ity to cause secondary emission. E f,

is equal to 6.3 volts.

d. Since the plate is positive with relation to b. A number of significant details are shown
the cathode and the cathode is connected to the in figure 76. Dips in the curves (fig. 72) due
suppressor, the suppressor is negative with re- to negative resistance are absent. At no time
lation to the plate. Therefore, secondary elec- does the plate current fall with increasing plate
trons emitted by the plate are repelled by the voltage. A zone of critical plate potential (the
suppressor and returned to the plate. Reverse range of plate-voltage changes over which the
current between plate and screen is therefore plate current rises rapidly) still prevails. How-
avoided, even if the screen voltage momentarily happens over a limited area only. The
ever, this

exceeds the plate voltage. The existence of the top of the knee of the plate-current curve is
suppressor between the screen and plate has reached much sooner than in the tetrode.
another beneficial effect. It reduces the con-
c. As in the tetrode, the plate current is rela-
trol-grid-to-plate capacitance even more than in
tively independent of the plate voltage.
the tetrode; therefore, it greatly reduces the usable portion of each characteristic is to the
feedback problem. This is one reason that ac- right of the knee in each curve, where the
counts for the wide application of the pentode.
curves are relatively flat. A significant condi-
tion is implied by the unequal spacings of the
67. Characteristic Curves plate-current curves at the flat portions. Each
plate-current curve corresponds to a specific
a. The plate family of characteristic curves
value of control-grid voltage, each of which rep-
for a typical pentode (6SJ7) is shown in figure
resents an equal increment of change. The
76. Plate-supply voltage E bb is variable from
plate current does not change equally for equal
volts to 400 volts (X-axis) Since the curves .

changes in control-grid voltage, with the screen

are made without a load in the plate circuit,
potential =
e M The screen voltage
and plate voltage fixed in value.
the plate e b .

E =
c2 e c2 is held constant at 100 volts ; the sup- d. The tabulation below shows this plate-cur-
pressor is at potential and the control-grid rent control-grid voltage behavior. The plate
voltage E cl is varied between volts and — voltage is held constant at 300 volts ; the screen-

1 1

12 Ef = 6.3V

6SJ7 E C 2 = IOOV
F .= nw


-EC |=OV

=-2 J

=-3 J


O IOO 200 300 400

TM 662-65

Figure 76. Plate family of characteristic curves for pentode.

AGO 2244A 95
grid voltage is constant at 100 volts and the significant to note that the higher the
suppressor is joined to the cathode and equals negative grid bias, the higher the
volts. plate resistance of the pentode, as can
be seen in the characteristic curves.
Plate grid (2) Some types of pentodes, known as
voltage voltage current Plate current
change poiver pentodes, manage to keep the
plate resistance lower than
it is in the

300 9.3 ma usual type of pentode, but even in

300 —1 7.0 ma (9.3 —7.0) = 2.3 ma these varieties r v is many times the
300 —2 4.8 ma (7.0 —4.8) = 2.2 ma
300 —3 3.0 ma (4.8 —3.0) = 1.8 ma value found in triodes intended for
300 —4 1.6 ma (3.0 —1.6) = 1.4 ma similar uses in communications equip-
300 —5 .6 ma (1.6 - .6) = 1.0 ma ment. The transconductance ratings,
however, do not differ greatly from
e. These figures imply a nonlinear behavior those of triodes designed for similar
between plate current changes and control grid applications.
voltage changes, and consequently, the appear-
ance of distortion. Therefore, it can be said c Transconductance.
that pentode operation is productive of more
(1) Despite the high amplification factor
distortion than is triode operation. By proper
of pentodes, the transconductance rat-
choice of operating constants the distortion is
ings are comparable to the ratings of
reduced to tolerable proportions. The advan-
tages gained from the use of pentodes in certain triodesand tetrodes because of the ex-
sections of communications equipment exceed tremely high plate resistance found in
the disadvantages caused by distortion, and the pentode. It is obvious, therefore,

therefore, the tube enjoys wide popularity. that the specific change in plate cur-
rent per unit change in control-grid
68. Constants of Pentodes is very low.

a. Amplification Factor. The amplifica- (2) Figure 77 illustrates the variation in

tion factor of a pentode is great, being approxi- transconductance of a typical pentode
mately 1,500 for receiving tube types. This is with changes in control-grid voltage,
about 100 times more than the amplification ob- screen voltage, and plate voltage. The
tainable with triodes, and two to three times as highest values of transconductance
great as the amplification factor of tetrodes. prevail for low values of control-grid
The reason for the unusual amplifying ability bias, E cl , high values of screen volt-
of the pentode can be found by graphically lo-
age, E and plate voltage, E ti With
c2 , .

cating fx in the plate family of curves in figure fixed plate voltage, the greater the
76. screen voltage the greater the trans-
b. Plate Resistance. conductance. This is understandable
(1) The a-c plate resistance of the pentode because of the great effect that is dis-

is very high. For example, the 6SJ7 played on the plate current by the
pentode has a plate resistance of screen voltage. Also, in figure 77, a
about 1 megohm, or nearly 200 times lower value of plate voltage (dotted
greater than the plate resistance of a lines at E bh = 100) introduces a lower
triode and several times that of a value of gm than a higher value of
tetrode. The high plate resistance of plate voltage (E ih 200), since rais- =
the tetrode and the pentode sets them ing the plate voltage lowers the value
apart from the triode in the manner of r p , which in turn raises the value
of use with different devices. It is of g m .

96 AGO 2244A
Ef = 6.3V
E C3 =OV

-3 -2
TM 662-86

Figure 77. Family of curves showing variation of transconductance of 6SJ7 pentode.

69. Dynamic Transfer Characteristic the linear portions of the transfer characteris-
tic curve. This was the condition established
a. The development of the dynamic transfer
for distortionless amplification. It was pointed
characteristic of a pentode follows the method
out, moreover, that the higher the ohmic value
described for the triode. The effects developed
of the load, R L the straighter was the charac-

in the pentode as compared with those of the

teristic, and the more faithful the pattern of
triode are shown in the dynamic transfer char- changes in plate current relative to the pat-
acteristics in figure 78. These curves are drawn tern of changes in control-grid voltage.
for a 6SJ7 pentode with Em = 300 volts, E =
The contrasting conditions encountered in
100 volts, and E =
c3 volts. The load lines are

the pentode operated as stipulated are

for RL = ohms, 30,000 ohms, 50,000 ohms, shown
in figure 78. The characteristic curves are not
and 100,000 ohms.
straight when R L equals a finite value. The
b. The discussion concerning the dynamic curve labeled R L = 30,000 ohms appears to be
transfer characteristics of the triode (pars. 54 the nearest approach to a usable condition, but
and 55) brought out the advantages of linear even this curve is not linear throughout its en-
curves and the desirability of operating over tire length. As the value of the load RL is in-

AGO 2244A

E OOV ticsby connecting two points; one point is on

9 :2 =IC ov the Y-axis (plate current) and the other on
E v
the X-axis (plate voltage) . On the Y-axis, the


point obtained in the following manner. By

6SJ7 RL = is

Ohm's law, ib bi /R L , or the current through

\ the load resistor,
E bb , over the value of
ib , equals the voltage across
its resistance, R L Conse-

quently, for different values of R L different
load lines are obtained. On the X-axis, the point
is obtained by applying the value of E bb that is

used in the circuity. Under this condition, no

plate current is flowing through the circuit
and, therefore, no voltage drop appears across
/ \=5(3.00C) 1

the load resistor. The load lines in figure 79

intersect the plate current curves below the
knee of each curve, resulting in very little

change in plate current as the grid bias is re-

3 duced.
R L =IC 0,0C

e. By reducing the screen voltage, E c2 , to

perhaps one-seventh or one-tenth of the plate-
supply voltage, the slope of the plate-current
rise for low values of plate voltage is made very
steep. For instance, with a screen voltage of
100 volts (E c2 =
100) and a control voltage of
-5 -4 -3 -2 -I volts, the knee of the plate-current curve is
CONTROL GRID VOLTAGE (V) reached with the plate-supply voltage equal to
TM 662-87
approximately 40 volts (fig. 79). When the
screen voltage is reduced to 40 volts, the same
Figure 78. Dynamic transfer characteristic curves of
point is reached with a plate voltage of only
6SJ7 pentode.
about 16 volts. A similar improvement is at-

tained for each value of control-grid voltage.

Of course, the reduced screen voltage reduces
creased, the nonlinearity becomes more pro-
the plate current, but this is secondary in im-
nounced. In fact, the characteristic actually
portance to the improvement in the character-
flattens over a range of control-grid voltage
= istics and utility.
changes. Note how flat curve R L 100,000
becomes. These flat portions represent very lit-
/. The benefits derived by reducing the value
tle change in plate current. Dynamic transfer
of E C2 are shown in the dynamic transfer char-
characteristics of this kind are usable under Compare
acteristics illustrated in figure 80.
special circumstances, but not when distortion-
these curves with those in figure 78, especially
less amplification is desired.
the curve for RL 100,000 ohms. Note that =
The reason underlying the flattening of
d. while all curves are nonlinear, the 100,000-ohm
the dynamic transfer characteristics (fig. 78) load curve approaches R L = and is without
isbrought out in figure 79. This is the static the flat shown in figure 78. As a mat-
plate family of the6SJ7 with load lines drawn ter of fact, a load somewhat in excess of 100,000

on them. Load lines may be drawn very simply ohms is tolerable. The R L = 100,000-ohms
on the plate-current plate-voltage characteris- curve has been straightened because its load

AGO 2244A
Figure 79. Load lines of ohms, 30,000, 50,000, and 100,000 ohms drawn on plate family of 6SJ7 pentode.

line intersects the static plate-current curves a standard compromise. For example, in figure
over their relatively flat portions. Curves for 80, distortion is minimized by selecting — 1.25
RL = 30,000 and 50,000 are not included in fig- volts as the operating point and limiting the
ure 80 because they closely resemble the RL = control-grid voltage swing to about .5 volt peak-
10,000 curve. to-peak. In this way, the increased curvature
of RL = 100,000 ohms below — 1.5 volts does
g. From the transfer characteristics for RL little harm.
= 250,000 ohms and RL = 500,000 ohms (fig.

80) , it is evident that loads in excess of perhaps

150,000 ohms again cause considerable distor-
70. Beam Power Tube
tion. Even R L = 200,000 ohms begins to show a. The beam power tube has the advantages
some reverse curvature. of both the tetrode and the pentode tube. This
tube is capable of handling relatively high lev-
h. Another significant fact present in figure
els of electricalpower for application in the
80 relates to the usable range of control-grid
output stages of receivers and amplifiers, and
voltages. Obviously, the control-grid voltage
in different parts of transmitters. The power-
cannot exceed a maximum of slightly more than handling capacity stems from the concentration
2.5 volts, or plate-current cut-off is reached.
of the plate-current electrons into beams or
This sets the operating point at about — 1.5 sheets of moving charges. In the usual type of
volts. Even then, the curvature in RL = ohms electron tube the plate-current electrons ad-
and RL = 100,000 ohms indicates unavoidable
vance in a predetermined direction but without
being confined into beams (fig. 81).

i. Relatively low grid-voltage swing or sig- b. The external appearance of these tubes is
nal input is a requirement in pentodes. This is like that of other receiving-type tetrodes or

AGO 2244A
2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 .5


TM 662-89

Figure 80. Dynamic transfer characteristic curves of 6SJ7 pentode under improved conditions.

AGO 2244A




TM 66 2-90
Figure 81. Electrons concentrated into beams in beam potver tube.

pentodes. They are slightly larger in dimen- are partly deflected from their paths and many
sion because they are called upon to handle strike the screen wires. This produces a screen
somewhat more power, but they have no dis- current and thus limits the value of plate cur-
tinctive external identifying features. rent.

c. The constructional details of a beam power In B the results are different. Because of

tube which contains beam-forming plates are the arrangement of the control and screen
shown in figure 81. It is not evident, however, grids, the screen intercepts fewer electrons;
that the control-grid and screen-grid electrode therefore, the relative screen current is less in
windings are of the same pitch, and that the the beam power tube than in the ordinary
wires of these electrodes are physically in line tetrode, or pentode. In turn, more electrons
with each other relative to the paths of the reach the plate, thereby making the plate cur-
plate-current electrons (fig. 82). rent higher.

d. A of figure 82 illustrates how the screen- /. The cumulative effect of the arrangement
grid wires and control-grid wires in the ordi- in B a tube in which the plate and the con-
nary tetrode determine the electron paths. trol grid are electrically isolated; the plate
The wires are out of alinement therefore, elec-
; current is high, the plate resistance is relatively
trons which pass through the control-grid wires low, and a substantial amount of electrical

AGO 2244A

CONTROL SCREEN electrodes are connected internally to the cath-

ode and consequently they are at the same po-
tential as the latter.

In.Because of this potential of the beam-

forming plates, an effect equivalent to a space
charge is developed in the space between the
screen and the plate. The effect is as if a sur-
face (dashed lines joining the ends of the beam-
forming plates in fig. 83) existed in the screen-
plate space. This is identified as the virtual
cathode. The presence of this electric plane re-
pels secondary electrons liberated by the plate
and prevents them from moving to the screen.
Figure 83 represents a beam power tube as
seen from the top of the envelope.

i. In some tubes, the effect of a virtual cath-

ode is achieved by the use of a third grid in

B place of the beam-forming plates. The results

are identical in both versions. In order to sat-
TM 662-91
isfy the two types of construction, two refer-
Figure 82. Electron paths in tetrode and beam-power
ences are made symbol of the pentode
to the
(fig. 84). A symbolizes the beam power tube

power can be handled with reduced distortion. with the beam-forming plates and B symbolizes
g. The beam-forming plates (fig. 81) fur-
the version in which a grid replaces the beam-
ther influence the movement of the plate-cur- forming plate. There is no difference between
rent electrons from the time they pass the the symbol shown in B and that of the ordi-
screen electrode and strike the plate. The beam nary pentode (B of fig. 73)

102 AGO 2244A

71. Pentodes as Triodes
a. Several pentode types are so designed that
they can be used as triodes, as labeled in tube
data handbooks where information concerning
their operating characteristics also is given.
Speaking in generalities, the identity of the
pentode is lost when the tube is triode-con-
nected. When so arranged, it displays the char-
acteristics of triodes, as outlined in chapter 4.

b. Triode behavior may be accomplished in

Figure 84. Symbols for beam power tubes.
several ways, as indicated by the principal cir-
cuit arrangements in A and B of figure 86. All
j. For comparison, figure 85 shows the plate- tube electrodes terminate in pins on the tube
current plate-voltage characteristics of a beam base. In A, grids G2 and G3 are connected to
power tube and of a conventional pentode. the plate. In B, the cathode is connected to
Note the rapid rise in plate current for the the suppressor and the screen grid is connected
beam power tube as shown by the solid line. to the plate.

The more gradual rise for the normal pentode

shown by the dashed line is an important detail
relative to power-handling ability with mini-
mum distortion. The solid-line curve shows
that the zone in which the plate current is pri-

marily a function of the plate voltage is much

more limited; the plate current becomes sub-
stantially independent of plate voltage at much
lower values of plate potential. This character- A B
istic enables the beam power tube to handle TM 662-95
Figure 86. Typical example showing pentode connection
greater amounts of electrical power at lower
to triode.
values of plate voltage than in the ordinary
pentode. In addition, the beam power tube pro-
72. Variable-/* Tubes
duces less distortion than the ordinary pentode
while accommodating an increased grid swing a. The amplification constant, or of an
and plate-current change. electron tube has been described as being a
function of the geometry of the tube —that is,

of the shape and organization of the electrodes.

BEAM POWER TUBE Slight variations in its value may occur under
different operating-voltage conditions but, for
all practical purposes, it is considered to re-
main substantially constant. This accounts for
the fact that each vacuum tube bears a single-^
rating which is assumed to be fixed.
b. The amplification constant of a tube ex-
presses the relationship between plate-current
cut-off and negative grid voltage when a fixed
value of plate voltage is applied. That is, when

PLATE VOLTAGE (V) the input signal, e g is made sufficiently nega-


TM 662-94 tive, the plate current, i h is and the plate volt-


Figure 85. Characteristic curve for beam power tube age, E bi , equals e bThis was explained in chap-

as compared with same curve for pentode. ter 4. High-/* tubes such as tetrodes and

AGO 2244A
pentodes, especially the latter type, reach plate- e. To minimize these effects, special kinds of
current cut-off at relatively low values of nega- tetrodes and pentodes are used. These are
tive grid voltage. Low-ju tubes allow the appli- known as variable-/* tubes and differ from ordi-
cation of much higher negative grid voltages nary tubes in the construction of the control
before cut-off is reached. grids. In these tubes the grid wires are un-

c. Such plate-current grid-voltage relation-

equally spaced. The turns are closer together at
the top and bottom of the winding and wider
ships and the fixed-^ constant stem from the
apart at the center. This form of control-grid
kind of control-grid structure used in most of
construction, shown in the metal-type 6SK7
the electron tubes that have been discussed pre-
viously. That is, the turns of the control grid
pentode (A of fig. 87), produces a tube which
does not have a constant ^; instead, p changes
are uniformly spaced throughout the length of
with the value of grid voltage applied to the
the structure. The application of a voltage to
control grid.
the control grid results in the same effect on
the plate-current electrons all along the con- /. At low values of bias the grid operates in

trol-grid wires. a normal manner. As the control grid is made

more negative, the effect of the closely spaced
d. The fixed-/* state poses a problem when grid wires becomes greater and the electron
high-/* tubes such as tetrodes and pentodes are flow from the space charge in this region is cut
used in communications systems. Frequently off completely. The center of the grid structure
large-amplitude signals are encountered and also displays a greater effect but still allows
they must be controlled in the equipment in or- electrons to advance to the screen and plate.
der to produce the desired intelligence with a The over-all reduction in plate current there-
minimum of distortion. fore is gradual. Eventually, with sufficient

E f = 6.3V
E bb = 250V
E C3 =OV

3 I
< 5I

-25 -20 -15 -10 -5

TM 662-96

Figure 87. Construction of variable-^ pentode its plate-current grid-voltage characteristic.

104 AGO 2244A

negative voltage on the grid, all parts of the a variable-/* tube, 6SK7, is shown in B of figure
grid electrode winding act to cut off the plate 87. A standard pentode curve, 6SJ7, is shown
current, but the negative grid voltage required for comparison.
to attain this perhaps three to four times as
is g. Variable-/* tetrodes and pentodes are used
much as, if not more than for the conventional in locations in communications equipment
tube operated at like screen and plate voltages. where high bias voltages may be necessary to
The plate-current grid-voltage characteristic of provide control of the signal level.


73. Multigrid Tubes c. Superheterodyne Action.
a. Introduction and Symbols. Tubes which
(1) Multigrid frequency-converter tubes
have more than three grids commonly are re-
ferred to as multigrid tubes. For instance, if a are used in superheterodyne receivers.
grid is added to a pentode, a six-electrode mul- In this application, two different fre-
tigrid tube results.This tube is known as a quencies beat or heterodyne with each
hexode. The schematic symbol for an indirectly other to form additional frequencies
heated hexode is shown in A of figure 88. Other called beat frequencies. One of these
multigrid tubes are the heptode, shown in B, beat frequencies is equal numerically
which contains five grids, and the octode, in C, to the sum of the two applied frequen-
which has six grids. In these tubes, as in the cies ; the other beat frequency is equal
basic types, the grids are designated in numer- numerically to their difference. It is

ical order starting with the control grid, as possible to obtain the sum and differ-

shown. ence frequencies because the tube has

a nonlinear dynamic characteristic.
p p p In superheterodyne receivers only one
frequency output from the converter
system desired. Whether the sum


or the difference frequency is chosen,

it is known as the intermediate fre-

HEXODE HEPTODE OCTODE quency of the receiver. It is common

practice to use the difference fre-
TM 662-97 quency The r-f (radio-fre-
(fig. 89).
Figure 88. Schematic symbols of multigrid tubes. quency) input signal from the trans-
mitter and the local oscillator signal
b.Uses op Multigrid Tubes. The hexode is are injected simultaneously into the
an experimental tube and is never manufac- frequency converter. Suppose that the
tured commercially. Heptodes, also known as desired intermediate frequency is 465
pentagrid tubes because of their five grids, are kc (kilocycles) and that the transmit-
used mostly in frequency converter or mixer ting station frequency is 1,000 kc. The
circuits. When a heptode is used as a frequency oscillator then can operate at a fre-
converter, two voltages having different fre- quency of 1,465 kc (1,000 plus 465)
quencies are each impressed on a separate grid to produce the desired intermediate
of the tube. Heptodes also are used as volume frequency.
compressors and expanders. In these applica-
tions the gain of an amplifier is controlled au- (2) Two systems can be used to obtain the
tomatically. The octode, just as the heptode, desired intermediate frequency. In
also is used as a frequency converter. one system the oscillator is a separate

AGO 2244A





FREQUENCY = 1,465 KC TM 662-98

Figure 89. Superheterodyne action.

tube, usually a triode, whose output amplifier. The r-f input signal orig-
signal coupled to the frequency con-
is inating at a transmitter is designated
verter tube, usually a pentode or a as e g and the oscillator circuit is shown
heptode. In this system the frequency- as a block. An L-C
(inductance ca-
converter tube commonly is known as pacitance) tuned circuit is the load.
a mixer. The other system uses a sin- Capacitor C is made variable to tune
gle tube as both the frequency con- the circuit to the intermediate fre-
verter and the oscillator. In the lat- quency. The d-c operating potentials
ter arrangement, a heptode is used are indicated by E cc , £7 66 , and E e2 .

most often. The tube then is known

(2) The pentagrid converter tube can be
as a pentagrid converter. Both sys-
considered as made up of two parts,
tems commonly are found in super-
a triode and a tetrode. In the triode
heterodyne receivers.
section, K is the cathode, Gl is the

d. Pentagrid Converter. control grid, and G2 operates as the

plate. Physically, G2 consists only of
(1) The circuit arrangement of a heptode
used as a pentagrid converter is shown a pair of vertical rods across which no
in figure 90. The purpose of the penta- grid wires are strung. For the tetrode
grid converter is threefold. It acts section, G4 is the control grid, G3 and

as an oscillator, as a mixer, to obtain G5 are the screen grids, and P is the

the intermediate frequency, and as an plate. Grids G3 and G5 are connected


TM 662-99

Figure 90. Pentagrid converter circuit.

AGO 2244A

internally as shown. G3 prevents in- quency. However, the electron stream

interaction between the oscillator cir- is further modulated by the signal in-

cuits and the r-f input signal circuits. jected on G4. In this way, both the
G4 prevents interaction between the oscillator signal and the r-f input sig-

i-f (intermediate-frequency) output nal on G4 modulate the electron

on the plate and e g The cathode for
stream, with the result that i-f signals
the tetrode section exists virtually be- are produced in the plate circuit. The
tween G3 and G4. L-C tuned circuit selects the desired
intermediate frequency.
(3) Electrons emitted from the surface of
the cathode, K, are influenced by the (6) Several tube types can be used in the
various elements within the tube. In circuit shown in figure 90. Examples
practice, Gl receives 3 to 6 percent of are the 1A7, 6A7, 6A8, and 7B8. These
the electrons emitted, G2 receives tubes operate satisfactorily at medium
about 40 percent, G3 and G5 receive and low frequencies. However, be-
about 25 to 30 percent, and the plate cause of reduced oscillator output and
receives the remaining electrons, about undesirable interaction effects at
30 percent. The tube is biased so that higher frequencies, other pentagrid
G4 does not draw current. converters sometimes are used. In
(4) Oscillation is produced because of this type no electrode operates solely
feedback from G2 to Gl in the oscil- as the oscillator plate (fig. 91).
lator circuit. This causes Gl to be-
come alternately positive and nega-
tive. Consequently, the current flow
through the tube is alternately in- SUPPRESSOR GRID
creased and decreased. Many of the SCREEN GRID
electrons which approach G2 flow be- PLAT E (OSC)
yond it, because of its open structure, Z!^- CONTROL GRID (OSC)
even though it is highly positive. Elec-
trons passing G2 are further accel-
erated by the high positive potential TM 662-100
of G3. Grid G4 is always negative, and
Figure 91. Another form of pentagrid converter.
therefore tends to retard the electrons
approaching it. This action produces (7) This form of pentagrid converter can
a virtual cathode between G3 and G4.
be considered as a triode and a pent-
The electron flow from this virtual
ode. The triode section forms the os-
cathode is varied or modulated by the
cillator and consists of cathode K,
r-f signal, e g , that is injected on G4.
control grid Gl, and grid G2. The r-f
The electrons then are drawn to the
plate, which is highly positive. signal input is injected into G3. Grid
G4 is connected internally to G2. The
(5) If Gl is slightly negative, or even
somewhat positive, the virtual cathode
two grids serve as the screen grid of
is able to supply the plate of the tet- the pentode section in addition to the
rode section with sufficient electrons. plate of the triode (oscillator) section.
On the other hand, if Gl is made very They also minimize any interaction
negative, a deficiency of electrons between the oscillator and input signal
exists at the virtual cathode which circuits by shielding G3. Grid G5 is
may even cut the tube off. As a re- the suppressor of the pentode section
sult of this variation in the virtual in some tubes it is connected internally
cathode, a current is produced at plate to the cathode; in other heptodes it

P which varies at the oscillator fre- has an external pin connection. Ex-

ACO 2244A T07

amples of heptodes with a suppressor b. There are many types of multiunit tubes,
grid are the IR5, 6SA7, 7G7, 12SA7, used for a wide variety of purposes. The sche-
and 14Q7. matic symbols of the most common ones are
shown in figure 92. The tube whose symbol is

74. Multiunit or Dual-purpose Tubes

shown in A can be used as a full-wave rectifier,

an f-m (frequency-modulated) discriminator,

a. A multiunit or dual-purpose tube is one in or a combination detector and avc (automatic
which two or more individual tube-element volume control) rectifier. The diode-triode, in
structures are combined within a single en- B, can be used as a diode detector and a triode
velope. As a result, compactness, economy, and amplifier. The duo-triode, in E, is used as a
more satisfactory operation for certain pur- push-pull amplifier, two amplifiers in cascade,
poses are achieved. The most commonly used or as a special type of complex- wave generator.
multiunit tubes, known as duo-diodes and duo- The triode-hexode, in L, and the triode-heptode,
triodes, combine two diode or two triode ele- in M, are used as mixer-oscillators in superhet-
ments. Frequently, a single common cathode erodyne receivers.
is used which supplies electrons to both sets of
elements in the multiunit tube. Occasionally, c. Table I lists typical examples of multipur-
an electrode of one set of elements is connected pose tubes to be found in receiving-type equip-
internally to an electrode of another set of ment. The letters in the first column refer to

elements. the symbols used in figure 92.



±±s St±s *t±
IS) 4§S=




Figure 92. Tube symbols for multiunit tubes.

108 AGO 2244A

Table I. Examples of Multipurpose Tubes in Receiving
desig- Multipurpose
nation tube Examples of tube types
desig- Multipurpose
nation tube Examples of tube types E Duo-triode 1J6, 6J6, 6N7, 6NS7,
6SL7, 12AT7, 12AU7
F Duo-diode-triode 1H5, 6AQ7, 6SQ7, 6V7,
A 7~)n ri-H i nrl p ^174 <iV4 <iY3 RAT, 1
7K7, 7X7, 12SQ7
6X5, 12AL5
G Duo-diode-pentode 1F6, 7R7, 14E7, 14R7
B Diode-triode 1H5, 1LH4 H Triple-diode-triode 6S8, 6T8, 12S8

C Diode-beam power 70L7, 117L7, 117N7,

I Duo-pentode 1E7
117P7 J Triode-pentode 6AD7, 6P7, 25B8
K Diode-triode-pentode_ 3A8
D Diode-pentode 1N6, 1T6, 6SP7, 12A7, L Triode-hexode 6K8, 12K8
12SP7 M Triode-heptode 7J7, 7S7, 14J7


75. Summary capacitance between control grid and plate and
it affords greater amplification.
a. The use of a triode is unsatisfactory in
high-frequency systems because of feedback k. The pentode uses a suppressor grid to re-

which is caused by interelectrode capacitance. duce the effects of secondary emission.

b. A tetrode contains an electron emitter, a I. The pentode produces more distortion than
control grid, a screen grid, and a plate. the triode but it is more widely used because of

c.In receiving-type tetrodes, the cap on the its other advantages.

top of the tube is connected to the control grid. m. The beam power tube is capable of hand-
In transmitting-type tetrodes, the cap is con- ling high power levels. It is used in the output
nected to the plate to reduce the capacitance stages of receivers and amplifiers and in various
between control grid and plate. parts of transmitters.
d. In a tetrode, the screen grid is made posi- n. To minimize the undesirable effects of dis-
tive with relation to the cathode. In most cases tortion, variable-//, tubes are used. In these
the d-c screen voltage is appreciably less than tubes, the amplification factor is determined by
the d-c plate voltage. a nonuniform grid structure.
e. The main purpose of the screen grid is to o. A six-electrode tube is a hexode ; a seven-
reduce the interelectrode capacitance between electrode tube is a heptode; and an eight-elec-
the plate and control grid, thereby preventing trode tube is an octode. These are called multi-
self-oscillation. grid tubes.
/.The plate current in a tetrode is not greatly A tube which contains
p. five grids and is
affectedby changes in plate voltage.,
used to operate as a frequency converter in a
g. Secondary emission occurs in a vacuum
superheterodyne receiver is known as a penta-
tube when electrons from the space charge
grid converter.
strike the plate with sufficient force to dislodge
secondary electrons from the plate itself. Multiunit tubes contain more than one set

h. The movement of secondary electrons in of elements within a single envelope.

the opposite direction to the regular current
flow results in a dip in the plate-current plate- 76. Review Questions
voltage characteristic curve of a tetrode.
i.In a tetrode, rp and n are high and g m re- a. Why are triodes undesirable for amplifica-
mains about the same as in a triode. tion at high frequencies ?

j. The main advantage of a tetrode compared b. What are the fundamental differences be-
to a triode is that it has lower interelectrode tween the triode, the tetrode, and the pentode?

AGO 2244A
c. To what electrode is the metal cap on top characteristic curves of a pentode compare with
of a receiving tube usually connected? those of a tetrode ? A triode ?
d. What is the difference between single- q. Why are pentodes used more often than
ended and double-ended tubes? triodes even though they produce more distor-
e. What are the major differences between tion?
the circuits for a triode and a tetrode? r. Compare rp , g m and
, fi of a pentode and a
/. What is the approximate value of inter- triode.

electrode capacitance in a triode? In a tetrode? s. Why is

the gm of a pentode about the same
g. Do changes in E tb affect the total current, as the gm of a triode and a tetrode ?
ij> + ic2, flowing through a tetrode? Why? t. Why are the dynamic transfer character-
h. Explain what is meant by secondary emis- istic curves of most pentodes not linear ?
sion. u. What effect is noted on the dynamic trans-
i. Why
do dips appear in plate-current plate- fer characteristic if the screen voltage is re-
voltage characteristic curves of tetrodes? duced to about one-seventh the value of the
How do the plate-current plate-voltage plate supply voltage ?

characteristic curves of modern tetrodes differ v. What are the electrical and physical differ-

from those of the older types ? ences between beam power tubes and ordinary
how do tetrodes and pentodes?
k. Generally speaking, /x, g„ and rp of
a tetrode compare with the same character- w. How does the physical arrangement of
istics of a triode? the screen grid in a beam power tube help pro-
I. How does a suppressor grid reduce the duce a greater concentration of electrons ?
effects of secondary emission? x. What are the physical and electrical differ-
m. In external appearance, what is the dif- ences between a variable-^ pentode and an
ference between the tetrode and the pentode? ordinary pentode?
o. Does the suppressor grid in a pentode re- y. What determines the amplification factor
duce the control grid-to-plate capacitance more of a tube?
than the screen grid in a tetrode ? z. What is the difference between a multigrid
p. How do the plate-current plate-voltage and a multiunit tube?

110 AGO 2244A.


77. General cies. Very-high-frequency amplifiers,

which operate at frequencies above
a. Introduction. The most important use 30 mc, and ultra-high-frequency
of an electron tube is to amplify or increase the
amplifiers, which operate at frequen-
amplitude of input signal voltages. For exam-
cies above 300 mc, also are classed as
ple, a minute amount of power at the input of r-f amplifiers.
a broadcast receiver is amplified by a number
(3) An i-f amplifier operates at one fixed
of amplifier stages in the receiver to the level
frequency, usually a radio frequency.
necessary to operate a loudspeaker. The amount
Such amplifiers are used in superhet-
of amplification or gain that results is depend-
erodyne receivers. The intermediate
ent primarily upon the number of amplifier
frequency of a standard broadcast
stages used. Gain is defined as the ratio of out-
superheterodyne receiver is frequently
put to input. The greater the number of stages,
about 455 kc. In many radar and tele-
the greater the over-all gain will be. One stage
vision receivers, the intermediate fre-
may have a larger gain (gain per stage) than
quency may be as high as 45 mc.
(4) The video amplifier is one that ampli-
b. Classification of Amplifiers. fies frequencies in both the audio-and
(1) Electron tubes may be classified ac- radio-frequency ranges. Frequently,
cording to the functions they perform. a video amplifier can amplify all sig-
They operate as amplifiers, oscillators, nals from a few cycles to several meg-
detectors, and so on. Amplifiers, in acycles. Video used
amplifiers are
turn, often are classified in terms of commonly in with the
the frequency or range of frequencies cathode-ray tube displays and in such
at which they operate. An ideal cir- equipment as television sets, radar,
cuit amplifies all signals it receives, and special test apparatus.
ranging in frequency from a few
(5) Still another type is the d-c amplifier
cycles to several thousand megacycles.
in which the output of one amplifier
Such an ideal amplifier cannot be ob- stage is coupled directly to the input
tained in practice. Instead, amplifiers
of the following amplifier stage. This
usually operate within a rather re-
amplifier is capable of amplifying di-
stricted frequency range. For example, rect and alternating voltages.
an a-f (audio-frequency) circuit amp-
c. Amplifier Distortion.
frequencies in the audio range.

This is from about 16 to 16,000 cps. (1) The amount of distortion that an
(2) If a circuit amplifies signals beyond amplifier introduces is partially de-

the audio range, it often is calledan pendent on the linearity of the dynamic
r-f amplifier. In this type of amplifier, characteristic of the electron tube
usually only one frequency is amplified used. This depends on several factors
at one time. However, r-f amplifiers such as the d-c operating potentials,
frequently are tunable so that they tube type, and load.
can operate over a range of frequen- (2) Distortion in amplifiers is dependent

AGO 2244A
also on the amplitude of the input and grid current
tive in respect to the cathode
grid signal. If the amplitude of the flows. Part of the input grid signal is lost or
grid signal extends into the nonlinear clipped and the positive half of the output
region of the dynamic characteristic, plate-current waveform is distorted. Similarly,
severe distortion results. Also, if the if the negative half of the input grid signal
grid swing extends into the plate-cur- goes beyond point A, plate current stops flowing
rent cut-off or plate saturation regions, and the negative half of the output plate-cur-
distortion occurs as a result of clip- rent waveform is clipped. Distortion results
ping or limiting of the input signal. once again.
(3) Proper selection of an operating point d. From this analysis, the following conclu-
on the dynamic characteristic curve sions can be made concerning distortion in class
helps minimize distortion. The selec- A operation. The more linear the dynamic char-
tion of different operating points re- acteristic of a tube, the less distortion it intro-
sults in an amplifier having differing duces. Grid signal voltages should extend only
characteristics. Amplifiers can be into the most linear portion of the dynamic
classified further in accordance with characteristic. The operating point usually is
their mode of operation. Such ampli- in the center of this linear portion. Class A
fiers are classified as A, B, AB, or C. amplifiers generally are biased to about one-
half their plate-current cut-off value. Finally,
78. Class A Operation as explained previously, increasing the load
a. The class A
amplifier frequently used is produces a more linear dynamic characteristic
so biased that plate current flows constantly. curve. If the load is increased excessively, how-
In figure 93, point B is the operating point and ever, a great deal of power is lost. Therefore,
is E
determined by the bias voltage, cc The grid . some intermediate value of load is selected. In
signal voltage varies on both sides of the oper- this way, a minimum amount of distortion is
ating point. The output plate-current wave- obtained with a reasonable amount of power
form obtained in the figure by extending
is output.
dotted lines from various points of the input
e. The question often arises whether triodes
grid voltage signal to the dynamic character-
or pentodes should be used for class A operation.
istic curve. Note that the output plate-current The advantage of using triodes is that their
waveform is practically undistorted —that is, dynamic transfer characteristics usually are
it closely resembles the input. Minimum dis- more linear, and therefore, produce less dis-
tortion takes place because operation occurs tortion. Pentodes have the advantage of pro-
along the linear portion of the curve. In addi- ducing a greater power output.
tion, the peak-to-peak amplitude of the input
/. Classes of amplifiers often are compared
grid signal is comparatively small. This pre-
with each other in terms of plate efficiency.
vents it from extending into the nonlinear por-
Plate efficiency is defined as the ratio of a-c
tions of the curve.
power output that is developed across the load
b. It may seem desirable to have the grid power supplied to the plate. In class
to the d-c
signal extend along the entire length of the A amplifiers, the plate efficiency is about 20 per-
characteristicfrom point A to C. This produces cent or less. This low efficiency is due to the
a plate-current waveform of maximum ampli- high average value of plate current, and conse-
tude which, in turn, produces maximum ampli- quently high plate dissipation.
fication. However, distortion results because
the dynamic characteristic not perfectly
79. Class B Operation
linear along this entire length. This is true of
any tube. In most cases of class A operation, a a. A class B amplifier one that is biased at

distortionless output is preferred to large am- or near cut-off (fig. 94). Plate current flows
plification. during the positive half of the input grid signal
c. If the positive half of the grid signal goes and stops flowing during the negative half-
beyond point C, the control grid becomes posi- cycle.

AGO 2244A

- +


TM 662-102

Figure 93. Class A operation on dynamic characteristic.

b. Operating point E equals the bias voltage, current cut-off point to point F. This also
E cc . Plate current starts to flow when the in- causes distortion.
stantaneous value of grid voltage, e„ rises above c. If the amplitude of the grid signal is in-

the plate-current cut-off point. Plate current creased so that it extends beyond point F, the

continues to flow during the positive half of amplitude of the plate-current waveform is in-
the input grid signal (the unshaded portion of creased, resulting in a greater power output.
the input grid signal) . During the shaded por- If the positive peak of the grid signal extends
tion of the input signal the plate current is 0. beyond point G, grid current flows, causing the
The shaded portion indicates the part of the positive peak of the plate-current waveform to
input grid signal that has been clipped. This be clipped. Therefore, distortion is increased.
results in severe distortion of the output plate- d. A single tube that operates as a class B
current waveform. Note that the grid signal amplifier produces a great deal of distortion.
swing extends into the nonlinear portion of the Therefore, it is undesirable to use this class as
dynamic characteristic that is, from the plate-
; an a-f amplifier where fidelity of reproduction

AGO 2244A 113

Figure 9U- Class B operation on dynamic characteristic.

is necessary. However, two tubes operating in obtained in a class A The high plate
push-pull often are used in amplifying systems. efficiency permits the use of smaller power sup-
A push-pull amplifier produces twice the output plies for the d-c operating potentials. Some-
of a single tube. In addition, the out-put wave- times the fluctuating output current of a class
form contains a minimum of distortion, as will
B amplifier is unintentionally coupled into the
be shown later.
power source, thereby causing irregularities in
e. A single-tube class B amplifier delivers a
the d-c operating potentials. When this hap-
greater amount of power than a single-tube
pens, additional filter circuits are needed.
class A amplifier. This is in part because of the
greater voltage swing that is permissible in
80. Class AB Operation
class B operation. In a class B push-pull ampli-
fier, the power output is about five times as a. An amplifier that operates in the region
great as in a single-tube class A amplifier using between class A and class B is called a class AB
the same tube type. amplifier. In a class A amplifier, plate current
/. The plate efficiency of a class B amplifier flows during the entire cycle of input grid sig-
is about 40 to 60 percent; — about double that nal; in a class B amplifier, plate current flows

114 AGO 2244A

during the positive half-cycle of input grid sig- of the input signal which are cut off. The output
nal. Therefore, in a class AB amplifier, plate plate-current waveform is distorted because
current flows for more than a half but less — of the clipping action of the negative peaks.
than the entire cycle of input grid signal. Class c. Class AB 2 operation is illustrated in B of
AB operation may be subdivided into classes figure 95 with the same operating point H,
ABi and AB 2 Subnumber
. 1 indicates that grid shown in A. In class AB 2 operation, the peak
current does not flow during any part of the value of grid signal exceeds the fixed bias of
input cycle. Subnumber 2 indicates that grid the tube. The positive peaks of input grid sig-
current does flow during some portion of the nal extend into the positive region of grid volt-
input cycle. age. This causes grid current to flow. Just as
6. Class ABi operation is shown in A of fig- in class AB X operation, the negative grid signal
ure 95. The operating point is located between peaks go beyond the plate-current cut-off point.
plate-current cut-off and the linear portion of d. Clipping is much greater in class AB 2 op-
the dynamic characteristic. The positive peak eration than in class ABj. However, because of
of the grid signal extends into the linear region the greater grid voltage swing in class AB 2
of the dynamic characteristic. To prevent the operation, a greater output exists. The plate
flow of grid current, the positive peak of the efficiency in class ABi operation is somewhat
grid signal cannot exceed the fixed bias E cc . greater than in class AB 2 Compared with class

The negative peak of the grid signal extends A, class AB operation produces more distortion,
beyond plate-current cut-off. The shaded areas more power output, and a greater plate effi-
of the input grid signal indicate those portions ciency.


TM 662-104

Figure 95. Class AB operation on dynamic characteristic.

AGO 2244A
81. Class C Operation rent waveform that is greater in amplitude;
however, it contains more distortion since its
a. A class C amplifier is one whose operating
positive peaks are clipped. In a class C ampli-
point located well beyond the plate-current
fier,the large grid signal swing produces a
cut-off point so that plate current flows for
greater power output as compared to classes
appreciably less than a half -cycle. Class C oper-
A and B.
ation is shown in figure 96.The operating point
c. Class C amplifiers generally are used as
for the input grid signal shown is point J. The
r-f amplifiers where a large power output and
voltage at this point is one and a half times the a high plate efficiency are desired. The plate
cut-off value. The operating point for class C efficiency of a class C amplifier is usually 60
operation usually is made from one and a half to 80 percent. The high distortion of a class C
to four times cut-off. The positive peak of the
stage is overcome by the flywheel effect of tuned
input grid signal extends to point K on the circuits.
dynamic characteristic and the negative peak
extends to point I. The shaded areas indicate 82. Push-pull Operation
the portions of the input grid signal which are General. A push-pull amplifier consists
cut off. The output plate-current waveform of two electron tubes whose grid and plate sig-
represents a small part of the positive peaks of nals are 180° out of phase. The two tubes are
input grid signal. operated class A, AB, or B. Push-pull amplifiers
b. peak of the grid signal ex-
If the positive are used frequently in a-f amplifier circuits.
tends beyond point L on the dynamic charac- Less distortion with a greater power output
teristic and into the positive region, grid cur- and plate efficiency is obtained in push-pull
rent flows. The result is an output plate-cur- operation.



TM 662-105
Figure 96. Class C operation on dynamic characteristic,
AGO 2244A
b. Push-pull Circuit. (3) With no input signals applied to the
(1) A push-pull triode amplifier circuit push-pull circuit, the secondary cur-
is shown in figure 97. The upper and rent i is 0. Since steady d-c plate
lower sections of the circuit are sim- current induces no voltage into the
ilar. Triodes VI and V2 are the same secondary, the secondary current is 0.
type of tube and, therefore, have simi- The d-c plate current of VI flows from
lar characteristics. The two grid sig- cathode to plate, through the upper
and e g2 have the same ampli-
nals, e g i , half of the primary winding (from
tude and frequency but are 180° out points B to A) and back
, to the cath-
of phase with each other. A single ode. The d-c plate current of V2 flows
bias battery and a single plate-supply from cathode to plate, through the
battery are used to supply both tubes lower half of the primary winding
with their proper d-c operating poten- (from point C to A) and back to the,

tials. Transformer T acts as the load cathode. Points B and C are equally
for the circuit. The primary of trans- negative with relation to point A since
former T is center-tapped (point A) the magnitudes of the plate currents
so that the output voltages, e bl and are equal. Thus the total magnetizing
e b2 are equal in
, magnitude. Plate cur- force is 0, and d-c saturation of the
rents i bl and i b2 also are equal in mag- core does not result.
nitude. (4) When the sinusoidal signals, e gl and
(2) The symbols for the various voltages are applied to the respective grids,
e g2 ,
and currents are similar to those used sinusoidal plate currents i bl and i b2
in a simple triode circuit. Subnumber flow in the primary of the trans-
1 is used to indicate a voltage or cur- former. Current i n is 180° out of
rent associated with tube VI. Sub- phase with i b2 since the two grid sig-
number 2 is used to indicate a voltage nals are 180° out of phase with each
or current associated with tube V2. other. During the positive swing of
For example, e gl is the instantaneous i bl , pointB on the primary becomes
value of grid signal voltage applied to more negative with relation to point
VI i b2 is the instantaneous value of
A. At the same time, the fall in i b2
plate current in the plate circuit of V2 causes point C to become less negative
and so on. The instantaneous voltage with respect to point A by an equal
across the entire primary is e p The .
amount. Therefore, the voltage across
instantaneous current in the secon- the entire primary, e p is twice the ,

dary is i .
value of either e M or e b2 In other .

words, ep is equal to e bl plus e b2 A .

half-cycle later, the polarities re-

verse. Here again the voltage across
the primary, e p is equal to e bl plus e b2
, .

The relationship of e p in terms of e bl

and e b2 holds true for all instantaneous
values of plate current. Transformer
T couples the output of the push-pull
amplifier to another circuit.
(5) There are two common methods of
obtaining a 180-degree phase reversal
of the input grid signals. The first is
the transformer method. The secon-
dary of a center-tapped transformer
TM 662-106 is connected to the two control grids
Figure 97. Push-pull triode amplifier circuit. of VI and V2. The center tap is con-

AGO 2244A
nected to the negative side of the bias cause the plate currents of both tubes
battery. With a sinusoidal voltage im- are 180° out of phase, they are placed
pressed across the primary, two sine 180° out of phase with each other so
waves of voltage appear in the sec- that their horizontal axes are common.
ondary. These sine waves are 180° They are then up so that the bias
out of phase with each other because voltage of one tube meets the same
of the tapped winding. In the other value of bias voltage of the other tube.
method, a paraphase amplifier is used, For example, if E ce = —
5 volts, this
c. Dynamic Characteristics for Push- value of voltage occurs at the same
pull Operation. place on both grid-voltage axes. The
(1) The dynamic characteristic for two resultant dynamic characteristic is
tubes operating in push-pull is con- obtained by algebraically adding the
structed from the individual dynamic instantaneous values of plate current
characteristics of both tubes. Figure for different values of grid signal
98 shows a dynamic characteristic of voltage.
two tubes operating in class A push- (2) In single-tube class A operation, little

pull. It is obtained in the following distortion exists in the output plate-

manner. The dotted curve labeled VI current waveform, since the grid sig-
is the dynamic characteristic of one nal operates along the most linear por-
tube and V2 is the dynamic character- tion of the dynamic characteristic. In
istic of the other. These dynamic class A push-pull operation, the dis-
characteristics are identical and be- tortion is even less because the dy-



TM 662-(07

Figure 98. Dynamic characteristic of two tubes in push-pull class A operation

118 AGO 2244A

namic characteristic is even more ation as compared to class A push-
linear. By projecting various points pull operation is that a greater grid
of the input grid signal to the push- signal swing is permissible because
pull characteristic (shown by dashed of the longer resultant characteristic.
lines in the figure), the output plate- This results in a greater power output
current waveform is obtained. A and plate efficiency. The plate effi-

greater grid voltage swing is possible ciency of class AB push-pull amplifiers

in push-pull operation without result- can go as high as 55 percent.
ing in noticeable distortion. The rea- (4) The resultant characteristic of class
son is that the dynamic characteristic B push-pull operation is shown in fig-
is linear for a greater amount of volt- ure 99. The bias voltage is nearer to
age variation. If a greater grid signal plate-current cut-off than in class AB
swing is possible in push-pull opera- push-pull operation. Here again, the
tion, then a greater power output can output plate-currentwaveform is
be obtained. The efficiency of a class A fairly undistorted. Note that the bias
push-pull amplifier can go as high as 30 is not quite at the plate-current cut-
percent; in class A single-tube oper- off value. If exact cut-off bias were
ation, the limit is about 20 percent. used, distortion would occur (fig.

(3) Class AB push-pull operation is also 100). Here, the resultant dynamic
possible and frequent. The resultant characteristic has an S shape which
dynamic characteristic is obtained in causes severe distortion of the output
the same manner as the resultant plate-current waveform. The plate
characteristic in figure 98. The main efficiency of a class B push-pull ampli-
advantage of class AB push-pull oper- fier is about 60 to 65 percent.






^ TM 662-108
Figure 99. Dynamic characteristic of two tubes in push-pull class B operation.
AGO 2244A



TM 662- 109
Figure 100. Operation of push-pull class B amplifier biased exactly at plate-current cut-off.

83. Table of Characteristics 84. Phase Relationships in Amplifiers

Table II gives a resume of the operation a. Grid signal always in phase with plate
e g is
points, distortion, power output, and plate effi- current ih . Two waveshapes
of equal frequency
ciency of the different classes of amplifiers. are said to be in phase when they pass through
Table II. Amplifier Characteristics
Location of operating point Relative Relative percentage of
Class on dynamic characteristic distortion power output plate efficiency

A Low Low Under

single-tube 20%
A On linear portion Very low Moderate 20 to 30%

AB Moderate Moderate 40%


AB Between linear portion and plate-current cut-off Low High 50 to 55%


B High High 40 to 60%


B At vicinity of cut-off Low Very high 60 to 65%


C About 1 % to 4 times plate-current cut-off Very high Very high 60 to 80%


120 AGO 2244A

corresponding points at the same time that ; is, voltage on the grid causes the plate current to
the curves reach their maximum positive and rise to a maximum value of 10.1 ma at point B2.
negative values at the same time and they pass This maximum current causes the voltage drop
through same time. The phase relation-
at the across the load resistor to be a maximum value
ship of the various a-c voltages and currents in of 252 volts at point B3. RL ,
rp and
, E bb com-
a triode amplifier is indicated in figure 101. In prise a series circuit. The voltage drops across
this circuit, e g are in phase with each
e„ ib , RL and rp equal the supply source E bb . If the
other, but they are 180° out of phase with voltage drop acrossR L increases, then the volt-
age drop across rp must decrease. The output
voltage, e b , from plate to cathode, is the voltage
drop across r v . Since the voltage drop across RL
is at a maximum, at point B3, then voltage e b
is a minimum value. This is shown at point B4,
which equals 98 volts.

e. At same conditions prevail

quiescence, the
and C4 as at points A,
at points C, CI, C2, C3,
Al, A2, A3, and A4. When e g reaches its most
negative value at point D, total grid voltage e c
is —
16 volts at point Dl. This minimum input
voltage causes minimum (1.3 ma at
ib to be a
point D2). In turn, the minimum plate current
TM 662-110
causes e RL to be a minimum value of 33 volts at
Figure 101. Current and voltage phase relations in point D3. Since e RL is a minimum, the voltage
triode amplifier circuit. drop across r„ is a maximum
value and e b is a
maximum (317 volts at D4). Points F, Fl, F2,
b. Assume
that the triode in figure 101 is a F3, and F4 occur at quiescence and have the
6J5 tube operating at a grid bias voltage of — same numerical values as the corresponding
volts and a plate-supply voltage of 350 volts. points C, CI, C2, C3, and C4.
Under quiescent conditions, plate current I b0
is 5.2 ma, plate voltage E b0 is 220 volts, and R L
/. From
the foregoing analysis, it is noted
that the waveshapes shown in parts A, B, C,
is 25,000 ohms. The voltage drop across the
and D are in phase with each other but are 180°
load resistor under quiescent conditions E Lo
out of phase with waveshape' E. Consequently,
is E bb minus E b0 which equals 350 minus 220,
the following conclusion can be made: The
or 130 volts. The various voltages and currents
signal on the control grid of an electron tube is
appearing in the triode circuit are shown graph-
always in phase with the plate current but is
ically in figure 102.
180° out of phase with the output plate voltage.
c. These waveshapes are obtained in the fol-
This statement holds true for all types of elec-
lowing manner Points A, Al, A2, A3, and A4,

tron tubes, whether they are triodes, tetrodes,

connected by a vertical dotted line, represent
or pentodes.
conditions which occur at quiescence. The sig-
nal voltage, in A, is at point A and the total
grid voltage in B equals 8 volts at point Al, — 85. Methods of Biasing
which is the value of E cc . At the same time, the a. Types of Bias. In all amplifier circuits
total plate current, I b0 , in C, equals 5.2 ma at previously discussed, bias has been supplied by
point A2. The d-c voltage drop across load re- a battery, E cc This type of bias, known as fixed

sistor ELo , in D, equals 130 volts at point A3. bias, obtained from a separate voltage source.
The total plate voltage, E b0 , in E, is equal to Power supplies, to be discussed later, and d-c
220 volts at point A4. generators are other examples of fixed-bias
d. When the grid signal voltage reaches its supplies. The type of bias most commonly used
most positive value at point B, total grid voltage in which the bias voltage is developed
is self -bias
e c is volt, at point Bl. The maximum signal across a resistance by the tube itself. The volt-

AGO 2244A

VOLTAGE (e c )




Figure 102. Waveforms in triode amplifier circuit.

age drop across this resistance is dependent bias voltage shown in the circuit is — 5 volts and
upon the plate current of the tube or the grid is developed by the bias battery. No grid cur-
signal. Combination bias is a combination of rent flows under quiescent conditions since the
fixed bias and self -bias. grid is negative with relation to the cathode.

A method of obtaining fixed The grid is 5 volts negative with relation to the
b. Fixed Bias.
shown in A of figure 103. As previously cathode, or the cathode is 5 volts positive with
bias is

stated, bias is the d-c voltage between grid and relation to the grid. Grid resistor RB is part of

cathode. This voltage usually is negative, and a coupling network for the input grid signal.
it is used to establish the operating point. The The voltage that appears from grid to ground

AGO 2244A


~I-L J
1 jdLs

Qeg « i

— *- f -'

TM 662-112

Figure 103. Various types of bias.

is equal to the bias voltage plus the instantane- to the grid or the grid 5 volts nega-
ous value of grid voltage. In this case the bias tive with relation to the cathode.
is independent of the input grid signal. This is

always true in a fixed-bias system.

(6) As explained previously, resistor Rg
is part of the coupling network for
c. Self-Bias. the input grid signal. If a sinusoi-
(1) Cathode bias. dal grid signal is impressed across
(a) The most common method used to R g it causes the plate current to

obtain self-bias cathode bias (B

is vary sinusoidally about an average
of fig. 103). In this circuit the bias d-c value. The varying plate current
voltage is developed across cathode flows through cathode resistor R k .

resistor R k Under quiescent condi-

Since the required bias is a fixed
tions, plate current i b flows continu- voltage, the a-c component of plate
ously from cathode to plate and current through resistor R k must
back to the cathode through resistor be removed. This is accomplished
R k Since the plate current flows
. by capacitor Ck . The value of this
from points A to B, point A is nega- capacitor is large so that its capaci-
tive in respect to point B. Assume tive reactance is small compared
that the voltage drop across Rm with the resistance of R k at the fre-
equals 5 volts. This makes the cath- quency of the input grid signal. This
ode 5 volts positive with relation low value of capacitive reactance

AGO 2244A
effectively short-circuits or bypasses plate of the capacitor connected to
the a-c voltage component around the grid becomes negative. The
R k The . result is that the voltage charge path is through the tube,
drop across Rk does not vary and shown by the dotted lines in the
the bias voltage remains fixed at figure. During the negative half-
— 5 volts. cycle of e g the grid becomes nega-

tive with relation to the cathode.

(c) The value of Ch in a-f amplifiers is
approximately 10 to 50 jd (micro- Cg discharges only slightly through
Rg, since R g has a large value. The
farads) In r-f amplifiers, it is con-

Smaller capaci- discharge path is shown by a solid

siderably smaller.
line. The top of R g becomes negative
tors are used since higher frequen-
cies are involved. The value of R k
with relation to the bottom or
from 250 to 3,000 ohms.
grounded end. During the next
is usually
positive half-cycle of grid signal,
Rk can be calculated by Ohm's law
Cg regains the charge that it lost
if the desired bias and plate-current
values are known. For example,
and charges to the peak value of e s
once more. The discharge of C„
assume that an average d-c plate
through Rg produces a pulsating d-c
current of 10 ma flows and that a
current. This current produces a
negative bias of 5 volts is required.
Then by Ohm's law, Rk = E cc /I b0 = pulsating d-c voltage. The average
value of this voltage is the negative
5/.01 or 500 ohms.
bias voltage.
(2) Grid-leak bias.
(3) Another form of grid-leak bias (D of
(a) Another self-bias method is grid-
fig. 103)In this method of obtaining

leak bias, illustrated in C. Grid

self-bias, R g is connected in parallel
capacitor Cg is large in value so that
with Cg The operation of this circuit

its capacitive reactance is small

is similar to that shown in C, the only
compared with the resistance of
difference being in the discharge path
R g at the input signal frequency.
of Cg shown by the solid line. Here

Resistor R g
is large in value. The
the discharge path of Cg is through R g
voltage, e c, appearing across Rg con-
alone. The charge paths for Cg are
sists of the grid signal voltage, e g ,
identical in both cases as indicated by
plus the bias voltage, E ec .
the dotted line. The voltage drop
(6) With no input signal applied to the across Rg is the bias voltage produced
the difference in potential
circuit, by the discharging of C g . The grid
between the grid and the cathode voltage, e c equals bias voltage
E cc plus
is 0. Therefore, the bias voltage is grid voltage e g .

0. The bias voltage can be obtained (4) Contact potential bias. The circuit
only when a grid signal is applied. used for this method of obtaining self-
This grid signal appears across R g bias is similar to that used for grid-
since the low capacitive reactance leak bias. The grid signal, however,
of C g makes it a virtual short cir- does not develop the bias voltage. In
cuit for the grid signal. The sinu- this circuit, R g has a very large value
soidal grid signal alternately makes — 10 megohms. With no grid signal
the grid positive and negative with voltage applied to the circuit, a space
relation to the cathode. charge forms near the cathode. Since
(c) During the positive half of the grid the electrons forming the space charge
signal, the grid becomes positive are negative with relation to the grid,
with relation to the cathode. The a difference in potential exists be-
grid draws current and charges Cg tween the space charge and the grid.
to the peak value of e g so that the This difference in potential causes a

AGO 2244A
minute grid current flow through R g . e. Plate efficiency is defined as the ratio of
In turn, since R g has a very high ohmic a-c power output that is developed across the
value, the current flow causes a small load to the d-c power supplied to the plate.
voltage drop to appear across this re- /. A class B amplifier is one that is biased
sistor. The voltage appearing across at or near plate-current cut-off. Plate current
Rg is the bias voltage. flows during the positive half of the input grid
Combination Bias. Another type of bias
d. signal and stops flowing during the negative
is combination bias (fig. 104) which consists of half.
both fixed bias and self -bias. In A of this figure, g. A class AB amplifier is one in which plate
the fixed bias is —
5 volts and the self-bias current flows for more than half the cycle but
(cathode bias) is —
4 volts. The total bias volt- less than the entire cycle of input grid signal.
age is —
9 volts. The grid is 9 volts negative In a class AB X amplifier, the positive peak of
with relation to the cathode and the cathode is the grid signal does not exceed the fixed bias
9 volts positive with relation to the grid. In B, value so that grid current does not flow. In a
fixed bias produces a voltage of 5 volts and — class AB 2 amplifier the signal exceeds the bias,
self-bias (grid-leak bias) produces a voltage and grid current does flow.
of —2 volts. The total bias voltage for this cir- h. A class C amplifier is one that is biased
cuit is —7 volts. one and a half to four times cut-off. Plate cur-

TM 662-113

Figure 10U- Circuits showing combination bias.

86. Summary rent flows for appreciably less than a half-

a. Gain is the ratio of output to input. Usually
the greater the number of stages in an ampli- i. The approximate plate efficiencies of the

fier, the greater is its gain. various classes of amplifiers are: class A, un-
b. An a-f circuit amplifies frequencies in the der 20 percent; class AB, 40 percent; class B,
audio range. An r-f circuit amplifies frequen- 40 to 60 percent ; and class C, 60 to 80 percent.
cies above the audio range. j. A push-pull amplifier consists of two tubes
c. The amount an amplifier
of distortion in arranged so that the plate current of one tube
depends partially on the linearity of its dynamic is 180° out of phase with the plate current of

characteristic. The more linear the character- the other tube. The magnitudes of the currents
istic, the less is the distortion. are equal.
d. A class A one in which plate
amplifier is k. The input grid signals for a push-pull
current flows all the time. The input grid signal amplifier are obtainedfrom a transfomer which
operates along the most linear portion of the has a center-tapped secondary or from a para-
dynamic characteristic. phase amplifier.

AGO 2244A
I. Compared to single-tube operation, less d. Where are the operating points of class

distortion is obtained in push-pull operation A, AB, B, and C amplifiers?

since its dynamic characteristic is more linear. e. Define plate efficiency.
Also, a greater grid signal swing is permissible.
/. Compare the plate efficiencies of class A,
m. In an electron-tube circuit, e g e„ it, and ,
AB, B, and C amplifiers.
e BL are in phase with each other, but are 180°
out of phase with e b. g. Compare the relative distortion of the
different classes of amplifiers.
n. Fixed bias is obtained from a separate
voltage source. Self-bias is obtained from a h. How can a push-pull amplifier circuit be
voltage drop across a resistor. This voltage identified?
drop is caused by the current of the tube. Com- i. What methods are used to obtain two grid
bination bias is a combination of fixed bias and signals 180° out of phase with each other for a
self-bias. push-pull amplifier?
o. Grid-leak bias is obtained through the ac- how
j. Explain a push-pull dynamic charac-
tion of the input grid signal. teristic is obtained.

87. Review Questions k. Compare the phase relationships of eg , e c,

e&, e BL ,and i b in an electron-tube circuit.
a. What is the primary function of an elec-
tron tube? I. What are the differences between fixed

b. Does an i-f amplifier operate in the a-f or bias, self-bias, and combination bias?
r-f range? m. Can grid-leak bias be obtained with no
c. What
type of distortion results in an am- input grid signal? Explain.
plifier when the positive peaks of the input grid n. Explain how the bias voltage for contact
signal cause the grid to draw current? potential bias is obtained.

AGO 2244A

88. Introduction feed a load such as a transmitting antenna or

a loudspeaker.
There are two principal types of amplifiers
When the output of one stage coupled
— voltage amplifiers and poiver amplifiers. A

to the input of another stage, a coupling net-


voltage amplifier produces a large voltage with

work must be used for transferring this energy.
a small current at its output. A power amplifier
The amplification, or gain, of a stage is depend-
usually produces a large current with a small
ent on several factors. These include the tube
voltage at its output. The load resistor for a
constants, g m and rp the d-c operating poten-
voltage amplifier is large — 10,000 ohms or more tials, E
p, , ,

E bh and E c2 the input grid signal, e g

—compared with the plate resistance of the
and the
cc ,


RL .

The characteristics of the


tube. The larger the value of load resistance, coupling network also determine the amount
the larger is the voltage drop across it, and the of amplification that results.
less is the current flow through it. The ampli-
tude of the input grid signal is relatively small
89. Resistance-Capacitance Coupling
so that a large voltage and a small current are
a. Introduction. Various coupling networks
obtained at the output.
are used to transfer energy from one circuit to
b. Power amplifiers often are referred to as another. These arrangements consist of capaci-
current amplifiers. In a power amplifier, the tors, resistors, inductors, and transformers.
value of load resistance usually is much smaller One of the most common types of coupling net-
than in a voltage amplifier —under 10,000 ohms works is the R-C (resistance-capacitance) net-
—so that its plate current is comparatively work, usually known as resistance coupling.
large. The relatively small value of load re-
b. R-C Coupling Network.
sistance produces a small voltage drop across
(1) Two triode amplifiers coupled by
it.The amplitude of the input grid signal to a
means of an R-C coupling circuit are
power amplifier is made relatively large so that
shown in figure 105. The use of plate-
its output plate current is large.
load resistor RL has been discussed in
c. Schematically, there is no way of distin- previous chapters. When a varying
guishing between voltage and power amplifiers signal voltage, e g , is applied to the grid
except, perhaps, by the values of their loads. of VI, it causes the plate current to
In practical applications, a voltage amplifier vary through the tube and through
usually feeds its output to a power amplifier. R L The changing current through the

For example, consider a small grid signal that load resistor produces a varying volt-
is amplified by a voltage amplifier. The ampli- age drop across it. The amplified out-
tude of output voltage is comparatively large. put of tube VI is the varying voltage
This output is fed or coupled to a power ampli- between its plate and ground. This
fier. Its large power output can be used to feed output voltage is numerically equal to
another power amplifier so that a greater power the fixed plate-supply voltage minus
amplification is obtained, or it can be used to the varying voltage across RL .

AGO 2244A


Figure 105. R-C coupling network between two triode amplifiers.

(2) It is desirable to make the resistance of Cc should be low. Therefore, the

of RL as large as possible. As the capacitance of the coupling capacitor
value of this resistoris increased, a is made fairly large. Typical values
larger signal voltage appears across for the coupling capacitor range from
it. As a result, the size of the output about .001 to approximately .01 fd.
voltage from tube VI is increased and Larger values usually are not used,
the stage is said to have a larger am- because of their large physical size
plification. There is a practical limit and their excessive stray capacitance
to the value of the plate-load resistor. to ground.
If this resistor is made too large, it
(4) The through C c is
a-c signal coupled
produces a large d-c voltage drop.
This reduces the plate voltage on the
applied to grid resistor of tube V2. Rg
The signal voltage drop across R g is
tube and the resultant plate current
applied in series with the bias voltage
so that the tube output is reduced.
Typical values for the plate-load re-
E cc between the grid and cathode of
V2. This resistor has several other
sistor range from about 25,000 to
uses besides acting as a load across
about 500,000 ohms.
which the input signal to V2 is devel-
(3) The output signal of tube VI is coupled oped. Rg also provides a grid return
through coupling capacitor C c to the for the grid of V2; that is, it serves
grid of tube V2. This capacitor is to connect the grid of the tube to its
necessary to prevent the high positive
plate voltage of VI from being applied
source of bias voltage —in this case,
a battery. In this way, the grid is not
to the grid of V2. If a direct connec-
allowed to float. The resistor also pro-
tion were used instead of the capacitor,
vides a discharge path for the cou-
a positive bias would be applied to the
grid of V2. As a result, this tube pling capacitor and prevents the im-

would not be biased properly, grid proper accumulation of charge. Be-

current would flow, and considerable cause this resistor provides a path
distortion would be produced. Be- through which electrons can leak off

cause this capacitor blocks or prevents C c, it often is referred to as a grid-leak

the passage of dc, it sometimes is re- resistor. Rg can be used also as a
ferred to as a blocking capacitor. This source of grid-leak bias or contact
coupling or blocking capacitor also potential bias. Typical values for the
must pass the varying signal voltage grid resistor from one-half
readily. Consequently, the reactance megohm to several megohms.

128 AGO 2244A

(5) Coupling capacitor C and
c grid resis- plate toground of V2. VI and V2 use cathode
tor R g form a voltage divider. The bias which is obtained by the action of R K and
output of this voltage divider is the CK The letter B represents the plate-supply

voltage drop across resistor R g which voltage source. The screen grids of both tubes
is the signal voltage applied to the obtain their d-c operating voltages through the
grid of V2. Because of the infinite series dropping resistors, R sg Capacitor

reactance of the capacitor to dc, all bypasses any a-c signal voltage that appears in
of the d-c voltage drop appears across the screen-grid circuit, thereby preventing it
it and no dc from the plate of VI is from causing a fluctuation in screen voltage.
applied to the grid of V2. The reac- The value of Csg is selected so that it presents a
tance of the capacitor to an a-c signal, minimum of reactance to the signal voltage.
however, is much smaller than the
resistance of the resistor. Conse- 90. Gain of R-C Coupled Amplifier
quently, very little of the a-c signal is
a. Response Characteristic.
lost across the capacitor, and most of
(1) An amplifier usually is rated by the
the signal appears across the resistor
amount of gain it has. However, the
and is applied to the grid of tube V2.
gain of an amplifier may be greater
C t represents the total shunt capaci-
at one frequency than another. Some
tance of the circuit. It is a stray capa-
method must be used, therefore, to
citance made up of the interelectrode
designate its gain over a band of fre-
capacitances of the tubes and wiring
quencies. This can be done by plotting
a voltage gain characteristic curve,
c. R-C Coupling Using Pentodes. R-C sometimes called a response character-
coupling is used also for pentode circuits. A istic curve since it signifies the re-
typical R-C coupled amplifier of this type is sponse of an amplifier over a wide
shown in figure 106. The input signal, e in to , range of frequencies (fig. 107) Here .

VI is amplified by VI. The output of VI is cou- the voltage gain characteristic is that
pled to V2 through the R-C coupling network, of a typical R-C coupled a-f amplifier.
shown enclosed by dotted lines. The output of Frequency (X-axis) is plotted against
the amplifier, e out is the voltage appearing from
, relative voltage gain (Y-axis). The

Figure 106. Typical R-C coupled amplifier using pentodes.

AGO 2244A
range of frequencies shown extends age gain of the amplifier decreases at
throughout and beyond the audio-fre- low frequencies. At the higher fre-
quency band, which is from about 16 quencies, the reactance of the shunt
to 16,000 cps. The dotted lines on the capacitance, Cu from grid to ground
curve separate the relative frequency- of V2 becomes very small. The smaller
ranges into low frequencies, middle reactance causes the impedance from
frequencies, and high frequencies. The grid to ground of V2 to become
voltage gain is maximum at the mid- smaller. As a result, a smaller grid
dle frequencies. The coupling capaci- signal voltage appears at the grid of
tor C c is designed to have a negligible the tube and a decrease in voltage gain
reactance at the middle frequency of occurs at the higher frequencies.
about 1,000 cps. Since Ce and R g form Therefore, it is seen that the R-C
a voltage divider and very little signal coupling network helps to determine
voltage is lost across C most
c, of the the voltage gain at various frequen-
signal to V2 appears across Rg . There- cies.
fore, V2 produces a maximum voltage
b. Equivalent Circuit of R-C Coupled
amplification. The reactance of Cc
changes negligibly and V2 still pro-
vides a maximum voltage gain. (1) The effects at different frequency
ranges can be explained by equivalent
circuits. Figure 108 shows the equiv-
FREQUENCIES alent circuit of an R-C coupled ampli-
fier for the low-middle and high-fre-
quency ranges. The equivalent circuit
for the low-frequency range is shown
in A. The output signal voltage for
UJ the amplifier is represented by an a-c
generator designated as — p.e g . The
< minus sign preceding p.e g is used to
UJ indicate that the output voltage is of
t- opposite polarity to the input. Resis-
o tor rp represents the a-c plate resist-
> ance of the tube, RL is the load re-
sistance, and Rg is the grid resistor.
Coupling capacitor Cc is included in
to 100 ipoo 10,000 100000 the equivalent low-frequency circuit
FREQUENCY (CPS) since it has an appreciable reactance
at low frequencies. R s and Cc form a
Figure 107. Voltage gain characteristic of typical R-C voltage divider which delivers the out-
coupled a-f amplifier. put voltage, e ou t- The drop across Rg
is the output voltage of the equivalent
(2) The curve starts tapering off at about
circuit. The lower the frequency of e g ,

100 cps to a minimum value at the

the higher is the voltage drop across
lowest frequency. As the frequency
C and
c the lower is the voltage drop
decreases, the reactance of C c in-
across Rg .

creases. This causes more of the sig-

nal from VI to appear across C c and (2) In the middle-frequency range, shown
not across Rg . Consequently, the volt- in B, the reactance of C becomes
c neg-

130 AGO 2244A

— — — — —


Figure 108. Equivalent circuit of R-C coupled amplifier.

ligible and is not included in the equiv- (d) Voltage gain, A, is defined as the
alent circuit. At the high-frequency ratio of output voltage to input
range, in C, capacitor C (interelec- t voltage
trode and wiring capacitance) is in-
cluded in the equivalent circuit. As
the signal frequency increases, the
reactance of C decreases, and more of
(e) Substituting the value of e out from
the output voltage is short-circuited
equation (<c) into equation (d),
or bypassed to ground.
voltage gain is
c. Triode Amplifier Gain.
(1) The mathematical relationship for Kg Rl Rr
A - rp + RL
gain of a triode amplifier at the middle + Rl
frequencies can be determined from
the equivalent circuit in B. R g and R L
The relationship of equation (e) is
are in parallel with each other. Since R-C coupled
the voltage gain of an
the resistance of Rg usually is much
amplifier in the middle-frequency
greater than that of R L their equiva- ,
lent resistance is approximately equal
to RL The a-c plate current, ip
flows from the a-c generator, /j.e
— ,

(2) Consider the following numerical ex-
through the two series resistors, rp ample: A
6J5 triode has a plate re-
and R L .
sistance of 7,700 ohms and a jx of 20.
This tube is used as an R-C coupled
(a) Using Ohm's law,
which the value of
amplifier, in RL is

25,000 ohms. Its voltage gain is

rv + RL
(b) The minus sign preceding p,e g does
not appear, since we are not con-
rP + RL ^
cerned with phase relationships in X20
7,700 25,000 +
the equation. The output voltage, 500,000
e ut, appearing across R L is 32,700
&out == Ip X Rl*

Substituting the value of ip from

equation (a) into equation (6), the d. Mathematical Relationship of Gain in
output voltage is Pentodes.

— e» Kg Rl
+ R L XRt
/* \/ T?
rp rp + RL (1) In pentodes or tetrodes, the voltage

AGO 2244A 131

— —— —

gain at the middle-frequency range, is obtained. This coupling method is referred

A, is obtained in the following man- to also as impedance coupling. The R-C-L cou-
ner. It is known that pled amplifier using triodes in figure 109 is sim-
(a) ilar to the R-C coupling network in figure 105
/A = 9m Vp* except that a coil is substituted for the load re-
Substituting this for in equation sistor, R L This coil has a certain impedance
(b) fi

in c(l) (e) above, A is given as value,Z L which is made up of the inductive re-

actance and the resistance of the coil. The in-

™ Rl gm rp R L put signal, e in to VI is amplified by this stage
A -R L 9mr"~ rp + R L

and is coupled to V2 through the R-C-L cou-

(c) In tetrodes and pentodes, rp is very- pling network shown inclosed by dotted lines.
much greater than R L ; therefore, The output, e out , of V2, appears from plate to
the denominator of the fraction in ground of this stage.
the preceding equation, (6), be-
b. Circuit Operation.
comes just rp or ,

RL (1) The operation of the R-C-L coupling

9, r p
A network is similar to that of the R-C
coupling network. Coil ZL is so de-
(d) The values of r p cancel in the pre-
signed that its impedance
very high is
ceding equation, (c), and the volt- at the signal frequency. This results
age gain at the middle-frequency in a large output voltage being ap-
range becomes simply plied to the input of V2. Since the d-c
A= gm RL -
resistance of the coil is very small,
(2) In a 6SK7 pentode, the transconduc- only a small d-c voltage drop occurs.
tance equals 2,000 umhos. If a plate- This permits the use of a lower value
load resistor of 25,000 ohms is used, of d-c plate-supply voltage.
then the voltage gain is
A= g mR L = 25,000 X 2,000 X 10" 6 = 50. (2) ZL equals V RL 2
-f XL 2
, where RL is
the d-c resistance of the coil and XL
is the inductive reactance of the coil.
91. R-C-L Coupling Network
The inductive reactance of the coil
a. General. If a coil is substituted for RL varies with the signal frequency. As
in an R-C coupling network, an R-C-L (resist- the signal frequency increases, the in-
ance-capacitance-inductance) coupling network ductive reactance increases, and as



Ck B+

TM 662-118

Figure 109. R-C-L coupled amplifier using triodes.

AGO 2244A
the signal frequency decreases, the in- 92. Transformer Coupling
ductive reactance decreases. There-
a. Circuit Explanation.
fore, the impedance of the load rises
with frequency. (1) Another method of coupling is trans-
former coupling. In the typical trans-
(3) The gain of VI depends on the volt- former-coupled amplifier using triodes
age developed across Z L The greater
in figure 110, transformer T, which
this voltage the greater is the gain; comprises the coupling network, is
the less the voltage the less the gain. shown within dotted lines. The pri-
At low frequencies, when the im- mary, P, of the coupling transformer
pedance of ZL is small, the voltage de- is connected in the plate circuit of tri-
veloped across it is small and the gain ode VI and the secondary, S, is con-
is low. At high frequencies, when the nected in the grid circuit of V2.
inductive reactance of Z L is large, the
(2) The input grid voltage to VI is am-
voltage developed across it is large
plifiedand varies the plate current,
and the gain is high.
ip flowing through the primary of the

(4) The same limiting factors to the gain transformer. The varying plate cur-
at high frequencies exist in the inter- rent causes an induced voltage, e s to ,

electrode, wiring, and stray capaci- appear in the secondary. Transformer

tances of the circuit. The distributed T has a one-to-three step-up turns
capacitance between the turns of the ratio. With negligible transformer
coil further limits the gain at high losses and unity coupling, the second-
frequencies. The combination of this ary voltage is three times as great as
distributed capacitance and the induc- the primary voltage. The secondary
tance produces a parallel-resonant cir- voltage is amplified by V2 and appears
cuit. As a result, a peak in the gain as e out between the plate and ground.
may occur at the resonant frequency. Figure 110 shows the phase relation-
ships of the various voltages and their
c. Response Curve. Generally, it is possible
relative amplitudes.
to obtain a fairlyuniform response character-
istic from an R-C-L coupled amplifier over a b. Equivalent Circuits.
limited frequency range only. The characteris- (1) The equivalent circuit of a trans-
tic curve shows a higher gain than is obtained former-coupled amplifier at the low-,
in an R-C coupled amplifier at the high fre- middle-, and high-frequency ranges is
quencies and a lower gain at the low frequen- shown in figure 111. In the low-fre-
cies. quency range (A of fig. Ill) —
ne g is

AGO 2244A
an a-c generator which represents the eg , and the turns ratio of coupling
amplified output of VI, and rv repre- transformer N.
sents the a-e plate resistance of the
tube. Coil Lp represents the induc- (3) In C of figure 111 the equivalent cir-

tance of the primary of the trans- cuit in the high-frequency range, C t

former. The d-c resistance of the pri- represents the distributed capacitance
mary winding, which is usually very between the windings of the trans-
small, can be considered as included former in addition to the interelec-
in r p .
Lp and rp form a voltage divider trode, stray, and wiring capacitances.
and the output voltage is taken across Coil L e is the equivalent inductance of
L p At very low signal frequencies,
. the transformer. The size of Le de-
the reactance of L p becomes small and pends on the leakage flux and the
most of the signal voltage appears amount of mutual coupling between
across rp ,
decreasing the output volt- the windings. The equivalent circuit
age. The magnitude of the output takes the form of a series-resonant
voltage is dependent also on the turns circuitwhich resonates at some high
ratio of the transformer. The greater frequency of signal voltage. At or near
the turns ratio of the step-up trans- resonance, the magnitude of the volt-
former, the greater is the output volt- age across C t is extremely large. If
age. In figure 110 the turns ratio is the frequency is increased beyond
one to three and the secondary volt- resonance, the reactance of C t de-
age, e s is three times as great as the
, creases and the output voltage de-
primary voltage, ev . creases.


A B c
TM 662-120

Figure 111. Equivalent circuits of tray 'ormer -coupled amplifier.

(2) In the equivalent circuit in the middle- c. Response Characteristic.

frequency range (B of fig. Ill) the (1) The response characteristic of a typ-
reactance of Lp is large compared with ical transformer-coupled a-f amplifier
tp so that can be considered an open
is shown in figure 112. In the middle-
circuit. The output voltage is taken frequency range, the relative voltage
across rp and — fie g in series. In this gain is fairly constant. In the low-
circuit, the magnitude of the output frequency range, the curve drops off
voltage is dependent on the tube con- as the frequency is decreased. This
stants, the amplitude of signal voltage occurs since the reactance of L„ de-

134 AGO 2244A

creases with frequency. The result is where jn is the amplification factor of the tube
a decrease in the output voltage. In and N is the turns ratio of the transformer. As
the high-frequency range, the curve an example, consider a 6J5 triode 20) (//, =
drops off as the frequency is increased that is used as the first stage in a transformer-

because the reactance of C (C of fig.

coupled amplifier. If the number of turns in
Ill) decreases as the signal frequency the primary of the coupling transformer is 100
increases. The result is a decrease in and in the secondary is 200, the turns ratio is

the output voltage. 200/100 or 2. The voltage gain is—

A = = 20 X 20 = 40.
It is desirable to make N as large as possible
to obtain a large voltage gain. However, in-
creasing N has its limitations. If N is made too
large, then the equivalent inductance, L e, be-
comes too large and the frequency response
falls off at the high frequencies.
e. Characteristics.
(1) Transformer coupling has several dis-
tinct advantages as compared with
R-C and R-C-L coupling. One advan-
tage is that a greater gain is obtained

in transformer coupling because a

step-up transformer is used. Another
TM 662-121 advantage is that a lower value of d-c
plate voltage can be used, since the
Figure 112. Voltage gain characteristic of typical trans-
d-c resistance of the primary winding
former-coupled a-f amplifier for different values
of Q. is small. Also, the secondary winding

of the transformer can be center-

(2) Three curves are shown in the high- tapped and used to supply two grid
frequency range. They represent dif- voltages 180° out of phase to a push-
ferent values of Q (figure of merit) pull amplifier. The impedance match-
for the series-resonant circuit in C. ing properties of a transformer, which
Q is equal to the ratio of the reactance was previously discussed, is a fourth
to the resistance. The actual Q is de- advantage.
termined by the transformer used, the (2) The transformer-coupling system has
circuit constants, and the operation of several drawbacks. One disadvantage
the amplifier. A high Q usually is not is the high cost of the transformer.
desirable because of the peak in re- Also, the stray fields introduced by
sponse which occurs. the transformer can interfere with
(3) The frequency response of an R-C the operation of other stages, although
coupled amplifier usually is more uni- thiscan be alleviated by shielding the
form over a wider frequency range transformer properly. In addition, a
than the frequency response of a transformer usually is large and bulky
transformer-coupled amplifier. How- and adds to the weight of the equip-
ever, the magnitude of the relative
voltage gain of a transformer-coupled
amplifier usually is greater.
93. Tuned-circuit Coupling
d. Mathematical Relationship of Volt-
age Gain. The relationship of voltage gain in a. Tuned Transformer Coupling.
the middle-frequency range, in A, is (1) If capacitors are placed across the
A = pN, primary and secondary windings of

AGO 2244A
the transformer in a transformer- (3) Double-tuned transformer coupling is
coupled network, a double-tuned trans- used where a single frequency or a
former-coupling system obtained (A
is narrow band of frequencies is to be
of fig. 113). Coil LI is the primary amplified. The resonant conditions
and coil L2 is the secondary of the in the network results in a voltage
transformer. CI tunes LI to resonance gain characteristic that is very selec-
at the signal frequency. A large sig- tive. I-f stages in a receiver and r-f
nal voltage is produced across the output stages in a transmitter fre-
high impedance of the parallel-res- quently use this type of coupling. In
onant circuit formed by LI and CI. these stages, selectivity is of primary
The large circulating tank current in importance. In some practical appli-
the primary of the transformer cre- cations, a manual adjustment changes
ates a magnetic field which induces a the degree of coupling between the
voltage into the secondary winding, primary and secondary windings of
L2. the transformer. This adjustment per-



7" LI Rg«

_L l


TM 662-122

Figure 113. Tuned-circuit coupling system.

(2) The voltage applied to the secondary mits a maximum transfer of energy
circuit, L2C2, by induction is consid- with specified amounts of selectivity.
ered to be in series with the compo- Occasionally, a double-tuned trans-
nents of this circuit. When the sec- former may be overcoupled to produce
ondary circuit istuned to resonance, a widespread characteristic.
a large current flows which is in phase
with the induced voltage. Both this (4) Sometimes single-tuned transformer
current and the induced voltage are couplingis used. That is, either the
180° out of phase with the primary primary or the secondary contains a
voltage as in any transformer. The tunable capacitor. This type of cou-
large secondary current produces a pling sometimes is used where a wider
large reactive voltage drop across C2, band of frequencies is to be amplified.
which is applied to the grid of V2. Also, this method is used when it is
This reactive voltage lags the sec- desired to reduce the number of vari-
ondary current by 90°. able capacitors used.

136 AGO 2244A

b. Tuned R-C-L Coupling. If a variable ca- sary d-c operating voltages for the
pacitor is placed across the coil in an R-C-L amplifier. The B-plus supply voltage
coupling network, it becomes a tuned R-C-L

is impressed across voltage-divider re-

coupling network (B of fig. 113), called also sistor R d which is tapped at various
a tuned impedance coupling. CI tunes LI to points. Capacitor C d is used to bypass
resonance. At resonance, a large voltage ap- any a-c variations of voltage that may
pearing across the parallel-resonant circuit is appear across R a. The input voltage,
transferred to the grid of V2 through coupling e in , is amplified by VI and V2 and ap-
capacitor Cc C c has a small reactance at the
. pears as e out at the plate of V2. The
resonant frequency and permits a maximum plate-load resistor of VI, R L1 , also acts
transfer of energy. All other circuit elements as the grid resistor of V2, since the
function similarly to previous circuits. voltage developed across it appears at
the grid of V2. R L2 is the plate-load
94. Direct Coupling resistor of V2.

(2) The cathode of VI is connected to

a. Introduction. Another type of coupling
point Aand the plate is connected to
is direct coupling. A direct-coupled amplifier
point B on the voltage divider. Point
is one that can amplify dc and very-low-fre-
B is positive with relation to point A,
quency voltages and currents. Its distinguish-
making the plate positive with rela-
ing feature is that the plate of one stage is cou-
tion to its cathode. This permits VI
pled directly to the grid of the following stage
to conduct. The voltage developed
without the use of a capacitor or a transformer.
In figure 114, the plate of VI is coupled directly
from point A to ground is the bias
voltage for VI.
to the grid of V2. In previous coupling net-
works, a capacitor or a transformer was used (3) The plate of V2 must be positive with
to block the d-c plate voltage of the first stage relation to its cathode for conduction

from appearing at the grid of the second stage. to occur. In addition, the grid voltage
This was done to prevent the second stage from of V2 must not be positive with rela-
being improperly biased and from conducting tion to its cathode. The plate current

too heavily. of VI which R L1 pro-

flows through
duces a considerable d-c voltage drop
b. Circuit Operation. across this resistor. As a result, the
(1) For convenience, a voltage divider voltage at the plate of VI and at the
commonly is used to supply the neces- grid of V2 is less positive than is point



£ Rd - -C d B

TM 662-123

Figure Typical direct-coupled amplifier using triodes.

AGO 2244A
— — :

B on the voltage divider. Tap D is so ordinarily encountered. Therefore, one-tenth

located on resistor R d that the magni- of a bel or the db (decibel) is the commonly
tude of the positive voltage on the used unit of gain used. The equation for gain
grid of V2 is lower than the magnitude in decibels is
of the positive voltage on the cathode gain (decibels) = 10 log P2
of V2. Therefore, the grid of V2 is PI'
actually less positive, or negative, The decibel is 10 times the common logarithm
with relation to the cathode of V2 and of the power ratio. The two powers in the
the tube operates normally. The volt- equation must be given in the same units (kilo-
age that appears from point C to point watts, watts, milliwatts, microwatts, etc.). If
D is the plate voltage of V2. P2 larger in magnitude than PI, the loga-

c. Uses. A direct-coupled amplifier is used rithm of their ratio is positive. This is re-
to amplify d-c voltages and currents or very ferred to as a positive gain. If PI is larger in
low frequencies. Since it does not contain any magnitude than P2, their logarithmic ratio be-
reactive elements, it has a fairly uniform re- comes negative and this is referred to as a ne-
sponse over a wide range. The absence of re- gative gain or a loss.

active elements also permits an instantaneous c. The following example illustrates how the

response to slowly varying grid signals. D-c preceding formula is used to calculate the db
amplifiers commonly are used when a large power gain of one amplifier stage. If a power
current is needed to operate such devices as d-c amplifier with an input power of 1 watt delivers
indicating instruments or relays. 2 watts to a loudspeaker, its db power again is
computed as follows
95. Gain by Measurement gain (db) = 10 log P2 = 10 log 2 = „„.
10 log

a. If the input and output voltages of a stage 1

are measured, its voltage gain can be computed. From logarithmic tables, the log of 2 is found
For example, if the a-c input voltage to a stage to be .301. Therefore,
is 5 volts and its a-c output voltage is 100 volts, gain (db) = 10 X -301 = +3.01 db.
the voltage gain is E out /E in minus 100/5 or 20. The positive sign preceding the numerical an-
and output powers of a
Similarly, if the input swer indicates that the amplifier produces a
power amplifier are known, its power gain can power gain. Suppose the input power to the
be computed. Consider a power amplifier whose amplifier is 2 watts and the output power is 1
input voltage and current are 5 volts and 50 watt. The power ratio is then inverted to avoid
milliamperes (effective values), respectively. the use of negative logarithms and a minus
Its input power is E times 1 =
5 times .05, or
sign is used to indicate a power loss. In this
.25 watt. If the signal voltage across the load
is 20 volts and the current through it is 150
milliamperes, its output power is 20 times .150, gain (db) = 10 log-^= 10 X .301 = —3.01 db.
or 3 watts. Its power gain is 3/.25, or 12.
When it is necessary to calculate the over-
b. A
more common method of measuring
all gain or loss of an amplifier system using
power gain is by means of logarithmic ratios. two or more stages, the db gains or db losses
In the common system of logarithms in which of the individual stages are added algebraically.
the base is 10, the logarithmic ratio of output
Consider the db gain of two amplifier stages
power to input power is the unit of power gain, that are coupled together. The first stage has an
call a bel. Power gain, in bels, equals
input power of 1 watt and an output power of
3 watts. The second stage has an input power
of 3 watts and an output power of 6 watts. The
db gain of the first stage is
where P2 is the output power and PI is the in-
put power.
the bel is
In practice, it has been found that
too large a unit for the power ratios
gam (db) = 10 logP2= 1Q ^ g_ 1Q x
4.77 db.

AGO 2244A

The db gain of the second stage is be an exact replica of the input waveform.
Therefore, distortion may be defined as a
gam (db) _ 10 log 6 = 1Q ^ 2 = 1Q _
x M1 change in the waveform. However, all ampli-
3.01 db. fiers introduce some distortion and it is the

The over-all gain of the two amplifier stages is problem of the design engineer to keep this
distortion to a minimum. The types of distor-
then 4.77 db plus 3.01 db or 7.78 db.
tion found in vacuum-tube circuits classified
e. Although the decibel is founded on power

ratios, voltage or current ratios can be used

according to their cause are nonlinear, fre-
also, but only when the impedence is the same
quency, and phase. Nonlinear (sometimes
called amplitude) distortion was touched upon
for both values of voltage or current. The gain
in the preceding chapter.
equations then are
=20 6. Nonlinear Distortion. If the output of
gain (db) log 12 and
an amplifier contains frequencies that were not
gain (db) = 20- log E2 present in the input, nonlinear distortion has
EV been introduced. Nonlinear distortion is caused
in an amplifier when the input grid signal oper-
f. The foregoing discussion was concerned
ates along the nonlinear portion of the dynamic
with the application of the decibel to increases
characteristic. If a sinusoidal grid signal op-
or decreases in power. Another significant use
erates along the nonlinear portion of the char-
of the decibel is in power-level problems. In
acteristic, the output waveform will contain
this case, the power that exists in a circuit is
unwanted harmonics (new frequency compo-
expressed as being so many db above or below
nents) generated by the nonlinear action of the
a standard or reference level. However, the
tube. In A, figure 115, it is assumed that a
level in most common use in radio practice is
waveform is fed to a two-stage amplifying de-
a power of 1 milliwatt. Using this level as a
vice and an unwanted second harmonic is gen-
standard, the formula can be rewritten as
erated. The input waveform is the funda-
power level (db) = 10 log-pP2 mental, and the distorted waveform caused by
* level the addition of the undesired second harmonic
is shown as the resultant. Distortion caused
by the tube can be minimized by proper design
where P2 is the output power in watts. For to operate along the straight line portion of the
example, if a power amplifier delivers .01 transfer characteristic. Another source of
watt to its output, its power output level is nonlinear distortion results from the hysteresis
effect in coils and transformers with iron cores.
db = 10 log ~y
c.Frequency Distortion. Frequency dis-
db = 10 log 10 tortion results when certain frequencies are
Since the log 10 1
db = 10. amplified more than others that is, frequency

distortion exists in amplifiers when the voltage

The answer usually is written as 10 db/.OOl
gain at one frequency is more or less than the
watt or 10 dbm to indicate that the power am-
gain at some other frequency. Frequency dis-
plifier delivers a power level of 10 db above the'
tortion generally is due to the inductive and
arbitrary reference level of .001 watt. The
capacitive elements in a circuit, because their
term dbm indicates a reference level of 1 milli-
impedance varies with frequency. In B of fig-
watt. It is important to note that the refer-
ure 115 a complex waveform composed of a
ence level used above is an arbitrary choice by
fundamental and a third harmonic is passed
the radio industry. The telephone engineer
through a two-stage amplifier. After passing
frequently uses a level of 6 milliwatts.
through the stage which introduces frequency
distortion only the fundamental has been am-
96. Distortion
plified and the third harmonic component does
a. Types op Distortion. The output wave- not appear in the output. In some applications,
form of an ideal distortionless amplifier should particularly video amplifiers, it is important

AGO 2244A
FUNDAMENTAL the tube circuit, and principally the coupling
SECOND / \ RESULTANT network between the stages of the amplifier.
HARMONIC / WAVEFORM Special coupling circuits used in video ampli-
fiers minimize phase distortion. In audio ap-
plications, phase distortion is not serious be-
cause the human ear cannot detect time-delay
variations within the audio pass band.

e. Other Types of Distortion. Other fac-

tors limiting performance include
hum, microphonics, and noise. The frequency
of hum in most amplifiers is 60 cps. It is in-
troduced into amplifiers by stray fields, tube
heaters, and inadequately filtered power sup-
plies. Proper shielding, good ground connec-
tions, and short connecting leads reduce the
possibility of hum. Microphonics result if the
electrodes within a tube vibrate. The effects of
tube can be reduced greatly by
mounting a microphonic tube on springs or
rubber cushions or by otherwise shielding the
tube from mechanical vibrations.

TM 662-180
/. Random Frequency Signals. Noises in
amplifiers are spurious random frequency sig-
Figure 115. Effects of distortion, A. Nonlinear, nals which are amplified along with the desired
B. Frequency, C Phase.
signals. A common type of noise is thermal
agitation, produced by random movements of
that all frequencies be amplified in correct pro-
electrons in a material. This produces minute
portion. Compensation schemes are used to
pulses of current. The noises that are produced
minimize frequency distortion in video ampli-
contain energy in the entire frequency band,
fier applications.
and limit the lowest amplitude of signal voltage
d.Phase Distortion. Phase distortion is a that can be amplified. Another source of noise
major problem when complex waveforms must is shot effect, produced by the irregular plate

be passed through an amplifier system. A good current which results from the irregular motion
example would be a television signal which is of electrons moving from the cathode to the
amplified by a video amplifier. Such a signal plate of a tube.
may be resolved into sinusoidal components
with finite amplitudes and phase displacements. 97. Feedback in Amplifiers
If one frequency component of the complex in-
a. In special amplifier applications, it is de-
put waveform takes a longer time to pass
through the circuit than another, a time dis- sirable to feed back a signal from the output
stage to the input of the same stage or to a
placement or time delay has occurred, and the
preceding stage. This feedback signal can
output will not be identical to the input. In C
take either of two forms, shown in A and B of
of figure 115 an input signal consisting of a
figure 116, where the voltage amplitudes are
fundamental and a third harmonic is passed
plotted against time. The principle of feedback
through a two-stage amplifier. Although the
is shown in the block diagram of figure 117.
amplitudes of both components are increased
by identical ratios, the output waveshape is The phase of the signal that is fed back (with
considerably different from the input because reference to the input signal) determines the
the phase of the third harmonic has been shifted type of feedback that results. If the feedback
in respect to the fundamental. Phase distortion aids the original input signal by increasing its

arises because of the presence of reactance in amplitude, it is called regenerative or positive

140 AGO 2244A

feedback. If it opposes the original input sig- fication also usually increases the amount of
nal and decreases its amplitude, it is called de- distortion and noise in the amplifier. Some-
generative, negative, or inverse feedback. times the amount of regenerative feedback is
b. To produce regenerative feedback, the so great that it produces sustained oscillations.

original and feedback signals must be in phase In negative feedback, the voltage gain of an
amplifier is decreased because the effective in-
with each other, as in A of figure 116. Adding
these two waveshapes produces the regenera- put voltage is decreased. In practical applica-
tions, this type of feedback is used to reduce
tive signal, which is larger in amplitude than
In B, the original and the effects of distortion. Degenerative feedback
the original signal.
feedback signals are opposite in phase, and de- also improves the frequency response and sta-
bility of amplifiers.
generative feedback is produced. The wave-
form is smaller in amplitude than the original
signal. Circuity involving regeneration and de- 98. Summary
generation is discussed in another manual of
a. A voltage amplifier produces a large volt-
this series.
age with a small current at its output. A power
c. In positive feedback, the voltage output amplifier usually produces a large current with
of an amplifier is increased because the effective a small voltage at its output.
input voltage is increased. The greater ampli-
b. When the output of one stage is coupled
to the input of another stage, a coupling net-
RESULTANT work is used for transferring the energy.
c. One of the most common types of coupling
SIGNAL networks is the R-C coupling network. The
SIGNAL plate of one amplifier stage is connected to the
UJ grid of the following amplifier stage through a
coupling capacitor. Resistors are used as the
o plate load and in the grid circuit.
d. A voltage gain or response characteristic

TIME — TIME - curve designates the amount of voltage gain an

amplifier has over a wide range of frequencies.
REGENERATION DEGENERATION e. The response characteristic of an R-C
A B coupled amplifier drops off at the low frequen-
TM 662-125
cies because of the high reactance presented by
Figure 116. Phase relationships of signals producing
the coupling capacitor.
regeneration and degeneration.
/. The response characteristic of an R-C
coupled amplifier drops off at the high frequen-
cies because of the low reactance presented by
ORIGINAL OUTPUT the interelectrode, stray, and wiring capaci-
SIGNAL tances.
g. The mathematical relationship for the
voltage gain of an R-C coupled amplifier using
triodes in the middle-frequency range is A =
p RL /rp + R L .

h. In an R-C coupled amplifier, it is desirable

for large output voltages that the ohmic value
of the load resistor be very large compared to
the a-c plate resistance of the tube.
TM 662-126 i. The mathematical relationship for the volt-

age gain of an R-C coupled amplifier using

Figure 117. Block diagram of feedback amplifier. pentodes in the middle-frequency range is g mR L .

AGO 2244A
j. If a coil is substituted for the load resistor v. If the output waveshape of an amplifier
in an R-C coupled amplifier, an R-C-L or imped- is identical with its input waveshape, the ampli-
ance-coupled amplifier results. fier is Types of dis-
said to be distortionless.
tortion include amplitude distortion, frequency
k. In a transformer-coupled amplifier, the
distortion, phase distortion, and harmonic dis-
primary of the transformer is connected in the
plate circuit of one tube and the secondary is
connected in the grid circuit of the second tube. w. If the feedback signal in an amplifier aids
I. The response curve of a transformer- the original input signal, the feedback is called
coupled amplifier drops off at the low-frequency regenerative or positive. If the feedback signal
range because of the decreased reactance of the opposes the original input signal, it is called

primary of the transformer. The response curve degenerative, negative, or inverse.

drops off at the high-frequency range because
of the decreased reactances of the interelec- 99. Review Questions
trode, stray, and wiring capacitors.
peak in A
response may occur in the high-frequency range a. What are the fundamental differences be-

because of the formation of a parallel-resonant tween voltage and power amplifiers?

circuit. b. What is meant by a coupling network ?
m. The frequency-response characteristic of
c. Name the factors that determine the am-
an R-C coupled amplifier is usually more uni- plification or gain of an amplifier.
form over a wider middle-frequency range than
is a transformer-coupled amplifier. d. Describe the circuity of an R-C coupled
n. In a transformer-coupled amplifier, the
mathematical relationship of its voltage gain e. What is the function of a d-c blocking
at the middle-frequency range is A /nN. = capacitor ?

Transformer coupling can be used in both

o. /. Relatively speaking, what is the capacitive

a-fand r-f amplifiers. In a-f amplifiers, an iron- reactance of a bypass capacitor?

core transformer is used; in r-f amplifiers, an What is a response characteristic curve?
air-core transformer is used.

h. What does —^e represent in the equiva-
p. In a double-tuned
lent circuit of an amplifier?
amplifier, the secondary voltage is 90° out of

phase with the primary voltage. i. Explain why the voltage gain of an ampli-
fier decreases at the low- and high-frequency
q. If a variable capacitor is placed across the
coil in an R-C-L coupled network, it becomes a
tuned R-C-L coupling network. j. What is the mathematical relationship for

r. A direct-coupled amplifier is one that can the voltage gain of an R-C coupled amplifier?
be used to amplify d-c and/or very-low-fre- k. What are the advantages obtained by sub-
quency voltages and currents. stituting a coil for the load resistor in an R-C
s. The response characteristic of a direct- coupled amplifier?
coupled amplifier is fairly uniform over a wide
I. What causes the response curve of a trans-
range, since it does not contain any reactive
former-coupled amplifier to drop off at the low-
and high-frequency ranges ?
t. A decibel is a unit used to express a loga-

rithmic ratio of gain. The formula for power

m. In a transformer-coupled amplifier, how
gain (in decibels) is 10logP2/Pl. does the value of Q of the transformer help
determine its gain at the high-frequency range ?
u. When calculating the over-all db gain or
db gains or
loss of several amplifier stages, the n. Which response characteristic is more uni-

losses of the individual stages are added alge- form over a wider frequency range, an R-C-
braically. coupled or a transformer-coupled amplifier?

AGO 2244A
o. Give a few advantages and disadvantages s. What does the expression -{-17 db/.OOl
of transformer coupling as compared to R-C watt indicate?
and R-C-L coupling.
t. Name various types of distortion existing
p. Explain how direct coupling is accom- in amplifiers.
u. Explain the difference between regenera-
q. Why is the response characteristic of a tion and degeneration.
d-c coupled amplifier fairly uniform over a wide
v. In a feedback amplifier, what phase rela-
range ?
tionship exists between the original signal and
r. Define a decibel and give its mathematical the feedback signal with regeneration and with
relationship in terms of power. degeneration ?

AGO 2244 A



100. General has two functions. First, the current must be
made to flow in one direction only this function

a. shown previously
In most of the circuits usually is designated by the term rectification.
in this manual, the plate voltage was supplied Second, this unidirectional current must be
by a battery. This d-c voltage was designated made to flow steadily; this function is called
E bi Excepting in certain types of mobile equip-
ment, batteries no longer are used for this pur-
b. Rectifier.
pose. They have been replaced by circuits which
supply all the d-c voltages necessary to operate (1) A simple device for rectifying ac is
the equipment, including plate, screen, and bias a crystal. In figure 118 a crystal is
voltages where required. A-c filament voltages inserted in an a-c line. Certain types
also can be taken from the same circuit. A cir- of crystals, such as germanium, have
cuit supplying these voltages is called a power the property of permitting current to
supply. The output of the power supply pro- flow through them in one direction but
viding plate voltage is designated by the letter not in the other direction. The sche-
B, and the output is taken between B plus and matic symbol for the crystal in the
B minus. On some schematics, only the B-j- figure indicates the direction of elec-
point is marked, with the B —
point understood. tron current flow by the arrowhead.

Alternating current can be sent over power

When the a-c generator makes term-
inal A positive with relation to term-
lines more conveniently and efficiently than can
inal B, current flows through R and
direct current. Today, most power lines supply
the crystal in a counterclockwise direc-
ac at frequencies from 25 to 240 cycles per sec-
tion as indicated. When the a-c gene-
ond. Ac taken from the power line can be trans-
rator reverses its polarity, current
formed to the dc necessary to operate electron-
attempts to flow in the opposite (clock-
tube circuits. This transformation of a-c power
wise) direction. This current is
to d-c power is called power rectification. The
blocked by the crystal. Consequently,
circuit which accomplishes the transformation
current flows through R during the
is called a power rectifier.
positive half-cycles only, and none
flows during the negative half -cycle.
101. Power Rectification The polarity of the voltage drop across
Process. The term ac designates a current
R never changes.
which flows first in one direction and then in (2) The current that flows through R is a
the other. Current taken from a power line fluctuating dc. The crystal, therefore,
usually is sinusoidal in form. Its frequency has rectified the ac supplied by the
depends on the characteristics of the a-c gene- generator. The a-c voltage impressed
rator used. In power rectification, this sine across terminals A and B is compared
wave of current must be changed to dc that is, — with the resultant current through R
a current which flows steadily in only one direc- in B of figure 118. The current con-
tion. Consequently, a power-rectifier circuit sists of short surges occurring during

144 AGO 2244A

counterclockwise direction, maintain-
0* ing the same polarity across R as when
CRYSTAL the a-c generator supplied current.




uj ^.
<r ~*

TM 662-128
TM 662-127
Figure 119. Crystal rectifier and filter.

Figure 118. Crystal rectifier circuit and operating

waveforms. (3) The total current flow through R when
a filter is used is shown in B. Com-
the positive half-cycles of the a-c in- pared with the current surges across
put voltage. These surges are unidi- R without a filter, the filtered current
rectional. is a relatively steady dc. The fluctua-

c. Filter. tions that remain are referred to as

ripple. With a good filter, the ripple
(1) The d-c surges can be filtered or
amounts to less than 5 percent of the
smoothed to provide a steady d-c cur-
total current.
rent. A circuit accomplishing this
filtering action is called a filter.
102. Half-wave Diode Rectifier
(2) In A of figure 119 a capacitor, C, is
placed across R. When the crystal per-
a. General.
mits a surge of current in the counter- (1) The crystal rectifier described above
clockwise direction, a division of cur- is a half -wave rectifying device. This
rent takes place; part of the current means that the a-c voltage applied to
the circuit causes current to flow only
passes through R and part of the cur-
rent charges the capacitor to the pol-
on every other half-cycle. It may be
said that only half of the input wave
arity shown in the figure. When the
has been rectified. This is because the
polarity of the generator reverses, cur-
crystal permits current flow in one di-
rent flow is blocked by the crystal. The rection only. Any device which permits
capacitor, however, has accumulated current flow in one direction only can
a charge. It now discharges through be used as a half -wave rectifier.
R, the only available path. This flow (2) An electron tube is a device which
of discharge current is also in the permits current flow in one direction

AGO 2244A
only. Current can pass from cathode of the unilateral conductivity of the
to plate, but not from plate to cathode. crystal and the diode. Only half the
Therefore an electron tube such as the power available at the a-e source is
diode can be substituted for the crystal utilized. By using two half-wave rec-
in the power-rectifier circuit of figure tifiers, it is possible to have current
119. The new circuit is given in fig- flow produced by both half-cycles of
ure 120. This circuit is known as a a-c voltage. One half-wave rectifier
half-wave diode rectifier. allows current flow on the positive
half -cycle, the other on the negative
half-cycle. The only condition to be
fulfilled is that these currents must
flow through R in the same direction.
This provides the required dc, which
is filtered in the same manner as in

the half -wave rectifier.

(2) Two half-wave rectifiers, combined in
this manner, are known as a full-wave
rectifier. When two diodes are used
TM 662-129 as the half-wave rectifying devices,

Figure 120. Half -wave diode rectifier circuit.

the circuit is a full-wave diode recti-
fier(fig. 121).

b. Diode Action.
(1) The diode responds to the a-c voltage
applied to the circuit in the same man-
ner as the germanium crystal in the
crystal rectifier. When the applied
voltage makes the plate positive with
relation to the cathode, current flows
through the circuit in the direction in-
dicated. Part of this current flows
through R and a part charges C.
(2) When the applied voltage reverses
polarity, making the plate negative
with relation to the cathode, current
cannot flow through the tube. The
capacitor, however, now discharges
through R, maintaining the current
flow through the resistor in the same

(3) The total current through the resistor

isthe same as the rectified and filtered
current of the crystal rectifier (B of
fig. 119). It is dc with a ripple com-

103. Full-wave Diode Rectifier

a. General.
(1) In the half -wave rectifier, the applied
on TM 662-130
a-c voltage causes current flow only
every other half-cycle. This is because Figure 121. Full-wave diode rectifier circuit.

AGO 2244A
b. Circuit. its cathode, and there is a surge of

The a-c input to this power supply is

current through this tube. This surge
applied through a step-up transformer. takes the path shown by the dashed

The ratio of the secondary voltage to arrows.

the primary is chosen in this case so (6) In the half-wave rectifier discussed
that the primary voltage is applied previously, current surged through R
across each tube taken separately. If only on the positive half -cycles of in-
the a-c line impresses 117 volts across put. During the negative half-cycles,
the primary, 234 volts appear across only the filter supplied current to R.
the secondary. The plates of the two In the full-wave rectifier, there are
diodes are connected to opposite ends current surges on every half -cycle. It
of the secondary. The two cathodes may be said that the full wave has
are connected to each other and also been rectified. This means twice as

are connected through R to the center many surges and twice the power
tap of the transformer. available. Also, the filter does not have
to provide current for an entire half-
(2) Since R is in series with both cathodes,
cycle between surges.
current flow through either tube must
pass through R. Because of the uni- (7) In B of figure 121, the solid-line surges
lateral conductivity of these tubes, are supplied by VI and the dashed-line
current passes through R in only one surges are supplied by V2. If C is
direction. This fulfills the require- removed from the circuit, these surges
ment for a d-c output. constitute the current through R. The
filter action results in current I flow-
(3) When the a-c input makes terminal A
ing through R. Note that the current
117 volts negative with relation to B,
is higher and the ripple smaller than
the 180° phase shift in this trans-
in the half-wave rectifier. The full-
former causes C on the secondary to
be 234 volts positive with relation to
wave circuit is, therefore, more satis-
factory than the half-wave rectifier
D. Because of the center tap, the plate
for many applications.
of VI is 117 volts positive with rela-
tion to its cathode, and VI conducts.
At the same time, the plate of V2 is
104. Rectifier Tubes
117 volts negative with relation to its a. Half-Wave.
cathode, and V2 does not conduct.
(1) Several diodes are available for use
(4) During the entire negative half-cycle in half-wave rectifier circuits. A di-
of input, the circuit acts as a half- rectly heated tube which can fill mod-
wave Current flows through
rectifier. erate current requirements is the 81.
VI, the top half of the transformer Where an indirectly heated type is
secondary, and through the center tap. desirable, a 12Z3 can be used.
A portion of this surge of current
(2) For reasons of economy, the diode
charges C, and the rest flows through
R and returns to the cathode of VI. sometimesis incorporated in the same

This current is shown as solid arrows envelope with another set of elements.
in the figure. An example of such a multiunit tube
(5) When the a-c input reverses polarity, is Beam-
the rectifier-pentode 25A7-G.

terminal C on the secondary is made power diode types also are available.
234 volts negative with relation to D. Examples are the 117N7-GT and the
The plate of VI is now negative with 117P7-GT.
relation to its cathode and it stops 6. Full-Wave.
conducting. The plate of V2, however, (1) Full- wave diode rectifiers are much
is now made positive with relation to more common than the half -wave, and
AGO 2244A
many tubes are available for this pur- ternally connected, thereby eliminat-
pose. Although two separate diodes ing this connection from the external
can be used in a full-wave rectifier cir- circuit.
cuit, the usual practice is to place
both diodes in a single envelope. Duo- (2) A directly heated duo-diode supplying

diodes of both the directly and indi- moderate current requirements is the
rectly heated types are available for 5Y3-G. Directly heated types capable
use in full-wave power supplies. The of supplying higher currents are the
filaments or cathodes usually are in- 5T4 and the 5U4.


105. Radio Communication of the circuit; if the key is held down
for a long time, a sound of long dura-
a. Transmission By Wire.
tion is produced. If these long and
(1) Until the advent of radio, long-dis- short sounds are produced in accord-
tance communication was carried on ance with a system or a code known
by means of the telegraph and the tele- to both the sender and receiver, then
phone (fig. 122) In the basic tele-
information can be transmitted.
graphic system a pair of wires extends
(3) The dashes and dots of the Morse code,
from the transmitter to the receiver. for example, refer to the length of the
The sender operates a key which con- sounds which represent a given letter
trols a sounder at the receiver end.
of the alphabet. The letter A is repre-
For simplicity of explanation, the con- sented by a dot and a dash, a short
ventional telegraphic sounder in the
sound followed by a long sound. The
figure is replaced by an ordinary
letter N is a dash and a dot, a long
sound followed by a short sound.
(4) The great disadvantage of wire trans-
mission lies in the necessity of string-
ing telegraph lines to every single
point with which communication is de-
sired. Before the coming of radio it
was necessary to place lines in cables
which were laid across the bed of the
Atlantic Ocean in order to connect
New York to London. The difficulty
and expense are obviously very great.
Radio, on the other hand, requires no
TRANSMITTER RECEIVER wires, and the transmitter can send
TM 862-131 information to a large number of
Figure 122. Simple telegraph circuit for communication.
b. Transmission By Radio.
(2) When the key is pressed down, the (1) Militarily, the vital function of radio

voltage of the battery is applied to the is the maintenance of communication

circuit. A current flows which oper- between mobile units. Tanks moving
ates the buzzer. So long as the key is across open terrain cannot have tele-
held down, the buzzer emits an aud- graph wires running between them,
ible sound. If the key is held down yet they must maintain contact in or-
for a short time, a sound of short dur- der to coordinate their movements.
ation is produced at the receiving end Likewise, ships and planes depend on

AGO 2244A
radio for information about the posi- (3) Figure 123 shows the current wave-
tions of friend and enemy, and also forms at the receiver when the letter
general information such as weather C is transmitted. In A, the letter is

reports. sent by telegraph, in B, by radio. The

(2) Pressing down a telegraph key causes telegraph current is simply dc sup-
a current to flow through the tele- plied by the battery and turned on and
graph circuit. This current operates a off by the key. The radio current is al-

sounding device at the receiving end. ternating current (actually rf) sup-
In radiotelegraphy pressing down the plied by the transmitter and turned on
key also induces a current to flow and off by the key. When the dash is
through a sounding device in the re- sent by radio, 6 cycles of ac flow in
ceiver. In the telegraph circuit, the the receiver antenna. When the dot is

voltage is supplied by the battery, and sent, 2 cycles of ac flow.

the current transmitted by means

of wires. In the radio-telegraph cir-

cuit, the energy is supplied by a pro- DASH DOT DASH DOT
ducer of radio waves, and the radio ui
waves are transmitted through space tr

by means of electromagnetic fields. O

c. Radiation. TIME

(1) An alternating current flowing in a TELEGRAPH

wire radiates energy into the space
around it. This radiation is in the
form of an electromagnetic field. If DASH DOT DASH DOT
this wire forms the primary of a trans-
former, then the secondary of the ui

transformer is cut by the magnetic £ °

lines of force which are part of the o

electromagnetic field. The magnetic
lines of force expand and contract be- TIME
cause of the alternating current in the RADIO B
primary. These magnetic lines, mov- TM 662-132

ing back and forth across the second- Figure 123. Current waveforms for code letter C.

ary, induce an alternating voltage in

the secondary. Consequently, an alter- d. Modulation.
nating current flows in the secondary (1) The human voice or other sounds can
winding. It is this principle which is be transmitted by wire. This is the
used in radio communication. simple telephone system. The tele-
(2) If the primary of the transformer is graph key is replaced by a device
replaced by a transmitting antenna which changes voice vibrations to cur-
and the secondary by a receiving an- rent variations. The changing current
tenna, the result is a radio circuit. An operates a mechanical system in the
alternating current through the trans- receiver which reproduces the original
mitting antenna induces an alternat- voice vibrations. If a single sound is
ing current in the receiving antenna emitted at the transmitting end, the
by means of the electromagnetic field. current through the wire varies at
If this radio circuit is keyed in the the frequency of the sound.
same manner as the telegraph circuit (2) In the telephone system, only a varies
just described, dots and dashes of cur- Hon in current produces a sound at
rent are induced in the receiving an- the receiver. When no sound is being
tenna. transmitted, the current is simply

AGO 2244A
some d-c value. Consequently, when The alternating current in the trans-
the single sound is transmitted, the mitting antenna is modulated by the
current through the receiver has the sound at the audio-frequency rate. The
form shown in A of figure 124. Since alternating transmitter current is the
a sound varies at some audio-fre- carrier. In radio transmission the fre-
quency rate, the current varies at the quency of this transmitter current is

same audio-frequency rate. called the radio frequency, or rf . The

frequency of the modulating signal is
the audio frequency, or af The radio- .

<— SILENCE telephone carrier is referred to as the

r-f carrier.

(6) A current induced by a modulated r-f

carrier in a receiving antenna is shown
in B of figure 124. This r-f carrier is
said to be amplitude-modulated be-
TIME cause the sound variation results in
TELEPHONE changes in the amplitude of the rf If .

the r-f amplitude is constant, the re-

ceiver is silent. It can be seen that the
t— SILENCE amplitude variations of the carrier oc-
cur at the audio-frequency rate of the
modulating signal.
e. Demodulation.
(1) Unlike the modulated telephone car-
rier,the modulated r-f carrier cannot
be used directly to reproduce the
RADIO B sound. The telephone carrier is always
TM 662-133 some d-c value, whether it is modu-
Figure 12k- Transmission of single sound. lated or unmodulated. The r-f carrier,
on the other hand, is always some a-c
(3) It can be said that the direct current value. Consequently, the r-f carrier
flowing continually through the system must be changed to dc before it can
is made to carry the sound signal from be used. The process of changing ac
the transmitter to the receiver. The to dc is the process of rectification.
carrier does not produce any sound at
(2) When ac is changed to dc for the pur-
the receiver unless it is varied by a
pose of obtaining d-c power, the proc-
sound at the transmitter. In the tele- When
ess is called power rectification.
graph system, the direct current itself changed to a
a modulated r-f carrier is
carries information in the form of dots
d-c signal, the process is called signal
and dashes. This is no longer true in
rectification. Since the signal is im-
the telephone system.
posed on the carrier by a process called
(4) The sound causing the variation in
modulation, the removal of this signal
carrier current flow is known as the
is called demodulation, or more com-
modulating signal. A carrier on which
monly, detection. Circuits which ac-
modulation has been imposed is a mod-
complish signal rectification are called
ulated carrier, which carries informa-
signal rectifiers or detectors.
tion in the form of audio-frequency
variations, usually produced by voice.
106. Detection
(5) A voice-modulated radiotelephone sys-
tem functions in the same manner as a. In power rectification, after the a-c sig-
the telephone system just described. nal is rectified, it is filtered to obtain a

AGO 2244A
fairly constant value of dc. In signal rectifica- former-coupled to the detector circuit.
tion, the modulated r-f carrier also is rectified The diode rectifies the rf by allowing
and filtered, to obtain a dc varying at the audio- current to flow on every other half-
frequency rate of the original sound. This dc cycle only. This results in a unidirec-
varying at an a-f rate then is used to reproduce tional current flow through R L .

the original sound. (3) If an unmodulated r-f carrier is ap-

b. In paragraph 102, a half-wave diode recti- plied to the detector, the output is

fier circuit was used for power rectification. similar to the output of thepower rec-
The tube, a device having the characteristic of tifier with an a-c input. The rf is rec-
unilateral conductivity, performed the function tified by the diode and filtered by the
of rectification. The capacitor across a load capacitor. The result is a relatively
resistor performed the function of filtering. smooth dc with a ripple varying at the
This circuit can be used in the same manner r-f rate.
to accomplish signal rectification. When the
(4) If a modulated r-f carrier is applied to
circuit used for signal rectification,
is it is
the detector, the rfis rectified and fil-
called a half -wave diode detector. tered as before. However, the result-
ant d-c output has two ripples, shown
107. Diode Detector in B. One ripple is caused by the rf,
the other by the af. The r-f carrier
a. Half- Wave Diode Detector.
frequency is 128 kc, and the single
(1) The purposeof this circuit (fig. 125)
modulating sound is at an audio fre-
is toconvert the modulated r-f carrier
quency of 4,000 cps. For all practical
to a direct current varying at the a-f
purposes, this waveform can be con-
rate of the original modulating sound.
sidered as dc varying at the a-f rate
(2) The amount of current flow induced
of the original modulating sound.
in the receiver antenna by the r-f sig-
(5) This waveform can be used to operate
nal is Consequently, several
headphones, as was the practice in the
stages of r-f amplification often pre-
early days of radio. Modern receivers,
cede the detector. The output of the
however, apply this waveform through
last r-f amplifier usually is trans-
a stage of a-f amplification to a loud-
speaker. This enables the sound to
be heard by more than one listener.

b. Tubes Used.
(1) In modern receivers, the diode used in
A-F the detector stage sometimes is incor-
AMPLIFIER INPUT porated with another stage as a multi-
OUTPUT unit tube. Diode-triode combinations
such as the 1H5-GT and 1LH4 are
used in battery-operated receivers.
Diode-pentodes 1N6-G, 1S5, and 6SF7
are used also.
(2) The diode is found also in other com-
_ 4,000 CPS 128 KC
A-F RIPPLE R-F RIPPLE binations. In the duo-diode-triode type,
of which there are about twenty ex-
amples in the tube manual, the two
diode plates frequently are connected
DETECTOR OUTPUT to serve as a half -wave diode detector.
TIME— B Other multiunit types which incor-
TM 662-134 porate diode detectors include the duo-
Figure 125. Half -wave diode detector circuit. diode-pentode combination, examples

AGO 2244A
ofwhich are the 6B7, 7R7, and 12C8.
The duo-diode type 6H6 frequently is
used also in the detector stage.
c. Full-Wave Diode Detector. The full-
wave diode detector is related to the half-wave
in the same manner that the full-wave power
rectifier is related to the half-wave. The ad-
vantages of the full-wave over the half-wave
detector, however, are not great enough to jus-
tify the enlarged circuit. This is particularly TM 662-135
true since power output is only a minor con- Figure 126. Circuit of grid-leak detector.
sideration in a detector circuit. Consequently,
the full-wave detector is used rarely. which varies at an audio rate just as
in the case of the diode detector.

108. Other Types of Detectors (2) The a-f voltage across the grid resistor
now can be used as a signal voltage
a. General.
for the triode amplifier. As a result,
(1) All electron tubes have the charac-
an amplified a-f signal appears in the
teristic of unilateral conductivity.
plate circuit of the grid-leak detector.
Consequently, any one of them can
Capacitor C is an additional r-f filter.
serve as a rectifying device. Combined
(3) The grid-leak detector operates as a
with a filter, a triode, for example, can
serve as a detector in the same manner
square-laiv device. A square-law de-
tector is one whose characteristic
as the diode detector.
curve is entirely nonlinear. The a-f
(2) A diode, having no grid, cannot am-
output voltage varies as the square
plify a signal. As a matter of fact, the
of the r-f input voltage. In the diode
output taken from a diode stage is
detector, by comparison, the output
less than its input. This disadvantage
varies directly with the input.
is overcome by using a tube with a

grid, such as a triode or pentode. The (4) The development of higher-gain r-f
amplifiers led to the replacement of
signal is not only detected, but also,
the grid-leak detector by the half -wave
is amplifed in one stage. In early re-
diode detector. The diode detector dis-
ceivers, this arrangement was neces-
sary because of the lack of r-f ampli-
torts the a-f signal much less than the
grid-leak detector.
fication. As much gain as possible
had to be achieved. c. Plate Detector (fig. 127).

b. Grid-Leak Detector. (1) This circuit usually is known as a

The operation of the grid-leak detec- plate detector because detection occurs
tor 126) is similar to that of the
in the plate circuit. The operation of
half-wave diode detector. The signal the circuit is somewhat similar to that
voltage applied to the grid of the tri- of a class B amplifier. Although cath-
ode tube is alternately positive and ode bias, provided by R k cannot bias ,

negative. Grid current flows during a tube to plate-current cut-off, opera-

the half-cycles in which the grid is
tion at the lower end of the dynamic

positive with relation to the cathode. characteristic is possible.

During the negative half-cycles, no (2) Normal plate current flows during the
grid current flows. As a result, a uni- positive half-cycles of the input sig-
directional pulsating direct current nal voltage. However, most of the
flows through R g Capacitor C g serves
. negative half-cycles are cut off. As a
as a smooth the r-f pulses.
filter to A result, a unidirectional plate current
d-c voltage is produced across Rg flows. The average value of this cur-

152 AGO 2244A,

(2) If some output is chosen as a refer-
ence, the signal input necessary to ob-
tain this output gives the sensitivity of
a detector. A detector stage providing
some measure of amplification has
greater sensitivity than one providing
no amplification.
(3) The amount of distortion in the a-f
signal as compared with the original
sound is a measure of the linearity of
a detector. A nonlinear device results
TM 662-136 in the greatest distortion of the a-f
Figure 127. Diagram of plate detector.
(4) In the detector circuits shown, the in-
rent varies in accordance with the a-f put consisted of a tuned circuit ad-
variations. Capacitor C acts as an r-f justed to the frequency of the r-f car-
filter. rier. The sharpness with which this

d. Infinite-Impedance Detector. circuit can be tuned determines the

selectivity of the detector. Selectivity
(1) If the plate of the plate detector is con-
in a detector depends on the current
nected directly to B plus, and the out-
put is taken across the cathode net- drawn from the input circuit. The
lower this current the greater is the
work, the result is an infinite-imped-
ance detector. Although there is no
amplification of the signal in this cir- (5) Signal-handling ability is an indica-
cuit, it has the advantages of good tion of the amount of signal amplitude
reproduction of the a-f signal for large that can be handled without overload-
inputs. ing the circuit or producing improper
(2) The modulated r-f signal varies the operation. If the detector can handle
d-c plate current through the tube. a large signal and operate properly, it

This current returning through the has good signal-handling ability.

cathode network is filtered by C k and , b. Comparisons. In the tabulation below, a

the current passing through R k is dc comparison is made between the qualities of the
varying at the a-f rate with a negli- various detectors discussed. For weak input
gible r-f ripple. signals, the grid-leak detector is obviously the
e. Tubes Used. Any typical triode or pentode best detector to use because of its high sensi-
can be used in the circuits discussed in this tivity, and despitepoor linearity. With effi-
paragraph. When a pentode is used, its sup- cient r-f amplifiers, the most popular detector
pressor is connected to the cathode, and its is the half-wave diode circuit. This detector
screen grid is connected to B plus through a combines good linearity, high signal-handling
suitable dropping resistor. A capacitor usually ability, and simplicity, resulting in its almost
is connected from screen grid to ground in order universal use in modern receivers. The use of
to bypass rf and keep the screen grid at zero the infinite-impedance detector is not common.
potential with relation to the signal voltage.
1 09. Detector Characteristics Detector Sensitivity Linearity Selectivity ability

a. General. Diode high

low good poor
(1) Detectors can be rated according to Grid-leak high poor poor limited
four general characteristics: sensitiv- Plate medium fair good medium
Infinite- low good good high
ity, linearity, selectivity, and signal-
handling ability.

AGO 2244A 153

110. Summary m. Radio can transmit sound by modulating
the r-f current producing the radiated electro-
a. The transformation of a-c power to d-c
magnetic field. The r-f current is known as the
power is called power rectification.
b. A circuit accomplishing power rectifica-
n. The modulated r-f carrier must be demod-
tion is called a power rectifier, or a power
ulated in order to reproduce the original sound
at the receiver.
c. The output of the power supply used for
0. Demodulation is signal rectification. More
the plate voltage of an electron tube is desig-
frequently, it is called detection.
nated by the letter B. The positive terminal is
B plus, the negative terminal B minus. p. Detection consists of rectifying the modu-

lated r-f carrier and filtering the rf.
d. rectification is accomplished by rec-
tifying and filtering the a-c input. The output q. The half-wave diode detector consists of

is dc.
a diode rectifier and capacitive filter. This
detector is used almost universally in modern
e. A crystal, such as germanium, can be used
to rectify ac because of its characteristic of uni-
directional conductivity. r. The grid-leak detector is a square-law de-
vice whose sensitivity is good.
/. A suitably chosen capacitor acts as a filter
when placed across the rectifier output load.
With a good filter, ripple amounts to less than 111. Review Questions
5 percent of the total rectified current. a. How is d-c power obtained from an a-c
g. An electron tube has the characteristic of line?
unilateral conductivity and can be used as a b. What are the two steps in power rectifi-
rectifying device. cation ?
h. The half -wave diode rectifier utilizes only c. Draw the circuit of a typical full-wave
one-half of the a-c input wave. power rectifier.
i. Two half-wave rectifiers can be combined d. What are the advantages of full-wave as
to utilize both halves of the a-c input wave. Such compared to half- wave power rectification?
a circuit is known as a full-wave rectifier. e. What is modulation?
/. Information can be transmitted over a
/. Compare signal to power rectification.
telegraph system by means of a code consisting
of dots and dashes. The dots and dashes are the g. Draw and explain the operation of a half-

result of opening and closing the telegraph

wave diode detector.

circuit. h. Why is a triode used in the plate detector

circuit ?
k. Dots and dashes can be sent in the form of
radio waves by keying a radio transmitter. 1. Compare the grid-leak detector to the diode
I. Current is induced to flow in a receiving detector.

antenna by the electromagnetic field radiated j. Compare the plate detector to the diode
by the transmitting antenna. detector.

154 AGO 2244A


112. Introduction opposed by the inductance. The mag-

netic field now acts as a source of emf
A-c generators supplying current at line fre- and continues to force current through
quencies are devices which produce oscillations the circuit in the same direction, as
mechanically. The frequency at which the cur- in B. This current serves to charge
rent oscillates depends, among other factors, on the capacitor to a voltage whose po-
the speed of the generator. Special a-c genera- larity is opposite to the polarity it had
tors have been designed to operate at frequen- when it was first placed in the circuit.
cies as high as several hundred kilocycles. How- As the magnetic field collapses, the
ever, this frequency is not high enough for most current slowly falls to 0.
types of communication. Because of the high
(3) The capacitor, in C, now discharges
frequencies required, a nonmeclianical system
in the opposite direction, reversing the
is needed to produce the oscillations which form
original path of current flow. This
the carrier. Electron-tube circuits have been
current flow again opposed by the
designed to fulfill this function. These circuits
inductor, which builds up a magnetic
are called oscillators. There are several basic
field opposite in direction to the orig-
circuit arrangements which produce oscilla-
inal magnetic field. The current
reaches a maximum and then declines,,

113. Conditions for Oscillation (4) When the capacitor has discharged,
the current attempts to fall to 0. This
(fig. 128)
change is opposed by the inductor,
a. L-C Circuit. which uses the energy stored in the
(1) If C, a charged capacitor, is placed magnetic field to prevent the current
across L, an inductor, the capacitor from dropping to at the instant the
discharges through the inductor, as capacitor is discharged. Therefore,
shown in A. The capacitor acts as a the current is sustained, and it serves
source of emf (electromotive force) to charge the capacitor to a voltage

and forces current through the circuit. whose polarity is the same polarity
The flow of current through L creates that it was originally, as shown in D.

a magnetic field about the coil. This (5) The entire process now
repeated for is
magnetic field opposes the rise in cur- as long as energy remains in the cir-
rent through the circuit. As C dis- cuit. The current in the L-C circuit,
charges, the current reaches a maxi- in E, has the form of a sine wave. It
mum and then declines. Between the has changed from to a maximum in
time the current is and the time the one direction, through to a maximum
current is maximum, the magnetic in the opposite direction, and back to
field builds up. In other words, energy 0. Several cycles of output are shown
is stored in the magnetic field. in F.

(2) When the capacitor is discharged, the (6) The output described above is possible
current attempts to fall to 0. This only in an L-C circuit which loses no
attempted change in current flow is energy. If any resistance is present

AGO 2244A
-±rc l



TM 662-137

Figure 128. Oscillatory current in an L-C circuit.

in the circuit, energy is lost in the

form of heat. Because no actual L-C
circuit is free of resistance, the cir-
cuit can be represented as in A, fig-
ure 129. The resistance of R is the d-c
resistance of the wire forming the coil,
plus the leakage resistance of the ca- R
pacitor, plus the resistance of the con- AAAr
necting leads.
(7) In the ideal L-C circuit, energy is
transferred back and forth between
the inductor and the capacitor without
loss. In the actual R-L-C circuit, each
transfer of energy involves a loss. The
current which accomplishes the trans-
fer of energy must pass through R,
and each time the current flows, a part
of the energy is dissipated. Conse-
quently, less and less energy is trans-
ferred on each succeeding alternation
of current flow. This means that the
Figure 129. Damped oscillatory current in R-L-C
oscillations die out as the energy is
dissipated by the resistance. The cur- circuit.

AGO 2244A
rent in the R-L-C circuit is shown in the transformer action of LI and L2.
B. Note how the amplitude of each A signal at the grid of the triode causes
succeeding alternation is decreased. a variation in plate current. The cur-
This is known as a damped oscillatory rent flowing in the plate circuit flows
current. through L3-C3, from which the signal
b. Energy. is coupled to the input circuit of the

(1) If a fully charged capacitor is substi- next stage, L4-C4. The resistance as-
tuted for C on each cycle, the oscilla- sociated with each of these L-C cir-
tions can be sustained. In other words, cuits is not shown, but it is assumed
if the circuit can be supplied with suffi- to exist.
cient energy to make up for the re- (2) The output of an amplifier is larger
sistive loss, the current continues to than its input. If an oscillatory cur-
oscillate so long as the extra energy is rent is made to flow in the grid circuit
supplied. by means of a signal applied at the in-
(2) This extra energy, however, must be put, an oscillatory current of larger
injected into the circuit so that it aids amplitude flows in the plate circuit.
the flow of current. The current flows If only 1 cycle of input is applied, the
in one direction for a time, then in the signal at the grid is the result of a
other direction. Consequently, the damped oscillatory current in the L2-
source of energy must cause current C2 circuit. This causes a damped oscil-
to flow in the right direction and at latory current of larger amplitude in
the right time. The source, therefore, the plate circuit.
must be an emf producing a current d. Feedback.
of the same frequency and time rela- (1) Both the grid and the plate circuits
tions as the oscillatory current. consist of L-C circuits, as described
current must also be large enough to previously. By a process known as
replenish the energy loss. Energy of feedback, it is possible to take energy
this nature can be obtained from a from the plate circuit and couple it
similar R-L-C circuit. How this is done back to the grid circuit.
is described below. (2) In considering the energy relations in
c. Amplifier. an L-C circuit, it was noted that oscil-

(1) A of figure 130, shows a transformer- lations die out if energy is not supplied
coupled triode amplifier. R k and C& to replenish the losses. It also was
provide the tube with the proper bias noted that, if the signal input to the
for class A operation. A signal ap- amplifier is limited to 1 cycle, a
plied to the input circuit, Ll-Cl, is damped oscillation occurs in the grid
coupled to the grid circuit, L2-C2, by circuit which is amplified in the plate



TM 662-139

Figure ISO. Transformer-coupled triode amplifier.

AGO 2244A 157


circuit. This damped oscillation can (4) If the feedback induces a current in
be sustained by coupling a portion of the same direction as the oscillatory
the amplified plate signal back to the current in the grid circuit, the feed-
grid circuit. The signal energy- back is called regenerative. Its effect
coupled in this manner must induce a is to sustain the grid-circuit oscilla-

current at the right time and in the tions. If the feedback is just sufficient
right direction in the grid circuit. In to replace the losses, each oscillation
order to insure that this feedback oc- is of the same size (B of fig. 131)
curs at the right time, the resonant If the regenerative feedback too
(5) is
frequency of L3-C3 is made approxi- small, the oscillations in the grid cir-
mately the same as L2-C2. This cuit die out, although the oscillations
means that 1 cycle of oscillation in the are not damped as highly as when
plate circuit takes place in the same there no regenerative feedback. If
period of time as 1 cycle of oscillation the feedback is too large, the oscilla-
in the grid circuit. tions in the grid circuit build up until
(3) The feedback must occur at the right the plate current is swung alternately
time. If the current in the grid cir- from to saturation. This results in
cuit is flowing in one direction and the a highly distorted oscillation. The re-
feedback induces a current in the op- generative feedback, therefore, must
posite direction, the oscillatory current have the proper amplitude.
is damped more quickly than if no
e. Output.
feedback were present. This type of
feedback is degenerative (A of fig.
(1) An oscillator must produce a useful
output. The output can be small, pro-
131). Note that the oscillatory cur-
vided it is sufficient to drive the grid
rent is more highly damped than the
shown circuit of the following stage. The
naturally damped oscillation
following stage, or stages, can be used
in B of figure 129.
to build up the oscillations to the de-
sired amplitude. This means that the
must be
oscillations in the plate circuit
large enough to provide both the prop-
er amount of feedback and a useful

(2) A certain amount of energy is needed

to drive the grid of the triode in figure
130. This energy must be replaced by
degenerative feedback energy taken from the plate circuit in
A an oscillator. Since the output also is
taken from the plate circuit, the
energy available in the plate circuit
must be greater than the energy neces-
sary in the grid circuit. In other
words, the total output must be greater
than the input. This means that the
tube must be capable of amplifying.
Consequently, any tube with an ampli-
fication factor greater than one can
TIME — be used in an oscillator.
B /. Conclusion. The following must exist in
TM 662-140 order that an electron-tube circuit can be made
Figure 131. Waveforms showing effect of feedback. to oscillate:

AGO 2244A
(1) An L-C circuit containing the proper current can flow. If the switch now is
amounts of inductance and capaci- closed, B plus is applied to the plate
tance to oscillate at the desired fre- and there is a surge of current through
quency. the tube. This surge is sufficient to
(2) A tube capable of amplifying a sig- cause the grid circuit, Ll-Cl, to begin
nal applied to its The
control grid. to oscillate. These oscillations are am-

amplification factor must be greater plifiedby the triode and appear across
than one. tickler coil L2. The tickler coil is
coupled to LI in such a manner that
(3) A means of coupling part of the out-
there is regenerative feedback from
put energy to the input circuit (feed-
L2, plate circuit, to LI, grid circuit.
back). This energy must produce a
This feedback is sufficient to sustain
current in the input circuit which is
in phase with the input signal (regen-
oscillations in the Ll-Cl circuit. Cg
and R g provide proper grid bias by
erative), and of sufficient amplitude
to replace any losses in the oscillating
means of grid-leak action.

L-C circuit. (3) Various methods of coupling the out-

put to the next stage are available.
Types of Oscillators These include capacitive-, trans-
1 1 4.
former-, and impedance-coupling net-
a. Tuned-Grid Oscillator (fig. 132). works. The choice of coupling de-
(1) The L-C tuned circuit producing oscil- pends on the specific application of the
lations is placed from grid to ground. oscillator. The output, in any case,
The tuning of the L-C circuit through usually taken from the oscillating

a range of resonant frequencies is pos- L-C circuit. This has the effect of load-
sible by means of variable capacitor ing down the circuit, and is equivalent
CI. The circuit sometimes is called to increasing R in the R-L-C circuit.
a tickler oscillator, and inductor L2 For this reason, the load can be con-
often is called a tickler coil. It is sidered to increase the losses, increas-
known also as an Armstrong oscil- ing the amount of regenerative feed-
lator, after the name of its inventor. back required. Too great a load damps
(2) Oscillations in this circuit begin spon- the oscillations in the L-C circuit, caus-
taneously. No external source is re- ing the oscillations to die out and the
quired to trigger it. Assume that the output to drop to 0.
cathode is sufficiently heated for nor- (4) This oscillator can be used to produce
mal operation, but that switch SW is oscillations in both the a-f and r-f
open, keeping B plus off the plate. No ranges. Too high a frequency of oscil-
lation, however, introduces undesir-
able effects as a result of the high
interelectrode capacitance of the tri-
ode, reducing the output available. For
this reason, low-,u triodes such as the
6C5 and 6J5 commonly are used.
b. Tuned-Plate Oscillator (fig. 133). This
oscillator can be considered essentially the same
as the tuned-grid oscillator discussed above.
The only difference between the two oscillators
is that here the L-C tuned circuit is placed on
the plate side of the tube. In this case tickler
coil L2 is in the grid circuit. The amplified grid
TM 662-141
signal provides feedback at the plate circuit
Figure 132. Tuned-grid oscillator. which is inductively coupled to the grid circuit.

AGO 2244A 159

this reason, the plate circuit is made
inductive at the frequency of oscilla-
tion of the grid circuit to make the
feedback regenerative. This is done
by tuning the plate circuit to a slightly
higher frequency.
d. Split-Tank Oscillators (fig. 135). An
L-C sometimes is called a tank circuit,
after the term storage tank, because energy can
be stored in the form of charge on the capacitor,
or in the form of a magnetic field around the
TM 662-142
inductor. A split tank is an L-C circuit in which
Figure 133. Tuned-plate oscillator. either the capacitance or the inductance is com-
posed of two or more capacitors or inductors.
c. Tuned-Plate Tuned-Grid Oscillator There are two basic types of split-tank oscilla-
(fig. 134). tors —
the Hartley (split-inductance) and the
(1) It was noted in the discussion of feed- Colpitts (split-capacitance) . As in the oscilla-

back that one tuned circuit can be tors previously discussed, low-/* triodes such as
made to supply the extra energy neces- the 6C5 and the 6J5 can be used for both the
sary to sustain oscillations in another Hartley and the Colpitts oscillators.
tuned circuit. The tuned-plate tuned- (1) Hartley In the Hartley
grid oscillator illustrates this principle. oscillator,one tank circuit is made to
serve both as grid and plate circuit.
Cg 1
The grid is coupled to one end of the
1/ tank and the plate to the other end.
The cathode is connected to a point on
the inductor. This divides the induc-
tor between the grid and the plate cir-
cuits in theform of an inductive volt-
age divider, asshown in A. The volt-
age across LI is between the grid and
cathode, thereby applying a signal to
the grid. The amplified voltage at the
— TM 662-143 plate appears across L2. This pro-
Figure 134. Tuned-plate tuned-grid oscillator. vides the necessary feedback.

(2) Colpitts oscillator. This circuit also

(2) The grid circuit Ll-Cl is tuned to the uses a split tank. The capacitance of
resonant frequency desired. When the the tank circuit, provided by two ca-
first surge of current starts this cir- pacitors, CI and C2, is divided be-
cuit oscillating, the oscillations appear tween the grid and plate circuits, as
at the grid and are amplified in the in B. CI and C2 form a capacitive
plate circuit. The plate circuit consists voltage divider, in which CI provides
of L2-C2. the grid signal and C2 provides feed-
(3) The feedback path in the tuned-plate back from the plate circuit. By adjust-
tuned-grid oscillator occurs through ing CI and C2, it is possible to control
the plate-to-grid capacitance of the the frequency and amount of feedback.
triode. Energy is coupled from the
e. Plate-Voltage Supply.
plate circuit to the grid circuit. If L2-
(1) There are two methods for applying
C2 is tuned to the same frequency as
Ll-Cl, the phase of the feedback is plate voltage to the oscillator tube.

not proper to sustain oscillations. For The d-c plate-voltage supply can be

AGO 2244A
The disadvantage in this arrangement
is that the plate supply is placed at a
high a-c potential with relation to the
cathode. Also, the supply has a large
distributed capacitance to ground, and
this capacitance is shunted across the
tank inductor L2.
(3) The disadvantage of the series-fed cir-
cuit can be overcome by keeping the
d-c plate supply and the oscillating
plate current separate. This is accom-
plished in the shunt-fed Hartley oscil-
lator (fig. 136). The plate-current
oscillations are coupled to the split-
inductance tank by means of capacitor
C2. The capacitor prevents the d-c
plate current from returning to the
cathode through the tank. The plate
current, therefore, can return only
through the choke in series with the
supply. This choke prevents any oscil-
lations from appearing in the supply,
because its reactance is very large.

TM 6 62-144

Figure 135. Split-tank oscillators.

L1 L2
placed in series with the oscillating
plate circuit, in which case the circuit
is referred to as series-fed. The d-c
TM 662-145
plate supply also can be placed in par-
Figure 136. Shunt-fed Hartley oscillator.
allel with the oscillating plate circuit,
and the circuit then is referred to as
f. Electron-Coupled Oscillators.
shunt-fed. In either case, there must
be a d-c return path from plate to cath- (1) Buffer amplifier. If the output of an
ode for the plate current. The circuits oscillator is coupled directly to a power
in figures 132, 133, and 134 are all
amplifier, undesirable loading effects
occur. There can be distortion of the
examples of series-fed oscillators. This
output waveform or even a stopping
is the simplest circuit arrangement.
of oscillation. In addition, the fre-
(2) The Hartley oscillator, in A of figure quency of the oscillation will not be
135, is also series-fed. The d-c plate stable. A buffer amplifier, therefore,
current must pass through inductor isused to couple the oscillations to the
L2 before it can return to the cathode. power amplifier. An ordinary triode

AGO 2244A
voltage amplifier can serve as a buffer, output. In the electron-coupled oscil-
since it draws little power from the lator, however, the screen grid col-
oscillator. lects only that portion of the cur-

Electron-coupled oscillator. rent needed for feedback. The out-

put portion of the current passes
(a) By using a multielectrode tube, the
through the screen grid to the pent-
oscillatorand buffer stages can be
ode plate, where it is collected and
replaced by one circuit which per-
passed through the output tank cir-
forms both functions. Such a cir-
cuit consisting of C3 and L3. Capac-
cuit is called an electron-coupled
itors C2 and C4 serve to bypass oscil-
oscillator. Figure 137 is a typical
lations around the power supply.
circuit arrangement, using a 6F6
(d) The only connection between the
and the output circuit is
the electron stream itself. This
serves to isolate the oscillator from
the load. The electron-coupled oscil-
lator, therefore, has all the advant-
ages of a separate oscillator and
(e) Typical pentodes utilized in the elec-
tron-coupled oscillator are the 6AG7,
6F6, 6K7, and 6SK7. The cathode,
the control grid, and the screen grid
can be connected to form any of the
basic triode amplifiers. The plate
circuit then is coupled to the follow-
ing stage.
TM 662-146 g. Crystal Oscillators.
Figure 137. Electron-coupled oscillator. (1) Certain types of crystals, such as
quartz, Rochelle salts, and tourmaline,
(b) In this circuit the cathode, the con- have the ability to generate small volt-
trol grid, and the screen grid per- ages when a mechanical force is ap-
form the function of the triode in a plied. Conversely, when a voltage is
Hartley oscillator. The cathode of applied to such crystals, the physical
the 6F6 taps the split-inductance shape of the crystals is changed, and
tank consisting of LI, L2, and CI. mechanical vibrations are produced.
The control grid is coupled to one This property, referred to as the piezo-
end of the tank, and the screen grid electric effect, permits the crystal to
takes the place of the triode plate. be substituted for a tuned tank cir-
The screen voltage is taken from the cuit of an oscillator. The tuned-grid
voltage divider consisting of Rl and tuned-plate oscillator, for example, can
R2 across the B supply. This part have its grid tank replaced by a crystal
of the circuit can be compared to held between plates (fig. 138).
the Hartley oscillator in figure 136. (2) The circuit action is the same for both
(c) The signal appearing at the grid the tank and the crystal. The crystal,
causes the current through the tube however, has two great advantages.
to oscillate. In the ordinary Hartley A crystal can be cut with great pre-
oscillator, this current is collected cision to resonate within a very small
at the plate, where one portion of it percentage of a given frequency. It

is used for feedback and the rest for also possesses a far higher Q than any

162 AGO 2244A

c. In the superheterodyne receiver, one set of
oscillations is supplied by the r-f carrier. These
oscillations originate in an oscillator located
in the transmitter. The second set of oscilla-
tions is supplied by an oscillator located in the
receiver, known as the local oscillator.
d. If a mixer stage, such as the pentagrid
6L7, is used, the local oscillator -consists of an
entirely separate circuit with its own tube, pre-
I 1 ii OB cf 1
viously described. The pentagrid mixer has
two separate control grids which are isolated
TM 662-147
from one another. The carrier signal is im-
Figure 138. Crystal oscillator. pressed on one control grid and the output of
the separate local oscillator is applied to another
L-C network. This means that the grid. Both grid voltages affect the plate cur-
circuit can have both frequency preci- rent, which contains the four frequencies men-
sion and frequency stability when tioned above. The plate circuit is tuned to the
using a crystal. desired frequency, which is the intermediate,
h. Other Types. Many other types of oscilla- and the other frequencies are rejected.
tors are used. These include the tri-tet, the e. If a pentagrid converter,such as the 6A8
dynatron, and the transitron. The last two or the 6SA7, is used, the local oscillator tube is
named can be grouped under the heading of replaced by equivalent elements in the con-
negative-resistance oscillators. In ultra-high- verter tube itself, and the necessity for an extra
frequency work, such oscillators as the klystron, tube is eliminated.
and the magnetron generally are used. A dis-
cussion of these oscillators is beyond the scope Summary
of this manual.
a. Mechanical systems for generating oscil-
lations generally are not high enough in fre-
115. Heterodyne Principle
quency for use in communications and other
a. If the outputs of two oscillators which types of electronic equipment.
have different frequencies are fed to a common
b. Electron-tube circuits can perform the
nonlinear circuit, the two sets of oscillations
function of producing oscillations.
combine to produce several frequencies of oscil-
c. In order to produce oscillations, an elec-
lation. Four important frequencies appear at
tron-tube circuit must have these character-
the output of the common circuit. They are the
istics :
two original frequencies, the sum of the two,
and the difference of the two. This is called (1) A tuned circuit having the proper
heterodyning, and it is used in the superhetero- amounts of inductance and capaci-
dyne receiver. tance to oscillate at the desired fre-
The circuit common to both oscillators can
(2) A tube capable of amplifying a signal
be a mixer or frequency-converter stage, de-
at its control grid.
scribed in paragraph 73. One set of oscillations A means of providing the tuned cir-
is a received signal; the other set is produced cuit with sufficient regenerative energy
by a local oscillator. The output selected is to sustain oscillations.
usually the difference frequency, also called the d. The tuned-grid oscillator obtains regener-
intermediate frequency. The difference fre- ative feedback by coupling the plate circuit to
quency sometimes is called the beat frequency. the tuned-grid circuit.
In some applications, the sum of the two fre- e. The tuned-plate oscillator has its tuned
quencies is selected instead of the difference circuit on the plate side. Regenerative feed-
frequency. back is obtained by coupling a part of the oscil-

AGO 2244A
lation to the grid. The oscillation is amplified q. If the local oscillator is a separate stage,
and returned to the plate circuit. then a mixer tube is used to beat the two fre-
/. In the tuned-plate tuned-grid oscillator,

regenerative feedback occurs through the grid- r. In the pentagrid converter, the functions
to-plate capacitance of the tube. of the local oscillator and mixer are combined
in one tube.
g. There are two basic types of split-tank
oscillators —
the Hartley and the Colpitts.
117. Review Questions
h. The Hartley oscillator has a split-induct-
ance tank divided between the grid and plate
a. Why does a damped oscillation occur in
an R-L-C circuit?
b. Under what conditions can oscillations be
i. The Colpitts oscillator has a split-capaci-
sustained in an R-L-C circuit?
tance tank divided between the grid and plate
c. What is the function of the amplifier in
an electron-tube oscillator?
j. An oscillator is shunt-fed when its d-c d. Explain regenerative and degenerative
plate supply is in parallel with the oscillating feedback.
plate circuit. e. What are the proper conditions for pro-

k. An oscillator is series-fed when its d-c ducing regenerative feedback in the tuned-plate
plate supply is in series with the oscillating tuned-grid oscillator?
plate circuit. /. How is energy coupled from the plate cir-
cuit to the grid circuit in the tuned-grid tuned-
I. A buffer amplifier is used to isolate the
plate oscillator?
oscillator from undesirable loading effects.
g. Name the basic types of split-tank oscil-
m. The electron-coupled oscillator replaces
the separate oscillator and buffer tubes with a
h. Draw
schematic diagrams of the Hartley
single multielectrode tube, such as a pentode.
oscillator to illustrate shunt feed and series
The circuit performs the functions of both the
oscillator and the buffer.
i. What is a buffer amplifier?
n. Certain types of crystals, such as quartz j. What is an advantage of the electron-
or tourmaline, can be used as tuned circuits in coupled oscillator ?
oscillators. Crystals are used to give frequency
k. What is the function of a crystal as used
precision and stability.
in an oscillator?
o. If two oscillations of differing frequency I. What four important frequencies appear
are mixed, oscillations occur at four important at the mixer output if two sets of oscillations
frequencies. They are the two original fre- of differing frequency are mixed ?
quencies plus their sum and their difference. m. How is the heterodyne principle used in
p. The heterodyne used in the
principle is receivers ?
superheterodyne receiver. One frequency is n. What is a local oscillator? How is it used?
supplied by the r-f carrier, the other by a local o. What is the function of the pentagrid con-
oscillator in the receiver. verter ?

164 AGO 2244A



1 1 8. Difference Between Transmitting electron tubes, these losses occur main-

ly at the plate of the tube. If the grid
and Receiving Tubes
of a tube draws current, as is common
General. Electron tubes used in the high-
a. in transmitters, heat also is produced
power stages of transmitters differ in design at the grid. In the largest tubes, great
from tubes used in receivers because of the amounts of heat are generated, and
different function which they must perform. it necessary to provide elaborate
The basic principles of operation of these tubes, means of heat removal to prevent dam-
however, are not different from those that age to the tube.
govern the tubes used in receivers. Transmit-
(2) Heat removal can be accomplished in
ter tubes, like receiving tubes, are classified as
several ways, depending on the amount
diode, triode, tetrode, pentode, and beam power
of heat generated and the physical
types. The active elements in a transmitting
size of the tube. If plate dissipation is
diode are the cathode, or filament, and the plate.
less than 200 watts, natural air cur-
In the triode, tetrode, or pentode there are one,
rents usually will carry off the heat.
two, or three grids between the plate and the
Because black bodies radiate heat most
cathode or filament. All are active elements.
efficiently, the plates of low-power
The beam power type can have one, two, or three
transmitting tubes frequently are
grids plus beam forming plates at cathode po-
blackened to assist the heat-dissipa-
tential. The pentode becomes a beam power
tion process. This method will be dis-
tube when its screen and suppressor grids are
cussed more extensively. Where the
physically alined, and the tetrode provides beam
plate must dissipate substantial
power action when its screen and control grids
amounts of heat energy, up to about
are alined.
4,000 watts, air is forced through spe-
b. Power Considerations. Although trans- attached to the tube.
cial cooling fins
mitter power tubes must handle considerably The provided by blowers
cooling air is
greater amounts of power than receiver tubes, or fans. For still higher power, it be-
some receiving tubes are suitable for use in comes almost impossible to circulate
transmitter circuits not requiring high power. the volume of air necessary, and water
Transmitter power tubes, on the other hand, cooling also is used. Water can carry
find application in all types of radio transmit- off more heat than air for an equiva-
ters, audio-frequency circuits requiring high lent volume because it has a higher
power output, and in other varieties of high heat-absorbing capacity. In extremely
power electronic equipments. Some of these high-power transmitting tubes where
applications will be discussed here. a great deal of power is dissipated at
c. Heat Dissipation. the grids, the grids are constructed
Conversion of energy from one form
with internal tubing in which water
is circulated.
to another never is completely efficient,

and there is always a loss of energy (3) Three typical transmitting tubes are
in the process. The energy lost usually shown in figure 139. In the 4-250A
is dissipated in the form of heat. In tetrode, designed for operation at plate

AGO 2244A
dissipations up to 250 watts, small ly. It is capable of dissipating heat
holes can be seen in the metal jacket energy in excess of 125 kilowatts. The
over the base. A small electric fan is water-cooled grid dissipates up to 2
mounted to blow air up from under kilowatts, which is considerably more
the tube and through these holes. In than many smaller tubes dissipate at
the 893A-R triode, with a maximum the plate.
plate dissipation of 20 kilowatts, a
large number of copper cooling fins 1 1 9. Construction of Transmitter Tubes
surround the tube. A heavy-duty
blower forces air through these fins
To provide high power output from a tube,
very high voltages and currents must be used.
to provide the necessary removal of
Therefore, the tube must be built to withstand
heat. The 5831 is a beam power triode
the application of these voltages and currents.
which is cooled by the circulation of
a considerable of water
quantity To prevent arcing from one tube element to
through and grid structures.
its plate
another when the tube is operating, the elec-

The outside of this tube is machined trodes are separated by a substantial distance.
from a heavy copper fan. Copper is In addition, special insulation is used at the
used because it radiates heat efficient- points where the electrodes are mounted. These




^ 2

4-250-A 893A-R 5831

Figure 139. Three typical transmitting tubes.

AGO 2244A
precautions are vital because arcing can destroy Since tungsten does not have a high
the tube. electron emission for a given amount
a. Cathodes. of filament heating power, modern
tubes use thoriated-tungsten fila-
(1) Coated cathodes.
(a) The flow of electrons from the cath-
(6) The discovery that a small quantity
ode to the plate of a power tube is
of thorium oxide added to tungsten
greater than in a receiving tube be-
results in a thoriated-tungsten fila-
cause of the high power output. This
ment capable of greatly increased
means that the cathode or filament
emission makes it possible to design
emits a more plentiful supply of elec-
filaments requiring much less power
trons. Considerable heating power
than pure tungsten. During the
must be applied, and the construc-
manufacturing process, the filament
tion of the cathodes or filaments is
is heated momentarily to a higher
larger and more complex. The ma-
than normal operating temperature.
jority of receiving tubes use indi-
The oxide is converted into pure
rectly heated or directly heated
metal and rises to the surface as a
oxide-coated cathodes or filaments.
layer one atom deep. This completes
This is not true of transmitting
the process, and a layer of metallic
tubes since the oxide-coated cathode
thorium now coats the surface of
cannot withstand high voltages. It
the tungsten.
is used therefore only in relatively

low-power tubes rated up to about (c) In very large tubes, the thorium
50 watts of plate dissipation. oxide is not changed completely into
(6) Many small transmitting tubes are thorium by the simple application
larger versions of receiving tubes of heat alone. Consequently, a gas
with slightly changed connections which is a compound of the element
and bulb design. These use standard carbon is introduced during the heat-
receiving-tube heater cathodes. In ing process. The carbon penetrates
some cases, the elements are scaled the surface of the tungsten, form-
up slightly in size, but modern prac- ing a hard layer of tungsten car-
tice is to design these tubes specifi- bide. The metallic thorium then
cally for transmitting purposes. Re- diffuses to the surface of this strong
cent advances in the design of oxide- tungsten carbide layer. Filaments
coated cathodes of the indirectly made in this way are called carbu-
heated type have permitted their rized filaments. They overcome some
use in specialized tubes with plate of the disadvantages of the delicate
dissipation of several hundred watts. layer of thorium on a simple thori-
ated filament, which can be damaged
(2) Thoriated-tungsten cathodes.
by alittle absorbed gas in the tube.
(a) It is necessary for the filament of
In very large transmitting tubes,
a transmitting tube to be capable of
such carburized filaments are woven
very high emission; at the same
together, with suitable insulation,
time it must be able to withstand
much as many small fibers are
the high voltages that are present.
twisted into a rope. The result is
In addition, transmitting tubes must
a multistrand thoriated-tungsten
have as much gas removed from
filament that is used in the highest
the envelope as possible. Conse-
power tubes.
quently, in early transmitting tubes,
filaments made of pure tungsten (d) Thoriated-tungsten filaments must
were used, because tungsten con- be operated within 5 percent of their
tains very little gas, has a high melt- specified voltage rating. If the fila-

ing point, and is extremely strong. ment voltage on the tube is allowed

AGO 2244A
to rise too high, the layer of thorium rated amount. These coatings are good
will boil off, deactivating the tube. heat insulators and prevent the effi-
Itcan be reactivated by a repetition cient transfer of heat to the cooling
of the original activation process, medium. Therefore, water-cooled tubes
until the supply ofthorium oxide is must be kept clean, and the water must
exhausted. To reactivate a thori- be free of impurities. Distilled water is
ated-tungsten filament, normal fila- preferable. The use of water cooling
ment voltage is applied for several permits the tube to be made somewhat
hours. The filament voltage then is smaller in size for a given power
raised 30 percent above normal for rating.
10 minutes, after which it is re-
(3) The temperature developed at the plate
duced to normal for 20 minutes.
in any tube depends on the physical
6. Plates. properties of the metal of which it is
made. Some metals are able to radiate
(1) Most of the heat losses in a transmit-
heat better than others. The ability
ting tube occur at the plate. This heat
of a metal to radiate heat is called its
must be removed in one of three ways
— by natural radiation, or by forced-
thermal emissivity. This is a constant
which describes this ability for any
which are
air- or water-cooling. Plates
given material with an untreated or
cooled by natural radiation of heat
naturally formed surface. The con-
from their surfaces work at tempera-
stant varies with the degree of surface
tures between 400° and 1,000° C.
roughness. In the chart below are
Tubes using these plates are required
the thermal emissivity constants for
to dissipate from 4 to 10 watts per
some typical materials used in power
square centimeter of cooling surface.
tubes. They are measured at the tem-
If forced-air cooling is used, the sur-
peratures at which these materials
faces operate at temperatures from
generally are used.
150° to 200° C. The outside of the
tube and the associated cooling fins
are usually of large area, as can be Material Temperature emissivity
seen from the photograph of the
893A-R in figure 139. They dissipate Graphite 700°C. .9

one-half to one watt per square centi- Copper 30°C. .07

The must be Molybdenum 1,000°C. .13

meter of surface. air
Molybdenum with surface 1,000°C. .5
supplied at a rate of 50 to 150 cubic roughened by sand-
feet per minute for each kilowatt of blasting with quartz.
heat generated at the plate. Nickel 300°C. .09
Tantalum 1,100°C. .18
(2) Very high-power water-cooled tubes Tungsten 2,300°C. .30
operate at surface temperatures be-
tween 30° and 150° C. Because water
is an effective cooling agent, the dis- (4) The choice of plate materials is deter-
sipation per square centimeter is high, mined partly by their ability to emit
averaging 30 to 110 watts, and *4 to % heat by radiation. In addition, differ-
gallon of water must be supplied each ent metals possess varying mechanical
minute per kilowatt of plate dissipa- properties at high temperatures.
tion. These figures apply only if the Tungsten, for example, is far stronger
water flow is rapid to prevent boiling than nickel at temperatures above
or bubbling at the surface. If the sur- 300° C, but it is far more difficult to
faces are unclean, the ratings are re- fabricate into the shapes required. It
duced still farther. Coatings such as is also much more expensive. Plates
scale, rust, or dirt will reduce the cool- need to be strong enough to withstand
ing effect to a small fraction of the mechanical shocks produced by vibra-

AGO 2244A
tion and handling. They must also higher than that of nickel but not as
withstand the severe mechanical high as that of tantalum or tungsten,
stresses set up when they are raised restricts its application to medium-
to red heat. power tubes which are not subject to
severe overload.
(5) When materials approach their melt-
ing point, the molecules are able to (9) Tantalum one of the most useful

leave the surface and go into the sur- plate materials. It is easy to fabricate,

rounding atmosphere. An analogy possesses good thermal emissivity,

would be steam evaporating from boil- especially if the surface is roughened,
ing water. The pressure that these and is mechanically strong at high
molecules exert in the surrounding at- temperatures. In addition, it has the
mosphere is called vapor pressure. Ma- great virtue of being able to absorb
terials which vaporize easily have undesirable residual gases when raised
high vapor pressures. In vacuum to a temperature of about 1,400° C.
tubes, it is desirable to use materials This property makes it possible to
which have low vapor pressures at the maintain a very high vacuum in tubes
operating temperature to prevent the with a tantalum plate. It is one of the
vacuum from being contaminated with most commonly used of modern plate
vapor molecules. When contamination materials. The principal application is
with vapor molecules occurs, the tube and forced-air-cooled tubes
in radiation
is said to be gassy, it is erratic in be- with plate dissipations up to several
havior, and must be replaced. thousand watts.
(6) As shown in the chart, some typical (10) Tungsten has the highest melting
materials used for power-tube plates point of any metal. Unfortunately, it
are tungsten, molybdenum, graphite, is one of the most difficult to shape.
nickel, tantalum, and copper. Nickel Its good thermal emissivity permits its
is cheap and easy to fabricate into a limited application in tubes operated at
large variety of shapes ; also it has low very high voltages where stability of
thermal emissivity and a relatively the plate material at high tempera-
low melting point. It has the disad- tures is important. Tungsten plates
vantages of not being very strong, and sometimes are coated with a thin
of having a high vapor-pressure con- layer of zirconium, a metal that ab-
stant at high temperature. Therefore, sorbs gases well at red heat.
its use is limited largely to low-power
(11) The plate material in very high-power
transmitting and receiving tubes.
tubes using water cooling usually is
(7) For medium-power, radiation-cooled copper. It is the best conductor of
tubes, graphite occasionally is used as
heat among the common metals, and
the plate material. It is a very good therefore, provides the best transfer of
radiator of heat, and therefore can heat to the cooling medium. Its ex-
dissipate considerable heat from a cellent machineability and relative
small area. It is not easy to fabricate cheapness make it desirable when
and also it is rather fragile. It cannot large structures are required. Because
be used where a great deal of mechan- it is usually operated below the boil-
ical vibration is present.
ing temperature of water, its high
(8) Molybdenum is usable at temperatures vapor pressure is not serious. It has
slightly higher than graphite. When it a tendency to release absorbed gases
issandblasted with quartz, it possesses if its temperature rises beyond 300° C.
a satisfactorily high thermal emissiv- This is highly undesirable because
ity without the mechanical disadvan- these gases may cause severe arcing
tages of graphite. It is also much eas- between plate and cathode at the high
ier to shape. Its melting point, which is voltages commonly used.

AGO 2244A
c. Grids. means that the glass must be able to
(1) In normal transmitting applications, withstand a greater amount of heat.
power tubes frequently are operated Because the tube usually is large, it
so that the voltage applied to the con- must have greater mechanical strength
trol grid is positive during a part of at the higher temperatures. Up to
the operating cycle. As a consequence, powers of several hundred watts, the
the control grid draws current, and tubes are usually of glass construction
heat is generated at the grid as well with the exception of the base, which
as at the plate. In multigrid tubes, is made of metal-clad ceramic or the

the screen grids operate at relatively plastics mentioned above. The glass
high temperatures; therefore, mate- must be a much better insulator than
rials with a high melting point, such that used in receiving tubes; because
as molybdenum, tantalum, and tung- power tubes require a high vacuum,
sten, usually are used. If the grid it must be entirely freed of absorbed

voltage appreciably positive, it in-

is gases during the manufacturing proc-
tercepts manyelectrons destined for ess. Glass is designated as either hard
the plate. The heating of the grid is or soft depending on its softening
roughly proportional to the grid volt- point. Hard glass with a high soften-
age for a given time interval. As noted ing point and good electrical insula-
previously, grids dissipating large tion properties is used most frequently.
amounts of heat are constructed with Soft glass bulbs are used only in re-
internal tubing through which water ceiving or very low-power transmit-
is forced. ting tubes.

(2) If the grid voltage is high enough, the (2) The base of a transmitting tube is re-
electrons will strike the grid with suf- quired to withstand larger amounts of
ficient energy to produce secondary heat and voltage than receiving tubes.
electron emission, much like that For this purpose, ceramic materials
which occurs at the plate of a tetrode such as steatite are used. These may
(par. 70). Where oxide-coated or be metal clad, as are some plastic ma-
thoriated-tungsten cathodes are used, terials that are used. Tubes operated
some of the cathode coating may evap- at very high frequencies use no base
orate and be transferred to the grid, at all, but instead, the leads are
increasing its ability to emit secondary brought out through glass-to-metal
electrons. This is undesirable in a seals. Such a tube, the 829B, is shown
power tube, as it may cause the grid in figure 140. Very high-power tubes,
voltage to go highly positive, which either water- or forced-air-cooled, are
probably would result in its destruc- made of a complex composite struc-
tion. This secondary emission behavior ture of glass and metal. They seldom
is reduced by treating the surface of have bases as such, but instead, have
the grid with a chemically nonactive connections made to large-diameter
material, such as a thin plating of rods or rings that are actually a part
gold. of the various electrodes and extend
right through vacuum-tight seals.
d. Envelopes and Bases.
(1) Very low power tubes frequently are 120. Transmitfing-tube Applications
constructed according to standard re-
ceiving-tube techniques. They use a. General.
similar glass-bulb or envelope con- (1) The purpose of a transmitter is to
struction, though slightly enlarged to transform power as supplied by a-c
handle the increased power. Their lines, batteries, or generators into
bases are made of a plastic, usually radio-frequency power which is made
bakelite or micarta. Higher power to carry intelligence. The intelligence

170 AGO 2244A

transmitter proper. The basic radio
frequency used in the transmitter is

generated by the oscillator. The buffer

isolates the oscillator from the follow-
ing stages, and so improves oscillator
stability. Another buffer amplifier
isolates the frequency-multiplier sec-
tion,which provides the desired oper-
ating frequency. The modulator su-
perimposes the intelligence —that is,

the speech —upon the carrier. The

power amplifier increases the strength
of the signal before it is impressed
upon the antenna. In a radiotelegraph
transmitter, a key which turns the
transmitter on or off when pressed by
the operator is used to transmit the

(4) The radio frequencies used for com-

munication cover a wide range of the
over-all electromagnetic spectrum (fig.

142). They extend from about 30 kc

to 30,000 mc. Transmitting tubes are
of different kinds in order to cover this
829-B enormous range. For the low frequen-
TO 662-149 cies (30 to 300 kc) used principally by
long-wave fixed point-to-point stations,
Figure HO. Transmitting tube used at high frequencies.
transoceanic, government, and direc-
tion-finding stations, large amounts of
can be in the form of speech, Morse power are required, and large triode
code, pictures, controlled pulses for re-
amplifiers, such as the 862A producing
mote-control devices, or any other spe-
several thousand watts, are common.
In the medium-frequency range (300
cial form. Power tubes are used in
these devices for the production and to 3,000 kc) where broadcasting, ship
amplification of voltages and currents
and harbor, government, amateur, and
police stations are found, tubes such
at radio and audio frequencies.
as the 893A-R triode are used. In the
(2) Transmitters for speech and code are high-frequency range (3,000 to 30,000
by far the most frequently encoun- kc) are found coastal ship, interna-
tered. In figure 141 a block diagram
tional broadcasting, government, avi-
of a representative radiotelephone and
ation, and amateur stations using
radiotelegraph transmitter is shown. tubes like the 4-1000 triode. The very
Its two selective functions are the highest-power tubes cannot be used in
transmission of speech and code. this range, butmany tubes are used
(3) Operating power is supplied by vacuum with ratings up to several thousand
tubes or motor-generator devices. watts.
These furnish the d-c operating volt- (5) In the very-high-frequency range (30
ages required by the tubes used in the to 300 mc), different tubes with

AGO 2244A





TM 662-150
Figure HI. Block diagram of typical transmitter.

smaller structures, like the triode b. Oscillators.

4X500A, are necessary. Such services
(1) General. The oscillator used in trans-
as the relay broadcast, television, mo-
mitters converts a d-c energy into r-f
bile, and government operate in this
energy. Receivers and transmitters
region. In the ultra-high-frequency
use similar oscillator circuits: the
range (300 to 3,000 mc) radically dif-
Hartley, the Armstrong, the Colpitts,
ferent tube designs, such as the 5588
the electron-coupled, tuned-plate tuned-
power triode, are necessary. This is
grid,and crystal-controlled oscillators.
because low lead inductance and low
For operation above the medium fre-
interelectrode capacitance are neces-
quency range, the oscillator in the
sary. Air navigation, facsimile, tele-
transmitter generates the r-f carrier
vision, citizen's radio, meteorological,
at a fairly lowpower level so that the
amateur, and other services operate in
tubes which are used do not differ sub-
this range. The super-high frequen-
stantially from those used in receivers.
cies starting at 3,000 mc are used
In fact, receiving tubes serve ade-
largely for radar and television relay
service.Normal tube types no longer quately in many transmitter-oscillator

operate in this region, and specially applications. In transmitter practice,

designed devices such as the 2K26 the stability of the oscillator with re-
klystron are required. This tube and lation to frequency is of paramount
the super-high-frequency magnetron importance. This means that ex-
are described in chapter 11. tremely little or no change in the car-

172 AGO 2244A

AGO 2244A
rier frequency is tolerated under op-
erating conditions.

(2) Crystal oscillators. To insure the high-

est degree of frequency stability, the
crystal-controlled oscillator is used
most frequently. The quartz crystal
is specially housed so that a constant

temperature is maintained, also, it is GRID VOLTAGE

mechanically isolated to protect it from
any shock or vibration. These precau-
tions are necessary in exacting trans-
mitter applications such as broadcast-
ing and large fixed radio-telegraph
stations. In the v-h-f (very high fre-
quency) band, .002-percent shift from
the assigned frequency usually is con- PLATE CURRENT
sidered stable operation. At an oper-
ating frequency of 100 mc, this means
that a 2-kc shift is tolerated. In some
cases, it should be possible to change
the transmitter frequency. One method
is the use of a number of crystals, each
differing in frequency from the others.
These are switch-controlled, thereby
permitting rapid changes in frequency. TANK CIRCUIT CURRENT
TM 662-152
c. Class C Amplifiers.
Figure US. Voltage and current relationships in
(1) For efficient amplification of the radio-
class C amplifier.
frequency carrier, class C power am-
plifiers are used most frequently. The
class C amplifier can operate success- to other radio services. Neutralization
fully from low to very high frequen- of triodes usually is accomplished by
cies. It is possible in normal service feeding a small amount of the output
to obtain plate-circuit efficiency from from the plate circuit into the grid
dc to rf of 65 to 75 percent. In a class circuit out of phase with the feedback
C amplifier, the grid is biased nega- caused by the grid-plate capacitance.
tively far below cut-off, and plate cur- The neutralized energy cancels out the
rent flows for much less than one-half feedback in the tube. Where tetrodes
of the r-f cycle —
that is, for less than or pentodes are used as r-f amplifiers,
180° (fig. 143). Because the grid volt- neutralization normally is not required
age goes positive with relation to the unless the tube is operating at a fre-
cathode, grid current also flows. quency so high that the shielding effect
When triodes are used as radio-fre- of the screen grid is insufficient. In
quency amplifiers, they must be neu- this case, tetrodes and pentodes also

tralized to prevent energy from feed- must be neutralized.

ing back from the plate to the grid (3) The neutralizing chosen for
circuit and causing undesirable self- triode, tetrode, or pentode amplifiers
oscillation. This feedback is caused by depends largely on the design of the
grid-to-plate capacitance. It can be of rest of the circuit and on the range of
a frequency different from that of the operating frequencies to be covered.
desired operating frequency, and this The principle, however, remains the
can result in unnecessary interference same namely, the feeding back of an

774 AGO 2244A

amount of energy equal and opposite value sufficient to provide excitation
to that which tends to cause oscilla- to the power amplifier. In general, the
tion. The phase and amplitude of this buffer must supply from 5 to 20 per-
neutralizing energy must be adjusted cent as much power as the final am-
when the transmitter is tuned. plifier will produce.

d. Buffers. (3) The buffer amplifier must supply this

excitation and have considerable re-
(1) One of the characteristics of class C serve power so that its output does
amplifiers is the consumption of power
not vary with changing load. This is
in the input circuit caused by the grid termed good regulation. Since the effi-
voltage going positive with relation to
ciency of the class A buffer is low, its
the cathode and drawing current dur-
plate dissipation can be as much as
ing part of the operating cycle. This
one-half that of the tube used as the
power, called excitation power, must
final power amplifier. Excitation re-
be supplied by the preceding stage in quirements increase as the frequency
the transmitter. For the power am-
of the operation is increased. This is
plifier to operate efficiently, a minimum because losses in the input circuit are
amount of excitation is required. This
greater at higher frequencies.
is determined by the type of tube and
(4) Because the power level at which the
the d-c voltage applied to it. The stages
oscillator operates usually is low, the
before the power amplifier must be
buffer for the oscillator tube generally
able to supply this excitation without
overloading. Because the frequency of
is of a similar power rating operated
an oscillator depends to some extent class A 144). In this circuit, a

receiving tube triode is used as a low-

on the load impressed upon it, it is
power, crystal-controlled oscillator. Its
undesirable from the standpoint of
output is coupled through a resistance-
frequency stabilization to attempt to
capacitance network to the buffer-am-
supply excitation power directly from
the oscillator. Another consideration
plifier grid, which is self-biased for
is the modulation impressed on a car-
class A operation by the resistor and
capacitor in its cathode circuit. The
rier wave in the power amplifier. In
buffer amplifier is a small receiving
this case, a varying amount of excita-
tion is demanded by the power am- type pentode. The plate of the buffer
is connected to the B plus of the power
plifier as the modulation changes. This
changing load also can seriously affect supply through a parallel-resonant cir-
cuit tuned to the crystal frequency.
the frequency stabilization of the os-
cillator if the oscillator is used to drive
The output of the buffer amplifier is
such a modulated amplifier directly. coupled to the following stage in the
transmitter by the transformer action
(2) Therefore, a buffer amplifier is intro-
of the link coil coupled to the resonant
duced between the oscillator and the output circuit.
power amplifier to isolate the two
(5) In the practical transmitter, buffer
stages from each other. The buffer
amplifiers are used between the oscilla-
amplifier usually is operated class A,
so that it will not affect the oscillator.
tor and the frequency multiplier, and
In this condition, no power is drawn in
also between the frequency multiplier
its grid circuit. For class A service, and the power amplifier (fig. 141).
the efficiency is low, and tubes of fair- (6) In figure 145 a high-power buffer sup-
ly high ratings must be used in buffer and
plies excitation to a final amplifier
high-power final amplifiers.
circuits for isolates from the preceding stages.

In broadcasting service, many buffer Generally a power tetrode is used here

stages are used to build up the low- with a link-coupled tuned input cir-
level output from the oscillator to a cuit. The grid bias is provided by a

AGO 2244A
fixed d-c voltage supply. Voltage for quency of the crystal if it is desired
the screen grid is derived from the that the final carrier be of a higher
plate voltage supply by a drop across frequency with high stability. For
the series resistor connected between this purpose, a special type of ampli-
B plus and the screen. The capacitors fier, called a frequency multiplier, is
at the lower end of each tuned circuit used, which always operates class C.
and from the screen to ground are One of the characteristics of this type
radio-frequency bypass capacitors. of operation is that it is rich in har-
They keep r-f energy from the power monics. It can use ordinary low-power
supply and the screen grid. transmitting tubes, but almost all

e. Frequency Multipliers. transmitting tubes can be made to

work in a frequency-multiplying cir-
(1) Crystals used in transmitters to gen-
cuit. Such a circuit using two small
erate the carrier are available only in
triodes is shown in figure 146. In this
the range of frequencies between about
circuit, the electrical connections of
100 kc and 30 mc. High-stability crys-
each stage are nearly the same as
tals are available only in the lower part
of this range, between 100 and 10,000 those of the class C amplifier. The
kc, approximately. Therefore, some difference lies in the frequency to
means must be used to raise the fre- which the parallel-resonant circuits

TM 662-154

Figure 145. High-power buffer amplifier

176 AGO 2244A

are tuned. The output of the plate cir- The voltage and current relations in
cuit in each stage is tuned to two times the grid-plate and tank circuit are il-
the frequency of the input circuit. If lustrated in figure 147, which also
desired, greater multiplication may shows the steep pulses of plate current
occur in each stage. When it is tuned and resultant current in the tank out-
to twice the frequency of the input put circuit tuned to twice the input
circuit, the stage is called a doubler; frequency (a doubler).
three times the frequency, a tripler; (4) Since the input and output circuits of
four times, a quadrupler; etc. frequency multipliers are tuned to fre-

TM 662-155

Figure 146. Frequency multiplier system with output frequency four times input frequency.

(2) In general, a multiplier of more than quencies which differ by a large

four seldom is used. The input circuit amount, there is little danger of un-
drives the tube under class C condi- desirable feedback and oscillation tak-
tions, which produce pulses of current ing place through the grid-plate capa-
in the plate circuit considerably citance. Therefore, no neutralization
shorter than a half-cycle of input. is necessary. The operating condition
These pulses shock excite the tuned with high negative grid bias and a
circuit to oscillation at its resonant large grid-voltage swing to obtain
frequency. Its resonant frequency can steep pulses of plate current means
be any whole number times the fre- that the frequency multiplier requires
quency of the input wave. When the more excitation than the same tube
pulses are exactly one-half, one-third, operated as an ordinary class C am-
or one-quarter of the frequency to plifier. The efficiency is lower than
which the output circuit is tuned, they that of the corresponding amplifier.
reinforce its current swing every sec- A doubler runs at less than 50 percent
ond, third, or fourth cycle. plate efficiency. The tripler and quad-
rupler operate at even lower efficiency.
(3) Consequently, they will help to sustain
It is not practical to multiply more
the oscillation in the tuned, or tank,
than four times because the efficiency
circuit. To do this most efficiently, the drops off too much. As the multipli-
pulses must be made short and sharp cation increases, the grid bias must be
by biasing the tube even farther be- made greater and the grid-voltage
yond cut-off than is common for a swing correspondingly larger. There-
normal class C power amplifier, and by fore, a tripler requires more excitation
using a larger amount of excitation. than a doubler, and so on. In a fre-

AGO 2244A




TM 662-156

Figure H7. Voltage and current relationships in class C doubler.

quency-multiplying circuit, the Q of hundred kilowatts for water-cooled

the tank must be higher than the Q of types.
an ordinary amplifier so that the mul- In more recent equipment, the beam
tiplier action will be more efficient.
power design is embodied in the tubes
Then there will not be too much loss used. For transmitting applications
of amplitude of oscillation between
the principle of beamed electron flow
pulses of plate current.
is useful when applied to almost any

/. Power Amplifiers. tube. Beam triodes such as the 5831

recently have come into use as modifi-
(1) The generation of power at radio fre-
cations of the high-power water-cooled
quencies requires many varied types of
triode. Beam tetrodes are among the
tubes and circuits, some of which have
most frequently used of transmitting
been described earlier in this chapter.
types because of their low excitation
At this time, their applications to the
power requirements, ability to operate
generation and amplification of power
without neutralization in many cases,
will be considered. The losses antici-
and high power efficiency. The beam
pated and the frequency and mechani-
principle, which also includes carefully
cal considerations generally determine,
alined control and screen grids, is ap-
within one or two choices, the type of
plied to many tetrodes where beam-
tube to be used in any given case.
forming plates are not used, as in the
Power tubes of both the air- and water-
cooled types are available in a wide
range of plate dissipation, up to several (3) Generally, power amplifiers are oper-

AGO 2244A
ated under class C conditions. For spe- a wide range of impedance matching
cial applications,however, class B am- (fig. 148) These circuits are necessary

plification sometimes is more suitable. where a variety of different antennas

In a class C amplifier, if sufficient ex- must be used. In A, L1C1 forms the
citation is supplied, the output wave- input tank circuit. C2 is an r-f bypass
form is relatively independent of the capacitor which effectively grounds
input waveform. A class B amplifier, the bottom of the tank to rf Grid bias

on the other hand, reproduces the in- is taken from a fixed bias supply. Ca-

put waveshape and amplitude with a pacitors C3 and C4 are filament r-f
fair degree of faithfulness. Moreover, bypass capacitors, and Tl is the fila-
in r-f applications, when tuned circuits ment transformer. The plate tank cir-
are used in the output, class B ampli- cuit is composed of C6, a variable ca-
fiers can be used with only one tube. pacitor with a single rotor and two
This is in contrast to audio applica- stators, and L2. C6 is called a split-
tions where two tubes are necessary stator capacitor, and used to obtain

in push-pull connection to prevent ex- the out-of-phase voltage which is fed

cessive distortion. The use of one tube back through C7 for neutralization.
in r-f applications is permissible be- The output tank circuit is coupled to
cause the tuned circuit in the output the antenna by a link coil around L2.
supplies the missing half-cycle caused This circuit is used with high-power
when the plate current stops as a re- triodes.
sult of the grid being driven beyond
(7) is connected in a single-
In B, a tetrode
cut-off. Amplifiers operated in this
ended circuit without neutralization.
service are useful when it is desired
The functions of the parts are much
to make the output signal dependent
the same as those in A. Because no
upon the input. They also produce
neutralization is necessary, a simpler
lower distortion of the waveform than
type of output tank can be used. C7
class C amplifiers do and correspond-
is merely an r-f bypass capacitor which
ingly lower unwanted harmonic out-
permits grounding the rotor of C6 to
put. Class B amplifiers require very
rf. This is occasionally desirable even
stable sources of d-c voltage.
though a higher voltage capacitor will
(4) A power amplifier that uses one tube be necessary.
is called a single-ended circuit. Two
tubes, with the grids connected to the (8) In C, a small pentode is utilized in a
opposite sides of the input tank circuit small transmitter for aircraft or life-
and the plates to opposite sides of the raft service. In this case the type of
output tank, form a push-pull circuit. antenna can vary considerably. The
tube is capacitively coupled to the pre-
(5) The circuit usually is the same whether ceding stage through C1R1. Rl, in ad-
operated class B or C. The difference dition, acts as a grid-leak resistor and
is and excitation voltages and
in bias
provides grid bias. Cathode bias also
in values of components. The single-
is provided by R2 as a protective meas-
ended circuit generates more harmonic
ure in case the excitation fails, which
output which sometimes is a disad-
would result in a loss of grid bias if
vantage. however, the simplest
It is,
Rl alone were used. C2 is an r-f by-
circuit to use over a wide range of
pass capacitor for R2. C3 is a screen
frequencies because switches can be
bypass capacitor used in conjunction
inserted easily to change the tank cir-
with R3 to obtain the proper dc and
cuits. Twice as many switches would
r-f ground at the screen grid. The r-f
be required in a push-pull circuit to
choke and C4 isolate the output cir-
accomplish the same purpose.
cuit from the power supply. This ar-
(6) Several types of tank circuits provide rangement is known as shunt or paral-

AGO 2244A



TM 662-157
Figure 148. Single-ended power amplifier circuits.

180 AGO 2244A

lei feed and is used when it is unde- (11) The 829-B push-pull circuit in B has
sirable to have dc in the tank circuit. LI and CI, which provides
a grid tank,
The tank in this figure is a special drive for the tube. Grid bias is fur-
impedance-matching circuit known as nished from a fixed supply. In the
tube, the screens of both sections are
a pi network. It can be used with al-
connected, and one capacitor, C2,
most any length of antenna. This net-
serves as a bypass for them. R2 pro-
work (LI, C5, and C6) is a common
vides screen voltage by dropping the
feature of much portable equipment.
plate voltage because of the current
(9) Since a push-pull circuit uses two iden- that passes through it. The output
tical tubes, advantage sometimes
is tank circuit is the same as that in A.
taken of this characteristic, and the The r-f choke permits feeding plate
two tubes are combined in one glass voltage to both halves of the tube.
envelope. This is especially useful at
g. Speech Amplifiers.
very high frequencies. In this band,
the length of connecting leads becomes (1) In a transmitter producing radio-tele-
important, and this is one method of phone signals, it is necessary to take

keeping them short. A dual beam the extremely weak output of a micro-
power tetrode such as the 829-B (fig. phone and build it up to the point
140), can be air-cooled and is useful where it can be used to modulate the
for up to about 100 watts output. It carrier wave. This requires consider-
has no base and the leads are brought able amplification, depending on the
out through seals in the glass. It can type of microphone used. In general,
be used at full power input up to the methods of coupling between the
200 mc. Push-pull circuits have the amplifier tubes are similar to the
advantage of lower harmonic output, methods described in discussions
ease of neutralization, and greater various types of amplifiers in earlier
power output for a given amount of chapters. Special problems arise, how-
excitation. Such a circuit requires only ever, in connection with the speech
as much excitation as one of its tubes amplification stages of transmitters
does when run by itself in single-ended that do not occur in other cases.
connection. This is because both (2) To begin with, the speech-amplifier
halves of the grid-voltage cycle are tubes used in transmitters can be or-
used alternately by each tube. The dinary receiving types, although these
output is recombined in the plate cir- are unsatisfactory in some applica-
cuit. A and B, figure 149, shows two tions. The average receiving-type tube
typical push-pull circuits for a power does not have sufficient internal me-
triode. chanical bracing to prevent minute
(10) In A, the input tank circuit provides vibration of the grid and other parts
equal and opposite voltages to the which cause noise on the signal. There-
grids of the two triodes.The r-f choke fore, tubes with high mechanical sta-
provides a means of inserting grid bias bility are manufactured especially for

from a fixed bias supply into the grid such applications. These are the non-
circuit. The plate tank circuit is made microphonic tubes in the 1600 and
with a split-stator capacitor, C2, and 5500 series. They are electrically equi-
recombines the output from the two valent to many commonly used receiv-
triodes. Since opposite sides of a tank ing tubes, but have the added internal
circuit are 180° out of phase, neutral- bracing to prevent vibration of the
izing voltages may
be obtained simply tube parts.
by feeding back some of the energy at (3) Speech stages operating at low levels
these points to the opposite grids. in a transmitter usually are biased
Capacitors C3 and C4 do this. class A, since class A operation results
AGO 2244A


TM 662-158

Figure H9. Push-pull power amplifier circuits.

in minimum distortion. Where a larger a voltage amplifier, frequently a high-

amount of power is necessary, opera- gain pentode. In this stage, high gain,
tion with class AB conditions or even low circuit noise, and low hum pick-up
class B is used. In good transmitter are desirable. Depending on the type
design, some form of inverse feedback of microphone used, it will be either
is used to improve the quality of the transformer- or resistance-coupled. If
speech stages and lower the distor- a signal of reasonable amplitude is
tion. This means that extra amounts produced by this stage with low noise
of gain will be necessary to compen- and hum content, it will tend to over-
sate for the loss through feedback. ride any noise or hum that may be

In general, the first tube in a speech produced in subsequent amplifier

amplifier circuit is used as a micro- stages.

phone amplifier. It takes the form of (5) In figure 150, typical microphone

182 AGO 2244A

stages are shown for use with the C. It operates because of the voltage
three principle types of microphones induced in a pick-up coil attached to
encountered. These are the carbon, a diaphragm, which moves in a mag-
the crystal, and the magnetic micro- netic field.

phone stages. The carbon microphone (9) The microphone amplifier usually is
has the highest output of these three followed by one or more stages of re-
types, averaging around .1 volt for sistance- or transformer-coupled class
normal speech. The crystal is next, A amplifiers, generally using triodes.
with approximately .03 volt, and the In broadcast transmitters, all stages,
magnetic is lowest, with less than .01 including microphone amplifier,
volt. Greater fidelity is obtained with are push-pull to minimize distortion
the lower-level microphones. There are and hum. The output of these stages
other types of microphones in use, then is amplified by push-pull power
most of which use some type of vari- amplifiers which operate in class AB t .

able resistance, variable magnetic field, These A#i power amplifiers also can
or crystal effects. use ordinary receiving-tube power am-
(6) The carbon microphone amplifier, in plifiers, since they seldom operate at

A, is a simple transformer-coupled tri- levels above 25 watts. Here again,

ode of low amplification factor. The consideration of ruggedness, long life,

transformer is necessary to allow the or nonmicrophonism can determine the

application of a small d-c voltage to use of special types which are basic-
the microphone. A carbon microphone ally the same electrically as receiving
uses loosely packed carbon grains me- tubes. Figure 151 shows a typical
chanically coupled to a diaphragm speech amplifier with crystal micro-
which moves in response to sound. phone amplifier, intermediate triode
The resistance of the carbon varies amplifier, and push-pull AB t power
with sound intensity. Therefore, if a amplifier circuits. The separate stages
current is allowed to flow through the are all the same as those described in

carbon, a varying voltage is produced. the text.

(10) In frequency-modulation transmitters,
(7) The crystal microphone, in B, used
very little power is required for the
with resistance coupling to a high-gain
incorporation of speech in the carrier
pentode. The resistance-capacitance
network shown in the input of the wave, and for this application low-
crystal microphone amplifier is used
power class A voltage amplification is

to prevent r-f current from being de-

sufficient. The tubes and circuits are
identical with those described in the
tected between the grid and the cath-
foregoing material, with the excep-
ode and causing unwanted feedback or
tion that no class AB 1 power stage
oscillation between the speech stages
and the rest of the transmitter. The is necessary.
crystal microphone develops audio h. Modulators.
voltage as a consequence of the prop-
(1) For the generation of large amounts
erties of certain mineral crystals that
of audio power required in some
produce a current when a mechanical
methods of modulation, regular trans-
stress is applied to their surfaces. A mitting-type power-amplifier tubes
diaphragm coupled to the crystal
such as those we have been discussing
to provide a transfer of force from
can be used. Most high-power audio
the sound to the crystal.
amplifiers are operated class B, because
(8) The magnetic microphone is coupled this is the most efficient method of
to the tube through a transformer amplification that still preserves the
which matches its low impedance to input waveshape. In general, trans-
the high-impedance grid circuit, as in former coupling is used both in the

AGO 2244A



TM 662-159

Figure 150. Typical microphone amplifiers.

184 AGO 2244A




TM 662-160

Figure 151. Speech amplifier circuit.

input and output circuits, and all high- for operating the grids at cut-off, and
power class B amplifiers tend to have the tube is made so that cut-off occurs
nearly the same circuit regardless of with nearly zero grid bias. Therefore,
size (fig. 152). In a class B amplifier, no bias supply is necessary. These are
the grids are biased at cut-off and called zero-bias tubes. Triodes are
plate current flows only when a signal widely used as class B amplifiers be-
is present. Therefore, with a speech cause of the simplicity of the circuits
wave which is highly irregular, a wide necessary. However, tetrodes require
variation of current is drawn b-y the considerably less excitation than tri-
stage. The power supplies for class B odes in class B and they are used occa-
stages must have excellent regulation sionally. Because of the shape of the
or distortion will result. characteristic curves of beam tetrodes,
(2) In some tubes designed specifically for they are seldom operated completely
class B audio service, such as the 811, in the class B region instead, they are

advantage is taken of the necessity used in the region of AB 2 where the


grid is not quite cut off, and some plate

current flows with no signal. Except
for the provision of screen voltage,
such tubes are used in circuits sub-
stantially similar to that shown in
figure 152.
OUTPUT (3) Radiotelephone transmitters can be
modulated in a great variety of ways.
When the carrier amplitude is varied
in proportion to the amplitude of
speech, this is termed amplitude modu-
lation. When the carrier frequency is
varied in proportion to the amplitude,
TM 662-161 the system is termed frequency modu-
Figure 152. Class B amplifier, a high-level modulator. lation. When the phase of the carrier

AGO 2244A 185

ischanged in proportion to the ampli- requires less power than plate modu-
tude of the speech, the resultant modu- lation. However, to prevent excessive
lation termed phase modulation.
is plate dissipation when the grid goes
Amplitude modulation can be intro- highly positive under modulation, the
duced at either a high- or a low-power tube must be operated with half its
stage in a transmitter. Frequency and normal grid-driving voltage. Since
phase modulation always are produced only half the plate current will be
in a low-level stage. drawn and since power is proportional
(4) When amplitude modulation is pro- to the square of the current, it is clear
duced in a low-level stage, all subse- that one-quarter the normal
quent stages must reproduce the am- power input can be used in a grid-
plitude of the input wave faithfully. modulated amplifier as compared to the
Therefore, class B stagesmust be used, input of a plate-modulated amplifier.
and no frequency multipliers can be However, plate modulation requires a
used after the modulated stage. Modu- high-power modulation transformer to
lation introduced into the final power couple the audio tubes to the r-f tubes.
amplifier is termed high-level modu- This is expensive and cumbersome,

lation. The variation of the voltage at and occasionally the lower efficiency
the grids or plate or a combination of of grid modulation is tolerated be-
both, proportionate to the input signal, cause of the savings in cost and weight.
produces amplitude modulation. If Inspection of the plate-modulated am-
control-grid voltage is varied, the sys- plifier in figure 153 reveals that this

tem is termed control-grid modulated. is a composite of the high-power triode

It also may be screen-modulated, or amplifier of A of figure 148 and of the

suppressor-, or plate-modulated. high-power class B modulator of figure
(5) Grid modulation in its varying forms 151.



TM 662-16?
Figure 153. Plate-modulated power amplifier.

186 AGO 2244A

(6) In the grid-modulated amplifier in lation of the final amplifier is not de-
figure 154, the voltage for modulation sirable, this system is used. The major
isintroduced by a small transformer elements of high cost in a plate-modu-
which is in series with the lead to the lated final amplifier are the modula-
grid-bias supply.The modulator is the tion transformer and the heavy power
push-pull A£?i circuit of figure 151 supplies necessary for class B modula-
with the triode amplifier of A of figure tor. Engineering compromises some-
148. times are made to avoid these ex-



TM 662-163

Figure 154. Grid-modulated amplifier.

(7) A low-level modulated stage is usually penses. High-level plate modulation,

a plate- or grid-modulated amplifier however, is the most efficient of simple
before the final amplifier. Generally, modulation systems from the stand-
the buffer or a stage preceding it is point of modulated-carrier output with
modulated. The circuits are not differ- a given final amplifier.
ent from those used in high-level
modulators, except that small tubes i. Power Supplies.
and components are permissible. Low- (1) Radio transmitters require the appli-
level modulation has the disadvantage cation ofmany different voltages and
of requiring class B final amplifiers to currents to the various stages. The
preserve the modulated waveshape, high-power tubes used in the final am-
and these are not as efficient as class plifier and modulators operate at high
C tubes. However, in some instances voltages and currents. If an a-c line
where cost is important and grid modu- is used as the power source, the a-c

AGO 2244A
voltage is stepped up in a transformer (2) The important characteristics of a
and converted into dc by a power rec- high-vacuum diode rectifier are maxi-
tifier. A of figure 155 shows a typical mum permissible peak current, maxi-
high-vacuum rectifier tube, the 836, mum permissible average plate cur-
which is used to furnish high d-c volt- rent, and maximum permissible in-
age and current for transmitters of verse peak voltage. The cathode can
several hundred watts input. supply only a limited amount of elec-

836 872-A
Figure 155. Typical transmitter half -wave rectifiers.

188 AGO 2244A

trons, and this limits the peak plate 121. Tuning Procedure
current. The maximum d-c output cur-
rent that can be carried continuously a. The typical transmitter shown in the block

without overheating the tube is re- diagram of figure 141 must be adjusted in the
flected in the maximum permissible field so that it will perform as intended. The

average plate current. The largest process of adjustment is called the tuning pro-
voltage that can be applied to the plate cedure. Usually it is needed with all new equip-
on the negative half of the a-c cycle ment and is used periodically on equipment in
without causing arcing or internal service. Exact tuning instructions vary from

breakdown is called the maximum one piece of equipment to another, of course,

inverse peak voltage. but the same general principles are involved.

(3) Materials and construction in high- b. Basically, almost all tuning procedures
vacuum rectifiers are similar to those consist of bringing the resonant circuits asso-
used in transmitting tubes.
other ciated with the transmitting tubes to their
High-vacuum are used for
rectifiers proper frequencies. This is done by observing
developing d-c output voltages up to the variation in a current or a voltage measured
several thousand volts, but, in general, at the grid, plate, cathode, or other element in
is restricted to current ranges
their use the stage being adjusted, or in a subsequent
below 400 ma. The hot-cathode mer- stage. This means that either the inductive or
cury-vapor rectifier is a diode, such as the capacitive elements of the resonant circuits,
the 872A in B of figure 155, capable or both, must be adjustable over a range suffi-
of passing currents up to several am- cient to allow adjustment with different opera-
peres when
the mercury vapor is ion- tional conditions and small variations in indi-
ized by collision with the electrons pro- vidual tubes.
duced by the cathode. The result is
If the output circuit of a class C amplifier
a low potential drop across the tube of
approximately 15 volts, which per- is tuned through resonance, there is a change
in the current through the tube because the
mits good voltage regulation even
plate-load impedance is changing. Because the
when the spacing between the plate
and cathode is large. The low voltage plate current is in theform of positive pulses,
drop, existing in the tube, permits the
an average positive direct current is associated
with these pulses of plate current that also will
use of oxide-coated cathodes with cor-
respondingly high emissivity. The vary with tuning. Measuring instruments for
mercury dc are much easier to use and construct than
same rating system applies to
applies to high-vacuum those for rf and ac, and therefore, this change
rectifiers as
rectifiers. They require more care in in d-c plate current in the class C amplifier is

operation, however. The cathode must a useful indication of resonance in the plate cir-
cuit. The change is in the form of a dip in
be brought to normal operating tem-
current at resonance. In a stable triode ampli-
perature before plate voltage is ap-
plied. The tube must operate in a cer-
fier, this also corresponds to maximum power
tain temperature range otherwise the
output. In tetrodes and pentodes, maximum
mercury does not vaporize properly. power output may not necessarily occur at this

It must be protected from momentary

dip. In this case, the screen current may be
overloads, because, if the peak ratings a more reliable indication.

are exceeded, severe damage to the d. In a class C amplifier, the grid current
tube will result. Mercury-vapor rec- can be used as a means of determining the
tifiers are used almost universally resonance of the input circuit. Maximum grid
where high voltages and high currents current as measured on a d-c meter is a reliable
are required. They have the advantage
indication of resonance in the input tank circuit.
over high-vacuum rectifiers of much
greater efficiency, better voltage regu- e. It sometimes is inconvenient to measure
lation, and higher permissible current. d-c plate current because of the high voltage

AGO 2244A 189

to which the meter may be exposed. In this stage is not sufficient or is above the
measured at the
situation, cathode current, as recommended value. Each time an ad-
center tap of the filament transformer, also justment in coupling is made, the tun-
serves as an indicator of plate resonance, al- ing process is repeated.
though some additional current change caused is
(8) The next step is neutralizing the final
by the grid current. In general, however, the amplifier as described in the beginning
grid current is but a small fraction of the plate of the chapter. After the stage has
current and does not materially affect the been stabilized, apply final plate
measurement. voltage.

/. The steps below give a general tuning pro- (9) Adjust the final-amplifier tank capaci-
cedure for multistage transmitters like those in tor for a drop in plate current, which
the block diagram of figure 141, based on these indicates resonance. The transmitter
principles. Where the stage to be tuned is not isnow ready to go on the air.
a class C stage, the maximum power output (10) Remove the final plate voltage. Re-
can be determined by the effect on the grid move the dummy load. Connect the
current of the class C stage which follows it. antenna. Reapply final plate voltage
Maximum power output and optimum coupling and proceed with communication.
will be indicated by maximum grid current.

(1) Connect the dummy load in place of 122. Summary

the antenna.
a. Transmitter tubes are classified as diode,
(2) Turn all filaments on.
triode, tetrode, pentode, and beam power types.
(3) Apply power to the oscillator and first

buffer stage. b. Large transmitter tubes produce large

Tune the buffer stage for maximum amounts of heat which must be removed in
order to prevent damage to the tubes and asso-
grid current in the following tube.
ciated circuits. This heat is produced mainly
(5) Apply plate voltage to the next stage.
at the plate, but also at any grid drawing
If the next section of the transmitter
is a frequency multiplier, adjust the

plate-tank capacitor for minimum c. Heat removal can be accomplished by natu-

plate current. Do this in each multi- ral or water
air currents, forced-air cooling,
plier stage, starting with the lowest cooling.Blackening the plate also assists in
frequency. heat removal. Grids drawing large currents
(6) Check with an absorption wavemeter are constructed with internal tubing through
or other r-f indicator to make sure which water is circulated.
that the output of each stage is at
the desired harmonic of the input d Oxide-coated cathodes can be used in trans-

signal. mitter tubes dissipating up to about 50 watts.

Apply power to the driver or the buffer

For high emission, the thoriated-tungsten cath-
before the final amplifier. Tune its ode is used. A thin layer of thorium is deposited
output circuit for minimum plate cur- on the surface of the tungsten during the manu-
rent. Tune the grid-tank circuit of the facturing process. For very high emission, the
final amplifier for maximum grid cur- thorium is deposited on a layer of tungsten car-
rent. Check to see that this corre- bide to form a carburized filament. Multistrand
sponds to the rated grid excitation. carburized filaments are used in the highest
Check the fixed bias supply of the final power transmitter tubes.
amplifier for rated voltage. Retune
the buffer output for minimum e. The ability of a metal to emit heat as
plate current. Adjust the coupling be- radiation is called its thermal emissivity.
tween the buffer and the final ampli- Among the metals used for plates, graphite has
fier if the grid current of the final the highest thermal emissivity.

190 AGO 2244A

/'. Typical plate materials are graphite, cop- p. Three principle types of microphones are
per, molybdenum, nickel, tantalum, and tung- used with speech amplifiers. They are the car-
sten. Nickel used for low-power transmitter-
is bon, the crystal, and the magnetic microphones.
tube graphite and molybdenum for
plates, The carbon has the highest output and the
medium power, tantalum for high power, and lowest fidelity; the magnetic has the lowest
tungsten for extremely high power. output and the highest fidelity.

g. Materials with a high melting point, such q. The modulator builds up the audio signal

as molybdenum, tantalum, and tungsten, are and modulates the r-f carrier with its output.
used in the construction of grids. It usually is operated class B for relatively high
power and fidelity.
h. Transmitter-tube bases usually are con-
structed of a plastic such as bakelite. For high r. If the audio-signal output of the modula-
power a metal-clad ceramic can be used. At tor is injected into the final power amplifier,
very high frequencies, no base is used in order the process is called high-level modulation. If
to shorten leads to the tube electrodes. it is injected into some preceding stage, the
process is called low-level modulation. The audio
%. Hard glass with a high softening point and
signal can be injected at any grid or at the
good electrical insulating properties is used to
plate of the modulation stage.
form the envelopes of transmitter tubes.
s. High-vacuum diode rectifiers and hot-cath-
j. An used in transmitters to
oscillator is
ode mercury-vapor rectifiers are used to convert
generate a radio-frequency signal. Transmitter
a-c power to the d-c power required by the
oscillators are basically the same as those used
in receivers. The most common transmitter os-
cillator is the crystal-controlled oscillator with t. Tuning a transmitter usually consists of

its high degree of frequency stabilization. adjusting resonant circuits to their proper oper-
ating frequencies. Meters usually are incor-
k. Class C amplifiers are used to amplify
porated in various transmitter circuits to give
the output of the oscillator because of their effi-
resonant indications.
ciency. If triode tubes are used, they must be
neutralized to prevent undesirable self-oscil-
lation. 123. Review Questions
I. Buffers are used to prevent a power stage
a. Why do transmitting tubes differ from
from loading down the stages preceding it. For receiving tubes, though of the same general
example, a buffer is inserted between an os- type?
cillator and a power amplifier to prevent the
power stage from changing the operating fre- b. State several methods for removing heat
quency of the oscillator. losses.

m. A
frequency multiplier is used to raise c. What are the advantages and disadvan-

the output frequency of a crystal oscillator. tages of each ?

It operates at some multiple of the oscillator d. Why must good insulation be used between'
frequency. It can be a frequency doubler, the various parts of the tube ?
tripler, or quadrupler.
e. What types of cathode are used in small
n. Power amplifiers are used in the output
transmitting tubes ?
stages of transmitters to strengthen the modu-
lated carrier for transmission. Usually, they /. Why can they not be used in higher-power
are operated class C. Class B can be used also tubes ?

in single-ended operation.
g. What is a thoriated-tungsten cathode ?
o. Speech amplifiers usually
operated are
class A in order to keep distortion at a mini-
h. What are its advantages and disadvan-
tages ?
mum. High voltage gain, low circuit noise, and
low hum pick-up are desirable. i. How is it reactivated?

AGO 2244A 191

j. How can the life of tungsten filaments be aa. What is the difference in the waveshape
prolonged, and why should the initial surge of of the plate current of a frequency multiplier
filament current be limited? and a power amplifier using the same tube and
k. What are the advantages of water cool- circuit ?

ing, and what precautions must be observed in ab. Why does the output circuit of a fre-
the operation of water-cooled tubes ? quency multiplier contain rf of a frequency
I.What is meant by thermal emissivity ? higher than that of the input circuit?
m. What determines the choice of plate ac. Is a frequency multiplier less efficient

material ? than a power amplifier? Why?

n. What are the advantages and disadvan- ad. When are class B power amplifiers used?
tages of the following as plate materials nickel, : ae. What is the difference between a single-
graphite, copper, tantalum, molybdenum? ended circuit and a push-pull circuit with re-
o. Whymust materials that can withstand gard to harmonic output?
high temperatures be used for the grid ? af. Describe some methods of providing grid
bias to tubes in push-pull and single-ended am-
p. What danger is inherent in high secondary
plifiers operating class C.
emission at the grid ?
q. What types of glass and metal construc-
ag. Why is a split-stator capacitor or a
grounded center-tapped coil used in a push-pull
tion are used in transmitting tubes ? Why ?
circuit ?
r. Describe briefly, with reference to the
ah. What are the requirements for the tubes
block diagram of figure 141, the function of
used as microphone amplifiers?
each part of the transmitter.
at. What types of tubes are used for the gene-
s. What are the radio frequencies used for
ration of large amounts of audio power? In
communications ?
what class do they run?
t. What are the requirements for tubes used
aj. What are the relative advantages of grid
as oscillators in transmitters?
and low-level modulation?
u. What are the advantages of crystal-con- ak. What features are important in a high-
trolled oscillators?
vacuum rectifier tube?
v. What type of amplifier generally is used al. Why are mercury-vapor rectifiers used
for power amplifiers ? in preference to high-vacuum rectifiers?
w. Why must triodes be neutralized when am. What operating precautions must be ob-
used as r-f amplifiers ? served with mercury- vapor rectifiers?
x. How is neutralization accomplished? an. What are the indications that the plate
y. What
are the requirements placed upon a circuits of an amplifier are tuned to resonance ?
stage which provides excitation to a class C ao. What are the indications that the grid
amplifier ? circuit is tuned to resonance?
z. Why are frequency-multiplying circuits ap. When tuning a transmitter, when should
used? the final amplifier be neutralized?

192 AGO 2244A



124. Gas-filled Tubes takes place as the result of the ioniza-

tion of the gas by electron collision.
a. General. In high-vacuum tubes, discussed
The electrons released by the ionized
previously, the possibility of an electron collid-
gas join the stream of electrons and
ing with a gas molecule is relatively small. The
can liberate other electrons. The proc-
following paragraphs discuss tubes in which the
ess then is cumulative. The breakdown
flow of current takes place through relatively
voltage at which this change takes
dense gas. A relatively dense gas is meant to
be a gas of approximately one ten-thousandths place is determined by the type of gas,

of normal atmospheric pressure. the materials used for the electrodes,

their size and spacing, and other
6. Conduction.
(1) When an electron collides with a gas
molecule, the energy imparted by the (3) Once ionization takes place, the cur-

impact can cause the molecule to re- rent can rise to 50 ma

or more with
lease an electron. This molecule is little change in the applied voltage.
known as an ion. A gas or vapor con- If the voltage is raised still farther,
taining no ions is an almost perfect the current becomes higher and the
insulator. If two electrodes are placed electrode acting as the cathode be-
in such a gas, no current flows between comes heated by the bombardment of
them. However, gases always have the ions which strike it. If it gets hot
some residual ionization due to cosmic enough, it emits electrons by thermi-
rays, radioactive materials in the walls onic emission. This emission reduces
of the container, and the action of the voltage drop in the tube, causing
light.If a potential is applied between further increase in current and greater
two electrodes in such a gas, the ions emission and ionization. The cumu-
migrate between them, giving the ef- lative action results in a sudden de-
fect of a current flow. This current is crease in voltage drop across the tube,
called the dark current because no and the current rises to the extremely
visible light is associated with it. It high value of several amperes. Unless
is usually about 1 ^a. the tube is designed specifically to
(2) If the voltage on the electrodes is in- operate under this condition, it can be
creased, the current begins to rise. destroyed by the heavy current. The
At a particular value, called the mechanism just described is the basic
threshold current, usually about 2/xa, process for the formation of an arc,
the current suddenly begins to rise and tubes which operate at these high
without any increase in applied volt- currents are called arc tubes. In the
age. If there is sufficient resistance in region up to 50 ma, the tube usually is
the external circuit to prevent the cur- small and is called a glow tube, from
rent from rising quickly, the voltage the colored light it produces. The fa-
drops suddenly to a lower value, and miliar neon sign is such a glow tube
breakdown occurs. This abrupt change with neon as the gas.

AGO 2244A
(4) In figure 156 the dark-current region (3) Referring to figure 156, the small
described above is shown from A to change of voltage from D to E is util-
B. The breakdown-voltage point is at ized in a voltage-regulator circuit.In
B. The drop in voltage and the sudden the simple circuit shown in figure
rise in current (threshold current) 157, the black dot within the envelope
with little change in voltage are shown signifies that the tube is filled with
between C and D. The current con- gas. The resistance, R, is high enough
tinues to rise until an arc takes place to limit the tube current to the con-
at E, with a sudden drop in voltage stant-voltage range when
the load cur-
and a great increase in current in the rent is low. When
the load current
arc from F The many varieties
to G. increases, the voltage drop across R
of arc, glow,and other gas tubes, all increases and reduces the tube voltage.
operate on some portion of the com- A small reduction of tube voltage in
plete curve. normal region of
this range, called the
the glow discharge, results in a large
decrease in tube current, which de-
creases the voltage drop across R.
Therefore, small variations of load cur-
rent cause compensating variation in
— F— tube current, and the voltage across
the tube remains essentially constant.
A typical tube used in this circuit is
the OD3/VR150.


TM 662-165

Figure 156. Graphical relations in gaseous conduction. TM 662H66

Figure 157. Simple voltage regulator circuit.

c. Diodes.

(1) A tube in which two elec-

(4) Cold-cathode tubes rarely are used as
trodes are inserted is called a gas
rectifiers because of their high volt-
diode. The electrode to which the posi-
age drop, although a variation of the
tive potential is applied is called the
cold-cathode tube is used where fila-
plate and the other the cathode, as
ment power for a heater-cathode rec-
in vacuum tubes. The cathode in a
tifier is difficult to obtain. An example
gas diode can be an electrode like the
of a cold-cathode rectifier is used in
plate, or it can be a thermionic emitter.
vehicular equipment. The principle of
The former is known as a cold cathode,
operation is based on the heating of
and the latter as a hot cathode.
the cathode under ionic bombardment
(2) Cold-cathode tubes are used for many in the region of the curve between F
purposes. Among these are voltage and G (fig. 156) The ion-heated cath-

regulation, rectification, oscillation, ode makes this tube a hot-cathode type

circuit protection, and light produc- without the application of heater
tion, as for neon signs. voltage.

194 AGO 2244A

(5) If a gas diode with a cold cathode is during the high-voltage period, acting
connected as shown in A, figure 158, as a low resistance which prevents the
the resulting circuit is known as a high voltage from damaging the cir-
relaxation oscillator. With a d-c input, cuit. When the high voltage is re-
capacitor C charges through the high moved, the NE-2 stops conducting and
resistance of R. The voltage across the circuit performs normally.
the capacitor rises as the capacitor Hot-cathode gas-filled tubes are im-
charges. When the capacitor voltage
portant in power rectification. The
becomes equal to the breakdown volt- gas most frequently used is mercury
age, the glow tube fires, and the capac-
vapor, and the tubes are called mer-
itor discharges through the tube. The
cury-vapor rectifiers, of which there
capacitor discharges very quickly to
are two types. One has an oxide-coated
a voltage equal to the extinction volt- filament heated by an a-c current the ;

age of the tube. This is the voltage at other uses a pool of mercury for a
which the tube ceases to conduct. cathode.
Consequently, the capacitor begins to
charge again. The output voltage is (8) Mercury-vapor rectifiers with fila-
a sawtooth. Several cycles of capaci-
ments, such as the 866A, are able to
pass much higher currents than high-
tor charge and discharge generate the
waveform shown in part B. vacuum rectifiers because of the ion-
ization of the mercury vapor. The
(6) Glow tubes are used widely for the mercury ions make it unnecessary to
protection of circuits. If a circuit may rely on the electrons produced by the
be damaged by the application of high filament alone. The filament is used
voltages for short periods of time, a merely to start the ionization. The
tube such as the NE-2 can be con- heat from the filament vaporizes the
nected across it. The tube conducts small amount of liquid mercury incor-
porated in the tube envelope. This
tube has a very high efficiency in
power rectification because of its low
voltage drop. The plate efficiency of
a large mercury-vapor rectifier easily
can approach 99 percent. Moreover,
the tube drop does not vary with a
varying load, and therefore the voltage
regulation is better than that obtained
RELAXATION OSCILLATOR with a high-vacuum rectifier tube.
A Arc tubes which use a pool of mercury
as the cathode are known as mercury-
pool rectifiers, an example being the
5554. This tube is capable of supply-
ing 75-ampere dc continuously. The
initial ionization is provided by an arc
started between a subsidiary electrode,
called the ignitor, and the cathode.
The ionization results in greatly in-
TIME »- creased current. Since the ignitor
OSCILLATOR OUTPUT must be used to start the arc, the tube
can be controlled by small pulses of
TM 662-167 current to the ignitor, and thus hun-
Figure 158. Relaxation oscillator and waveform dreds of amperes can be controlled by
produced. a small amount of current.

AGO 2244A

d. Thyratrons. (4) The effectiveness of grid control is in-
dicated by the grid-control character-
(1) between the cathode
If a grid is placed
istic curve for the 844 in figure 159.
and the plate of a gas tube, the volt- The curve shows the relationship be-
age at which breakdown occurs can be tween the plate voltage which must
controlled by the voltage on the grid. be applied with a given grid voltage
The entire plate surface in this tube to cause the tube to conduct.If the
usually is shielded by the grid before
breakdown. The grid is placed close
grid is —30
below no amount of
plate voltage can
fire the tube. If the
to the plate to prevent discharge be- grid
is above — 30
volts, conduction
tween the two. If such a discharge begins within a few microseconds after
does take place, it is only in the unim- the proper plate voltage is applied,
portant dark-current range. In a grid- depending on the gas used. Mercury
controlled gas discharge tube, the vapor is common for most devices
plate-supply voltage exceeds the plate- where the thyratron is used to control
cathode breakdown voltage and the power, motors, etc. Hydrogen, how-
grid is held either or negative with ever, is used where extremely rapid
relation to the cathode. Under these firing time is needed, as in radar ap-
conditions, breakdown does not take plications. This is because of the light-
place. ness of its ions and the speed with
which they move.
(2) If the grid voltage is raised, break-
(5) The discharge of a gas tube can be
down occurs between the grid and the
cathode. This ionizes all the gas in the
controlled also by a grid external to
the tube in contact with the glass.
tube, and the discharge continues with
This principle is used in stroboscopic
plate-cathode current flow. Resistance
in series with the grid limits its cur-
lighting for photographic purposes. A
magnetic field can be used to control
rent on breakdown to a safe value.
After breakdown, the grid no longer
can control the discharge. If it is made
negative with relation to the cathode,
positive ions surround the grid wires,
and electrons are repelled from them.
The discharge then is shielded com-
pletely from the grid. To re-establish
grid control, the plate potential must
be reduced to the extinction potential
of the cathode-plate discharge.

(3) This principle of grid control can be

applied to almost any gas-discharge
tube. It is used with cold-cathode, hot-
cathode, and arc tubes. All of these
types are given the generic name
thyratron. Where a hot cathode is
used, as in the 2D21 or 884, the grid
acts primarily as a shield between the
plate and the cathode, preventing
electrons emitted by the cathode from
ionizing the gas between the elec-
o ———— — —— — — —
1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

' 1

trodes. By proper electrode arrange- GRID VOLTAGE (V) -

ment a positive voltage on the grid is TM 662-168

needed to start the discharge. Figure 159. Grid-control characteristic of the 884.

196 AGO 2244A

the discharge. The field raises or (3) The internal construction of the typ-
lowers the firing voltage as it deflects ical 929 phototube (fig. 160) is almost
the electrons leaving the cathode. This self-evident. The half-cylinder visible
principle is used in the control of high- inside the tube is the photosensitive
power rectifiers. The discharge be- cathode. It is covered with a multiple
tween the cathode and the plate also layer of the rare metal cesium over-
can be initiated by means of two laidon cesium oxide, which in turn lies
auxiliary electrodes that are made to on a layer of silver. The plate is the
start a glow discharge between them. small rod in the center.

125. Phototubes

a. General. An important class of tubes is

that in which the output current is controlled

by light falling on the tube. This photoelectric
effect is the emission of electrons from metallic
surfaces under the action of light. The number
of electrons released in a unit time by light of
a definite wavelength is directly proportional
to the intensity of this light.The energy that
these electrons have is directly proportional to
the frequency of the light. There is a lower
limit to the frequency below which insufficient
energy is imparted to the surface to cause
emission. Photoelectric tubes, like the human
eye, are not equally responsive to all wave-
lengths, or frequencies. For this reason, the
response of a phototube to any given amount
of light depends on the distribution of light
frequencies present.

b. Construction.
(1) A phototube consists basically of two Figure 160. Typical phototube.
electrodes in an evacuated glass bulb.
One of these is the cathode, which c. Vacuum, Gas, and Multiplier Types.
emits electrons when light is allowed If a small amount of gas is introduced
to fall on it. These electrons are drawn in the evacuated envelope, the gas, by
to the plate by application of a positive
ionization, increases the amount of
current that the tube is able to pass
(2) The sensitivity of a phototube depends for a given amount of cathode illumi-
on the frequency, or color, of the light nation. Gas phototubes, such as the
used to excite the tube. Different 930, have a higher sensitivity than
phototubes are manufactured to pro- corresponding vacuum types, such as
vide different sensitivity character- the 929, and are used principally for
istics for various applications. Some reproduction of sound from sound mo-
are particularly sensitive to red light, tion pictures. However, the high-
some to blue light, and some have re- vacuum type is more stable, less easily
sponse characteristics similiar to those damaged by higher than rated voltage
of the human eye. The sensitivity of or current, and has a higher internal
a given tube always is specified in resistance. The gas ions strike the
terms of the light frequencies used to cathode and produce appreciable sec-
excite it. ondary emission that also increases

AGO 2244A 197

the sensitivity. Consequently, the secondary electrons are released.
characteristic curves of vacuum and These, in turn, strike the second dyn-
gas phototubes are noticeably dif- ode, each one emitting several second-
ferent. ary electrons. With the nine dynodes
(2) Figure 161 shows the relationship, in used in this tube, the amplification
the 929 and the 930, between the plate that can be achieved is enormous.
current and the plate voltage for vari- These tubes are used wherever ex-
ous amounts of light. The curvature tremely high sensitivity, exceeding
in the characteristic of the gas photo- that of the human eye, is required.
tube caused by gas ionization is notice-
able, and the increased current change
+100 + 300
for a given light change also is appar- VOLTS
ent. Gas phototubes must not be oper-
ated above their rated voltage or a
glow discharge takes place between
the plate and the cathode which can
injure or destroy the delicate photo-
sensitive surface.

+ 200 +400
TM 662-171

Figure 162. Operation of secondary-emission multiplier.

d. Circuits and Applications.

(1) The current passed by a phototube is

PHOTOTUBE very small. Therefore, vacuum-tube
\ amplifiers having one or more stages
of amplification generally are used to

\ /Ar. 1 1 IK A
build up these currents. The current
PHOTOTUBE change in a phototube is converted into
yi!3 \
a voltage change by passing it through
a high resistance. Then this voltage
10 20 30 4 50 60 70 80 is vacuum tube
applied to the grid of a
PLATE VOLTAGE (V) - (fig. 163). A
battery supplies the
TM 662-170 necessary plate voltage to both the
amplifier and the phototube. Another
Figure 161. Comparison between control characteristics
voltage is necessary to provide nega-
of the 929 and the 930.
tive bias for the amplifier tube and a
return for the current from the photo-
(3) To increase the sensitivity of photo- tube cathode. When the current in
tubes still farther, the mechanism of the phototube increases under the ac-
secondary emission is utilized in tubes tion of light, its cathode emits elec-
like the 931-A. The initial electron trons, making the grid of the tube
emitted from the cathode is directed more positive. This increases the plate
to strike against a series of subsidiary current which, in turn, operates the
plates called dynodes (fig. 162). Each relay in series with the plate. The re-
dynode has a surface treated for high lay is provided with auxiliary contacts
secondary emission. As the initial elec- that actuate whatever circuit is being
tron strikes the first dynode, several controlled.

198 AGO 2244A



TM 662-172 CATHODE
Figure 163. Basic phototube control circuit.

TM 662-174
(2) For the production of sound from a
source of light which has been modu- Figure 165. Cutaway view of 6E5 electron-ray indicator.
lated in intensity in proportion to the
strength of the sound, the circuit of
which is a triode amplifier, The other section
figure 164 is used. This is a conven-
is a cathode-ray indicator.
tional resistance-coupled amplifier
which recovers the a-c component of b. The electrons emitted by the cathode strike
the phototube output caused by the the conical plate, or target. This target is coated
variation of the light from the cathode with a fluorescent paint that glows under the
end of the phototube load resistor. impact of the electrons. A small wire electrode
called the ray-control electrode is parallel and
close to the cathode. It deflects some of the
electrons emitted from the cathode, producing
a shadow on the target. This shadow is wedge-
shaped, and the angle of the wedge varies with
the voltage on the ray-control electrode. The

plate of the internal triode amplifier is con-

1 nected to the ray-control electrode, and there-

fore the shadow angle varies with the negative
voltage applied to the grid of this triode. When
the ray-control electrode is at the same poten-
tial as the target, the shadow closes completely.
If the ray-control electrode is less positive than
~ the plate, a shadow appears which is propor-
TM 662-173 tional in size to the difference in voltage. Since
Figure 16 U- Phototube circuit for reproduction of sound. the voltage on the electrode is the same as
that of the internal triode plate, the shadow
angle increases with a more positive grid
126. Electron-ray Indicators
a. Electron-ray indicators (fig. 165) are used
widely in radio receivers to indicate proper tun-
127. Tubesfor High Frequencies
ing. In addition, they find application as null
indicators in bridge circuits and other apparatus a. As the operating frequency of an electron-
in which a visual indication of small voltage tube circuit is increased, certain properties of
changes is necessary. Most indicator, or magic- the tube which heretofore have been negligible
eye, tubes contain two sets of elements, one of become important. One of the principal proper-

AGO 2244A
ties, usually neglected at low frequencies, is the
capacitance between the various tube electrodes.
In addition, the wires which connect the ele-
ments of the tube to the base and the tube
elements themselves have small but definite
amounts of inductance with appreciable reac-
tance at higher frequencies. Also, the tube is
affected by the finite time required for an elec-
tron to travel from the cathode to the plate.
If this time interval, called the transit time,
becomes appreciable in respect to the applied
frequency, the normal phase relationships of
plate and grid voltages cease to hold.

b. Special tubes at high frequencies are

needed to overcome these various effects. The
effect of the lead inductance can be decreased
by using short leads, omitting the usual base
and, in some cases, making the tube an integral
part of the circuit for which it is designed. The
tube shown in figure 166 with external ring
electrodes illustrates the methods used for over-
coming the various problems. This is known 2C43
from its physical appearance as a lighthouse
tube. The elements are as small as possible.
They are arranged in a set of parallel planes to Figure 166. Lighthouse tube 2CU3.
expose a minimal amount of surface area. Short,
heavy metal rings are used instead of leads,
practical. Because the length of radio waves
and the elements are spaced close together so
at these frequencies is less than 3 inches and
that it takes little time for an electron to travel
as small as i/3-inch, the tubes are necessarily
from the cathode to the plate. The transit time, of a size equal to or greater than a wavelength.
which can cause undesirable shifts in the phase
When these tubes are used as oscillators or
of plate and grid voltages, is reduced.
amplifiers, it is necessary to incorporate
c. Other high-frequency tubes incorporate circuits in the tube itself.These resonant cir-
similar structural refinements to achieve am- cuits usually are in the form of cylindrical
plification at high frequencies. Miniature con- cavities hollowed out of the metal structure of
struction is customary for small receiving tubes the tube itself.

in the frequency range below 200 mc. These b. Figure 167 is a cutaway view of a tube
tubes are all glass with short stem leads brought that is used as an oscillator in this range. It
out at the base. The electrodes are small, and is called a magnetron, because it consists essen-
close spacing is used. The space-saving features tially of a diode with a strong magnetic field
of miniature construction make it desirable for parallel to the axis of the cathode. This mag-
many receiving applications, and the high per- netic field causes the electrons which leave the
formance of these tubes even at medium fre- cathode to move in a spiral path before striking
quencies causes their use to be widespread. the plate. As the clouds of electrons spiral past
the resonant cavities in the plate, they cause
the latter to oscillate in much the same manner
128. Microwave Tubes
as a bottle can be made to produce a musical
a. Above 3,000 mc, the limitations brought note by blowing a stream of air across its
about by transit time, stray capacitance, and mouth. If the dimensions of the cavities are
lead inductance become so severe that designs sufficiently small, the frequency can be raised
based upon tubes with control grids are not to as high as 30,000 mc. Large amounts of

200 AGO 2244A

power can be produced by this tube at high effi- pulsation. Therefore, amplification takes place
ciency, although can operate only as an oscil-
it between the input and output resonators. The
lator. Its frequency is determined mainly by tube can be used as an oscillator if some power
the mechanical dimensions of the tube and from the output is coupled back to the input in
cavities. the proper phase.

c.The magnetron is not a very flexible oscil- e. Small tubes, called reflex klystrons, have

lator tube. The klystron tube in figure 168 can been designed solely for use as local oscillators
operate as an amplifier or oscillator over a small in microwave superheterodyne receivers. They
tunable range. Its operation depends on the use a single-cavity resonator, the electron
changes introduced in the velocity of a stream stream passing through it twice once in a —
of electrons by alternately slowing it down and
speeding it up, using the transit time between
two points to produce an alternating current.
This current delivers power to a resonant cir- COLLECTOR
cuit in the form of a cavity. PLATE

d.The cathode emits a stream of electrons OUTPUT —

which is smoothed out to uniform velocity by RESONATOR
the smoother grid. A radio-frequency field is CAVITY
applied to the grids of the input cavity resona-
tor. This imposes a varying velocity on the SMOOTHER RESONATOR
stream, retarding or speeding it up. In the GRID CAVITY
drift space, the electrons that have been speeded
up will overtake those that have been slowed CONTROL CATHODE
down on an This produces a still
earlier cycle. GRID a
stronger pulsation in the electron stream as it FOCUSING
passes through the grids of the output cavity RING
resonator. The latter takes power from the TM 662-I7T
stream if it is tuned to the frequency of the Figure 168. Operation of typical klystron.

AGO 2244A
forward direction and then reflected back ORIGIN
through the cavity again. They can be tuned ELECTRONS
over a wide range of frequencies, but have

limited power output. This is the klystron most
frequently used in microwave equipment.

/. Both the klystron and the magnetron make

use of electron streams or beams to operate at
microwave frequencies. They transfer energy
to cavity resonators through these electron
streams. The cavity resonator is a device with FIRST

an inherently high ratio of reactance to resist- GRID ANODE
ance. In other words, it is equivalent to a tuned PLATES
with a very high Q. At a resonant fre-
quency of 10,000 mc a Q of 5,000 is frequent. ORIGIN
129. Cathode-ray Tubes *— AREA —-
a. When electrons strike certain substances ^CCHL^
with sufficiently high velocities, the
give off visible light. This principle
is utilized
in the cathode-ray tube, in which electrons
strike a coated screen, causing it to fluoresce.
The cathode emits electrons which are acceler- CATHODE
ated forward, formed into a thin pencil or beam, CONTROL7 -ACCELERATING
and allowed to strike a fluorescent screen.
b. Figure 169 shows two types of cathode-ray
tube. In A, electrons leaving the cathode pass Figure 169. Basic cathode-ray tubes using electrostatic
through a control grid. The control grid deter- and electromagnetic deflection.

mines the number of electrons that can pass,

and consequently, the intensity of light emitted d. The usefulness of the cathode-ray tube is
from the screen. After leaving the control grid,
due to the ease with which the electron beam
the electrons are focused in a thin beam by the can be diverted from its straight path by an
focusing anode, and the velocity of the electrons electrostatic or electromagnetic field. In the
is increased by the accelerating anode. The
electrostatic tube, two small pairs of plates are
electron stream is then directed as desired at located at right angles to each other. A volt-
any portion of the screenby two pairs of de-
age applied to one pair deflects the beam up or
flection plates, which can be compared with
down; applied to the other pair, it deflects the
the plates of a capacitor. A
plate with a nega-
beam right or left. This control can be accom-
tive charge repels the electrons, and a plate
plished magnetically by coils external to the
with a positive charge attracts the beam. Be- tube whose magnetic fields deflect the beam.
cause this effect is caused by an electrostatic Electrons have little inertia and can be deflected
field between the plates, this cathode-ray tube
almost instantaneously. Therefore, the beam
is known as an electrostatic-deflection type.
can move back and forth or up and down at
c. In B, a magnetic-deflection type of cathode- rapid rates, even up to the very high radio fre-
ray tube is shown. The focusing anode is re- quencies. When the beam moves at rapid rates,
it seems to trace a line on the screen.
placed by a focusing coil, and the deflection
plates by a deflection coil. These coils are e. The cathode, grids, and anodes controlling

wound externally about the neck of the tube. the intensity and focus of the electron beam
The coils serve the same purposes as the anode usually are assembled in one unit, called the
and plates of the electrostatic type. electron gun. It is possible to put more than

AGO 2244A
one electron gun in a single tube envelope. The j. Cathode-ray tubes are used in oscilloscopes

tube then can be used for the comparison of for the visual display of waveforms and radar
several independent voltages at the same time. information, and in television receivers.

130. Summary 131. Review Questions

a. Gases conduct electric currents by ioniza- a. Describe the causes of current flow in a
tion of the gas molecules. gas.

b. Cold-cathode tubes are used for the pro- b. What happens at each stage in the current
duction of light, voltage regulation, rectifica- flow?
tion, protection of circuits, and as relaxation c. What are the principal uses for cold-cath-
oscillators. ode tubes ?
c. Hot-cathode and ionic-heated cathode tubes d. Describe the function of the cold-cathode

are used principally as rectifiers if they are di- tube in each of these applications.
odes and as control tubes for large amounts of e. What is the most important application
current if they are triodes of thyratrons. of hot-cathode gas-filled tubes ?
d. Phototubes convert the light falling on /. Describe the operation of a thyratron.
them into a variation of current flow. The cur- g. What is the purpose of a mercury-pool
rent is passed through a resistor to provide a rectifier, and how does it work ?
control voltage for the operation of an amplifier. h. Describe the construction and operation
e. multiplier tube uses dynodes which
The of a vacuum phototube.
increase the emission by releasing secondary i. How is the sensitivity of a phototube in-
electrons when they are struck by an electron creased ?
from the light-sensitive surface.
Describe the operation of a multiplier type

/. Electron-ray indicators portray visually phototube.

the value of a d-c voltage, by causing a shadow k. Describe the function of the ray-control
to appear on the surface of a fluorescent screen. electrode in the electron-ray indicator.
g. At very high frequencies the interelectrode I. What factors influence the operation of
capacitances, lead inductance, and transit time tubes at high frequencies ?
of standard vacuum tubes become so great that
m. How do tubes used at high frequencies dif-
compact designs are necessary with low induc- ferfrom those used at low frequencies ?
tance and capacitance and with short transit
n. What are the principal types of micro-
wave tubes ?
h. The magnetron is a diode in a strong mag-
o. Describe the operation of a magnetron.
netic field which causes the electron stream to
move in a spiral path before it reaches the p. Describe the operation of a klystron.
plate. q. Describe the principal parts and operation
i. The klystron uses the variation in velocity of a cathode-ray tube.

produced in an electron stream passing through r. What two types of deflection are used in

the field of a cavity resonator cathode-ray tubes?

AGO 2244A 203



1 32. Electron-tube Electrode Connections corresponding four-hole socket. This arrange-

ment still is used for some modern tubes. It is
a. The various types of electron tubes dis- necessary to insert the tube properly so that
cussed in this manual all must have some means the proper operating voltages can be applied to
of applying potentials and making connections the correct electrodes. Unless some such method
to the various electrodes within the envelope. is used to key the tube, it can be damaged by
The external leads take the form of tube prongs, improper placement in its socket. Other meth-
pins, or caps. Usually, a group of prongs or ods have been used to key the four-pin base.
pins is built into a tube base. The base mate- One method involves the use of a small metal
rial often is bakelite, although other insulating
projection on the tube base which permits the
materials are used. Sometimes the connecting tube to be inserted in its socket in only one
leads take the form of pins which are built into manner. Another method is to arrange the
the tube envelope itself. Occasionally, metal base pins in such a pattern that the tube can
caps are bonded to the tube envelope and the be inserted into its socket in only one way.
tube electrodes are connected to these caps
through the envelope. The specific method With the advent of more complex tubes,

used depends on the particular tube involved. it became necessary to add more connecting
pins to the tube base. The five-, six-, seven-,
b. The early triode receiving tubes used a
eight-, and nine-pin bases were introduced. All
four-prong base. Two of these prongs were
of these bases are keyed by means of large diam-
connected internally to the filament, and the
other two were connected to the grid and the eter pins, placement of the pins, or the addition

plate. The two filament prongs were slightly of special fittings on the tube base which permit
larger in diameter than the other prongs, so the tube to be inserted in the socket only one
that the tube could be inserted properly in a way (fig. 170).

204 AGO 2244A

d. One of the most widely used of these mul- vertical ridge like the one used in the octal base.
tipin bases for receiving tubes is the eight-pin A groove around the bottom of the locating pin
or octal base. In this base all the pins have the fitsinto a spring catch in the socket. This holds
same diameter and they are uniformly spaced. the tube firmly in the latter.
However, at the center of the base is an insulat- /. Another variation in the base of receiving
ing post which has a vertical ridge. This acts tubes is used with miniature glass tubes. These
as a key or guide pin which fits in a keyway in tubes are becoming popular in modern elec-
the tube socket. Thus, the tube can be inserted tronic equipment because of their small size
in only one way. The original idea of the octal and many other desirable characteristics. Con-
socket was to have similar electrodes of any tact pins of these tubes are sealed directly into
type of tube connected to the same pins, so that the glass envelope. Either seven or nine pins
some degree of standardization would result. generally are used. Because of the additional
If any of the pins are not used they are left off spacing between two of these pins (fig. 170),
the base, or no connection is made to them. the tubes cannot be inserted improperly in their
e. A variation of the octal base is used with sockets. Figure 171 illustrates six different
lock-in receiving tubes. The base of such tubes types of electron-tube bases and their corre-
also has eight pins. However, the contact pins sponding sockets.
are sealed directly into the glass envelope and g. Transmitting and special purpose tubes
no insulating base is used. The bottom portion use sockets and methods of connection which
of the envelope is fitted with a metal shell and are subject to considerable variation. Some
a metal key or guide pin. This guide pin has a small transmitting tubes use a base structure


TM 664.55

Figure 171. Receiving -type electn ,-tube bases and corresponding sockets.

AGO 2244A
similar to that used for receiving tubes. How- nected to the screen grid, pin 5 is connected to
ever, the larger types use special connections the control grid, and pin 8 is connected to the
and terminals which are not at all standardized. cathode and the suppressor grid. In the lock-in
Special high-frequency tubes use connection tube base, pins 1 and 8 usually are the heater
methods which conform with their special re- connections. It must be emphasized that the
quirements. Cathode-ray tubes may use con- wide variety of tube types makes it impossible
ventional octal sockets or sockets which have to adhere rigidly to these pin connections.
more than eight pins. A few commonly used
bases for these tubes are the magnal (eleven-
1 33. Electron-tube Type Designation
pin), duodecal (twelve-pin), and the diheptal
(fourteen-pin). a. Every electron tube is identified by a num-
ber or a combination of numbers and letters. In
h. A standard system has been set up for
1933 a systematic method of designation was
numbering the base pins of the common tube
developed. So many different types of tubes
bases. The pins are numbered consecutively in
have been introduced since that time that it
a clockwise direction looking up at the bottom
has become impossible to adhere rigidly to the
of the tube base. When fewer than eight pins system that was set up. However, some of the
are required, the unnecessary ones are omitted
original ideas contained in this system are still
and the spacing and the numbering of the re-
being followed.
maining pins are unchanged. In the octal and
lock-in types, pin 1 is the pin directly clockwise b. The type number of a tube is divided into

of the ridge on the guide pin, as in figure 170. four parts. First, a number consisting of one
In the miniature types, pin 1 is the clockwise or more digits designates the filament or heater
pin of the two widely spaced pins. Other des- voltage. Second, one or more letters designate
ignations are as shown in the figure. the type or function of the tube. Third, a num-
ber designates the number of useful elements
%. Some attempts at electrode connection
in the tube. Fourth, one or more letters desig-
standardization have been attempted by elec-
nate the size or construction. For "example, the
tron-tube manufacturers. These were only
type 2A3 is a power triode which requires a
partly successful, because of the tremendous
filament voltage of about 2 volts (actually 2.5
variety of tubes which have been manufactured.
volts), an amplifier tube, and it has three
it is
A good many receiving tubes, however, do show useful elements. The fourth part of the desig-
a degree of uniformity in pin connections worth
nation is omitted. The type 5Y3-G is a duo-
noting. For example, in the four-pin base, pins
diode which requires a filament voltage of 5
1 and 4 usually are connected to the filament, volts, it is a rectifier (letters from U to Z are
pin 2 is connected to the plate, and pin 3 is
used for rectifiers), and it has three useful ele-
connected to the control grid. In the five-pin
ments. The letter G indicates that the tube
base, pins 1 and 5 frequently are connected to
has a glass envelope. The type 50L6-GT re-
the heater, pin 2 is connected to the plate, pin
quires a heater voltage of 50 volts, it is a beam
3 is connected to the control grid, and pin 4 power amplifier (the letter L is used for such
is connected to the cathode. When a five-pin tubes), and it has six useful elements if the
base is used for a pentode tube, it is common
heater and cathode are considered separately.
practice to make the same connection as above
The letters GT indicate the use of a glass en-
except that the screen grid is connected to pin velope somewhat smaller than the conventional
3, and the control grid is connected to a grid
cap at the top of the tube. The suppressor grid
is connected internally to the cathode. In the c. Because of the thousands of different types
six- and seven-pin bases, pins 1 and 6 and pins of receiving tubes that are manufactured, there
1 and 7 frequently are used as the heater con- are probably more exceptions to this system of
nections. In the octal base, pin 1 usually is designation than there are tubes which follow
connected to the metal envelope or internal it completely. The situation is even more con-
shield, pins 2 and 7 are connected to the heater, fused for transmitting tubes because each man-
pin 3 is connected to the plate, pin 4 is con- ufacturer has his own system of designation.

206 AGO 2244A

It is possible to find tubes of practically identi- b. Although no two of these tube manuals
cal characteristics made by different manufac- are identical, they all contain more or less the
turers with completely different type designa- same type of information. Some manuals are
tions. so designed that pages describing new tube
d. The situation so far as cathode-ray tubes types can be inserted to keep the books up-to-
are concerned is somewhat better. A logical date. Other manuals are revised and reprinted
system of designation is being used by nearly from time to time when a sufficient number of
every manufacturer. In this system, there is new tubes have been produced.
first a number consisting of one or two digits
c. The tubes are listed according to the nu-
which gives the screen diameter in inches. Next,
merical-alphabetical sequence of their type des-
there is a letter which designates the manufac-
ignations. The schematic symbol of each tube,
turer's order of registration of the particular
showing the base-pin connections to the various
tube. Finally, there are a letter and a number
electrodes, is given. A brief description of the
which indicate the specific type of screen mate-
tube is included in some manuals as an intro-
rial used. These screen materials or phosphors
duction to the tube characteristics. Next, the
have been fairly well standardized as far as
physical specifications are designated. These
their operating characteristics are concerned.
include information concerning the dimensions
Sometimes, a letter is added to the designation
of the envelope, the type of base, and sometimes
to indicate a modification in the basic cathode-
the preferred mounting position.
ray tube. The heater voltage of most cathode-
ray tubes is standardized at 6.3 volts. As an d. Following the physical specification, the
example, consider the 5AP4. This tube has a These include in-
electrical ratings are given.
5-inch screen diameter and it is the first tube formation regarding the filament or heater
of its type registered by a specific manufacturer. voltage and current, as well as the maximum
The tube uses a type P4 phosphor, whose color electrical ratings of the tube. Maximum plate
of fluorescence is white and whose persistence and screen voltages, maximum plate and screen
is medium. dissipations, and peak heater-to-cathode volt-
age are included. In addition, the interelectrode
e. Because of the lack of standardized tube
capacitances of some types are listed. If the
designations for both receiving and transmit-
tube has other modes of operation (for example,
ting tubes, and because of the impossibility of
a pentode operated as a triode or a pentode op-
disclosing the many operating characteristics
erated in push-pull), additional ratings and
by means of a simple designation, it often is
electrical specifications frequently are given.
necessary to refer to a tube manual.
e. Next, typical operation of the tube is

1 34. Information in Tube Manual shown. Figures for the following often are in-
cluded: typical electrode voltages, required
a. Most manufacturers of electron tubes have value of cathode bias resistor, peak signal volt-
available listings of their particular tubes with age, typical electrode currents under conditions
the characteristics and technical descriptions. of zero and maximum signal, required value of
In some cases, this listing is small as it includes load resistance, power output, and total har-
only a few special-purpose tubes or the tubes monic distortion. In addition, values of am-
manufactured by a small manufacturer. On plification factor, transconductance, and plate
the other hand, if a manufacturer who produces resistance are supplied. If the tube commonly
many different tube types prepares such a list- is operated under different conditions, a com-

ing, a useful publication results. Several such plete set of typical operating values frequently
publications do exist and they are known as is included. For example, in one tube manual,
tube manuals. The largest tube manuals, which maximum ratings and typical operating values
include several hundred pages or more, list only are given for the 6L6 (beam power amplifier)
receiving-type electron tubes. When tube man- under the following operating conditions sin- :

ual is referred to in this chapter, the receiving gle-tube class A amplifier, single-tube class A
tube manual is meant. amplifier (triode connected), push-pull class A
AGO 2244A 207
amplifier, push-pull class AB X amplifier, and important applications of the tubes listed in
push-pull class AB 2 amplifier. Ratings also are the manual. Some manuals provide information
given for most of the foregoing, using fixed on obsolete or seldom-encountered types, as
bias or cathode bias. well as on panel and ballast lamp specifications.

/. Following the typical operating values is

a section dealing with specific applications. 135. Uses of Tube Manual
Special installation notes having to do with the
particular tube type also may be supplied, and
a. The tube manual provides a listing of the

unusual features of the tube are discussed.

characteristics and socket connections of the
electron tube. In servicing electronic equip-
g. Finally, one or more families of curves ment frequently is necessary to trace circuits,
depicting the operation of the tube are shown. check components connected to various elec-
Usually these curves are the average plate char- trodes of tubes, and measure tube electrode volt-
acteristics for various values of grid voltage. ages. Because of the wide variety of electron
Sometimes one or more load lines are drawn on tubes used in modern equipment and because of
the characteristic curves. In some tube man- the lack, on the whole, of standard base con-
uals, average transfer characteristic curves are nections, it is necessary to refer to a tube man-
shown, along with curves which illustrate the ual for socket connections. It must be remem-
variation in plate resistance, transconductance, bered that all views of tube bases or sockets,
and amplification factor at various electrode unless otherwise indicated, are bottom views.
b. The normal operating voltages shown in
h. If the particular tube listed happens to be
the manual serve as a guide to servicing per-
a rectifier, ratings or curves are given which sonnel. The technician can compare the oper-
apply to use of the tube. The maximum peak ating voltages given for a particular tube in
inverse plate voltage and the maximum peak
the manual with the voltages measured in the
plate current are given, as well as the voltage
equipment. If an electron tube is used for a
drop across the tube at certain values of plate special application, the operating voltages may
current. The output current for various a-c not be similar to those shown in the manual.
input voltages and types of filter circuits is des- However, the measured voltages should not ex-
ignated. Curves frequently are shown which ceed the maximum ratings given and the fila-
give the d-c output voltage and load current for
ment or heater voltage should certainly corre-
various input voltages and filter circuits.
spond to the value designated in the manual.
i. Manytube manuals supply additional in-
c. The average plate characteristic curves
formation. A section dealing with general tube have several uses. They show the operating
and circuit theory may be included. Sometimes conditions of the tube with various electrode
the common tubes are classified as to their use potentials. These can be used to compare the
and characteristics. Frequently, a section of actual operation of a tube in a circuit with the
the tube manual is devoted to the design of re- proper average operation. In addition, the
sistance-coupled voltage amplifiers. This sec- curves serve as a basis for many useful calcu-
tion usually consists of tables for the commonly lations. A load line is constructed on the fam-
used amplifier tubes. The tables include infor- ily of curves for the particular value of plate
mation concerning the proper combination of load used. By means of this load line and the
plate load resistor, grid resistor, screen-grid curves shown in the manual, the power output
resistor, cathode-bias resistor, and coupling and the percentage of distortion can be deter-
and bypass capacitors for various values of mined. These are determined by direct graph-
plate-supply voltage. The output voltage, volt- ical methods; that is, actual values are read
age gain, and sometimes the percentage of dis- from the curves and these values are substi-
tortion are included also under the various con- tuted in simple equations which show the power
ditions outlined in the table. output and distortion. The curves also are
j. Finally, the tube manual may contain cir- used for design purposes. A given set of elec-
cuit diagrams which some of the more
illustrate trode potentials is assumed, a load line is drawn,

208 AGO 2244A

and calculations are based on the curves. These c. All electron tubes are identified by a num-

calculations show whether the plate dissipation ber or a combination of numbers and letters.
of the tube is exceeded, and whether the power Some attempts at standardization of tube des-
output and the fidelity are adequate. The trans- ignations have been attempted, but, because of
fer characteristic curves can be used to deter- the great number of different tube types, these
mine the operating range for tubes used for have not been adhered to rigidly.
detection or for avc action.Conversion charac- d. A tube manual lists a great number of
teristic curves are used in the design of con- electron tubes, with their electrode connections
verter stages, and diode load curves are useful and major characteristics.
in designing electron-tube voltmeters or avc
e. Physical specifications as well as maxi-
mum and typical electrical ratings are given in
d. The tube manual permits a comparison the tube manual.
between tubes. Comparative characteristics of /. The tube manual is useful in determining
several beam-power tubes, for example, can be tube socket connections and measuring tube
examined to determine which tube fits the spe- electrode voltages during the servicing of elec-
cific application required. In addition, physical tronic equipment.
dimensions of tubes can be found. This infor-
mation is of importance in the mechanical de-
137. Review Questions
sign and construction of a piece of electronic
equipment. a. What are the common methods used to
make connections and apply voltages to various
e. The section of the manual dealing with the
tube electrodes?
design of resistance-coupled amplifiers gives
specific component values that can be used to
b. Why must tube bases be keyed ?
achieve certain results. c. How are the pins in a tube base numbered?
In addition to the preceding, some tube
d. To which pins is the filament or heater
manuals contain an excellent section on theory usually connected in a four-pin base? In a six-
and application of electron tubes. Illustrations pin base? In an octal base ?
frequently are included to show the internal e. Describe briefly the standard system of

construction of various types of receiving tubes. tube type designation.

/. What is a tube manual?
136. Summary g. What important information can be found
in a tube manual ?
a. Use of a base having a number of contact
pins is a common method of making connec- h. How can the curves given in the tube man-
tions to the various electrodes in an electron ual be used?
tube. i. Of what use are the schematic diagrams

b. Methods of keying tube bases include the

showing the tube base pin connections ?
use of a special center post in the base, special j. Give some specific uses for the tube man-
arrangement of pins, and various pin diameters. ual.

AGO 2244A 209


1. Plate Circuit e C3 instantaneous total suppressor-grid

eb instantaneous total plate voltage.
Ed average total control-grid voltage.
e bl instantaneous total plate voltage of
— E cc control-grid d-c supply voltage.
tube VI (e b2 of tube V2. .etc.) .

E total plate voltage, average.

E c2 screen-grid d-c supply voltage.
eg instantaneous value of varying com-
E bb d-c plate-supply voltage.
ponent of control-grid voltage.
E h0 quiescent or zero signal, average
ic (i c i) instantaneous total control-grid cur-
value of plate voltage.
ep instantaneous value of varying com-
ic2 instantaneous total screen-grid cur-
ponent of plate voltage.
eL instantaneous total voltage across
ic3 instantaneous total suppressor-grid
the load resistor.
ez instantaneous varying component of
voltage across the load impedance.
3. Cathode Circuit
ELo quiescent or zero signal, average
value of d-c voltage across the load ejc instantaneous total cathode voltage.
resistor. E h average total cathode voltage.
E zo varying component of average volt- ik instantaneous cathode current.
age across the load impedance. h average d-c cathode current.
ib instantaneous total plate current,
average total plate current. 4. Miscellaneous
I b0 quiescent or zero signal, average e in instantaneous input signal voltage.
value of plate current. e mt instantaneous output signal voltage.
instantaneous value of varying com-
Emax maximum value of d-c voltage.
ponent of plate current.
I max maximum value of d-c plate current.

2. Grid Circuit
P t input power to a system.
P 2 output power from a system.
e c (e cl ) instantaneous total control-grid
P d-c output power.

e e2 instantaneous total screen-grid volt- Pi d-c input power.

age. Pp plate dissipation.

210 AGO 2244A



Paragraph Page Paragraph Page

A-c plate resistance Cathode-ray tubes 129 202
Diode 25 33 Characteristic curves 186, 40 24, 52

Pentode 686 96 Diode:

Tetrode 636 91 Plate-current emitter- 22 28
Triode 48c 64 temperature.
Alternating current 5a 5 Plate-current filament- 22 28
Amplification 56, 77a 5,111 voltage.
Amplifier Sg 4 Plate-current plate- 23 29
Audio-frequency 776 111 voltage.
Characteristics, table 83 120 Family 21 27
Class A 78 112 Linear and nonlinear 19 26
Class AB 80 114 Pentode, dynamic transfer 69 97
Class B 79 112 characteristic.
Class C 81 116 Static and dynamic 20, 26 27,34
Current 886 127 Tetrode, plate-current plate- 62 89
Distortion 77c 111 voltage.
Feedback 97 140 Triode:
Phase relationships 84 120
Grid family 43 56
Power 88a, 120/ 127, 178
Plate-current grid- 55
Radio-frequency 776(2) 111
R-c coupled, gain 90 129
Static plate family 44 59
Speech 120^ 181
Static transfer 43 56
Transformer-coupled 92a 133
Characteristics, vacuum tube 18 24
Triode 55 76
Types 88a 127
Class A amplifier 78 112

Video 96d 140

Class AB amplifier 80 114

Voltage 88a 127

Class B amplifier 79 112
Class C amplifier 81 116
Anode 46 5
Colpitts oscillator llAd 160
Atomic theory 8c 9
Conductance, mutual 49 65
Bohr's electron concept 8d 9
Constants, tube 45 60
Audion 3g 4
Control grid Bg, 32 4, 40
Audio-frequency amplifiers 776 111
Construction 32c 41
Beam power tube 70 99 Negative voltage 35 46
Bias 396 50 Positive voltage 36 47
Cathode 85c 123 Purpose 32e 42
Combination 85a, 85d 121, 125 Symbol 32d 41
Contact potential 85c (4) 124
Fixed 856 122
Grid-leak 85c (2) 124 Direct 94 137
Self 85c 123 Impedance 91 132
Types 85a 121 Resistance-capacitance 89 127
Bohr, Nels 8d 9 R-C-L network 91 132
Buffer 120d 175 Transformer 92 133
Tuned-circuit 93 135
Capacitance, interelectrode 57 81
Coupling network 88d 127
Cathode 46, 156 5, 15
1006 144
Crystal rectifiers
Cold 46, 124c 5, 194
Hot 46, 124c 194 Current:
Thoriated-tungsten 119a (2) 167 Dark 1246 193
Transmitting tube 119a 167 Emission 17m 24
Virtual 70*. 102 Plate 16e, 29d 18, 51

Cathode bias 85c 123 Threshold 1246(2) 193

AGO 2244A 211

Paragraph Page Paragraph Page
D-c amplifiers 94a 137 Electron — Continued
D-c plate resistance Transit time 29 36
Diode 24 31 Electron-tube electrode connections. 132 204
Triode 486 63 Electron-tube type designation 133 206
Decibel 956 138 Electron-ray indicators 126 199
DeForest, Lee 3g 4 Electron theory 3d, 8c 2,
Degenerative feedback 97a, 140, 158 Electron-volt, definition 8i 10
113d(3) Electrostatic field 16a 17
Demodulation 105e 150 In a triode 34 45
Detection 106 150 Emission:
Characteristics 109 153 Electron 8 9
Diode 107 151 Cold-cathode 10c 12
Grid-leak 1086 152 Current 17m 24
Infinite-impedance 108d 153 Photoelectric 106 11
Plate 108c 152 Secondary 10a, 62d 11, 89
Diode 4c 5 Therminnic 9a 11
A-c plate resistance 25 33 Emissivity, thermal 1196(3) 168
Construction 15 15 Emitters
D-c plate resistance 24 31 Directly heated 11a, 15c 12, 15
Dynamic characteristics 26 34 Indirectly heated 116, 15a" 12, 15
Gas-filled 124c 194 Oxide-coated : 11a, 12, 12, 13,
Static characteristics 26 34 23e, 119e, 30,47
Types 28 36 36
Uses 27 36 Thoriated-tungsten 126, 23e 13, 30
Direct coupling 94 137 Tungsten 12c, 23e 13, 30
Direct current 5a 5 Types 11 12
Distortion 96 139 Emitter-temperature plate-current 22 28
Amplitude 96a 139 characteristic.
Frequency 96c 139
Nonlinear 966 139
Barrier at surface 8i 10
Phase 96d 140
Electron-volt 8i 10
Types 96a, 96e 139, 140
Surface barrier 8i 10
Duo-diode tube 15/ 16
Work function 8i 10
Dynamic characteristics 20 27
Equivalent circuit
Diode 26 34
82c 118 R-c coupled amplifier 906 130
Push-pull operation
51 69 Transfomer-coupled amplifier-. 926 133
Dynamic transfer characteristics—. 53 74 Factor, amplification 46 60
Feedback 57d, 97, 82, 140,
Edison effect 36 2
Edison, Thomas A 3a 2 113d 157
Degenerative 97a, 140, 158

Class A 78/, 112, 120

Inverse 97a 140
table II
Class AB Negative 97a 140
table II 120
Positive 97c 141
Class B 79/, 114, 120
Regenerative 976, 141, 158
table II
Class C 113d(4)
81c, 116, 120
table II Field:
Plate 78/ 112 Electrostatic 16a 17
Electric field 166 17 Intensity of electrostatic field 16e 18
Electrode connections for electron 132 204 Filament 11, 156 12, 15
tube. Types 15c 15
Electron Filament-voltage plate-current 22 28
Cloud 16j 19 characteristic.

Emission 8 9 Filter 101c 145

Free 8h 10 Filtering 101a 144
Movement in electrostatic field- 16a 17 Fleming, J. A 3e 3
Multipliers 125c (3) 198 Fleming's valve 3e 3
Secondary 10a, 646, 11, 92, Frequency:
66c 94 Distortion 92c 134
Space charge 17 20 Multiplier 120e 176

212 AGO 2244A


Paragraph Page Paragraph Page

Frequency response of amplifiers 90a 129 Mu (m) :

Full-wave rectifier 15/, 103 16, 146 Definition 46a 60

Finding from plate families 47 62
Variable 72 103
Measurement of 95 138 Multiplier, frequency 120e 176
Feedback amplifier 97c 141 Multiplifier, secondary emission 125c 197
Gas-filled diode 124c 194 Mutual conductance 49 65
Gas-filled tubes 4a, 124 4, 193
Gassy tube 15i, 17, 169 Negative feedback 97a 140
1196(5) Neon-glow tube 1246(3) 193
Getter 15?, 326(3) 17,40 Network, coupling 88d 127
Glow tube 1246(3) 193 Neutralizing, need 120c (2) 174
Nonlinear characteristic curves 19 26
Nonlinear distortion 926 133
Control 32 40
Current 39a 50 Octal base 132d 205
Negative voltage 35 46 Operating point 43e, 56 58, 77
Positive voltage 36 47 Operation, quiescent 56a 77
Screen 61a 86 Oscillation conditions 113 155
Suppressor 65a 93 Oscillator 5c 6
Grid bias 396 50 Armstrong 114a 159
Grid family of characteristic 43 56 Colpitts 114a" 160
curves. Crystal lUg 162
Grid-leak bias 85c (2) 124 Electron coupled 114/ 161
Grid-to-cathode capacitance 576 81 Hartley 114d(l) 160
Grid-to-plate capacitance 576 81 Klystrons 128c 201
Magnetrons 1286 200
Half-wave rectifier 15e 16
Relaxation 124c (5) 195
Hartley oscillator 114d(l) 160
Split-tank 114a" 160
Heater element 11 12
Tickler 114a 159
Heterodyne 115 163
Transmitter 1206 172
Impedance coupling 91 132 Tuned-grid 114a 159
Impedance-coupled amplifiers 91a 132 Tuned-plate 1146 159
Input circuit of triode 33 44 Tuned-plate tuned-grid 114c 160
Inter electrode capacitance 57 81 Oxide-coated emitter 11a, 12, 12, 13,
Intermediate-frequency 73c, 105, 111 23e, 119a 30, 167
776(3) Triode characteristic 49g 67
Inverse feedback 97a 140
Pentagrid converter 73c (2) 105
Pentodes 4c, 65a 5, 93
Phase 826(5) 117
As triodes 71 103
Phase, vacuum-tube amplifier 84 120
Characteristic curves 67 95
Ionization 1246 193
Constants 68 96
128c 201
Dynamic transfer character- 69 97

Lamp, neon-glow 1246(3) 193 Typical circuit 66 94

Lead inductance 1276 200 Variable m tube 72 103
Letter symbols App. 210 Phase distortion 92a" 135
Linear characteristic curves 19 26 Phase inverters 826(5) 117
Lines of force in electrostatic field 166 17 Phase relationships of amplifiers 84 120
Load line 52 71 Photoelectric emission 106, 125 11, 197

Load resistance 266, 516 35, 69

Photoelectric tube 5e, 125 7, 197
Lock-in receiving tubes 132e 205 Phototube 5e 7
Piezoelectric effect 125 197
Magic eye 126a 199 Plate 156 15
Magnetron 1286 200 Beam-forming 10ff 102
Marconi, Guglielma 3e 3 Characteristics 186, 40 24, 52
Mercury- vapor rectifiers 124c (8) 195 Current 161, 39a" 20, 51
Mixer 1 73c (2) 105 Efficiency 78/ 112
Modulation 105d 149 Transmitting tube 1196 168
Modulators 120ft 183 Plate resistance 48 63
Molecule 8 9 Plate-to-cathode capacitance 57 81

AGO 2244A
Paragraph Page Paragraph Page
Plate voltage 16i 19 Tetrode vacuum tube 4c, 61 5, 86
Advantages 64a 92
Plate-current plate-voltage char-
acteristic :
Construction 616 86
Disadvantages 646 92
93A 9Q
T 1
t*i f\ria ofd tin
Secondary emission 646 92
I 1
Thermal emissivity 1196(3) 168
Thermionic emission 8a, 9 11
Pfi 1 a t*i i~ v iTivPTCiinn 84 1 90 9,
Thomson, Sir JJ 3c 2
Thoriated-tungsten emitter 126, 23e 13,30
T*OKl1".lVP fppHhflplc 97c 141
oa« 190/ Thyratrons I24d 196
PrtTKTOT* Q TY1 T»l l"fi G"V _ ooa, yci\'j 197 17R
Power rectification 101
Power rectifier 101a 144 Pentodes 68c 96
Power supply Tetrodes 63d 93
32/, 100a, 43, 144,
120i 187 Triodes 48 63
Proton oa Transfer characteristic, dynamic 53 74
Push-pull operation 19d, 82, 113,116, Transformer-coupled amplifier 92a 133
120/(9) 181 Transmission
Radio 1056 148
Quartz 114s- 162 Wire 105a 148
Quiescent operation 56a 77 Transmitting tubes
Qn1!lf inn
Application 120 170
T? 105c 1 4Q
Buffer I20d 175
T? n Hin-"f ypnnPTiPV p'mnlifipT'Q 776 (2) 111
T?_f! /'Aiinlivify 1 97
Cathode 119a 167
1?A/if 1 /»Q tl ATI 1*1 />1 T\l f\ 90 Comparison with receiving 118 165
JA-cCLllXCdrLlUil, pililCipic

c tubes.
XVcCLIlit:! 5a
44 Construction 119 166
1006 1

1 i4t;
Frequency multipliers 120e 176
103 146
Grid H9c 170
Heat dissipation 118c 165
Full-wave 15/, 103 16, 146
Modulators 120ft 183
Half-wave 15e, 102 16, 145
Neutralizing, need 120c(2) 174
Power 100a 144
Oscillators 1206 172
Regenerative feedback 976, 141, 158
Plate 1196 168
Power amplifiers 120/ 178
Regulator: Power considerations 1186 165
Glow-tube _ . 1246(3) 193 Power supplies 120i 187
Voltage 124c(3) 194 Transmitting tubes
Resistance: Speech amplifier 120ff 181
A-C nl ate
Tuning procedure 121 189
25, 686, 33, 96,
Transit time 29, 127a 36, 199
OOU, 40/.
CQft lot £7-1-, 64
91 Wi
D-C Triode 3^,, 4c 4, 5
nlate 24, 486 31, 63
Amplifier 55 76
90 129
Amplification factor 46 60
266 35
Cathode circuit 33 44
Resistance, load
x> „ Characteristics 40 52
Response, frequency J?
90a izy
1 9Q Circuit notations 41 52
Response characteristic yua
Construction 326 40
Richardson, 0. W. 8fc 1 n
Dynamic characteristics 51 69
Saturation, emission 22a" 29 Dynamic transfer character- 53 74
61d(3) 88 istic.
Screen current
Screen grid 61a 86 Electrostatic field 34 45
10a, 646, 11,92,
Grid family of characteristic 43 56
Secondary electrons .

66c 94 curves.

10a Input circuit 33 44

Secondary emission 11
Load line 52 71
Self-bias 85c 123
Load resistor 516 69
Space charge 17 20
Output circuit 33 44
Static characteristics 20 27 Physical construction 326 40
Superheterodyne action 73c 105 Plate resistance 48 63
Suppressor grid 65a 93 Supply voltages — 32/ 43
Symbols, letter App. 210 Transconductance 48 63

214 AGO 2244A

: : :

Paragraph Page Paragraph Page

Tube: Tube manual
Acorn 65c 93 Information found 134 207
Beam power 70 99 Uses 135 208
Cathode-ray 129 202 Tuned-circuit coupling 93 135
Constants Tuned-plate tuned-grid oscillator 114c 160
Pentode 68 96 Tungsten emitter 12c, 23e 13, 30
Tetrode 63 91 Tuning procedure for transmitters. 121 189
Triode 45 60
Dual-purpose 74 108
Vacuum tube 4a, 15j 4, 17
Acorn-type 65c 93
Duo-diode 15/ 16
Characteristics 18 24
Electron-ray indicators 126 199
197 1 QQ
Interelectrode capacitance 57 81
r or nign irecjueiicics
K K Klystron 128c 201
Functions O
O ~ -fill « J
^„ -f OA A 1 QQ Lead inductance 1276 200
1 98/» 901 Multigrid 73 105
1276 200 Magnetrons 1286 200
Magnetron 1 9R7» Variable 72 103

Mercury- vapor 1 94/» 140

Video amplifiers 96d
Microwave 1 98
IVIUlLlgriU 105
Mul+i'nnit 74 108 Bias 396 50
Neon-glow 1 OA h ( Q \ 1 QQ Breakdown 1246(2) 193
L£t\)y\&) 181 Heater supply 16& 19
Photoelectric 5e 7 Regulator 124c (3) 194
Tetrode 61 86 Supply for triode 32/ 43
Therminonic 9a 11 Plate 16i 19
Thyratron 124d 196
Types 4a 4 Wave, shaping 5d 7
Vacuum 4a 4 Work, definition 8i 10
Variable fi 72 103 Work function 8i 10


AGO 2244A For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office
Washington 25, D. C. - Price $1.25

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